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Topic: Turkey hypocrisy (Read 15076 times)

Turkey hypocrisy

The shooting down of the Russian plane is a two-faced item. The Turks say the plane was warned 10 times in 5 minutes then they shot it down as it was in their space for 17 seconds? Now the same Turkey had a fighter shot down by the Syrian Air Force about 5 years ago - remember that one? Turkey complained their air-plane was only over the Border for seconds so how is that for open hypocrisy? This fact is suitably pushed aside.

The rebels who shot the 2 airmen as they floated down chanted slogans that hardly sounded like "moderates" and are supported by Turkey. Now the Geneva Convention makes it clear that parachutists should not be shot at. When one considers that there are sections of these so-called moderate rebels are far from that they are playing a damn sneaky game. Plus the hundreds of lorries that go into ISIL territory for oil which funds the Isalmist fanatics are also Turkish!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #1
But -of course- no one will mention tactical nukes as an option… (Oops! Someone just did. A rat hole needs to be expurged.) The Long War has an unavoidable battle with ISIS/ISIL/Daesh… And our current administration hasn't the ability to act when action is necessary: So, that likely-hood becomes tangible.

Iran's mullahs must be salivating! :( (And Putin is likely having second thoughts…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #2
What do you know about Turkey?
Was not for Turkey and our civilization would had been already invaded by the Ottomans.

Course that my remark is to rjhowie, Oakdale being a total ignorant on this matter. A parachutist in what he doesn't understand.
Lucky you that I don't  feel to kill parachutists as the ISIS does.

P.S It seems that one of the pilots escaped. Way to go Turkey, nor Russians neither Americans, they're basically all the same.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #3
Was not for Turkey and our civilization would had been already invaded by the Ottomans.
Your civilization was repeatedly invaded by the Turkish Ottomans… Kemal's coup (and WWI…) was the end of the Ottoman Empire; Turkey's current regime seems keen on reverting even further than the Ottomans.
A sad turn of events, considering how well Atatürk's reforms worked.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #4
A sad turn of events, considering how well Atatürk's reforms worked.

Atatürk was the father or Turkey and the creator of a secularist state, pro western defensor. He made much more than the USA has ever made regarding Europe.
Actual Turkey is not bad. Not bad at all.

Anyway, the USA never had the obligation of defending Europe. If they did it, was never for my Country that always refused such "help". I don't ever need to thank you nothing but I must recognize Turkey's role defensing Europe.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #5
Been there lately, like in the last generation? :(
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #6
Have you been there?
At least I speak with many of them. Do you?
A matter of attitude.

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #7
Not for quite a while, no. The powers that be are busy building a bridge — back to the seventh century…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #8
What a load of distracting stuff that is from Belfrager about what is known about Turkey. We are talking about NOW not the early 20th century or eons ago.

Do I need to remind of Turkey's modern two-faced position?

1. The President of turkey was Prime Minister in 2012 when the Syrian Air Force shot down a Turkish fighter jet for being in their air space. The Turkish PM then complained it was a shocking and ridiculous thing to do as the Rurhish plane was only in Syria space for "several seconds." That clown is now President and he says it is okay to shoot down a plane for a handful of seconds??!
2. The former Prime Minister of France has condemned turkey for the action and it'ssubtle support of Islam terrorists As well as dealing with the oil ISIS is shunting over it's border to make money to continue the terror.
3. A former NATO Commander has condemned Turkey for their games.
4. The President of France has exercised condemnation of the lack of control ove the Border issues and what is traversing them.
5. Obama has yakked about avoiding friction between Russia and Turkey over the Syrian conflict. Kind of interesting considering the amount of weapons from America which have either been stolen by Islamists or even given by "moderates." And the same US President will also be aware of the profits being made in his wonderful NATO ally dealing with oil being processed to pay for ISIS volunteers and wider process of the war.

Turkey is a damnable dodgy place militarily, it's actions and a mess of a place and they get away with anything - so much about Western principles. Oh and by the way the Turks also have a buffer zone INSIDE the Syria border as well where they assist dodgy fighters.

Take your mind out the history books Belfrager and show some sense.

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #9
This is a turkey fight.

Putin has been looking for a war all along. I mean, he is evidently jealous of the extent and scale of American wars, while his own current battles in Ukraine are nearly not big enough in comparison, and earlier intervention in Tiraspol, South Ossetia and Chechnya have ceased to provide fodder to the media.

Why should a direct war between Russia and NATO countries erupt? But why shouldn't it? I doubt it will be called a war though. Things get done with no official declaration these days and they are not called by their right names.

This is a turkey fight.

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #10
An interesting view, ersi. But I doubt Putin is interested in media coverage and social media kudos…
Putin -and his Russia- needs more Russians; and his military needs warn-water ports. That pretty much sums up his motives, geopolitically.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #11

An interesting view, ersi. But I doubt Putin is interested in media coverage and social media kudos…
Putin -and his Russia- needs more Russians; and his military needs warn-water ports. That pretty much sums up his motives, geopolitically.

Admittedly, when I only mentioned media, it leaves you with a false impression about what I really think about Putin's motives. Russia may have a geopolitical "need" for warm-water ports, but Putin's motivation and behaviour is irrational rather than rational.

Ever since Peter the Great, Russia has been historically hankering after Istanbul/Constantinople. Russian ideologues throughout 19th century have preached to the Czars the necessity of capturing Constantinople (a la the holy mission of The Third Rome is to liberate the Second Rome from Turks), and how it could be achieved by manipulating Balkan "brothers", but Czars made horrific irrational political moves throughout that century so that Balkan Slavs (not to mention all other Slavs, except for Serbs) are now permanently estranged from Russia. Czars did this probably just to show to the ideologues that the Czar is Samoderzhets (autocrat, an actual title of Russian Czars) and not a follower of any vocal ideologue, even though the ideologue may make perfect geopolitical sense and the Czar not at all.

Now, Turkey has given a perfect pretext to Putin. Putin has two options:

1. Employ the pretext ruthlessly for geopolitical purposes.
2. Continue on the well-trodden incoherent path of the Czars.

My bets are on the second. It will only get more irrational and messier from here.

In my opinion, snatching of Crimea was also irrational. Russia already owned Sevastopol, the crucial warm-water port. By attacking to secure the grip over it they earned the disdain of the world (except for RJ, whereas even Merkel finally panicked and stopped pushing for visa-freedom for Russia).

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #12

This is a turkey fight.

What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #13
Where is Jaybro when we need him?!

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #14
Must say that you are using that typical American nationalism mindset. I would say this about Putin and that is he is a lot cleverer than that bloke in the White House. You also betray that absurd stuff about him wanting to be as militaristic as the USA. Why would anyone of sense want to be like a country that spends half the global armaments stuff, de-stabilise countries that don't give in to the imperialism and US corporate controllers??

The answers to my points as usual totally ignore the points because some don't like to have to answer because they cannot. So although for example, Turkey has broken Greek air space 2,400 time sover the years that is of course okay as well? The trouble with that type of US thinking gives the impression everyone over there is brainwashed when that of course is not the case. Not answering points betrays much! Oh, and by the way. President Putin AND his French counterpart have came to an agreement over air attack co-operation and Russia has done a far better job in that political corner and in the military attacks on ISIL.  :up:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #15
Hollande and Putin "talked"… One said Assad must go; the other said, No! Never!

Just the usual European prelude… (Russia has always wanted to be thought part of Europe. :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #16
It looks to me like everybody over there is irrational--- not just Putin.

Russia does have a history of provocative acts--- violating airspace of other countries because they can.

Turkey---- Turkey and Greece have been at loggerheads ever since anybody can remember. Might as well be at loggerheads with Russia too.

Various rebel factions---- you just about have to be irrational to be a rebel, and an Islamic rebel is in a class by himself for irrationality.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #17
Some information to be had here
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #18

Some information to be had here

Hmmm.... Oak, that does clear up something. Makes me think Turkey's side of the story isn't out of line anyway. It takes time to scramble a fighter jet and vector it into place so that it can fire a missile. Turkey said they were warning the Russians for 10 minutes--- I would guess it could take that long to get the Turkish fighter into position. Longer if it had to scramble from the ground.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #19
You are playing with the fire, there's no European country that can beat Turkey these days in terms of military power or geo strategic importance.
Another "conquest" by the German leadership of Europe.

We need them, they don't need us. Simple as that. Thanks to Germany.

For the third time in a row Germans are conducting Europe to destruction and idiots applauds.
Next will be trains to extermination camps. And idiots will keep on applauding.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #20
Belfrager, I suspect you've caught RJHowie disease, and that's a bad disease to get. One of the signs of the disease is that you think anybody outside your hometown is less than human, and the further from your home it gets the less than human the inhabitants get.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #21
It's hard for them to see the forest with all those damned trees in the way.

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #22
May I say yet again especially to the ex-colonial brained that they have done as always and dance around the list. Can I remind Oakdale and mjsmsprt40 that America is hardly an innocent with all the damn wars they have created where a country will not bow to them. If they got their way with Syria we would have the same damnable mess as in Iraq and Libya. I can also remember the American U2 years ago flying into Russia on a pleasure trip? And what about the large number of air violations by Turkey into Greek space?

It is so easy to swipe at the States be3se of the openly double standards. They include not just the military invasions and all the money I mentioned (half the global total on weaponry) but destabilising and creating mayhem . Inside the USA the hypocrisy over rights, freedoms and much lse is a traversty of all the stuff that is pumped out to the world! There is no other place like it for dominating, arrogance, creating wars. I made a mistake saying there were 400 military bases across the world as my brother who is ex-military has said my total is a 3 figure low!

In addition we get all the hype about terrible Russia whilst overlooking the USA corner. Considering the millions of poor and homeless in the "greatest country in the world" compared to the imperial and corporate military lot it is almost laughable. And even if the Russian plane had crossed the Border for 17 seconds that is okay to shoot down when we consider what Turkey has done regarding gGeece AND the Syrian border?? You lot totally ignored also what I said about the time the Syrian Airforce shot down a Turk plane in it's air space and how Turkey had said it was disgraceful for several minutes?? However the lackies of the US in Turkey say it is okay for them to shoot for only 17 seconds?!

The gobbly-gook about Russia is well just that. The Russian Federation has no interest in going the US imperial way and it annoys you Yanks because Russia is one the perhaps 2 countries you cannot do anything with because it is strong and will not run away. If you dafties are going to keep up this silly second attempt at Cold War stuff and stomp into countries we will just have to wait until you collapse financially. Meantime you will not do down Russia no matter how much it niggles your super nationalist hype!  Turkey as a country is hardly something to boast about when it comes to human rights and freedoms. Recently the press has seen itself being squeezed and 2 senior newspaper men heading for life imprisonment. But the US always shuts a blind eye on "freedom and rights" to get bases in Turkey and the pals in Saudi Arabia which is a hellhole.

President Putin was very principally right when he talked about being stabbed in the back not just in the general fight with ISIL but that Turkey is helping terror nuts just inside Syria and what do you know but well supplied with the latest rocket firers!  :o :down:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #23
Belfrager, I suspect you've caught RJHowie disease, and that's a bad disease to get. One of the signs of the disease is that you think anybody outside your hometown is less than human, and the further from your home it gets the less than human the inhabitants get.

Nope, I restrict myself to the purest geo strategic reasoning together with the finest political analysis and you haven't show any errors that my vision can eventually have.
Instead, you compare me with rjhowie when me and him are defending opposite things.

As for considering people less than human, I'm afraid you're confusing me with those that defended the Untermenschen theories. You know who they are, don't you? Hint, read the post you are criticizing again, it says it all.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Turkey hypocrisy

Reply #24
I am afraid that mjsmsprt40 exercises the routine US answers to direct things - avoiding the issues. Instead they drift off elsewhere as they cannot answer direct and obvious challenges.
"Quit you like men:be strong"