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Messages - tt92

DnD Central / Re: The Department of Urban Affairs
I slipped on a dog turd and while I was cleaning my shoe someone else slipped on the same turd .
I smiled sympathetically at him and said "I did that a couple of minutes ago" and he punched me.
The Lounge / Re: True or false?
You once chopped off a chicken's head and it ran around, upright, for fifteen seconds
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce with Religion
I have just listened (again) to Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, and am overwhelmed  (again) in the contemplation of the immensity  of the sublime music that has been written "to the glory of God".
DnD Central / Re: Minimalism
When I was an impecunious student I had no choice,
I had minimalism thrust upon me.