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Topics - Quetzal

Otter Browser Forum / feature missing ???
hi all,
about to websurf in fullscreen... just really nice... i use a shortcut alt-gr(alt+ctrl)+[ ; ] to pass in fullscreen
and to make a search and activate the adress-bar that do not appears in fullscreen an other shortcut alt-gr+[space bar]

but, here a problem occurs... the adress'bar'shortcuts (for bookmarks, or web'search'engine) is not available...
- only the defaut web'search'engine is available...

then as ever, if there's a way

thanks a lot
Otter Browser Forum / extension keyboard shortcut ?
hi all, there's a Ctrl+shift+a to open extension [tab]

but, daily, it's the reload extension wich is the most useful, because javascript, is like cat ever full of bugs

then, to debug, and reload extension if my little fun of the week...  :bomb: 

could it be possible to have a way to reload with a shortcut "all the extension" (may it is more easy, than to to it for only one)

thanks a lot for your readding... 
Otter Browser Forum / utility of the crash'report ?
well, in the beginning i used to send the crach'report ever... now ... not any more...  :doh:

are they usefull for the team ??? it's better to them or you got yet enough work ?
Otter Browser Forum / little bug ?
hello all
a little difficulty with the #300... some .html files
the accentuation in the files adress are coded as é => é and é then it can't read/open the file

it was working correctly before

thanks a lot
Otter Browser Forum / [feature] Quick search
Hi All,  :hat:
in my daily surfing i do use more and more the quicksearch bar...
- then it appears to me, that there's no way to have it permanently next to adress bar... which should be its "true" place (finaly)

- then, a search field dockable next to the adress, would suit OtterBro really well
- a search field with the usual option of the quick search [up][down][highlight][caseSensitive]

thanks a lot for readding

may the Great Otter be with you  :ninja:
Otter Browser Forum / search engine contest
hi all
strange title, i do admit it easily

then, i've got a nice ine-line dictionnaie wich provide plenty of dictionnaire in many many language
i'm curious and like to have à look for spell in other language

i tried to built one serarchEngine in Otterbro... but their whatever their address is just "simple" ...glosbe/fr/en/{SearchTerms}
impossible to modify the letter of second dictionnaire by this way [adress bar] glo en/inaction => ...glosbe/fr/{ en/inaction }

the slash of en/  that should glue fr/ to give fr/en/{} is ever miserabaliy tranform in a en%2f{searchTerms} in the adress bar (normal)

do there is a way to type correctly this, or i have to make a new serachengine for any language of this website ???

thanks a lot for readding ;)
Otter Browser Forum / youtube change in 2 days
hi all, youtube cluff/experience will change in two days
then, do somebody know if it gonna impact the Otterbro faculty to read youtube audio/video streaming

Otter Browser Forum / [feature] HTML5 audio/video support ?
hi all,
is there chance, that soon OtterBro will got HTML5 audio/video support...
some website ever ask for flash player plugin, but i do not used it anymore...

then... some chance ?? or ... forget about it ???  ;)

Otter Browser Forum / captcha probleme
well, a new problem in my daily surf... web site do think that otter is a robot and not a normal browser...

then what ever i click crrectly in the "google-kind" captcha nothing to do, impossible to acced to the website...

google do have update it's browser, and gonna rules the web ??? is there à solution for Otter ?
Otter Browser Forum / [Mega feature] Opera 12.17 [Console]
hi all,
well i went back to coding for the web... HTML,CSS, and Javascript
as you know the last one is particuliary capricious and semicoloned problematic  :bomb:  :insane:  :cry:

the couple Otterbro and chrome-like do generaly the job
but for one test today, i reopened my old friend Opera 12.17... just to see some mistakes with the console (CRTL+MAJ+O) a popup

and suddently, i remeber me, that it was my fav-tool-ever to debug javascript..., i'm not asking a new Feature... but something like this in the left-panel bookmarks(with a new button) i would not say no... frankly, i will accept it with no difficulties

thanks a lot
Otter Browser Forum / website User Style Sheet
hi all, i do continue with my little local problem

then, on [anywebsite/rightclick/preference/UserStyleSheet]

everything works perfectly... load a css page Ok, but the field on top [website] only accept the one given, and refuse to record specific pages
it's a few boring, but many website got many webpages with different "style" or stuff to exploded... but without a specific "adress" and a specific Css file... impossible to remove without

(for sure there is addons... but it's few more difficult to use  :faint: )

thanks a lot
Otter Browser Forum / reverso translate "enter" fails ?
hi all
my little problem of the day...
on the reverso website... just nothing but...
add a word-to-translate in the field, [enter] key (as is should, ans it works in chromium-like)

and here a blank webpage appears, with ""

but nothing in the adress bar, it do not update the adress bar

i tried with an extension targeting the website and the field, add a "onkeyup" but... nothing good happened... ever the blank page

thanks a lot
see you
Otter Browser Forum / [new feature]right click searchWith searchEngine
well, this time its serious, really serious, absolutly not a new caprice, or a whatelsoever...

i did to much search engines, then when i try to use them, by a rightclick it gives me that:

problematic isn'it ?

but, in fullscreen it's possible to got an address bar as this:

could it be possible, to got this field, with into the selected "toSearch" ... and the possibility to had "the magic letter(g=>google)" that allow to get immadiatly a specific searchEngine

i try, because, now, with all these searchEngine i use it less ans less, because i use more "magic letters" than this kind of rollingpanel

thanks a lot  :beer:
Otter Browser Forum / ERROR 99
hi all,
then today, my question is... what the f... is that f.... stupid Error 99
more and more, it seems to come from my provider... but... it was not happening with older OtterBro version

if it comes from Otter, is there something i could do ?

Otter Browser Forum / hi, google... we got a problem!
it's me or its not possible to use google product nomore ? links in google do not works, google translate do not accept clicks

its the new version of their service,
a kind of privatisation of the web via chrome ??? invisible if you're on chrome (maybe, surely)

a way to solve it ???
Otter Browser Forum / html input difficulties
hi, all,
this time it's a little difficulties with the <input type="text"> in one of my coded webpage, not usualy for website...
the problem is that the text is strangely as shifted on the left border of the input field ...  [yesterday  ], appears [esterday   ]
i tried many CSS solution as padding-left:4px but, if it works in chrome/iridium it works 3secondes in Otter and with any modification(clicks) in return to it's original [ifficulty   ] <= not fun here

a solution, an idea to Solved it.. ??
Otter Browser Forum / new searchengine difficulties
hi, all
since 1.0 (i suppose and yesterday in fact) i got a problem to create new WebSearchEngine...
=> usualy, i click-right in the search input panel of a website, and the context-menu allow to create a new webSearchEngine
it still the case... but OtterBro do not record it... or in fact, it record it(i went see i the appdata file), but do not display it in the usual list of my WebSearchEngine...

i do suffer a lot since yesterday, all my dream seem to all got fly away... ??

sure it still possible to do record it and display it normaly by making it with the hand in the searchEngine panelgestion but...

Otter Browser Forum / google error
do ggogle only tolerate chromium-like to acced to it's forum ??
here the login-error (in french)

is there a solution, or do i have to do a cross onto the possibility to go these forum and other google app with needs a identification ??
Otter Browser Forum / thumbnail Otter-Forum
hi all, meery christmas, here my little fan'art thumbnail for Otter'bro startpage

not realy complex to do, but the Otter is so cute...

just copy/save and add in otter/thumbnail
Otter Browser Forum / how activate auto-completion
hi all,
today, the otterbro question is:

how to activate autocompletion of websearch engine...

i went have a llok in "preferences" "activate autocompletion... but i do not work
then i went into google-engine option... it's possible... but the adress of the autocompletion server is not "catch" with "create a new engine"

then i went in opera and chrome... but here too, noway to obtain these adresses

some got a solution, idea, or some magic-trick to solve this ?

thank a lot

Otter Browser Forum / [solved] password record problem
hi, all
is there a way, to allow Otterbro to record automaticaly any couple login/password ??

because some website, do reload the page just after login/password are validated and the button record password do disapear in the same time... to quickly for me (my principal mailer in fact)

possible, not possible ??

thanks a lot
Otter Browser Forum / start-page icon order ?
hi, all

well, i've try many way to do it,
- by moving the thumbail an other place... it work, until i re-open otterbro
- by have a look in the file "thumbail" and tring changing order... noway, just the thumbail mov not the link
- by givin a number order in the bookmark's startpage list... not better, it change the title under the thumbail, but nothing else

i put it here for memory...

but a little memory list as for the password may(would be) welcome

see ya ;o)
Otter Browser Forum / [solved] extension exemple ??
hi all, hope your well...

1 month more in happyness with dragon-fly otter

but, i try stuff, and get a look to otter's extension... no exemple, nothing to download... then

i do suppose it's kind of chrome extension... but i do find anything...

same way than chrome extension, or there's somewhere an exemple'file that i do not have found yet...

thanks a lot

Otter Browser Forum / open in one another browser
open with one another browser was one of my favorite opera12 feature...

two month of utilisation, i have to admit that i need it... i surprised myself to look for it with a left click for some or other reason (essentially javascript test to get the JS debugger of iridium(chrome)...

is there a chance to see it implemented ?

another little thing about leftclic panel... the first link is "open" and under "open in another tab" ... do the "open" really necessary, on Vivaldi it was not any more... and really it's not fancy or a caprice, it's really dailly usefull...

thank a lot (for reading and for your high interrest in Otters preservation in the wild wild web)