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Topic: Today's Bad News (Read 131007 times)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #176
This Japanese company wants to put advertisements on the moon.

Astrobotic, the U.S. firm designing the rover, charges about $1.2 million per kilogram to deliver product to the moon according to its website. Although the price of Pocari Sweat’s advertisement has not been disclosed, it will likely be less than $8 million, which is what it costs to air a one-minute commercial during the Super Bowl.

Americans charges more for one minute television commercials  than to upload a bottle of Japanese drink to the moon.
Bomb both, Americans and Japanese. Enough of barbarism.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #178
Missed a couple of words out there jimbro so you being so perfect try and be human. Nah, on second thoughts would compromise you.  :devil:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #179

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #180
RJ's second language is English; but, since he had no first, he's always at sea… He has a third-grade education (in our American reckoning) and likely got Ds; but his countrymen accept him, as what should be expected — given their priorities.
Without the North Sea oil, Scotland would be another Somalia. (Or annexed to Ireland… :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #182
Your fanatical rightist mid is in full ignorance as usual Oakdale. Oil is NOT Scotland's as this is not a sovereign country -thought i should maybe let you know. As for poverty you have no Welfare State but 40 million poor out of 300 million and the homeless?! Not surprising you do bodyswerves but isn't very bright.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #183
Oil is NOT Scotland's as this is not a sovereign country -thought i should maybe let you know.
'Preciate that! I actually didn't know: I'd thought, first, that "devoluion" meant higher forms de-volving to lower ones; then I learned that lesser powers were granted limited sovereignty. And, finally, I realized that I was right in my original assumptions.
Of course, the Scots don't "own" the oil! They have no country, no language, no statesmen — and no silliness, except such as yourself! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #184
Nice try.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #185
The damn Dollar fell one cent against the Euro.  :furious:

Damn China for their stock market woes, and damn us for basically being Siamese twins with those corrupt degenerates (yes, we have our share too, Howie).

Wish it would get back to 10 cents for One Euro.....

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #186
Imagine - you having your share?  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #188
Apparently our freedom from unusable, buggy default software full of holes on phones and routers is under attack:
Consumers should not be at the mercy of vendors to fix their own networks, nor should they be required to trust unauditable systems. There are many well-regarded efforts to provide better firmware for Wifi devices, which still keep them operating under Part 15 restrictions. One is OpenWRT [8], which supports a wide variety of devices with a system built upon a solid Linux base.

Please keep control of our devices in the hands of consumers and amateurs, for the benefit of all.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #189
Slightly older news:

EU plans to regulate hormone-damaging chemicals found in pesticides have been dropped because of threats from the US that this would adversely affect negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), according to a report in The Guardian. Draft EU regulations would have banned 31 pesticides containing endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that have been linked to testicular cancer and male infertility.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #190
No wonder. In Brussels there are far more lobbyists (around 20.000) than politicians. They are biasing laws or even work out important parts of EU laws.
So far about democracy and legitimacy.
As for TTIP, it's even more frightening than the lobby pack in Brussels.
Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) Treaty: State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Issues for Ministerial Guidance

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #191
I would remind you jimbro that Salmond ceased to be the SNP leader when trounced at the referendum and is not the leader of the SNP group in Westminster either! My favourite picture of him is sitting in the back of a car going home in the middle of the night with a deep depressed look. Could not have wished for anything better as he is so arrogant and was too full of himself.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #192

Horrific stampede at hajj in Saudi Arabia kills 717 pilgrims

It was the second major disaster during this year's hajj season, raising questions about the adequacy of measures put in place by Saudi authorities to ensure the safety of the roughly 2 million Muslims taking part in the pilgrimage. A crane collapse in Mecca nearly two weeks earlier left 111 people dead.


At least 95 Iranian pilgrims perished, according to the official IRNA news agency. Deputy foreign minister, Hossesin Amir Abdollahian, said his ministry summoned the Saudi envoy to Tehran for an official protest over what he called the "inadequate performance of Saudi authorities" in the incident.

In totally unrelated news, At the opening of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, President Vladimir Putin suggested that embracing Muslims at home would discourage them from joining extremists abroad.


Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #193
A Las Vegas spa where an employee was found frozen and dead inside a liquid nitrogen chamber used for cryotherapy treatments wasn't licensed by the city, county or state to perform cosmetic or other procedures, authorities said Tuesday.

The disclosures followed the death of 24-year-old Chelsea Patricia Ake-Salvacion, who was found Oct. 20 in a chamber used to provide the increasingly popular but largely unregulated treatments for pain and other conditions.

"When they found her, she was rock solid frozen," Albert Ake, the dead woman's uncle, said in an interview from his home in Reno

The cyrotherapy sounds like quack medicine for all of the advertised uses mentioned in the article. Rejuvenice spa was found to be operating without required workers compensation insurance. The location where Chelsea died lack a license to perform the cosmetic and therapeutic procedures (but did have a general business license) and other location lacked even the business license (they applied four times and failed to pay the fee and still needed to be inspected. In Vegas that, consists of the guy coming in with a clipboard and saying "Looks good. Wanna go get some Starbucks?" :p) However, the spa was found not at fault for her death and no criminal charges were filed in that matter, since she wasn't supposed to use cryotherapy chamber after-hours for personal use (But I won't be surprised if someone at Rejuvenice told her it was okay...) 

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #194
Spam continues to infect all parts of the web… :(

I realize there are "language" problems — but you'd think hiring a competent copy editor wouldn't be beyond the means (or intelligence) of an operation that intends and expects to make money.
Sadder still: They still make money, somehow…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #195
A Las Vegas spa where an employee was found frozen and dead inside a liquid nitrogen chamber used for cryotherapy treatments wasn't licensed by the city, county or state to perform cosmetic or other procedures, authorities said Tuesday.

The disclosures followed the death of 24-year-old Chelsea Patricia Ake-Salvacion, who was found Oct. 20 in a chamber used to provide the increasingly popular but largely unregulated treatments for pain and other conditions.

"When they found her, she was rock solid frozen," Albert Ake, the dead woman's uncle, said in an interview from his home in Reno

The cyrotherapy sounds like quack medicine for all of the advertised uses mentioned in the article. Rejuvenice spa was found to be operating without required workers compensation insurance. The location where Chelsea died lack a license to perform the cosmetic and therapeutic procedures (but did have a general business license) and other location lacked even the business license (they applied four times and failed to pay the fee and still needed to be inspected. In Vegas that, consists of the guy coming in with a clipboard and saying "Looks good. Wanna go get some Starbucks?" :p) However, the spa was found not at fault for her death and no criminal charges were filed in that matter, since she wasn't supposed to use cryotherapy chamber after-hours for personal use (But I won't be surprised if someone at Rejuvenice told her it was okay...)

Great day in the morning! All I've ever done, trying not to accomplish death while I do it, is to sleep in the van at a rest-stop in Winter. That gets plenty cold enough, thank you very much. A cryogenic chamber with liquid nitrogen? How about "No".
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #196
…bedded down in a burned-out cab of a truck by a rail yard, myself, in winter — snow blowing!

I survived.

Where did this come from, mjm? (Why did you resurrect it, I'd rather ask.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #197
You'd have to ask Midnight where he dredged it up from. I "resurrected" it because the very idea of getting into a chamber that has anything to do with liquid nitrogen is----- bizarre. Gotta say one thing though--- if the woman in the story did it for pain relief, it worked--- permanently.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #198
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #199

Supposedly, the Internet I like is dying


I'm not convinced. I think it's primarily that what was mainstream on the Internet while the Internet itself was still somewhat niche is returning to what it logically must be compared to society at large.

Here's another perspective on the matter:
This struck a chord, personally, at the political level: we are losing control of the internet (if we ever had it). The defeat isn't directly political: we have some institutions like ICANN and the IETF that we can still have an effect on, even if only at the technological level. The defeat is economic, and, of course, through economy comes enormous power. That defeat meant that we have first lost free and open access to the internet (yes, dialup used to be free) and then free hosting of our content (no, Google and Facebook are not free, you are the product). This marked a major change in the way content is treated online.

H0d3r explains this as the shift from a link-based internet to a stream-based internet, a "deparure from a books-internet towards a television-internet". I have been warning about this "television-internet" in my talks and conversation for a while and with Netflix taking the crown off Youtube (and making you pay for it, of course), we can assuredly say that H0d3r is right and the television, far from disappearing, is finally being resurrected and taking over the internet.

I suppose it would be more accurate to say we just frame it differently. Like I said, the most popular TV shows interest me about the least.