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Messages - ultraviolet

Browsers & Technology / Re: General Unix/Linux Thread

give minitube a go, great program for streaming / downloading youtube vids

I have tried SMtube, SMplayer's YT extension. It's somewhat clumsier than youtube-dl, really, and this is inadmissible. Graphical things are only worth it when they are smoother to operate.

type into the search bar what you want, press play, press download. done. i guess thats pretty smooth

Yes, but I need one more thing: To choose the quality. This can be set, but it's rigid and cannot be changed easily on the fly. In command line I can easily select from the available formats separately for every video I want to download.

thats just a button down the bottom right of the screen :-)
Browsers & Technology / Re: General Unix/Linux Thread

give minitube a go, great program for streaming / downloading youtube vids

I have tried SMtube, SMplayer's YT extension. It's somewhat clumsier than youtube-dl, really, and this is inadmissible. Graphical things are only worth it when they are smoother to operate.

type into the search bar what you want, press play, press download. done. i guess thats pretty smooth
Browsers & Technology / Re: Browser security paranoid privacy panic

have you tried out electronic frontier foundation's 'https everywhere' addon? and is it worth a try?

I remember I have thought about it on PS, but not on Android. I have not tried it though. I was reading about Tor and HTTPS Everywhere at the same time. I gave a try to Tor.

I still think that urlfilter.ini type of thing is best. Adblock works most closely this way.

The Tor browser is great, downloaded it a little while back for windows, I don't have windows anymore though but I'm sure it featured https everywhere in the addons
Browsers & Technology / Re: Browser security paranoid privacy panic
i suppose its a catch 22 situation really, you install ghostery to stop ad companies tracking your browseing habits and maybe it sells your data to a company to help them not be tracked so it gets through ghostery and on to your page.
i might of installed the android ghostery browser on my tablet, but only as its a great light-weight program, i'm more concerned having a good adblocker realy, so whoever has my data has no way of using it on me for personalised ads .

have you tried out electronic frontier foundation's 'https everywhere' addon? and is it worth a try?
Browsers & Technology / Re: Browser security paranoid privacy panic

wouldn't a extension like 'Ghostery' go a long way in stopping most of this?

Ghostery and Adblock, as companies, make money by collecting and sharing (selling) information on what people like to block

really? i couldn't find anything like that in these privacy statments, do you have a link i can read about these extensions lieing to us?

Ghostery's privacy statement:

in AdBlock's FAQ:
Your browser may require AdBlock to ask for permission to access your browsing data so it works on all tabs in your browser. AdBlock won't save or retrieve your personal browsing habits or information for any reason beyond what is required to make it work. AdBlock is entirely supported by voluntary donations from users like you, and collects no information for advertising or promotional purposes.

in AdBlock Plus's FAQ:
Adblock Plus stores some data in the Firefox profile on your computer. Adblock Plus never transmits this data to any servers, but other extensions and services, such as Firefox Sync, may do so. Most of the data (your preferences, filter subscriptions and custom filters) is unobjectionable privacy-wise. However, filter hit statistics and recent issue reports could be used to reconstruct your browsing history. Adblock Plus treats this information identically to how history data is treated by the browser: this data isn't stored if you are using Private Browsing mode and is removed if you choose to clear your browsing history.
Browsers & Technology / Re: The Awesomesauce of Chrome
the only reason i have chrome of my desktop / laptop is its the only browser right now to play Netflix on a linux system [shame no other browsers have the html5 codecs right now, i hope it will change soon]
Browsers & Technology / Re: Keeping an eye on Opera
As primarily a non-techy user i think the developers are to slow in the updates, since new opera 15 til now with version 28 i dont SEE much of a improvement, bookmarks are back and so is syncing: normal basic things for a browser in this day and age, plus some sites still dont fully work.

Their going to have to get act together soon or everyone who onced loved there old browser is going to move on.
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Adblock for Otter

@ultraviolet, I guess that we will try to create variant where newest Qt libraries are shipped with binary, that should work on most of Linux systems out of the box (assuming that basic stuff like gstreamer, libxml2 or curl are installed, curl used to turn out as missing sometimes when using SDK binaries).
Then you will just had to download one bigger archive and do not care about compiling, which isn't that scary anyway (we have just few external dependencies, and only Qt itself is the only direct one). ;-)

That would be great in the future. I realise Vivaldi is a far bigger 'company' but all i had to do to try their very nice browser which is still in early stages was download one file.
To get your product out to more people to try and give feed-back to, the easyer the process the better surely.

Im a lazy linux user who doesnt much like tinkering around :-)
Browsers & Technology / Re: PALE MOON -- an open-source, cross-platform browser based on Mozilla Firefox.


I found these instructions

I tried to follow similar instructions on my distro for Seamonkey but they didn't work. Hopefully you will fare better.

thanks for the link, although then i tried it, didn't work :-)
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Adblock for Otter
i think i'll leave that for the time being, thanks for the help, but, i'll wait till the browser goes stable and is available through normal means
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Adblock for Otter

@rincewind, I'm working on that update time settings now, although current master shouldn't connect at all (after that refactoring).

@ultraviolet, time to update, that was the most buggy release of QtWebKit (numerous HarfBuzz related crashes etc.).
Best way would be to find some packages repository with at least Qt 5.3, using SDK binaries form upstream (see INSTALL) as fallback (but that could be more complicated...).

i'm sorry, that reply went mostly over my head :-)

i take it that qtwebkit is not just one program i can find in the synaptic package manager to download the lastest version?

before i go ahead and download the .deb files in this link, are they the right ones?:
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Adblock for Otter
just tried again and its not the adblock function, happens randomly while trying to load pages, just happen while loading

not been able to use the browser yet properly because of this, may be its a linux mint thing