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DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time
Just to put the Referendum in a little bit of perspective for the benefit of the non-Brits here:

Look at this map. That shows the regions excluding the Shetlands that voted in the Referendum. Just 4 voted for independence, with the latter's major support coming from the urban Glasgow and Dundee.

Hardly a ringing support for independence in term of the regions.

It is also interesting to not that a relationship is indicated between "deprivation" and the Yes vote.
see here - have fun interpreting that!

Reneging on a commitment to respect the result of the Referendum, factions within the SNP have suggested having a UDI on the basis of their manifesto for the next Scottish Election. There are legal problems with such an approach, but just imagine how the majority of the Scottish Regions would feel about being tricked down that route by a cabal of fanatics in a couple of small areas of Scotland. Not the way to a content and happy Scotland, let alone one with increased prosperity.

DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Yes - I know the "plan" that is doing the rounds -

Oh come on, you can't take what Jim Sillars says (or what the press prints), to be the plan. He's always been a controversial figure since his labour party days and he doesn't make the SNP's policies. I think they are a bit more democratic than that.
Besides that, I was stating what I would do personally, not what the SNP would do.
Different posts, different points. Jim Sillars may well be a carbuncle on the Yes part of the indy movement, but he remains a fellow traveler; I'd surprised if many take him seriously, excepting the late mighty leader, Uncle Alex.

But UDI - that certainly is a subject being drooled over by some SNP types.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

To Hell with the majority of Scots?

Surely not!

Such passions!

It would be my policy before I was elected, so I would be fulfilling my manifesto.

That is really too much for me to let go by.

Yes - I know the "plan" that is doing the rounds - a fairly-land wet dream as far as I'm concerned which sums up the SNP/Yes Conpaign; it's never going to happen, but I almost wish the SNP would try this particular form of political suicide.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time
It's none of your business SF. But just to humour you ...

Actually I'm surprised at your imagined Scot-friendly stance after the vitriolic things you have said about them in the past. Presumably you have now seen the light,

... so let's hear it for the Black & Tans and their glorious history in Ireland.

But then your muddled hatred of Britain leads you apparently to all sorts of strange alliances.

You now ally yourself with the SNP, who are very left wing politically, far more left of the social minded mainstream British political parties. They adore the National Health Service and large Welfare spending and they have spoken about nationalising the Oil industry and they espouse a policy of taxing the rich more and more and more and more. Just up your street now it seems,  Oh and no doubt they will go after those who avoid paying tax: all good socialistic stuff.

Have a look at the sort of people people you now so admire.. By your previous standards they are commies. ... and you want to subject the Scots to that!

Don't forget to read your little red book tonight.

As for your offer of a sharp shooter, "sharp" is not exactly the word I would use.

DnD Central / Re: The Time

In the theory of relativity, if one can travel faster than light, one can also travel back in time.

then How to travel to the Future time  ?

Silent Slower than the Speed of Dark ?

or something ?

anyone have ideas about this ?

Wait; it will soon happen.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time
There will be a number of fall-outs from the Referendum. One will be a large increase in the powers and responsibilities devolved to Scotland. The SNP posture is that this should be the so- called Devo- Max where virtually everything is devolved except defence and foreign policy. When they don't get that they will claim foul but in fact it has not been promised. The result of the Referendum was to maintain the Union and, if Cameron does his job properly, those new powers will be scaled to ensure that the UK can perform it's role and will need sufficient funding to do that.

After the dust has settled, the SNP will yet to inch toward independence while the UK will continue to demonstrate the advantages of working together, increasing Scotland dependence on England.

That's the essence of the game and that's what will happen.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time
Colonel, Sir, not having been in Scotland but watching closely from afar I cannot judge if Connery had any pulling power for the SNP. His stance is somewhat vulnerable, loving Scotland so much that he chooses to live away from it without, it was claimed, paying his tax dues. Whether the latter is true I have no idea, but that was a perception.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time
I doubt much can be inferred from that riot on Glasgow whatever the cause; passions were high after the Referenidum and alcohol had played it's part. Who'd have thought that - in Glasgow of all places.!

Another example of post-Referendum passion is reported here

Without, if possible, the recriminations, what do our Scottish folk think of the proposed  Boycott.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time
Quote from: Luxor

We saw what being part of the union means, in George square last night. Vile, bigoted, loyalist Neanderthals on the rampage with their nazi salutes. Scotland's shame, right enough. I dread to think what they would have done if they had lost.

Now you know that's not true as you would no doubt point out for the ultra extremist behaviour of some claiming to be on the Yes side. Wait till this time next year when Rangers get back in the Premier Division, and we'll probably see the same sort of thing with a different excuse.

You're hurting right now which is understandable, but the aim should now be to get things sorted, not prolong bitterness.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time
Enjoy your holiday rjh, but it won't be back to normal, the UK Parliament has to deliver on the pledge made on it's behalf by the the party leaders, and do it in good time and good order.

I look forward to more powers being given to the Scottish Parliament. It would reduce some of that anti Westminster whinging that some of you folks enjoy and hopefully make the Scottish Government more accountable for their tendency to over-spend.

Things can hold it up; for example a solution to the West Lothian question needs to be found and we know that the Labour partyrefer to keep hold of that bit of non- democratic behaviour.

More importantly, since the result of the referendum was to stay in the Union, the increase in powers for the Scottish Government needs to ensure not only the large Scottish wish for just that but also elements that bind the Union together. So it won't be Devo-max, as the nats would like,, there will be substantial reserved taxation and responsibilies.  Corporation tax is one such an example. That alone could see the SNP Government crying foul with the potential for holding up the whole thing.

The other reasons for delay are, of course, the shear inefficiency of Goverment, any Government. Anyone who has worked in an organisation used to meeting deadlines could do it, but I doubt our politicians can. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

As a Brit that oscillated between Brit to English and back again, I want those pledges to be enacted in full. That is regardless of whether I agree with them all. A promise has been made and I expect (want) it to be kept.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

So no non-united UK, Belfrager.

You're going to give them all you've been forced to promise at the referendum and much more and it will always mean a less-united kingdom.
Or, probably, you will forget all the promises you made and the independentists will create you such confusion in the streets that will be not pretty to see.

Once-United Kingdom no matter the cosmetics.

Ah, and congratulations to the Yes side. Such results against a campaign of fear and intimidation made Scotland and their People stronger in their way towards the Independence. You were able to make the occupiers to shake in panic. It's just a matter of time.

That's rubbish Belgrade, I know you have an anarchic front back  &  side to you but adopting a federal form of goverment does not result in disunity . .  As for "The Occupier" that is merely proxy paranois on your side :)
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time
mjm . .  The SNP did give a plan but unfortunately for their cause there were very real financial problems which they could not resolve and thus discuss. That left them vulnerable to the charges of proposing a risky adventure and refusing to answer the big questions.

I put that as neutrally as I can because I don't want to rehash the whole business. In fact I stayed largely away from discussions in this forum to avoid loosing some friends here. I admit to some lapses, but I did, on the whole, avoid contributing to the vitriol (here).

I dont think the independence thing will surface again for a while, certainly not in my lifetime anyway.
DnD Central / Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

I guess it is the time to congratulate Labour and give condolences to Cameron, Scottish separation would mean dominance of the Conservatives in perpetuity, or maybe a little bit shorter.
No, Jax, that's not true - you should not have paid so much attention to the SNP propaganda; Labour would have won in the UK without the Scottish Vote in all the "Tony Blair" elections. There are  many floating voters, including me.