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Messages - Belfrager

DnD Central / Re: Do Something

Do Something

Doing nothing is the way to the Tao.

Having to do something to do something wouldn't be the tao/dao/道, but then again neither would doing nothing. I would not say that something is the way to the Tao. Tao isn't a goal, it literally means the way or path in Chinese. Dào is something you can walk upon whilst hoping not to be hit by a car. The Dao can be stated, but it is not the common Dao indeed.

(Dao or Tao is just a matter of transcription into the Latin alphabet, pinyin or Wade–Giles respectively, to a Chinese it would be 道, more about the character in the Wiktionary; Wade-Giles tends to trick westerners, so "dao" is more likely to be pronounced right.)

The Dao can be stated, but it is not the common Dao;
[Its] name can be named, but it is not the common name.
Not-having name is the beginning of the heaven and the earth;
Having name is the mother of the myriad things.
Always not-having desire, thereby can perceive its wonder;
Always having desire, thereby can see its limits.
These two have the same origin, but they differ in name;
Both are called Mystery.
One Mystery plus another Mystery, are the sources of all wonders.

This should be as good an introduction to the problem of taoism as any.

You are confused.
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce with Religion

I hope not. He was known for having a life of vice before entering monastery... (therefore the importance of the questions he got an answer, such has why not doing something if it gives us pleasure... )

I wonder, to what extent could people without such life experiences understand their acquired wisdom without having gone through something similar themselves?

How can an atheist speak about God? Ohh but they speak a lot...

DnD Central / Re: Blasphemy and Free Speech
I'm sure you knew that, but that was further clarification for Belfrager.

No clarification at all for me, Sanguinemoon.
tt92 said it all.
Quote from: tt92
If I curse something or someone I consider holy or sacred, I will have blasphemed,
If I curse something or someone that another person considers holy or sacred, I will have  needlessly and childishly been offensive.
I don't see where the concept of free speech comes into it either way.
DnD Central / Re: How To Sit

Why not criminals?

Maybe it's Dom Belfrager? :D

Everything depends on the point of view... specially when the state has a criminal behavior.

Please, send the dogs over here...

The point with training dogs that I still don't know too well is how to train them to attack directly to the throat. I need someone's throat... maybe you want to help me train them, eh Barulheira? :)
DnD Central / Re: How To Sit
My dog already sits immediately ninety percent of the times I order. Not bad for a three month little dog.
Course, I'm not Cesar Milan.

Next train will be to kill. Specially police man and the sort.
DnD Central / Re: Drone Technology
In not too much time, drones will be inside you all.
That's what happens when people don't react against nanotechnology. First they have drones outside them , then inside them.
DnD Central / Re: Sochi Olympics
An American competitor saw a wolf walking inside her hotel.
It seems she didn't liked and is complaining about...
DnD Central / Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread
Speaking with an Ukrainian yesterday she told me that things there costs the same that in the rest of Europe but the minimum salary is about eighty euros per month.
No wonder people wants to join the EU.
DnD Central / Re: 21st century architecture
What can we say about current architecture?

Most of it is made for turn people into automatons.

Fascism created an extraordinary architecture (rapidly imitated  by communists) that transmitted ideology and propaganda.
Today's architecture delivers emptiness and mediocrity.

The only architecture I'm interested these days it's survival and sustainable architecture. Time to regress, as in a circle.
DnD Central / Re: Blasphemy and Free Speech
I don't understand this thread, blasphemy in Portuguese means an expression against what is sacred.
Joining together blasphemy and free speech doesn't make any sense.
Neither subsequent  posts do.
DnD Central / Re: Canada
Do we have any Canadian?
If not, Canada is so important as Somalia.