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Topic: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland? (Read 154962 times)

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #325
(Mumbles some about motes and beams and eyes…)
Why, Howie, must every thread you post to become about what you perceive to be America's faults? You're familiar with the term "monomania"?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #326
No I don't perceptive America's faults just passingly it is the massive giant two-facedness! Boasting about everything being the greatest country and democracy. The imperialisms and way the place is run totally contradicts. If you were less show offs the easy sword play would be harder!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #327
What, only Scotsmen and Englishmen can be hypocrites? :) Well, okay; if you insist, I'll try and convince my countrymen that that is a slot entirely filled by others and is no longer available!
(I doubt I'll be successful… People are people. And governments are governments.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #328
Now don't you embarras your countrymen. There is NO country as nationalistic as your own! You like to dream of it as being patriotic butit is over the top nationalism. Flags everywhere except in toilets (oops, might give someone an idea!). In the world there is no other nation with so many military bases, spends half the global armaments bill, threatens countries that dare to experiment with ballistic weapons but is doing it themslves! You interfere everywhere under the dat old would-be political theology of the world policeman. That was conjured by guess who?? Trillions in debt things stagnating the poor in legions and so on. As a country you would get more respect if you stopped trying to run the damn world and left places alone. But nope anywhere that dares to not succumb to your corruption of democracy and rights is in for it.

There are a great many decent people but they have been manipulated increasingly over the years to suit the corporate string pullers. The lack of democracy is becoming inherent with the 2 parties who have carved the place up and I do feel for the many decents who. Why do you keep opening bases threaten people, creat wars and disturbance ever since 1945? That misuse of the word "security." That insults the decent people and in the old Opera forum I once said that if a settlement was created on Mars I would not be surprised if your controllers did not open a military base there for security. So start shutting bases, spend the money on your own people and the large numbers who ARE suffering and struggling. On my first visit I met a retired couple of journalists who said while waiting for a train from DC (me to NYC and them to Philly) if I was ever back to come and visit them and I did for 2 days. We had a very informative time and had the same on the trains I travelled on.  Even got to teaching the kids in a train coach songs and funny rhymes to keep them occupied. When I got off most in that coach waved at me. One lady during my second trip and on the Northeast (train) Corridor insisted on sharing coffe and sandwiches with me so i got on well with them all

A people and a system can and are often different. I dare say had I been around during the time before WW2 I could have had a great time in Germany and Italy for example but shake my head at the system.. So do get away from the Primary School thinking dear man (what you would call Junior Schhol) and face the hard facts of life!  8) :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #329
There is NO country as nationalistic as your own!
Not even the British Empire…? :) (Or wee Scotland? Or Ireland? Or Germany? Or France? Or Russia?)
I suspect you just don't know the meaning of most of the words you use… Considering how well you use them, I can believe that.
Why do you keep opening bases threaten people, creat wars and disturbance ever since 1945?
Because…your lot got tired, and somebody had to do it? :) It seems like you (…as does Obama, et al.) will only be happy when the U.S. becomes as enfeebled as Great Britain…
As I've said before: Envy, on your part.

BTW: It wasn't America's "reaching" that undid your empire. It was your conflicts with Germany…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #330
You lot were seething as could be in the 1930's and determined to overtake the BE. We came round to accepting that the days of Empire were numbered but you folk are keeping your even though trillions in debt and millions of your population seeing nothing of all that "American Dream" codswallop! Even on things like flags for goodness sake! You probably beat the North Koreans, 3rd Reich, USSR days will all that over-the-top stuff I mention. Things like government buildings in D with not one routine flag but rows of them?? They are dashed well everywhere so are your people too immature to need that level of reminding of the immature nationalism masked as patriotic. We didn't practice that over the top nonsense and a flag did not appear in every classroom as we were not that daft we could not know what ours was!  Ah, maybe why there is that immaturity over the water?

Those that corporately control the ex-colonies have well brainwashed you with the ultra nationalism and as we gradually gave up control you brain deads spread bases everywhere, de-stabilised countries (long after colonial traditions) and that was more important than spending money on your own people their suffering, wide poverty and great lacking. We never took a stance to control the whole world but you DO as if some inbuilt right. Even the corporate flag industry must do well! :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #331
So, according to you, what's going on in Scotland — is that a certain Howie has an abiding animosity to the U.S., RJ? Good to know! One can't get that kind of information from the BBC or the Guardian… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #332
We never took a stance to control the whole world but you DO as if some inbuilt right.

This is a map of the British Empire. It's a bit like Fiji taking over Africa, Greenland and China.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #334
I wish we could place bets on here about if/when Scotland goes independent, after the UK votes to leave the EU.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #335
Well there was a very inserting poll about two weeks ago that said that most Scots wanted to stay in Europe. However when they were asked would they want another Referendum on independence they overwhelming said no.  We practice democracy here Colonel and if there was an overwhelming clamour in a State in nutjobland all hell would break lose and not be allowed.

Oak, I would say this to you. The BBCNews and the Guardian are in the same corner. Lord Reith the great early pioneer of the BBC will be revolving past the speed limit in his grave.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #336
Just keep paying your "telly tax" and watching "government TV"… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #337
And you hermit - keep watching the corporate media controllery over there. I will give it a yes for being in control of the minds.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #338

Well there was a very inserting poll about two weeks ago that said that most Scots wanted to stay in Europe. However when they were asked would they want another Referendum on independence they overwhelming said no.  We practice democracy here Colonel and if there was an overwhelming clamour in a State in nutjobland all hell would break lose and not be allowed.

Oak, I would say this to you. The BBCNews and the Guardian are in the same corner. Lord Reith the great early pioneer of the BBC will be revolving past the speed limit in his grave.

Care to post the link?

When the gov't goes bankrupt, it will not matter. I've said it before and I'll say it again; in the next 30-50 years the nation-states will fall. Scotland, Wales, England, and a united Ireland will be the reality, as will 50 independent states here.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #339
That's extremely unlikely, Colonel… I suspect you've been reading too much dystopian fiction. :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)


Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #341

That's extremely unlikely, Colonel… I suspect you've been reading too much dystopian fiction. :)

No, actually been reading biographies of late. It seems unlikely now, yes, I agree, but a lot can and will change in 30-50 years.
Our currency will no longer be the world's reserve currency by then (heck, it may not be in 5 years). That has been the key to our monetary scheme/empire. When the monetary scheme/empire falls, there is no way to keep up the military bases that we have throughout the world.

That's not even mentioning domestic social disorder, some of which we are already experiencing.

In any of these cases, while you may fervently disagree, I think one thing you will agree with me on, is that a pessimist is only ever pleasantly surprised when he/she is proven wrong. :)

@Luxor: Thanks for the link!

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #342
Our currency will no longer be the world's reserve currency by then (heck, it may not be in 5 years). That has been the key to our monetary scheme/empire. When the monetary scheme/empire falls, there is no way to keep up the military bases that we have throughout the world.

Well well, Americans (some of them) finally sees the light. I sincerely hope your line of thought can be the foundation for a New America.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #343
The EU didn't want a UK split when the UK was part of the EU. If the UK were to leave they would be quite happy to let Scotland stay.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #344
Expected that stuff from Luxor as he is a died in the wool tartanite. Every time that smart alec, Sturgeon rattles her tonsils she is a dancer. Any time in the Scots Parliament when she is challenged on issues that are flawed she comes out with the same tripe about she knows "there are challenges." The hard fact that that lot of moaners are found out  it is the usual diatribe so one would expect Luxor to dutifully follow the ame line! Brigadoonis alive and well.!

On the subject of the EU Referendum and that the Nats would want another Indy chance is very much open to question. The Poll I mentioned was on television news weeks ago and it made very clear that Scots did not want the Euro vote to start another get out of UK thing has been ignored by the Scottish National Nose-Pickers. On taxation, health and education issues and economics in general are a weakness for them. It is all bagpipe playing metal froth and emotional ranting.

Then in comes the Southern attempted maverick with the laugh that in years to come there will be 50 independent States over the pond. Yeah right and as much chance as me blowing kisses at smug mouth, Sturgeon. The real rulers of the ex-colonies will ensure that is a no-no and for a change in the imperial waste of money when there are so many Americans internally struggling that will only happen of the place goes belly up in debt or there is a second revolution.  :doh:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #345

in comes the Southern attempted maverick with the laugh that in years to come there will be 50 independent States over the pond. Yeah right and as much chance as me blowing kisses at smug mouth, Sturgeon. The real rulers of the ex-colonies will ensure that is a no-no and for a change in the imperial waste of money when there are so many Americans internally struggling that will only happen of the place goes belly up in debt or there is a second revolution.  :doh:

Given that your country is a former imperial power, turned imperial-has-been, your lot should have extensive knowledge of what happens when your country can no longer control the world's monetary system, dictate foreign affairs, etc.

Our empire, in terms of money and military might, is 8 times what your lot's was. As such, it's fall will be more spectacular. We have much more land than your lot do. When bankruptcy comes, it will be impossible to keep all 50 together.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #346
Expected that stuff from Luxor

What stuff is that then?
I provided a link to a poll and nothing more. Something you are obviously incapable of doing.
So either put up or shut up.

Also quit your trolling, it is becoming tiresome reading the same garbage over and over.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #347


Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #348
Boy, oh boy accusing me of trolling? You cannot answer the truth and try to be hoty toty. Handy beacuse the truh hrits. It can be education, health service, economics, oil loss and bodyswerved. If you cannot face the hard facts of life you should sod off and not get involved. Youlot try to  be above the truth and sneer but you are just a bunch of modern Jacobites. Even during the Referendum there were constant and repeated shocking tactics at street meetings and so on. Even the latest midden about having a BBC Scotland revised news set up in a poll has found to have got a negative response. Even that mouth  Sturgeon had to be dragged into condemning some of the incidents seen on television news and on the Internet. Your mindset do not like getting direct points and try to sniffingly give the stance you are above such a direction as I have pointed out.

Even that waste of time newspaper the "National" is scraping the bottom circulation-wise fter all the fuss a year ago. Your political thinking is in the corner of emotional Scots and accusing me of trolling shows how silly you are being. The hard truth is a different thing for all the emotional guff your corner gives so if you cannot face real life either say nothing or try answering. To use the word troll shows how vacant you are in practice. Even at the Referendum Scots who were No supporters were being called scum, sworn at and and called traitors. Now that was interesting when you conside the numbers who voted No so they wre all trators.

Trying to show you are so dashed above the facts of life only adds to that emotional nonsense so slip away and play your bagpipes boy!  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #349
away and play your bagpipes boy!

Ooh! Did you think that one up yourself.
Oh no silly me, I forgot that you have nothing original to say, so that's not possible.  :doh:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.