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General => DnD Central => Topic started by: jax on 2020-07-03, 09:08:32

Title: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-07-03, 09:08:32
The election is getting closer now by the day, and we have a candidate. Who will win the election and why not? Excitement awaits.

Tucker Carlson in 2024? Republicans see a frontrunner (

Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-07-03, 17:27:38
The main disasters and let downs in the USA essentially do not get dealt with whether Democrats or Republicans take the White House as the system is not something to admire. Oddly although I am not clapping hands for Trump it seems he did reduce unemployment and black unemployment had been reduced to 5%?
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-07-07, 17:31:36

Maryland GOP governor who's criticized Trump says he's considering 2024 presidential run (

So Larry Hogan vs Bernie Sanders in 2024?
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-07-07, 21:10:27
I note you like a lot of folk here in Gt Britain have got brained by Yanks. The 'awesome' word and we tend to use the words they use here routinely which I find a groan.

As for Trump I am not a fan of his yet I understand that he did make some progress in jobs and things like lowering the number of black citizens who had been unemployed?  Overall it does't matter much to be frank whether Democrats or Republicans running things as in general makes little overall damn difference!
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-07-13, 04:56:39
What the Post-Trump Right Will Look Like (

Conservative intellectuals will end up focusing on China, the internet and the left.

The upcoming U.S. election raises a question also asked the last time around: What will the intellectual right look like a few years from now? Even if President Donald Trump wins re-election, the jockeying for 2024 will begin almost immediately — and the smartest and best-informed thinkers on the right will have to decide which views and attitudes to emphasize.

Here are a few predictions about what might happen, as distinct from claims about what should happen.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Belfrager on 2020-07-13, 14:27:09
Quote from:  the Bloomberg's article
In the coming years, three things will dominate the attention of the intellectual right: the main international rival (China), the main domestic rival (the left), and the main thing they stare at all day long (the internet).
Intellectual Right? American Intellectual Right?? where are they? not in Bloomberg fore sure.  :lol:
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ensbb3 on 2020-07-13, 21:51:52
Yew don't here two much from them rite now because their's to much dumb en the party to even bother trying too make since.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-07-13, 23:52:01
Doesn't matter a dashed thing whether Republicans or Democrats running the White house the large and gross negatives continue under both. The giant numbers in prison, tens of millions on food stamps too much spent trying military wise to run the world while too many of their own are in difficulty. Interesting way to spell 'right' there!
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-07-14, 09:21:26
"Intellectual" is a wonderfully fluid concept. As is, of course, "right-wing". The Republican party is more clan-based than the Democrats, who are more on a regular left-right scale, but if we leave the parties behind, the intellectuals/"intellectuals" are all over the place.

Tyler Cowen seems to be talking about loud and influential voices here, not necessarily (or even probably) deep thinkers.

I think he's wrong on China being a major topic because he is right that they are primarily motivated by a hatred of the left, and the US left has been, and still is, cool on China. And if the left dislike China then the right can't. Bipartisan collaboration will not be for them. Thus I think "Chyna" will be reminiscent of the right-wing reaction to Covid-19, split between two paths: Covid-19 doesn't exist, and Covid-19 is deep state.. And we certainly could get a pinball effect. If the right hates China, then maybe the left will begin to love it.

Where the left/right will stand on the Internet, depends on the utility of it. Whether it is a medium for information or disinformation will be further down on the list.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-07-30, 12:58:12
As 5 November 2024 is getting closer with every passing day, it's worth noting that the election year 2024 will have a syzygy of sorts. Not only will there be a US presidential election, but a Russian presidential election as well. There will be parliamentary elections in India, the EU, and the UK (and both Koreas and Taiwan).
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-07-30, 20:08:43
I have in the past made it abundantly clear that it does not matter a joss whether Republicans or Democrats run the nutjobland as the massive faults on jail numbers execution delays, large numbers on food stamps and son continue. So too does the damnable refusal to leave a military base in a foreign country (Cuba). That the place boasts about how good they are in the world is farcical. Capitalism is basically needed but over there if is a corporate control system. Americans continually in discussion must have that word 'awesome' in use and now here too! Farcism is better and neat word.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2020-07-31, 11:59:43
Not only will there be a US presidential election, but a Russian presidential election as well.
The first of these is a failure regardless of the outcome because the choice between two is not really a choice and the constitution says the people are not supposed to be involved anyway, except by popular delusion.

The latter has already been decided - Putin for life, until death.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Barulheira on 2020-07-31, 17:54:03
Queen Elizabeth II will be there to comfort his relatives.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Belfrager on 2020-07-31, 18:53:09
Europeans talk talk talk criticizing the rest of the world and everyday it passes we are more out of the map.
I imagine the same happened with the Romans.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-08-01, 07:56:28
Yes, it has been downhill since the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie went bankrupt.

Political power grows out of the barrel of a bank. 

Region%population%GDP (PPP)%GDP (nom)
Respective IMF/Wikipedia data. The nominal GDP was 2019 numbers pre-Brexit (21.4% otherwise), PPP is 2020 (post-Brexit).

In future share of the world's economy China is expected to level off (China is still growing faster than the rest of the world in GDP/capita, which is catching up, and then fall in population), India is expected to grow both population (at world speed) and economy (above world speed). The US and EU is expected to fall slightly behind in population, and significantly behind in economy (as the world catches up). 

If the EU can be considered a single unit, it will be a major player (#2 or #3, long term slated for #4). Long term, after the US has finished squabble with China about who is #1, the US will find it as #3, after India. Even further ahead, on existing trends, India will become #1, with China falling down to the US again, based on demographic trends.

No country, or likely integrated block of countries would beat the EU for #4, but there are several candidates for #5-#8. 
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2020-08-01, 08:20:01
Europeans talk talk talk criticizing the rest of the world and everyday it passes we are more out of the map.
I imagine the same happened with the Romans.
Europe already had its Rome a very long time ago. I think right now USA is experiencing its end-of-empire times.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-08-01, 09:10:28
While the US founding fathers had a hangup on the Roman republic, the natural analogy isn't Rome, but London. Sometimes, during the worst excesses of Trump, Moscow springs to mind, but really it is London. The Fall of The British Empire was a rather protracted affair. Hopefully the US will do better.

The US part-obsession with China will pass. While Washington D.C. took the baton from London. Beijing will never get it. The EU will compete with India for the bronze medal, but actually we will have a bunch of frontrunners making more or less permanent alliances. 
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-08-01, 09:18:02
The US should do rather well as soon as it gets out of the Pax Romana mindset and into a global version of the Concert of Europe. The US mostly has opportunities and few threats. The EU needs to come to some understanding with our neighbours, Russia, the Middle East and the African Union, while the US got this beautiful wall from sea to shiny sea.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-08-01, 23:56:15
"Awesome :faint: e".
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-08-22, 12:24:23
A poll back in December (before Biden secured the 2020 win) had Buttigieg as the favourite Democratic nominee.

Axios|SurveyMonkey: 2024 presidential vote for democrats (

Pete Buttigieg: 30%
Kamala Harris: 26%
Cory Booker: 24%
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 20%
Oprah Winfrey: 20%

More recently, according to a betting site
AOC leads odds for 2024 Presidential Candidates (

I don't recognise the format, but I assume this comes down to:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 3:1
Joe Biden 3:1
Kamala Harris 3½:1
Elizabeth Warren 8:1
Bernie Sanders 10:1
Michelle Obama 10:1
Andrew Cuomo 12:1
Pete Buttigieg 15:1
Michael Bennet 20:1

Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2020-08-22, 12:29:42
A poll back in December (before Biden secured the 2020 win) had Buttigieg as the favourite Democratic nominee.
A poll where Biden is not present, but somebody like Oprah Winfrey is? Who were being polled? Martians? Gremlins?
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-08-22, 23:15:33
'Awesome' is another regular brainless express by Yanks and infiltrated everywherelike other US expressions like' law enforcement' etc. I groan.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-08-23, 10:25:33
I note you like a lot of folk here in Gt Britain have got brained by Yanks. The 'awesome' word and we tend to use the words they use here routinely which I find a groan.
"Awsomesauce" is from a TV commercial (an amusing one, I'll admit...) from, what, eight years ago? But I've never heard an American use it. You do know, RJ, about the Valley Girl dialect? It's similar to Glaswegian, except that it can be translated into English with a savings of half the words; whereas Glaswegian barely admits translation without at least doubling the words... Is it parsimony? Or is Scots nothing but idiomatic usage with a smattering of English to hold them together? :)

[Okay. I'm think I'm back in the mood... Back to the thread! Forgive the interruption.]
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-08-23, 12:53:55
Yew don't here two much from them rite now because their's to much dumb en the party to even bother trying too make since.
Wow! I wonder if OpenAI's GPT-3 could digest such a perfect example of autological liberalism? :) No wonder Trump won! I'd bet you weren't even fazed that Hillary still doesn't understand the Electoral College... That's understandable: It ain't Yale. Her dissertation on Alinsky was a hoot! (Did you ever read Michelle dissertation? Bet you she's still Black.) And good ole Bill talking about the Oval Office, this from the guy who gave us the euphemism "Lewinski," was just too funny for words!

I'd like to read Cowen's article, jax, but I'm unwilling to shell out the $4 for it.... Still, I think I got its gist. (It's not much different from this (, is it?) The idea that cancel-culture and BLM's Marxism is all that's left of the Left is probably too true to prevent Tucker Carlson from becoming the Right's standard bearer....

The neo-Cons have banished themselves, which is a good thing! The cruise-ship pundits at the National Review will recover from their Trump Derangement Syndrome, or they won't. And, as Cowen predicts, the internet will creditably compete with the MSM; and, yes, even with Fox.
Unfortunately, Jerry Pournelle's gone. So, the most articulate (and sensible) Paleo-conservative is unavailable. Trying times...
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-08-24, 10:28:10
I'd like to read Cowen's article, jax, but I'm unwilling to shell out the $4 for it.... Still, I think I got its gist. (It's not much different from this (, is it?) The idea that cancel-culture and BLM's Marxism is all that's left of the Left is probably too true to prevent Tucker Carlson from becoming the Right's standard bearer....

Bloomberg has (3 articles a month?) for free. If you have exceeded that quota, either wait or get an additional email account (or browser, VPN). It doesn't add $4 of value beyond the gist.

The authoritarian left is froth. They can create a lot of noise for an extended period of time, and can make trouble for non-authoritarian left and the centre-left, but are not capable of taking and wielding power for themselves.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Belfrager on 2020-08-24, 13:30:36
The authoritarian left is froth.
Soviet Union - from 1922 to 1991.
It seems to me an heavy kind of froth.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-08-24, 17:48:18
Oh, they are in ascendancy, and we can expect notable collateral damage. But on their own they are not in the position to take the reins of power. However, there is a worst case scenario, and in that 2024 will be the inflection point.

The right-wing lunacy in the US has reached its zenith and is terminal decline, while the left-wing lunacy has hardly begun. The right-wing is likely to be crazier (QAnon and beyond), but also more marginal and less influential.

I claim a Sanders horizon. Bernie Sanders is in a highly elliptic orbit around the Democratic party. For much of the election cycle Sanders is an independent outside the Democratic zone, but around the primaries he's in the zone. Those who then consider Sanders a traitor are not only outside the Democratic party, to them that party, not the Republicans, is their real enemy. Not all of them are communists or otherwise authoritarian left, but most of those who are, are outside the Sanders horizon. Their next real target will be 2024, but they will still not be at full strength.

Now the worst case scenario posits that the US will have the right-wing crazies and the left-wing crazies simultaneously, setting the conditions for a US Weimar Republic. This requires Trump to win 2020 and some other adverse events.

The power brokers of the Trump base know they are doomed, when they lose, they will never get power again. For some the past will also catch up with them. The power base for the Democratic party know that they should have power, but they don't. This will radicalise the left, particularly outside the Sanders horizon. This is that very situation that can break countries.

The US would be primed for a Germany 1930 between Nazis and communists type situation. It still need not go really bad, but even a moderately miserable scenario, 8 years with Trump, followed by 4+ years of a far-left radical will pretty much ruin the US for decades to come.  
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2020-11-25, 11:40:30
We got a poll of sorts for GOP candidates and voters.

Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2020-11-28, 07:48:55
Trump and Pence? Good luck mounting a campaign with them ever again.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-11-28, 09:47:30
Wait until you've seen the results of the Biden/Harris administration... :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2020-11-28, 12:34:00
If we need to wait to see, then Biden and Harris have already done better. With the Trump administration, its illnesses and evils were in plain sight and its abject failure easily foretold before it took office.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-11-28, 18:40:11
:) TDS, man! You got it bad!

But have no fear: Some other derangement will over-take this in importance...eventually. :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Belfrager on 2020-11-29, 09:13:16
American friends should understand that 99% of Europeans absolutely don't care about American domestic things. What interests us it's the international American positions. Therefore Biden has already made, just with his announcements, much better than anything Trump ever did.

Not so speak about the lack of class, you just can't present into the world aeropagus with a moron like Trump representing you. Glad that finished.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-01-30, 00:32:05
The massive numbers of poor in tens of millions plus jail numbers the Cuba base death sentence draw outs will ALL continue under the new man in the White House. These things do not matter a damn really and real democracy a fable. Yanks are so easily brained.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-01-30, 08:25:03
To be fair, he did start by giving them more food.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Belfrager on 2021-01-30, 09:28:51
Census data show that 30 million households reported periods of not have enough to eat last month, a sharp jump from before the coronavirus pandemic. (

Global Food Waste (


Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2021-01-30, 11:31:00
To be fair, he did start by giving them more food.

That's reverting an earlier Trump executive order. A particularly stupid one that was triggered by the outrage that poor people might sometimes eat good food.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-01-30, 18:17:17
They often purposefully make leftover food unfit to eat by spraying it with something gross or worse.

That's reverting an earlier Trump executive order. A particularly stupid one that was triggered by the outrage that poor people might sometimes eat good food.
I remember when someone in America was upset that a poor person on food stamps looked healthy. Which is of course the entire point…
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-01-31, 02:47:54
Still does not make a dashed difference whether a Democrat or Republic President the vast numbers on food stamps, jail numbers, horrible death row for ages is the same under both lots. Democracy is waffled about as is that constitution farce stuff. it is also an immature place over need for damn guns.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2021-02-17, 10:51:57
Trump Emerges From Impeachment Trial With Sturdy Backing From GOP Voters (

Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2021-02-17, 17:04:42
What? Is Trump surviving even this? The Republican Party is irreparable and deserves to die.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-03-27, 02:29:40
Well maybe the Democrat party deserves to die too as the new President is showing he is going to be a damn groan and hopeless. He makes nasty comments about the Russian President  when one considers many of the evils America has done and went after ones it could not control. The things I have mentioned like vast numbers of Americans in jail the poverty numbers, log time people on death row the mass gun killings go on under Democrats as well as Republicans and no small wonder it is a nutjobland. The new president is not outstanding nor comes over very capable or sometimes talk right so it is not surprising there are yanks in polls who exercise concerns o their country. Would also say that there was nothing to substantiate Russia was involved in the USA Elections. A load of baloney and that comes in a conutry that has infiltrated and disturbed other countries doing what if falsely claims Russia does. On Friday night I noticed a passing news item on that matter of German importing Russia oil by pipe. Yet the news item intimated America has bought Russian oil?

The US is stuck with two doubtful parties and both with a history of being two-faced and dodgy. Decent and intelligent Americans might live nicely but the country is politically, militarily a two-faced mess.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-27, 07:15:52
Decent and intelligent Americans might live nicely but the country is politically, militarily a two-faced mess.
We like to solve our own problems; and have done quite well, considering the state of the rest of the world... YUBBA-nanswer! (Take that!)
The US is stuck with two doubtful parties and both with a history of being two-faced and dodgy.
Were you a student of politics, you'd know such is merely to be expected. That any nation gets more than adequate administration -let alone a Great Statesman, occasionally- is a miracle! :)
(You really should get out more, sir! :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-03-28, 02:48:44
There should not be an electoral college.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-28, 19:49:25
Pray tell, O Sage of Sagacity: WTF Not?! Because it's too hard for a stone domed Scot to ken? (I've always wondered, RJ, do you Barbiei e'ry thin gruel ya kanna ken? :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-03-29, 01:22:44
I will just passingly put you in the general American bracket of being easily brained. It should just be a straightforward individual vote and utterly daft adding that extra level when you boast so much about democracy.  Would also add that it does not natter a straight damn whether a Republican or democrat in the White House the mass poor so many in jail death rows and so on continue no matter which of these two lots are in power.

Whatever faults Trump had the man in the White House now is no great advantage. As a public speaker a groan does not come over very convincing and in some speeches wonder if he can read English. I did agree with Trump on the border control advance as there were too many in the country illegally and now Biden is a mess with even more rises in the illegals along with kids. Just a pity the US is not a more in-depth democracy but the hard facts show something else. Following the style of Trump  Biden is no advance and will be a disaster.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-29, 11:56:04
I will just passingly put you in the general American bracket of being easily brained. It should just be a straightforward individual vote and utterly daft adding that extra level when you boast so much about democracy.  Would also add that it does not natter a straight damn whether a Republican or democrat in the White House the mass poor so many in jail death rows and so on continue no matter which of these two lots are in power.
RJ, RJ... Will you never learn?
Understand, you Scottish spurge, I never gave you or any of your ilk leave to "bracket" me and mine, let alone the entire nation of us. We were well quit of your degenerate influence by the late 1700s... Your Mad Georgie cost you dearly, and you know it; and still smart from it!
"Easily brained"? you say, oblivious to your own Tin Man tendencies...:) (At least in the Oz I know, the local accents sound human enough that the locals don't eschew learning to read and write English. They take their natural pride in insularity not for granted but for a given, a natural right.) Your -and here I mean you in particular, RJ (though peculiar makes the better appellation)- penchant for derision is widely acknowledged; but not by yersel ( a Yerkish neologism of mine prompted by the lower prim[ii]a[/i]tive (sic) state you en habit, with your silly badges, ribbons and sash!)! And to see you task poor old Uncle Joe Biden with deficient reading ability: Such rich irony!
(I'm quite sure when you say "it does not natter[1]" to which party the occupation of the White House say -without understanding that you do- something both too important for your powers of consideration and too obvious to be seen by such a myope as yersel!:) We're not so beholden to our politicians as your lot seem to be to yorn.
(Sure, and others too know: You thought you typed "not matter," when you disgorged "not natter... But words and their proper meanings -as the expression goes, in Miss.- "make you no never-mind".
It's such a common occurrence -you mis-speaking, and accidentally saying something true!- that someone should coin a term for it!)
As for the blithering blather in your list of horribles realized, you won't and can't take into account readily available facts and figures -- you'd rather stick with your mythic ken...

There was a time when the Scot had an impressive intellectual stature abroad; you -all by your lonesome- have managed to lower the estimation of same precipitously! A feat that should be regularly acknowledged and celebrated, by your enemies! 
I well remember when you went from typing with two fingers to using eight or nine knuckles...:)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-01, 00:37:31
What you for chappie is that King George 3rd' help improved. n addition your revolution was not by the majority your rich took over running the place and still do! Voting rights took ages you had a civil war even up into the 20th century and far on blacks still getting done in tens of millions today who are on food stamps and as I also pointed out jail numbers folk on death row for months and years. Your lot create wars all the time and you have a whole expensive list of spy organisations. If not Republican or Democrat then forget politics the monied in both run the place and democracy limited. If real democracy and world principles ever grow then warmest regards but what you basically got after that Revolution was a farce.

Oh I will comcede one thing. Brains are so well controlled over there!! :o
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-01, 04:32:30
As always, RJ, your blather could well be but copy/pasted anywhere, in any topic... Since I've tried to explain some of the elementary errors you are prone to and found you blind, deaf or dumb -- I'll not spend much time correcting you here. Suffice to say, you are incorrigible; for now I leave it at that.
But when I was a lad we had an expression that aptly "explained" an attitude like yours towards the U.S.: We'd say "he has a hair across his ass" and any honest auditor would know exactly what we meant! :)

After a well-deserved break, I'm off to do some work on my blog. Enjoy the rest of your evening...
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-07, 20:27:38
Uh oh your description of my stance is amusing as it fits a good description of tens of millions of brain controlled Americans in a dumbed ridiculous political system. Equally also ignoring all the massive failings I mention. Name calling me puts you in same armies who are grey cell controlled. My reminder of the massive negatives on crime, police clowns, tens of millions who are poor the disgusting times on death row and other disgraces. Trying to be smart and ignoring big contradictions to American boasting on principles leans on hypocrisy. Slag away dear ex-colonist but I'm near the truth and will give you a passing pat on the back, That is you know it is true all the nonsense brained into folk over there ignoring factuals!  :devil:
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-08, 00:21:31
I just wrote a nice detailed long and pointed forensic analysis of The Howie Problem ( America). "Ctrl-a, delete" was a sensible application of my skill as an editor, and since every trade deserves honorable service I don't regret it at all!
RJ Howie! Shakes head, smiles slightly, and sighs: No True Scotsman, I presume! :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-08, 15:53:45
Remember the earlier guy who won on MAGA platform?

Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-08, 18:13:31
Say what you will -good or bad- about Mr. Clinton, he was a wiley and effective politician; pretty good president, too. (Carter, on the other hand, was the consummate conniver; a skil of little use in the president's office... His securing his party's nomination Peter-Principle'd him out. Luckily, Reagan was waiting in the wings! :)
Good catch, ersi! Thanks.

(Eventually, you'll re-discover enough of reality to realize how right I've been...:)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-08, 20:31:48
(Eventually, you'll re-discover enough of reality to realize how right I've been...:)
Eventually I will stop being amazed how little sense of reality (or sense overall) you have.

Ever been anywhere at least two states away?
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-09, 01:47:41
Unfortunately even allowing for sensible Americans the country has never been great. What it has always had is overdone self appraisal which has been farcical with the state of so many people in the country and the international interfering with other nations. Kind of shows a wide head shaking for the propaganda swallowed. As i say there are positive folk bu generally too many brained.There are many Americans (popped up in polls) who are not that happy just having the Democrats and Republicans and neither of those two solve the massive failings inside the USA and it's smart alec approach to other places. I sigh for sensibles over there.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-09, 05:38:51
Ever been anywhere at least two states away?
Yeah: I've been through most of the lower forty-eight; lived and worked in seven or eight, you don't count working just passing through...or just browsing. :) Haven't reached Alaska or Hawaii yet.
Colorado, Texas and Florida are places I'd re-settle down in, if I could bring myself to leave California again. The Carolinas are gorgeous, as are Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. But they're none of them the kind of temperate clime I need. Same problem with the Dakotas, Montana, Illinois and Wisconsin... Delaware and Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and D.C. are much like Massachusetts...where I was raised -though I'm a native Californian. :)
Been seventy-five miles north of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. Got family still in B.C. and -perhaps- elsewhere.
If you've gleaned from my stated preferences, you'll note: I don't like the cold; I can no longer take it. And since I am a man of meager means, my home must remain in a temperate zone (similar to southern Italy or Spain...). When I can, I travel some; and I don't expect you to realize the variety of what marvels can be reached from California's Central Valley in a two-hour drive!
Real mountains, forest primeval, rugged or gentle coastland and ocean! A few hours more even gets you high and low deserts...
I confess, the last decade or so, I've seldom gone past the foothills to the east or the coastal towns to the west, the capital, Sacramento to the north and Bakersfield to the  south; I haven't been to Los Angeles since my father died. And I haven't been to Reno, Nevada, since I committed the crime of matrimony -the second time...
I'm not much for amusement; play parks and such don't interest me. But I do like our state and national parks, historic places -you know the Spanish founded Missions here four hundred years ago? Many towns and settlements from before our Civil War (1860-1864) are preserved -at least in spirit- for the tourist in each of us!
Howie tells me to walk! I do, when I can... (less so, of course, since my stroke.) But I can drive completely out-of-city, out-of-town, beyond industry and congested commerce, in less than half-an-hour! And even on the way, orchards and crops, dairies and cattle ranches , sheep and pigs and llamas and goats graze or slop as if they belonged here-abouts, because they do.
As much as I've enjoyed big cities and northeastern village life, I prefer the "wide open spaces" of the west; "wide open" is not a clichè, ersi: I love the land and the people who live on it...
And the most of my family's here.

So, no, I'm not what would be called well-traveled; certainly not a world traveler. If I'm somewhat cosmopolitan in attitudes the closer to nature life around me is whittling away at that, scraping off the patina of civilization gone too far? Perhaps. I've seem wondrous and amazing things, met and enjoyed the company of various kinds of people, done lots of different kinds of work; I've not secured any academic creds, but I've lived in a few "college towns" and learned much from my brash inquisitivity!  And I'm a fan of libraries and bookstores (specially old ones...); one can find tutors and texts galore, and -since the advent of the internet- the opportunities for a determined autodidact are a thousand times greater.

So: I what way am I naive or secluded and sheltered from the "wide" world? How am I unfit to talk seriously with a petty bureaucrat who holds degrees in what are likely the equivalent of Basket Weaving and Self-Esteem (Through Proctology)? :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-09, 06:09:46
the country has never been great. What it has always had is overdone self appraisal which has been farcical with the state of so many people in the country and the international interfering with other nations
In other words: It is on a par with every other nation, except those placid paradises of poverty and pestilence that verge upon a New Stone Age! How droll you are, you piquant paragons of decadence in the Old World who descry the faults of others from afar, and decry their accomplishments and successes... Get off yer duffs and do something useful! Dare something your fathers didn't...
Many a European does, I know. (The same is true of practically everywhere on Earth.) But the forum fidget-bus-ers and fuss-budgeters, the cynical carpers have their solace in ennui. They're welcome to it.
I'll take what vigorous life and a modicum of adventure offer, anyday!
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-09, 22:51:10
Nope it is NOT like every other nation whatsoeve, haha!

It boasts about itself and very gung ho. Rabbits on about democracy and being a great nation for folk yet it doesn't matter a hoot who is in the White House the level of poor people, criminality daftness about gun people and so much more is a groan of I am afraid direct hypocrisy! The nonsense of gun ownership from early days going independent is a farce. There are nearly 700,000 police and around 1,300,000 military yet still has this damnable nonsense about right to bear arms??! Even though I allow for sensible Americans that there are so many gun fanatics that do not need to follow that nonsense says much. The general failings I have intimated on crime, poverty, prisoners, people on death row for ages and so on emphasises the unfortunate truth. It is money that runs America not sensible politics. I visited the USA away back in 1980 then again in 1982 as had met a couple on my train between NYC and Washington DC who lived in Philadelphia. They were a pair of retired journalists. The man had edited a magazine for the staff of the now gone Pennsylvania Rail Road (me being a rail fan got on well with him). Were keen to see me again and made a second trip to NY and went down to Philly to stay for a short time with them. Intelligent folk in a sense but asked if we had coloured television in Scotland! Have also visited the Netherlands tw ce and France once.

Met some nice people including a lady who shared coffee and biscuits with me on a train (other times used the restaurant car) chatted to a couple of NYPD officers in the street so though there are intelligent people over there there are far too many been brained into nonsense claims about their country as well as the need to have the nutty country in charge of the world! Politically as a system it fails as a world country sticks it's nose anywhere as the world saviour yet cannot do anything about millions of Yanks at home!!  :o  :whistle:
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-10, 08:53:58
So: I what way am I naive or secluded and sheltered from the "wide" world? How am I unfit to talk seriously with a petty bureaucrat who holds degrees in what are likely the equivalent of Basket Weaving and Self-Esteem (Through Proctology)? :)
The fact that you are in a general state of invincible ignorance about most of your favourite topics, such as politics, law, justice, economics, etc. does not need further investigation or demonstration. It definitely is and remains. I have tried my best to discover if you have a valid reason for it.

Having travelled little is not much of an excuse. It is possible to learn about the world from books and the news without having to verify everything in person. All it takes is right thinking. You keep insisting on wrong thinking, particularly projection, e.g. Liberals are evil authoritarians who undermine the constitution - despite January 6, 2021, when the Republican representatives of the executive branch incited a mob attack on the legislative branch after having lost the election. For someone who cared about facts, January 6 would have provided an occasion to question one's own ideology a bit. You absolutely do not care. You prefer your ideological bubble. I doubt you have many like-minded friends, so it is not an echo-chamber, but rather a private comfy dream world that you will never challenge.

The best explanation to your condition is unquestioning faith in American messianic exceptionalism against all facts. It's wilful ideological partisan blindness. As a result, you have betrayed your own class, middle class or whatever they call it over there. From a socialist's perspective, class betrayal is the ultimate sin. But it is a grave sin even under Ayn Rand's Objectivism, because it makes you believe, act, and vote directly against your self-interest.

For example, if you believe in trickle-down economy, then you should welcome taxes on the rich, because (a) it's not you who will get taxed and (b) taxes on the rich is what makes their riches trickle down somewhat; there is no other effective mechanism for that. But instead, you proclaim that private property is a sacred basic human right, a sign of freedom or liberty. And even though you barely have any of this basic human right and liberty, you think you live in the promised land of justice and "pursuit of happiness", where rights are secured, and thank God not in anywhere else where the evil govt is taking all the rights away, despite of you barely having seen any other country.

I could go on. But maybe some other day. Continental Europeans have a great privilege in that they can travel just a few hundred miles in any direction to end up in an entirely different country, but this does not necessarily result in profitable learning. Observing with the right mindset does.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-11, 00:19:44
I do not think that Republican representatives wanted the violence that occurred at Washington DC nor did even President Trump want that. I would also remind you that the Democrat opposite numbers went ballistic in cities across America. I can recall one where the trouble makers took over a city centre for days!

Trouble with the country is that there is political control freaky over there. As I have previously pointed out the vast negatives on poverty jail numbers and people on death row for ages works under both those parties. The USA still has a base on Cuba and refuses to leave the place which adds to the hypocrisy. I did feel that routine people like Oakdale are suffering propaganda soaking when you look at all the massive failings in the country. Oh and let us not forget the mass hypocrisy of gun ownership. For tens of millions of the citizenry in nutjobland  constant nationalistic flag waving everywhere and not paying a damn heed to the national failings I have said on these forums. It is one thing being loyal to one's country but the US is nationally and internationally a farce I am afraid even allowing for sensible folk! The word 'awesome' is a national word now!  :lol:
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-11, 22:58:18
a general state of invincible ignorance about most of your favourite topics, such as politics, law, justice, economics, etc.
:) Because I didn't have the parochial teachers you had? Didn't read the same stodgy tomes of ideological-ized theory, and "be a good little prole"? I fear for my country some. But do you still resent yours, for escaping its (enforced) "socialist" malaise? Not to worry, ersi: There's room in a market economy -and even room for advancement!- for those who would be minor functionaries!
Regarding "right mindsets" and such, perhaps you think I need "re-education"? I know of no authoritarian government that hasn't resorted to that practice, the aligning of its citizen's beliefs, speech and thought, with the official "party line." Why on earth should I allow politicians -at any level- to presume they (...or any gaggle of their experts...) know better, how I should live my life?
And -if you don;t mind, sir- I can and will continue to think for myself...
I'm not a ward of the state, a child of the revolution nor the protector of some mercurial "power structure" - I'm an American.

(Did you ever see the film "The Americanization of Emily"? (Paddy Chievski's script is wonderfully wry and worldly!) I highly recommend it. I suspect, ersi, the world gets you down because it hasn't lifted you up as high as you think it ought... :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-11, 23:56:51
@RJHowie: You should read Taki's homage to Larry McMurtry (Apr. 10 ( It should help dispel most of the awful mis-conceptions you have about America and Americans; if you read it. (If you have half a brain, or more.:) But I won't hold my breath! You, however, are encouraged to do so: If you need it badly enough, there's fresh air to be had...
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-12, 01:40:48
I have no misconceptions dear ex-colonist! I spoke the strong truth about the tens of millions of poor, numbers in jail length of being in a death cell for ages, interfering in other countries going bananas about how great the place is! And all that nonsense you folk have about the numbers of guns bought. A massive armed forces matter and plenty of police 9 percentage who are nuts). It is not democracy that runs the country it the big money people and as I have laid out no matter whether a Republican or Democrat in the White House those things I say continue under both. Elections are just an exercise so go crazy about how exceptional the place is but in hard practice it is not. My visit years ago was pleasant enough and so to was the couple who suggested I return and visit them for a couple of days. So I did make it obvious there were decent Americans, etc but the country in general is kind of democratic farce with an electoral college thrown in (groan) and neither of the two big money parties can do much with those failings I remind of.  Globally it interferes with places across the globe instead of spending on their own people who are in massive millions getting poor. I don't hate Americans I would state but it is niggling so many are being brained into being the greatest place on earth and is directly obvious that is not the case! I'd even treat you to a meal you lucky man!  :D  :up:
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-12, 05:53:00
:) Because I didn't have the parochial teachers you had? Didn't read the same stodgy tomes of ideological-ized theory, and "be a good little prole"?
How's the Athenian Constitution going? After school (after university, I mean) I have done about as much reading, studying and learning as at school, probably even more, so I can appropriately consider myself self-taught, not indoctrinated, particularly in the areas that are not my formal expertise. It is good to read a book every once in a while.

I fear for my country some.
What is there to fear for the most powerful country in the world? That the Commies will take it over? I know - the Democrats :lol:

But do you still resent yours, for escaping its (enforced) "socialist" malaise?
Hardly anyone over here has a problem recognising - at least in practice, if not in rhetoric - that the economy should be mixed: state-regulated on the macro level and "free" enterprise on the micro. Drawing the lines between them is of course an eternal debate. "Socialist" is not an issue.

In Estonia the more serious issue is the divide along ethnic lines - what is the country? For Estonians, the capital is Tallinn. For Russians, the capital is Moscow, Putin is the president, and Estonia is an aberration due to temporary unfortunate geopolitical circumstances. This divide most recently flared up during the vaccination campaign - Russians expect to be vaccinated with Sputnik V, the vaccine hailed on Russian TV, and refuse any western vaccines, which are dangerous according to Russian TV. Again, "socialist" is not an issue.

Regarding "right mindsets" and such, perhaps you think I need "re-education"?
More like self-cultivation to stop making a fool of yourself at dinner parties, official gatherings and such. But if those events are not on your horizon, then perhaps beware of accusing the police of being Commies when they randomly arrest you. Or something.

The right mindset would mitigate most conflicts, not exacerbate them. The fact that USA is the number 1 war criminal in the world demonstrates the wrong mindset. Who is the number 2 war criminal in the world, what do you think? North Korea, Iran, China, Russia? Whichever you pick, it would be a distant number 2, and Russia has the excuse of having undergone shrinking from their perceived identification with Soviet Union or (worse) the (ex-)Communist bloc, while USA has only ever been the aggressor, having never undergone any shrinking and any threat against their country. So, very very wrong mindset.

I know of no authoritarian government that hasn't resorted to that practice, the aligning of its citizen's beliefs, speech and thought, with the official "party line."
The funny thing is that the "party line" problem is very acute in USA. In (continental) Europe, there are always at least two parties who form the cabinet and at least five parties that sit in the parliament, usually more. Whereas in USA you have two indistinguishable parties, yet in rhetoric, against all rhyme, reason, and facts, the Repubs believe that the Dems are authoritarians about to overturn the constitution and whatever (and this "party line" has become mainstream since Tea Party and Trump), at the same time as the Repubs themselves have undertaken actual real-life coups, such as this year Jan 6th[1] and thereafter blocking impeachment of the treasonous president. Looks like impeachment of the president is the weakest point of your constitution: never once has it been successful, meaning that the president is absolutely unaccountable, if he happens to be unscrupulous. Nixon at least had a conscience...

The funniest aspect here is that the policies and platforms of the parties (actual, nevermind mere rhetoric) are indistinguishable from each other. You are the one clearly toeing the party line and dreaming of one-party rule.

Why on earth should I allow politicians -at any level- to presume they (...or any gaggle of their experts...) know better, how I should live my life?
Conversely, why should any politician allow you to have any input on how the country or the city should be run? Politicians welcome politely reasoned input, not silly rhetoric about Commies taking over or stupid extrapolations from first or second or fifth amendment. And they often actually act on input that comes along with some personal benefits. This is how politics works regardless of party.

Furthermore, there are ways to influence politicians without bribing them when there are signs that there is a broader popular cause at issue, but this requires you to recognise your own class and the politician's class. You keep misidentifying these, thus misidentifying what is good for you and what is practicable for the politician.

Overall, for peace of mind it is advisable to let politicians do whatever they are doing - and ignore it. Let them think they know better and that they have some influence over how we regular folks live our lives. Let them. And then occasionally show them what really is the case.

(Did you ever see the film "The Americanization of Emily"? (Paddy Chievski's script is wonderfully wry and worldly!) I highly recommend it. I suspect, ersi, the world gets you down because it hasn't lifted you up as high as you think it ought... :)
Whatever. Get back when you are done with the Athenian Constitution.
You are conspicuously avoiding any comment on the events of Jan 6th. Is it too recent and still requires some digestion? :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-12, 18:18:16
Whatever. Get back when you are done with the Athenian Constitution.
Have you finished C. Northcote Parkinson's "Evolution of Political Thought"...? (Or have you resigned yourself to a niggardly existence...:) I'll forgive your churlish presumption that you're my "instructor" and continue to cast my pearls before your swinish rooting inattention.
You've prompted me to loose upon the (wee though it be) world a little poem I wrote yesterday:

The serendipitous coincidence
 never fazes me; I take it in stride,
 as they say. (Knowing where you're going, lied
the sage, won't make your step quicker...) But sense

says Yes, it will; and longer too! You can
 stop and smell more roses if your pace is
 brisk; enjoy the scenery, the faces;
your own thoughts! Since you've known since it began

your journey's end, not interruption nor
detour matters much: You'll get where -soon or

late- you're going.
Not to hie when life is
 short is folly. But not to take pleasure
 'long the way is waste! Trinkets and treasure
abound, despite how oft' this world is strife...

        (dej ღ - © 2021)

Your footnote is intriguing evidence of you superficiality and penchant for "motivated" reasoning... So: "Luc-y! Let me 'splain you something..."

While I understand that most people can't not look at a car wreck, I'm not one of them! I've watched a lot of the footage from that day; read many accounts, and various screeds, purporting to place blame and 'scribe consequence. I've no interest in joining the consistory...:) Suffice to say: 'Tweren't no insurrection! (It was -compared to the summer's BLM and antifa-inspired mayhem hardly a kerfuffle!) Were it not for the preening self-important at the periphery of the events, you nor I wouldn't have heard about it.
When someone from the commentariat gets their panties in a twist, I simply smile my seeming commiseration; thinking: "Fools rush in...".
Do you need more? Or are you incapable of understanding my plain English? :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-12, 19:01:31
Do you need more? Or are you incapable of understanding my plain English? :)
As I suspected: Plain. Factless. And wrong.

Or can you justify your opinion from something that should matter to you, such as the constitution? Well, didn't think so. So, totally worthless opinion.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-12, 19:19:28
At a loss for words, I see...: ) have you got a textbook that shews[1] how to dismiss with juvenile derision all that you don't understand? (: Your "sources" of course is your mantra: As if complaining "But look who and how many agree with me!?" brooks all argument. You've not even read enough Aristotle to appreciate fallacies in the wild; text-book example and Mrs Malaprop's unwitting seems all you need to feel smug: A bug in a rug! :)
It would profit you to read any of B>B> Shaw's introductions to any of his plays...
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-12, 20:20:35
At a loss for words, I see...: )
When words are cheap, better not even try.

Have you finished C. Northcote Parkinson's "Evolution of Political Thought"...?
I likely never will. The guy is dubious in his preface,

Quote from: C. Northcote Parkinson's "Evolution of Political Thought"
The reader is left with fallacies as well as facts. These fallacies are neither stated nor upheld nor even perhaps deliberately implied. They arise indeed less from the study of any given work than, as a general impression, from all. They are none the less fallacious for that and their refutation is more than overdue.

First of these implicit fallacies is the idea that political thought is confined to authors and denied to everyone else. By this reasoning we must learn the ideas of Plato and Laski and can safely ignore those of Pericles and Churchill. This is surely to give an absurd weight to the accident of authorship.
Who is he calling fallacious here? I assume he is faulting his own professors here. This was not the fault of my own education. I have read Churchill, von Clausewitz, Napoleon, Bismarck, Kissinger, etc.

Moreover, Plato was not a mere thinker, but also a political practitioner - or experimenter rather. He learned first hand that his Republic was impracticable in real life. And Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the Great. Not something to be ignored.

So there. You have inherited Parkinson's main fallacy: Calling out fallacy too soon when it is not even there.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-12, 21:38:17
Over years I tried to live on hope that Americans would get a definitive President who would stop trying to run the dashed world to be run by the monied minds whilst millions of ex-colonists are brained into world dominance whilst being hypocritical about poverty and failings elsewhere in the world INCLUDING in the US. Massive monetary and the massive cost ridicule outer countries whist being champion political controllers. A whole series of security organisations and a military number costing a fortune and no help to the massive numbers suffering. Used to think that Goebbels had a clever way of fooling people but he has been overtaken across the pond. Does not matter a sod whether a Republican or Democrat President the defaults and lacking in America is going to continue. If Dr Goebbels was alive today he would be smiling and clapping hands!  :whistle:
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-13, 02:01:24
I know, RJ: It's like trying to teach a certain Glass-house-ian to craft a simple declarative sentence...:) Trying to say (or answer...) everything at once is too demanding a task for the likes of me?!
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-13, 02:17:19
Over years I tried to live on hope that Americans would get a definitive President who would stop trying to run the dashed world to be run by the monied minds whilst millions of ex-colonists are brained into world dominance whilst being hypocritical about poverty and failings elsewhere in the world INCLUDING in the US. Massive monetary and the massive cost ridicule outer countries whist being champion political controllers. A whole series of security organisations and a military number costing a fortune and no help to the massive numbers suffering. Used to think that Goebbels had a clever way of fooling people but he has been overtaken across the pond. Does not matter a sod whether a Republican or Democrat President the defaults and lacking in America is going to continue. If Dr Goebbels was alive today he would be smiling and clapping hands!  :whistle:
The irony in this gibberish is we do what the original mother country did from 1700-1944. Terms such as “Bretton-Woods” and “hope to keep some degree of soft power through the US” are completely lost on him.

I blame Irn Bru and his hatred of Red Socks all these years.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-14, 00:17:36
A likely irony (my own father actually hated the RC Church, for the silliest of reasons...:) that will likewise be lost on the Howling Howie: His litany of lapses and lamentable shortcomings and policy failures applies equally well to his beloved Union! :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-14, 18:33:55
The unfortunate thing is Colonel that you for all your intelligence you practice the gibberish you leave with me. What you do is ignore the hard fact that it does not matter a damn which of the two control freak parties run the US my statement on the crime side with jailed numbers, poverty, gunnings, duff policing etc at the levels they are and massive world interference are unfortunately factual.  That yanks so easily brained is unfortunate because the place does not change from the massive negatives I refer to. I stand by the fact you ex-colonists ignore the hard truths and a waved flag keeps you controlled. The failings widely do come from the two parties time after time and sadly there is for too many over there an ease of mind control and the failings in suffering by tens of millions mean sod all. Even for a basic thing the failings continue with the two parties Americans are controlled into. Heavens even middle class people can be strained.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-15, 03:35:38
The unfortunate thing is Colonel that you for all your intelligence you practice the gibberish you leave with me. What you do is ignore the hard fact that it does not matter a damn which of the two control freak parties run the US my statement on the crime side with jailed numbers, poverty, gunnings, duff policing etc at the levels they are and massive world interference are unfortunately factual.  That yanks so easily brained is unfortunate because the place does not change from the massive negatives I refer to. I stand by the fact you ex-colonists ignore the hard truths and a waved flag keeps you controlled. The failings widely do come from the two parties time after time and sadly there is for too many over there an ease of mind control and the failings in suffering by tens of millions mean sod all. Even for a basic thing the failings continue with the two parties Americans are controlled into. Heavens even middle class people can be strained.
Couple of questions for you:
1. When Northern Ireland leaves the UK, how are you going to feel about that?

2. When Scotland leaves what will soon be known as “rump UK, ‘rUK’ for short) lawfully or you lot get a Catalonia-type situation, how are you going to react and feel about that?

3. Do you actually support Little Englander, Boris Johnson?

4. If so, are you acutely aware that his accomplishments will be the prior questions?

For all of that “brained” commentary you offered, I cannot see how a man of such age who has likely seen much (The fall of the British empire, notably) could support that nitwit.

I’m reminded of that poem Churchill liked to quote, when I’m watching the BBC World News every morning and seeing another moronic decision Blundering Boris has made: “ Who is in charge of the clattering train?
The axles creak,and the couplings strain.
For the pace is hot and the points are near,
And Sleep hath deadened the Drivers ear;
And signals flash through the night in vain
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-16, 01:15:42
Did passingly muse that you may be a well educated ex-colonist but i ponder on that. Ulster is not going anywhere and i would also inform you that a number of years ago the Irish republic withdrew from it's constitution any claim on the "5 Counties." You could also have come out with that stuff of Scotland leaving the UK at the last vote on it and even with all the guff did not happen. Scotland not in Gt Britain would be a catastrophe as it would lose the annual subsidy via the Barnett Formula and indeed this year an extra sum passed up to Scotland. Nationalists messed up the police by merging all into one force and created a massive debt. The National Health suffered under them as did education. Regarding Boris Johnston he has an eccentric side but I would remind you that he stormed into office and the Labour Party got it's worst result since before the 2nd World War. That included scrubbing Labour's working class position in North England. Passingly amusing a Yank yakking on here when you consider your country's failing internally as well as internationally. You can waffle nonsensical stances but it shows you ignore America's internal history as well as wanting to fight wars all the time. You might have been well educated but  vague of using the grey cells properly!
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-16, 02:22:30
Did passingly muse that you may be a well educated ex-colonist but i ponder on that. Ulster is not going anywhere and i would also inform you that a number of years ago the Irish republic withdrew from it's constitution any claim on the "5 Counties." You could also have come out with that stuff of Scotland leaving the UK at the last vote on it and even with all the guff did not happen. Scotland not in Gt Britain would be a catastrophe as it would lose the annual subsidy via the Barnett Formula and indeed this year an extra sum passed up to Scotland. Nationalists messed up the police by merging all into one force and created a massive debt. The National Health suffered under them as did education. Regarding Boris Johnston he has an eccentric side but I would remind you that he stormed into office and the Labour Party got it's worst result since before the 2nd World War. That included scrubbing Labour's working class position in North England. Passingly amusing a Yank yakking on here when you consider your country's failing internally as well as internationally. You can waffle nonsensical stances but it shows you ignore America's internal history as well as wanting to fight wars all the time. You might have been well educated but  vague of using the grey cells properly!
All of this rabbiting on and no substance. You don’t seem to understand some things.

1. I wasn’t referring to RoI claiming N. Ireland. I was referring to the fact that the self-inflicted wound, Brexit, is going to drive N. Ireland into the RoI’s arms. Thus re-uniting Ireland after G. Britain meddled in Ireland’s domestic affairs for hundreds of years.

2. The self-inflicted wound will also drive Scotland out of rUK and into Brussel’s arms again. Barnett formula or no.

3. I do not disagree on the shape of modern Labour. It’s an absolute catastrophe. I keep up with several friends from the UK and a little more than half are (former) Labour and the rest Tories. Labour needs to either clean house or make a manifesto fit for the working class and not the elites.

4. Yes. I can offer commentary on a topic I actively keep up with and know about. We, the US, are your only hope of keeping an old and excellent country together. We shall have to subsidize you all a lot, but so long as you respect the Irish and the Good Friday decision, we’ll offer the UK the trade deal they so desperately want.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-16, 06:51:49
Well, Colonel! It seems that you are indeed smitten! (Again...:) Are you still enamored with the Lost Cause?) GB (can I call it "George Bernard?!) -merrie olde England, etc., is a beautiful country, and home to wonderful people; I agree, and I too think it worth saving -- again :)! (Throw in Wales and Scotland; Ireland will take care of itself. :)) Remind me if you'd like to read (portions...?) of my uncle's memoir, “Bad Night at the Occidental”. He takes the family back to before the New World...

But we have important stuff to deal with in the here-and-now.
Have you contemplated the trajectory of our politics? I'd ask you to read David Cole's "The Curse of Aaron" ( There are few serious thinkers who aren't afraid to write with clarity and cogency...

(If I remember correctly, it was you who chided me for reading Taki's Mag... "An actual fascist...!" I think you said. :) Are you still of the same opinion? -Taki's youth in Greece, what with WW II and everything, is not so very hard to understand.)
You have, I hope, finally realized what a boon Lincoln gave us: By refusing to hobble the south and treat its leaders as the laws of war required, he did an amazing thing: He preserved the union -- as best anyone could.
And then some fool of an actor shot him...
Reconstruction work out well for anyone, without Lincoln's steady hand and stout heart to guide our nation back?! (You know the answer; perhaps you've grown beyond fairy tales...) If only Frederic Douglas's advice had been followed...we might not have the makings of another real insurrection, with our black population presumed to be willing cannon fodder.)

Have I given you enough to chew on, Colonel? :)
I'll only add, you do have a regiment, don't you?:)! (Let's see Howie try to pry into this aspect of the topic...:)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-04-16, 08:33:15
2. When Scotland leaves what will soon be known as "rump UK, 'rUK' for short) lawfully or you lot get a Catalonia-type situation, how are you going to react and feel about that?
By the by, ruk is Dutch for crappy.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Luxor on 2021-04-16, 12:36:31
Scotland not in Gt Britain
Moderator message: You're repeating your nonsense again Rj.

What have you been told about that?
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-16, 16:45:02
Well, Colonel! It seems that you are indeed smitten! (Again...:) Are you still enamored with the Lost Cause?) GB (can I call it "George Bernard?!) -merrie olde England, etc., is a beautiful country, and home to wonderful people; I agree, and I too think it worth saving -- again :)! (Throw in Wales and Scotland; Ireland will take care of itself. :)) Remind me if you'd like to read (portions...?) of my uncle's memoir, “Bad Night at the Occidental”. He takes the family back to before the New World...

But we have important stuff to deal with in the here-and-now.
Have you contemplated the trajectory of our politics? I'd ask you to read David Cole's "The Curse of Aaron" ( There are few serious thinkers who aren't afraid to write with clarity and cogency...

(If I remember correctly, it was you who chided me for reading Taki's Mag... "An actual fascist...!" I think you said. :) Are you still of the same opinion? -Taki's youth in Greece, what with WW II and everything, is not so very hard to understand.)
You have, I hope, finally realized what a boon Lincoln gave us: By refusing to hobble the south and treat its leaders as the laws of war required, he did an amazing thing: He preserved the union -- as best anyone could.
And then some fool of an actor shot him...
Reconstruction work out well for anyone, without Lincoln's steady hand and stout heart to guide our nation back?! (You know the answer; perhaps you've grown beyond fairy tales...) If only Frederic Douglas's advice had been followed...we might not have the makings of another real insurrection, with our black population presumed to be willing cannon fodder.)

Have I given you enough to chew on, Colonel? :)
I'll only add, you do have a regiment, don't you?:)! (Let's see Howie try to pry into this aspect of the topic...:)
Remembering the LC has its uses. In the interesting political times we live in, it seems as though the former Republican Party has forgotten what happened to the Democrats in 1860. It will be interesting to see what happens prior to 2024; will the former Republican Party split into two, or will it hold together.

Sure, I’ll have a look at your Uncle’s book.

I wrote a paper nearly a decade ago stating that by 2050, I felt as though the USA would cease to exist. Domestic terrorism, hyperinflation, and overextending foreign entanglements bring the causes.

Yes, Lincoln did leave us an excellent situation and we’ve bungled what he left us.

Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-17, 23:10:32
I wrote a paper nearly a decade ago stating that by 2050, I felt as though the USA would cease to exist. Domestic terrorism, hyperinflation, and overextending foreign entanglements bring the causes.

Yes, Lincoln did leave us an excellent situation and we've bungled what he left
Us?! I's say you and I have done our part, mostly admirably! As have the vast majority of our countrymen. The Reconstruction was done -however cruelly, crudely and ineptly; and the past is the past. The vexatious Marxist influence in our society is the root of our current peril...
You cited proximate causes. (I won't dispute them...) But it may be too late for half-measures and palliatives: Someone once said something about "a house divided" and that counsel remains valid, as cautionary considerations go.
(Let us pray -if we've a mind to- that Franklin's admonition ("...hang together or...") is not what is needed!)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-18, 02:05:43
Moderator edit:  You've been told to keep PM conversations off the forum, you've been told to take your repetitive guff elsewhere. You've had enough warnings but you still persist. My patience has now ran out and that's the final straw.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-22, 06:04:28
The Capital police have reportedly shelved plans to re-install barriers 'round the Capital... :) See? Just give the mobs what they want and everything's peachy-keen! (Wanna bet?:)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2023-07-23, 14:30:58

The speaker is Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican rightwing nutwoman in US Congress. Everything she mentions in the video, she thinks it's a Democrat authoritarian commie conspiracy that Biden should be impeached for, something she is indeed busy working on at the Congress.

For the rest of the world, those are completely uncontroversial policies. Even so for Biden, who took her speech and used it for his presidential campaign ad.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Frenzie on 2023-07-24, 09:58:03
That's hilarious.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-01-09, 13:11:30
(It's too soon, because several keys are undecided yet, but) Biden is the more likely winner, according to Alan Lichtman who has correctly predicted every presidential election result since 1984

Americans with their stupid non-system where the president has the freedom to be a treasonous nepotist election-denying incompetent buffoon and run again without any repercussions to himself while all his lawers and more eager supporters are being jailed left and right. And that this idiotic campaigning takes years in enormous cost of time, money and nerves. Oh Lord have mercy.

Good that this is over and done with now. Except if one of the main party candidates dies and the not the other....
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-01-10, 02:50:21
Americans with their stupid non-system where the president has the freedom to be a treasonous nepotist election-denying incompetent buffoon and run again without any repercussions to himself while all his law[y]ers and more eager supporters are being jailed left and right.
Can't even manage to put your frothing-at-the-mouth anger into sentence form! :) But look on the bright side: Michelle Obama might be "drafted" to run...
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: jax on 2024-01-13, 09:00:28
Trump was a self-inflicted wound. But now it is like "it felt so good when we shot ourselves in the foot, so it must feel so much better if we shoot ourselves in the head".  It's beyond parody. Because of the consequences even if he isn't elected, this leans much further into tragedy than farce, but there is plenty of both.

USA is broken, hopefully not beyond repair.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-01-14, 11:34:22
What you really mean is: The EU, Russia and the CCP don't want this... :)
 I understand your point of view: Bureaucratic power is the most important thing to maintain!
The U.S. must be cobbled... if it won't accede to its bureaucracy.
Good luck with that!

What you want is something that you can't deal with...  A United States that adheres to its original principles.                                                               
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-01-14, 13:15:52
What you mean is that you have no idea about anything. Russia welcomes Trump. Russia contributed to Trump's election campaign in 2016, significantly so, if not outright decisively. Trump and Putin are best buddies. Not as best as Trump and Epstein, but almost.

CCP also warmly welcomes an erratic American leader once again. The status of the war in Ukraine conveys the following message to the Far East: Westerners don't help even those of their own race, so they definitely won't help Asians. Meaning that Taiwan is entirely on its own, absolutely helpless in case USA gets a pact-ignoring Nato-demolishing president who has no idea about geopolitics, no idea about global trade and does not care to get an idea. For CCP this means: If Trump wins, we have Taiwan in our pocket. Foreseeing this, Japan has decided to remilitarise.

The EU is divided. Ever since the end of Cold War, the western half spearheaded by Germany and France has been working to undermine Nato (as a defence alliance against Russia) and USA's role on the continent. The western half of the EU has been working to approach Russia economically and politically, envisioning Russia's membership for the EU. A part of this policy has been to divest the new members of their voting rights with every new renegotiation of the EU constitution, and the next such step is right now on the lips of all western EU leaders, including Scholz, Macron, and Leyen.

The eastern half has no use for this kind of the EU. The eastern half of the EU sees Russia as an existential threat. They joined Nato and the EU (and Nato first) in order to counterbalance and counteract this existential threat. The current status of the war in Ukraine conveys the following message: Despite all treaties, alliances and memberships, the West does not do anything to hold itself to their declared values and signed commitments. The West sees no problem giving up the eastern countries to Russia. The following action by the eastern EU countries depends on how fast they are able to take this message in and reorient themselves. The fastest one to correctly foresee this coming was Orban who already reoriented Hungary pre-emptively. Hungary is best positioned for the post-Ukraine-war situation by having operable relations both with Russia and the EU biggies and also with USA, whoever the president there be. Hardly anyone else will (be able to) reorient themselves this radically, but at least nobody has any reason to hold to their commitments to the West any longer, since the West has by now clearly dropped all commitments (and even pretension of fairness) to the East which, for the East, held existential value, the most important value of all. The betrayal from the West has been absolutely total and thus reorientation is forced, inescapable. So, even though nobody in the eastern half of the EU welcomes a Nato-demolishing president in USA, realistically nobody can expect any president in USA be capable of saving Nato's reputation either. As a result, nobody in the eastern half of the EU gives a damn who becomes the president of USA. But the western half would welcome a reasonably polished diplomatic figure who would not look too bad to take a photo together with. Trump is not welcome for that reason.

And what is your reason to favour Trump for president, OakdaleFTL? I get it: He is the treasonous nepotist election-denying dictator wannabe with no morals, no principles, and no professionalism. He represents everything near and dear to yourself.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-05-21, 19:25:05
Trump attempted a campaign video. Did not go well.

Trump Posts, Then Takes Down, Video Online With Headlines About a ‘Unified Reich’ - The New York Times (

I saw the video. Its bold points (all of them):

What happens after Donald Trump wins?
- The economy blooms
- The border is closed and the largest deportation in history is underway
- No more wars as we focus on home
- Law and order is restored
- The American dream is back and the best is yet to come
Make America Great Again!
These were all in bold and in caps in the video, and also spoken in audio. Normal campaign promises. American voters have no issue with those. The issue that NYT raised was instead that, in the video, which was designed as if newspaper headlines, the blurred newspaper main text (the "fine print") spelled out "the creation of Unified Reich". Trump evidently concurred it does not look good for him, so he took the video down.

And the presidential race continues. Cheers!
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: Frenzie on 2024-05-21, 21:30:00
Apparently they have plausible deniability. One wonders how such a thing would slip in "accidentally"…
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-05-22, 08:51:53
"the creation of Unified Reich"
Apparently, a few Europeans (as well as most Americans...) don't know much of their history.

But I'd agree, somebody more savvy should be in charge of Trump's social media.

Still: Who in their right mind takes "social media" seriously? :) (I know, of course!)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-05-22, 16:22:51
Apparently they have plausible deniability.
There is no deniability to a campaign video, definitely not anything even remotely plausible. Simple test: Think if Biden had done it...
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-05-25, 09:54:31
Nobody thinks Biden does anything... :)

Since you've long maintained your animosity and ill-wishes for the U.S., your support of Biden is quite understandable: His "team" will, if he wins a second term, do everything possible to destroy America.
And you'd applaud their efforts, ersi. Why, I wonder...[1]

Are you also gleeful about the predictable Jew-hatred becoming "popular"? :)
You've never explained your reasons...
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-05-26, 09:49:26
[Biden's] "team" will, if he wins a second term, do everything possible to destroy America.
Can you lay out the steps how he would proceed to do it? And why only on the second term? Why not now?

I can easily see how Trump would do it. Namely, he would just follow the steps of his first term again, more aggressively. How would Biden do it, please?
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-05-27, 22:33:31
Inflation, destruction of the auto industry, destruction of the energy sector; DEI in the military, schools and corporations... The "Migrant Crisis" engineered by the administration...

And, yes, in his first term he's pursued all of that consistently.

His faux folksiness doesn't extend to the old maxim: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-05-30, 19:21:41
I was expecting that you'd mention Biden's attempt to assassinate Trump on the Mar-a-Lago raid. Did you accidentally forget it?

Inflation, destruction of the auto industry, destruction of the energy sector; DEI in the military, schools and corporations...
Inflation is not what a president does. Inflation is pretty much like weather. The Fed and the Wall Street have the closest effect on it. The president does not. Besides, the inflation has been stabilised in USA. It is worse in the EU where there is no Biden.

Your auto industry started having a crisis as soon as you started importing Japanese cars. The worst times were under W. The city of Detroit went bankrupt in 2013. Since then, things have gotten better for the industry. Perhaps you don't like electric cars? Neither do I, except that I don't like cars overall. By the way, the biggest EV maker in USA is Elon Musk, who is part of the Trump cult. He is not complaining that the auto industry is being destroyed.

Destruction of the energy sector? You have been lied to.

DEI in the military, schools and corporations? If it's so bad, why did not Trump do anything to stop it? Maybe because in truth he really doesn't care to govern, as was demonstrated by his first term. He only likes to revel in attention and power, which he thinks must be absolute when he's the president.

The "Migrant Crisis" engineered by the administration...
You mean the migrant crisis engineered by Trump administration? First, he supposedly built a wall against migrants. If not, blame him. If yes, but there is still a real migrant crisis, blame him because his wall does not work.

But in truth there is no real migrant crisis, except for what Trump falsely claims for his campaign purposes. If you believe him, then you are exactly the factless type he targets. He targets the types who have no capacity to look things up. In other words, congrats for having been successfully brainwashed into the personality cult of your party leader.

Will you ever ask yourself why you are consistently wrong about everything? Of course you won't. You don't care about right or wrong. You care about hyperpartisanship for your dictator wannabe.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-06-02, 00:08:30
DEI in the military, schools and corporations? If it's so bad, why did not Trump do anything to stop it? Maybe because in truth he really doesn't care to govern, as was demonstrated by his first term.
You'll see mentioned in the article from the City Journal that, indeed, Trump promptly rescinded Obama's DEI "guidance" from the Department of Education...

The intensity of the battle doesn’t guarantee the longevity of the war. Sometimes, the defeated party accepts the public’s verdict and stops demanding rematches.

That may be happening in American civil rights law. In its name, contemporary progressives advocate the use of disparate-impact analysis to force private parties to treat Americans differently based on race and ancestry. Yet, after promising loudly to do otherwise, the Biden administration has largely avoided defending the legality of this practice in its enforcement of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Because of the size of the federal government, the stakes for Title VI enforcement are high. Federal outlays account for about 20 percent of American GDP. Title VI applies to all recipients of those outlays. Many non-recipients may plan to bid for federal contracts or grants in the future, so they’ll need to demonstrate compliance with Title VI, too. Title VI, then, directly or indirectly, effectively governs more than 20 percent of the national economy.

But Title VI is a nondiscrimination statute. Applying the theory of disparate impact—which seeks to uncover intentional but hidden discrimination—turns Title VI on its head by transforming the statute into a cudgel that would require discrimination. The Biden administration wants to compel the very practice that Congress passed Title VI to forbid. The administration has indeed deployed disparate-impact theory through Title VI, pushing for what it calls “equity” through a host of administrative actions.

Still, in at least two settings where parties challenged that deployment as illegal—school disciplinary policies and environmental policy—the administration has dodged consequent litigation. The White House implicitly concedes that it lacks the power to use civil rights regulations to require discrimination.
The intensity of the battle doesn’t guarantee the longevity of the war. Sometimes, the defeated party accepts the public’s verdict and stops demanding rematches.  That may be happening in American civil rights law. In its name, contemporary progressives advocate the use of disparate-impact analysis to force private parties to treat Americans differently based on race and ancestry. Yet, after promising loudly to do otherwise, the Biden administration has largely avoided defending the legality of this practice in its enforcement of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  Because of the size of the federal government, the stakes for Title VI enforcement are high. Federal outlays account for about 20 percent of American GDP. Title VI applies to all recipients of those outlays. Many non-recipients may plan to bid for federal contracts or grants in the future, so they’ll need to demonstrate compliance with Title VI, too. Title VI, then, directly or indirectly, effectively governs more than 20 percent of the national economy.  But Title VI is a nondiscrimination statute. Applying the theory of disparate impact—which seeks to uncover intentional but hidden discrimination—turns Title VI on its head by transforming the statute into a cudgel that would require discrimination. The Biden administration wants to compel the very practice that Congress passed Title VI to forbid. The administration has indeed deployed disparate-impact theory through Title VI, pushing for what it calls “equity” through a host of administrative actions.  Still, in at least two settings where parties challenged that deployment as illegal—school disciplinary policies and environmental policy—the administration has dodged consequent litigation. The White House implicitly concedes that it lacks the power to use civil rights regulations to require discrimination.
-more (


(Your comment about inflation shows a surprising ignorance! Like the weather? Really? :) )
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-06-02, 05:40:45
You don't know how to quote. Everything you quote is irrelevant to your point. I had to go to the full article to see if there is anything relevant there. The relevant part is this:

Quote from:
Obama’s guidance was never challenged in court, before the Trump administration swiftly rescinded it.
See how short it is? I mean, you see how full of nonsense you are? In so many words you are saying absolutely nothing. And they are not even your own words. They are mindless quotes from people whose air you like, but whose drift you do not understand.

This (what I quoted, not you) is absolutely all that this article says about what Trump allegedly did about DEI. The problem is that the article does not reference the document by which Trump did it. Therefore the article provides no timeline to assess how "swiftly" Trump did it.

The logical problem is that, if Trump indeed rescinded Obama's DEI swiftly, then Obama's DEI was never tested in practice, had no time to have a practical effect, so there is no way to compare whether Trump's policy was better or Obama's. But assuming that Obama's DEI policy stuck around long enough to be deemed bad by you, but there were no court challenges to Obama's DEI, then the problem is that you are deeming DEI bad based on your lunatic hallucinations only, regardless of law, order, justice etc. which are clearly meaningless things for you. This is your normal mode of operation.

What I was able to gather from primary sources is that in September 2020 Trump issued an executive order 13950 “Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping” that banned DEI trainings. As you very well (don't) know, 2020 was Trump's last year in office, not first or second or third, so there was nothing swift or prompt about his executive order. Trump lost elections by the end of the year and Biden became the president. In January 2021, pretty much as soon as he had taken over, Biden signed an executive order revoking Trump's executive order. So the facts are that it was Biden who was swift against Trump. Trump's executive order was in effect for less than one academic study term, thus having no practical effect. But of course you do not know any of this, because you do not acknowledge that Biden is the president, you do not care about facts, you do not know what news are, and you have no capacity to look things up from primary sources. You only look at factless word salad opinions of hyperpartisan think tanks who are probably producing their articles by means of ChatGPT these days.

All this is not to say that I am in favour of DEI. I am not. I hate corporate wokeness. But, being corporate wokeness, there is nothing much for ordinary people to do about it legally. The power disparity is too steep. The DEI talks about gender and other BS, but does nothing about actual far more glaring inequality, such as income inequality, thus DEI policies demonstrate that their purpose is not to address any actual social issues, but to drive people mad with their hypocrisy. The best that people can do is to not take the bait, not go mad. But you have gone incorrigibly mad.

(Your comment about inflation shows a surprising ignorance! Like the weather? Really? :) )
And what insight are you providing here? What is inflation according to you, doofus? Nah, never anything of substance from you, just factless partisan blather.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-06-02, 07:45:23
what insight are you providing here? What is inflation according to you, doofus? Nah, never anything of substance from you, just factless partisan blather.
I'm doing other things as well as this simple correction of a simple Estonian's misconceptions, so I'll begin with the last point you made:

Inflation is caused by the over-supply of money. Government spending beyond tax receipts (as a proxy for GDP) requires borrowing by the government. That borrowing is "deficit spending" and the mortgaging of future tax receipts is the only way to manage it. Unfortunately, deflating the currency has some nasty consequences!
Inflation is a de facto deflation of the currency...
But if the growth of the economy can't keep pace, the "hole" gets deeper and deeper! (Remember the simple maxim: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!) Continued deficit spending sucks up more and more of the available capital, and less and less is available for growth or maintenance...
Pauper-ation is the end result. (The Weimar Republic achieved it... Remember how it extricated itself?) I, for one, don't want to push to that choice. Does anyone else? :)

"Doofas," eh! :) Just because I never succumbed to Soviet propaganda doesn't make me dumb. It makes me -mostly- lucky: I wasn't inundated. I feel sorry for you.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-06-02, 08:38:55
Astonishing. You replied. What happened?

Inflation is caused by the over-supply of money. Government spending beyond tax receipts (as a proxy for GDP) requires borrowing by the government. That borrowing is "deficit spending" and the mortgaging of future tax receipts is the only way to manage it. Unfortunately, deflating the currency has some nasty consequences!
I have heard of those theories. The problem with them is that they are just theories with no basis in reality. No basis whatsoever, zero validity. Anybody who holds to the theories you are citing is a miserable fool. You are having a big balls day, so I can upgrade you from doofus to miserable fool status.

First, over-supply of money does nothing when all of it is stashed away in holdings. This is easily seen by Obama's attempt to address the Great Recession. He pumped out trillions to keep the banks up in crisis and to encourage lending, which according to mainstream economic theory should in turn encourage general consumption, thus ending the recession. The banks used the windfall for CEO bonuses and other static hoarding, therefore the recession persisted. That was trillions printed that had no inflationary effect whatsoever for a decade.

Then covid hit, which changed the dynamic in economy. People stayed at home, with no way to go anywhere, nothing to do, and started spending online on little luxuries for nothing better to do. And only then inflation raised its head.

Conclusion: Only money in circulation, i.e. money mass in transactions, matters. Static money has no effect, no matter how much you print it, because it is, well, static — it is not participating in the economy. It starts having an effect when it starts participating in the economy.

You see, different from your theoretical nonsense, I have a practical sense of economics. I have the capacity to observe how economy works in practice. I have survived the hyperinflation at the collapse of Soviet Union. That hyperinflation did not happen because government printed money, but rather because politico-economic deregulation and introduction of private entrepreneurship brought about the explosion of black market and grey economy outside state control where alternative money was used (DEM, USD, and gold) indicating utter distrust for the official rouble, whose value thus collapsed.

Inflation is not government printing money. Inflation is reduced trust/valuation of a particular currency. It is called inflation because in every economic sector the increased price (=valuation in terms of currency) of a commodity is called inflation, so when there is an increase of prices across the board, which does not appear to be due a change of objective valuation of the commodities, but rather sinking value of the currency itself, then that is called inflation too. (It is nonsensical to call inflation "deflating the currency" as you do above. Keep your terms straight. Nah, I know it's too much for you.)

In addition to end-of-SU hyperinflation, I have also survived two monetary reforms in person. I know all about money. If you want to know anything about money or about broader economics, you ask me and listen carefully.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-06-02, 10:39:15
Astonishing. You replied. What happened?
Reply after reading the 1st sentence you posted...
I'm bored and a little drunk (it still happens, occasionally). And — although I hate to admit it, I'd like to "educate" at least one European! :)

Obama's attempt to address the Great Recession. He pumped out trillions to keep the banks up in crisis and to encourage lending, which according to mainstream economic theory should in turn encourage general consumption, thus ending the recession.
When you say "Main-stream Economics" you must mean Keynesian... Keynes famously said, when asked what was the result of perpetual deficit spending by government, "In the long term, we are all dead." Indeed, that is so.
But are the profligate our best guides?
If you only care about yourself (and your cohorts), maybe. Still, that makes you a reprehensible person, in my view.

The "Great Recession" didn't end until the Trump administration's tax cuts enabled the economy's growth. (Reagan -and Kennedy- both understood this dynamic...).

—As an exercise in honesty I ask a simple question: What do you think caused the so-called Great Recession?

First, over-supply of money does nothing when all of it is stashed away in holdings
It detracts from the economic growth! (Where, BTW, is this "stashing away" you refer to?) When the incentives for investing are paltry, less will be invested; when less is invested, there is less potential for growth.
You doubt that?
I have survived the hyperinflation at the collapse of Soviet Union. That hyperinflation did not happen because government printed money, but rather because politico-economic deregulation and introduction of private entrepreneurship brought about the explosion of black market and grey economy outside state control where alternative money was used (DEM, USD, and gold) indicating utter distrust for the official rouble, whose value thus collapsed.
You missed (understanding) what actually happened: The U.S.S.R. tried to match the USA's expenditure for modernizing nuclear forces -specifically, SDI (so-called "Star Wars") which was to be an effective defense against a First-Strike... And, of course, a "defense" was -to the Soviets- an attack!
So, the U.S.S.R. spent more and more on keeping up with the U.S, technology — to the detriment of its obligations to its people.

Can you seriously claim that the U.S.S.R. ever had the welfare of its people an important consideration? (Ask the Ukrainians...)

BTW: The black and grey markets were always a boost to the Soviet economy... :) Where'd the Soviet government get the money to — fail? :)

One more thing:
Is Nikita's "We will bury you!" taunt still one of your favorites!? :)
I know it's going to cause your on-line persona some angst, but do you really think the election od Donald J. Trumpt is — a problem, for the world?

Try to be specific, if your immediate response is FUCK YES!. :)
Oe more thing
Did MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) ever make sense to you?
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-06-02, 16:04:49
When you say "Main-stream Economics" you must mean Keynesian...
No. I mean mainstream economics as characterised by the so-called neoclassical synthesis, where the Keynesian element is actually pseudo-Keynesian.

Yes, I know it is all over your head.

The "Great Recession" didn't end until the Trump administration's tax cuts enabled the economy's growth. (Reagan -and Kennedy- both understood this dynamic...).
False. Data clearly does not matter to you.

Also, the topic clearly does not matter to you, but let's remind you: Inflation. Your theory is that government print money = inflation. And inflation = bad.

Yet, Obama printed money. Inflation did not happen. Trump made tax cuts for himself and now we have inflation again.

In reality, moderate stable inflation is necessary for economic growth (as it appears in GDP growth rate). The minus-inflation and zero-inflation economy that lasted throughout Obama years was not healthy (such economy has lasted for decades in Japan, resulting in a fall from second-largest economy of the world to behind Germany). And you deny the current economic growth because Biden is president.

Are you seeing the pattern? The pattern is that you are wrong about everything and your measure of all things is partisanship.

—As an exercise in honesty I ask a simple question: What do you think caused the so-called Great Recession?
As if you cared about honesty. What caused the Great Recession according to you? I know: Obama. Because he is Muslim and does not have a birth certificate or something. Be honest: You do not care that the Great Recession began under W with the subprime mortgage crisis.

You missed (understanding) what actually happened: The U.S.S.R. tried to match the USA's expenditure for modernizing nuclear forces -specifically, SDI (so-called "Star Wars") which was to be an effective defense against a First-Strike... And, of course, a "defense" was -to the Soviets- an attack!
So, the U.S.S.R. spent more and more on keeping up with the U.S, technology — to the detriment of its obligations to its people.
If this were true, then there would have been visible upscale in militarisation in USSR from 70's to 80's. In reality there was degradation. USSR did not have any muscle to keep itself together, much less muscle to keep together the Warsaw bloc, and much less posed it any threat to USA at any point. The "Star Wars" thing was fear of a bogeyman who was not there.

I know it's going to cause your on-line persona some angst, but do you really think the election od Donald J. Trumpt is — a problem, for the world?
You see no problem letting a state-secret leaking anti-constitutional narcissist dictator wannabe close to the nuke button? Silly me, of course you don't. Trump is Republican, so he is all-good.

I personally see no problem with any president of USA, provided that only USA were affected. Unfortunately there is more need for NATO now than ever. From this perspective, the right thing to do is to abolish the entire Republican party, or at least the Trump cult section of it. In normal countries, anti-constitutional insurrectionist parties get banned.

(You'd of course think that by recommending a ban on Republicans I hope for single-party rule of Democrats. No. In a normal country there are always more than two viable parties. USA is not a normal country. USA is a third world dump with delusions of grandeur.)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-06-30, 08:44:51
(It's too soon, because several keys are undecided yet, but) Biden is the more likely winner, according to Alan Lichtman who has correctly predicted every presidential election result since 1984
Sticking to Lichtman's model, Biden will win. Full explanation:
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-06-30, 09:10:13
(Dear ersi, I've pleaded with you repeatedly to update your understanding of logic...)

Alan Lichtman got all election predictions right ever since he has been predicting.
Please follow your own link ( to see... Or perhaps explain how 9 out of 10 is All?!

(I'll watch the YouTube vid you posted, later. Thanks in advance! (I've seen this fellow's podcasts before.)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-06-30, 09:20:54
Or perhaps explain how 9 out of 10 is All?!
Lichtman explains in the video how the Al Gore prediction was right. Namely, election theft.

You are a strong believer in election theft yourself, aren't you? You are fully in favour of storming the Capitol, jailing and executing the opponents (including enemies inside, such as one's own vice president) of the one true patriotic constitutional party in order to save the country and secure the Unified Reich.
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-06-30, 12:18:08
Have you gone off your meds, ersi? :) (I'm not sure if there's a regimen for TDS — but if it becomes so debilitating, there should be a serious search for a mitigant, and then a cure and prophylactic .)
Lichtman explains in the video how the Al Gore prediction was right. Namely, election theft.

Lichtman explains in the video how the Al Gore prediction was right. Namely, election theft.

So cool, I had to show it twice! :) He was wrong because — he was right, and what the reality was: Was wrong!
(Perhaps his 2020 prediction should be viewed in the same light? :) )
Your logic, ersi, is similar: The conclusion, if you don't like it, must be false! :)
I'll check out your and Licthman's claim of "theft" of an election...[1]But most "seers" explain why their predictions fail... It never occurs to them that their omniscience is a sham supported only by happenstance and ego! :)

The Professor has some insight into American politics and how elections are decided on the national level. But he ain't Cassandra, or Anti-Cassandra! He's merely a social scientist — you know, like the fellows who wrote The  Bell Curve, way back when. :)
I suspect the prof. hasn't and won't make the argument you do. But let me remind you, the election laws in the U.S preclude changing  them during election season... I know that's hard for you to understand: For you, those who run the government are entitled to change the rules on a whim! Who are those plebes to complain? :)
Title: Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Post by: ersi on 2024-08-10, 19:52:54
Pro Publica obtained Project 2025 "training videos" and mass-uploaded them on Youtube. I took a look at a few. They contained detached-from-reality idealistic nonsense babble, not grounded in anything. They often mention "principles" and "constitution" — just the words, without definition or specificity and hardly with any quoting, except the most abstract phrases.

It is hard to detect any plan or project in the videos. It is even hard to extract any takeaways, despite the videos being labelled "training videos". Anyway, the titles are:

- Advancing the President’s Agenda
- Executive Orders
- Presidential Transitions
- Coalition Building
- Social Media Messaging
- Federal Regulatory Process
- Oversight and Investigations
- Passing New Regulations
- Staffing an Office
- The Administrative State
- The Federal Workforce
- The Art of Professionalism
- Conserving America
- Federal Budget
- Navigating Policymaking
- Left-Wing Code Words and Language
- Working with the Media
- Background Checks and Security Clearances
- Conservative Movement History
- Appointee Survival Guide
- Time Management for Appointees
- Appointees and Policymaking
- Working With Congress

The vagueness of the content of the videos is in stark contrast to the Project 2025 text, where a clear plan can be discerned to undermine the federal state institutions, to disrupt elections and to demolish the separation of powers. The "training" seems to be addressed to the future partisan appointees of the administrative state who are to take over after expert professionals currently populating the federal agencies. Getting rid of expert professionals in federal positions is part of the Project 2025 plan.
