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Messages - tt92

The Lounge / Re: Random Chat

Something like this? I'm pretty sure this is a churchwarden pipe used in the movie Lord of the Rings.

Yep! That's the sort of thing Syav. 
When I smoked, I wanted one of these.

Finally I bought one and it was a huge let-down.

In what way was it a let-down? I fancied something similar once, but never got round to it. Think it was the price that put me off.

The meerschaum pipe seemed to be always wet. I can't really explain it.
DnD Central / Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

I believe the gun issue, the right of the people to keep & bear arms without infringement, is the straw that just might break the camel's back so to speak.

The author of the following piece, though some may see him as a bit further to the right than you or I, lists some very significant & salient points that should not be ignored or dismissed:

Quote from:      The Liberty Sphere       
The official line in the sand is the gun issue. And thus, I have some definitive declarations that need to be considered by the powers that be before they go off on an unconstitutional rampage on the rights of the people.

1. We will not comply with any new gun control law.

We will not turn in any firearm that you suddenly decide to be "illegal." They are illegal only in your own delusional minds.

In the event you limit ammunition or require us to register to get it, we will create the biggest black market in the history of the world. We can make our own ammunition.

We will not comply with any new gun bans. We can make our own guns as well, even the type you wish to take from us.

5. The attempt to gain entrance to our homes to confiscate our guns and ammunition will be considered an act of war. We will not comply. Be prepared to kill us if you do such an asinine thing in what is supposed to be a FREE country. But then, also be aware that you will pay a heavy price for perpetrating such tyranny..................

[glow=blue,2,300]Are these words prophetic, or just theoretical? [/glow]

Are you so sure you know the difference?

What does it matter if they are the words of a prophet or a theorist?
They are without doubt the words of a crackpot.
The Lounge / Re: Random Chat
When I smoked, I wanted one of these.

Finally I bought one and it was a huge let-down.
Serves me right for smoking in the first place
The Lounge / Re: What have you just eaten or drunk?
Beef stew.
Round steak, no fat,cut into big cubes, sliced onions, sliced carrot, sliced swede, sliced lumps of potato with skin on, sliced sweet potato, sliced celery, crushed tomatoes, garlic salt, various herbs and black pepper.
Simmered for four hours in a huge black cast iron pot and thickened with cornflour.
Good the first day, better the second day and superb (and all gone) on the third day.