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Topic: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine (Read 41687 times)

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #100
Usual brain dead anti-Russia stuff?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #101
Yes, because if it comes from Russia it must be true. If it doesn't come from Russia it can't be true.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #102
Since the extreme right and left trust everything from Russia and nothing from their own government that is a real concern.
IMHO, there is an even bigger concern.
Western media became a manipulative propaganda tool which most people don't trust anymore for good reasons. This applies not only to Europe but also to the USA.
So it's not only the extreme right and left who don't trust our media but an overhelming majority.

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time” or speaking of journalism, it reminds me a quote of George Orwell.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #104
Since the extreme right and left trust everything from Russia and nothing from their own government that is a real concern.
IMHO, there is an even bigger concern.
Western media became a manipulative propaganda tool which most people don't trust anymore for good reasons. This applies not only to Europe but also to the USA.
So it's not only the extreme right and left who don't trust our media but an overhelming majority.
I seriously doubt most (Western) people don't trust (Western) media. If you mean people like yourself, who have reactively turned to rely on Russian media, we are talking about a fringe minority. If you mean generally reasonable source-critical people who are source-critical with every source, that's again a minority, a section of well-educated people.

In the West, I think media has ceased to offer things that cater to people's needs and desires, except vanity and commercials, which do their job just fine. If this is true for the overwhelming majority, that's a concern. But it's not a potentially explosive concern. It means the majority of Western people are perfectly predictable automatons, with no free will of their own. Trusting or non-trusting does not even enter the picture.

But in Russia, most people are nothing like this. They think their media is the source of all interesting/true information about the world. No question about it.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #105
But in Russia, most people are nothing like this. They think their media is the source of all interesting/true information about the world. No question about it.
Do you seriously believe that? That Russians trust their media?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #106
But in Russia, most people are nothing like this. They think their media is the source of all interesting/true information about the world. No question about it.
Do you seriously believe that? That Russians trust their media?
I know common Russians personally, so I don't have to go by belief. Edit: Trust is not the right word. Russians are hopelessly in love with the way Russian TV, radio and newspapers tell them things, and fully dependent on it. Like junkies. Or like Apple fans on Apple products. That's how they rely on it./edit

Then there are those among them with the capacity and innate willingness to do source-criticism. A small minority, just like in the West.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #107
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #109
I seriously doubt most (Western) people don't trust (Western) media. If you mean people like yourself, who have reactively turned to rely on Russian media, we are talking about a fringe minority.
You are entitled to doubt as much as you wish. :)
You are free to assume that I represent the typical average American who doesn't trust its own media either.
Of course I can't tell about people from very important countries of the Western world like Estonia or Latvia.

This has nothing to do with Russia, Russians or Russian media. I can't imagine that the average American or the average German, French or Italian have all reactively turned to rely on Russian media. ;)

I know common Russians personally, so I don't have to go by belief. Edit: Trust is not the right word. Russians are hopelessly in love with the way Russian TV, radio and newspapers tell them things, and fully dependent on it. Like junkies.
You may take a look at the image above.
However, your Russophobia stands above any belief. :left:

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #110
I seriously doubt most (Western) people don't trust (Western) media. If you mean people like yourself, who have reactively turned to rely on Russian media, we are talking about a fringe minority.
You are entitled to doubt as much as you wish. :)
You are free to assume that I represent the typical average...
Didn't I say that you (you personally) represent a fringe minority? Yes, I said that. So you're not a typical average of anything. Now I doubt your ability to read. And that's not typical either, not even for you.

I know common Russians personally, so I don't have to go by belief. Edit: Trust is not the right word. Russians are hopelessly in love with the way Russian TV, radio and newspapers tell them things, and fully dependent on it. Like junkies.
You may take a look at the image above.
However, your Russophobia stands above any belief. :left:

Didn't I say that trust is not the right word? Yes, I said that. Do junkies trust their drugs? They are dependent on them. Trust is not the right word.

Russians are similar in relation to their media. They need to hear the beautiful tone of their language, they need to see other Russians and feel united with them. And the reporting gets swallowed on the side.

Polls that ask about trust in media are asking the wrong question. That's the wrong word for the general population anyway. Trust in media is a meaningful concept for journalists and politicians for their professional purposes. They are not the general population. 

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #111
You are entitled to doubt as much as you wish. :)
You are free to assume that I represent the typical average...
Didn't I say that you (you personally) represent a fringe minority? Yes, I said that. So you're not a typical average of anything. Now I doubt your ability to read.
Most Americans don't trust their media. Same applies for Europeans. Hence average Americans don't trust their media. Those who do are a minority.
Can you grasp it or it's too complicated for your intellect? :left:
Didn't I say that trust is not the right word? Yes, I said that. Do junkies trust their drugs? They are dependent on them. Trust is not the right word.

Russians are similar in relation to their media. They need to hear the beautiful tone of their language, they need to see other Russians and feel united with them. And the reporting gets swallowed on the side.

Yeah, for sure. Russians are a total different human species, in your Russophobe mindset at least. :)

Polls that ask about trust in media are asking the wrong question. That's the wrong word for the general population anyway. Trust in media is a meaningful concept for journalists and politicians for their professional purposes. They are not the general population.

So the general population doesn't watch or read news, according to you at least.

Go on, wonder what your intellect will breed next. General population doesn't care what their government does or propagate through the media?
Hence according to your 'logic', trust in media is totally irrelavant, the wrong term so to speak.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #112
So the general population doesn't watch or read news, according to you at least.
They watch and read, but it has nothing to do with trust.

General population doesn't care what their government does or propagate through the media?
Hence according to your 'logic', trust in media is totally irrelavant, the wrong term so to speak.
Population may care a lot (about totally different things than what the government wants), but it has no practical significance as long as they don't do what they care about. Media is one of the forces keeping the population dispersed.

People consume media. These days people get their news from Facebook and Twitter, hardly distinguishing between commercials, neighbourhood rumours, prank videos, and journalism. That's why it doesn't make sense to speak about trust in media from the point of view of the general population. It's addictive-compulsive consumption.

For you, geopoliticial analysis based on first-hand knowledge of Russia and Russians equals Russophobia. That's a situation like an Apple fan hearing from another Apple user whose iPhone exploded. The other user could say that, upon investigation, Apple has a history of bad products and manipulative business practices. Of course the fan will never believe it. In response, the fan would investigate Microsoft history and see many blameworthy things there (of course!) and that's somehow supposed to mean that Apple is perfect.

You should try some actual research about Russia - not NATO or whatever, but about Russia. Russia is a big country, the biggest in terms of territory. They are fully capable of making their own independent decisions and in fact they have. Even if you do that, it's guaranteed we will never be on the same page. But I'm sure you won't even try to get acquainted with what Russia actually is.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #113
So the general population doesn't watch or read news, according to you at least.
They watch and read, but it has nothing to do with trust.
I see.
According to you, one can show or tell them anything, true or false. They'll consume and digest it anyway with their brains switched off, so it has nothing to do with trust.

For you, geopoliticial analysis based on first-hand knowledge of Russia and Russians equals Russophobia.
I'll correct that for you.
For me, 'geopolitical analysis based on first-hand knowledge of Russia and Russians' coming from a Russophobe is worthless trash. Period.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #114
According to you, one can show or tell them anything, true or false. They'll consume and digest it anyway with their brains switched off, so it has nothing to do with trust.
More or less, particularly if you bear in mind that the Facebook/Twitter/YT generation is actively seeking anything to be told to them, regardless of truth value. Meanwhile, normal journalism has some standards to live up to, ethics to follow, a reputation to keep up and a duty to do, which means it's losing the competition. People only know "media". They don't know journalism.

For me, 'geopolitical analysis based on first-hand knowledge of Russia and Russians' coming from a Russophobe is worthless trash. Period.
I know my own relationship with Russians and to Russia. You evidently don't want to know. You are pretty close to turning me into a Germanophobe. Good job.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #115
…you guys remind me of the wisdom of George Washington when he cautioned our young nation to stay clear of the squabbles of Europe! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #116
…you guys remind me of the wisdom of George Washington when he cautioned our young nation to stay clear of the squabbles of Europe! :)
And why was that wise? Because it's stupid to lose men, money and time in the squabbles between UK, France and Germany in the overpopulated Europe when there's all that open space and natural resources in the other direction up for grabs. US easily matches UK in colonisation, probably surpasses by now.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #117
How would money rich paysants, as Americans, ever resist to stay clear from European status class...
They even buy castles and move it to Texas...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #118
Well I suppose bullying castles and moving them replaces the boredom of always playing at cowboy mentalities.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #119
And why was that wise? Because it's stupid to lose men, money and time in the squabbles between UK, France and Germany in the overpopulated Europe when there's all that open space and natural resources in the other direction up for grabs. US easily matches UK in colonisation, probably surpasses by now.
Oh? How many colonies do we have? :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #120
And why was that wise? Because it's stupid to lose men, money and time in the squabbles between UK, France and Germany in the overpopulated Europe when there's all that open space and natural resources in the other direction up for grabs. US easily matches UK in colonisation, probably surpasses by now.
Oh? How many colonies do we have? :)
You don't know? It's not fashionable to call them colonies, but here they are:

Puerto Rico, American Samoa, all those things you call "territories", all those things formerly called "territories" and now annexed, such as Hawaii and Alaska. Also, everything you annexed ("admitted to the union") by way of expansion after the original 13 states.

Russia has expanded throughout its history and annexed much territory. It's largely contiguous territory, so maybe it doesn't look like colonies to you, but it's quite accurate to say that Central Asia, Siberia and Alaska were colonised by Russia.

Northern Ireland is a UK colony, as all Ireland used to be. Let's see you argue that it isn't.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #121

Half of Mexico?

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #122
all those things formerly called "territories" and now annexed, such as Hawaii and Alaska
They bought Alaska to the Russians, for four or five million dollars at the time. I don't know what Russians had in mind... not too much of a good business.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #123
I try to make allowances for your ignorance ersi on that part of Gt Britain -namely Northern Ireland.  You are obviously in the old way out nationalist tradition (being moderate with you). Ulster made it plain in 1922 it wanted to still be part of Britain and it still does today. What silly drink do you gallon down your silly throat? Efen many in the corner you support are content to be where they are and sods you off.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #124
I try to make allowances for your ignorance ersi on that part of Gt Britain -namely Northern Ireland.  You are obviously in the old way out nationalist tradition (being moderate with you). Ulster made it plain in 1922 it wanted to still be part of Britain and it still does today. What silly drink do you gallon down your silly throat? Efen many in the corner you support are content to be where they are and sods you off.
None of this disproves Northern Ireland being a colony.

But let's look closer how Ulster made things plain in 1922. The Parliament of Northern Ireland issued a resolution of loyalty to British government. The Parliament of Northern Ireland had convened just a year earlier by the decision of British government after partitioning the country, as Home Rule was enacted. Now the Home Rule (designed to keep independence away from Ireland) has long since ceased to be, as Ireland became actually independent, the Parliament of Northern Ireland became defunct in the 70's, but that resolution should still count for something? It's about as smooth legitimacy as in Crimea.