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Should Scotland be an independent country?

[ 8 ] (57.1%)
[ 6 ] (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Topic: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time (Read 99693 times)

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #375
Well you can be as smart as you like boy but it covers the attitudes being expressed by Yes people. Sour grapes is a good description. Salmond did give a sleekit jibe at older people and neither did he take a landslide of the young 15/17's. Interestingly they also couldn't make it in areas where they were supposed to have a grounding and when one of their Yes leaders made the comment about the SNP's attitude says something - then that other SNP Scottish ParliamentMember  delaying his resignation until after the vote. He is now an independent Nationalist so no longer under the whop. That other mouth who will now be the Leader will have things behind the scene to contend with unlike before. She has to go along with the Unionist direction as she had to admit because people have had enough of the more aggressive people who did the Yes Campaign no favours.

I suppose it is natural to have been defeated as per the gap and general griping but that is democracy. So you do your wee dance and be as snidy as you want but you lost so get used to it although it seems the more aggressive losers cannot even superficially you are tryg to show you are not of that ilk. Of course you may be hiding your bitterness at the obvious defeat or not wishing to acknowledge the result but whatever, it is done, dusted. Like you, i will get on with life but deeply more happy of course. The dig at practical arithmetic does say something which is unfortunate for you not I!
Best of luck and I am now organising my winning break! 8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #376
I just want to know who taught Mr. Howie how to use emotocons? 

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #377
Maybe the same person who taught him how to be a sore winner.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #378
So you do your wee dance and be as snidy as you want

I suggest you turn round and look in your mirror. There you will see the one who is being snidy.
But I won't apportion blame, it's the upbringing at fault.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #379
Next time I hope the Scottish pro Independence will not forget to hire the DnD specialists to do the political marketing of the campaign.
You can't lose. :)

Unfortunately, you'll have no second time.
Saxons have a nice saying, you'll just have one occasion to cause a first good impression, independence referendums are like that. They will never give you a second chance.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #380
They will never give you a second chance.

They, whoever "they" are, won't have a choice. Personally I would just declare independence and to hell with another referendum.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #382
To Hell with the majority of Scots?

Surely not!

Such passions!

It would be my policy before I was elected, so I would be fulfilling my manifesto.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #383
Shows how much you know tt92. I dare say that the Yes lot would have been even more sore winners. There was a whole phalanx of them strutting about with saltires, trying to destroy No street meetings and act like Rob Roy. I am not saying all of them but a jolly good number of near fanatics. They were carried away with their romantic view of Scotland. Those Yes people  I know in my world(minority)  are still acting like miffed children. Luxor is adopting that old idea of pipe smokers feeling they are somehow different!

Anyway the thing is past, done and dusted so the thing should be let go here.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #384

They will never give you a second chance.

They, whoever "they" are, won't have a choice. Personally I would just declare independence and to hell with another referendum.

Declare ..... Never ask!!!

Drop me a line if ya need a sharp shooter to clear the road ahead fer ya Luxor!
It would be my distinct pleasure ta grave a few Brits....

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #385
It's none of your business SF. But just to humour you ...

Actually I'm surprised at your imagined Scot-friendly stance after the vitriolic things you have said about them in the past. Presumably you have now seen the light,

... so let's hear it for the Black & Tans and their glorious history in Ireland.

But then your muddled hatred of Britain leads you apparently to all sorts of strange alliances.

You now ally yourself with the SNP, who are very left wing politically, far more left of the social minded mainstream British political parties. They adore the National Health Service and large Welfare spending and they have spoken about nationalising the Oil industry and they espouse a policy of taxing the rich more and more and more and more. Just up your street now it seems,  Oh and no doubt they will go after those who avoid paying tax: all good socialistic stuff.

Have a look at the sort of people people you now so admire.. By your previous standards they are commies. ... and you want to subject the Scots to that!

Don't forget to read your little red book tonight.

As for your offer of a sharp shooter, "sharp" is not exactly the word I would use.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #386

To Hell with the majority of Scots?

Surely not!

Such passions!

It would be my policy before I was elected, so I would be fulfilling my manifesto.

That is really too much for me to let go by.

Yes - I know the "plan" that is doing the rounds - a fairly-land wet dream as far as I'm concerned which sums up the SNP/Yes Conpaign; it's never going to happen, but I almost wish the SNP would try this particular form of political suicide.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #387
Have a look at the sort of people people you now so admire..

Funny accent... I can understand two thirds of the words but then I get distracted until I realize that I'm listen to a continuous onomatopoeic sound and understanding nothing at all of what he says...
Kind the way rjhowie writes but in verbal mode...
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #388
Yes - I know the "plan" that is doing the rounds -

Oh come on, you can't take what Jim Sillars says (or what the press prints), to be the plan. He's always been a controversial figure since his labour party days and he doesn't make the SNP's policies. I think they are a bit more democratic than that.
Besides that, I was stating what I would do personally, not what the SNP would do.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #389
It's not over yet. This has been going on since at least the time of William of Orange fighting the Jacobite forces, probably before then-- and I seriously don't think one attempt at the ballot box will end the conflict now. This is something that has been going on a looooonnnnnnngggggggg time, and feelings run deep on both sides.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #390
They adore the National Health Service and large Welfare spending and they have spoken about nationalising the Oil industry and they espouse a policy of taxing the rich more and more and more and more. Just up your street now it seems,  Oh and no doubt they will go after those who avoid paying tax: all good socialistic stuff.

So they sound to the left of socialist/commie/fascist (depending on what day of the week it is) Obama :left:

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #391
It's not over yet. This has been going on since at least the time of William of Orange fighting the Jacobite forces, probably before then

Celebrating a gay foreign prince's victory hundreds of years ago seems a full 20 percent more daft than anything that happens in America :left:

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #392
Um, just because he wasn't a lecherous drunk doesn't make him gay. :P

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #394

Yes - I know the "plan" that is doing the rounds -

Oh come on, you can't take what Jim Sillars says (or what the press prints), to be the plan. He's always been a controversial figure since his labour party days and he doesn't make the SNP's policies. I think they are a bit more democratic than that.
Besides that, I was stating what I would do personally, not what the SNP would do.
Different posts, different points. Jim Sillars may well be a carbuncle on the Yes part of the indy movement, but he remains a fellow traveler; I'd surprised if many take him seriously, excepting the late mighty leader, Uncle Alex.

But UDI - that certainly is a subject being drooled over by some SNP types.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #395
Just to put the Referendum in a little bit of perspective for the benefit of the non-Brits here:

Look at this map. That shows the regions excluding the Shetlands that voted in the Referendum. Just 4 voted for independence, with the latter's major support coming from the urban Glasgow and Dundee.

Hardly a ringing support for independence in term of the regions.

It is also interesting to not that a relationship is indicated between "deprivation" and the Yes vote.
see here - have fun interpreting that!

Reneging on a commitment to respect the result of the Referendum, factions within the SNP have suggested having a UDI on the basis of their manifesto for the next Scottish Election. There are legal problems with such an approach, but just imagine how the majority of the Scottish Regions would feel about being tricked down that route by a cabal of fanatics in a couple of small areas of Scotland. Not the way to a content and happy Scotland, let alone one with increased prosperity.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #396

Um, just because he wasn't a lecherous drunk doesn't make him gay. :P

It's not like gays can't be lecherous drunks :right:

Well played. In any case, those James and Charles fellows were heterosexual lecherous drunks maintaining several mistresses, whose interests were primarily invested in their lifestyles. Willem III was interested in more state-related affairs. A cynic might say that made him a far more dangerous man. ;)

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #397
I have to say that string is perfectly right about the spread of the No vote and that as I pointed out in hard statistics it was in the 30's percentage-wise for separation. It would be so easy to dwell on history of course but in 1707 there was the same emotiona lromanticism which flew in the face of practical life. We as a nation were very poor, more or less bankrupt after the Darien Scheme so had to grasp the chance to improve as we obviously had a problem. The s-called Bonnie Prince Charlie was a drunken bum in modern terms. and the majority of Scotland especially in the Lowlands had no time for him at all. Yet again there was an example of what went on behind the scenes in a movement. Petty jealoisy even down to where particlar groups of highland clans would be near the Pretender. They also messed up the march south into England and in a state of argument and division had to go back up north where a British Army done the Jacobites in. It does irritate me often when on tv some clown will say that an engliash Army routed him at Culloden. The Jacobites could shout all the yells but they were up against a tough cookie!

Anyway as for today i do have to comment on something Luxor said about Jim Sillars the former deputy Leader of the SNP. It was NOT a case of the newspapers somehow slagging him off wrongly. Indeed, i watched him TWICE on television coming out with very hard and very left-wing rubbish along with his republicanism. At least he was honest which a lot in the Yes and especially SNP did not have th guts to admit. The man is a damn fool.

Look who else was in the Yes camp. The Scottish Socialist party.' A rump that has no representation at all. Add that liar and ex-jailed man Tommy Sheridan who left that party he started because he could not dominate (he also did them in) and started an even smaller lot. The Greens are the standard Jesus sandal lot. My fellow countrymen who wanted interdependence had to really support essentially the SNP bandwagon and even if they were not happy with some of the antics had little choice. A passing matter was a poll that referred to religion although did not get prominence as it was more constructive not to drag it in.

The Herald had an advert from a list of professionals who were RC's. It was headed around something like '100 (R) Catholics for independence.' More thinking people were a bit put out by that from various sides. The same poll had apparently indicated that 70% of members of that tradition had voted for the Yes. That I was not surprised at and would no doubt have been mainly working class ones who use Celtic Club ground as their place of worship than something proper. The middle class was more No orientated.  The fact that those 70% were from a tradition of Irish immigration in the 19th and early 20th century is not a surprise (especially here in Glasgow and west Scotland). Had Charles Stuart won we would have had a less progressive place and thankfully at the Glorious Revolution of 1688 (which mjsmsprt40 partially refers to) we got a Bill of Rights the end of the Stuart system that punished you or executed for having anti-government thought, It laid the ground for our modern democracy along with banning Stuart torture stuff. As for me, I voted on politics myself and happy with the two results - the removing of the Stuarts/Jacobites and the decision recently.
"Quit you like men:be strong"