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Topic: Today's Good News (Read 178705 times)

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #127
Oh, i nearly forgot about you jimbro and your thing about Putin. He is a moderniser stands up for his country, refuses to be bowed into sublimation by the leader of the West and it's minions. You do however fit in well with the general feelings of your countrymen however who in polls would prove to be anti-Russian. This is because of the media control and what they tell and do not tell. Looking at any Russian city now and surfing back to Soviet days is  like night and day. Doubt if most ex-colonists could tell one anything detailed about Russia as their leaders are still in a Cold War mentality as it helps justify armanents and the powerful industry behind it, etc.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #129
Yep knew about that one. It is head shaking if this is advancement in the Third World.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #130
I'm preparing a bicycle tour with full multimedia coverage for those DnDeers that doesn't go anywhere... :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #131
Got my tax refund on Monday, and get paid my usual check on Friday morning!   :cheers:

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #134
It's not always possible to easily divide news into exclusive groupings of good or bad. Often the news is an admixture.

Fortunately, the West has moved away from religiously inspired killing, but in Africa and Indonesia the same is not the case.

Boko Haram says its aim is to impose a stricter enforcement of Sharia law across Africa's most populous nation, which is split between a majority Muslim north and a mostly Christian south.

After the predominantly Muslim Seleka militia took control of the Central African Republic under President Michel Djotodia in 2013, a period of lawlessness and sectarian violence continued. Following warnings of "genocide" by the UN and a controversial intervention force by MISCA, Djotodia resigned. Despite neutral Catherine Samba-Panza being made president, the Anti-balaka Christian militants continued sectarian violence, including reported targeted killings, against Muslim civilians.

INDONESIANS are reeling from one of their country's most awful incidents of religious violence in years. It happened on February 6th, in a village in Banten, the western end of Java, not far from Jakarta, a district where strictly Islamist parties poll well. Out of keeping with the more usual pattern of Muslim-versus-Christian attacks, this was a mob attack by Muslims against men who claimed to be their own fellows: members of a Islamic sect called the Ahmadiyah.

Remember Rodney King?
"People, I just want to say, can't we all get along? Can't we all get along?"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #139

I didn't know such a device existed.

I had heard of it before. It's not common, though maybe it should be. A forced landing by a fixed-wing aircraft needs clear space which you may not have, a parachute could allow a near vertical descent and even landing in trees doesn't have to be fatal this way.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #140
I didn't know such a device existed.

To my knowledge only can be used with that class of airplanes, very light airplanes smaller and lighter than a normal Cessna, for example.
It doesn't make any sense except in case of a structural catastrophic failure, (a broken wing, etc) which are extremely rare things to happen.

Cirrus are extremely expensive light airplanes, with high performance, kind the Ferrari of light airplanes, usually flown by people with too much money and too less airmanship.

A matter of attitude.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #141
The party might be over, but it did last for longer than we expected.
The health benefits from red wine and chocolate are not as uncomplicated as we hoped.
I had chosen to believe that if a little chocolate does me good, a lot of chocolate does me lots of good.
Worked for months.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #142
I thought the trick was to mix them thoroughly.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #143
One newspaper said that a twenty minute walk a day is a great ife booster. I have been doing more than that for yonks.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Parliament urged to revise commercial radio regulations

Reply #144
Quote from: MediaUK
[British ]Parliament is being urged to relax commercial radio regulations as the platform faces competition from digital services such as Spotify, Deezer and iTunes. Chairman of the All Party Group for Commercial Radio, Andrew Bingham MP (pictured), wants new ... (more)


Re: Today's Good News

Reply #149
I wrote some experimental code a while ago, but I've certainly got no time to wrap it up this week. There's also the issue of how to reconcile the fact that some people like all the smilies visible at once and others would prefer most of 'em to be hidden by default.