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Topic: God Save the Governor! (Read 12605 times)

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #50
They would not form a government of their own in the south but in a coalition although the two main parties have never been on that idea. Suspect a lot of the gains were in the young and I had thought they were improving since bailed out by the EU.  Had thought broadly that the Irish republic was improving but not now. Groan that your lot have got what they have and yet you are sooking in with far leftist creeps.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #51
That you are, a pathetic wee bam who is not worth a second of my time.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #52
Readers it does not take much to ascertain that this immature and childish attitude is not a proper adult answering. Any routine person would have challenged issues that are very public here in Scotland but that passing individual calling himself Luxor  has made me realise his incapability. To accept a challenge and answer. He is like that clown Sturgeon who mouths but is not able to deal with the subjects I have raised. Instead he demeans me not of course knowing my involvement in my city, area and community all of which have been noted elsewhere. If one is written about in a whole chapter and held important public office you have to be more sensibly regarded. His ignorance, disrespect and routine SNP mouthing are of a pointless stance. His smart alex tendency might amuse him but he is totally  being very ignorant and childish rhetoric is stupid. In closing there will be no independence but Sturgeon has to go o about it knowing that I suspect. However Luxor is showig the immature attitude as he is not able to aswer direct, honest and fair views without being ignorant
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #53
Waffling on and on and on, but no one is listening to you.
As I say pop off down to your lodge where all the clowns can put down Scotland. The rest of us will get on happy in the knowledge that you are a dying breed.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #54
Not a dying breed and your short brained bias is obvious on my fraternal corn is immature nationalist immaturity. You studiously ignore the hundreds of thousands who supported the Scottish Unionist party and plus along with Labour and Liberal Democrats actually had more votes re the Unionist corner! You are either misusing the people on this site or they are either as stupid as you are acting. You do not answer my list of political failings or the list of 4 SNP public people guilty of what they did. Nats tend to be oddly into emotional Scotland daftness and not able to answer my very direct and well known failings.  If the readers of this forum are just going along with you and ignoring your ignorance and deliberate avoiding things that appear in media, etc then does not say too much for the site.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #55
Settle down. Some of us are just here for the hot Scot on Scot action. :flirt:

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #56
Settle down. Some of us are just here for the hot Scot on Scot action. :flirt:
I just want to see which route Boris takes.

One route allows Howie to carry on cottoning on (likely, if Boris survives next year) and waving the Union Flag, the other route (likely if Boris is pushed out) would have Luxor dragging Howie to get another Maroon passport with the EU back on it and have Luxor waving the EU flag and Saltire in Howie’s face. Lol

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #57
immature nationalist immaturity.
That's a bit rich coming from a British nationalist, Guess you don't do irony.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #58
Immature immaturity? that would be ... maturity.
A matter of attitude.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #59
Interesting routine rubbish from you contributors here and what a waste of time with you folk. I list failings of the corner Luxor comes from and his inability to answer direct questions that are also intimated to the public in general.  Consiering my points have been public on the media and routinely so on you lot make one wonder what you use your grey cells for. Scotland will not be independent and one of the more obvious things I mentioned was regarding the SNP yakking on about the EU. They and YOU LOT ignore that Scotland does NOT have the requirement to apply to the EU if out of Gt Britain and that only 25% os Scots economy depends on Europe never mind the other points I have raise. You can be as silly as you want but you do not query Luxor's avoidance of hard facts. He cannot give answer and the wee club here just goes along with his body-swerving which maybe shows the ignorance is ore widespread. That he does a dance, slags and tries to nip at me instead of being adult and replying he is maybe in the right place of this pointless service. Grow up although that I surmise maybe too much of a challenge.........
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #60
Interesting routine rubbish from you contributors here and what a waste of time with you folk. I list failings of the corner Luxor comes from and his inability to answer direct questions that are also intimated to the public in general.  Consiering my points have been public on the media and routinely so on you lot make one wonder what you use your grey cells for. Scotland will not be independent and one of the more obvious things I mentioned was regarding the SNP yakking on about the EU. They and YOU LOT ignore that Scotland does NOT have the requirement to apply to the EU if out of Gt Britain and that only 25% os Scots economy depends on Europe never mind the other points I have raise. You can be as silly as you want but you do not query Luxor's avoidance of hard facts. He cannot give answer and the wee club here just goes along with his body-swerving which maybe shows the ignorance is ore widespread. That he does a dance, slags and tries to nip at me instead of being adult and replying he is maybe in the right place of this pointless service. Grow up although that I surmise maybe too much of a challenge.........
Howie, do you have a Twitter account?

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #61
instead of being adult
Says the guy who prattles on about Jacobite's, Brigadoon, Scottish nose pickers and is so childish he hides a newspaper in the shops because it doesn't support the Union. That kind of adult? Go join the circus Howie I've heard they are short of clowns.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #62
Howie, do you have a Twitter account?
If he has he's probably been blocked by the majority of Scots. ;)
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.


Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #63
Had thought of Twitter Colonel Rebel  but never been on it .

Meanwhile clown Luxor with that stupid comment as he cannot answer the truth list is a nonsense as I have pointed out that the majority of Scots voted for the 3 Unionist parties. The SNP has to depend on that bunch of Green Party nutters! And remember too folks that those demonstrations by the Nats do NOT attract crowds n the pavement nor does there newspaper have a big circulation. They depend on emotional modern Jacobites and I also suspect they got an electoral increase mainly dare we say - former Labour attitude people.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #64
Had thought of Twitter Colonel Rebel  but never been on it .

Meanwhile clown Luxor with that stupid comment as he cannot answer the truth list is a nonsense as I have pointed out that the majority of Scots voted for the 3 Unionist parties. The SNP has to depend on that bunch of Green Party nutters! And remember too folks that those demonstrations by the Nats do NOT attract crowds n the pavement nor does there newspaper have a big circulation. They depend on emotional modern Jacobites and I also suspect they got an electoral increase mainly dare we say - former Labour attitude people.
If you decide to get one, please let me know.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #65
Luxor with that stupid comment
Truth hurts huh?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #66
You mean I hurt you?! How honest an admittance and a change to give an answer even though means sod all. :o
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #67
You mean I hurt you?
In your dreams sunshine.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #68
You are a dreamer and unable to answer direct challenges on your Scottsah Nationalism it's failings along with public negatives you ignore. Hope when older and you leave school you will mature.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #69
You're beginning to come across as a bit off an attention seeker now. Off you pop, I have others that I can give my attention to.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #70
Well feel free to buzz off as you do not answer what everyone in Scotland knows and is intimated re the media. My accusations including the incidents are factual as you dashed well know but niggles so try to act superior when you are of course not. To you other readers he is making his inability very obvious as too near the truth. No lies but Luxor is making himself negative without me having to go over the top.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #71
See what I mean, pure attention seeking. Now bugger off.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #72
Look here you. it seems you are being very ill-mannered, aggressive and not just being silly but illmannered ignorant. Let me say this to the rest of you just accepting this.

I have indicated matters that are public here in my country and are listed on the media including television. Not once have I lied and return from this Luxor character get ignorance no attempt to answer public questions show ignorance and bad manners yet he is supposed to be a monitor to show that things are being aired properly. I also get sworn at and just makes the long declined forum a sad thing. A very good friend of mine in America used to be here but had enough and went so we keep in touch by email. That I cannot get proper answers to public matters and instead get called names and get sworn at from someone who is meant to be a balanced referee is disgusting and disrespetful and the rest of you just accept waht has happened.  No answers just disrespectful and dismissive rather than being intelligent and respond properly.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #73
Look here you. it seems you are being very ill-mannered, aggressive and not just being silly but illmannered ignorant. Let me say this to the rest of you just accepting this.

I have indicated matters that are public here in my country and are listed on the media including television. Not once have I lied and return from this Luxor character get ignorance no attempt to answer public questions show ignorance and bad manners yet he is supposed to be a monitor to show that things are being aired properly. I also get sworn at and just makes the long declined forum a sad thing. A very good friend of mine in America used to be here but had enough and went so we keep in touch by email. That I cannot get proper answers to public matters and instead get called names and get sworn at from someone who is meant to be a balanced referee is disgusting and disrespetful and the rest of you just accept waht has happened.  No answers just disrespectful and dismissive rather than being intelligent and respond properly.
Never interfere with a Scottish duel. That’s advice I was given by a Scottish friend of mine.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #74
Look here you. it seems you are being very ill-mannered
You seem to be confusing me with someone who gives a damn what you think.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.