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DnD Central / Re: FIFA World Cups

Back to FIFA. You boys can get back to your spitting match after this one.

ZURICH (AP) — Chuck Blazer was expelled by FIFA's ethics committee on Thursday for widespread corruption, finally ending the career of the longtime most senior American in world football.

One can't help wondering if Blazer's biggest crime, in the eyes of the present incumbents at FIFA, was to plea bargain and spill so many dirty beans about corruption at FIFA.
DnD Central / Re: Intellectual debate on DnD

I'm always trying to understand somebody else's point of view. I can't see many here doing the same. But it has been good to me. I've learned a lot.

(BTW, when I ask questions and I "don't got" answers, I stay in the void.)

Yes I would go along with that, I've learnt a lot too. ... about strongly held views of different types, for example in the Opera D&D about certain what I would term over-the-top views on Religion. Normally they were views where there was nothing in common with my own, but they were often the most informative.

Then there is the process of learning what one thinks oneself, which is not always obvious unless you have to defend your opinions against someone else.

There is a huge advantage in having, therefore, people that you don't agree with participating in the forum.

,,, and most of us like a good argument.

So bring back neo-fascist Buddhist fundamentalist, left-of-communist advocates and gun-voting vigilantes - all good stuff for a healthy debate.

God save our most Glorious Queen. Wonder where he went!

Intellectual? No - don't do intellectual.
DnD Central / Re: FIFA World Cups

The result of the Swiss investigation into the awarding of the World Cups to Russia (1018) and Qatar (2022) ...

Does the US now investigate the Kievan Rus'?  :o
I thought the English invented football and not Vladimir the Great already at the beginning of the 11th century.

BTW, it's a politically motivated attemt of the USA to deprive Russia from hosting the world cup.
It started more than a year ago.

I certainly approve of sanctions against Russia for their annexation of the Crimea and their instigation and support of secessionists in the east of Ukraine, but the preparations for the World Cup in Moscow are too far gone to stop now unless some very, repeat very, football, related behaviour comes to light.

By the way Switzerland is not beholden to the US, they are, I hope, sharing evidence, but working to a political agenda, I doubt it. The Swiss are good at being neutral.
DnD Central / Re: FIFA World Cups
Well it seems that congratulations are in order for the American Ladies who beat Japan in the Final to becopme World Champions for the third time.

Those American gentlemen who gather here might like to ask their SWMBOs what it's all about.

In the play-off for 3rd place England beat Germany. I'd ask my SWMBO about that but she's Danish so it wouldn't help.
DnD Central / Re: FIFA World Cups
On occasion (*), I've sat in front of a telly to watch an American Football game but I've never lasted more than 10 minutes.

A couple of quotes from this link:

"Football combines the worst two things about America: violence punctuated by committee meetings.
–George Will"


"As David Biderman pointed out in a fascinating article in the Wall Street Journal in 2010, although the typical NFL game lasts more than three hours, only 6 percent of the total—eleven minutes—is actually spent playing with the ball and attempting to move it forward. The other 94 percent of the time is spent sitting, standing around, and talking about playing rather than actually playing."

In some respects it's a bit like American TV - perpetually waiting for something to happen.

(*) probably 3 or 4 times.
The Lounge / Re: Write A Collaborative Novel
Oh to #!*#!** with this he said and opened the door, jumped out and leapt off the side of the building.

Drifting down under his parachute he noticed that the high wind was blowing him towards a forest.