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Messages - Belfrager

DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce with Religion

Besides deep doctrinal and philosophical religious differences, totally irreconcilable,  both are at the foundations of the actual clash of civilizations happening in the world.
Civilisational clashes caused by mere delusions, huh?[abbr=:huh:][/abbr]

No, not by mere delusions but by idiots like yourself.
I suppose that you are even a step bellow mere idioticy.
Forum Administration / Re: Questions to the Administrator
I have a question.
Is it possible to automatically ban posters, as josh for example, that occupies the entire space of my screen with their mambo jambo posts?
I don't use that option of something that we don't see other posts. Ah, Ignore.
Forum Administration / Re: Do we need some Purge?

To channel Josh: don't you mean decimation? :P

josh will destroy this forum or any other.
I think he's the reincarnation of Attila, except that instead the grass not growing where he passes, is the people that can´t speak where he speaks. Not good for forums.
Except for that he's a funny guy. Not too much clever, however, and insupportable most of the time.
DnD Central / Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?
Don't be too hard on him.

You're right. Thanks for remembering me.

Let me tell you, the Russians, something.
I had a MyOpera blog about painting. Many of those masterpieces were Russian painting images.
The social charge of those paintings was gigantic. There's a deep social understanding ( that doesn't exist in the US, for example*) in the Russian soul that is at the bottom of magnificent work of arts, both at music and painting, not to speak about literature.

My dear friend josh is not able of destroying the heritage of his people.

* American painting is very interesting to me. It shows clearly why the different Americans exists at DnD.
DnD Central / Re: Do you consider yourself free?
Mass deaths for whatever reason are never justifiable and on historical matters the Jewish race has used it's influence to somehow create the mythology that they are top of the list

I imagine that Simon Wiesenthal, the nazi "hunter", most be already hunting you...
Don't worry, you can always ask for my help. :)

I'm a very expensive help, by the way, but effective...
DnD Central / Re: Tripe about Ukraine
Thanks to Germany, half of Ukraine is going to be Russian.

The funny part are two: that half of Ukraine always was Russian and that Americans can do nothing.
Ukraine, with its ballistic nuclear missiles, aren't exactly what American bravery uses to "fight".
DnD Central / Re: Keeping an eye on
In any case, they got a fair amount of the My Opera populace, and that's probably a good thing.

The entire concept, if any, is wrong.
Even for the MyOpera populace that doesn't understand why their photo albums are out of their blogs, why email doesn't have any warning if you have new mail when you log in or even what do you have to do just to see your blog.

DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
it could came up with the same results anywhere in Europe too

Could it?... I doubt it very much (except if you ask people about historical facts and figures)

Course the "study" was an anecdote as such, what's funny is that a real study would have given even worst results.
That explains the entire American policy and politics, basically "what's going on" there.
DnD Central / Re: Tripe about Ukraine
As for Putin being a criminal, he for sure has less blood on his hands than the former leader of the free world, G.W. Bush or the actual one, the master of the drones and Nobel prize laureate for peace.

Let's say that if he has, at least he have much more class doing it.

He's a KGB, so are their friends. Merkel is a Stasi, they must go well along, what gives an entire new perspective for the German intervention that has given half of Ukraine in a plate to Putin's hands...
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
A study has discovered one in ten Americans think HTML - the name given to the code that makes up websites - is a sexually transmitted disease, while almost a third think a gigabyte is an insect.

But there's more...
Other terms that confused the participants included software, which was mistaken from comfortable clothing, and USB, which was mistaken from the acronym of a European country.

the rest.
DnD Central / Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?
Maybe interesting for this debate is to know that at many Muslim societies there's a moral law that makes someone that made a fortune to give back ten percent to the neighbors of his original village.
Underlining such law is the recognition that we all are in debt with those that have helped us before and even more, that we are what we are because others have made us like that. This includes the rich men of this world.
DnD Central / Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?
Belfrager thinks TED talks only promote the capitalist consumerist illusion, but this one doesn't - and was accordingly rejected from TED website.

Ah ah, see? :)
I was certain... unfortunately.

Wealth redistribution is a moral duty. What there is to discuss is how it should be done and until what extent.
It's so wrong to foment pure parasitism as to deny solidarity to those fallen into misfortune.
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce with Religion
To me Jesus' words easily make sense, whereas organised religion doesn't, except as a state-ish organisation with slightly more thorough ideology than mere political ideologies and theories. You seem to affirm the state-ish view

It's a front of battle that affects directly our lives.

You see, the strictly personal position about spiritual matters aren't possible of being discussed, or, at least, you can only discuss and deepen it with those that shares more or less the same views. Communication doesn't exists between opposite views.
So, what it rests is that "state-ish" discussion.
One busy restless soul saved and one sect less. That's a win-win, right?

Yes, but not important for me, I'm not an evangelist wanting to convert others.
Swedish culture is not mine and a Swedish Catholic is so close to me as a Kirghistan Catholic would be. They are Catholics living in a non Catholic world and it has to show.

Catholicism, due to it's centralized hierarchy has to deal with this problem, and the way it is done is to give autonomy to local bishops to adequate the main doctrine to the local realities but always with a total discipline towards the Church and the Holy Priest. It works fine, but at the same time it creates a certain separation between distant Catholics.
On the other side, the good part is that you don't assist to lunatics inventing their own versions as you have with the Protestants and Muslims.

But yes, one protestant sect less is certainly a good thing, however very diluted in the ocean of conversions they are suffering. And they are going to convert even more with this new Pope.
The Church does things well done. Slow, but steady. Inexorably.
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce with Religion
Belfrager and Howie agree that Catholicism and Protestantism are different. I disagree. To me the difference seems marginal. Anglican church is Catholicism without the Pope. Lutheranism is Catholicism without the Pope and extensive idolatry. That's the entire difference.

You couldn't be more wrong.
Catholicism and Protestantism are much more than mere religion nuances. Besides deep doctrinal and philosophical religious differences, totally irreconcilable,  both are at the foundations of the actual clash of civilizations happening in the world.

You can't search for a religion without understanding that religions expresses an option about the world at such different areas as economics, social, cultural, artistical, philosophical, etc. and not exclusively something separated from the real world because it only regards to the inner spiritual world.

That's why I've been focusing in the sociological side of religion and always emphasizing "organized" religion.

In other words, the Pope is more important and influential than the President of America and Russia together... :)
Forum Administration / Re: Do we need some Purge?
Purge? As in
a. To rid (a nation or political party, for example) of people considered undesirable.
b.  To get rid of (people considered undesirable).

Okay, as probably the closest representative to the Roman Latin spirit, I suggest the beautiful method of dizimation.
Invented by Roman generals to put lazy armies again in top condition, it consists in separating people in groups of ten and each group has to beat one of it's members until death.

It seems that such method had the most effective results. :)
If it doesn't work, at least DnD has learned a lesson in History...
DnD Central / Re: Ted Talks
I suspect very much about this "Ted talks".
Always the same thing, propaganda, propaganda and more propaganda that ferocious capitalism is a wonderful thing full of people very intelligent and funny.

No patience.