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Messages - Belfrager

DnD Central / Re: The Problem with Religion
"that omnipotence in a God and goodness in a God (any God, not just the Christian God) are incompatible with the real world."?

Course not, such phrase is the demonstration of ignorance. Tomas of Aquino has demonstrated why it is wrong centuries ago.
A little bit of reflexion is enough to understand that there's no "incompatibility".
DnD Central / Re: Ban the Burqa?
There is an attempt to ban it in Israel. It is banned in Syrian schools and universities. It is banned all over France.There are local bans in Italy.In Belgium its also banned, but only on the local level. The Netherlands are trying to ban it. In Australia a new law that would require Muslim women to remove a burqa or niqab to prove their identity to West Australian police has been introduced to the state's parliament.In the US a Florida woman had her driver's license cancelled due to her wearing of the niqab in her identification photo.  Beyond that, there's nothing of note to report from the US.In London a judge made a 21-year-old woman remove her veil was because it was in the public interest in a court hearing.

It is not important to know why some pretend to have the right to forbid others?
Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
It doesn't make any sense. Even the old idiotic MyOpera was not like this.

But if you tell me , Frenzie, that it gives a lot of work to change, I accept, forget it.
You've done too much already.

I just posted because it could be just a matter of a simple setting to change, if it is not, let it be. :)

Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
Another question.

When I open the forum's home page I can see that I have unread posts at, for example, DnD Central. So, I open DnD Central to see the threads with new posts.
Imagine that I read just half of threads with new posts and return to home page. I have no more indication of new posts at threads inside DnD Central.

Shouldn't the warning of unread posts to maintain while all the unread posts are read?
Thank you.