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Messages - Belfrager

DnD Central / Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?
Alternatively, the problem with Islam is that it hasn't had the reformation that helped bring Christianity out of the dark ages.

(And that bit closer to a more sensible secular society)

What took Christianity out of the dark ages was the so called renaissance of the year one thousand. Georges Duby, March Bloch and all other medievalists have demonstrate it for ages. A little bit before the "miracles" of reformation...

Reformation, meaning Lutero, Calvino and their followers, was a political/economical movement supported by the bourgeoisie in order to gain power masked under pretense religious divergence. It still is.
It opened the way to the selvage capitalism we assist today that hypocrisy calls liberalism.

Islam can pass very well without it.
DnD Central / Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread
A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the United States Constitution). A Democracy is government ruled by the majority (mob rule).

I don't know who said that but I guarantee that such statement would grant him a zero at any political science test.

A Republic recognizes the unalienable rights of individuals while Democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs for the good of the public, or in other words social justice.

This part deserves to be part of some humorist talk show.

I's strange because it's not the first time that I see Americans using that pseudo distinction between democracy and republic completely convinced that they are speaking seriously.

Republics opposes to Monarchies and democracies to dictatorships. You can have several different types of each one. A democracy can (and usually is) a Constitutional Democracy but a system of one party (a dictatorship) an be also perfectly Constitutional.
Then we have also the question about Presidentialist/Parlamentary kinds of regime, where the USA are clearly Presidential which classifies the American system amongst the less advanced constitutional republican democratic regimes.
DnD Central / Re: Canada
The United States of America is not a Democracy.

The United States of America is a  Constitutional Republic

I wonder about the quality poor Americans have about political science. Of course it explains a lot about what their Country does...
A constitutional republic can only be opposed to a constitutional monarchy. If it is democratic or not is an entire different story.

Opposing republic with democracy is the same thing as comparing Smileyfaze with an orchid...
There's no patience for such ignorance from the Anglo Saxon country.
DnD Central / Re: The world in 2030
The world in 2030 will be worst than thirty years ago, no matter how many times you post defunct threads jax.
DnD Central / Re: Ted Talks
I don't like and I don't see "Ted talks".
More, I'm very suspicious about such propaganda.

Those irritating "Ted talks" are nothing but manipulation and propaganda to make naive souls to believe that the world is full of "innovation" and similar bullshit.
DnD Central / Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies
Came across this Romanian brochure, and had to share:

The problem with Latin countries (yes, Romania is a Latin country) is that people always wants to please, as so cleared stated at that picture.

The way to Latin countries to defend themselves is to attack and insult. Then, Saxons will be put to their place.
And. as far as I know, Romania is not part of such a ridicule thing as "UK and Crown Dependencies".
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce with Religion
CREATIONThe problem of creation is the problem of beginning. It's a logical problem, a matter of point of view. Considering logical absolute timescale, it's a matter of point of view what one considers the beginning. There is a concurrent logical problem: Beginning of what? If we want to be logical, we want to avoid the problem of infinite regress.Indubitably, human beings have minds more comfortable with multiplicity than with unity, even though many have a rational and spiritual tendency towards unity. To remain intelligible to human minds, a multiplicity of some kind or another must necessarily be posited. Let's take the multiplicity of points of view. There's the point of view of (1) infinity and of (2) temporality, of time.

Beginning is the problem of uniqueness. It doesn't depends on what is going to happen, what is going to happen depends on the beginning. So, infinity and temporality of time are irrelevant. The beginning is all about uniqueness.
Consequences are irrelevant because predictable. That's the big question, a moment of impredictability - the beginning, versus an infinity of prediction.
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce with Religion
Jesus, you resurrected by the third day, Ersi... :)

Respecting the Continuum theory, let me suggest you the theory of Fields, it seems to be what really explains a continuum between the macro scale and the quantic scale. Very interesting.
I don't know the quality of published material about it, what I know about comes from conversations with a physician friend that defends that all physics is philosophy.

There's hope in physics, so it seems...
DnD Central / Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful
Maybe, maybe not. But read the last post in D&D

Done it already, as you know captain G-Belfrager has the gift of omnipresence. He just lacks the other two, by personal decision.

Ahh... Onetimeposter off-topic/off planet... it doesn't surprises me, his usual state last time I meet him at Orion's Belt. Good times we had there with those eight arms go-go dancers you recommended. :)
DnD Central / Re: 21st century architecture

  • Egotism. Some of the My Opera threads are effectively link lists

  • Relevance. This thread is one of the My Opera clones, and a resonably recent one. Plenty left there to comment on.

  • Experiment. The above posts are (manually) copied/quoted from My Opera, makes it possible to compare presentation and syntax. This thread used more of the My Opera capabilities than most.

You are forgiven.
DnD Central / Re: Minimalism
As for me, I typically stick to buying things I need rather than things I want

Maybe some of those things you can make them instead of buying it.
That's the real thing, be autonomous instead of having to buy.

The thread's tittle "Minimalist" is not good. One can live with quality out of a consumerist system.
People uses to think that out of consumerism one has to be some kind of fundamentalist hippie and that's not true. In fact true quality only exists with artisanship not mass production produced to be bought.
Those are the really valuable things.