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Messages - Belfrager

Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
Quote from: SmileyFaze

If you don't have FireFox, I'll provide you with the code I assembled (I'm not a programmer, I just copy & paste a bit, use a little smarts, & sometimes -- God willing -- it works --- like this one.)

Maybe you can install it somehow in the browser you use (guessing its OPERA) & maybe it will work for you too.

Hope that helps ya 'till the Cavalry arrives!

Thanks, yes I use Opera 12.
I'll give it a try, the Cavalry is always late... :)
Hobbies & Entertainment / Re: Poe-ian Tales
Subtle. Now you know what happens if you don't strictly follow your GPS - you'll end arrested, beaten and (probably, the author isn't clear about it) raped by three Dwarfs...

That's what one can call a Tale of Modernity. :)
Very good Frenzie, where does the Tunnel leads... does it matter? just follow the machine...
DnD Central / Re: Diseur?
Quote from: OakdaleFTL

Quote from: Belfrager
Why do poems or stories to/regarding children have so often a touch of cruelty?
The simple answer is that they are true savages and can, only step by step, be civilized…

The Lord of the Flies...

Quote from: OakdaleFTL
So, we speak to them on their (primal) level —to amuse and, may-haps, bemuse, hoping that our continued show of interest eventually leads them to wonder why our civility persists.

There we have an interesting idea about what children's education is about...  that I entirely subscribe :)
However, I doubt very much that mothers will agree...

But I have a different explanation for the reason of cruelty on children stories. To me, most children's literature must be made by dangerous maniacs that only have people's approval because the books helps to put children sleeping and no one question too much the book's content...
DnD Central / Re: Diseur?
Quote from: OakdaleFTL

But that's not my way!
I've been known to return to even short pieces, after decades, to make minor changes; or even start anew.

Ah, a perfectionist. Perfectionists are always the worst... :)

Please note that your poem could perfectly be read with a different punctuation and/or voice inflection than the ones I used. That was a personal choice, a prerogative from the diseur...

Quote from: Frenzie

Btw, I was reading some poetry last year and decided to try my hand at poetry translation.
Bang, again a corpse. So be good.

Why do poems or stories to/regarding children have so often a touch of cruelty? :)
Poor children...
DnD Central / Re: Diseur?
Ok, done.

Follow the link and just download the file. Then, use your usual mp3 player to listen.

Tried to embed some tiny mp3 player at the post but it doesn't seems to be possible, have to ask Frenzie about it.

I'm sure that you'll find your poem very much different from what you thought it to be... he he :)

Regarding the last alterations you proposed, forget it. Don't touch what's already good.
DnD Central / Re: Diseur?

Is there some locution that allows the reversal of the possessive phrase's elements? (E.g., in English: the forum of Opera/Opera's forum…)

Well, there is... a far-fetched way of saying, I must say... but seen often in poetry.
O fórum do Opera/ Do Opera era seu fórum

Quote from: OakdaleFTL
Oh, not entirely luck: Composition took place simultaneously in English and Portuguese... Google's machine provided (computer) speech as well as text. (But that has its own pitfalls aggravations! The cadences are -- well, machine-like…) So, as best I could, I kept both in view, for sense and sound.
And -as I'd surmised- the sound was harder.

What makes poetry different from prose? more than the content it's certainly the sound rhythm, cadence and rhyme. (let's put apart that kind of futuristic/modernist poetry without rhyme)

I'll read your poem so you can have the perfect notion of your creation, your effort deserves it... :)

I'll post the file soon.
Forum Administration / Re: What's in a Name?
Just one more thing, I think that bellow the DnD Sanctuary tittle, at top left of the page, it should have a brief description kind of "International discussion forum for debating... everything". Something like that that would turn clear to any visitor that this is not economically driven, or some esoteric sect...
It should appear at Google and other search engines.

Sometimes it's possible to find some kind of motto that explains it in a very resumed way, but nothing comes to my mind this moment.
Forum Administration / Re: Moderation

Maybe I'm naive but I think most moderating here will be cleaning up after spam bots.

I'm not sure of that. Most posters that comes from D&D have a certain experience and things don't usually goes too far in terms of friction but new ones can be a different matter. People needs a cold warn when too hot...
DnD Central / Re: Diseur?

Este mês feliz afirma
com a tristeza que será ...
quando fórum do Opera,
já não nossa casa,
finalmente nos liberta.

Congratulations, very close to be correct, you just missed a couple of articles and mixed future with present, but perfectly understandable and, specially, interesting since you base at the contradictory feelings of sadness and liberation.
However, I'm afraid there's a small problem with rhyme...

My experiment was the first time I ever tried to think about words in English that could rhyme, not worrying too much about the sense, about the meaning, just to make it not too much nonsense.

Now, I tried to think in English directly so I could knew the rhymes, while your original was thought in your language and then translated by a machine that you had no idea what would come out... (luck with an outcome not too bad.)

This small experiment tells me that's not possible to create poetry in a different language without  being able to think fluently at that language. We can't just translate it.
In my case, can't create not even in my own language... he he :)

A possible (small) correction for you poem:

Este mês feliz afirma
com a tristeza (do) que será ...
quando (o) fórum do Opera,
já não (mais) nossa casa,
finalmente nos liberta. (libertará)

Exactly the same meaning but just perfect! :)
The meaning has almost an heroic component of salvation through freedom by own death... expressing the deep sadness that it provokes.
You're a better Portuguese poet than American, I'm afraid... :)

(será and libertará rhymes very well, opera and casa don't, because Opera has a strong accentuation in O and casa in ca. (See? to know the language it's fundamental for rhyming.)
Forum Administration / Re: What's in a Name?

o  More importantly DnD is not original and is the name of a video game as well as that of a company.

It's not easy and maybe DnD will stand, but I think it worth the effort to see if there are any other names we can come up with.

A forum it's not a video game or a company, completely separated activities with no possibility of confusing people, therefore there are no copyright problems. That is, according my country laws.

I had to register denominations at the international center in Switzerland (WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization) and I suppose the laws to be the same regarding signatory countries. In fact, it's at the original country that the name it's allowed or not, WIPO just registers to have international protection. And you pay for that.

That's not an easy thing and certainly complex if we are going to care too much with it. Very very complex with lawyers specialized in nothing but that. Do we really need such concerns? I know nothing called "DnD Sanctuary".

But of course, if problems arises, it will be Frenzie to got them. That's not fair.
You tell us what you think about this issues, Frenzie.
DnD Central / Re: Diseur?
Would you please say a poem in English?
Certainly, of course,  why not...
Hey, is it going to be rubbish?
Mention a pair of boobs and it'll be hot...

:) beautiful, better than Shakespeare.
sorry for the metrics... but the theme compensates it.

Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator

Unfortunately that's not available by default. I should be able to implement such functionality without too much effort, although getting it right (with the link to the original comment and everything) might be a tad harder. Rest assured that I am motivated to implement quick quote.

I could probably throw together a serviceable (but not exactly good) Quick Quote UserJS as early as this week if you like, but getting it as default functionality will have to wait.

Thank you Frenzie. It's not fundamental, but many people uses to post large posts and, besides, full of BB Code and emoticons that makes confusing to decompose for quoting just the points one wants to comment.

Whenever you have the time and disposition, it would be great. :)
Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
I have a problem, at Opera I could select a part of a post and use the Quick Quote function and quote just the part I wanted to reply.

I'm sorry but I'm not realizing how to do it here...
Forum Administration / Re: Attracting new members

Use a very simple, but powerful method.............Everyone here should have a MyOpera Signature ........... Why not use it? ...... a few enticing catchy words there coupled with a link to The DnD Sanctuary .... maybe even a link to the Members List too ... ya never know .. i

Good suggestion SmileyFaze.
I suppose I can do it, but... well, maybe it would have the contrary result with me... :)

Another thing, that complements SmileyFaze's suggestion, is to create a thread that states that we moved and where to (with all the links that matters) with an eye catching title. Then ask moderation to pin it. I don't see why not.
(at this particular case, I don't mind you use red text, Smileyfaze. :) )
Forum Administration / Re: Moderation

  • Diversity in beliefs. This is not an atheist forum. I'm not sure whether this will have to be defined more precisely, but it means e.g. Belfrager could a candidate if he were interested.

Belfrager is not interested anyway.

I think  cultural diversity to be fundamental for moderation. I will defend very much that.
I also think that the ability for "fine moderation", I mean someone's capacity for moderating without people almost even notice it, to be of the most importance. That requires some specific personal characteristics.

I have to say just a word about Sgunhouse and Jax's moderation of former D&D, my conscience demands me so.
I think it was exemplar and I thank you both. Without the comprehension about cultural diversity they demonstrated to possess, I and probably others would have been banned long ago.
Forum Administration / Re: Attracting new members
A question before I tell you what I think, it's D&D the only sub forum that reacted and created a space for keep on existing?
At Lounge forum no one is doing nothing? or at least announced the intention?

Maybe Opera can allow us a link - they owe us that if they close us down.

Good point. Even if I don't expect it, one can always try.