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Topic: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine (Read 41690 times)

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #50
Nice to know that words for a change fail tt92. Typical US arrogance and imperialsm. Makes the sun outside even more charming.

The media here is so utterly pathetic both in the West in general and what passes for it mainstream in the ex-colonies in the same mindset. Did the Russia passenger plane that got shot down a while ago in Ukraine get the same hoo-ha? no it didn't. If Russia is getting blamed for this incident on spurious information how daft can we get? The USA is the champion of doing the very thing it accuses Russia of and that is morally right is it? Try answering the history of the US. As for the supposed copy of a transmission Kiev has on dialogue between militia units. The oddity of that one is that it has been seen to have had a problem. The starting part of the tape is set at a particular time then oddly the final part is at a different time altogether. Why Obama and Cameron, etc  lash out at Russia is utterly insulting intelligence. Because the militias ar basically Russian people therefore Russia nd Putin are the blame people. Absurd. The blame should be at the US and it's puppets in the West who from the evil start in that Kiev Square took no notice at all of the rightful complaints of East Ukraine who were totally ignored. Not very sensible at all and created the war situation we now have.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #51
One would have to wonder what was on Putin's shirtless mind when he took to his protectionist policy pertaining to his murderous cherished cherubs dogs in the Eastern Ukraine.

One more nail?


Yes, one would have to wonder .............. simply, amongst a growing list of coulda shouldas,  why didn't Vlad demand that his thugs preserve the 'crime scene', & least of all respect the memory of those 290+ innocent victims??

The UN has bluntly put Putin on notice & said that Russia's obstructionism won't cut it be tolerated any longer!


Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #54
a Well-played  Satire , mac  :D

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #55
Too many lies, guesses and media acting like demented mental patients on a free for all.  And what do you know the other night on BBC Newsnight they quoted that US espionage folk had said that Russia was not involved in the airliner downing. However Obama danced round that to find something else to blame the Russians for! Quite a stance from a country that causes so much mayhem in the world itself. On a more reasonable note some observers have stated that the Ukrainian fighter jet near the passenger plane was shot down by accident. Well a possibility but I would prefer to wait for the outcome instead of the nonsense being peddled by Obama and the West.  The Malaysian government has shown more common sense than some of the frantic ranting mindsets here and in the media. It has refused to join in the frenxy of blameKiev denied they had a fighter plane and then Russia produced the evidence and they still deny it. Everyone has jumped on the hysterical bandwagon but I will wait to see what the eventual outcome gives u when we have proof. So do feel free folks to go back to asylum until we find the truth.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #56
The Feds did it in order to get Katsung. But, the Acme stuff that they bought from Wile E Coyote missed once again and Kat is no doubt posting about this somewhere.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #57
Haha! Well done there Chicago man. Iam still laughing at that one. Wonder where the poor blighter is now or maybe he has been sectioned as he was so unreal. Brilliant one Chicago. Due a crate of Irn Bru. haha.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #58
The Feds did it in order to get Katsung. But, the Acme stuff that they bought from Wile E Coyote missed once again and Kat is no doubt posting about this somewhere.

I believe he hasn't noticed yet that we moved so I doubt very much of his capacity for taking an airplane...
Or maybe he noticed and, obviously, interpreted as one more maneuver from the feds to prevent him to exposing them.

In my sordid imagination, the feds finally got him...

Anyway, I miss his perseverance.
I hope everything is fine with him, people suffering from what he suffers often gets in trouble.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #59
I dare say there would be the odd occasion when he actually touched on something controversial that could be argued but most of the time it was a strident and mind boggling determination and as Belfrager says a strong disciplined assault.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #60
Why does it take so long for making public the data extracted from the blackbox and voicerecorder of M17?
Extracting data from a blackbox and a voicerecorder are no rocket science, not even in an underdeveloped country.
Do the findings contradict with Washington and Kiev's allegations and have to be manipulated first? It would at least explain the delay.

US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft - link
OCSE monitor mentions bullet holes in MH17 - link
Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts - link
Shocking Analysis of the ‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17 - link
Deleted BBC Report. “Ukrainian Fighter Jet Shot Down MHI7?, Donetsk Eyewitnesses link

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #61

Why does it take so long for making public the data extracted from the blackbox and voicerecorder of M17?
Extracting data from a blackbox and a voicerecorder are no rocket science, not even in an underdeveloped country.
Do the findings contradict with Washington and Kiev's allegations and have to be manipulated first? It would at least explain the delay.

US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft - link
OCSE monitor mentions bullet holes in MH17 - link
Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts - link
Shocking Analysis of the ‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17 - link
Deleted BBC Report. “Ukrainian Fighter Jet Shot Down MHI7?, Donetsk Eyewitnesses link

[move][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow][glow=black,2,300]  Katsung Lives!!!!!!! [/glow]/move]

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #62
I'm sure your silly argument will convince everybody  :monkey:
BTW, I could give you more sources but I'm afraid English is the only language you understand.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #63
BTW, I could give you more sources but I'm afraid English is the only language you understand.

Why's that? Because it's a propaganda site written in Russia. This hypothesis goes on to say that Ukraine did it in an attempt to kill Putin. Let's see,  Ukrainian jet fighters shot down a commercial aircraft plainly marked as belonging to Malaysian Airlines thinking Putin's on it, despite the fact he was on no such flight. Meanwhile two unknown witnesses (for all we know, they can be separatists in civilian clothes) can easily tell a Russian SU-25 from a Ukrainian one from ground level that far away? Oh yeah, and for some reason the Ukrainian fighter was specifically trying to hit the airliner's pilot, even though doing that is completely unnecessary to take the craft out of the sky.

Meanwhile, the BUK missiles are specifically designed to explode before impact and the shrapnel is supposed to pierce the hull of the enemy craft like that. Exit holes? If the shrapnel can break through the hull on one side, there's nothing else to slow it down. So why can't it escape the other side if it has enough velocity?

There is some truth to what Smiley said. This sounds like a 9-11 conspiracy theory. You know, where the "truthers" say Jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough (despite the fact that an elementary school student can tell you what happens with metal and heat....) and that Bush, for reasons unknown, had the military fire a cruise missile into the Pentagon. The conspiracy theory to blame Ukrainian jet fighters for the downing of M17 is as weak as blaming the US government for 9-11.

Ps, if the Ukrainians wanted to kill Putin why didn't they send in sniper to take him out? If you want to murder a world leader, common sense tells you to do with precision instead pf gross actions like this.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #64

Of course are the links I gave only speculations. None of us could tell for sure what exactly happened.
There are lot of speculations. However, speculations or not, that's not the point.
The main point you missed to answer is not related to the circumstances M17 was downed but another.
Why the secrecy about the data extracted from the blackbox and voicerecorder of M17?
Why were the findings not made public yet?
Don't try to tell me that they are still at extracting and analyzing data.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #65
It sometimes takes awhile for the data to come together in a crash here, with an American plane coming down over American soil, due to known weather-event conditions. They don't rush a job like that, you know. I don't see that we have cause for complaint because they haven't released the data to us yet.

MH17 adds the fact that it came down over disputed territory, with everybody and his brother  having reason to lie about things--- and you expect the data to be released yesterday??? Really? I would note that a BUK missile exploding in close proximity to the aircraft is unlikely to have done the data recorders any good, so they just may have a job piecing together the final moments of the flight from what's left. Remember-- it's a commercial airliner, not designed to be flown in combat conditions. The data recorders took a beating from the missile, too.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #66
I miss Katsung.
He did conspiracy much better.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #67

BTW, I could give you more sources but I'm afraid English is the only language you understand.

Why's that? Because it's a propaganda site written in Russia. This hypothesis goes on to say that Ukraine did it in an attempt to kill Putin. Let's see,  Ukrainian jet fighters shot down a commercial aircraft plainly marked as belonging to Malaysian Airlines thinking Putin's on it, despite the fact he was on no such flight. Meanwhile two unknown witnesses (for all we know, they can be separatists in civilian clothes) can easily tell a Russian SU-25 from a Ukrainian one from ground level that far away? Oh yeah, and for some reason the Ukrainian fighter was specifically trying to hit the airliner's pilot, even though doing that is completely unnecessary to take the craft out of the sky.

Huh, the Boeing was at ~30000ft, at that height you can't really see it from the ground unless there's a contrail ( and then all you see is the contrail growing, not the plane itself ). Distinguishing a russian from an ukrainian Su25 at that distance? No way in hell. Good luck seeing it at all.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #68
And yet there are sites that think the two witnesses is such strong evidence against against Ukraine. The BBC report about the witnesses was probably deleted because they realized it was bullshit for common sense reasons. That's one pitfalls of having a such a quick news cycle. Every site and news channel has to try to be the first to the break the story, before anyone has a chance to think about it for a second.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #69

I would note that a BUK missile exploding in close proximity to the aircraft is unlikely to have done the data recorders any good, so they just may have a job piecing together the final moments of the flight from what's left.

Not quite exact. All the data from both blackboxes was intact and has been already extracted.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #70

I would note that a BUK missile exploding in close proximity to the aircraft is unlikely to have done the data recorders any good, so they just may have a job piecing together the final moments of the flight from what's left.

Not quite exact. All the data from both blackboxes was intact and has been already extracted.

I didn't know that.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #71

And yet there are sites that think the two witnesses is such strong evidence against against Ukraine.

Was the sky even clear that day? Otherwise all the action would have been way above the clouds.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #72
Fair point and one wonders if at the end of the day we will find out who actually fired the shell?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #73

............ at the end of the day we will find out who actually fired the shell?

My monies on that Russian trained Russian-Separatists fired them using
Russian provided BUK Missiles, but it wasn't Vlad ...... Oh no, he's permitted
to just turn a blind eye, & deny everything.

Sounds like Sgt. Schultz with a Russian accent.

Re: Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

Reply #74

I would note that a BUK missile exploding in close proximity to the aircraft is unlikely to have done the data recorders any good, so they just may have a job piecing together the final moments of the flight from what's left.

Not quite exact. All the data from both blackboxes was intact and has been already extracted.

I didn't know that.

Fascinating. Krake was just asking a couple of days ago how much longer, now he says they have it---- You know, that's good going if they've already pieced it together. It can take longer than this when a plane hasn't been shot down, but rather got wrecked on takeoff/landing incidents. Six months and better to find out, definitively, that wind shear or perhaps a bird strike was the ultimate culprit.

Now, before anybody gets any idears--- I doubt that it was wind shear, and not many birds fly at 30,000 feet.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!