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Messages - tt92

The Lounge / Re: What is your weather now?
A bit unfortunate because I have just had a phone call from the  body shop about half an hour away that the body work on my Mini Moke is complete.
The Lounge / Re: Random Chat

Lol! :D Or I could give the coffee shop a list of coffee orders for a 'group meeting' and tell them that it is already prepaid by the company that I work for. :P

So I went to the grocery store to get some milk. Bought a bunch of other stuff. By the time I got home, I found out that I didn't get any milk.  :irked:

:lol: That could work except when it comes time to pay. You might get reprimanded by your employer.

There have been countless times I have gone to the store for something or several items and forgot one thing or another. I usually make a list now.

I have started making lists.
I wonder when I will start to remember to bring the list with me.