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Messages - Belfrager

DnD Central / Re: Tripe about Ukraine
Autonomous or not [...]

The legal concept that is the standard for evaluation for me is jurisdiction. Russia crossed the line of jurisdiction.

What autonomy serves for? exactly for delimiting jurisdiction.
It's complex, but taking in account the state of revolution Ukraine is passing by I'm afraid that the law of the stronger will win.

Putin is doing his move, we'll see how the others will answer...

DnD Central / Re: Tripe about Ukraine
This does not qualify as a copy-paste repetition, but enough elements are in place - for me. Maybe not enough for you.

No no, my comment was a light approach about the big historical theories, not intended as specific for this situation.

You are right that no outside intervention is justifiable but as I hear it happens that Crimea is an autonomous province of Ukraine. The question is if such autonomy grants its habitants the right to ask for a Russian intervention.

As I know, there's an agreement until 2045 for Russian army permanence and Crimea has deep and close cultural attachments wit Russia. Probably also economic.
So, what do people from Crimea wants? That's the first part of the equation I need to know.
DnD Central / Re: Do you consider yourself free?
No one says "Yes, I'm a proud free man."
That was my point.

I need to look somewhere else.
People have to start joining, if not by physical proximity, than by communication for the creation of a network.
Brothers in arms.
DnD Central / Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread
When you talk rationally, you are doing it wrong. Haven't you noticed he is already completely totalitarian, instead of taking some first baby steps towards it?

He's no more totalitarian than the others. All the political correctness vomit is by far much worst.

There's something good at the genesis of the American spirit. It's rude and illiterate but they are genuine. That's important.
DnD Central / Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Things are confusing. is run by Fastmail, but is the My Opera mail that will close… I don't know, sometime soon I suppose. ;)

Oil makes everyone a good manager...


I explain you. Imagine that one of your parrots wants to be an astronaut. No money, expensive to make a parrot an astronaut.
But in Norway, they live from oil. Kind of the Saudi Arabia of Europe.
TT92's parrot wants to bean astronaut? no problem, he'll receive the funds for doing it, of course.

Same goes if you substitute a parrot's dream for someone's idea of a browser.
DnD Central / Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread
SF can't be reasoned out of it. There's something you are missing. It's not just a point about the politological terms he is making. He is covertly making a political statement close to his heart: the Republican Party versus the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party is rotten, therefore everything with "democr" in it is rotten. The Republican Party is the beloved golden calf of the conservatives, therefore everything with "repub" in it is sacred. (Similarly, whoever mentions "social issues" deserves instant eternal curses of hell, because Socialism is of the Devil. This is the logic you have to learn.)

Incidentally, there's no "democracy" in the United States constitution. There's "republican form of government". This fact makes SF go yeehaw crazy happy because it's proving his point. The fact that this is only a superficial and incidental word choice in the constitution will never sway him.

Yes. I agree with all that.
But, there's a but... :)

My discussion is not about Smileyfaze political preferences, but about American cultural colonialism. A colonialism that tries to impose an absurd and wrong meaning of political terms. As you know very well Ersi, that's the first step to totalitarianism, misrepresentation of words and meanings.