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Messages - Frenzie

Browsers & Technology / Re: Your Favorite FreeWare Repository
Dropbox on Android devices (or at least my Android phone) doesn't sync any files unless you "favorite" them. It's rather inconvenient because you can't "favorite" folders, but it's good enough for if you want some document with you on the go. Reverse syncing is far more problematic still.

Besides that, I also recommend AutoSyncAutoToggle. Android needs some taming to get it to behave without trying to go online all the time, but it can be done. This doesn't only save your wallet; it also saves your battery life.
Browsers & Technology / Re: The best versions of Opera and Firefox probably came out in 2009 at the latest
Opera had a campaign of sorts at version 7.5 or so. Version 7 came with terribly overwhelming and confusing default interface. This was easily remedied by right-clicking and hiding unnecessary buttons, but the campaign offered downloadable skins and "setups" (toolbars and menus - like extensions these days) to make Opera's interface instantly look like IE, FF or something else. This was an absolutely brilliant way to configure it.  I think user base grew rapidly at that time. At least the forums membership exploded.

This is the time when I started using Opera as my main browser. I'd been familiar with Opera since version 3.6, and had used it occasionally since version 5 (even as primary for a while with version 6), but it wasn't until one of the Opera 7 betas that they really won me over.

Configurability of the interface was always my favourite feature of Opera. Sad that they never knew how to capitalise on it properly and have now given it up altogether. For me the decline in the interface became evident when they introduced the totally unnecessary O button that was intentionally made different from all other buttons, hard to remove.

That zombie button has been annoying me since 10.50. You can disable or remove it all you want, but it will come back. But it won't, they say. Well, I like to toggle the menubar sometimes, sue me.
Browsers & Technology / Re: The best versions of Opera and Firefox probably came out in 2009 at the latest
I haven't used Dragonfly before Opera 11. Isn't it developed and updated independently from the main product?

Development has ceased for about a year now of course, but that's correct. However, there've been API improvements and massive JS engine speed improvements that would make present-day DragonFly impossible on Opera 10.1x. You can get a vague impression from the changelog, although my earlier link might be more directly helpful. You can see that DF 1.1 will work on 11.6x and possibly earlier, but some features only work on 12. And 1.2 improvements like the style profiler in all likelihood only work in 12 too, but I don't recall.

Since Dragonfly is open-source, theoretically we could still improve this part of the browser even though Opera abandoned it. However, I'd say it's in quite a bit of a better state than 12.16 itself. (Which isn't too shabby itself, but the problem is that increasing the Opera version number hasn't unilaterally led to improvements since 10.11 while I believe it has in DragonFly.)
DnD Central / Re: This is a testing forum
Dropbox still has the disadvantages that it is heavy and slow once you get to hundred or so files per directory, and that it may at its own discretion wipe your account on copyright grounds. What's file sharing without an occasional copyright infringement, eh?

I've been planning to backup Dropbox less manually. They really wipe your entire account? How would they even know whether the PDFs of articles and books I work with are unlawfully in my possession or not? (Hint: they're not.)
DnD Central / Re: This is a testing forum

Attachments of less than 10 kB are quite useful to post configuration files or scripts in connection to what's said on the post itself, without bothering how to convert them to plaintext so that they can be converted back later or loading a larger (hundreds of kB) file upload service.
Those were pretty much my thoughts. About a thousand of such files would take merely 10MB, and thanks to compression it might well be a limit closer to 25-30kB.
Browsers & Technology / Re: The best versions of Opera and Firefox probably came out in 2009 at the latest
Indeed, since Opera 10.5 / Carakan released in 2009, there have been few functional improvements.

Although it does have some important modal dialog improvements (that is, it quit locking you out for stuff like stupid JS alert boxes or for the download dialog) and they finally allowed you to run UserJS on HTTPS.

DragonFly also became immensely more useful between how it used to be in 10.10 and how it has been since Opera 11.x.

What's the big deal with how the tabs look? Why not offer a setting for Windows theme, Chrome theme, Metro theme, and move on? Other software had such choices before. How do the new "rounded" tabs look like?

As did Opera. Here's a screenshot. The linked article calls it a new shape, but Thunderbird's had it for quite a while now—one of its worst features. :P

Because then people will complain that it's too confusing for the "average user" and "bloated."

I've never understood people who complain about a "bloated" GUI. Confusing or overwhelming I can see, but bloated seems to fall squarely in the performance department. For instance, Opera 15+ comes in at over 30MB and is slower, ergo its code is more bloated than Opera 12-.
DnD Central / Re: This is a testing forum
accumulative storage space is a generous 2gb--up to 16 gb with referrals (last I checked)

Dropbox currently gives me 19.5GB due to their Space Race, of which I use a whopping 300 MB. I only use it because it's the very simplest way to keep stuff I'm currently working on in sync; once a year or so I clean up my stuff there because it tends to accumulate. I was up to nearly 5GB early this summer, but got it down to 50MB in August. Back when I was still limited to 2-3GB it forced me to clean up earlier, which had its benefits.
DnD Central / Re: This is a testing forum
Like MyOpera posting tools as to input links etc.?

If there's someone with sufficient Javascript knowledge willing to do it for me, perhaps. I would suggest developing Javascript add-ons as userscripts so people can use them regardless of whether I like it enough to add it as default functionality.
Along with a 'quick quote' thingie, it'd make living here sort of cosier:)

With a little help from the My Opera enhancements, I managed to throw together a mostly functional quick quote in very little time. Unfortunately xErath never replied to my request to use his code, and I obviously can't put it up as a feature unless I get permission.
I understand it may cause some trouble about the site working properly or such, won't it?

Browsers & Technology / The best versions of Opera and Firefox probably came out in 2009 at the latest
Well, at least I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Quote from: Dedoimedo
Starting with Firefox 4, when Mozilla realized that being Chrome-like is more important than giving users what they want, it continues to this day. The once beautiful and fun browser is becoming more and more a clone of the Google product

Opera started down the same path already a few years back, and obviously took it to extremes by literally taking the Chromium code instead of wasting time removing features.

Quote from: Dedoimedo
The second item on the menu is the so-called Australis interface. I'm not going to link to any articles about it, search for yourself and read all about oligophrenia at its finest. Anyhow, the most obvious change is that tabs are now rounded. Hmm. Can you think of any other browser that offers rounded tabs? Yes. It's called Google Chrome. How original.

And somehow they've managed to make it look even worse than Chrome.
DnD Central / Re: This is a testing forum
I can't confirm that. The message remains intact in Opera/Presto, Chromium, and Firefox. (As an aside, clearly ODT was a mistake. It's way too bloated.)
DnD Central / Re: Photo Albums
What does this "Maximum votes per user" do - in the "Poll Options"?

After voting you can remove your vote and recast. I imagine it means users can do that a maximum of X times.
Well, I just checked the attachments feature here on the Forum, and found that we can't attach anything significant.

I can afford to dedicate only slightly over 1GB of disk space to this forum, not to mention all the extra bandwidth use attachments would cause. The question under some degree of consideration is whether I'll allow small attachments or none at all.

mjmsprt40 informed me that Flickr offers something like 1TB free photo hosting. I have no idea how they intend to fund such a thing (except that only a small percentage will ever use more than a few hundred MB), but I imagine that makes it worth considering assuming they don't require you to sign away any rights to your work.
DnD Central / Re: This is a testing forum
Oh, right. I think displaying the read count up there is kind of silly regardless, so I might remove it completely in the DnD theme.