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Messages - Belfrager

Hobbies & Entertainment / Re: Food
I'm not a vegetarian and I don't understand vegetarians.
Man is naturally omnivorous, as teeth disposition and shape, as well as the digestive system clearly shows.
DnD Central / Re: Do you consider yourself free?
Quote from: Macallan
It would be awfully nice to be free from economical pressure.

To many people it would be buying a house that turns them economical dependent for the entire life. I see young people committing that error over and over again.

Twenty, thirty years with an huge financial effort constantly and, even more worst, tied to a particular place, limited to accept job offers at that area, the same neighborhood, seeing the same people everyday, no possibility to change their lives easily.
An asphyxiating lack of perspectives and options.

Mobility it's fundamental as an expression of freedom. Don't buy, rent it.
DnD Central / Do you consider yourself free?
I don't remember we had such a thread at D&D but, at these times of oppression, I thought that maybe it was important, that a group that puts friendship above our mutual differences, to be able to discuss the ultimate questions.

There is no absolute freedom, I know that, all of you know that, but one thing is certain, there is a basic need for freedom for every man, so important as breathing or eating, no matter our nationality, religion, social level or race.

Do you fell happy with the amount of freedom you have?
Simple as that... :)
DnD Central / Re: The Problem with Atheism
"Atheism" is not even the opposite of the philosophical understanding and recognizing of God.
Just the baseless opposition to non-theologian pseudo-religions as protestant sects, scientificism and the sort. Nothing else.

No different from tribal voodoo.
No need to waist so much words about it.
DnD Central / Re: The Problem with Atheism

Let's go back a bit:
Quote from: ersi
You would see that the concept of God I referred to is universal, if you even superficially read anything about theology.

Why would knowledge of God require theology? Aren't you just disputing with the voices in other people's heads? :)
Ironic as it may seem, ignorance of God requires some theology to bring you up-to-date with what you are ignorant of.

One could see theology as a "third element" that interposes between Man and a possible direct knowledge of God, a rationalization that doesn't have necessarily to exist. Such "third element" could be considered as something that separates instead of unifying.

That would be a very, very mystical approach, or, at least, deeply religious.
Not certainly Ersi's and very surprising to be OakdaleFTL's.
Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
Tell me something Frenzie, do you promise that you will never sell our emails, IPs and the such to no one?
Not even under torture?
You never said that... :)

Come on, make a formal statement...
DnD Central / Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?
An interesting thing in Islam, it considers Jesus Christ, Son of Maria, an Holy man, a Wise man, with many teachings that are worthy of listen and follow.
They just don't consider him a prophet, someone that God has given a mission to - that one and only one would be Mohamed. To them, someone to call himself "Son of God" is too much, let's say... ambitious...

A very practical religion, Islam, much more than Christianism. Wash your hands, don't eat this, don't eat that, all of that were what we can call proper public health measures at the time, to prevent epidemics. So religion and practical life are much more connected amongst them.

It's really interesting to speak with any cult Muslim person and compare both religions.
In preference, somewhere where they can enjoy a whiskey, they will be glad to offer you one as the excellent hosts they are.
DnD Central / Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?
No problem at all with Islam, a so peaceful religion as any other.

Is has some advantages over Christianism, mainly at cohesion social aspects and charity. Besides, are the only ones to really understand what luxury is about.

It has however the same problems of Protestantism, literal interpretations of sacred books mixed with absence of centralized, hierarchical organization and authority leading to that anyone can appear speaking and acting in the "name of Allah".
DnD Central / Re: The Problem with Atheism

Hmm, hard to answer taking into consideration the lack of gravity in His habitat.

Therefore let me ask you something more simple.
God created man. Doesn't He?

Did He only create Adam and Eve as we are told or did He start mass production?
If it was only Adam and Eve, were they black, white or of other color for that matter?

Ahhh... now you stopped asking me about material "proofs" of my God... :)
That never again you ask me again about such imbecility.

If God created Adam and Eve, as you were told, and your ridiculous capacity of thinking doesn't take you out of there, is not my problem. Ask your fellow Protestants to answer you your childish questions.

Ersi, you talk too much. There's no need and you'll never get an answer from this people. They are way behind you.
DnD Central / Re: Warehouse Labor Practices
Anyway, it would be very good if man/machine battle were just an European problem. It isn't, it's a world wide front of war.
While machines weren't computerized it was under control and machines brought to man many undeniable advancements and benefits.
Then, the chip was invented and it was the beginning of the end.

I see no way of stopping it but if with dramatic events. Better to happen now then when it will be no possible anymore and human slavery will be total and irreversible.
But men are enchanted by the mermaid's singing... productivity.

Oh, but you say such things and you exactly use a computer, some will say.... of course I do, I explore machine's only weakness while it still has it, don't understanding humans. It will come the day when the first machine more intelligent than any man will be produced by some corporation, the so called moment of singularity and machines will triumph.

But not without mine and many other's resistance.
To think and act about this, is an imperative to the current generations. We received a world from our ancestry and we can't deny it to the future generations.
DnD Central / Re: Warehouse Labor Practices

One more machine, one job less.
I wonder what people are thinking that they're going to live from.
In Europe one of the ideas is that we will live on "basic income", a kind of salaries that come as birthright with the citizenship

Yes... I'm aware of that "solution". Have you noticed that, from the 31 signatories, all but two Social-democrats and two Christian-democrats belongs to the Greens? and it has not even one German? it will not ever be approved.

Quote from: 
“Unconditional Basic Income would transform social security from a compensatory system into an emancipatory system, one that trusts people to make their own decisions, and does not stigmatise them for their circumstances,” the statement says.

“We believe a new form of social security is urgently needed as social security systems in individual countries become increasingly conditional and punitive, they undermine individual dignity, form barriers to civic participation and deepen divisions in European society both across and within national borders.”

It's all very true but "To deep divisions in European society" it's exactly what Germany wants.
The very contrary of the European Union project. Basically, EU was hijacked by Germany.