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Topic: I'm alt-right… (Read 32568 times)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #125
Trump is ours now. We use the system to mold him. And if that doesn't work... What do you do next? Well, it ain't cry about wanting out of the Union some more.

Yes, he's yours. He breaks it, you buy it.

(And I agree. A shotgun divorce to get out of the obligations wouldn't work. California and New York will have to pay up too whatever their marital status. Attempts to turn Russia into the legal guardian are interesting, but unlikely to be successful.)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #126
Secession is not constitutional.

The dreams of of those following foolish paths. Too busy thinking about what can't happen or hasn't happened yet to focus on what can be done to not facilitate it. Trump is ours now. We use the system to mold him. And if that doesn't work... What do you do next? Well, it ain't cry about wanting out of the Union some more.
I'm not as sure about that as you. In 1860, what gave Lincoln the authority to invade the CSA was the fact that rebels had fired on Federal troops, not the mere fact of secession.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #127
However there is no mechanism in the constitution for secession.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #128
I'm not as sure about that as you. In 1860, what gave Lincoln the authority to invade the CSA was the fact that rebels had fired on Federal troops, not the mere fact of secession.
Somehow, we need to figure out a way for Texas to leave the union. :o

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #129
Lincoln - the well kinow hypocrit? Apart from hi rather two-faced attitude to black people and the suggestion he had a queer side maybe a better "hero" should have been looked for. I can accept to a degree what midnight says about the CSA war being possibly created by the fact the south fired at Sumpter because that covers the possibility that the US would have invaded the South for breaking off. Maybe in principle it is a negative that seceding is not a democratic possibility but in the matter of Trump there is a massive hypocrisy going on. After all the recent election was held as per the rules so to speak and all those bemoaning the result have little principled stances on the idea of democracy. The process was done by the routine standard that has been long accepted (glad just stuck to over there) then the would-be Democratic corporates get beaten by a corporate republican corner is not right??

The whole thing was as per the traditional rules and system and all those moaning look ridiculous. There was neither any great attempt to deal with the so-called election electronic hijack until Clinton lost then we have been stuck with all this childish and utter ballyhoo that the President of Russia was personally interfering electronically!  President-elect Trump is right to castigate the CIA and FBI. There is no proof and part of the modern false media news nonsense we hear about.  In addition when you consider how long America has been doing the very stuff Russia is being accused of against America it is childishly laughable.  Obama has been on the news waxing lyrical about the so-called "interference" when his country has been doing the very thing for damn decades. Small wonder that Putin has said it is laughable nonsense.

Trump won the election so those that lost for goodness sake live with it and stop all the ballyhoo apart the evnt being interfered with. If there is some  co-operation between Trump and Putin well good and the losing yanks should try and grow up and realise there is a winner and loser in a fair election of a sort. Maybe by the next election the silliness of the Democrat losers might morph into adult sense.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #130
So much trouble about the insignificant Trump.

First he will never get a second election.
Second, he will never finish the first one.

Impeachment will be soon in the agenda.

P.S Not to speak about his "government"...
A matter of attitude.

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #131
So many predictions! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #132
David Friedman will become Trump's ambassador to Israel. Palestinian reactions once again clearly illustrate the enormous ethical disparity between the state of Israel and its enemies.

A senior Palestinian cleric, Sheikh Ikrama Sabri, said during Friday Prayers that if Mr. Friedman managed to move the embassy to Jerusalem, “the U.S. is declaring a new war on the Palestinians and all Muslim Arabs.”

Saeb Erekat, the secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, told reporters in the West Bank on Friday that Mr. Trump’s appointments were “his business,” but that it was “not up to Trump or anybody else” to take steps like moving the embassy to Jerusalem.

A dangerous appointment given that Friedman called President Obama anti-Semitic for brokering that deal with Iran. On the other hand I'm not so sure if the strategy of appeasing the genocidal Hamas maniacs[1] is working (who are actually a fairly moderate organization, all things considered), so for the moment I'm willing to reluctantly support Trump's choice. Friedman may have more explicit views than is considered comme il faut, but in a way that's refreshing. "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."


Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #133
all things considered
Israelis may have a different interpretation of what "all things considered" means. Most Americans think it an NPR Saturday show… :)

(You likely recall my opinions, about… Well, let's just call them the Religion of Peace! I have always maintained that a program of isolation was best. Israel's engagement with its Arab (Muslim) citizens has actually worked well; they, like me and thee would accept people for who they are…But accepting folks who categorically call for the elimination of your people (race? ethnicity?) seems a bridge too far, no? : ) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #134
I mean compared to other jihadist organizations. Friedman and Hamas aren't on the same scale; even PLO isn't as proved above. And as you said, we're all living in Israel. ;)

The NPR show is good, but it's named after an idoom, not the other way around.

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #135
No, Frienzie, we are not all living in Israel. People that live in Israel are living in Israel. A few of your countrymen have died. A few of mine have. Likewise, those of other Europeans.
But Israelis live with the "terror" every day… Because they're maniac neighbors want to kill them.
Why? Well, their holy Koran tells them to! What better excuse could one have?

Geert Wilders may not be a statesman. But he is a sensible man.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #136
Let me tell you a story:
I was working the graveyard shift a a gas station/convenience store. A guy who drove 75 miles to and from his job back when gas was $4.oo+ a gallon was having a hard time making ends meet. He'd also recently been through a divorce. (I didn't know this at the time…)
He hit a deer on a highway, which "totaled" his car. My response was, "Well, you've got a trunk; meat for the winter…" He didn't find it funny, at the time.
Months later, he apologized for being so dour! Saying that I was always "pleasant" with him! I, might I remind you, was a convenience store clerk… That was part of my job, wasn't it?
But this guy who'd been through the wringer was taking the time to apologize to the likes of me, for not being pleasant? Yes, he was.
Because that's how people are.

BTW: That's how people are. He was either black or not. You decide.
But I'd say if you even consider the question, you're not racist; you're just stupid.

And I'm alt-right.

We need to take back the term…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #137
Take back the term? The people who coined it are the ones using it (or more likely moved on, these things are ephemeral), and they can have it. 


Moreover, the name “Puppy Burning Movement,” while technically accurate, conveys a simplistic and, frankly, incomplete version of our goals. We’re not out here just looking to fill a school bus with puppies and gasoline, and drive it into a ravine filled with matches and old tires. That’s not us. That’s not who we are. That’s who the people of the Frivolous Puppy Murder Movement are, and as far as I can tell they have no larger policy aspirations whatsoever. The whole thing appears to be pointless. (But maybe that’s just me being judgmental because I’m unable to look past their name. See what I’m saying?) We, on the other hand, have no qualms with puppies per se; we just insist that their highest and best use is as a source of clean, renewable energy for human consumption. The new name makes that clear.

Not to mention that with “Puppy-Burning” right there in the name, we were perhaps excluding those who are potentially okay with using puppies for fuel, but prefer methods other than burning.

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #138
But Israelis live with the "terror" every day... Because they're maniac neighbors want to kill them.
Why? Well, their holy Koran tells them to! What better excuse could one have?
That's exactly why we're all living in Israel, whether we realize it or not. Groups like ISIS want to force their religion on all of humanity.

Geert Wilders may not be a statesman. But he is a sensible man.
A man who echoed I am Spartacus even more directly without my conscious knowledge: we are Israel.

Quote from: Geert Wilders in an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth,,7340,L-3991733,00.html
"The Palestinians believe – and this is the nature of Islam – that Israel is their country and that they are fighting the non-Muslims in the West through it. The struggle against Israel is a struggle against us. We are Israel. The reason Dutch parents can sleep calmly without having to worry about their kids is that Israeli parents stay awake at night because their children are in the army. This doesn't mean Israel cannot be criticized, but I'm not ashamed to fight for Israel."

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #139
Do you think "Muslim" is a race, Frenzie? :)

I still remember reading the book, The Long War… Nothing that's happened since has changed my opinion: Shari'a compliant nations should be shunned.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #140
(Sorry 'bout the title change, but it's been bothering me for quite a while… :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #141
Do you think "Muslim" is a race, Frenzie:)
Obviously not, but what exactly is that supposed to have to do with anything?

I still remember reading the book, The Long War... Nothing that's happened since has changed my opinion: Shari'a compliant nations should be shunned.
And regardless whether you agree or you disagree with the contents of Sharia law, you can still ascertain whether it has been correctly applied.

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #142
No one can ascertain whether Shari'a has been correctly applied, without killing people… The whole history of the religion has shown that.
You Europeans seem obsessed with race…so, I asked is "Muslim" a race? It seems that most of "your" countries have decided that it is. Likewise, "white" has been determined to be a non-race; and, specifically, "white" people of European origin. They should be denigrated, at least.
That's one of the reasons for the Alt-Right… :(
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #143
No one can ascertain whether Shari'a has been correctly applied, without killing people...
That's odd, how many people did you kill exactly while:
  • Determining that Sharia punishments are outrageously disproportional.
  • Determining to what degree countries implement Sharia law correctly.

you Europeans seem obsessed with race
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #144
you Europeans seem obsessed with race
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
It's not a laughing matter. It makes me cry rather how blind Oakdale can be. How is it unclear that yelling "Racist!" - and going to court for it - is a distinctly American thing? Or maybe British thing too, but then it's again an American thing to assume that British peculiarities are broadly European. They are not.

FYI, in (continental) Europe, the more common buzzword is "nationalist" and "nationalism" rather than "racist". When we say "racist", we really mean races like Negro, Asian, and Caucasian ("Aryan" until the end of WWII), not Muslim, Christian, Moroccan or French or whatever. Here the difference is clear. For you it evidently is not.

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #145
Indeed, it is not clear. You'll have always had this problem…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #146
races like Negro, Asian, and Caucasian ("Aryan" until the end of WWII)
That's slightly inaccurate, unless the terminology was used differently in eastern Europe. According to scientific racist terminology[1] from the early twentieth century we Europeans are Aryans, as are Iranians, Pakistanis and many Indians; the Caucasian subgroups living in northern Africa and the Middle East are Hamitic and Semitic.[2] All of us Aryans, Hamitics, and Semitics together are Caucasian or "white." The other races are Mongloid and Negroid, or "yellow" and "black."

A nice map illustrating racial distribution can be found in the Meyers Konversationslexikon (scan from the 4th edition; I've got the 6th edition myself).

Basically the predecessor to what we would now call population genetics, as distinct from Nazi pseudo-scientific (ab)use of racist terminology.
Incidentally, the word "Muslim" does have a rather large correlation with the Semitic and Hamatic subgroups.

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #147
races like Negro, Asian, and Caucasian ("Aryan" until the end of WWII)
That's slightly inaccurate, unless the terminology was used differently in eastern Europe.
So you mean "slightly inaccurate" just in terms of the words I use, not in terms of the distinctions I make? I'm familiar with Meyers Konversationslexikon (I have almost entirely read it at the shelves of a guy who has it) and it's good you brought it up, because it's the appropriate authority to go by given the point I was making. Except that the point had to be translated into Oakdalean English.

Thanks for the link too. I didn't know Meyers was being carefully digitised. It's definitely a worthy plan, just like Finnish National Library's project to make their old newspapers searchable

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #148
Shariah. Another corruption growing in Western democracies. On the media not so long ago there was a eport on un-official schools in proverbial back streets full of that junk stuff.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: I'm alt-right…

Reply #149
I certainly appreciate that old newspapers are being digitized, for the six people who still read… And that logicians who stopped learning logic 150 years ago feel free to criticize those who didn't!
If you'd prefer the Koran, wouldn't you have to accept the Old Testament? Or the Veda…? (There are American Indian tribes with long-storied traditions…) Seriously, if you have no criteria for truth, why do you bother arguing? Your goal is not convincing; it is domination.
And you know most democrats will do whatever it takes to achieve that!
(Oddly enough, all the varieties of -oh, let's just call it Fascism! No: Let's call it authoritarianism. No: Shall we not call it anything at all? How about, we just throw the bums out? :) Our most recent election here in the U.S. can be seen in that way — except, we seem to have finally recognized that most of the "bums" are Democrats…)
So, now that a non-Democrat populist has won the presidency, populism is vile… :) We survived Andy Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt…
We'll survive Trump.

But the Democrat Party may not.

Here's an interesting (…as always, to me!) take on this problem:

As far as I know, I'm white. Mom and Dad were both quite capable and willing to dissemble… But what do I care?
I really don't.
I wouldn't have our America "purged" of Negroes. ("Some of my best friends…," you know!) Likewise, the Jews. Pick any other "minority". (Yes, really: Pick any.)

But there's this thing hardly anyone talks about:
(Click the "more" button, unless you prefer the Twitter version—in which case, how'd you get this  far into my post? :) )

The Alt-Right is indeed a construct of the Left, designed to further encourage the feelings of incompetents, complaining of discrimination as the cause of all their woes.

How interesting is this new view?
Not much; Europe long ago accepted it…But not intellectually: Europe has rejected intellect altogether!

I expect Merkel to apologize to the the Muzzies that killed 12 and maimed 52, for being German… How dare they, she would agree! Celebrating Christmas! For Christ's sake, what's wrong with these people!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)