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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 255913 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #376

Tymoshenko may say true. For me logic of conversion makes more sense if she would say "Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians".

My logic tells me something else.
If Tymoshenko would have said "Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians" then Shufrych wouldn't had any reason to deny the conversation ;)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #377

Tymoshenko may say true. For me logic of conversion makes more sense if she would say "Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians".

My logic tells me something else.
If Tymoshenko would have said "Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians" then Shufrych wouldn't had any reason to deny the conversation ;)

Yes, but in addition to this phrase there were many other phrases which show both of them in negative light. So, in any case he has reasons to deny conversation.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #378
Obama is out amongst the guys he admires so much......his idols, the European Socialists. He's talking tough though. He's flexin' his muscle in front of Vlad. He's rallying all the Euro nations to answer the call to action, & then he drops the fact that he's downsizing his military, & that Europe needs to flex some of their own muscle this time.

As Gomer Pyle USMC would say....surprise, surprise, surprise!!!

Vlad busts a gut!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #379

Obama is out amongst the guys he admires so much......his idols, ...

You mean his idols he is eavesdropping?

He's rallying all the Euro nations to answer the call to action, ...

Not to answer the call but to make tha call.

His predecessor already fixed Iraq. Sir Obama fixed Afghanistan, Libya and thanks to our Saudi friends almost fixed Syria and Egypt.
He is a very kind person. :angel:  But really, no need to fix Europe too. :worried:

However, he is a very busy statesman. :cool:  Now he has to set up for his follower to fix (pivot to) Asia.
Keep tuned. :wait:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #381

Obama is out amongst the guys he admires so much......his idols, ...

You mean his idols he is eavesdropping?

Absolutely. Anybody that thinks that international surveillance doesn't, or never existed, is quite naive.

It's been an accepted fact of life in this small world for many, many years.

To also think that the surveillance only goes one way is the height of naivety!

Quote from: krake

Quote from: SmileyFaze

He's rallying all the Euro nations to answer the call to action, ...

Not to answer the call but to make tha call....... need to fix Europe too. :worried:

Obama can't fix anything -- even if he wanted to.

He can't even fix a simple little dysfunctional healthcare website, small potatoes compared to the topic at hand,  that affects the welfare of 1/6th of the entire United States economy --- the largest in the world.

Fix Europe, hell the Obama can't even fix downtown Detroit!!!!!

All Obama seems good at is painting red lines that everyone just loves ta cross.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #382

I didn't know that Europe was broken. How bad is the break? Is it worse than this?

Well, we have now a self-appointed ethic entity which decides when someone in the world is broken and if it needs some fixing.

The situation in the Ukraine is worse as you might think.
The danger of a civil war is looming. It's the price of fixing that Europe might have to pay for.
Setting up the fire und pouring some oil into it seems to be a successful formula. Iraq, Libya, Syria, ... to name just the recent ones.
Only to blame for are of course the Hitlers of the new American Century. Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad or Putin. The Hitler-list will be kept alive and up to date for further world healing activities.

One of the very few articles of The Spiegel which attempts a slightly more balanced view on the Ukraine: Kiews Regierung riskiert einen Bürgerkrieg
The article is not in English since it is not meant for international consumption.
A few forum members are familiar with German. GoogleTranslate far from being accurate might be an option for those who aren't.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #383
One of the very few articles of The Spiegel which attempts a slightly more balanced view on the Ukraine: Kiews Regierung riskiert einen Bürgerkrieg
The article is not in English since it is not meant for international consumption.
A few forum members are familiar with German. GoogleTranslate far from being accurate might be an option for those who aren't.

I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up on Spiegel International today or tomorrow.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #384

One of the very few articles of The Spiegel which attempts a slightly more balanced view on the Ukraine: Kiews Regierung riskiert einen Bürgerkrieg

Articles like that started popping up lately, after weeks of hyping the new gang.

The article is not in English since it is not meant for international consumption.
A few forum members are familiar with German. GoogleTranslate far from being accurate might be an option for those who aren't.

I wouldn't be surprised if this article, or others like it, show up in the English section. Wouldn't be the first time that they changed their tune, or allowed different writers to have different opinions / points of view etc..

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #385
This American hopes we, as a nation, have enough sense to stay out of it this time. We probably won't but one can always dream.

Given European attitudes, my opinion would be to stay out of it and let them fix their own messes.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #386
Ukrainian court bans Russian TV broadcast

The Ukrainian media watchdog claims that Russian information content is “threatening Ukraine’s national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity, promoting war, violence, cruelty, spreading interethnic and racial hostility, encouraging religious strife, encroaching on human rights and freedoms.”

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #387
If Russia Today is any indication, they're probably right.


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #388

If Russia Today is any indication, they're probably right.

Wonder why it takes so long for Western media to report about the ban?
Is the ban just a Hoax of Russia Today?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #391

Wonder why it takes so long for Western media to report about the ban?
Is the ban just a Hoax of Russia Today?

You mean like yesterday, while the RT article you linked is dated today? :right:

Nope. I mean the big Western media outlets. Try a Google search in English and see what you get.

Or in german for that matter. All I can find are either german articles from russian sources ( I didn't know they even did that ) or german sources speculating about a ban ( usually likening it to Putin's crackdown on anything criticizing the russian government )

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #392

Wonder why it takes so long for Western media to report about the ban?
Is the ban just a Hoax of Russia Today?

You mean like yesterday, while the RT article you linked is dated today? :right:

Nope. I mean the big Western media outlets. Try a Google search in English and see what you get.

The BBC, two weeks ago.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #393
Nope. I mean the big Western media outlets. Try a Google search in English and see what you get.

This may surprise you, but we Dutch and Belgian people — who are quite decidedly Western, I might add — don't exclusively depend on American media for our news. You're both moving the goalposts and no true Scotsmanning.

As for the American media, let's wait until they wake up, shall we? Mostly I imagine it's not violent and exciting enough, but the NYT or NPR might still report on it.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #394
By the way, Het Laatste Nieuws is read by something like 400,000 people and is thus the largest newspaper in Belgium. It's a bit like The Daily Mail. That's actually part of the reason I picked it. It's kind of a sensational rag: the epitome of those oh so horrible, rotten Western media.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #395

This may surprise you, but we Dutch and Belgian people — who are quite decidedly Western, I might add — don't exclusively depend on American media for our news.

BTW, referring to the link you gave:
The ban was imposed by an administrative court in Kiev.
The judgment is provisional, pending the hearing of a complaint by the Ukrainian media regulator against an administrator that the channels broadcast in question.
The prohibition concerns the channels Pervy Kanal, Rossia and NTV 24. These channels are, very popular among  Russian-speaking people in the eastern and southeastern part of Ukraine.
The new regime argues that the ban isn't censorship or restriction of free speech, but common sense, namely it is "forbidden to lie."

We have here a nice interpretation of the ban :)
Ukrainian TV will be the first one worldwide where lie and bias is forbidden by law  :jester:
Wonder if this interpretation will convince 8,000,000 Ukrainians of Russian ethnicity and a few millions of Ukrainians who are using Russian as their daily language. :left:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #396
A wonderful documentary about an English surgeon in Ukraine explores the joys and tragedies of working in a difficult medical environment.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #397

Wonder if this interpretation will convince 8,000,000 Ukrainians of Russian ethnicity and a few millions of Ukrainians who are using Russian as their daily language. :left:

Of course it won't, because Russians in Ukraine are enclosed in the Russian media space that has the diametrically opposite view - and they stick to it. People stick to whatever they grew up with and what sounds convincing. Nobody pays much attention to sources that are not very convincing and not in their own language in the first place.

Media space is a serious concept. There is this kind of problem in every ex-USSR country. Media space divides Russians sharply from other ethnicities behind Russia's borders. Media space is how Russia feeds its own fifth column and keeps tensions alive. Russia is very effective at media war, as seen in the annexation of Crimea. Every ex-USSR country is a case of populations divided by media space.

Media war is real war. When countries are at war with each other, they direct propaganda at the opposite side and block the propaganda from there. Nothing extraordinary about it.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #398
Democratic values in practice. And then, they say that Putin is a dictator.

If Russia Today is any indication, they're probably right.

they direct propaganda at the opposite side and block the propaganda from there. Nothing extraordinary about it.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #399
There's nothing democratic about invasion and annexation. You are quoting a thing that Putin had nothing to do with.