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Messages - tt92

DnD Central / Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Who's really to blame?


Now you know.......

Who is this lunatic?
I have seen other little videos of his, equally incoherent, equally bizarre.
Does he intend to be taken seriously? Has he got a regular slot on some T.V. network?
Is he mocking some well-known commentator?
He certainly isn't known here in the Antipodes.
DnD Central / Sick transit, Gloria!
This thread's title described it honestly and accurately from its inception.
This new atrocity should have a thread of its own.
DnD Central / Re: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance

Ach, i wouldn't be too fazed SmileyFaze. I think that mjsmsprt40 was getting too hasty in his waffle there! You can of course argue for yourself and I will certainly do. Glad when a boy i never played cowboys and Indians with our Chicago friend or soldiers as the games would have stopped as a UN man was called in! Anyway my answer was light although missed in Illinois.  :rolleyes:

DnD Central / Re: Happy Birthday America!!!
Have a care, sir.
One day a generous impulse might leap up and bite you on the arse. Do you have any acquaintance who would recognise it and identify it for you?
The Lounge / Re: True or false?
True. To my absolute astonishment.
You Found War and Peace long-winded and baffling, and you never finished it.