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Messages - ersi

DnD Central / Re: I'm bemused: No one here wants to discuss the Gaza-Israel war
David Pakman, American (Jewish, originally from Argentina) political commentator speaks up about the topic. His stance is two-state solution.

My stance is that there is no solution. Israel would not agree to two-state solution because if Palestine were a real acknowledged and recognised country, then Israel could not invade and destroy liberally every once in a while any longer, since it would be an unambiguous war crime. For now Israel can excuse itself every time by saying that Palestine is not a real country and Palestinians are stateless and that's unfortunate but we do what we have to do.

Moreover, what would the borders be, 1967 or 1948? Both are unacceptable to Israel. Israel will never remove their kibbutzim from the West Bank, which means there will be no Palestine as a country. Which means there will be no two-state solution.

My stance is that Israel was created and is being held in existence with the clear purpose of being a thorn in the region and the situation will persist as long as this is felt to be necessary by those who set it up. For peace, either Israel or Palestine needs to vanish (or in case of two-state solution Palestine needs to be effectively muted the way the country of Jordan is muted), but greater powers do not see any point with peace in the region, so that's how it will be for the foreseeable future.
DnD Central / Re: Infrastructure
Paris banned rental e-scooters

Berlin is rolling back bike infrastructure

So the progress of urban infrastructure has reached a dead end.  In my opinion, the way forward (towards walkable streets) is by regression: Less cars. Not more electric cars or some dystopian "pods" or misguided non-solutions to traffic, but simply less cars. Less, not more. Back to the way it was in 1920's or, even better, 1910's.
DnD Central / What's going on in Finland?
This morning Finland's state broadcaster published an article saying that the current Finnish government awakened to a thought that maybe it's a good idea to revisit and review the history of Russian influence and meddling in Finland's politics, how deep it has run and what its current aftereffects are. For example, a researcher notes that it would be interesting to analyse the exceptions and special privileges given to certain individuals and companies in Finland under the current sanctions regime, and the instances where police and other authorities claim they "cannot do anything" despite sanctions. Another researcher says that Russia's "soft power" may have hit Finland very hard

*Not* in the article is the grossest example of Russia's corrupting power on Western governments in recent memory: The recruitment of Finland's ex-prime minister Paavo Lipponen to Nord Stream board. Thus Finland was about as rotten at its topmost level as Germany when Russia was playing its gas games. In Germany it's called schröderisation, while in Finland it can be seen as a reverberation of finlandisation, i.e. a longer history of "neutrality" policy with regard to Russia/Soviet Union.

However, what *is* in the article is eight points worth investigating according to the researchers and investigative journalists:
1. What was Russia's grand strategy? With regard to Finland, it seems to have been smooth talk to keep Finland away from Nato, while Russia was painting the rest of "collective West" as a threat and danger.

2. Why did Finland fail in its (geopolitical) forecasts? The article quotes a professor saying that Russia was exporting fear and Finland was buying it.

3. Was Russia blocking Finland's membership of Nato? This is about the hypothetical that if Russia had blitzconquered Ukraine in the end of February 2022, would Finland have been able to join Nato.

4. Were Finns misled (by the communication of their own government) in the energy deals? Energy deals such as Nord Stream and Finland's nuclear power stations in collaboration with Rosatom.

5. Have "home Russkies" had an effect even in 21st century? "Home Russkies" refers to KGB misinformation operatives who kept contact with Finnish politicians (the president, prime minister, most leaders of political parties and important news outlets), cultivating a positive image of Russia in Finland. Such contacts became normal after WWII, even celebrated during Kekkonen's presidency, and lasted long after Kekkonen, possibly into 21st century according to a good book detailing the relevant diplomatic/intelligence history of Finland, Kremlin kortti by Alpo Rusi, which I have read.

6. Did Putin's oligarchs gain special privileges? Spoiler: Obviously yes. Some of them hold Finland's citizenship awarded for "services rendered to the nation".

7. Was Airiston Helmi a threat to national security? Along with other notable Russian-funded real estate projects, Airiston Helmi, a massive construction object in Finland's territory, appears to have been developed for military purposes.

8. Did Russia warp the opinion of Finns? The relevant instances here are Russia's troll factories and earlier court cases where Russia has accused Finns of abducting Russians in connection with adoptions and separated families, discriminatring against Russians culturally and linguistically. There is also an ongoing Russian history project investigating an alleged genocide against Russian Karelians during WWII.

In an earlier article there is an overview of the construction of Alakurtti, a military base in Russia near Finland's border built as a joint venture of Finland and Russia in early 90's. At the time, both Finland and Russia were suffering from economic crisis and neither side saw a security problem. Soon after completion, the military personnel at the location were decommissioned and the project turned (elite) civilian, but now it is again a notable military base in Russia at Finland's border
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in Eurafrica?
Dutch royal couple paid a visit to "listen and learn" in Slave Lodge in Cape Town, South Africa.

As they entered the two-story building with creaky floors, they were confronted by members of another royal house: a small group of leaders of the Khoi and the San, the Indigenous groups who were first displaced 350 years ago by Dutch colonists in what is today Cape Town.


The king struck an apologetic tone on his three-day visit to the country, but made no apology or restitution, instead stressing that he was there to listen and learn.


“We wanted them to compensate us with projects, like hospitals, education and especially our mines, which were taken away from us,” [Khoi San Princess Dondelaya Damons] told a television news channel.

The Dutch royals listened to their grievances, in keeping with their pledge to make this an educational tour. It included a trip to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg and a visit to Freedom Park, an open-air museum in Pretoria, which traces South Africa’s history of oppression. They mingled with L.G.B.T. activists and inspected a green energy project. The couple also met with South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa.
DnD Central / What's going on in Estonia?
Finnish state media created a nice animation implicating a Russian vessel in damaging a data cable between Estonia and Sweden and a gas pipeline between Estonia and Finland. Also, alongside the gas pipeline another data cable between Estonia and Finland was affected.
Browsers & Technology / Re: Must Have Mobile Apps.
Louis Rossmann announces Grayjay, an app that does what TubeMate used to do.[1] (TubeMate has since been superceded by NewPipe, acknowledged by Louis Rossmann.)

If Grayjay does what TubeMate used to do, adfree and spywarefree, and stays updated, or at least is easy enough to modify by users as it is promoted to be, it's going to be a good thing. With TubeMate I was able to download Chinese movies from Bilibili. We'll see if Grayjay can do the same.
The downsides of TubeMate were that it was adware and it was aggressive with focus. Also, some time after me discovering it it stopped development and I had to move on, leading me to discover NewPipe.
DnD Central / Re: I'm bemused: No one here wants to discuss the Gaza-Israel war
Pretty much all about this topic was said during Gaza war in 2014. I don't see anything new in it. Same as then, Netanyahu leads Israel now. Nothing new. My most pertinent comment from that time applies unchanged.

Back then, Israel invaded after three Israeli teenagers (some say borderguards) were kidnapped and murdered by Hamas. This time Hamas' incursion was far larger and unambiguously targeted civilians, but the balance of casualties is already in favour of Israel by now, as usual, and this time Israel is eyeing Lebanon too. So it's the same thing on bigger scale.

Ukrainians are trying to draw parallels with their own current war, but there is no real parallel. However, Ukrainians must try to draw these rhetorical parallels in order to hopefully stay in picture. I'd say it's hopeless unfortunately.

There is no parallel with USA either. None, Oakdale. Or is there some new Q conspiracy that envisions thorough-going cosmic parallels between USA and Israel? In that case I'm curious. Lay it out in full.

The main commonly held framings of the Israel-Palestine conflict are as follows (pick your poison):
1. Pro-Israel/Zionist solution: Israel/Jews deserve their own country (because God of the Old Testament says so) and Palestinians don't (because allegedly there were no Palestinians under Ottoman rule) and the way Israel treats Palestinians now (decades-long blockade of Gaza, total control over banking and natural resources in West Bank) is justified because Jews suffered Holocaust.
2. Two-state solution: Acknowledge two normal countries along 1967 borders or, more radically, 1948 borders. (In both cases this requires massive rewinding of Jewish kibbutzim on the West Bank, i.e. realistically not going to happen, unless Arab countries gang up on Israel again, successfully this time. The most serious downside of this solution is that presumably the proposed Arab country cannot, in terms of governance, become any better than any other Arab country in the region.)
3. One-state solution: Incorporate Israel, West Bank and Gaza strip into a single democratic multiethnic Israel-Arab state where everyone can live in love, peace and happiness. (Edit: The most serious downside of this is that, to make it work realistically, the ethnic Jewish component should constitutionally dominate roughly in the way it does in current Israel, in which case Arabs would see it as an expansion of current Israel and would vehemently oppose it. But the alternative would be constitutionally something like Lebanon at best.)
4. Pro-Arab/Jihad solution: Wipe Israel off the map. Subjugate Jews to Arabs/Muslims the way they were during the Ottoman era. (Ottoman rule in the region seems to have been more peaceful than modern times.)

None of these implies or indicates or requires any parallel with USA of Civil War era or of any other era. I know only of parallels between USA and Israel drawn by Southern Baptist fundies, but you, Oakdale, are supposedly Catholic. So what parallels are you getting at? Please tell.
DnD Central / Re: What's Going On In Russia?
As usual, you wave your hands — and ignore the reality that exists outside of you entrenched biases...
Classic Trumpite/MAGA/Qanon projection.

I must say I'm surprised to find no mention of this weekend's Hamas incursion into Israel on this site.
There would have been no comment on Tucker either or the retired colonel without your opening it up for comments. You can do the same for the Israel/Palestine topic.
DnD Central / Re: What's Going On In Russia?
What I think most confuses your analyses of U.S. politics is your failure to recognize the impact of the American Left's Maoist bent; and how badly that will affect the polity.
You are not in position to assess anybody's analysis because you do not have any facts on U.S. politics. Instead of facts you have completely ludicrous alternative facts, such as in this case American Left's Maoist bent.

The fact is that there are two right-wing parties in USA. Nobody in U.S. politics is left, much less Maoist. Or can you name somebody? At least one name? Yup, thought so.

Why not worry about the dictator wannabe in your politics, instead of non-existent Maoists? It would get you onboard with some facts for a change.
DnD Central / Re: What's Going On In Russia?
Why, I'd ask, as an American, should I care about European matters?
I know it is very hard for you, but try to understand: This is not about you. It is about the country called USA. USA does its own thing without asking you.

Europe can do what it wants. Russia can do what it wants. So, too, can China. But -while the Leftists decry it- the United States still says "Don't Tread on Me!"
So, a few things have slipped under the radar for you. Namely, USA also does what it wants, always has. And nobody ever trod on USA. Nobody. Ever. It's USA who keeps treading. Examples from only this century: Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia and Syria. All ended disastrously. And Trump's jab at Iran could have brought about another disaster.

Treading on others may bite back one day, the way it is biting back at European ex-colonial powers. For example, UK used to colonise India, but now they have an Indian prime minister.

Here I wrote a messy two-post review of two books by Peter Zeihan. He aims to forecast the future based on strong geographical determinism and a presupposition that USA is voluntarily retreating on the world arena. The forecast is that disaster follows for most countries because USA is no longer there to help, but some countries, most notably USA itself, are saved and will be happy due to blessed geography.

I happen to disagree. I do not see any signs of USA retreating. Packing up the military bases is not an easy or quick matter or even reasonable. There are no signs of it happening.

USA has strong colonial instincts and keeps behaving accordingly. USA is mostly happy and eager to meddle in other nations' affairs, even though it does so inconsistently, in phases, sometimes changes sides, loses interest or simply loses. A good tactic in these meddlings is to have a coalition of shared guilt. That's Nato.
DnD Central / Re: What's Going On In Russia?
All I can say is that you have a better chance with American republicans than American democrats.
Really? Republicans of this century have been very bad for Nato. First they (W) rallied an alliance around Article 5 based on lies, making Nato an alliance of false causes, bringing about divisions with those who did not want anything to do with the false cause. Baltic countries of course went along enthusiastically, hoping to earn brownie points with Nato. (And now is the time to redeem the points.) Anyway, raising Article 5 based on lies was very damaging to Nato's image.

By now Republicans have devolved into Trumpites whose plan is to dissolve Nato. This is not what I'd call a better chance.

And an America continually weakened is not in your best interest.
The problem with America is that it is geographically too far away and will never care about anyone else's best interest, except via America's self-interest. Americans convert any and all issues into their own domestic policy, and if it doesn't convert, then it doesn't exist.

It is in Estonia's best interest to have a geopolitically self-conscious EU. This is not likely to happen ever, so we have to resort to second-rate and third-rate workarounds and fend off counterproductive baits like Macron's strategic autonomy. Unfortunately there is too much to fend off in the EU. The EU insists on shooting itself in the foot with a machine gun.
DnD Central / Re: What's Going On In Russia?
This is simply not correct, both on the EU and the US. [...] Voting matters. [...] A US capitulation would prolong the war in Ukraine with years. 
These statements do not cohere. If the political orientation can change after a voting, then it is not sure whether I am correct or not. If USA capitulates, then I am correct about USA at least.[1]

Anyway, I presented a forecast and I have solid reasons for it. The fatigue of war in the West is visible by now. Public opinion about the war has been divided since day one (another triumph of Russian propaganda) and this matters as far as voting matters.

I also take particular issue with the claim that the EU has made the Baltic countries safer. Not too long ago you casually suggested "Russia picks up Estonia, we pick up Königsberg." This thinking is pretty mainstream in western EU and this is exactly my point: The western EU does not perceive eastern EU as EU's border whose integrity it should be the EU's responsibility to protect. The EU thinks its borders are freely negotiable. The only feeling the western EU members have about the eastern members is the way Germany feels about them: A buffer zone with Russia.[2] Russia matters more than the buffer zone and the buffer zone is negotiable. This is also the thinking of Russia. So, between EU and Russia, who is making Baltics safer? Neither. Nato maybe.

If my forecast is correct, then things are very bad. I do not want my forecast to be correct, but I have no reason to forecast differently.
Right now the frontrunners for speakership are Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise. Which one is the better candidate? If you care about Ukraine, the correct answer is neither.
This point was conclusively proven with the Nordstream projects. Nordstream was built to secure gas delivery from Russia to Germany because, according to Russia, Ukraine was stealing from the pipelines that were going through Ukraine, and Germany thought that bypassing Ukraine would make the delivery safer. Thus, safety and security of the gas delivery mattered more than all other safety and security, be it safety and security of Ukraine or Baltics. Partnership with Russia mattered more than partnership with Ukraine or objections of the Baltic countries. To make the process smoother, Russia was permitted to corrupt an entire team of European prime ministers and kanzlers without any repercussions to any of them. Moreover, even during the full-scale invasion Germany never ever reduced its gas dependency from Russia. Germany's gas dependency from Russia was reduced by whoever blew up the pipelines, and this was not Germany. In conclusion, Germany has always been eager to make Baltic countries less safe and the EU has done nothing to mitigate Germany's behaviour.
DnD Central / Re: What's Going On In Russia?
You are obviously asking because in USA you guys are far behind the curve. You personally do not even grasp what the curve is. Biden's second term is irrelevant. Right now the most relevant event is that the House of Reps has no speaker. All aid to Ukraine needs to be approved by the House, but this procedure has broken down now.

Due to this, the momentum of Nato support to Ukraine can be expected to rapidly diminish. There is nothing to be said of EU's support for Ukraine. It was only kept up in the wake of USA's support for Ukraine, to not look too bad, so with USA's support gone, the EU will get back to its ordinary strategic partnership with Russia.

For me the EU has proven itself utterly worthless. I have been talking about Russia's drang nach Westen on this forum at the latest since Sochi olympics, based on geopolitical observers, intelligence experts and opinionated historians I have been reading. This tendency of Russia's should be decisively countered by the EU, because it is aggression happening at the EU's doorstep, but the EU has only been making it worse by negotiating with Putin the order in which he'd prefer to pick up pieces of land in his neighbourhood.

The EU has hardly ever attempted anything in response to real aggression close by. They had no clue what to do about the war in Bosnia, and whatever they have been doing ever since has been fruitless. Same with Kosovo. When Baltic countries were under hybrid attack, the EU kept encouraging pro-Russian moves. And in Nagorno-Karabakh right now, all Armenians have to flee or else they will be massacred. The EU does not even have a rhetorical statement regarding this. Instead the EU, Russia and US held secret talks days before Nagorno-Karabakh blitz.
DnD Central / Re: What's Going On In Russia?
I know about the interview. Since Tucker Carlson's intro is a complete lie and the retired colonel is also solidly on the wrong side, there is no point watching it too closely.[1]

My reaction was some relief when Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox and had to move to Twitter. Except Musk rebranded it so Tucker cannot be said to be tweeting, but rather X-creting or such.

At first Tucker got rather high-profile guests to his interviews, such as Trump, Pence, Orbán, Robert F Kennedy and the retired colonel here, but more lately his guests are becoming laughable, such as the guy who claims to have dated Obama. Laughable and ridiculous guests are more appropriate to Tucker's own profile.
By "lie" and "wrong" I mean the moronic America-centredness, as if USA/Nato were fighting inside Ukraine or about to, and as if Russia were militarily ready for it. No. It's Ukraine fighting in Ukraine. No Nato member is ready to go fight in Ukraine. And Russia failed to achieve its goals already in the very beginning when nobody was yet helping Ukraine. Russia is now slowly retreating further and may crack again like last year. I would like to say that both speakers are severely afflicted by moral turpitude since they are blind to aggression in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but a more acute problem with them is their inability to analyse anything besides the America-centred angle, and even from that point of view they are absolutely blind to reality (namely the reality that USA is actually not fighting in Ukraine), so I must say that they are afflicted with total and complete turpitude.
DnD Central / Re: Polawho?
And of course Poland and Germany don't get along. Poland has allegedly been liberally issuing Schengen visas so asylum-seekers can easily go to Germany. Scholz says, "I don't want people from Poland to simply be waved through, and then have a discussion about our asylum policy afterwards."

It's yet another problem with the EU: There has never been a coherent asylum policy. Any and all EU initiatives in the matter have been idiotic. The EU in turns:
- Denies there is a problem (as at Poland's border with Belarus when Belarus let loose immigrants from Asia)
- Fails to address the problem (as at Spain's border with Africa)
- Disallows local solutions (as with the citizenship policy in the Baltic countries)
- Comes up with counterproductive solutions, such as corrupting Tunisia with money in return of its withholding waves of immigrants to Lampedusa, but then the waves of immigrants arrive anyway.

The mindset in the EU is that Poland is bad and must be crushed, and Germany needs help in crushing Poland. Thus the EU ignores bigger issues, such as the war in Ukraine where we need to unite forces, if the EU is to survive. The EU prefers Franco-German hegemony over equality of members.
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in Antiquity?
New Indo-European Language Discovered
Yearly archaeological campaigns led by current site director Professor Andreas Schachner of the Istanbul Department of the German Archaeological Institute continue to add to the cuneiform finds. Most of the texts are written in Hittite, the oldest attested Indo-European language and the dominant language at the site. Yet the excavations of this year yielded a surprise. Hidden in a cultic ritual text written in Hittite is a recitation in a hitherto unknown language.

The discovery of another language in the Boğazköy-Hattusha archives is not entirely unexpected, as Daniel Schwemer explains: "The Hittites were uniquely interested in recording rituals in foreign languages."

Such ritual texts, written by scribes of the Hittite king reflect various Anatolian, Syrian, and Mesopotamian traditions and linguistic milieus. The rituals provide valuable glimpses into the little known linguistic landscapes of Late Bronze Age Anatolia, where not just Hittite was spoken. Thus cuneiform texts from Boğazköy-Hattusha include passages in Luwian and Palaic, two other Anatolian-Indo-European languages closely related to Hittite, as well as Hattic, a non-Indo-European language. Now the language of Kalasma can be added to these.
DnD Central / Re: Polawho?
Poland and Ukraine stopped getting along and it is entirely the EU's doing. The EU's wrong decision to unban Ukraine's grain makes sense if the goal of eurokommissars is to save Putin and treat Russia as a more important member of the EU than the actual members of the EU.

Ukraine can de-escalate a bit by shutting down its case against Poland in WTO. But more importantly, the EU (and Nato) should forcefully open up the Black Sea routes for Ukrainian grain regardless whether there is a deal with Putin or not. Deals with Putin cannot hold. But of course, since the correct decision would require a sense of geopolitics and treating Putin according to his value, it is decidedly avoided. The guiding principles of the EU are geopolitical moronicity and treating Russia as a privileged uebermember.

There is no excuse of "democratic process" here. Many things in the EU, and this one definitely, is up to the diktat of eurokommissars. After all, eurokommissars dictated member states to fall in line with the wrong decision. Just a suggestion: When you dictate (and evidently you cannot help yourself), please dictate correct decisions.

The EU (and Nato) no longer want victory against aggression. They have started to think that Russia's strategy — another frozen conflict in addition to the many pre-existing ones — is good and can be lived with. And that those who disagree can be bought out with Snickers.

Ukraine and Moldova have been betrayed. Every candidate country has been betrayed. Also every member state who is neighbouring Russia/Belarus has been betrayed by the EU. The EU's face can no longer be saved.
Browsers & Technology / Re: Zim Desktop Wiki
I think the main alternative is just a directory with subfolders and text files.
Yes, this is how I lived with Nano. And I needed more and smaller note files, because Nano provides no special treatment to headings and lists.

The biggest advantage of some markup and an editor specialised for that markup is navigation. I can maintain a bigger notes file and navigate by headings. And update checkmark lists more easily.
Browsers & Technology / Re: Zim Desktop Wiki
I'm open to different suggestions. I think Zim has earned a permanent place in my software stack, but some notes or drafts might be better served in other ways.
This video recommends QOwnNotes over Zim

Reason: Markdown. Also aspects of user interface. The video highly praises Zim too though.

Zim never became a notes thing for me. In hindsight it seems that my goal was to find a single editor that I can stick with for everything I do (with an editor), such as write notes and mess with config files, instead of just one or the other. For a long time Nano served my purposes best.

Emacs Org does everything I could ever want. I use just plain Org, not Org-Roam which purports to be a "knowledge management system" and even "second brain" based on tags and dates. One brain is enough, thank you very much. I would have needed more extensive note-taking, if I had become an academic, but I did not, so I only need
- Headings
- Text paragraphs
- Lists[1]

I don't need tags or dates in my notes, even though Org can make use of them. I don't even need file management for my notes. I write just a few large files where headings do the structuring, but they are not too large because I'm not a massive note-taker. I occasionally write reviews of books I read, but I don't write a diary. I write emails (sometimes longish), blog posts, and forum posts, which may require some notes prior to finalising.

I have participated in some courses where I need to do printable-formatted assignments, and for that Org provides endnotes, footnotes and citations. This is more than I have seen Markdown able to do. In fact I have tried and succeeded in creating epubs complete with footnotes and cover image by converting from Org.

More recently I have given up software calendars. The latest best Android calendar I had found (with proper agenda view) deleted all my entries when receiving an update, so now I do my appointments and todos in Org instead and Emacs can display a nice agenda view (in Emacs running in Termux in Android). This is again more than I have seen Markdown able to do.
Org has plain lists, ordered lists, checkmark lists and definition lists. Also tables with spreadsheet abilities, but these are out of scope.