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Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
No Bel - that was not my intent, it's all about getting more people to post here which they can only do if they register. I thought that some way of encouraging them to register would be good.

By the way - Guests can't read this thread.
Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
On two other matters.

Another way of approaching the post number thing is to have posts numbered within a thread, if this software will allow that. It has it's advantages for reference.

On the subject of anonymous users accessing DnD, it might be an idea (if it can be done) to

o  have people register before they can read the forum
o  have access, without registration, to the first page only of any  thread

It may be, if we have some non-registered users using DnD, this might encourage them to join us.
Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
I'm picking this up a bit late (whispering) but some interesting comments there. SF's remark about whispering is true in my experience - it was always more polite, possibly because it is at a closer level of intimacy than are the more anonymous open posts.

I must confess I used to enjoy whispering, it added a little bit of spice sometimes and a little clarity in others if one was afraid of someone taking a robust reply as a personal attack.

I think also think Frenzie's comment about it potentially blurring the line between privacy and moderation is a good one and particularly his remark about it taking up time.

Perhaps one way would be to have a policy of Moderators only reviewing whispers if the recipient of the whisper reported it. That would reduce the work overload to practically zero and act as a brake on miss-use of the facility while allowing it to continue without undue concern about privacy unless one was intent on bad behaviour.

DnD Central / Re: The State of Israel ~ vs ~ Hamas ---- A "Natural Right" to Self-Defence?
Surely if one had to compare the Israel/Palestinian conflict with the American Continent, it would be more correct to compare the British against the indigenous Indians and, after them, the Americans against the Indigenous Indians (and, to be pedantic, the Spanish and Portuguese against the Indians); land stolen from its owners and atrocities from both sides after that.
DnD Central / Re: Small Universe Equation
So Columbus didn't know where he was going and didn't know where he was when he got there and didn't know where he had been when he got back.
DnD Central / Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?
There's truth on both sides of the debate here, as well as exaggerations, the main difference being that some people are more polite about it than others. I'll re-phrase that -- some people are even more rude about it than others.

It's also true that some people are too happy to search their tainted history books to find their insults.

I apologise profusely for anything my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather is reported to have done.

By the way, SF, while we're on the subject of insults, isn't it time you removed my name from the last option on your poll?

The Lounge / Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
A:  Ah! Jaybro with his penchant for finding the suitably nearly clad could supply a good reason but I reckon that if you filled the shells up with concrete you could play Crazy Bowls with them.

Q:  Do racing pigeons have relay teams?
DnD Central / Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Oh you are very wrong there on Putin's intelligence. I have watched him closely at one of those hours long sessions he does in front of media and his knowledge and experience suitably impressive. On a lesser note when he visited a television studio and had questions from staff there he was well versed too.

If Russia likes a strong leader then that is up to them and to quote the old USSR dictatorship is insulting and indeed i am somewhat surprised at you coming away with that one. Comparing the modern Russia with the restricted Red dictatorship is daft.  Just comparing day to day things like modern and varied shopping, vast traffic jams compared to the old days when you could almost put the few cars about as Party people.  May I also remind that it does not have hundreds of military bases all over the world as an excuse for "security" like you-know who. Likewise the level of poverty in the USA runs into tens of millions, corporates run the place and you have the nerve to lambaste putin?! The Russian federation has moved on in giant strides in every direction and is nothing like the USSR at all and such a comment is not very intelligent but just a parody extension of the propaganda being hyped on that country.

Throwin in Crimea is a silly bandwagon to climb on especially as the place did not want to be inUkraine when Kruschov gave it away and the place is back where it wants to be. Annexation is just another DC nonsense. The same US and West will okay referendums elsewhere even when wrong and when it suits them.  Putin has also stated he is not trying to take the East of ukraine and fine you know it and he has repeated this stance in the face of an ignorant West. Certainly a difficult one for him considering that the East is full of his people yet he never at any time said he was going to invade. With all the political immorality of the West it is a bit much to spear at Putin and Russia. In linking as part of the BRICK group he is showing much depth and shrewdness and his trip around South America once the home of all those former dictatorships kept in place by the US of A will bring in time further rewards. Indeed his diplomacy compared to that fool Kerry is like night and day and look at thatcorner if you want scarce intelligence!

The ability to blather on for a long time, whether it be spoken or written, does not prevent the person involved from committing idiotic acts.

There is no doubt that Putin has been in charge in Russia at a time when regressive changes such as curtailment of the freedom of the press have taken place.

If you had actually read what I wrote you would see the reference to the Crimea as part of the background to why he is popular in Russia. Am I to take it that you actually agree with the Russian action on that one?

If Putin was even remotely bright he could extricate himself to some extent now. Potential arguments are there, blaming undisciplined rebels, faulty equipment, talking about defensive measures and so on. Let's see what, if anything, he comes up with. Continual denial is not going to help him one bit.

The Russian people are not stupid, they can browse and talk.