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Topic: Community to be kept alive? (Read 11241 times)

Community to be kept alive?


Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #1
Hah, for years I've been typing My Opera without a space. That's the answer (case insensitive).

Apparently multiple answers is supported in the next big upgrade.

Anyway, I thought I'd disabled validation for new users.  :-\

Edit: okay, I figured it out. There's separate settings for posting in the forum and for sending PMs.

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #2
The forum works fine now  8)

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #4
Now we actually have to have a debate or discussion about something.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #5
We could discuss whether we should discuss something. ;)

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #7
The user formerly known as "thedawgfan" checking in.

Well done @Frenzie!

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #8
 8) Good job! Nice digs.


Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #10
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth? According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Rumors, rumors, rumors.

It's cold out there, so a watermelon would hold up nicely to a glancing blow.

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #11
[glow=Black,2,300]48 days[/glow]

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #13
How goes everyone's recruiting efforts thus far?

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #14
Who cares? The DnD community is "An international discussion forum for debating everything under the sun and then some." If you don't believe me, read the header.

We've been known to discuss the multi-verse.

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #15
Quote from: MyOpera
The My Opera forums are being replaced by our new forums. Starting February 26th, the My Opera forums will be in read-only mode. On March 3rd, they will be removed along with the rest of My Opera.
You know what? Today is 24th, isn't it? Hence we'd better gather by the whole gang there on MyOpera tomorrow, to take The Final Party! Agreed????

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #16
Quote from: End of my.opera is near, where are the promised forums on main page?
Quote from: digmed
Quote from: mimi-s-mum
I'm probably a bit slow. I don't quite understand what post-my.opera forums will entail. Do we still keep using our my.opera handle and record of contribution that has associated with it, ie number of posts and, even better, the content of posts? Or do we start from the scratch, signing up anew with no history of posting contribution?

As sgunhouse said, your username and password will remain the same. That's because your My Opera account is the same as an Opera account, which you can use to log into Opera Link, Dev Opera and Opera Add-ons.

We're still discussing if we want to keep My Opera post counts, or if we want to start from scratch. Due to the nature of the new forums system I imagine we'll need to start from scratch, but we've been discussing a "My Opera" badge for active My Opera forum contributors. This won't be in place for the first release of the new forums, though.

Most old posts won't be imported to the new forums. To avoid launching the new forums completely empty we'll be importing some content from the My Opera forums. If you have contributed to any of the imported forum threads, this record will be kept and associated with your account.

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #17
Most here j7n are drifters from the Opera Forum because it is going belly up. If one looks at the larger picture in fact it is easy to suss out part of the problem. Over time the number of actual participants had declined to a wee club and can be getting too close to being a selective few. There are those here who are hardly ever away from a keyboard and almost in love with it and others who just see it as a passing pastime. For me it isn't that desperate a need as I llive a life beyond the Net. So I wouldn't be too worried if you don't feel a fit in matter the world is a big oyster beyond here!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #20
Quote from: rjhowie on 2014-02-25, 04:41:52
. So I wouldn't be too worried if you don't feel a fit in matter the world is a big oyster beyond here!

Deep and meaningful

Full of insight, Tony, full of insight.

Anybody else here like oysters?

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #21
Quote from: Disabled account - report it here!
Quote from: digmed
Quote from: JoshL
Quote from: MyOpera
The My Opera forums are being replaced by our new forums. Starting February 26th, the My Opera forums will be in read-only mode.
Since that, I suppose there will be a bunch of "dead" days for those for whom this thread is set, or otherwise the new forums should start right away at the 27th.
Am I right?:right:

The new forums will be released on the 26th or 27th. The banner on top of the current forum pages will be updated and direct you to the new forums when they are in place.

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #22
I see no activity on MyOpera!  We're still capable of posting!
Don't you want to see the stop-watch?

Re: Community to be kept alive?

Reply #24
Quote from: OnetimePoster
The moderators of the ggg have, with regret, cut off all access to the inhabitants of the planet Deeandy.