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DnD Central / Re: FIFA World Cups
Well Blatter got re-elected which sets him up to complete 20 years in charge of FIFA.

Now, is the ***t about to hit the fan?

OK. UEFA, let's see what you've got (they have a meeting tomorrow (.I think)

edit: Correction - the meeting is not this Saturday it is "next week" - see here
DnD Central / Re: FIFA World Cups
In the meantime UEFA has asked Blatter to resign, which he has refused to do.  Putin has weighed in, accusing the US for pursuing a World Domination agenda in investigating FIFA. It is worth mentioning that the Swiss authorities are investigating the bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups won, respectively, by Russia and Qatar. The FBI has been investigating previous corruption, money laundering and so on.

Platini, UEFA President, has openly mentioned the possibility of UEFA boycotting the FIFA World Cup should Blatter get re-elected.

Several people, ex FIFA Officials, have been arrested for questioning in connection with the FBI investigation.

This Friday there will be an election for President of FIFA for the next 4 years. UEFA will have a meeting afterwards to consider their reaction should Blatter win another term as President.

Quite a mess!
DnD Central / Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

And why shouldn't Russia too smilingly welcome EU's outstretched arms?

Don't misunderstand this post as implying an anti EU stance on my part, but I doubt if Russia's leaders would be comfortable with submerging it's sovereignty in the EU. They would have to swallow so many limits on their freedom of action and the people at large would have to swallow the concept that Russia could not rule its own roost any more.

Maybe in years to come?      Many many many years perhaps.
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce with Religion
Quote from: Belfrager
. ..did they ever asked for your opinion? . . .

Ah, but where would we be of no-one have an opinion unless they were asked for one, or where would we be if you're only people who could give opinions were those who were "expert" or intimately involved?

There's many a revelation that comes from people with ignorance. This forum, I dare say, is a shining example.
Forum Administration / Re: Spring cleanup
I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but the idea did occur to me that we could have a special area where Adverts could go, namely on a Ping called (aptly) "Adverts", with subdivisions for different categories of adverts. We could even signal displeasure at unpleasant ones by moving them to a sub division called "Trash". We could also have a spring cleaning every Week? Month? to refresh them and clean out junk and get more "subscriptions".

We could get paid by the "hit", although I would imagine the Trash would get more hits than most!
The Lounge / Re: True or false?
True when posted - just had one - cost €5

You believe everything that's written down
DnD Central / Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

For some reason I'm reminded of a joke a British Soldier who was interviewed when he got back from Afghanistan - when asked about what went through his mind during a particularly nasty gunfire exchange with the Taliban, he said - "I dunno, I was just glad it wasn't a bullet!".

You have not been in a serious physical fight against anything string, I can tell.  You are talking out of the top of your head.  Until you've been there...don't you even dare to try and speak of it intelligently--you sound a simpleton.   :knight:  :cheers:

Well you certainly show something dark in your character. How you can make such a statement is beyond politeness into sheer nastiness, and all for no reason at all. If you were involved in the armed forces you must have been a very bad soldier, jumping to conclusions and going off half-cock; not the trait of anyone I'd like beside me.

What I wrote was indeed a joke but not by me. It was something said, as I wrote, by a soldier returning from Afghanistan. He was being interviewed on the BBC and it was his joke, modestly making light of the perilous situation he had been in while engaged in an extraordinary act of bravery.

I suggest you keep your simple=minded psycho analysis to yourself, plus your insults and try to bottle up your nasty streak.
DnD Central / Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Okay: I'm curious… :) What's the story?

Assuming that was to me --  well it's not a complicated story but it's true.

When I was a young boy I was tall and thin, and was nicknamed "string" for a while. It did not last long and it was in just one school.

I'm still tall, but not thin anymore regrettably.

When I came to choose a user name, I thought it an appropriate name to use (or as good as any other) because of its other meaning, within computer parlance, of a group (or string) of characters.