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Topic: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia (Read 113379 times)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #375
he sheer hypocrisy of the Westis legion and it frustrates you lot to hell that you have somewhere you cannot control or shut down. Now lies and excuses needed to put bases at Russia's doorstep and excuses to surround it.

Utter nonsense. Who is you?

Russia isn't being surrounded because nobody wants to surround Russia, and they couldn't if they wanted to. But according to a BBC report...
Nato's deputy chief says Russian leaders are less and less able to conceal the deaths of "large numbers" of Russian soldiers in eastern Ukraine.
Alexander Vershbow said Russia's involvement was becoming more unpopular with the Russian public as a result.
Russian officials dismissed on Thursday a US claim that Moscow had sent "thousands and thousands" of troops to fight alongside separatists.
A foreign ministry spokesman said the figures were "plucked out of the air".
Ukraine and the West have long accused Russia of helping the rebels with weapons and soldiers,
Independent experts echo that accusation but Moscow denies it, insisting that any Russians serving with the rebels are "volunteers".
Alexander Vershbow, Nato's deputy secretary general, told a conference in Latvia: "Russian leaders are less and less able to conceal the fact that Russian soldiers are fighting - and dying - in large numbers in eastern Ukraine."
There was "mounting evidence that the Russian incursion into Ukraine is becoming much less popular among the Russian public", he added.
Earlier this week, Russian investigative newspaper Novaya Gazeta published an interview with a wounded tank gunner, who said that he was a regular Russian army soldier and had been fighting alongside rebels.
He said he had received thorough training in Russia before being sent to Ukraine.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #376
Excuse me but having new bases in eastern Europe such as Poland the 3 Baltic States for a start is for what? Time after time the West has simply believed everything that Kiev tells them whether proved or not. Even the BBC has been far from balanced like any other media. And if Russia did have instructors in the south east of Ukraine you would thnk that as odd. The West has done the same thing so hardly innocents. The Kiev government created by a coup which suited the US did nothing to discuss matters in the east of the country and in fact did not give a dman as it was all based on West Ukraine. Having been ignored it is hardly unexpected having been mistreated the East took up the cudgels.  Instead of the Ukrainian government involving everyone they did not hence the civil war situation that was not caused by Russia.

It is rather ridiculous for Americans to go bananas when their own lot helped terrorists in Afghanistan (and elsewhere) during Soviet times. One could consider things better if you lot did not practice hypocrisy. The Kiev government banned any Communist Party MP's but accepted the Right Sector even into the government. Remember them - the ones with the SS symbols, etc?  Even had their battalion in the nNtional Guard where they could not be controlled any more than in the streets. The Right Sector is also in the government. Blaming Russia is farcical and that country was still supplying pipelines at reduced rates for Kiev in the face of rubbish.

Russia would never want to invade Ukraine as the place is in a total shambles, economically staggering, corrupt as Hell and the President appoints the former President of Georgia as a regional governor even though he was wanted in his own country for corruption. The whole military goings on from the US is there to keep increasing the global bases everywhere and imperialist progress (including Europe). Russia and putin have shown more common sense than the West. Putin has made it clear they have utterly no interest in invading anybody but that is ignored by America so it can spread and posture in eastern Europe at the borders of Russia. Stupidity is too easy a word.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #377
Putin has made it clear they have utterly no interest in invading anybody

That must had been while invading Crimea, right?
If you want to be Putin's official biographer and president of his Fan Club you need to take note on those things rjhowie... :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #378
Oh dear submitting to West propaganda! Referendums are okay if America agrees with them and if not they are evil intents. The vast majority of people in Crimea wanted back where they came from Belfrager and that was Russia and remember they did not ask to be dumped in Ukraine due to the dictatorship of the USSR. As i pointed out earlier the rather suspect Kosovo thing was okay with the US led West as it was against Serbia and that country by tradition, etc more Russian leaning. Crimea will be better off and even senior citizen pensions are better and the place is no longer part of that rapidly failing State, Ukraine. It cannot pay it's debtors (one of which is Russia!) and I bet you that Kiev gets a feely-feely attitude more than Greece. Apart from being a financial disaster, Ukraine is as messed up as Hell and it is all self-created. The coup in Kiev aided by the neo-Nazis (still in government) did not include east Ukraine nor Crimea as Kiev didn't care a damn about them. It was all the motivation of West Ukraine and very encouraged by the US. When you get an imbecile like Senator John McCain getting a day out of the loony bin to go and give support that tells much.

Ukraine is teetering on the failed State edge and hoping that the US taxpayer who is always conned to try and exist. It is also the Kiev and West Ukraine that supported the Nazis in WW2 and fought with the SS proudly. But that is okay of course. The Kiev plot was NOT national and they did not care a two penny damn about the East nor Crimea for consultation they were just ignored and you think that was moral?? That would be as daft do face the actual truth not the guff from the White House which is fed to them by the Kiev mindsets. The Right Sector if gets the chance would depose their own President.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #379

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #380
Coming from a country as  imperialist warlike as yours took you a while to be able to reply but shouldn't have bothered as you are a chld of the Cold war mentality that Americans always loved. . At least Crimea was Russian whereas you lot think you can invade anywhere and come out with the usual childish nonsense of it being to your country's "security." That so many over the water accept this tripe emphasises the deep educational problem in the land of the free and home of the brave (giggle). Your chums do not like any country that challenges or you cannot control so well done Putin and he should keep it up as there is not a damn thing you lot of war merchants can do. Having written to two Presidents elsewhere might give him a thought!

Meantime do try harder to get out of the Cold War mental midget thing.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #381

Coming from a country as  imperialist warlike as yours took you a while to be able to reply but shouldn't have bothered as you are a chld of the Cold war mentality that Americans always loved. . At least Crimea was Russian whereas you lot think you can invade anywhere and come out with the usual childish nonsense of it being to your country's "security." That so many over the water accept this tripe emphasises the deep educational problem in the land of the free and home of the brave (giggle). Your chums do not like any country that challenges or you cannot control so well done Putin and he should keep it up as there is not a damn thing you lot of war merchants can do. Having written to two Presidents elsewhere might give him a thought!

Meantime do try harder to get out of the Cold War mental midget thing.

We learned from the master. How many countries were some form of satellite during the height of the British Empire? I'm sure I could look it up fast enough but it amuses me to make you tell us. I seem to recall reading-- here on DnD no less--- that at one time or another the British Empire had boots in all but---hmmm, less than a score of other countries weren't invaded by the British at one time or another-- everybody else was..

I point out, too, that much of this empire was built at a time when the only way to get from one place to another was either by horse (if over land) or by sailing-ship (if over water, or if it made sense-- as it often did-- to take a ship rather than a horse). Only birds and angels of God flew back in those days.

So--- pot calling the kettle black much?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #382
Back to Putin, boys. You could see it in his eyes early on. Once a cockroach, always a cockroach.

BTW Rj, never forget that you're dealing with advocates from The Greatest Nation in History!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #383
You are like the average Joe oevr there mjsmsprt40. You learned nothing from us or why have a revolution to be totally different? just loom at your internal history and it os one of control freakery, lack of a wide remitt for voters, corruption of monumental scale, racism that is stil there, police state activity, trillions in debt, causing wars, took longer to get rid of slavery, run by money peole (40% of the lower house millionaires and 60% of the Senate). Oh and throw ion the treatment of the native indians and you come out with balderdash. Never once have any of you lot ever been able to answer the charges. Even your revolution was created by the money class and they still run the damn place.  In a wide sense you are almost admitting it trying to come out with blaming us which is a laugh of giant proportions! Hey you could be the forum's comparison to that Trump!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #384
You really have a nerve there jimbro. You might be basically intelligent but your Cold war youth has deeply effected you and does you no favours. Just look at some of the cockroaches that have ran America in generally modern times. You lot might get away with anything in the world but boy, oh boy not on this forum!

If Putin had been sooking in with America and let your hypocritical part-democracy control it like you try to do elsewhere the Russian leader would have been a wonderful guy. Instead Russia maintains it's independence and you don't like countries to do that. Farcical coming from a nation that is so anti-Communists but deep in hock to Red china so maybe go back to satire as the hard stuff doesn't suit you!

"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #385

You are like the average Joe oevr there mjsmsprt40. You learned nothing from us or why have a revolution to be totally different? just loom at your internal history and it os one of control freakery, lack of a wide remitt for voters, corruption of monumental scale, racism that is stil there, police state activity, trillions in debt, causing wars, took longer to get rid of slavery, run by money peole (40% of the lower house millionaires and 60% of the Senate). Oh and throw ion the treatment of the native indians and you come out with balderdash. Never once have any of you lot ever been able to answer the charges. Even your revolution was created by the money class and they still run the damn place.  In a wide sense you are almost admitting it trying to come out with blaming us which is a laugh of giant proportions! Hey you could be the forum's comparison to that Trump!  :lol:
Oh my. It seems our dear old Mr. Howie hasn't lost his taste for bad mouthing America while ignoring the ungoing issues in the UK and his own country's less than illustrious history. How many Irish dead again, Howie? How many Indians?

I am fully aware of your fondness for the word "awesome" and fittingly your hypocrisy could only be described as such. Well done, old chap  :up:  :cheers:

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #387
Raccoon is of course a member of this forum anyway but using a different name and even an American redneck could guess that one but he can play those games if he wants.

We are talking about today conman not history. The way your country is run in these modern times is a disgrace whilst at the same time cause wars everywhere, pump money and support into dictatorships who will play ball with your corporate controllers especially the armaments industry. You have more spy agencies and especially on your on people than anyone else. but then you know all this but think that producing another "independent" name that will help the cause. Kind of shows your weakness more than anything else.  Play games but don't insult intelligence young man. Imagine modern America being inncoent and principled when hard facts say something else so don't rant about history this is 2015.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #388
A man commits a murder at age 30. When he turns 50, is he now innocent and trustworthy? Did his crime go away?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #389
You are young and trying but I don't live in a country that tramps around the modern world destabilising nations, attacking those that don't go with you lot and a so-called democratic history that is a farce. This makes it son easy to bash. Too Nationalistic by far. Clever try anonymous but yo cover yourself well as 2 persons!

Meantime I do hope that Russia and China a place you pawn money lot from keep up their stubborn independence from US control and you can do nothing about either. Try concentrating on the internals over there and try getting a leader with 80% rating. No chance!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #390
What's going on in Putin's Russia? A downward spiral.

Because Putin's Russia has yet develop a modern economy and instead as a petroleum based on and has narcissistic, ego maniacal would-be Czar leading the bear off a cliff. He annexed Crimea instead developing a 21st century economy like the communist he is. He passed laws against LGBT "propaganda"  as a pathetic distraction from his country's mounting problems and meanwhile the ex-KGB chief thug clamps down on freedom of the press. And yet you think the problem is that the US wasn't able to carve steaks out the bear's noxious hide. Perhaps you hallucinated that from an overdose of Irn Bru? In fact, the US doesn't have desire to subjugate Russia, but strongly requests that not restrict it's citizen's freedom.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #391
Well double person I already knew you were a Yank (oops) and what a typical brained ex-colonist you are. Putin is not a Communist but a member of the Orthodox and actively suports and encourages that church. Indeed I seen him recently on tv being the guest speaker to a Bishops conference.Communism had no time for relgion.As sensible people outside of the nutjobland already were aware, Russia did not simply annexe Crimea as that place wanted BACK to where it had been until the Reds shoved it into that basketcase, Ukraine. The Russian Federation IS a capitalist country and your country has never came to terms with that because unlike everywhere else in the world (apart from Red China whom you are in debt to and N. Korea) it damn frustrates you that you cannot influence or control it like in general.

As for freedoms, etc the place is far better than under the old dictatorship and you have the nerve to try and show that the USA is democratic and free??! Your media is hand in gloves with the government control freakery, Americans are very clearly misused when it comes to world affairs. Your nationalism is so perverted but try to hide it behind the cosy word 'patriotic.' You have more spy agencies than any other nation your people are spied on electronically, the net, emails, card transactions, phone and you point the finger elsewhere?  It is one thing trying to be clever and have 2 names here on the forum and cleverly the attempt to provoke but an American condemning Russia? Tell that to those who are spied on internally, police brutality, built-in racism, wide scale poverty. You lot recently moaned about China doing electronic spying the very same thing you do but then that is okay as Americans think they have a divine right almost of running the world.

Now you are training the Ukrainian Army but they shouldn't be too pleased in Kiev after the way you did the same with the Iraqi Army (!) It is the nearest militarily you will get to try and face of Russia army-wise but your new controlled land is now having violence in West Ukraine as well as the East, corruption still about, incompetence, etc. So your country has a sham of democracy, world control and on it's own people's rights and all in the usual rubbish of "security." Thanks for the comment on 'old chap.'

Putin is intelligent, clever and Russia by far the majority over there want him. Meanwhile you fit into the usual Joe and the trailing of the old cold War propaganda but then it is so easy to do that in the States with 10 million mentally effected people and the rest leaning gradually that way! Your country is in simple terms a global thug and is NOT the democracy it planned to be and you just have to see what happens inside it all the time which contradicts such a term. Russia will get by and the more it frustrate you dumbells.Well done President Putin!

ps. Me being a monarchist he would make a great Tsar!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #392
by far the majority over there want him.
And in the post 9/11 word, George W Bush enjoyed 80% + approval ratings. Now his policies are seen as a disaster. Like Putin, ol' Georgie dragged the US into pointless wars with no exit strategy against seemingly weak enemies without foreseeing the consequences and fallout. However, unlike in Russia, the America media was free to report the truth that Saddam, as much as bastard as he was, had nothing to do with 9/11 nor did Iraq continue to have the weapons of mass destruction. In short, GWN lied to Congress and the American people and did have the correct intelligence on those issues. It could also be reported that Bush's economic policies, chiefly legalizing financial instruments made illegal because of their large part in causing the Great Depression, played a large part in the depth and severity of the 2008 recession.

Now can the Russia media report that the annexation of Crimea and Russian intervention in Ukraine were based on lies? Considering that the Russian government owns the majority the country's media outlets and it's recent crackdown on bloggers with a following of 3K or more and the attempt to censoring Wikipedia, I think not. Idealization of the man because of his nationalistic stance is very misplaced and any country who's government owns the media and goes after bloggers, etc has something to hide.

By the way, if I was trying to hide who I was, I'd be clever enough to not use "raccoon" in my name. The truth is I deleted my old account "sanguinemoon" one night in disgust. Note that all posts under made under that username are attributed to "guest." I am not a sock puppet nor a "double person" and am unsure if it would even be possible to re-register under the same username.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #393

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #396
Little Red Riding Hood has met her match. Nasty raccoon! Worse than the Big Bad Wolf.