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Topic: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia (Read 108258 times)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #125
Narva/Estonia, about 300 meters from the Russian border away.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #127
How sad and utterly pointless. The Baltic States are being used as an excuse for military creeping going on and when one considers that Latvia says it doesn't see a problem makes it all even more sad and wrong.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #129
Any mention of a contingent from North Korea?

You made that up, didn't you? There's no such place. Dennis Rodman made it up.
And the guy on the right is a plastic dummy.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #130
BTW, US military parade in its new backyard - a few hundred meters away from the Russian border.

That's why Estonia joined NATO in the first place.

Quote from: Russia Today
Another foreign nation, the Netherlands, provided four Swedish-made Stridsfordon 90 tracked combat vehicles (designated CV9035NL Mk III by the Dutch).

Pity we sold our tanks to Saudi Arabia. Anyway, so it was an Estonian parade in which a number of US and a smaller number of Dutch troops participated. Hardly a "US military parade".

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #132
[glow=black,2,300]Russian opposition leader Nemtsov shot dead in Moscow[/glow]

Perish the Thought........

Quote from:      YAHOO NEWS  

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Boris Nemtsov, a Russian opposition politician and former deputy prime minister who was an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin, was shot dead meters from the Kremlin in central Moscow late on Friday.

Nemtsov, 55, was shot four times in the back, the Interior Ministry said. A police spokeswoman on the scene said he had been walking on a bridge over the Moskva River with a Ukrainian woman.

Putin condemned the killing and took the investigation under presidential command, saying it could have been a contract killing and a "provocation" on the eve of a big opposition protest that Nemtsov had been due to lead in Moscow on Sunday.

Police cars sealed off the bridge close to the red walls of the Kremlin and Red Square, and an ambulance was on the scene.

"Nemtsov B.E. died at 2340 hours as a result of four shots in the back," an Interior Ministry spokeswoman said by telephone.

A police spokesman on the scene said Nemtsov had been shot at from a passing white car that fled the scene. The woman was being interviewed by police.

Mikhail Kasyanov, a fellow opposition leader, told reporters at the bridge: "That a leader of the opposition could be shot beside the walls of the Kremlin is beyond imagination. There can be only one version: that he was shot for telling the truth."

Kasyanov, a former prime minister under Putin, called Nemtsov a "fighter for the truth".


Nemtsov had been quoted as saying he was concerned that the president might want him dead over his opposition to the conflict in Ukraine. Sunday's opposition march is intended as a protest against the war in east Ukraine, where pro-Russian rebels have seized a swathe of territory.

Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told Russian news agencies that the president had expressed his condolences and ordered the security agencies to investigate. He said Putin had called it a "brutal murder".

Another opposition figure, Ksenia Sobchak, said Nemtsov had been preparing a report on the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine. The Kremlin strongly denies allegations by Kiev and Western capitals that it has sent troops and advanced weaponry to back the rebels.

Peskov said Putin had called it a "brutal murder".

Like other opposition leaders, Nemtsov was a fighter against corruption. In other reports, he condemned massive overspending on the Sochi Winter Olympics by the Russian authorities and listed the many state buildings, helicopters and planes that Putin has at his disposal.

Nemtsov was also one of the leaders of mass rallies in the winter of 2011-12 that became the biggest protests against Putin since the former KGB spy rose to power in 2000.

Nemtsov briefly served as a deputy prime minister under president Boris Yeltsin in the late 1990s, when he gained a reputation as a leading liberal reformer.

Nice shot Vlad!

What do you think?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #133
Usual American led empty head stuff.

We don't know who killed the man and too short a time to go mouthing on something you and others know little about and just grow up with a Fox News mentality. Let me remind you and others that the man concerned although did not deserve to be killed at the 2003 General election his party got no MP's. He represents only 1% of Russia but the way the stupid West media acts you would think somehow he was higher up the scale but he is not. You lot over in nutjob land had had assassinations so hardly able to be principled so we are getting the usual anto-Russian thing on a minor politician. Those who say his problem has went with history may have a point. When in authority in the earlier days from the collapse of the USSR there was a thought that everything would be sweet and lightness but when that did not happen Russia having a long history of conservatism went in a different direction.

Yes he was an opposition leader but he had no equality politically or anything else  and a minor player. Russians in the vast majority were not voting nor supporting him so get the picture right.

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #134
Yes he was an opposition leader but he had no equality politically or anything else  and a minor player.

Is that right, oh Glaswegian that doesn't know how to use commas? The fact is he made powerful enemies within the Kremlin's inner circle for his campaign against corruption and Russia's actions in Ukraine. Maybe Putin himself didn't order the assassination,  but somebody in the Kremlin did.
What do you think?

And he did while hunting shirtless in the scrub brush? At least he must have gotten scratched and cut up by the branches and thorns.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #135
What do I think?
I think Putin's henchmen murdered the poor bastard, that's what I think.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #136
I had a teacher at school who often told us his favorite saying: Glauben heisst nichts wissen, nichts wissen heisst dumm sein.
I'll try to translate:
To believe means not to know and not to know means to be stupid.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #137
What does that say about people that believe Prevaricater Putin?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #138
Well what utter bunk and silliness from Sanguinemoon and jimbro. All of a sidden withinn 48 hours they know who did it. No what they do know is that thew meida and Western political leaders are propagating their brains. They are quick enough to berate me but now they have mental telepathy and jump to conclusions. America has had a list of assassinations from those against a laderr or policy from Presidents to Malcom X of all people-

Now i could stretch to seeing a degree of acceptance if this \Russian was an equal to Putin but he WASN'T an never was. You lot of closed mindsets totally ignore the matter of a 1% poll rating in Russia and that at a General Election didn't even get seats. That doesn't count as long as the person concerned is anti-Putin. He was a minor figure and we do not know whether the killing was a business, political or whatever reason so maybe you should keep your instant brain ignorance until something more comes out of this. I can just see you too sitting nodding in agreement with anything that hints at putin because it fits in with a rather limited and intelligent view.

There is aow a reward out even though he was a minor figure and I will wait using a bit more sense. Obama going on about how the man was fighting corruption - what a good one that is as he could have been just as busy in America. Obama also like Cameron came out with the stuff about having a clear and proper investigation. This forum corner lacks common sense and rushes into the mindset of the well trained anti-Russian media hyped up by Western political leaders. And no I don't think Putin had anything to dow tih it because the opposition man was essentially a nobody and Cameron came out with a bare faced lie about how the dead man was highly rtegarded in Gt Britain. That was utterly made up as we hardly ever heard of the bloke and it all fits in with a less than subtle kick at putin. The killing was at the Kremlin the most highly secure place in the city and leaves the matter wide open to anyone who objected to the pro-Ukraine stance in a Russia that predominantly does NOT go along with that. An "official killing" is something to do outside the Kremlin?

The man was trying to relive a history that was gone when the West increasingly digged at the new Russia and was an outdated opposition argument. Believing that  government was going to go do the killing for a man of little support is part of the mindset of those brought up during the cold war and led by American curtailed thinking. It may practically be hadrto get the shooter but I hope they do for the family's sake and for the egg you two will ingnore running down your two faces.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #139
Let the protests begin! :yes:

Russians march in memory of murdered Putin critic

(Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Russians marched through central Moscow on Sunday, carrying banners declaring "I am not afraid" and chanting "Russia without Putin" in memory of murdered Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov.

Families, the old and young walked slowly, with many holding portraits of the opposition politician and former deputy prime minister who was shot dead while walking home from a nearby restaurant on Friday night.


"(Nemtsov) was harmful to the authorities, but the authorities themselves are criminal. The authorities have trampled on all international rights, seized Crimea, started war with Ukraine," said Yuri Voinov, an elderly physicist.
Get it yet, Howie? Even intelligent Russians know this.

Putin has vowed to pursue those who killed Nemtsov, calling the murder a "provocation".

National investigators who answer to the Russian leader offered a 3-million-rouble reward, around $50,000, for information on Nemtsov's death. They say they are pursuing several lines of inquiry, including the possibility that Nemtsov, a Jew, was killed by radical Islamists or that the opposition killed him to blacken Putin's name.

Nemtsov's funeral is due to be held on Tuesday in Moscow.

Putin's opponents say such suggestions, repeated over pro-Kremlin media, show the cynicism of Russia's leaders as they whip up nationalism, hatred and anti-Western hysteria to rally support for his policies on Ukraine and deflect blame for an economic crisis.

"We are told on TV that a conspiracy by the West and those among us who have sold out to them are behind our poverty. People should throw away the TV set and go to protest," said Olga, 42, who declined to give her last name.
I'm sure they'll find a scapegoat for the Kremlin's actions. :yes: :p

Many opposition leaders have been jailed on what they say are trumped-up charges, or have fled the country.

Nemtsov, a fighter against corruption who said he feared Putin may want him dead, had hoped to start the opposition's revival with a march he had been planning for Sunday against Putin's economic policies and Russia's role in east Ukraine.

The Kremlin denies sending arms or troops to Ukraine.

In a change of plan, the opposition said Moscow city authorities had allowed a march of up to 50,000 people alongside the River Moskva to commemorate Nemtsov's death.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Nemtsov had told him about two weeks ago that he planned to publish evidence of Russian involvement in Ukraine's separatist conflict.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #140
You are another in cloud-cuckoo land San. The man was never a threat to Putin. He was nowhere near the 80% poll rating of the President. The average Joe in the West would have no idea who the bloke was at all.  He couldn't even reach the rating of your President on a strained 40% (!) You suitably ignore these things and that the government is not going to shoot someone outside the Kremlin but then Americans have an inbuilt emotion that is easily stolen by propagandist stuff. The blood is hardly dried and true to form out come the usual minds of the controlled brains. Throwing in the Kiev President as a support is head shaking as he is good as a liar and under your control. And no less a person than the Foreign Secretary of Germany (an ally in case you were unaware) has now said that there should be no jumping to instant conclusions without facts and proper results. That too will be ignored of course so that the assault on Russia because it cannot be controlled by US corporates money barons will continue.

I don't see you mindless ex-colonists unable to think for yourselves condemning your bosom pals in Saudi Arabia for what goes on there but money and a base makes a big difference. There were also some odd matters of the assassination of Kennedy ignored by the "Commission" and although i am not a follower of all sorts of mad theories there were oddities. But hey that doesn't count! For all we know it could have been a Ukrainian killer after all we are just getting instant wide assertions here on no grounds whatsover.

Shame the man was killed but he was a tiny minority leader and nowhere near a threat to Putin whatsoever but sense and appraisal means nothing to the educating of ex-colonists so easily into Cold War propagandist leanings. If you face the facts rather than being brained you would get more respect.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #141
Putin's poll numbers come  from an outfit called the Levada Center, generally a respected agency. However:

Prosecutors this week officially warned the polling agency that it is in breach of legislation requiring politically engaged NGOs that receive foreign funding to register as "foreign agents." The center acknowledges that a small portion of its budget comes from foreign sources. Prosecutors allege that its research constitutes "political activity." Fortunately the American Constitution protects against such abuses.

The warning comes shortly after the Levada Center released polls showing President Vladimir Putin’s popularity falling, sparking allegations that the prosecutor's move was politically motivated.

The Levada Center's director, Lev Gudkov, told RFE/RL's Russian Service that the move threatens the pollster's continued existence.

Note that the article was written in 2013. After that Putin mysteriously became more popular, even as the currency falls and the economy tanks conditions that would earn an American president an approval rating in 30's. Get it, Howie? The American equivalent would be the Obama administration finding an excuse to threaten Gallup's very existence after poor polling numbers, and than suddenly he has an approval rating in the 60's, Not the least bit suspect, is it?  Fortunately, the American Constitution protects against such abuses

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #142

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #143
I get it, all too clear. Something "happens" to the most likely man to replace Putin in the next vote, he gets offed--- Putin or his goons are the most likely source of the outrage. This will never do of course, so RJHowie sides with his hero to try to save the day.

Now, imagine for a moment that we change things up a bit. Elections are coming in the United States. The sitting president is up for re-election but his numbers are not by any means certain-- he gets the idea--- and carries it out-- of murdering his likely replacement. Would Howie defend the sitting US president?

You know he wouldn't. Party affiliation of the president and his now-deceased opponent wouldn't matter, RJ would be calling for the US to burn the criminal at the stake. Probably laughing at us and our silly pretensions at self-government all the way.

(For the record: I know that Obama is not up for re-election. He's had his two terms. The above was for example only at this time.)
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #144

Now, imagine for a moment that we change things up a bit. Elections are coming in the United States. The sitting president is up for re-election but his numbers are not by any means certain-- he gets the idea--- and carries it out-- of murdering his likely replacement. Would Howie defend the sitting US president?
(For the record: I know that Obama is not up for re-election. He's had his two terms. The above was for example only at this time.)

There are plenty of lunatics who keep saying he'll do something like that in order to stay in power for years now.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #145
Putin said he didn't do it.
Isn't that enough ?
It was done with a gun.
Obviously it was done by an American.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #146
One should react to these things in a civilised way.

One could go to Nemtsov's funeral and pay dignified last respects, in keeping with the deep sorrow of His Utter Magnificence.

Ooops - it seems that is not an option


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #147

Putin said he didn't do it.
Isn't that enough ?
It was done with a gun.
Obviously it was done by an American.

A drive-by shooting done by a Chicago street-gang? Sorry, Chicago gangs aren't that good. They're good at killing all right, but hitting their intended target and no one else in a drive by? Nope, they're not that good. This was a high-level assassination, done by professionals.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #148

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #149

Seems to be a pretty harmless weapon compared to the drones your dear leader is using. :)