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Messages - tt92

DnD Central / Re: Why people don't have sense of humour?

You really should stop responding. I'm stringing you along a bit here...

Give me a freaking break.  I think it's been apparent from the start who is stringing who along.   :no:

I'm going to have to apologize to you if it turns out you're mentally retarded.

Again with the childish sissy responses?  If you can do no better than that, then just let it go fer chrissakes!   :cry:
Can you enlighten me. Who is chris?
The Lounge / Re: What are you up to right now?
Painting the newly re-planked balcony.
The old planks were a very dark wood which meant that applying paint with a roller was sufficient.
The new planks are a very light colour which means that I have to brush between them, doubling the time involved.
The Lounge / Re: What have you just eaten or drunk?
Chocolate-coated almonds.
Sickly-sweet cheap insipid chocolate that did nothing to disguise the fact that it was being used to hide the fact that the almonds were of inferior quality.
To my shame I ate them all.
The Lounge / Re: Random Chat

I have never tried it. It never looked appetizing to me.

Wise decision, you'd probably get more enjoyment from eating a lump of lard. 
Re-reading the posts about corned beef and spam makes me wonder what Northern Hemisphere corned beef actually is.

There's two kinds of corned beef available here. One that a butcher will make himself, a nice bit of brisket cured in brine  with additional flavour added by the butcher in his own "secret" recipe. It's good, slices well and still looks like beef, it's ideal for a sandwich.

Then you have the off the shelf stuff in a tin. Which is a sort of compressed mash full of salt and fat and I doubt that there's very much actual beef content. It's cheap and OK in an emergency I suppose, but that's about it.

Bingo. The former is what an Antipodean would call corned beef and the latter sounds like the bovine analogue of Spam.
I have never seen it but I will look today and see if it exists.
The Lounge / Re: Random Chat
Re-reading the posts about corned beef and spam makes me wonder what Northern Hemisphere corned beef actually is.
What I call corned beef could hardly be described as heavily  processed. Makes a first-rate sandwich, with or without sliced tomato.