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Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to own, carry, & use Firearms to defend their own lives, & the lives of their family & friends?

Absolutely Yes!
I thinks so.
I don't think so.
Definitely No!
My name isn't String, so let me have a icy cold beer so I can ponder the options...
Topic: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms? (Read 353868 times)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #25
Quote from: The National Review
........'Gun-free zones' have been the most popular response to previous mass killings. But many law-enforcement officials say they are actually counterproductive. “Guns are already banned in schools. That is why the shootings happen in schools. A school is a ‘helpless-victim zone,’” says Richard Mack, a former Arizona sheriff. “Preventing any adult at a school from having access to a firearm eliminates any chance the killer can be stopped in time to prevent a rampage,” Jim Kouri, the public-information officer of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, told me earlier this year at the time of the Aurora, Colo., Batman-movie shooting. Indeed, there have been many instances — from the high-school shooting by Luke Woodham in Mississippi, to the New Life Church shooting in Colorado Springs, Colo. — where a killer has been stopped after someone got a gun from a parked car or elsewhere and confronted the shooter...........continued
Source: The National Review

My answers stand, are valid, & are verifiable ..... No insane mass shooters ever chose a shooting range to do his/their deadly deeds in.......never.........why??.........simply because they're yellow bellied cowards who know that "Gun Free Zones" offer them the least risk of being interrupted in their heinous deeds...while they're busy slaughering school children, teachers, unarmed security, & anyone else within the boundaries of the safe & favorite hunting grounds they always use ..... "Gun Free Zones"...........unopposed......that's a fact......period.....

Cry[glow=black,2,300] strawman[/glow] till you face turns blue, & till you balls glisten fuchsia in the moonlight,,,,,,,,,,,,you can't ever invalidate that fact......burns yer ass don't it.....that you're flat out wrong!

Every time you get caught in an inexplicable falsehood you leftists either scream racist from the bottom of your lungs, blame Bush, or claim a strawman did it, none of which ever pass the 'leftist stink test', & 'Cooney on this one your positions stink to the high heavens.

It's abundantly obvious you haven't the foggiest idea about anything you regurgitate, except what you recite from your leftist manifesto pocket manual AKA your democrat Party Handbook.

You're in over your head here 'Cooney, & I know there will be times when you actually have something of substance to relate to us, but this isn't one of them.

Anyone have anything factual to add, I need some fresh air!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #26
Quote from: jimbro37 in that other Forum
Quote from: string in that other Forum
These new teaching methods. In my day it used to be detention, now it's learn or die.

Oh, how I wish I'd had that option when I taught.:)

This is just one more case of media hype. One state, Utah, is teaching teachers to kill intruders and it looks like the U.S. has gone dafter than it really has. Why single out school shootings? There are shootings of innocent people across the country. And why put guns in the hands of people who ought not have them inside a classroom? How long will it be before some deranged and stressed out teacher shoots one of his students?

Teachers.....they, the most of them, take on the position because they feel it's a calling to help the youth of today reach for the stars tomorrow.....give them a better future. They also believe, & you should know this being an ex-teacher yourself, that while those children are in their care their lives are entrusted to them....they are to protect those children at all peril to themselves.

I remind you of how those brave teachers in Sandy Hook met their last resort, they served up their own lives unselfishly to protect those children, & placed themselves between the deranged gunman's bullets & those children.....using the only weapon they were trusted with by their government, their very own soft-tissue bodies!

Well now teachers of late have made a very educated decision, they aren't being armed by the school boards, or the government, they have made the educated decision to freely self-arm in order to protect their own lives if push come to shove, but more importantly the lives they have the duty of care to protect.......their children/our children.

As I said previously they have made their brave decisions based on the very intelligence that drove them to their noble profession.

In the end they know for certain, their flesh & blood is better utilized being trained & armed, than unarmed & defenseless.

They have come to know that the only thing that can stop a bad person with a gun, is a good person with a gun.

Yes, Jaybro.......they haven't been forced into this by anything except their own intelligence, & the desire to protect in the only effective way they can ------ fully trained & with their own firearms.

Quote from: Jaybro
How long will it be before some deranged and stressed out teacher shoots one of his students?

Really, I never thought you would step down to that level.

Is that how you were taught to think?

Don't you think that regardless of these latest developments, that with or without permission, if they ever wanted to do the heinously & cowardly act that you suggest, they would find a way wouldn't they ----- or are you too naive to believe that they always could have?

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #27

The Obama Administration's latest lame attempt to "Europeanize" America, & destroy the 2nd Amendment  will wither on the vine!

                                          [glow=black,2,300]Video  --  The U.N. - American Arms Trade Treaty ......... DOA![/glow]
                                                                                                   Click on the image to see the video

Quote from: FOX News
Sens. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) released a bipartisan letter this week signed by 48 of their colleagues pledging to oppose the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which Secretary of State John Kerry signed on behalf of the United States in September.

This letter makes it clear that the Senate will not ratify the treaty in the foreseeable future.

Since a treaty requires a two-thirds majority to win the Senate's advice and consent, the ATT is at least 17 votes short of the 67 votes needed to secure ratification. And if anything, the Moran-Manchin letter understates Senate opposition to the treaty.


Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #28
SF - If all you say is true then the US is truly a frightening place; not only are there gangs of muggers roaming the streets looking for I'll-defended old ladies, but every country in the world is slavering over the prospect of invading America and eating all your hamburgers and are armed to the teeth to do just that. Your Government is in disarray, the communist lefties having "elected" a non-American to the White House where he plots continuously to take away all your God-given rights of mayhem.

In all of this your armed forces are in disarray, not being loyal to their Commander in Chief, but dedicated to defending a small edit of the holy American constitution.

So it's quiet clear that all citizens should be armed to the teeth, but not with puny handguns or rifles, but with tanks, battleships and an array of battle drones controlled from laser-toting Battle-Sats. We should also not forget a submarine or two just in case THEY come underwater.

That is,  If everything you claim is right and accurate.

But then, as the saying goes,

if ifs and ands were pots and pans,
there'd be no work for tinkers' hands

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #29
Once again, with no valid retort to disprove my claims, you seek to trivialize man's most fundamental right......his 'Natural Right' to simply protect his own life & the lives of his family & friends -- man's Natural Right to Self-Defense.

;) The world is truly a dangerous place as you say, but unlike your portrayal, scores of Americans -- myself included -- feel quite comfortable knowing that if we ever needed to protect ourselves we have the means under our belts -- in our bags, in our glove boxes, at our nightstands, over our mantles -- & we would have a recourse other than surrender & submit. More Americans are armed today than since the early times, & our numbers are growing by the day.  We are comfortable with our 'Natural Right' to self-defense, & no man or Government will ever dare separate us from that right except to their own extreme peril.

Our government can protect us from invasion, & with our help can defeat any invader. Whereas the police are only there to determine the names of the victims, & gather all possible evidence to hopefully convict the assailant(s) in a court of law. At the actual moment of need you'd be more likely struck by lightning while reading your winning lottery ticket, than have a squad car pull up to assist you.

No sir, you will only get our guns when you are brave enough pry them from our cold, dead hands.


Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #30
Of course Smiley doesn't know that Obama suggested allowing schools to hire armed guards, a solution preferred by 87 percent of teachers to carrying guns themselves   . Further, the he doesn't understand that getting rid of  Gun Free Zones means anybody can waltz into the school with a gun with out being questioned. Oh, I forgot "Criminals don't obey laws (TM) ." That's where the fore-mentioned guards come in, obviously. Learn to think beyond NRA truisms, please. I'm gonna make one of the dolls that you pull the string to make it talk, It will say "The only way to stop a bad a guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Of course, like gun nuts it won't understand that gun control in the form of background checks, not allowing guns to be sold without a background check at gunshows, etc actually prevents some bad guys from getting the gun in the first fucking place. Funny how people don't even know what gun control is. Many will will say they're opposed to gun control on the poll, but proceed to be in favor of all or most the actual components of the actual gun control, not the made-up Obama gun-grab.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #31
Of course Smiley doesn't know that Obama suggested allowing schools to hire armed guards

What a crock of phony shit!

He also said [glow=black,2,300]facts[/glow] like:

“If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it.”  

“The day after Benghazi  happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism.”   

"I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away."

“The Capitol Hill janitors just got a pay cut”     

Pick one, any one, they're just as truthful as your Obamma statement.

Well, aren't they?

Now, it seems that the American teachers have had it up to here, & they won't wait for the implementation of any empty suggestions & phoney speech promises.

Nope, they are taking the bull by the horns, gettin' down & dirty -- gettin' their own firearm training, gettin' their own concealed weapons permits, & gettin' their own firearms.

They'll be takin' the fight for self-defense to a new level, a level of security, a level totally out of your lot's control.

Obamma & his slimy band of syphilitic weasels would love nothing less than the total disarmament of America, & striking the Second Amendment from the Constitution, as would you, except you & they haven't the globes to say it flat out.

You all want everyone to believe that all you bums actually want is 'common sense, responsible firearm legislation'  , as if there were such a thing, when all the while what you are looking for in America is total & complete firearm confiscation.

Well only the blind, brainwashed minions of your extremist gun-grabbin left will fall for that line of bull. The majority of Americans, when confronted with facts, will never fall to your deceptions.

Irregardless, you'll continue to blow smoke up America's ass in the hopes you can get a toe hold, which would in your dreams eventually get you a strong foothold into Anti-Second Amendment -- Anti-Gun Legislation.

Well, as long as we, the Pro-Gun -- Pro-Second Amendment, Legitimate Law-Abiding American Firearm Owners, band together as a united front stand firm, we will prevail & America will retain it's Natural Right to self-defense by keeping & bearing firearms, much to your complete & utter chagrin!

All the anti-gun legislation of your gun-grabbing left could muster wouldn't have saved one of those little Sandy Hook children's lives, & that's a fact your lot tries to talk around & past, but never will be able to as long as the pro-Second Amendment Right sticks shoulder to shoulder exposing your leftist Anti-Second Amendment lies at every turn.

The American People know who's telling them the truth, & all across America we are seeing anti-gun legislation being overturned & falling to the wayside.

We can keep that up forever, & will.


Ron Paul said it quite clearly, & his words still echo in the Congress,
& in our State Houses this day.


                                    [glow=black,2,300]Ron Paul Video[/glow]      Click the image to watch Ron Paul's calm, simple, & factual message.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #32
Getting rid of the gun-free zone is not enough to prevent the rampages. You must know this, but you saw the keyword "Obama" and script-like you pasted a bunch of stuff about incorrect Obama statements without reading that the guards were a proposal of his and not a statement. I expect that kind of idiocy from Fanfaron (In fact, there are times I really think he is script, but anyway...)

In poll after poll, more than 70% of teacher indicated that they wouldn't even consider having a gun. I already discussed with you the tactical advantages a gunman would have over the few teachers that have a gun. You fail to acknowledge the psychology of the gunmen themselves, that many actually want to die. Granted, if the a teacher wins the gunfight, it will save the life of students and factuality (and that's bigger "if" than you care to understand.) If you get rid of the gunfree zones, you'll need additional security to reduce the possibility of a gunman making into the school in the first place.

In your scenarios. the gunmen pulls out a gun. The teacher can whip her or his out and take out the psychopath. It's not that simple. In reality, a student-gunmen, aware that the teacher might be armed, will likely shoot the teacher before he/she is even aware a student is armed.

Yes, that's repetitive, but I needed to make sure you understood.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #33
I already discussed with you the tactical advantages a gunman would have over the few teachers that have a gun.

Oh yeah Svengali 

Refresh my memory ....... Where did this supposed discussion take place???

I think you did a few more  lines the night this 'discussion' supposedly took place.

Maybe you plain forgot to post it???

So, as you make abundantly obvious, you would rather have rooms full of dead students than have one or two armed teachers.

If you get rid of the gunfree zones, you'll need additional security to reduce the possibility of a gunman making into the school in the first place.

Actually, no more or less than now,  for as you know those crazed gunmen don't follow procedures or the law --- never did, & your statement itself is proof positive why [glow=black,2,300]"Gun-Free Zones" [/glow]don't work, never have, & never will.

All they do provide those would be defenseless victims/targets is a false sense of security, as if a clear thinking, deranged, potential gunman just might leave his guns outside simply because the sign says[glow=black,2,300] "Gun-Free Zone....No Guns Permitted Beyond This Point'[/glow]

Instead of calling these Schools [glow=black,2,300]"Gun-Free Zones" [/glow]we should be calling them [glow=black,2,300]"Helpless-Victim's Zones"[/glow]

Only an idiot, or a progressive liberal,  would feel secure knowing that he's being protected by a piece of legal paper at the Capitol Building, & a pretty iridescent sign that says [glow=black,2,300] "Gun-Free Zone....No Guns Permitted Beyond This Point'![/glow]  

On a serious note though,  with just one single exception, the attack on congress-woman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, every public shooting in the US since 1950 in which more than three people have been killed, has taken place where citizens are not permitted to carry guns by force of law  ----  your precious & valuable security blankets, the infamous  [glow=black,2,300]"Gun-Free Zones" [/glow].

Yep, by golly.....they work great! We should create more!!!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #34
Oh yeah Svengali

Refresh my memory ....... Where did this supposed discussion take place???
You seriously don't remember this from the D&D thread? I shouldn't be surpised. Republicans can't remember anything before Obama. I'm not digging through the massive thread all day for your amnesia 
All they do provide those would be defenseless victims/targets is a false sense of security, as if a clear thinking, deranged, potential gunman just might leave his guns outside simply because the sign says "Gun-Free Zone....No Guns Permitted Beyond This Point'

This is why we're saying to enforce them. What part of this is so hard? Criminal would walk into gun-free zone, guard notes a gun (perhaps even the metal detector catches it). The guard demands the gun be surrendered. If the criminal doesn't comply, he finds himself on the ground with the guard's gun pointed at the back of his fucking head. Get it? But if you throw the baby out with the bathwater and take away the whole gun-free zone, the gunman can't be stopped he actually does something. I believe I pointed out to you before that not all "gun-free" zones are actually "gun-free" and already have authorized personnel carrying guns.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #35
You seriously don't remember this from the D&D thread? I shouldn't be surpised. Republicans can't remember anything before Obama. I'm not digging through the massive thread all day for your amnesia

A democRat way of saying I made that all up, I have no idea why, & I don't care -- so leave me to my usual wet dreams fresh at hand.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #36
Somebody in West Suburban St. Charles, Illinois found a novel use for his gun. He used a .22 to shoot icicles that were hanging from his roof, the neighbors understandably had an issue with this so the cops paid him a visit and told him to stop shooting icicles. This took place in an unincorporated area so shooting is not subject to the usual in-town ordinances against such things. Gee, I always used a pole to knock down icicles.,0,3488666.story
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #37
Somebody in West Suburban St. Charles, Illinois found a novel use for his gun. He used a .22 to shoot icicles that were hanging from his roof

Now, I've done a lot of things with a firearm, but that's a first to me.

Did you know the .22, as bullets go, is one of the least accurate at longer distances, so depending on the distance this guy must have been either 3 donuts shy of the looney bin, or a freekin ' outrageous marksman!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #38
Gee, I always used a pole to knock down icicles.

Shooting at icicles in the air seems rather dangerous to say the least, but doing something with a gun just because it's more fun that way is not necessarily insane.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #39

Somebody in West Suburban St. Charles, Illinois found a novel use for his gun. He used a .22 to shoot icicles that were hanging from his roof

Now, I've done a lot of things with a firearm, but that's a first to me.

Did you know the .22, as bullets go, is one of the least accurate at longer distances, so depending on the distance this guy must have been either 3 donuts shy of the looney bin, or a freekin ' outrageous marksman!

Just guessing here but I have a suspicion the range wasn't that great. Many of these houses around here are either ranch-style or bi-level, and in either case the roof isn't terribly high. A 20-foot ladder will easily be able to reach the roof in most of these cases, allowing you to keep the gutters clear and do minor roof repair without much trouble. Shooting icicles from, say, thirty feet away isn't that much of a challenge even for a .22. The problem comes in trying not to put holes in the roof. The other problem comes from the fact that the bullet won't stop once it busts through the icicle, it will keep going until it runs out of steam and hits the ground-- unless it hits something else first.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #40
A democRat way of saying I made that all up, I have no idea why, & I don't care -- so leave me to my usual wet dreams fresh at hand

How can you not remember that entire discussion? Go get a CAT scan, you might have brain damage or maybe Alzheimers.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #41

A democRat way of saying I made that all up, I have no idea why, & I don't care -- so leave me to my usual wet dreams fresh at hand

How can you not remember that entire discussion? Go get a CAT scan, you might have brain damage or maybe Alzheimers.

I say you probably made it up, or your lying, or are honestly confusing me with someone else, for if you were so absolutely sure, you'd be more than willing to back up your 'story', if for nothing else but to resurrect your badly shattered credibility. I guess we'll never know the truth.

One irrefutable fact still stands though.

With just one exception -- the attack on congress-woman Giffords in 2011 -- every public mass shooting in the US since around 1950 or earlier, in which more than three people were killed, took place where American Citizens, by law, are not permitted to carry guns.

They only took place in [glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zones"[/glow], not at a gun show, not at a firing range, not in a police station, not at the White House, or in the Capitol Building.........

Nope, only in a [glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zone".[/glow]

Outside of your lame excuse that [glow=blue,2,300]that's where people tend to congregate[/glow], why do you think the clever, but deranged mass murders only chose [glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zones"?[/glow]

I know what the experts in the law enforcement community attribute this to, but why do you    think those mass killings took place only in your cherished [glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zones" ?[/glow]

~~ AND ~~

While your at it, & have your thinking cap on, why is it you consider your cherished [glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zones" [/glow] are so sacred that you would rather have rooms full of dead students than have one or two armed teachers?? 

Why? Inquisitive minds want to know!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #42
I say you probably made it up, or your lying, or are honestly confusing me with someone else, for if you were so absolutely sure, you'd be more than willing to back up your 'story', if for nothing else to resurrect your shattered credibility.

We most have argued for pages about who would actually have the tactile advantage, a teacher with a gun in her purse or the gunman.  The only thing I'm not sure of is your intent. Is it to waste my time by looking through that thread for you, or do you seriously not remember me pointing how that the student gunmen can shoot the teacher while her/his back is turned?

Another question is are you guys really ridiculous enough to think that the reason a kid shoots up the school he attends is because the sign says "Gun-Free Zone?" You really and truly don't think there's more psychology to it than that? The studies merely serve to confirm what's common sense.

You haven't been to school or college since (insert deity) knows when, so you might really not know that some of these "gun-free" zones are really not gun-free. We have armed MetroPD officers acting as "resources officers" in some Las Vegas schools. You guys love to say "All mass shootings were in gun-free zones", not withstanding the fact that Virginia Tech had an armed SWAT team. "Gun-Free" zone does not mean the only that potentially has a gun is the shooter anymore. UNLV (University of Nevada Las Vegas) is a "gun-free" zone, but the campus police are bona-fide police officers, with guns. Let's say unfortunately somebody goes on rampage there. The NRA can say "another shooting at a gun-free zone" despite the fact the "gun-free zone" is not really gun free - just like they did at Columbine.

At a high school, you can keep the gun-free zone, but have an armed resource officer available at all times (at Columbine, apparently he was eating lunch.) Again, the trouble with not having a "gun-free" zone is that any idiot is now free to walk around the school with a gun and can't be stopped until he actually does something bad. Now one might say "Well only the facility and officers would be allowed to have guns and they would be certified." If the NRA was more sane at this time, I could agree. But the NRA doesn't stop there and seems to think only in extreme positions. You're for total freedom to have a gun anywhere you want without being question or having to turn in your gun or you're a gun-grabber, in their minds. I think you'll find that the vast majority, including NRA members, do not belong to those extreme positions.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #43
We most have argued for pages about who would actually have the tactile advantage, a teacher with a gun in her purse or the gunman.  The only thing I'm not sure of is your intent. Is it to waste my time by looking through that thread for you, or do you seriously not remember me pointing how that the student gunmen can shoot the teacher while her/his back is turned?

Never happened, I think you're just making this all up.

And, as for all your [glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zone" [/glow] rebuttal, you actually prove my point....[glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zones" [/glow] don't work, have never worked, & never will work.

Murderous nut jobs are attracted to them like stink to shit.

[glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zone"[/glow] legislation does nothing but give parents, knowledgeable children, teachers, & society in general a false sense of security while providing a crazed bunch of criminals all the cover they need to prosecute their heinous crimes.........period.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #44
Tell me what the legislation to abolish gun-free zones would look like. If it simply allows to wonder in with a gun without being asked by armed security guard to turn it it, it's a recipe for disaster. You and the NRA talk about allowing facility to be armed, but who else gets to be armed? The gun mule that managed to avoid a criminal record delivering guns to gang members in the school?

Now about the tactical situation with an armed teacher versus a gunman, I actually mentioned at least a couple times. On time was here . Feel free to dig through the rest of the results from this search. Or a slightly different one, like this I'm sure the hell not going to just because you can't remember less than a year ago. Just because you can't remember something doesn't mean I made it up.
Murderous nut jobs are attracted to them like stink to shit.
Why is this so hard for you? Why did Lanza choose that particular school and not some other gun-free zone? Why did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold choose Columbine? I'm leaving out all Sociology, Psychology, Criminology and anything else you might consider "liberal" to let common sense kick in. If Harris and Klebold merely wanted to shoot random people up, it might have been tactically better and less risky to choose an elementary school. Remember Columbine did have a guard, but he happened to be in the parking lot at the time. The elementary school would have no guard at all. Sure, some shootings are random but most of the time there's a reason besides a sign.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #45
Why did Lanza choose that particular school and not some other gun-free zone? Why did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold choose Columbine? I'm leaving out all Sociology, Psychology, Criminology and anything else you might consider "liberal" to let common sense kick in. If Harris and Klebold merely wanted to shoot random people up, it might have been tactically better and less risky to choose an elementary school. Remember Columbine did have a guard, but he happened to be in the parking lot at the time. The elementary school would have no guard at all. Sure, some shootings are random but most of the time there's a reason besides a sign.

Well, I guess it's true, you know everything because you investigate the bona fide evidence gotten directly from the source....the minds & mouths of the shooters.......right?..............if not just where did you get your detailed information on why these people did what they did where they did?

I submit, these theories came from your own creative mind, & none of it came from the source.

Just like this:

On July 20th, 2012, James Eagan Holmes killed 12 people and wounded 58 more at the Cinemark Century 16 Theater in Aurora, Colorado.

Those are facts. But many questions still remain, and one of the most notable asks why the shooter choose that particular theater?

Location? Convenience? Or something else?

You might think that it was the one closest to the killer’s apartment. Or, that it was the one with the largest audience.

Yet, neither explanation is right. Instead, out of all the movie theaters within 20 minutes of his apartment showing the new Batman movie that night, it was the only one where guns were banned.

Most movie theaters allow permit holders carrying guns. But the Cinemark movie theater was the only one with a sign posted at the theater’s entrance............

So why would a mass shooter pick a place that bans guns? The answer should be obvious, though it apparently is not clear to the media – disarming law-abiding citizens leaves them as sitting ducks.................continued

Both positions are theories ... one yours, one theirs ................ So what's the difference? .............. I'll tell ya ......... The theories from the people cited here in the above link are far more credible than those theories you hatched from your ripe, fertile & liberal imagination.

Agree or disagree?

Totally Agree ---- There's a glimmer of hope.

Totally Disagree --- You didn't read the article.

BTW .... I saw your links, followed them, saw that you posted gibberish.

I disagree with your theoretical positions.

There's a slight chance I may be wrong--but I doubt it.

Happy now?

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #46
Hey, SF, I've found a new gun for the family Barbecue, or - just the thing to take to a picnic!
A gun designed for Indian women

I especially like the remark:
"Indian women like their ornaments"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #47
Hey, SF, I've found a new gun for the family Barbecue, or - just the thing to take to a picnic!
A gun designed for Indian women

Personally, I think women would probably prefer a Beretta PX4 Storm's quite small & compact, has a larger round capacity,
& it most importantly presents more stopping power -- more bang for the Rupee so to speak.

Actually, I know quite a few men that carry this superb firearm.

In fact, it's so easily concealable, & having fired over 6,000 rounds with it under extreme conditions it's so dependable & accurate, that it's my personal carry of choice. One at my waist, & one on my ankle.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #48
I disagree with your theoretical positions.

There's a slight chance I may be wrong--but I doubt it.

Fucking brilliant. Holmes used tear gas in the theatre. So in dark, tear gas filled theatre a person with a CCW would have been take out Holmes (and hopefully not actually add to the death toll?)  Again, the Right looks at the only factor that supports there positions, but not all the facts. Further, I don't think any of the large movie house chains (they own most of the them...) allow guns. If they caught you with a gun, they wouldn't allow in you with it - sign or no sign and your CCW not withstanding.

No hypothesis fits every situation, especially when dealing with the human mind and damaged ones at that.  When I try to talk very mild psychology to you, it's neither liberal nor conservative. It's not even political. Most of the time, but not 100% of the time, there's a reason killers choose their victims. Even conservative pundits have noted that usually killers know their victims. Usually, but not always. So when it comes to public policy, you have to look at what happens most the time based to the data.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #49
Further, I don't think any of the large movie house chains (they own most of the them...) allow guns. If they caught you with a gun, they wouldn't allow in you with it - sign or no sign and your CCW not withstanding.........

...... a person with a CCW would have been take out Holmes (and hopefully not actually add to the death toll?)

So, as you'd have it...........let the death count mount..........stand by watching the carnage, & do absolutely nothing because some dick-wad liberal democRATs  legislated that citizens can't be trusted, & are forbidden to help even though anywhere else they would be legally able to. 

How cowardly pompous!

You said so clearly, like a clever little bad boy wanting to be caught for telling the truth
Quote from:  'Cooney
[glow=black,2,300] I don't think [/glow]

You should start all your posts that way .......... [glow=black,2,300] I don't think, but.... [/glow]

So, as you still make it so abundantly obvious, you would rather have rooms/theaters full of dead students & innocent people rather than have any armed civilians..........all to save your precious "Gun-Free Zone" legislation that doesn't work, & never will work.  You'd prefer to accept the body count attributed to passive inaction, right?  

How many lives has you precious, good for nothing,   [glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zones"[/glow]   legislation supposedly saved, as opposed to the scores of deaths the legislation has most probably (just count the bodies) caused?


Scrub as hard as you can, you can't clean those bloody hands of those lost lives.........lives that could have been saved..............lives lost that are directly attributable to your grossly misguided [glow=black,2,300]"Gun Free Zone"[/glow]  Legislation!