The DnD Sanctuary

General => DnD Central => Topic started by: jax on 2014-03-06, 15:39:46

Title: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-03-06, 15:39:46
There are a number of threads from the Old World, any news from the New? Anything American goes.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-06, 15:59:18

Anything American goes.

Well, that includes Brazil where football is God! (
In 100 days, Brazil will kick off the World Cup against Croatia in the gleaming new Arena de São Paulo. Assuming, that is, the stadium is finished in time.

Amid growing excitement at the World Cup returning to the home of La Joga Bonito, there is concern at the extent to which deadlines have been repeatedly missed before being torn up altogether. "I am not a World Cup specialist but I will say this has not been easy, for sure," said the Fifa secretary general, Jérôme Valcke, one man who you might hope would be exactly that, in Zurich this weekend.

"I think things will work well but it is also true that whenever you receive something late it becomes a challenge to make it ready in time."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-06, 16:02:35
And then there's the US's stupid policy on Cuba the renegade state that threatens our security...that is, if the Soviet Union decides to land nuclear missiles. :yikes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-06, 16:06:02
And don't get me started on Venezuela!]] (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2014-03-06, 16:07:01
This thread is about what's going on...
Well, about the World Cup, that's old news. 6 years old at least. Anyone surprised?  :left:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-06, 16:20:30

This thread is about what's going on...
Well, about the World Cup, that's old news. 6 years old at least. Anyone surprised?  :left:
I am. (
FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 begins on
Thursday, June 12
and ends on
Sunday, July 13

Anyone surprised? Yes, Barulheira.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-03-06, 16:52:48
In Illinois, the primary elections are almost two weeks away. The gubernatorial candidates are jockeying for position, trying to convince us that the guy paying for the ad is our savior while his opponents will undoubtedly turn this state into an economic desert that would make Detroit look overpopulated and safe by comparison. I have a suspicion it doesn't matter which corrupt politician gets in, that the end result won't be much different.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-06, 17:47:37

In Illinois, the primary elections are almost two weeks away. The gubernatorial candidates are jockeying for position, trying to convince us that the guy paying for the ad is our savior while his opponents will undoubtedly turn this state into an economic desert that would make Detroit look overpopulated and safe by comparison. I have a suspicion it doesn't matter which corrupt politician gets in, that the end result won't be much different.
"will undoubtedly turn this state into an economic desert that would make Detroit look overpopulated and safe by comparison."
"I have a suspicion it doesn't matter which corrupt politician gets in, that the end result won't be much different."
Yes!  All politicians stinks, but some politicians stink more than other politicians.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2014-03-06, 19:21:17

Anyone surprised? Yes, Barulheira.

I'm sorry. We rarely see anything being finished in time here.
Works aren't going on well here. As usually. :down:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-06, 19:50:01

Anyone surprised? Yes, Barulheira.

I'm sorry. We rarely see anything being finished in time here.
Works aren't going on well here. As usually. :down:
Not a problem. Recently I forgot when I was born. I did get the decade right, though. :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-03-07, 02:45:06
And of course the law drama.

Rachel Canning: Judge rules parents don't have to pay university fees of daughter who tried to sue them (

(" rel="cached" data-hash="7ebc0e1adcf2d6e1f518b4b79da4ccff" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-07, 07:51:41
And of course the law drama.

Rachel Canning: Judge rules parents don't have to pay university fees of daughter who tried to sue them

Much more critical than what's going on in Ukraine!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-03-07, 22:35:00
Interesting vibe from that left wing newspaper The Guardian is the state of that Venezuela. We know that a goodly proportion of the poor are supposed to have been helped but in such a Socialist paradise why is there an inflation problem shortage ot items and crime is out of control. This is not new as it happened under the "Commandante.Is there anywhere worse in the Americas as Mexico? What a hellhole of murder and mayhem.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-03-08, 10:49:37
Federal Ruling In Ecuador: Pollution Case Violates First Amendment (

Congrats Chevron,

5,000 square kilometers of contaminated rainforest, poisoned waters, more than 114 billion gallons of toxic waste and leaked crude oil.
In terms of volume 85 times as bad as the accident of British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico and 18 times as bad as the consequences of the wreck of the "Exxon Valdez" off the coast of Alaska.

What’s worse, the dumping was done intentionally to cut corners and save an estimated $3 per barrel.
source (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-08, 14:44:56
Disgusting. I don't use  :devil: Chevron :devil: and will avoid them on long trips.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-08, 15:00:10
Is there anywhere worse in the Americas as Mexico? What a hellhole of murder and mayhem.

Mexico is bad enough. The Mexicans are attempting to escape into Texas via tunnels! How's that for desperation?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2014-03-09, 22:12:56

Is there anywhere worse in the Americas as Mexico? What a hellhole of murder and mayhem.

Detroit, Michigan?   :left:  :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-03-10, 02:59:35
I kind of feel sorry for America being stuck with that failed place Mexico. It should be doing well but is a disaster. When I met a Detroit Orange Lodge over here for our parades they were obviously from a good part of Detroit (which narrows things down considerably). I a certain retired teacher stays on in Michigan he might pull that down being a Detroit escapist.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-10, 06:26:12
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-10, 09:28:43
Country and western music is going on here.

Top Ten New Country & Western Songs:

10.  I Hate Every Bone In Her Body But Mine.

9.    I Ain't Never Gone To Bed With an Ugly Woman But I Woke Up With a Few.

8.    If The Phone Don't Ring, You'll Know It's Me.

7.    I've Missed You, But My Aim's Improvin'.

6.   Wouldn't Take Her To A Dogfight 'Cause I'm Scared She'd Win.

5.   I'm So Miserable Without You It's Like You're Still Here.

4.   My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend and I Miss Him.

3.   She Took My Ring and Gave Me the Finger.

2.   She's Lookin' Better with Every Beer.

And the Number One Country & Western song is:

1.  *It's Hard To Kiss The Lips At Night That Chewed My Ass All Day.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-03-10, 16:54:03
A study has discovered one in ten Americans think HTML - the name given to the code that makes up websites - is a sexually transmitted disease, while almost a third think a gigabyte is an insect.

But there's more...
Other terms that confused the participants included software, which was mistaken from comfortable clothing, and USB, which was mistaken from the acronym of a European country.

the rest (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-03-10, 17:51:58
A study has discovered one in ten Americans think HTML - the name given to the code that makes up websites - is a sexually transmitted disease, while almost a third think a gigabyte is an insect.

But I know that it means Hot Tamale with Mayonnaise and Lettuce.

One in ten Portuguese think that Salazar lives. Olá!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-03-10, 18:00:08

A study has discovered one in ten Americans think HTML - the name given to the code that makes up websites - is a sexually transmitted disease, while almost a third think a gigabyte is an insect.

Well, to be honest as funny as the results of the 'study' seems to be it could came up with the same results anywhere in Europe too. It would depend on the region (rural area) and mostly the age of the people taking part on such a survey.

However the below quote is from a well known elder stateswoman:
All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.

Hillary Clinton
source (

Ignorance isn't a shame as long as you don't make public statements based on it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Banned Member on 2014-03-10, 18:04:30
I know what "Otter browser" ( is:sst:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-03-10, 19:23:03
it could came up with the same results anywhere in Europe too

Could it?... I doubt it very much (except if you ask people about historical facts and figures)

Course the "study" was an anecdote as such, what's funny is that a real study would have given even worst results.
That explains the entire American policy and politics, basically "what's going on" there.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-03-10, 21:28:19

it could came up with the same results anywhere in Europe too

Could it?... I doubt it very much (except if you ask people about historical facts and figures)

Course the "study" was an anecdote as such, what's funny is that a real study would have given even worst results.
That explains the entire American policy and politics, basically "what's going on" there.

What explains the " entire American policy and politics"? A "real" study that wasn't actually made?
Are you rjh in disguise?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-03-11, 19:22:54
What explains the " entire American policy and politics"? A "real" study that wasn't actually made?

How do I explain it for ex British inmates at a penal colony at the antipodes?...
Forget it.
Are you rjh in disguise?

Nope, slightly worst.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-03-11, 21:11:25
Forget what?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-03-11, 21:17:25
Forget what?

That's better
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-04-11, 05:49:27
(" rel="cached" data-hash="e7e88f95d3d279665a0540d813d6b1d7" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
The above picture I came across today is funny and also an interesting one because it tells a lot about Mr Obama.

Anybody guessing what I'm referring to?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-04-11, 05:57:17
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-04-11, 09:34:02
The telephone?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-04-11, 10:11:42
He likes his coffee in a cup, not a mug?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-04-11, 10:23:43
Does anybody of you have a writing desk at home? Did anybody of you work at a writing desk for a while?

Nope, the telephone on the left side is OK, so you can make notices (with your right hand) while phoning.
Nope, to enjoy your coffee in a coup is the courtly way to do it.

Hint: If you have a writing desk at home something might be placed differently as in the picture above.
Something dear and important to you ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-04-11, 10:27:03
Actually I have a bunch of pictures and cards behind me, not in front of me. But taking notes with your right hand? What an odd idea. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-04-11, 10:32:38
He's left handed, so the coffee cup....
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-04-11, 10:55:59

Actually I have a bunch of pictures and cards behind me, not in front of me.

Well, then you might have much in common with Obama. :devil:
Normally, people put the picture of someone dear on the desktop so he/she can sometimes look at it and not behind his/her ass on a radiator or whatever.
Only a showman will pile up such (and so many) pictures that way :)

He's left handed, so the coffee cup....

I thought he is right handed. I've checked now. Indeed he is left handed. So you have been right about the telephone even so it wasn't what I had in mind. I hope he won't strangle himself with the phone cable during work :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Banned Member on 2014-04-11, 12:35:12
Nope, to enjoy your coffee in a coup is the courtly way to do it.
In a coup, they prefer water: (" rel="cached" data-hash="efa51f9d2a93282a2b453a205d523960" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-04-11, 13:16:52

Actually I have a bunch of pictures and cards behind me, not in front of me.

Well, then you might have much in common with Obama. :devil:
Normally, people put the picture of someone dear on the desktop so he/she can sometimes look at it and not behind his/her ass on a radiator or whatever.
Only a showman will pile up such (and so many) pictures that way :)

Now you know Obama's secret. He's a showman.

We seem to have a bad habit of electing showmen. Maybe it's a requirement of television, you have to put on a good show to even be considered. It's been suggested that some of our greatest presidents never could have been elected if they had to run in front of TV cameras like they do today.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Banned Member on 2014-04-11, 13:19:57
What if to prohibit the picture for that purpose?:)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-04-11, 13:47:34
He's left handed


Indeed he is left handed. So you have been right about the telephone even so it wasn't what I had in mind. I hope he won't strangle himself with the phone cable during work

I had my phone on the left side of my desk when I still had one. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-04-11, 20:05:33
Normally, people put the picture of someone dear on the desktop so he/she can sometimes look at it and not behind his/her ass on a radiator or whatever.
Only a showman will pile up such (and so many) pictures that way

What are you expecting from someone that is a Nobel prize just because he's black?
And what are you expecting from a society that gives him a Nobel prize because of such reason?

At least the other one had an assistant behind the desk... but since he was not black he didn't had a Nobel prize.
Poor Lewinsky, so much dedication for nothing...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-04-11, 20:08:02
What are you expecting from someone that is a Nobel prize just because he's black?

I thought it was just because he's not Bush.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-04-11, 20:09:49
I thought it was just because he's not Bush.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-04-12, 22:52:04
Afraid i feel a need to state my deep disagreement with you jimbro. Salad Cream with my lettuce.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-04-12, 23:18:54

I thought it was just because he's not Bush.


Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-04-13, 16:20:23

What are you expecting from someone that is a Nobel prize just because he's black.

Does anybody here have a list of Black people who haven't received a Nobel Prize?

I have two great-grandsons who are Black. Wonder what chance they have for a NP.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-04-15, 01:21:38
That is an interesting point actually even if they were not aware of your tree.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-04-15, 06:34:19
Jay Carney is Obama's spokesman and quite often he make remarks on Russian propaganda. So far so good.
The funny thing is that his kitchen ( is decorated with Soviet propaganda of the 20ies and the 40ies.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="aac3770feb896b15832afc742487190c" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

How about old Soviet propaganda adapted to US needs?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-04-15, 07:16:56
I had my phone on the left side of my desk when I still had one. :P

First your innocence, then your honor, and now you have no phone? Sad. :'(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-04-15, 07:27:24

Jay Carney is Obama's spokesman and quite often he make remarks on Russian propaganda. So far so good.
The funny thing is that his kitchen ( is decorated with Soviet propaganda of the 20ies and the 40ies.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="aac3770feb896b15832afc742487190c" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

How about old Soviet propaganda adapted to US needs?


Two observations. That kitchen is absolute insanity. There's enough food laying around to feed a battalion of Russian troops in Crimea. The  magazine article is nauseating drivel.
Della is not easily swayed. She hates pink. Nor does she like to brush her hair. The daughter of Shipman and Jay Carney, President Obama’s press secretary, isn’t the kind of young girl interested in pleasing her Washington-power-couple parents, or any of the adults around her on the photo shoot for that matter. She is funny, sweet, and obviously smart, but she’s not going to budge for braids and patterned shirts.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-04-25, 06:11:40
Birth defect again found at high rate in south-central Washington (
The explanation might be a perfect storm of social, economic, genetic and environmental factors, said epidemiologist Mandy Stahre, who is assigned to Washington state by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

They’re not focused near the Hanford site

Not focused near the Hanford site? Really?
(" rel="cached" data-hash="e577a71ac58cd5df789ba32a91172166" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

"We're really concerned about the fact that the anencephaly rates are still so high," said Mandy Stahre, an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based in Washington state. "We were sort of hoping that this may have been a statistical anomaly or would go away."
source (

Hanford Nuclear Reservation Tanks Leaking Radioactive Waste Underground, Governor Inslee Says (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-04-25, 06:53:47
Doesn't particularly look that way, but it would take analysis to tell. Anencephaly  (those tube you really would want tied) rates vary, presumably for genetic reasons. They are particularly high in parts of England, as I remember.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-04-25, 06:58:32
Cliven Bundy is a hot ticket in the U.S. today. A classic racist, he wonders if the Negro wasn't better off under slavery than he is today living off the white man's government subsidy. This from wealthy cheat who hasn't paid for using public land to graze his cattle for twenty years. His political friends in the Republican Party are scrambling for cover...that is, the sane ones.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="2c347e10357322a3d55b6fddf61258c4" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-04-25, 18:26:37
Now what a very appropriate thought on the consistency of the Republicans.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-04-26, 02:23:55
I seem to remember saying, in another thread, that Josh should step away from the vodka-- he'd obviously had too much, or words to that effect. I now have it on the very best authority that certain Americans would do well to step away from the Kentucky Bourbon, they've had too much as well.

As proof, I present to you exhibit A. Some genius has come up with the idea that America needs a new/old weapon, a weapon of extreme biological warfare. Of course, I refer to Godzilla.

The idea, as near as I could make out from the story, is to study Godzilla from the old Japanese horror-monster movies, create him, then unleash him on our enemies. He could march on the enemy encampment, spreading nuclear death-rays as he advances and causing the enemy to shout "Hey, Godzilla, Tokyo is that way." Then, they run in terror as the giant lizard vaporizes their tanks.

Problem: How to keep Godzilla from turning on his "masters" and tearing up an American outpost? The big lizard might not understand that we're his "friends" and that could make for a real battlefield problem. Oh well, back to the drawing board. (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-04-26, 07:35:02
Godzilla Methodology? What's in a name…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-04-26, 11:54:42

I seem to remember saying, in another thread, that Josh should step away from the vodka-- he'd obviously had too much, or words to that effect.

He doesn't drink it, only using the bottles to make drinking glasses.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="370fb2c458dfc9e7131da64f1a67a801" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-04-27, 00:32:00
Well I never. The things you learn here.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-05-08, 12:54:32
(" rel="cached" data-hash="44ad63eca9be5f5a80242539d2fb8c62" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-05-08, 21:16:27
A lot happens at South America, nothing happens at North America.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-05-11, 13:19:32
What's happening in South America?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Banned Member on 2014-05-11, 15:39:50
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-05-11, 17:11:37
From Venezuelan hallucination to Brazil playing rich thanks to oil, the entire continent is on the move.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-05-20, 19:02:39
One thing that appears to have happened, at least according to a recent political ad, is that somebody finally recognized that Illinois has a one-party system. Problem: It was a Republican candidate challenging a Democrat candidate, and failing to recognize just how bad it really is here. We have a one-party system with two heads. One head is Democrat and the other is Republican, but for all practical purposes in Illinois it's the same corrupt party. Elect a new governor, and whether it's a Democrat or a Republican the first thing he'll want to do is raise taxes and engage in pay-to-play politics. We have former governors from "both" parties either presently serving time or have served time for corruption.

So--- in November, should I vote for the Democrook or the Republicrook? What a choice! :cry:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-05-20, 23:30:14
My Father used to say "Don't vote. It only encourages the bastards".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-05-21, 23:40:37
Unfortunately mjsmsprt40 you actually don't have much of a choice over there. The big two make dashed sure that no-one else will get into their way of working and in turn weakens democracy.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2014-07-01, 19:38:58
Independence Day for us, the US, is this friday.   :cheers:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-07-04, 22:09:11
And my Boyne annual commemoration on Saturday. Will be in my best atire of course along with 8,000 others parading. By all means enjoy your day and I forgive you for your mistake over 2 centuries ago and how you ended up.  :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2014-07-05, 02:03:32

And my Boyne annual commemoration on Saturday. Will be in my best atire of course along with 8,000 others parading. By all means enjoy your day and I forgive you for your mistake over 2 centuries ago and how you ended up.  :D

I understand your wanting to be an American and all, but this is "What's going on in the Americas?", which does not include the old imperial motherland, thankee kindly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-07-07, 01:37:22
Dear oh dear American nationalist. Threads never stay always on the course as you well know.  By all means celebrate your mistake! As for my 5th July and the subsequent success of William 3rd, he introduced the Bill of Rights which was an influence on your initial leaders so fits in nicely with this thread actually. it is just a pity that the country your founders envisaged never came into fruition even after two plus centuries.

What you do need today however, is another revolution because the present system isn't working.It's a shame for the tens of millions of poor and those that have had their loyalty stolen by money creeps. Maybe they will put up a speed limit sign at Washington's grave, eh? 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-07-24, 12:01:27
The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist (
The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist

Take care  :devil:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-07-24, 18:54:55
Colonel, anyone wanting to be an American should book an interview with a head shrinker first. It is so nationalistic to the point of a groan. Independence - eh? The corporates stole your revolution.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-07-24, 19:54:00

The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist (
The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist

Take care  :devil:

Witch hunts past and present. I wonder if or when we ever will learn from history, and shudder at the thought that it may never happen. In the 1600s, people were hanged and occasionally burned because they were declared-- on the flimsiest of "evidence"-- to be in cahoots with Satan. In 1950's America, the surest way to ruin was to be thought of as a "communist" even though there was no evidence whatsoever to back up the claim. Get suspected-- suspected, no worse-- and you could be blacklisted from being able to work and in certain cases could face prison time. Your friends, family and associates would all be watched too. Other witch hunts have come and gone too-- you can look it up, it comes with different names but it's the same old garbage in a different package.

Today, it seems "terrorist" is the witch of the hour. No proof of any kind needed-- just have somebody put your name on a list with no evidence to back up his claim, and the only way you'll fly is if you grow feathers. At the very least. You may lose your job, your freedom and your friends, family and associates could be watched.

I just saw a "Star Trek TNG" clip where they were having a witch-hunt trying to find suspected saboteurs on the Enterprise. Seems even in the far future, they still won't be able to learn from the past. I worry about us.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-07-25, 00:07:08
Yes, it is sad that the word terrorist is overused and sometimes without any serious thinking thus putting some in an ill-defined corner.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-07-25, 06:03:38
Yes, it is sad that the word terrorist is overused

Well, "sad" it's not the right characterization. It's inadmissible and proper of a regime of terror to persecute people by arbitrarily label them as terrorists.

I wonder for how long people will continue accepting everything. Probably indefinitely and then they will complain "ohhh how could this happen..."
Idiots. Being slaughtered will be the final act.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-08-03, 14:06:32
Newt Gingrich wants Moon to be 51st US state (

Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich is telling the people of Florida about his plans for a permanent base on the Moon, and suggesting it may be possible for the satellite to become the 51st US state.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-08-03, 15:12:47
What is this, the 1960 election campaign? :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-08-03, 16:37:25

What is this, the 1960 election campaign? :right:

Nope, the 2012 election campaign.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jseaton2311 on 2014-08-03, 17:01:19
I wonder for how long people will continue accepting everything. Probably indefinitely and then they will complain "ohhh how could this happen..."
Idiots. Being slaughtered will be the final act.

What a wonderfully rosy outlook--how does this world ever get along without you at the helm?   :knight:  :cheers:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-08-05, 21:52:19

Nearly half of the 680,000 people caught up in the government’s Terrorist Screening Database are not connected to any known terrorist group, according to classified government documents obtained by The Intercept.
If everything is terrorism, then nothing is terrorism,” says David Gomez, a former senior FBI special agent.

source (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-08-06, 05:42:54
Though they were not first, Spy Agency Stole Scoop From Media Outlet And Handed It To The AP (

Quote from: AP
The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, or TIDE, is a huge, classified database of people known to be terrorists, those who are suspected of having ties to terrorism, and in some cases those who are related to or are associates of known or suspected terrorists. It feeds to smaller lists that restrict people's abilities to travel on commercial airlines to or within the U.S.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-08-06, 09:00:22
source (

Seems to me a very naive report. and probably made by demand with provided misinformation, those numbers are ridiculously low.

One million people registered, 680.000 at the watchlist? more than that had the Albanian political police at communist times with no computers, everything made by hand in triplicate.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-08-06, 10:34:51

Seems to me a very naive report. and probably made by demand with provided misinformation, those numbers are ridiculously low.

I'm afraid you didn't got it right.
Those 680.000 people are on the criminal watchlist. Monitoring takes place around the world, billions and billions of metadata.
Everybody is suspected for being a potential terrorist but those 680.000 are considered as such.
That list is growing very fast so I better should stop now.   :zip:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-08-06, 19:58:33
Everybody is suspected

And if you read that report with attention, that is never said anywhere. I'm not the one that didn't "got it right".

Your report is not a novelty for me, I know it as well as I know the news at the media about the possibility of a "second Snowden" leaking information.
I always suspect from such news, counter espionage 101... They're doing nothing but try to repair Snowden damages,,,

What was important in my post was to show to people that they don't have "security services", they have a political police, not different but for the worst relating communist countries, where different "agencies" are not anything but different departments of a political police proper of the dictatorship they live in.

If they were not so much brain washed maybe they would realize it by themselves... Some do, that's a good signal but not enough.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-08-15, 08:47:40
The picture below wasn't taken neither in Iraq nor in the Ukraine.
It's only the police patrolling in Missouri.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="7d806d82a177542cb9dfe7c13802868f" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

BTW, nice police car.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-08-15, 09:51:53
The town of Ferguson, Missouri-- where that photo was taken-- is in riot right now. Not that different from a war zone, really.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-08-15, 11:53:19
For what it's worth: The Missouri State police took over security duties from the Ferguson police, and things seem to be settling down. The Ferguson police handled this all wrong and everything they did only made it worse. Bet the rent that there's some Constitutional issues before this is done. (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-08-19, 11:52:23
Let's hope things get settled down.
Meanwhile St. Louis Metropolitan Police officers arrest a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor for failure to disperse.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="e704d98aab6e9c894b4ef99cbf1f68c5" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-08-20, 02:19:35
Yes seen that arrest on the news. Dear, oh dear what a disgrace.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-08-26, 19:41:23
FT: Are 12 million Americans living on less than $2 a day? (

In a fascinating new paper, researchers at the Brookings Institution look at exactly that question and come up with some potentially shocking findings, albeit ones that come with plenty of caveats attached.

According to their calculations as many as 12 million Americans were living on $2 per day or less in 2012. That equates to one in four of the 46.5 million people in the US who were surviving below the official national poverty line of around $16 per day in 2012. It also amounts to 4 per cent of the population, a figure that the researchers point out is not flattering for the US when you compare it to Russia (with 0.1 per cent of the population living on $2/day or less according to the World Bank), the West Bank and Gaza (0.3 per cent), Jordan (1.6 per cent) or the urban populations in Argentina (1.9 per cent) and China (3.5 per cent).

The new study by Laurence Chandy, a Brookings fellow, and Cory Smith, a PhD candidate at MIT, is not the first to tackle the subject. It deliberately builds on another published last year which found that the US had seen a sharp increase in the ranks of its extreme poor since introducing welfare reforms in 1996. That study by Luke Shaefer of the University of Michigan and Kathryn Edin of Harvard found 1.65 million households with 3.55 million children in them – or 4.3 per cent of all American households with kids – were living on $2 per day per person or less in the US in 2011. [...]

Estimating the number of extreme poor in the US, it turns out, is just as complicated as it is in the rest of the world.

Once you account for tax credits and in-kind benefits like food stamps and housing subsidies Chandy and Smith found that the number of Americans living on $2 per day falls to 3 per cent of the population, although the vast bulk of those people still shockingly live on less than $1.25 per day, the World Bank’s line for extreme poverty. [...]

In fact, when they applied the strictest potential criteria, which turn out to be those used by the World Bank in its assessment of developing countries, they found that there were arguably no Americans consuming $2 per day or less. “In other words,” they write, “if we measured poverty in the US as if it was a developing country, we would conclude that no-one falls under the $2 threshold”. [...]

The main reason for the divergence is simple: America’s poor report earning significantly less than they report spending and that has a lot to do with the structure of the US welfare system, the researchers argue.

Since the 1990s the poor in the US have received far fewer cash payments and far more in-kind benefits like food stamps than they used to.

But that isn’t necessarily positive, Chandy and Smith argue. Because of that structure in many cases America’s extreme poor are excluded from its cash economy, they say. The consequence is that those who are most poor in the US are consigned to “a state of purgatory where relatively robust levels of consumption ensure many of their most basic material needs are met, but the absence of a reliable source of income … makes it extremely difficult or impossible to cope with unexpected needs”. [...]

By using tax records the French economist Thomas Piketty and others have started publishing forensic analyses of the incomes of the richest 1 per cent, he points out, and triggered a global debate on inequality.

Much less reliable data is available, however, on the poorest in America and other developed economies, who often don’t file tax returns or pay taxes. And that, Chandy says, means that these days we know far less than we should about the lives of the bottom 15 per cent in America than we do about the top 1 percent.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-08-28, 05:46:58
There can't be too much religion in the US. This map claims to be a visualisation of Pew Religious Landscape Survey, with Catholics claiming the (arbitrary) mid-point. The Protestants and Evangelicals mainly differ in how much they think morality should be "protected", there is a cluster of nonbelievers and Jewish Buddhists, and a Black Hindu Muslim cluster.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="90494b1f58190d90b89c7a48ac829ab9" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-09-05, 07:13:24
Well, since 2007 all you heard from the democrats was [glow=blue,2,300]"It's all Bush's Fault". [/glow]

I wonder if they are blaming Bush for ISIS too?

Watch & Learn:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-09-05, 23:29:38
Now just imagine the global surprise if he was found not be responsible for something.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2014-09-18, 09:34:25
Minuteman Project to return to the Border (
The Minuteman Project’s “Operation Normandy” has been launched as of 1200 hours today (Monday, July 7). This event will dwarf the original Minuteman Project of 2005. I expect at least 3,500 non-militia volunteers to participate, plus uncounted groups of militias from all over the country.

If you are familiar with the Normandy invasion of France in 1944, then you have an idea how large and logistically complicated this event will be. However, there is one difference. We are not going to the border to invade anyone. We are going there to stop an invasion.

[...I]t will cover the porous areas of the 2,000-mile border from San Diego, Ca. to Brownsville, Texas.


- The name of the project is "Operation Normandy".
- If you are familiar with the Normandy invasion, then you know how logistically complicated it was.
- However, we are not going to invade anyone. We are going to play the Nazis who fought the invasion!

"Yep, we are mad as hell, but this is exactly how we like it!"
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-09-18, 19:07:20
Must say that Smiley does have a very good point in the usual patter dished out that everything is Bush's fault. When that is done at the same time they are ignoring what this mouthing pain in the neck Obam has done over the years. It simply cannot be the sole guilt of Bush at all.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-09-21, 04:22:11
Illinois judge rules police entitled to Swat raid over parody Twitter account

Quote from: The Guardian
Swat team burst into Peoria house looking for source of parody Twitter account that had upset town’s mayor

(" rel="cached" data-hash="931a939c62f17cda32645d478d8797a0" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

The police hadn’t even come for him. When four fully-armed officers of a Swat team burst into Jacob Elliott’s house in Peoria, Illinois in April they were looking for the source of a parody Twitter feed that had upset the town’s mayor by poking fun at him.

It transpired that one of Elliott’s housemates, Jon Daniel, had created the fake Twitter account, @peoriamayor, and so incensed the real-life official, Jim Ardis, with his make-believe account of drug binges and sex orgies that the police were dispatched. Elliott was just a bystander in the affair, but that didn’t stop the Swat team searching his bedroom, looking under his pillow and in a closet where they discovered a bag of marijuana and dope-smoking paraphernalia.

Elliott now faces charges of felony marijuana possession. He has also become the subject of one of the more paradoxical – if not parody – questions in American jurisprudence: can a citizen be prosecuted for dope possession when the police were raiding his home looking for a fake Twitter account?

A Peoria judge this week ruled that the police were entitled to raid the house on North University Street on 15 April under the town’s “false personation” law which makes it illegal to pass yourself off as a public official. Judge Thomas Keith found that police had probable cause to believe they would find materials relevant to the Twitter feed such as computers or flash drives used to create it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-09-21, 18:24:09
I understand that there have been repeated cases of the police raiding someone over the pond following accusations that seemingly tend to be deliberate  and just trying to cause bother for it
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-09-21, 23:12:27
Election day is coming! I can tell because my mailbox is loading up with campaign material. Illinois politicians.

The hottest race in my neighborhood appears to be for state representative. This is the person who will represent my district in Springfield. Two women are fighting for the seat, the Democrat is the incumbent. The challenger's literature actually seems halfway reasonable, the incumbent's literature tells me that if she loses, I can expect old people to be thrown into the street, women will lose--- oh, heck, maybe the right to vote-- will be beaten by their husbands, will lose equal pay for equal work and so on. We haven't yet gotten to the threats of the rivers turning to blood, plagues of locusts and the death of the first-born, but I expect those mailings to be coming. I think I'll vote for the challenger.

The governor's race--- oh, boy, can I just vote "No"? Seriously, an empty chair would have to be an improvement over either of the major candidates.

I don't think anybody can accuse the incumbent of being as dishonest as the fellows who went before him, but nobody is gonna say he's competent for the job either. The challenger inspires absolutely no confidence in my mind either. The only reason I can think of to vote for him is on the principle that we should change our politicians as frequently as we change a baby's diapers, and for the same reason.

November elections can't come soon enough.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-09-22, 00:00:39
I have long contemplated forming the "None-Of-The-Above" party.
How could it fail?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-22, 06:27:53
Must say that Smiley does have a very good point in the usual patter dished out that everything is Bush's fault.

Except the patter is Republicans saying Democrats say everything is Bush's fault. That outnumbers Democrats blaming Bush for everything by at least four to one. But in the beginning it, in fact was Bush policies that trashed the economy, drove the deficit skyhigh. A month in the Obama administration, Republicans were blaming Obama for the near economic collapse that began with Bush and were screaming "Bush blame!" when someone pointed out the obvious. Now the economy improving (4.2 percent second quarter 2014) and deficit shrinking in no way can be blamed on Bush.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-09-22, 20:40:52
.......Now the economy improving (4.2 percent second quarter 2014) and deficit shrinking in no way can be blamed on Bush.

No, the only ones to blame for a rising economy are the American People.

We will spend ourselves out of grief, regardless all the roadblocks the HNIC * puts in our way.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="bb1bd39ebf3609dc802ce64832956ac0" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Head Nitwit In Charge (

JFYI........ That's old data, but can you actually guess (without peakin')
                       which ones have gotten better↑, gotten worse↓, or stayed about the same ↔?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2014-09-22, 21:56:08
US Debt Clock ( -If you wanna peek. I killed almost 15mins watching this thing, lol.

Tennessee's ( actually wasn't as bad as I'd imagined.
& World Debt tab (, for funsies.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-23, 06:31:00
Those figures are way

out of date.  The region with the worst unemployment rate is the west at 6.6%, so much for claiming the national unemployment rate is 9.1%, well below inauguration day.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="98700aeb2f233ce31b6c37fcd154b1ad" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

The last Bush deficit was 1.413 trillion in fiscal year 2009 (still a Bush deficit because that was his budget) And he cooked the books by keep items off the deficit that was in fact deficit spending.  2015 was a bit over a third of that at 564 billion. 

The basic cause of the recession was in the banking sector. A major contributor was deregulation of the banks, legalizing financial instruments that were made illegal because they all but caused the crash of 1929. Funny and ironic about those that call themselves "conservative" that it's those folks that refuse to learn from history (economic and otherwise.) There's a correct amount of deregulation, removing unnecessary red tape for business, but not opening the door wide for practices that wreck havoc on the economy every time.  My frustration with modern Republicans is they've made themselves a parody of conservatism and have devolved into neo-cons but in any real way aren't conservative anymore. Don't like Obama? Blame the Republicans seemed to be trying to outdo each other with ass-clownery instead of producing a candidate that could beat him in 2008 and 2012. That's right, the GOP is just as responsible for the Obama presidency as the Democrats were.

Now in this election year, Republicans have everything going for them: Obama's unpopularity combined with mostly Republican states voting for Senators and Representatives. But a new patronizing GOP ad already compares voting for a Republican candidate with a lonely woman breaking up with her boyfriend (Obama.) You can watch the idiocy here ( Again, the GOP seems intent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Nate Silver predicated GOP victories this year, but it seems he didn't count on Republicans shooting themselves in the foot yet again.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-09-23, 21:21:11
Those figures are way out of date........

As I openly stated in my prior post, & the figures for unemployment are getting better........due to the American People, & not by any activity --- on or off the golf course --- of the present failed presidency.

When will the democrats admit that their "experimental presidency" has failed miserably -- or is more smoke & mirrors the call?

(can't wait to hear the demonrat spin here, saying how wonderfully successful the Obama Experiment was -- saving America, along with the Western World, & Mom's Apple Pie)

(" rel="cached" data-hash="4e0c994eab7168db17b5e3c7ef382145" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2014-09-24, 05:39:51
Since SF and 'Cooney have brought up their political bits, I might as well too, and it is a gripe.

It is my sincere wish that the entire corrupt US healthcare system falls and burns. The Republicrats and Demoteas have failed.

Damned optometrists are the most corrupt of all, as "you have to have an eye exam before we can give you your contacts". WTAF is that shite? My damned prescription hasn't changed any, and just because I now don't have health insurance, that lot want's me to pony up $166.75 for just the stupid-arse "examination" (once again, my sight hasn't changed) and then an additional $66.58 per bloody box for both of my contacts?

Well, excuse by god me, but fawk you optometrists!!!  :bomb:  I mean Jeebus, I live in the most poor state in the union. I shudder to think what my other fellow Americans pay for contacts and that BS mandatory exam, especially those who share my plight of being uninsured.

I'll spare you all from my rant about the $28 other prescription I had to get for my health, when the generic $4 was sitting right beside it, but I couldn't get that "because Dr. Carter didn't mark the generic box and explicitly says to get this type". ---> To hell with the damn doctors and pharmacists too, they might just be as corrupt as the optometrists.   :furious:

(" rel="cached" data-hash="46b70f1846898b74fd2c0ed9a33a4215" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Apologies for the rant, but we don't seem to now have a "State of the Corrupt American Healthcare System" thread going, and if the previous two are going to opine about political stuff, count me in too!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-09-24, 11:58:38
Colonel, I just knew there was a reason I've been using cheap dime-store "cheater" glasses since 1995. I'll have to get a real eye exam and real glasses one day, but for now the 2.75 magnification cheaters I'm using are getting the job done.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-09-24, 13:36:24

It is my sincere wish that the entire corrupt US healthcare system falls and burns. The Republicrats and Demoteas have failed.

The latter for not even trying to go anywhere near far enough. Then again, the republicans are still busy freaking the fuck out over romneycare ( because fuck that black guy :rolleyes: )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-24, 14:54:36
As I openly stated in my prior post, & the figures for unemployment are getting better........due to the American People, & not by any activity --- on or off the golf course --- of the present failed presidency.
But how so?  Investors and whatnot? The same "American People (tm) " that followed the Bush deregulation to the brink of economic collapse? What Republicans fail to understand is that Obama followed the same playbook all presidents do when faced with an economic crises 1) Lower the prime rate 2) Cut taxes and extend pre-existing tax cuts and offer tax incentives 3) Increase federal spending. If Bush could have had a third term, on dealing with recession I guarantee his actions would have been at least 75% the same (in fact, you'll be surprised much policy is carried over from one president to the next and crosses party lines. In fact, even the bailout of the auto industry was carried over from Bush. If McCain had won and fulfilled his promise of not bailing it out, the recession would have been far worst. Losing an entire industry to a recession is always great for the economy in both the short and long term....:p)  There was nothing experimental about it.

Now what is this silliness of Obama and golf? Apparently Boehner plays more in one year ( than Obama did his entire presidency ( in fact, considerably better presidents than Obama played far more golf ( Is this golf thing yet another death rattle of a GOP intent on self-destruction?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-24, 14:58:11
Damned optometrists are the most corrupt of all, as "you have to have an eye exam before we can give you your contacts". WTAF is that shite? My damned prescription hasn't changed any, and just because I now don't have health insurance, that lot want's me to pony up $166.75 for just the stupid-arse "examination" (once again, my sight hasn't changed) and then an additional $66.58 per bloody box for both of my contacts?

Mine wasn't so bad. I paid 73 (including the 10 dollar co-pay for the exam. I probably could paid only the ten bucks if I didn't choose from the most expensive frames they had.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-24, 15:33:38
The latter for not even trying to go anywhere near far enough. Then again, the republicans are still busy freaking the fuck out over romneycare ( because fuck that black guy  :rolleyes:  )

If a Republican bucks the trend towards political suicide and becomes the next president, suddenly it will become a great idea with origins in the "great thinktank" Heritage Foundation again. The speed and ease in which the Republicans turned on their own idea was truly astounding. Of course, it /was/ thought of before the Obama administration and the do have difficulty remembering a damn thing before 2008. Perhaps this is linked the low IQ of conservatives (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-09-24, 17:07:56
Damned optometrists are the most corrupt of all, as "you have to have an eye exam before we can give you your contacts". WTAF is that shite? My damned prescription hasn't changed any, and just because I now don't have health insurance, that lot want's me to pony up $166.75 for just the stupid-arse "examination" (once again, my sight hasn't changed) and then an additional $66.58 per bloody box for both of my contacts?

That shite it's called America.
Here, such an "examination" it's offered for free included in the price of your glasses or contact lenses regardless health-care system or insurances. Optometrists are mere shop attendants raised to the class of technicians by way of stupefying and stupefied societies that calls "cleaning technicians" to mere house cleaning women.

Around 60 or 70 dollars it will be the cost of contact lenses around here, I suppose. 160 dollars for "examination"?? less than that you'll pay for a private ophthalmologist, a true doctor, not a farce. One hundred euros is the average price for a specialist doctor consult outside any healthcare system.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-09-24, 17:25:56

This thread is about what's going on...
Well, about the World Cup, that's old news. 6 years old at least. Anyone surprised?  :left:

It is over, but it was in 2014. :devil:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-09-24, 23:09:59
.....My damned prescription hasn't changed any.......... (once again, my sight hasn't changed) ..............

Well, may I suggest, if you know your prescription, you click the pic & check out    (" rel="cached" data-hash="b37c9850c577f4e290cb7e9e1d6bfabe" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" (

There are many other online Contact Lens distributors ( too, & many offer free shipping like 1800Contacts & ye shall find.

Not into online distributors?? Check out Walmart ( too. I think you can walk in, & hand them your hand written (in your handwriting) lens prescription, & then check-out.......simples, no?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-24, 23:44:19
Here, such an "examination" it's offered for free included in the price of your glasses or contact lenses regardless health-care system or insurances. Optometrists are mere shop attendants raised to the class of technicians by way of stupefying and stupefied societies that calls "cleaning technicians" to mere house cleaning women.

Around 60 or 70 dollars it will be the cost of contact lenses around here, I suppose. 160 dollars for "examination"?? less than that you'll pay for a private ophthalmologist, a true doctor, not a farce. One hundred euros is the average price for a specialist doctor consult outside any healthcare system.

By remarkable coincidence, he and I seemed to have the eye exams within a few days of each other. How it worked for me is that I had some sort of exam by one of those shop attendants, who asked me to push a button when I saw a dots of light of varying levels of clarity. Then a more through exam by an Optometrists, who also checked for other diseases to my eyes. I also had the option of going for contacts, but the price wouldn't have been anywhere near what he paid. But putting those in seemed akin to poking myself in the eyes every day :p
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2014-09-25, 19:42:38

.....My damned prescription hasn't changed any.......... (once again, my sight hasn't changed) ..............

Well, may I suggest, if you know your prescription, you click the pic & check out    (" rel="cached" data-hash="b37c9850c577f4e290cb7e9e1d6bfabe" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" (

There are many other online Contact Lens distributors ( too, & many offer free shipping like 1800Contacts & ye shall find.

Not into online distributors?? Check out Walmart ( too. I think you can walk in, & hand them your hand written (in your handwriting) lens prescription, & then check-out.......simples, no?


1. Online distributors are fine. It's interesting that you post about the Evil Empire (tm) (Wal-Mart), as they are where I went immediately after I was told what my usual optometrist wanted. The Evil Empire required that my optometrist fax in my prescription to them. When I had that done, the Evil Empire refused to sell me my contacts because "your prescription is out of date". I explained to them my situation. They refused to budge. Apparently Bush the Lesser's Congress of 2004 had a law made that  you are required to get an eye exam and up-to-date-prescription before anyone can sell you contacts.  (Note that a Republican Congress passed this Nanny State shite)

2. Yes, but as mentioned, they too require an up-to-date prescription.

3. As mentioned in #'s 1&2, the prescription continues to dog me. From what I have seen in r/frugal of Reddit, the 1-800 ppl are particularly vociferous about having proper prescriptions.

ETA: From their website on commonly asked questions:

Do I need a prescription to place an order?

-  "Yes. We require a valid prescription for every order. If you don’t have a copy of your prescription, you can still order contact lenses from us. You’ll be able to select your eye doctor from our expansive database. All you will need is your eye doctor’s name (or clinic name), city, and state. After you submit your order we will act on your behalf to quickly verify or obtain your prescription information. We are required by law to verify your prescription with your doctor. This helps to ensure that we provide you with the correct contact lenses in your order."

4. As I have tried to indicate, $166 just to have someone blow air into my eye from a machine, and tell me my eyes haven't changed in the past year simply isn't going to happen for two reasons; 1) That is not within my budget, and I remain unemployed at the moment (living off savings), although I am and have been on the search for a job. 2) While I could handle one or the other ( $166 for  the exam, or $66 per box (you have to have two boxes, as common sense indicates), I simply cannot handle both at the same time.

Meanwhile, we continue to give piles of cash to worthless welfare states such as Israel, Pakistan, Egypt, etc. That shite pisses me off so much. A citizen of this country can't afford his medical needs (I've had some medical changes that I haven't posted about, and that too is taking a hit on my wallet), but let's just blow piles upon piles of cash to these worthless degenerate states.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-09-25, 20:00:23

If a Republican bucks the trend towards political suicide and becomes the next president

I'm sure you remember what happened to the token sane candidate last time around :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-09-25, 20:07:30

By remarkable coincidence, he and I seemed to have the eye exams within a few days of each other.

I had to have an eye exam as one of the many hoops to jump through for my US visa ( why on earth do they insist on using the plural form for singular? :left: ) - cost me nothing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-09-27, 05:08:48
Perhaps this is linked the low IQ of conservatives (

Perhaps, now since you can see reasonably well, you'll read the article you linked to…? :) (Nah! Some things never change.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-27, 10:33:26
Perhaps, now since you can see reasonably well, you'll read the article you linked to…?  :)  (Nah! Some things never change.)

Of course I did.That's why I know the article criticizes the studies' definition of conservative as being coarse and cites Paul Wolfowitz as an example. If I remember right, the studies do point that it applies to one type of conservationism and therefore that criticism isn't actually valid.  See, a problem with your reading is you pick up details great, but miss things such the author's "tone of voice." For instance, you didn't understand that my "tone of voice" wasn't entirely serious.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-09-27, 17:14:29
The state representative race in my district is heating up.

The Democrat incumbent's campaign literature is getting increasingly strident, warning that if the Republican challenger wins her Tea Party cohorts will summarily throw old people out into the streets and see to it that wives are beaten by their husbands, children become homeless, plagues of locusts swarm up even in Winter-- which will be more harsh and brutal by the way-- and the Chicago Cubs won't win the pennant again this year. That last looks to actually happen by the way, seems the Cubs just can't catch a break.

The challenger's campaign literature promises that if she is elected-- even in spite of all that bad stuff she's supposedly going to do-- she will help get rid of cronyism and lifetime political service in Springfield... or something like that. They all promise stuff like that before the election, then once they're elected they always seem to be as adept at stuffing their pockets with taxpayer dollars as the person they replaced was. So--- we'll see.

I'm waiting for the mud-wrestling tournament. Pay-per-view as these two women square off against each other. Well, we can always dream, can't we?

The next election cycle for this office is in two years. Maybe I should run. Campaign on the usual platforms of dealing with corruption in Springfield, politicians that serve for life or until retirement whichever comes first, and the way tax dollars are just wasted in state government. I can run on demanding my fair share of the fraud and corruption.

I wonder if I'd get elected--- or arrested. Might be interesting to see, eh?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-09-27, 18:07:01
The next election cycle for this office is in two years. Maybe I should run.

Office of what? Doesn't matter, run anyway.
You'll be the only one that can say he has international support on all five continents. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-09-27, 18:52:29
Run! There must be some way I could vote for you. I was in Chicago in 1949. Would that make me eligible?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-09-27, 19:31:40

The next election cycle for this office is in two years. Maybe I should run.

Office of what? Doesn't matter, run anyway.
You'll be the only one that can say he has international support on all five continents. :)

The office is state representative, from my district in Illinois.

The Illinois legislature is separated into two houses, just like the Federal legislature. The state representatives function much as the members of the House of Representatives do, just that state representatives never leave Illinois--- they do their dirty-work in Springfield rather than heading to Washington.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-09-27, 22:47:32
Real news story: Yesterday, there was a fire at the Chicago Air Traffic Control Center, located in Aurora, Illinois. It caused massive problems that still are being worked out as I write this.

The problem was caused by a disgruntled employee who set the fire and cut several cables, shutting down operations at the control center.

Would you like to know why he was disgruntled? Well, it seems he was being transferred. To Hawaii.

Wait, what? I thought Hawaii was practically a dream job, plenty to do, plenty to see, who wouldn't want to go live there? Well, I guess it takes all kinds. (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-09-27, 23:54:51
See, a problem with your reading is you pick up details great, but miss things such the author's "tone of voice." For instance, you didn't understand that my "tone of voice" wasn't entirely serious.

As usual, your felicity to words (yours or others…) is tenuous at best.
Your tone of voice is usually second-hand snark (, and bungled, mangled and myopic — even then…

Ask Macallan if he now accepts the validity of g, as promulgated by, e.g., Jensen… He'll of course say no! But he'll chortle -along with you- when "conservationists" are tagged as low IQ, and that's why they're not as "liberal as us." (But maybe he's finally done some homework! He might recant. IAPA!, and you know it.)

Be that as it may, I've been following GNXP almost since it started… Because I'm interested in population genetics, as a field of scientific enquiry. You're just "quote mining" there; and you got caught doing it — for your usual reason!

Sorry to hear that you can't turn in your Obama-phone for some Obama-glasses… :) But when you vote for him again at least you'll have a (DA) excuse!

(Please feel free to report my use of "DA" as offensive or defamatory… I've given you two letters, one a consonant and the other a vowel: Surely, you can make something of that! :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-28, 01:53:45
Your tone of voice is usually second-hand snark (, and bungled, mangled and myopic — even then…

Project much?
Ask Macallan if he now accepts the validity of g, as promulgated by, e.g., Jensen… He'll of course say no! But he'll chortle -along with you- when "conservationists" are tagged as low IQ, and that's why they're not as "liberal as us." (But maybe he's finally done some homework! He might recant. IAPA!, and you know it.)

Why are you so offendable?  It's hilarious
You're just "quote mining" there; and you got caught doing it — for your usual reason!

I didn't get caught at anything. First of all, I wasn't actually arguing conservatives are less intelligent. IQ doesn't necessarily indict a person's intelligence, and often shows little more than the test-takers ability to take the test. Now if you notice how conservative is described within the studies, the word bigot is probably a more appropriate term. Since you get confused and upset so easily, I'm not saying conservatives are bigots.Why would is be surprising that racists, etc might be less intelligent than the general population? Than there's the authoritarianism. I don't find it surprising that  person that feels one should blindly follow orders is less intelligent /and/ score lower on an IQ test than the general population.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-09-28, 05:11:07
First of all, I wasn't actually arguing conservatives are less intelligent.
So — you're arguing that liberals/progressives are less intelligent than the average population? :) No: I think I was correct. You just did your usual thing, snark.
IQ doesn't necessarily indict a person's intelligence, and often shows little more than the test-takers ability to take the test.
But -when it's convenient to score partisan points- it will be used; and, of course, misused…
BTW: What evidence do you have, that IQ tests measure little more than the test-taker's ability to take the test? (You and I both know that there is no such evidence… :) There is only liberal orthodoxy, recapitulated. For you, that's science?) Next you'll tell me that HeadStart is a success, obviating the "race" gap in academic performance…
Now if you notice how conservative is described within the studies, the word bigot is probably a more appropriate term.
This, from a guy who countenanced "dog whistle" exegesis of "conservative" words? :) Have you taken the pledge: To speak truthfully? I'm doubtful. (But it's the ability I doubt; not the intention…)
Projection? Hm. I am not surprised you'd revert to Freudian psychology… Maybe you'd prefer the "modern" version, Scientology? :) You could pay to have your thoughts cleared!
But, yes, I've "projected" the past half-dozen years worth of your posts onto your most recent "efforts" — few of which I comment upon. (That's projective, as in geometry…) Of course, only your posts here and at MyOpera's D&D. God knows, what you've said elsewhere…

Am I easily offended? No; I don't think so. But I am sufficiently irked by smarmy comments -so readily accepted by the PC crowd- sometimes to call out the perpetrator, when such occurs in fora I frequent.

But those "studies" you think are science -that maybe misuse the term "conservative" when all they really meant was bigot: Are they good science? I'm asking your opinion… (Feel free to check other sources; I know your level of expertise. But I'll hold you responsible for your opinion, regardless. That is, I'll expect you to argue for it.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-09-28, 05:54:35
Why would is be surprising that racists, etc might be less intelligent than the general population?

This requires a separate post, Sang.

What world have you been living in? Were Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot dunces? Bah! What you mean is nothing more than "people who don't agree with me" when you talk about intelligence or racism… Albeit, with a veneer of academic liberalism — which now needs to be termed "progressivism," because liberals had out-worn the term. (And some still remembered its original meaning…and protested its usurpation.) Collectivism (tribalism), authoritarianism (as in opposition to free speech and free enterprise…not your usual canard: opposition to same-sex marriage and restrictions on controlled substances), and utopianism (the belief that experts can "solve" every problem) are the hallmarks of progressivism.
Conservatism does oppose these three presumptions, for good reason.

Your contention (repeated often enough…) that non-liberals are -what's Obama's term? Oh, yeah- "behind the times" is merely that: A contention. (Of course, I know Obama probably never said "behind the times"… He's got highly paid speechwriters to euphemise for him!) The meaning is amorphous enough to escape analysis, by the easily led…

Once upon a time in America some of our smartest progressive leaders called for racial segregation and eugenics programs… Now, of course, Justice Ginsberg guards the political bailiwick with all her might!
Some things never change.

But what never fails to amaze me is the propensity of certain "types" to call those who disagree with them on substantive (and procedural…!) matters "stupid" — or (and it amounts to the same thing) "anti-modern".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-09-28, 12:02:16
One thing is going on in the Americas for sure. Oakdale and Sanguinemoon are squaring off against each other on a forum yipping "You're wrong!" at each other.

They may be right.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-09-28, 12:16:05
(Of course, I know Obama probably never said "behind the times"… He's got highly paid speechwriters to euphemise for him!)

I hope next time Mr Obama hires Oakdale for writing his speeches (and pays him even better). It would let the rest of the world speechless... :)

As for the rest, I agree very specially with a point, that no one pays attention in Europe, the believe that "experts" can solve all possible problems.
However, it's neither "utopianism" nor a characteristic exclusive of the Left, it affects an entire civilization. Half believes in "experts" the other half believe "Market" can do it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-28, 14:33:39
Oakdale, why is that you try to reduce everything I said to "you disagree with me, therefore you're stupid." In fact, all I noted was a correlation between low IQ and prejudice (and noted it might have been unfair for the studies to call it conservatism. )   A correlation, meaning there's tendency for this to be the case but not all the time. It's a study of averages within large groups. Therefore you can have a non-prejudiced dolt and a genius level racist, but those are outliers. This seems like common sense. Low brain power more or less equals less ability to see and appreciate the humanity in someone different from yourself.

Incidentally, and this is sure to tie your shorts in a twist, low levels of cognitive ability correlate with low levels of moral development in Kohlberg's stages of moral development. So how will you twist my words this time? That people that make a different moral choice than me are less intelligent? In fact was determines the morality of the choice isn't necessarily the decision itself, but the reasoning behind it. So, racist people tend to be not only less intelligent than average, but are at a lower stage of moral development as well. Want evidence? The Aryan Brotherhood prison gang: racist, and made poor moral choices that landed them in prison. What about the IQ part? Well, there's a correlation between low intelligence and criminality (again, this an average, not all the time since that confuses you :p ) So they're in prison in part because of low cognitive ability, which also manifests itself in a low level of moral development and racism.

Now it would certainly take a low level of cognitive ability to interpret that to mean that I consider those that disagree with me to be unintelligent, amoral/immoral criminals and racists, wouldn't it?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-09-28, 18:41:36

One thing is going on in the Americas for sure. Oakdale and Sanguinemoon are squaring off against each other on a forum yipping "You're wrong!" at each other.

They may be right.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-09-28, 19:51:15
I wonder if you should tell the fiendish criminal mastermind in the James Bond movies that he has a low IQ. Hmmmm.... that might not be one of your best moves, especially when he's arming the unnecessarily slow and extremely complicated killing machine he's strapped you to.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-09-29, 08:10:42
There are very serious matters going on in America, particularly Obama's latte salute.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="4dc2b73d829f902d1ddbbd522f34c0fe" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Republicans are all over the Prez for disrespecting the troops. What they've forgotten is this one!
(" rel="cached" data-hash="09388f4742ac577510079840fd3a4194" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Yes, the media here are daft.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-29, 08:45:25
Also in a Fox News shows that complained that saluting like that was disrespectful to the troops, they talked about a female jet pilot as "boobs on the ground."  But first image Jaybrah showed was NBC, which shows that Republican complaints about media supposedly giving the president a free pass on everything are utter bullshit. They go along with the invented scandal while forgetting that the president doesn't actually have to salute at all (and that no president did until the time of Reagan.  One thing that seems to be missing in this "scandal" is how to the Marines in question feel? Are they actually insulted?

A slight correction: Eisenhower did occasionally return military personal's salutes on special occasions such as dedicating the Marine Corps War Memorial or when giving high medals.

John Stewart said it best about the Republicans and this "scandal." He said, "Fuck you and your false patriotism.” I do have disagree with him a little, though. Intercourse with a Republican runs the risk of contracting whatever disease seems to be eating the GOP's collective brain.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-09-29, 19:12:20

. Intercourse with a Republican runs the risk of contracting whatever disease seems to be eating the GOP's collective brain.

So THAT'S where their brains are.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-09-30, 05:56:45
So THAT'S where their brains are.

Yes. It stands to reason that if their heads are up their ass, their brains would be located in a similar position.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-10-01, 23:05:34
Obama's latte salute...Respect one, or the other..............

(" rel="cached" data-hash="11876771a89479c3778881e33d9ee8aa" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" :monkey: :banana:
(" rel="cached" data-hash="338b0a778b20fc5e976030ef2a04793c" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" :monkey: :banana:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-10-03, 01:46:08
Saluting with a dog in your arms? tut, tut.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-10-07, 07:45:31
The end of the equal marriage fight is all but completed. The Supreme Court ( declined to hear the appeals from the states still arguing against equal marriage. This is because there is no constitutional case against equal marriage. The traditional arguments are 1) Think of the children 2) Religion 3)and gibberish about saying society will break down if loving same-sex couples can marry 4) and the utter idiocy about about marrying dogs and toasters. All sides expected the SCOTUS to rule on equal marriage, but frankly non of the arguments against it hold constitutional water. Legal experts do wish for more comment from the Justices. The justices note lack of dissent from the Appeals court in this matter.

What this means is that within a few years equal marriage will be the law in all 50 states, plus other US territories. States that didn't already appeal equal marriage might not, knowing what the ruling will be but they're bound to face lawsuits and the ruling will be against them. This sets a huge, if unofficial, precedent. It's over. The anti-equal marriage forces have lost. They brought this on themselves. Same-sex marriage was illegal all 50 states, but they had to push the issue and pass constitutional amendments. Now it's time for them to taste their bitter medicine.

I wonder what this does to the political landscape, though. Most LGBT people found themselves in a position of having to vote Democratic because of this issue. This might change that situation with the caveat that if a GOP candidate impotently raises the issue to "energize the base" , he'll still lose that voting bloc. There's a slightly interesting development. I wanted to offer a link to GOPProud (a group of LGBT conservatives) because I remember them saying something about how many LGBT folks would benefit from lower taxes having above national average incomes, but the domain appears to be for sale. Here ( it is anyway. Okay, according to Wikipedia ( they dissolved on June 2 [/url]/ Oh the irony, right when thinking LGBT voters might consider giving them another look. Oh well. The Wikipedia articles notes the founders left the GOP due to the bigotry within the party. The Log Cabin Republicans ( seem to be alive, though and claiming "Spirit of Lincoln 2014."

What will this do to the GOP itself, though? With this issue dead, maybe their better candidates can focus on issues more people care about:taxes, the deficit, etc.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-10-08, 23:53:01
With this issue dead, maybe their better candidates can focus on issues more people care about:taxes, the deficit, etc.

The issue isn't dead. But common sense may be…
I can't wait to hear your "reform-Progressive" platform, regarding "taxes, the deficit, etc."… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-10-10, 16:20:10
The politicians are quite content to be sidetracked by the queer marriage issue. And anyway just putting the light on your Republicans you can ask the same thing about the bleeding Democrats as they are overseeing the same damn issues as them.

There seems to be an inbuilt arrogance often on these forums. Yanks just come on and talk straight away about their own internal issues as if this is an American forum. Others tend to lean on the attitude of "what my country is doing" instead. I  find the same attitude on my hobby, train simulation when the ex-colonists act the same way.

Anyway, poofs exists just like Communists or anything else but I won't be brained into thinking such is wonderful. I don;t want to harm shirt lifters any more than I would harm a Red instead I body-swerve.  8)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-10-11, 16:17:13
Yanks just come on and talk straight away about their own internal issues as if this is an American forum.

So quit crying and start a thread disguissing what you want to talk about :p
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jochie on 2014-10-11, 17:40:45
This churlishness over salutes highlights the degeneration of American society.

No president before Reagan saluted. That includes real patriots and presidents who were in the military like T Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Kennedy.

Now we have this faux patriotism and love of country which has to be shown by salutes and politicians standing before phalanxes of the American flag. Also, make sure an American flag lapel is worn.

Politicians don't have the balls to stop this bs. They're so very scared of being labeled un-american or unpatriotic.

Who would have thought that the necessary political test for patriotism and love of country is the wearing of a flag lapel, of giving the correct salute and of having a phalanx of flags behind you when giving a speech.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-10-11, 20:03:40
RJH, did you happen to notice the title of this thread? OK, if we talk about what's going on in America in a thread titled "What's going on in the Americas?" why would you have a problem with that?

So, how about starting a thread about what's happening in Scotland? We have at least two people here--- you, RJ, and Luxor-- who should be experts at anything and everything that happens North of Hadrian's Wall. I fancy you could fill a thread with something, and since the thread would be about Scotland you could tell us Yanks to take our "America is great!" stuff and keep it out of your Scotland thread. Some of us might still ignore that, but-- the thread would be about Scotland, so you would have grounds to keep it about Scotland.

OK, just a thought.......
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-10-12, 00:35:37
Thoughts are fine but on a more general slant on this Forum (and it was the same on the previous Opera) your fellow countrymen come on here and act as if this was purely an American forum. Even on hobby forums the same thing occurs. And as i pointed out others being more sensible will say "here such and such happens" or whatever but your comrades do I am afraid act with a wee does of arrogance and superior style. I know you normally don't as you have enough to contend with driving that lorry, trying to keep the lid on the Windy City......  :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-10-12, 00:37:18
Oh, as a postcript have you taken a look at the same thread title? It doesn't say America fulls top but the Americas. Tut, tut boy you slipped.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-10-12, 01:31:44
your fellow countrymen come on here and act as if this was purely an American forum
No. It's just that you and some few others won't or can't read; your hobby isn't toy trains, it's America bashing — and you do that, I guess, because your own lot are such rotters that you can't bear to talk about them.
As mjm said, talk about those things that interest you! (If you would, note the level of response…) Everyone has opinions on matters American. Hardly anyone cares about Scotland, Holland, France; or even Russia…
The Old World is getting really old, man! The so-called Emerging World (south-east Asia) is cocooning itself; and the Cradle of Civilization has -with one prominent exception- yet to produce an enduring civilization, in modern times…
The United Kingdom recently almost dissolved; and more devolution is coming. Who cares? :)

There are quite a few smart, cosmopolitan posters here. (You're not one of them.) Have you noticed, how few people -since Plato- seriously mention Atlantis as either a model or cautionary example?
There's a reason for that.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-10-12, 04:26:22

Thoughts are fine

how do you know?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-10-12, 09:11:49

Oh, as a postcript have you taken a look at the same thread title? It doesn't say America fulls top but the Americas. Tut, tut boy you slipped.

So-- if our Brazilian guy wants to post something about what's happening in Brazil, nothing's stopping him--- since, last time I looked, Brazil is part of the South American continent. We had a fellow-- don't know if he's still around, haven't seen him for awhile-- who coulda told you all you ever want to know about Mexico. I seem to recall that you and that guy didn't get along well though, and if anything you had even nastier things to say about Mexico than you do about the States. Now, I'll admit that my own knowledge about Mexico is somewhat weak. I know there are some "party places" that the well-to-do from up here like to visit, and a whole lot of poverty, and a whole lot of them trying to get here because of the whole lot of poverty there--- but beyond that, what I know could be put in a gnat's eye and still leave room for my van to park in the gnat's eye. Sooooo-- if he wants to tell us what's really going on there,-- Mexico is part of America, it belongs in this thread.

Happy now? OK, that was a stupid question, I should know nothing on this side of the Atlantic makes you happy, RJ.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-10-12, 17:54:39
Must say that bothering with Mexico is pointless as it is a hell hole of magnifying proportions. Talk about losers there? Wouldn't live in the place for million pounds.

Well I don't get too fazed on the matter of nothing to keep me happy re over the pond mjsmsprt40! However, I am by nature, optimistic. When the place deals with what goes on inside and stops creating wears and bother outside I will be more than happy to praise your lot!  :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-10-12, 20:00:41

Oh, as a postcript have you taken a look at the same thread title? It doesn't say America fulls top but the Americas. Tut, tut boy you slipped.

So-- if our Brazilian guy wants to post something about what's happening in Brazil, nothing's stopping him--- since, last time I looked, Brazil is part of the South American continent. We had a fellow-- don't know if he's still around, haven't seen him for awhile-- who coulda told you all you ever want to know about Mexico. I seem to recall that you and that guy didn't get along well though, and if anything you had even nastier things to say about Mexico than you do about the States. Now, I'll admit that my own knowledge about Mexico is somewhat weak. I know there are some "party places" that the well-to-do from up here like to visit, and a whole lot of poverty, and a whole lot of them trying to get here because of the whole lot of poverty there--- but beyond that, what I know could be put in a gnat's eye and still leave room for my van to park in the gnat's eye. Sooooo-- if he wants to tell us what's really going on there,-- Mexico is part of America, it belongs in this thread.

Happy now? OK, that was a stupid question, I should know nothing on this side of the Atlantic makes you happy, RJ.

Good points there MJM......The OP & TITLE does specifically note the [glow=blue,2,300]AMERICAS, [/glow]so unless this thread, & all it's contents, are totally deleted from [glow=green,2,300]DND,[/glow] it should encompass ALL the countries in [glow=blue,2,300]"THE AMERICAS" [/glow] --  both N. America & S. America   -- like it or not.

The [glow=blue,2,300]United States [/glow] is but one country in all of the [glow=black,2,300]Americas.[/glow] (

I know alot of people call the United States [glow=black,2,300]  'America',[/glow]   but to be perfectly direct & precise,
we are known as the [glow=blue,2,300]United States of America, [/glow] or [glow=blue,2,300]United States, [/glow]  or [glow=blue,2,300]U.S. [/glow] for short.

Now, we all know that RJ's sphere of wisdom really doesn't exist outside of his little room, & in his mad dash to share his obsessive hatred of anything American, when he made this thread he really only wanted the Americas to mean the United States, but we all know he religiously screws the pooch, ( so that said he ignorantly named it the way he did. ( (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-10-12, 20:19:29
So-- if our Brazilian guy wants to post something about what's happening in Brazil

Do you mean a brasileiro referring to Brasil?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-10-12, 20:45:09
RJ, why don't you like our wears? Got a thing against what's left of our textile industry?

We used to be one of the leading producers of wears, but these days most wears are made in Asia. Just look at the labels. :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-10-12, 21:55:18
We used to be one of the leading producers of wears

Imagine how this Massachusetts transplant feels, mjm!

Past glory frays and fades. Threads unravel…
The cloths that clothe and keep us warm may not
survive a cleansing — water, soap, what's wrought
by agitation — aren't meant to travel

long, on the roads we take or in the climes
we frequent. (We used to don the furs of
animals better suited than us…) Glove
the hand that reaches out to the Sublime,

and it will never touch it! 'Though frost-bit
fingers hardly care and scorch-abraded
extremes of interest become jaded…
The taste for ash and sulphur doesn't fit

the old-fashioned way of making sense. But
modern sense is cruel. And there is a glut…

(Yes, I know this is really bad… :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-10-12, 22:10:10
We used to be one of the leading producers of wears, but these days most wears are made in Asia. Just look at the labels.  :lol:

Yes, but I think he's mad because so many brands still have headquarters in the USA. American Apparel, for example must really get his haggis.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-10-13, 01:23:21
So, how about starting a thread about what's happening in Scotland?

There are at least five to pick from already:

Scotland as a West Baltic state: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland? (
Scotland as a part of Europe and Africa: What's Going on in Eurafrica? (
... sans Africa: What's Going on in Europe (
... the whole continent, including the part east of the imaginary dividing line: What's Going on in Eurasia? (
Scotland is still barely in the U.K.: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-10-13, 01:46:29

We used to be one of the leading producers of wears, but these days most wears are made in Asia. Just look at the labels.  :lol:

Yes, but I think he's mad because so many brands still have headquarters in the USA. American Apparel, for example must really get his haggis.

The manufacture of fabrics is practically purely Asian, but that's not where the money is. The money is in the marketing of fabrics.

This industry as it happens is dominated by Europe (the European part of Eurasia and Eurafrica). The biggest clothing retailer in the world is Spanish Zara, followed by Swedish H&M. Zara as it happens is largely producing the clothes in Europe, because the secret of Zara is speed, and Zara's customers have been largely European, unlike H&M, which is more global, competes on price, and largely produce their apparels in Bangladesh.

This is how the world is changing. Production is getting so automated that the cost of labour is so low that the factories could be anywhere (though Zara produces in low-cost areas of Spain), while logistics is getting crucial.

The flip side is that the factories provide much less employment than they used to do.

Maybe we should have a thread on this, the awsomesauce of/what is going on in the fashion industry?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2014-10-13, 11:02:48
I happen to be the only American regular poster outside the United States. Noteworthy, this thread is mainly about issues in the United States. Not a surprise.
We are in the polls right now here.
Never mind. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-10-13, 12:57:14
I'm voting for Rousseff because I favor female candidates.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="0a7da92e2a21d8368a2799ec2b5c8680" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=",dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE4MDAzNDEwMDU4NTc3NDIy.jpg)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-10-13, 22:49:23
Jax why mjsmsprt40 got a thing about overlooking those Scots links is that the blinkers were still on when he hurried.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-10-13, 22:51:31
Must say jimbro that the poor choice doesn't help much. After all, I recall when she flew to the former Yugoslavia shooting match she lied about her plane being near flak when it turned out it wasn't. Mind you lying is a political requirement so fair enough.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-10-14, 07:10:28
I'm voting for Rousseff because I favor female candidates.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="0a7da92e2a21d8368a2799ec2b5c8680" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=",dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE4MDAzNDEwMDU4NTc3NDIy.jpg)

And she is 20 percent butcher than the male candidates.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-10-14, 18:11:00

I'm voting for Rousseff because I favor female candidates.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="0a7da92e2a21d8368a2799ec2b5c8680" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=",dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE4MDAzNDEwMDU4NTc3NDIy.jpg)

And she is 20 percent butcher than the male candidates.

[glow=blue,2,300]What Difference Will She Make? [/glow]

(" rel="cached" data-hash="b0199953782c655147422784e11b1054" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

[glow=blue,2,300]A Big   'BLOODY'   Difference!!! [/glow]

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-10-15, 03:10:51

Maybe we should have a thread on this, the awsomesauce of/what is going on in the fashion industry?

That thread is in just now: The Awesomesauce with the Fashion Industry (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-10-17, 12:21:01

I'm voting for Rousseff because I favor female candidates.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="0a7da92e2a21d8368a2799ec2b5c8680" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=",dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE4MDAzNDEwMDU4NTc3NDIy.jpg)

And she is 20 percent butcher than the male candidates.

Which makes her an order of magnitude more manly than the manliest glaswegian :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-10-19, 04:18:57
Doesn't matter who is elected you will still have tens of millions of poor, homeless, strain to maintain a massive army and military expenditure not needed. Kind of sad in a way.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-10-19, 21:08:13

Doesn't matter who is elected you will still have tens of millions of poor, homeless.....

As long as it ain't me ..... Cest la vie  (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-10-19, 21:29:34

Doesn't matter who is elected you will still have tens of millions of poor, homeless, strain to maintain a massive army and military expenditure not needed. Kind of sad in a way.

The only reason Scotland doesn't have the above is because Scotland doesn't have "tens of millions" of much of anything. If it weren't for the rest of the UK, you couldn't field much of a military if you tried. Now, I will say that one reason the UK could put together a credible navy is because Scots ship-building was second to none for the longest time. Much of the Royal Navy was built on the Clyde, so you do have that. But, I understand those days are a memory now with the UK having mothballed much of the fleet and new ship-building not being what it once was.

Maybe try to build another British Empire? Just a thought, then you could complain about the size of your military while tens of thousands go hungry at home.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-10-19, 22:33:11

I'm voting for Rousseff because I favor female candidates.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="0a7da92e2a21d8368a2799ec2b5c8680" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=",dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE4MDAzNDEwMDU4NTc3NDIy.jpg)

And she is 20 percent butcher than the male candidates.

30% baker and 50% candle-stick maker.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-10-19, 22:51:51

I'm voting for Rousseff because I favor female candidates.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="dfcd9768b70f00bf416a8952a4c7a6b7" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

And she is 20 percent butcher than the male candidates.

30% baker and 50% candle-stick maker.

65% Lying Sack of Shit, 15% Ego & Testosterone Driven Shemale, & 20% Murderous Bitch
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2014-10-19, 23:12:36
30% baker and 50% candle-stick maker.

Now I'm curious what kinda closet activities she'd partake in. Just got my vote.

65% Lying Sack of Shit, 15% Ego & Testosterone Driven Shemale, & 20% Murderous Bitch

Seems qualified enough for the job.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-10-20, 03:08:29

I'm voting for Rousseff because I favor female candidates.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="dfcd9768b70f00bf416a8952a4c7a6b7" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

And she is 20 percent butcher than the male candidates.

30% baker and 50% candle-stick maker.

65% Lying Sack of Shit, 15% Ego & Testosterone Driven Shemale, & 20% Murderous Bitch

Don't hold back. Tell us what you REALLY think.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-10-20, 05:48:54
Now I'm curious what kinda closet activities she'd partake in. Just got my vote.

I agree. At least she's honest about being a vampire, unlike the rest of those leeches in DC.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-10-20, 06:59:13

Now I'm curious what kinda closet activities she'd partake in. Just got my vote.

I agree. At least she's honest about being a vampire, unlike the rest of those leeches in DC.

  Yep, if she's only 65% Lying Sack of Shit, so she must have a twinge of honesty here &'ve spotted it!! (

(" rel="cached" data-hash="a96ddfcc5c8347b947a785d9a63e847e" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

[glow=green,2,300]Harry the Impaler[/glow]
[glow=green,2,300]Leech Extraordinaire [/glow]
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2014-10-20, 08:29:41
I agree. At least she's honest about being a vampire, unlike the rest of those leeches in DC.

Besides, ol' Slick Willy would make a hella first lady gentlemen(?).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-10-21, 11:39:57

I agree. At least she's honest about being a vampire, unlike the rest of those leeches in DC.

Besides, ol' Slick Willy would make a hella first lady gentlemen(?).

Got to keep his willy under control though :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-10-23, 03:43:13
That's not gonna happen. Willy's wild willy will wander.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-10-23, 19:53:27
 :faint: :faint: :faint: Now, back to Palin, the Republican answer to Hillary. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-10-25, 21:13:20

:faint: :faint: :faint: Now, back to Palin, the Republican answer to Hillary. :lol: :lol: :lol:

So--- Hillary wins the Democrat Party nomination. Sarah Palin wins the Republican nomination. The rest of the nation, realizing what we now face--- votes Libertarian. By a landslide. It's not even close.

Special note, since I'm thinking about this anyway: Because my situation is what it is, I've already voted by absentee ballot here in the Illinois races. I voted Libertarian for governor because, in truth, I can't stand either of the major candidates. The incumbent (D) is incompetent and needs to be sent home--- but his opponent (R) has so much going against him that I can't in good conscience vote for him, so--- Libertarian it is. After that--- I voted (R) almost throughout. Partly because I have Tea-Party leanings anyway, partly because it's just plain time to send the present occupants of those offices home anyway. They've been there long enough. I did vote for a local bond issue which will likely raise taxes--- but if you've seen the condition of this town's streets you understand that they sorely need repair, and this IS the proper responsibility of government to raise money to repair the streets.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-10-26, 01:42:28
but if you've seen the condition of this town's streets you understand that they sorely need repair, and this IS the proper responsibility of government to raise money to repair the streets.

Yes, it is! And, as a Californian, I feel compelled to warn you that - while both state and federal gasoline taxes are supposed to accomplish such - neither has done so: Nail down that "tax" to the specific purpose by statute or referendum… Or accept your potholes and such as your due, from politicians wanting more taxes, more money to spend. (Their priorities are probably not yours… :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-10-26, 01:54:55

but if you've seen the condition of this town's streets you understand that they sorely need repair, and this IS the proper responsibility of government to raise money to repair the streets.

Yes, it is! And, as a Californian, I feel compelled to warn you that - while both state and federal gasoline taxes are supposed to accomplish such - neither has done so: Nail down that "tax" to the specific purpose by statute or referendum… Or accept your potholes and such as your due, from politicians wanting more taxes, more money to spend. (Their priorities are probably not yours… :) )

Heywaitasecond!!!! Wasn't it you, in the Democracy thread, who seemed to think we could actually find honest politicians? So, how comes it you actually admit that at least on the local level-- which is where Villa Park's village board would be-- honesty might be in short supply? So, if honesty is hard to find locally, where the politician lives in town and actually has to deal with his constituents every day across the back-yard fence, we can somehow find these honest politicians to send to state and federal offices, where his/her constituents are hundreds or thousands of miles away?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-10-27, 09:06:06
but if you've seen the condition of this town's streets you understand that they sorely need repair, and this IS the proper responsibility of government to raise money to repair the streets.

People who live in areas outside the freeze-thaw zone don't understand what really bad roads are all about. The southern tier of Michigan is pothole hell. This example isn't the worst.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2014-10-27, 11:22:43
You call that potholes? (Jealousy...)
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Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-10-27, 12:21:46
It's not a proper pothole unless there's smoke coming out of it :right:
(" rel="cached" data-hash="4f855607eebcfeabd1ee848bde207eff" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-10-27, 12:52:48
As I was about to say, Michigan potholes are nothing, but some are interesting.
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Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-10-27, 16:02:46
Heh, nice.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-10-27, 21:24:31
So, how comes it you actually admit that at least on the local level-- which is where Villa Park's village board would be-- honesty might be in short supply? So, if honesty is hard to find locally, where the politician lives in town and actually has to deal with his constituents every day across the back-yard fence, we can somehow find these honest politicians to send to state and federal offices, where his/her constituents are hundreds or thousands of miles away?

Look to the party affiliation and philosophy of your candidates, mjm… You will discover the source of the problem. Also, consider the entrenched bureaucracy… (And how it got where it is.)

But, more to your point: In my state, the Democratic strongholds of Sacramento/Bay Area/Los Angeles have made state government a one-party affair.
Not cause for despair, but continually troubling…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-10-28, 01:40:26
I did vote for a local bond issue which will likely raise taxes--- but if you've seen the condition of this town's streets you understand that they sorely need repair, and this IS the proper responsibility of government to raise money to repair the streets.

Here they seem to "repair" perfectly good roads at random. "Let's make it take half an hour drive a mile. Hrm, how about closing a lane at the corner of a Tropicana and Las Vegas Blvd for no apparent reason :yes: " They seem to say. Doing that was actually a little dangerous with that part of town full of tourists of varying levels of sobriety that didn't realize their lane was about to end. That was a few months ago. Now construction on the I-15 freeway during rush hour, never mind that it was smooth as glass already. Meanwhile, at some stoplights millions of tires a year have worn grooves in the road.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-10-28, 12:27:43

Here they seem to "repair" perfectly good roads at random.

They're probably afraid to lose their federal/state aid money if they don't use it up.
Yeah, I've seen this here too. For a while the county would just patch up perfectly good roads, then do nothing of the sort for another year or two, rinse & repeat.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-10-28, 21:44:29
In this town, repair of perfectly good roads doesn't seem to be a problem. Finding roads that aren't reverting back to the days when they were mud trails that a team of horses would have difficulty pulling the cart on--- that's the problem.

We have roads in this town that haven't been maintained since I was a boy-- and I'm 59 now so that gives you an idea of just how bad it can get here. The main drags are OK-- the side streets are in real trouble.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-10-29, 03:55:51
We have roads in this town that haven't been maintained since I was a boy-- and I'm 59 now so that gives you an idea of just how bad it can get here. The main drags are OK-- the side streets are in real trouble.

Wasteful Social Programs kinda drain all other parts of the budget while they tend to grow like potholes without bottoms.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-10-30, 01:05:46

In this town, repair of perfectly good roads doesn't seem to be a problem. Finding roads that aren't reverting back to the days when they were mud trails that a team of horses would have difficulty pulling the cart on--- that's the problem.

We have roads in this town that haven't been maintained since I was a boy-- and I'm 59 now so that gives you an idea of just how bad it can get here. The main drags are OK-- the side streets are in real trouble.

You should come to China. You veer to another part of town and there is a partially paved dust road, dust flying everywhere, the road constricted by road works, traffic grinding to a halt. You come back a couple days later, the dust is gone, as are the workers, and there is shiny new tarmac as far as your somewhat nearsighted eyes can see.  Half the construction in the world happens in China, and it shows.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-10-30, 01:48:10
Returning from Chimerica to the Americas, another transport story has the Americas on either end:

Where are the world's most dangerous transit systems for women? (

And the winner is:
Quote from: CNN

Here are the results, from ranked from worst to best:
1. Bogota, Colombia
2. Mexico City
3. Lima, Peru

4. New Delhi
5. Jakarta, Indonesia
6. Buenos Aires
7. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
8. Bangkok
9. Moscow
10. Manila, Philippines
11. Paris
12. Seoul
13. London
14. Beijing
15. Tokyo
16. New York

In other words New York beats the runners up Tokyo, Beijing, London and Seoul in perceived safety. Bogota, Mexico City, and Lima beat the runners up New Delhi and Jakarta in perceived danger.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-10-30, 03:18:36
You come back a couple days later, the dust is gone, as are the workers, and there is shiny new tarmac as far as your somewhat nearsighted eyes can see.  Half the construction in the world happens in China, and it shows.

Okay, bring them here so we can be finished "repairing" perfectly nice roads and freeways :yes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-10-30, 10:37:25
Jax, Buenos Aires should be in bold type too. It's in Argentina, which is in South America.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-10-30, 11:26:16
I actually considered it, but the sample size was 16 so that put Buenos Aires too close to the middle to be remarkable. Yes, it was 6th worst, but it was also 10th best, so I opted for sweeping the city under the carpet. This was based on rankings, not survey score, so for all we know it can be almost as horrid as Bogota or almost as wonderful as NYC.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2014-11-04, 09:27:15
Feeding or sharing food with homeless people without special authorizations is a criminal act.
The new law reads as "public health and safety measures".

[sarcasm]You don't feed rats, do you? Neither can the police shoot them all, they are too many.[/sarcasm]
And no, unfortunately this is not from The Onion.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-11-04, 09:38:06
Meanwhile, church groups and others feed the homeless all the time. Any good sized city has soup kitchens as well social services to help them.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-11-04, 11:13:22

Meanwhile, church groups and others feed the homeless all the time. Any good sized city has soup kitchens as well social services to help them.

Remember all those stories in the Orlando Weekly about police kicking homeless people and those trying to help them out of certain areas of the city?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-11-04, 14:07:28
Grabbing one event doesn't prove much, if anything. There are studies of the treatment of homeless people throughout the country that indicates that the problems are widespread. Problems of the homeless are not confined to the US.

Title: What the Hell is Going on in Obama's Former Kingdom of America?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-11-05, 05:46:51
[move]([glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]          [glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]         ( [glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]          [glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]          [glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]       [/move]
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-11-05, 15:20:55
It's only news when muslims do it (
Quote from: OKnews
STILLWATER — Covered in blood and still holding a large knife that police say he’d used just minutes before to nearly decapitate his brother’s roommate, Isaiah Zoar Marin dialed 911.
At a news conference earlier in the day, Stillwater police Capt. Randy Dickerson said Marin admitted to authorities “that he had fantasized recently about committing multiple homicides” and that the victim was “one of his intended targets.”

“The conversation was that he had planned to to do it all at one time,” the police captain said.

The victim’s brother, Jesse Crockett, told police Marin is a “religious zealot” and “heavy drug user,” according to a court affidavit.

Police confirmed there was evidence at the scene that Marin might have been involved in the use of some illegal drugs.

The defendant’s brother, Samuel Marin, said “in the past Jacob and Isaiah had disagreements because Jacob and Jesse were practicing witchcraft and Isaiah had strong Christian beliefs,” a Stillwater police officer reported in the affidavit.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-11-08, 14:16:56
Remains could be those of 43 missing Mexican students (

Quote from: CNN
The 43 Mexican students who disappeared in southern Mexico in September were abducted by police on order of a local mayor, and are believed to have been turned over to a gang that killed them and burned their bodies before throwing some remains in a river, the nation's attorney general said Friday.
This is the conclusion that investigators have reached, Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said, though he cautioned that it cannot be known with certainty until DNA tests confirm the identities.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2014-11-08, 15:30:10
Funny you posting that jax, I just finish watching Procurador da Républica Murillo's one hour long press conference (
He seemed to me as a competent man with a gigantic problem in hands to solve.

As it is, Mexico seems to have already gone wild out of control.

Quote from: Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico
I forgive everyone, and I ask everyone to forgive me. May my blood which is about to be shed, be for the good of the country. Viva Mexico, viva la independencia!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-11-13, 04:17:51
I wouldn't send my worst enemy to Me-hee-co it is a hellish, corrupt and dastardly place.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-11-13, 04:28:07
I wouldn't send my worst enemy to Me-hee-co it is a hellish, corrupt and dastardly place.

Let us now when you actually know something about the place :left:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-11-13, 06:59:00
Also: Let us know, RJ, how you determined who was your worst enemy! (Put yourself at the head of the queue, boy-o! :) You've earned it!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-11-14, 01:36:44

Also: Let us know, RJ, how you determined who was your worst enemy! (Put yourself at the head of the queue, boy-o! :) You've earned it!)

Personally, I like RJ.  I do not consider him my mortal enemy.

The IRA & the AOH might, but I can comfortably live in the knowledge that he breathes air!  (

After all, he's only a very old & frail man, & he will surly naturally die very soon anyway.

He doesn't need any of my help getting there, though the thought is sometimes tempting. (" rel="cached" data-hash="cc78d35b88dd655637714b01138a1063" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-11-14, 02:57:18

he will surly naturally die very soon anyway.

. (" rel="cached" data-hash="cc78d35b88dd655637714b01138a1063" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Or insightful character analysis?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-11-14, 13:28:51

The victim’s brother, Jesse Crockett, told police Marin is a “religious zealot” and “heavy drug user,” according to a court affidavit.

religious zealot=heavy drug user

There's little difference.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2014-11-14, 14:00:11

Personally, I like RJ.  I do not consider him my mortal enemy.

Calm down. Mexico is not that bad. :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-11-14, 14:52:25
If you're not a student. :o
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-11-19, 02:04:20
Sanguinemoon are you in a mental retreat?

Time after time Mexico is in the world news. Widespread corruption including the police whpo are hooots with the baddies. Thousands killed annually (with police and authority help) , drugs and crime rampant so one does not have to go there it is in your face so to speak. The idea of Me-hee-co being miscalled is not just laughable it is stupid.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-12-16, 13:06:43
Hockey in the Las Vegas? There's certainly momentum building for bringing a NHL team here :yes:

Bill Foley is trying to bring an NHL expansion team to Las Vegas, and so far he's marching in step with Commissioner Gary Bettman.

"I'm an ex-Army guy. I follow orders," Foley told The Canadian Press by phone over the weekend from his home in Northern California. "We've been very careful in our meetings with the NHL administrative staff, just trying to make sure that we do things in the proper fashion. We're not pushy, we're not demanding."

So far, the 70-year-old millionaire businessman has received permission to run a season-ticket drive and isn't pressing for anything more.


"Nevada and Las Vegas in particular are no longer what they were 50 years ago or 40 years ago: a gambling city, kind of a weigh station in the desert," Foley said. "A number of software companies, development companies have located in Las Vegas. ... Those companies and those people who work for those companies, that's our target. Those are the people that we want to have come to these games."

Foley said that after two days of an initial website launch that 1,500 people had expressed interest in buying season tickets.


In hockey circles, the prospect of a Las Vegas team adds a touch of glamor. Locally, the notion of finally attracting a team in one of North America's major four sports leagues is enticing.
Yup, glamorous :cough: :cough: sniff: :wheeze: :the flu:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2014-12-17, 04:14:26
NHL hockey in Las Vegas? :) Jeez! Why not Anaheim, with Mickey Mouse eared helmets?

Seriously, Sang: Good luck to you! Ice hockey is an interesting game… (The old joke goes: "When the play gets boring, they switch to boxing…") Should you be lucky enough to get a team, when games are broadcast — watch on your TV, with the sound muted, and listen to your local radio coverage.
Oh, and drink beer! (Start with Heinekens; after a few, you can switch to whatever is locally cheap — it was Falstaff, for me.)
And -if you're going to play any version of "street" hockey- make sure your insurance covers typical male stupidity!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-12-17, 17:05:06
Two countries in a warm embrace in the Americas: US and Cuba seek to normalise ties (
Quote from: BBC
US and Cuba are to start talks to normalise diplomatic ties in a historic shift in relations between the two countries, US officials say.

The US is also looking to open an embassy in Havana in the coming months.

The moves are part of a deal that saw the release of American Alan Gross by Cuba and includes the release of three Cubans jailed in Florida for spying.

US President Barack Obama will later hail the "most significant changes in US policy towards Cuba in 50 years".

Mr Obama and the Cuban leader, Raul Castro, are expected to make simultaneous announcements at 17:00 GMT.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-18, 04:06:22
And you can bet your last penny that Cubans in Florida and Republicans will go bananas.

Many of the Cubans who fled to Florida decades ago were adherents of the old corrupt and  thuggish system that used to exist. Havana was not just a playground for America but the CIA and as much for the Mafia and criminal world. Instead of helping the Cuban people that went on the back burner due to the corrupt game play. I would have proffered a more democratic system for the island but could understands the way it went.

When you consider that the US has full idiomatic ties and embassies in some very bad places such as Saudi Arabia for example and North Korea the Cuban thing was long overdue for tackling. I dare say that in a second term a US President will want to leave a legacy and understandable and is only a pity this move took so long. I do hope however that something good does come out of this in a very practical way and that the US is not going to be controlled by the maddies in Florida or out-of-date Republicans. So it is now a pleasing move and more power to it and time that the US got to heck with it's base and lack of respect for a country's sovereignty whether it likes the system or not.

Hip-hop-hooray and a pat on the back for Obama and Castro!  :happy:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-12-18, 21:27:31
Hip-hop-hooray and a pat on the back for Obama and Castro!   :happy:

I second that ---   (    ---   [glow=blue,2,300]Guantanamo Bay Forever! [/glow]
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-12-21, 13:41:50

Hip-hop-hooray and a pat on the back for Obama and Castro!   :happy:

I second that ---   (    ---   [glow=blue,2,300]  :no: Guantanamo Bay Forever!  :no: [/glow]

But only if you approve of the stealing somebody else's country. Me? Not so crazy about it. Our Cuba policy has been batshit crazy a la mode of our Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan policy.

Do you like them, too?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-21, 19:36:45
And when chums is the Imperial power going to clear out of Cuba? So much for respecting rights, sovereignty, etc. And I do hope the CIA and their equal pals the Mafia will not be the(returning)  replacement for the existing Cuban regime.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-12-21, 19:47:22
Clear out Cuba?!? You must know that's not going to happen, not now, not ever (probably). Coming, as you do, from over the pond  in the home of past imperialism, you know how those things used to work.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-12-21, 20:25:49
And when chums is the Imperial power going to clear out of Cuba? So much for respecting rights, sovereignty, etc.

When the lease expires :p
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-23, 06:57:45
Yes jimbro we all know about Empire BUT we eventually gave it up whereas the glorious US of A (financial and military one) clings on in the self-belief that it will prove all previous imperialism as different unlike theirs! In between the utter political baloney about being the world's greatest country and tall the freedoms tosh the actual  shows something else! In the Cuba matter here is a example of a slap in the US face about regarding sovereignty. No it does not unless you succumb to US influence the corporate legion, etc. Let me remind that Cuba was as corrupt as hell fulllof the American underworld and Mafia as well as a plaything place. Instead of spreading democracy in Cuba the people I mention along with the US Gestapo (CIA) ran the place as they liked. It is for those reasons there was a revolution. No sovereignty respect or concern for the "people" at all. In the overthrow the US was hypocritical in political respects too.

So the old system the US was content with (it supported fascist dictators across S. America) was gone and when told to leave you (as you well enough know I mean the politicos and uniforms) was gone and Cuba basically respected whether you liked the new system or not. I didn't like it but knew well why Cubans went in that direction. Just another one of those global hypocrisies and anyway there is NO reason in today's situation to claim anything military-wise.  Disgusting there is not just an unwanted base (do you pay for it?) there but a torture camp in it that even when victims are found innocent without a trial (!) they are still kept there. It is no different from the North Korean only just a smaller clientèle.  If it was Russia that was the cuplrit all hell would be the order of the day. No right in Cuba and especially a military one. Disgreaceful

As for the routine homelessness it would be a fool to suggest this is not a worldwide thing like illness, life and death. But unfortunately due to all the so-called principled waffle what goes on internally contradicts. Some 40 million poor and a million a year being added with no homes and having to depend on some local church or community volunteers to cope is despicable. It is fine for politicians to be in hoot with reps from commerce and then later get a job with them but stuff those down below. But hey, not to worry when the trillions go into something else I will organise a free raffle as i have 2 spare bedrooms for ex-colonists on a rowing boat who make it here.

As for me althoughIi have a couple of physical health problems I am most certainly capable of avoiding the arrmchair and television. Couch potato is as bad as having an unwanted base. I love walking, speaking at meetings, holding offices in organisations i am in. Buying a new pair of hiking boots for my sojourn walks in the nearby countryside. As for that poor Yank who typically of the republican mentality described me as being Marxist-Lenin inclined recently?! Someone like me in 2 organisations that are strong monarchy movements have stood for a national government party that is far from such rubbish i do worry like the White House does for the state of US education! Although Christmas is a jolly time I am still laughing at that pathetic line.  So I remain a forthright activist mentally AND physically unlike some here.  And the Pope the IRA murderous ratbags, and non-Glaswegians watch out!
:knight: :king:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-12-23, 11:28:17
I have a strange idea, Howie but bear with me. Sort out you're own country first. It doesn't take much digging to find that poverty in Britain is as bad as the US.

The Scottish Government published their latest report on poverty and income inequality in Scotland  in July 2014.   The key findings for Scotland were:

a sharp rise in the number of individuals living in relative poverty in 2012/13 - up to 820,000;

rises in the percentage of children in relative poverty (up from 15% in 2011/12 to 19% in 2012/13)

rises in working age people and pensioners in poverty, 15% of adults in each are now defined as living in relative poverty

median income in Scotland in 2012/13 was £23,000, equivalent to £440 per week. This is the third consecutive annual fall in median income in Scotland

the proportion of people in poverty who live in working households increased in 2012/13 - in 2012/13, 52 per cent of working age adults in poverty were living in households where at least one adult was in employment

In this section a range of summary indicators are used to illustrate poverty in Glasgow, including access to a bank account, child poverty, and relative deprivation.  The children's indicators section of Understanding Glasgow contains more detailed information on child poverty within Glasgow.

Note that I said where this comes from so the full article can be reviewed and that everyone can know I didn't take from some commie or other radical anti-UK source. But your interest is in lengthy diatribes against America, not the facts. Christian, are you? What was that Jesus said about taking the plank out your own eye before criticizing someone else about the mote in his?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-24, 00:30:57
Well now excuse me but can I remind you of the title of this thread before you rush to condemn me. Can I also remind you that Gt Britain has the fastest growing economy in Europe has greatly reduced unemployment, lessened taxe for low earners and extending that further in the next couple of years. We also plan to raise the minimum wage (try that over the pond and see what happens) , lowering the national debt and so on.  As for the £23,000 point it is perfectly possible to live on that and having done much voluntary work in so-called deprived areas (my education job took me into them too) the population was saturated with Sky tv aerials  more than one tv set, pc's.One part even had two McDonalds! The Welfare State is a brilliant thing but too many have misued it and instead of it being for the genuine full stop there are many who see it as an alternative to work as the State provides so much including housing benefit and help with city taxes, etc. Too many folk get more from the State but in practical fact equally could exist in a job that paid less than public money. So if they do not have all those extras that is regarded as being in poverty. Especially in england there is too much of this giving subsiding houses in an area they would not normally be living in.

Anyway this is about your dreadful social condition. Seems I keep having to recall the ten figure losing homes annually the 40 million poor in the "world's greatest country", jails crammed -and too harsh sentencing in many cases. You should brag less as a country and stop thumping your chest and solve the big problems. This includes trying to do something with the trillions od debts mounting evry day. Yesterday i watched a news item on large numbers of you lot who are of the opinion the way America is going financially it will collapse not too long in the future. Adverts shown and companies making money out of fear and daft emotional which you seem to be always prone too. So boy stop giving the guff and dishing out guff rom your corporate controlled politicians and media and think for yourself and maybe this thread about the Americas would be a bit better and more sensible. Always the same when anything re a thread on the wonderful US of A is challenged The sensible ex-colonists know the truth but the rest are dummies and soak in what they are brained into so grit you teeth boy, wave the flag and look heroic as that will be easier than accpeting the hard facts and the future mess coming!.  :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-12-24, 02:09:58
As for the £23,000 point it is perfectly possible to live on that and having done much voluntary work in so-called deprived areas (my education job took me into them too) the population was saturated with Sky tv aerials  more than one tv set, pc's.One part even had two McDonalds!

You think you don't see that the US? Relatively poor apartment complexes in Las Vegas are full of satellite dishes, cable wiring, Del Taco restaurants, Jack in the Box, various locally owned eating establishments, In and Out Burger, etc. The people have flat screen televisions, microwaves, etc. What makes you think otherwise? And we have the problem of welfare being misused: you can take ab EBT card (replacement of foodstamps) and buy pizza at the 7-Eleven. You think lower income areas here are the third world or something? Oh yes, the minimum wage is likely to be raised (and some businesses agree, having realized that lower wages means fewer customers in of the usual kneejerk reaction against it.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-12-24, 07:47:41

There are a number of threads from the Old World, any news from the New? Anything American goes.

It's raining in Spring Hill, Tennessee, this morning.

Tomorrow we're going to our daughter's house in Franklin, Tennessee, for Christmas dinner...a hearty bowl of chicken gumbo soup.

3 chicken breasts, deboned, cooked, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
1 onion, diced
4 cups chicken broth
1 (16 ounce) can tomatoes, undrained
2 teaspoons salt
1/3 cup green pepper, diced
1/3 cup long grain rice, uncooked
1 cup frozen okra
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
1 bay leaf
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
(" rel="cached" data-hash="e7d95c55a13945352aee96bb2e12369a" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

BTW, Merry Christmas DnD folks!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-26, 00:56:07
Well you keep up the Smiley idea of ex-colonist land Sanguinemoon. Being at the bottom is always worse over in your deranged place!

Nice one jimbro.....!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-12-26, 02:30:40
Well you keep up the Smiley idea of ex-colonist land Sanguinemoon

WTF are you babbling about now, Howie? It has nothing to with Smiley nor anyone else, nor was Las Vegas even close to being a British colony (If you really want to split hairs, the land has been a part of the Spanish Empire, but the city didn't exist at that time.) The fact is that in the last couple years, the convenience store pizza (USD 5.55) has been cleared for the EBT card, lower income Americans (and those that don't have their citizenship yet) have satellite dishes, internet, smart phones, etc. Frankly, I don't know where you get your strange ideas about America. Reading to much RT, I suspect. Of course, you have a disturbing tendency to conceal your sources, making it difficult to pinpoint the original source of your bizarre notions.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-12-26, 10:01:50
Talk about disgraceful RJ, look in your own backyard!!!

Clean that up before you complain about anyone else's.

Taking sexual advantage of little defenseless ones. The lowest of the low  -- a British National Pastime it seems.

Older men on little boys ---  how putrid, especially when it's condoned by their own!

Pedophilia is out of control in the UK.

UK online pedophiles too many to prosecute: NCA

Quote from:      PTV  

Britain will not charge pedophiles that possess child abuse images because of the high volume of people engaging in such activities.

According to the head of the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA), Keith Bristow, it was "not realistic" to prosecute the 50,000 people in Britain who have viewed and shared child abuse images.

"Our responsibility is to focus on the greatest risk and tackle those people," he said.

The British Labour party labeled the NCA’s inactivity as "disgraceful" and said that the NCA was not fit to deal with the problem.

“This is a disgraceful policy from the National Crime Agency and the Home Secretary which sees the vast majority of people downloading vile child abuse images not investigated, while children remain at risk,” said Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper.

She went on to say that the NCA has details on tens of thousands of offenders who have accessed images of child abuse, but has only made 600 arrests...............

Start by protecting your own before wagging your stink finger elsewhere RJ.

Non-action & lack of British national condemnation wreaks of British complicity.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: string on 2014-12-26, 18:50:21

There are a number of threads from the Old World, any news from the New? Anything American goes.

It's raining in Spring Hill, Tennessee, this morning.

Tomorrow we're going to our daughter's house in Franklin, Tennessee, for Christmas dinner...a hearty bowl of chicken gumbo soup.

3 chicken breasts, deboned, cooked, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
1 onion, diced
4 cups chicken broth
1 (16 ounce) can tomatoes, undrained
2 teaspoons salt
1/3 cup green pepper, diced
1/3 cup long grain rice, uncooked
1 cup frozen okra
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
1 bay leaf
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
(" rel="cached" data-hash="e7d95c55a13945352aee96bb2e12369a" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

BTW, Merry Christmas DnD folks!
Thanks, Jimbro, for posting a thoroughly palatable post; it's nice to have an enjoyable input. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-27, 02:43:27
And somehow those kind of people hardly exist in the ex-colonies? Get you head seen tyo Smiley.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-27, 02:46:32
Oh and I forgot to add the obvious (!). THIS THREAD Smiley is about eh AMERICAS not GB so don't fall back on doing a dance to take the heat off. So silly
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-12-27, 16:10:58
That doesn't give you license to slag off about America, without being able to back it up. Of course, you do that regardless of the thread. I can't speak for Smiley, the whole point is that the very things you badmouth America about are happening in the UK.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2014-12-27, 16:21:39
You mean like the chicken gumbo soup?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-12-28, 17:56:28
They're calling for up to three inches of snow in Las Vegas on Wednesday, ( with the white stuff starting after midnight. Snow is very unusual around here, been years since the last accumulation in the valley. So a bunch of drunk New Year's partiers in the snow. Sounds like vehicular mayhem to me :left: :insane:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2014-12-28, 21:47:41
I didn't even know you got snow in the desert. Good for you! :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2014-12-28, 23:47:09
Last year Atlanta and this year Las Vegas.. It's starting to seem like there will be snow drifts in hell before we see any accumulation here.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-12-29, 09:18:23
I don't care about the weather, I just want to be an Administrator! :drunk: :wine: :beer: :cheers:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2014-12-29, 09:42:37
True. They just sit at the desk drunk all day making rules that hurt business. Fortunately, we all but say "suck our balls" and ignore their orders. The next they don't remember yesterday's drunken ramblings anyway, so it's all good. :yes: Speaking of drunken ramblings, why is bottle of rum half empty all ready. I think it must be the liqueur stealing gnomes again, damn them to bloody hell :irked:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-12-29, 13:01:17

They're calling for up to three inches of snow in Las Vegas on Wednesday, ( with the white stuff starting after midnight.

And here it's rainy 50ish. Temperatures are supposed to drop well below freezing by next week though :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-12-29, 13:02:13

I don't care about the weather, I just want to be an Administrator! :drunk: :wine: :beer: :cheers:

Now that would give rjhowie a heart attack :whistle:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2014-12-29, 13:05:40

I think it must be the liqueur stealing gnomes again, damn them to bloody hell :irked:

Could be worse. Could be the beer ghost ( :insane:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-30, 02:12:41
If you think I would have a heart attack you are so wrong there Macallan as it would take more than an ex-colonist or any hoi-polloi here. If on the other hand someone from Edinburgh that could be different but with free health care for all here not a worry.  ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2014-12-30, 03:40:33
I know what would give you a heart attack; us joining the Commonwealth.  :left:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-12-30, 08:21:39

If you think I would have a heart attack you are so wrong there Macallan as it would take more than an ex-colonist or any hoi-polloi here. If on the other hand someone from Edinburgh that could be different but with free health care for all here not a worry.  ;)

Have you any idea what hoi polloi means?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2014-12-30, 20:37:14

Have you any idea what hoi polloi means?

It's a Chinese dish. At least I think it is.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2014-12-30, 20:48:55
In context it would seem to mean- Nice, intelligent and otherwise generally decent people. :whistle:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-12-30, 20:51:22

Have you any idea what hoi polloi means?

In this case, it means he thinks he's gooder than us common folk.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2014-12-30, 23:02:33
Actually Mike, 'hoi polloi'  is  the  'Common People',  the masses, the herd, the rabble, the riffraff. 

The 'hoity-toity' is what I believe you defined -- the upper class, the superior sect, the rich, the successful.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2014-12-31, 00:31:27

Actually Mike, 'hoi polloi'  is  the  'Common People',  the masses, the herd, the rabble, the riffraff. 

The 'hoity-toity' is what I believe you defined -- the upper class, the superior sect, the rich, the successful.


I called it about right. The ol' boy's looking down his patrician nose at us common folk, thinks he's better than you'nme.  Some of that comes from being a Royalist-- the higher up the nobility food-chain you are, the more likely you are to think that the "hoi polloi" is a lower branch of human from your station.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2014-12-31, 01:33:01
Actually, my original point was that "hoi polloi" means "the common people".
"The hoi polloi" is a tautology.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2014-12-31, 04:34:15
Must say there are times mjsmsprt40 when you and your pal Smiley have lost the plot with that amusing stuff about me being a monarchist and hoity toity. I say that as you both come from a land that is constantly boasting about everything. The greatest country the greatest army (groan) the greatest freedom (another groan) and some of the politicians who shout that arrogant nationalistic ranting stuff out along with an emotional audience that will hoot and holler is more nearer the truth than then stuff about me!

However I do try to keep my traditional sense of hope that one day the stranglehold of the two dumb parties the Republicans and Democrats will be broken and the country can get back to looking after it's people instead of looking arrogant and hypocritical. A decent people who have been conned. Because you are not a monarchy does not mean that a Republic is somehow automatically better democracy as the truth shows something else. And anyway on a lesser not because someone is a Monarchist means they are automatically on the same level as the person on the throne is rather pathetic I am sorry to say!  :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2015-01-01, 08:43:08
Did anyone know RJ recently visited to preach his vitriol in the USA......  (

( Yep, he had a few sweet choice words for our NYC friends, who, to say the least, found him a tad bit 'different'.

[VIDEO][/VIDEO] .......... (

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2015-01-01, 09:30:07
Republicans and Democrats

And for some reason Labour and Conservative are so much better and let's throw in the SNP for good measure :p
Yep, he had a few sweet choice words for our NYC friends, who, to say the least, found him a tad bit 'different'.

He never told us he was that young when he visited. So I contacted a doctor friend of mine and we took his phonebooth back to 1869 to investigate. There was slight mishap and the cars in the video came with us. Even with that mistake on our part (really mine since I was  :drunk: at the time, indeed am now) we were able to confirm through DNA testing that it was indeed Howie.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-01-01, 16:29:06
We need a separate topic entitled People in DnD Who Bother Me.
Rj has opinions that I don't agree with, but that's true of a number of posters.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-01-01, 16:48:10

We need a separate topic entitled People in DnD Who Bother Me.
Rj has opinions that I don't agree with, but that's true of a number of posters.

What's stopping you? I can't promise the thread would live long--- a thread with a title like that promises to have the kind of trouble that gets it dumped-- but if it can be kept reasonably clean maybe-- just maybe...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2015-01-01, 16:54:38
I can't promise the thread would live long


Yeah, that sounds like a goner.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-01-01, 18:31:42

We need a separate topic entitled People in DnD Who Bother Me.
Rj has opinions that I don't agree with, but that's true of a number of posters.

What's stopping you? I can't promise the thread would live long--- a thread with a title like that promises to have the kind of trouble that gets it dumped-- but if it can be kept reasonably clean maybe-- just maybe...

Well, I have no interest in setting that up. It was just me being loopy in response to yet one more "attack" on Rj.

I don't agree that it wouldn't last long. It would start with a few goofy entries and then migrate to discussions of Putin, religion, food and toads. Consider that this thread is "What's Going on in the Americas?" Capishe?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2015-01-01, 19:08:28
[Move][glow=black,2,300]NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... [/glow][/Move]

(     It's been reported, but yet to be confirmed, that RJHOWIE has made a startling New Year's Resolution to change his sometimes black heart into a more gentle & homely vessel of good will & joy for all (even Americans)!!


(   If this be true, let's all get behind RJ, & wish him all the best in this Wonderful New Year!  ( 

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-01-01, 20:53:15
Oh for the love of Mike -Smiley trying to show how reasonable he is and i am some kind of gnome. This coming from a man who supports Irish terrorists and the same group are very left wing and Marxist leaning! Gives me a laugh when others scurrilously ignore that side of things.  II used to say there were decent and sensible ex-colonists (and still exist) but it is the way the country is run and the guff it comes out with. After all it bleats about being the world leader on democracy, rights, freedoms yet practises something else. Builds an imperial empire even though it is nearly financially broke, rabbits about sovereignty of nations then creates a war with the ones that do not succumb either the the "way of life" or commercial side.

That there are people here who cannot differentiate between a system and individuals shows yet another blank in ex-colonist education. If as a country you were to stop shouting about how great and above board whilst doing something else in contrast. It is so easy to blast the corrupt system because of the in-you-face policies that are distant from the self claims! One doesn't have to make them up. Try not to be a military bully and cut the military, keep out of the internal affairs of places you don't like, do something about the corporates that president Eisenhower (a blinking Republican too!) and you know what, I would have no basis for the easy pot-shots! Instead be more internal as there are large numbers of the citizenry who are suffering no matter how much you stick a flag up their noses.

Withdrawing the interference will not probably work in our lifetimes but the day will come when the decent suffer even more so over the water when things collapse. You can shout all you like about me because the facts are in your face. In my life i can disagree with those in my circle but we don't come out with that blabber lie the Irish-American, terror man mentality. I will even pay gis fare to Edinburgh or N. Korea.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2015-01-01, 21:25:56

(   ........... let's all get behind RJ, & wish him all the best in this Wonderful New Year!  ( 

Oh for the love of Mike -Smiley trying to show how reasonable he is and i am some kind of gnome.

(            (" rel="cached" data-hash="24fb26f1a7b5e366b0c63115c7cb5b93" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-01-02, 04:18:08
I know him. He was the captain of the biggest BB Company in the whole of Glasgow north of the River Clyde some 50 odd companies and was interviewed on the BBC radio for his in-depth voluntary leadership in a challenging district etc. At one stage there was even suggestion of a documentary. In addition he became a magistrate for his community service and flown to an intercity conference to do 3 workshops. His company was so attractive that youths came from a distance to take part and families had him dedicating kids and doing funerals, etc.  Thanks for letting me be reminded of him Smiley  and a pity it contradicts your stance. Oh and he was also once praised by a priest would you believe and he is an Orangeman to boot! He also had more RC boys in his work than any other in the city. Hhm, must get to know him again.

Interesting that you spent time searching and only find positives........ :( eh?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-01-02, 14:20:35

Oh and he was also once praised by a priest would you believe

Not always the best person to be praising a friend.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-02, 16:28:05
Interesting that you spent time searching and only find positives.

Not nearly as interesting as how much time you spend watching the telly absorbing porcupines. Watch out, they're distracting you. They want you to believe these things are 'our' problems alone. Don't fall for it as so many do here. Your country's obsession with the state of our union is unhealthy for your own well-being. They mock you. They tell you want you want and that you are smart to believe it. But you're not. They tell you it's horrible so you don't think they do it. They tell you we are weak for it, but they can do nothing to stop it. They tell you we are so different, but we're not. As dawn breaks and policies change in reaction to what is learned, like they have so many times before here and there, I fear you will have missed this chance to learn from those happenings.

As we look into the past we don't just see how it was but forever how it could be...

As you hold on to the vestiges of your imperial regime remember your pride also came at a cost to others. 'You' tried to make the world in your own image but now can't stand what you see in the mirror. While you look away, afraid of what you might see, 'they' cover the mirror with an idealistic painting that gives no hint of the truth. And when you look back you can almost forget how that pride almost destroyed us all. Not because 'you' felt it but because 'you' resented others that did too.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2015-01-02, 16:47:42
Well said, ensbb3. :yes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2015-01-02, 17:12:47
I know him.

But what is that dreadful city behind him? I daresay our architecture is  89.519637 percent cooler. Not to worry, I'll phone the construction companies to come up there and level the place in order to build it fresh. You won't have to pose in front of such drab and energy inefficient buildings ever again. :yes: You're welcome.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-02, 19:11:50
 :cheers: Thx.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-01-02, 19:20:45
And from a country where cities go bankrupt?  A poor level of trying to dig.

Must say ensbb3 that you and Sanguinemoon are well matched but hardly middle of the road reasonables! There are others here who are intelligent, watch televisio,n given links and so on and the fact that you try to isolate me shows how stretched you are in grey cells and sense. If unable to answer direct challenges you resort to the attempts to isolate. I am trying to avoid looking at you as thick and unable to cope with any negatives about the US imperial empite because that is what it is without having to look after the vassal States admin-wise!

Then the additional guff about our days of Empire which we eventually gave upo but you lot have got yourselves hooked up to trillions in debt to try and show that your empire will be more brilliant than any previous one. Why you wanted to go in that direction is something else. Soldiers everywhere in hundreds of camps that you cannot really afford, war creating for the benefit of the Pentagon and it's military corporate pals. If you got rid of this global paranoia the American population (especially tens of millions) vould have a Health Service and a far better internal situation but nope you are hell bent on wanting to control the world instead.

At the same time there are those over the water I have a personal regard for and not politically motivated and perhaps not touched by the state of the place financially or indeed politically but there are far too many who are ina country that constantly propagates arrogance and misuse the natural loyalty of the people. Such attitudes are not so much "patriotic" but fervent nationalism hiding behind a word that the general population accepts. Call me what you like but the trouble is that your political masters (corporates and the Hill alliance) misuse large numbers of decent and sensible Americans and just unfortunate that you two especially have automatically departed from that sensible consensus. Although the democrats are not that A1 the Republican mindset is something else and produces a laugh to the world.

All sensible ex-colonists have a good new year and the others in the "we are the greatest" mindset please thank the Chinese Communists for keeping you afloat!  ??? :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-01-02, 20:48:12
Eight bankrupt cities out of about 20,000. That's eight too many, though.

You seem to enjoy such things.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-01-02, 20:57:11
Smiley tried to cut the ol'boy some slack (asking us to give RJ a break), RJ responded by heaping more abuse on America and Americans every chance he gets. Hmmmm....
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-02, 20:58:48
You try so hard, rj. It's cute at times.

And from a country where cities go bankrupt?

America big. Many cities. Many different circumstance.

watch televisio,n given links and so on and the fact that you try to isolate me shows how stretched you are in grey cells and sense.

Your paranoia has produced an imaginary friend?

imperial empite


Why you wanted to go in that direction is something else.

Actually in a general sense the US didn't. All those contradictory argument of the US not wanting to get involved in European affairs you make are the problem. They had no choice in the end. The European continent ripped its self apart, twice. 

At the same time there are those over the water I have a personal regard for and not politically motivated and perhaps not touched by the state of the place financially or indeed politically

So you like the people that you were bitching about weren't voting now? You realize if those you've imagined got involved it would be a good thing, right?

Chinese Communists for keeping you afloat!

What's wrong with the Chinese now? Oh, right. They aren't from Glasgow.

Keep laughing chuckles. I'm sure your schools there are adequate, one can only theorize as to the problem.


I'm aware of the problems here. Big numbers confuse you so I won't bother with much on the national debt. When you gain new information you remind me of my dog when he catches an old rabbit anyway. Rarely gets a hold of one and so elated when he does he thrashes at it with no idea what to do with it. Suffice it to say our economy is big. The bankruptcy thing gets played at home too. It's not that realistic, they just never wanna cut the military budget. How easily you and many here (in the US) get pulled along with that is interesting. And other than you've heard the US owes China money you have no idea why. Been awhile since I've checked the numbers but the total annual intake was a trillion or so dollars more than the US owes China last time I checked. Boosting their economy has been a part of policy for over a decade. Otherwise most debt is owed internally and other than holding in surplus cannot be repaid. (They can always spend money sitting around, so meh.)

Social issues abound, here is no different. And health care is a bigger problem than throwing money at it. Pharmaceutical regulation is needed. *Prepares for a laughable use of that* My state used to have good health care but got federally screwed. Regardless, plenty of worthwhile concerns as with there and other places, you've just yet to describe one accurately. I'm not happy with it all but I live in a society so cope.

If ever I become as bitter as you I hope someone tells me. It's adorable at times but you're in the way of progress. But I am glad your rantings are so fool-hearty.  
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-01-03, 06:58:43
Typical when unable to answer a point is to go waffling on in some alternative plant. Considering the US is so anti-Red in it's history and also recently send a fleet down to the China Sea to intimidate maybe you should rethink why you suitably ignored that. Considering how much you are in hock to the dictatorial Communist regime makes your patter laughable. They just need to call in the debt and you are finished so keep sooking in with them whatever you do.

You are priceless.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-01-03, 10:27:32
Then the additional guff about our days of Empire which we eventually gave upo but you lot have got yourselves hooked up to trillions in debt to try and show that your empire will be more brilliant than any previous one. Why you wanted to go in that direction is something else. Soldiers everywhere in hundreds of camps that you cannot really afford, war creating for the benefit of the Pentagon and it's military corporate pals. If you got rid of this global paranoia the American population (especially tens of millions) vould have a Health Service and a far better internal situation but nope you are hell bent on wanting to control the world instead.

I have to grant you that one, Rj, but for the "you are hell bent part. Many, if not most of us, McCain and his Republican pals excepted, are sick of it. 213,407 dead in WWII when Stalin and friends were capable of sealing the deal.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2015-01-03, 10:29:46
Your avatar is making me confuse you for someone else. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-01-03, 10:38:02
I recently moved to Tennessee. That's our state flag.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-03, 12:34:12


(Lol, I was a little confused for a second... Thought I was sleep posting.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2015-01-03, 14:49:38

I recently moved to Tennessee. That's our state flag.

Welcome to Redneckistan :cheers:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mandi on 2015-01-03, 18:16:52

I recently moved to Tennessee. That's our state flag.

Welcome to Redneckistan :cheers:

:lol: I think you started something ensbb3.  :P I will leave this to you gentlemen though.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-03, 18:23:21
Bit of a delayed reaction.

You're the only Tennessean left not flying the flag... The lady can do as she pleases, of course.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mandi on 2015-01-03, 18:33:17
I was going to say something about it this morning but I passed out instead.

I think it would lead to more confusion. Plus, my phone is psychotic this morning. Notifications about stopped updates keep popping up.   :o
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-03, 18:38:10

I was going to say something about it this morning but I passed out instead.

I think it would lead to more confusion. Plus, my phone is psychotic this morning. Notifications about stopped updates keep popping up.   :o

They should push 5.0 to your device any day now. But that error usually comes if wifi signal gets lost while the market app is trying to batch update.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mandi on 2015-01-03, 18:41:21

They should push 5.0 to your device any day now. But that usually comes if wifi signal gets lost while the market app is trying to batch update.

Ahhh, I see. That explains it. A refrigerator is to blame for this.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-03, 22:53:00

I recently moved to Tennessee. That's our state flag.

Welcome to Redneckistan :cheers:

May as well play the anthem.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-01-04, 02:03:17
Hope you manage to adapt to your new dialect jimbro.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2015-01-05, 04:50:22
Well now, if we're representing our various state flags, I'll bring one of our own out of retirement.

ETA: For the no-doubt, wondering Mr. Howie, the flag I have put up as my avi is called "The Magnolia Flag". It's what we flew in MS for the brief time that we told Mr. Lincoln to get stuffed, and were independent.

I might draw your attention that it incorporates the Bonnie Blue in the top left corner, as you seem to enjoy Civil War tidbits and such.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sanguinemoon on 2015-01-05, 06:12:36
(" rel="cached" data-hash="9d6ae032f17fb0497e68ace59dd55c47" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

(" rel="cached" data-hash="932fef84e28129e8c6047771011d788e" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2015-01-05, 13:58:27
Enough flag waving for me :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-01-06, 03:59:52
Thanks for that Colonel and I have always been a sympathiser of the South. Here we can have a referendum on being in a Union or not but over the water such democracy is not there. Hd I done a third visit to the ex-colonies I would have visited the Confederate White House and given a long sigh!

Well Macallan the US is the No 1 for flag waving. By the way Colonel is there still a State flag with the battle flag - you know the stars n' bars?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mandi on 2015-01-09, 21:59:19
I'm not sure if this falls under this topic or not but my youngest niece received a Nabi tablet for Xmas. I know. I know. Go to a tech forum, right? Well it's not about a malfunctioning device. It has come to my attention that the Nabi has an NSA icon. It's nonfunctional. Also, it can't be deleted because it doesn't even show up under the application manager, as it is not an app. Why would this be on a children's tablet? My paranoid sister thinks that it's for spying purposes but why would they advertise it, if that is so?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-09, 22:21:22
You should PM me this kind of stuff. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mandi on 2015-01-09, 22:26:26
But you be man. Man who do work. Be busy.  :lol:
I figured it out and realized I asked a completely dumb question that Google could answer for me quickly. :facepalm: I should have started there. I blame it on not being fully awake.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-09, 22:30:31
Not enough info to go on but seems like a system app. No clue as to it's function but the NSA doesn't need an app for that.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mandi on 2015-01-09, 22:36:13
I found it stands for Nabi Security Administration. Not what my sis initially thought. What a way to scare some paranoid people anyway.

No clue as to it's function but the NSA doesn't need an app for that.

Yea, I thought they could hack anything.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-01-09, 22:42:09
Google is god. And I quit listening to my sister years ago, things have been great! :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mandi on 2015-01-09, 22:45:18
 :lol: I might have to.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2015-04-01, 18:19:34
The New York Times continues its slide into becoming little more than a neocon propaganda sheet as it followed the Washington Post in publishing an op-ed advocating the unprovoked bombing of Iran

source (

John Bolton, the neocon scholar from the American Enterprise Institute calls to bomb Iran ( while the New York Times’ star neocon columnist Thomas L. Friedman is floating the idea of the U.S. arming the Islamic State (

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-04-01, 20:27:01
Friedman is no neocon. His job is to write a column every week, not to make sense, and he succeeds with the former.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-04-01, 20:31:27
Don't worry, Krake. I have doubts that even the most drunken denizens of the Pentagon and the alphabet soup of spy-guy agencies think that any good could come from an unprovoked attack on Iran-- or anybody else for that matter. If the US did that, it wouldn't be just you and RJH saying bad things about the US. No way to win the bad-press war an unprovoked attack would cause.

About the US arming Islamic State-- in the current state of affairs, what on Earth have you been smoking? Even His Royal Highness, Emperor Obama doesn't think that is something we'd want to do.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2015-04-01, 21:47:58
Could the date be relevant?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2015-04-02, 03:57:25

Don't worry, Krake. I have doubts that even the most drunken denizens of the Pentagon and the alphabet soup of spy-guy agencies think that any good could come from an unprovoked attack on Iran-- or anybody else for that matter. If the US did that, it wouldn't be just you and RJH saying bad things about the US. No way to win the bad-press war an unprovoked attack would cause.

Why did this not stop unprovoked wars before, say, on Iraq?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-04-02, 06:37:33
Leaving the US bashing aside for a second, there is a cautionary tale embedded in that question. Before the run-up to the invasion, and then several years after, US and European popular opinions on the sensibility of an/the invasion broadly coincided. That was before the propaganda started/after it petered out.

Saddam Hussein was subtly and not so subtly conflated with the attacks on September 11, which even with the information available at the time was nonsense. Critical voices, like France's, were attributed to their traditional martial cowardice (which, in the case of France, was ironic; it is as bellicose a nation as Europe can muster). These were the days of Freedom Fries. The propaganda worked. In the manner of months the American nation was on the war path.

All those checks and balances, all those trappings of civilised society, were proven useless. The American public was being had, and so easily. The opposition (at that time the Democrats) was busy getting re-elected and not to support a losing cause, whatever the merits. The ostensibly critical press quiet, no benefit in asking awkward questions.

It happened in the US of A, but could happen in any democratic country with surplus war machinery. Had the US had real worries about a Canadian-Mexican invasion the Iraq war would never happened. Similarly, Europeans has spent the last 3000 years fighting each other. Now that that spat is over, limited global reach is what stops "peaceful" Europeans from doing the same. Democracy would be no deterrent here either.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-04-02, 08:57:38
Critical voices, like France's, were attributed to their traditional martial cowardice (which, in the case of France, was ironic; it is as bellicose a nation as Europe can muster). These were the days of Freedom Fries.
I'd like to agree with you — a bit: "Freedom Fries" was, indeed, silly.
But two things stick:
Compared to Germany -at least, recently! -(You know: like the last hundred some-odd years?)- France can hardly be called or accused of being bellicose. (One needs to go back further… [We'll forgive Algeria, eh? :)]) What you maybe mean is:
Your country wasn't involved? :)

What you call "propaganda" is intel that you don't understand… That's understandable: Sadam's Iraq -given the short tussle after his invasion of Kuwait- led to our "invasion"… Others agreed, that was justified.
What you must mean is that you'd prefer thugs and bullies be — un-molested!
That's all well and good, for someone who flits across borders, and ideologies… And seems to have no allegiances.

Sometimes, jax, I have no idea where you're coming from… :(

The second thing is simple: You prefer a state-ist solution to real problems, even though you must know that such will fail miserably… (Recall your thread about charity and government largesse.) If -perhaps- you don't know why, watch China for a few decades more.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2015-04-02, 09:15:46

Leaving the US bashing aside for a second, there is a cautionary tale embedded in that question. Before the run-up to the invasion, and then several years after, US and European popular opinions on the sensibility of an/the invasion broadly coincided....

Saddam Hussein was subtly and not so subtly conflated with the attacks on September 11, .... The propaganda worked.

What? You genuinely believe that? Whatever sympathy the United States had for September 11 attacks, it managed to squander all of it already by the start of Afghanistan war. People in Europe were near-unanimously against the Iraq war. The governments who participated in the Iraq "effort" did not ask the people.

It happened in the US of A, but could happen in any democratic country with surplus war machinery. Had the US had real worries about a Canadian-Mexican invasion the Iraq war would never happened. Similarly, Europeans has spent the last 3000 years fighting each other. Now that that spat is over, limited global reach is what stops "peaceful" Europeans from doing the same. Democracy would be no deterrent here either.

No government anywhere asked the people. This means it was not democracy. It was democracy only perhaps in some very twisted sense.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-04-02, 11:28:13
What you call "propaganda" is intel that you don't understand… That's understandable: Sadam's Iraq -given the short tussle after his invasion of Kuwait- led to our "invasion"… Others agreed, that was justified.
What you must mean is that you'd prefer thugs and bullies be — un-molested!
That's all well and good, for someone who flits across borders, and ideologies… And seems to have no allegiances.

What? You genuinely believe that? Whatever sympathy the United States had for September 11 attacks, it managed to squander all of it already by the start of Afghanistan war. People in Europe were near-unanimously against the Iraq war. The governments who participated in the Iraq "effort" did not ask the people.

The European and US opinion on Iraq broadly matched up until shortly before the invasion — they were against it — and broadly agreed years afterwards — it was not such a good idea. Just a few month of government propaganda changed the US opinion numbers dramatically in a crucial period.  Saddam Hussein was a ruthless tyrant posing a threat to his own government, people, and neighbour. Assessing that threat, assessing any threat, was challenging. If that threat was large enough, and urgent enough, an invasion could be considered some form of preventive self-defence. Uniquely in the US Iraq were regularly linked with 9/11 in the media, clearly nonsense even at that time, but it was nonsense "intel" that worked very well for its intended purpose and audience. Ironically after the invasion the country grew ripe for Al Qaeda-affiliated brands like Al Nusra and ISIL.

There is little in the invasion and occupation that hasn't been done to death. From a utilitarian point of view removing Saddam Hussein from power had value. I could imagine a scenario where Iraq handled better could have net benefits, where the invasion would be relatively successful.

The Iraq War and its consequences is not what I am interested in here, but that democracy is no deterrent to war. It is highly unlikely that politicians would or should "ask the people", but it would be a nice hope that the checks present in a democracy would prevent meaningless adventures, given that the would-be military adventurer and his supporters would want re-election. Of course, relative to the whims of an absolute ruler getting political support for a war is more complicated, but if you follow the right formula you should succeed in your venture.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-04-02, 20:57:45
an invasion could be considered some form of preventive self-defence.

If that was to be true, everyone would invade the EUA.
And I suspect that would be not a too much difficult thing to do. For some reason they move desperately in substituting their men by machines.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-04-03, 01:43:51
So right that being democratic doesn't not stop wars. At the same time with the way Europe is invading that would be easy the mess it is in.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2015-04-03, 06:54:04
an invasion could be considered some form of preventive self-defence.

Could it? If the invaded country is thousands miles away from your borders?
Nice spin even though it's a rotten one.

Ironically after the invasion the country grew ripe for Al Qaeda-affiliated brands like Al Nusra and ISIL.

That was a logic consequence and the destabilization of the entire region was predicted by many. It's what happens if you create a power vacuum on purpose to push for regime changes according to your geo-strategic interests.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2015-04-03, 08:27:01

an invasion could be considered some form of preventive self-defence.

Could it? If the invaded country is thousands miles away from your borders?
Nice spin even though it's a rotten one.

Nice quote mine. :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-04-03, 15:18:05
Twenty-year sentence handed to Purvi Patel for death of foetus condemned by women’s groups (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-04-04, 00:45:19
I wouldn't want to be thought I was America bashing but it is the most regular country to sanction, destabilise or invade more than anyone else. Time after time a president and the usual formal answers is it is for "defence" or that other long overused word, "Security."

If a country is a dictatorship then that is their business and problem and before someone tells me that is not moral there is a glaring answer...Saudi Arabia. Seems the West and it's leader picks and chooses which dictatorship to be hand in hand with and more glaringly immoral!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-04-04, 01:57:53
I wouldn't want to be thought I was America bashing but it is the most regular country to sanction, de-stabilise or invade more than anyone else.
RJ, I've smoked for 50 years! Hence the underlined above almost killed me with the laughter it evoked. :)
Seems the West and it's leader picks and chooses which dictatorship to be hand in hand with and more glaringly immoral!
You -ah- do realize how Saudi Arabia was formed…? :)
(Nah! Too complicated. Turn on the telly!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-04-05, 01:23:30
You have been reading a dancing book again dear American wanderer. Your country and it's leadership treat Saudi Arabia as a great place and we should all follow that lead even though the country is a hell hole of no rights, freedoms, etc. A man is being flogged 1,000 times and the Saudis have told the Germans and your neighbours, Canda to mind their own business. Now would you have a bse in Saudi??

Interesting that the West's great leader goes on about rights, freedoms and such but then decides which abominable dictatorship we should all shake hands with.Now here is a more localised thing on the "Americas."

A man is released from jail after decades in the ex-colonies as the original evidence has been found to be wanting after so long. But what makes it worse is the man (black of course) has been on Death Row for 30 damn years!! How in whoever's name can a country claiming so many high ended "principles" have a man under the death threat for 3 decades?? Others have been 10 but this is even more diabolical. It shows that not only the political system is now deeply flawed but the legal one is a nutjob paradise. Sick and disgusting for a man tortured by that for so long.

Yet another two wide flaws in the principled claims of the world's greatest democracy (yeah!).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-04-05, 04:10:59
Yet another two wide flaws in the principled claims of the world's greatest democracy […]
"World's greatest democracy" is your sneering term for the country whose wealth and influence eclipsed yours. That's understandable. But it wasn't so much our ascendency but your "descendency" — the result of the choices you made as a colonial power.

But cheer up! It could, in that case, be worse: Think of Portugal and the Netherlands! (Or -need I remind you- Rome! :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-04-06, 02:21:27
Oh I dare say there is a degree of sneering Oakdale but for very wide and obvious reasons. However being a place that constantly bleats about democracy, rights, principles, fairness and democracy the same things are under default in the homeland. Government and big business is intertwined even in government agencies that are meant to ensure propriety in industry, commerce, farming, etc. You need toi be rich to be a Congressman or Senator.Outside of that remit and forget it. Hundreds of bases around the world for "our security" (US but means to safeguard corporate money. Time after time countries said to be terrible dictatorships have been surrounded, de-stabiiised, invaded. Usually a mess afterwards  Phones, computers, credit cards, personal communication all spied on for "security." Jails bulging with millions, people on death row for years, rights trampled on millions of poor and so on. More spy agencies all competing costing horrific amounts as well as a military bill that is half what the global total is!

What I have said before about Eisenhower is correct too and he was in the Republican camp! Trouble is that he was proved right. The routine small people haven't a chance in hell over in the land of the hand across the heart. Big company, big farming conglomerate, etc then fine. Small company, small farm and so on the constitution principles have been usurped. As a country you have gradually lost your birthright i am afraid so all the fanatical flag waving nationalism, greedy people are all that counts today. Just think if you reduced the military greatly how you could deal properly with the tens of millions of US poor. That in iself would be a massive help instead of creating tensions, supporting vile regimes and terror groups that sit a global corporate gree. Then Americans would have got their country back as it is no longer a reasonable free market capitalism it is now a greedy corporate top lot that control the place. Love of country has been stolen by those creeps and would be a proper place in the world rather than the one it has just now.

The only sad reflection is that it is becoming like a gradual Police State and playground for the money barons and they have stoled the attributes the country seemed to be developing and the future is going in the same disastrous way as recently. Wish it were not so.  :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-04-06, 03:00:36
Wish it were not so.   :(

Perhaps you do… But your rant is very dear to you! I suppose you could get by with bashing Israel, though. I wonder: Is it television that breeds such bile? Or merely your weather? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-04-07, 03:29:11
Oh you feel free to rabbit on with your wandering grey cells there. I have pointed out time after time how ridiculous America is. It claims all sorts of lofty ideals but doesn't actually practice them at home or the world. It niggles Yanks because the way they have been brought up wit the flag stuffed down their mental throats and all the claimed titles! You lot can call me what you like but when it comes to the basics of your own corner you are a soppy bunch and get miffed at others elsewhere not being taken in by hypocrisy with a capital H!

The answer is to actually live that Constitution but the system has been taken over by money and if you so-called thinking ex-colonists cannot see that then the problem is even worse. It does not matter one jot which of the two gigantic parties are in the White House as the ordinary people have been conned into a long time submission. Do away with armed conflict and giant military wanderings on the globe, reduce all those damn so-called security organisations, help the millions suffering over there, the trillions debt, help your own sufferers internally  and what a difference it would make. Why can't you even grudgingly accept that Eisenhour was correct and at a stroke be honest for a change!  ???
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-04-07, 06:38:41
Why can't you even grudgingly accept that Eisenhour was correct and at a stroke be honest for a change!   ???
Ike said a lot in his farewell address, most of which I presume you've never heard or read…in its entirety!

His concerns about the "military/industrial complex" were well-placed; as were those about the government finance of, e.g., scientific research… But that's not what you mean, is it?

As I said elsewhere, your bile is akin to Dobbin's blinders: You only see straight ahead, and then none too well. What so spooked you?
Lend/Lease? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-04-07, 19:16:33
Bile? You lot are so frightfully emotionally when charged with double standards. You looked that up about Eisenhower and thus allow yourself to avoid the hypocrisy charge! Nice try laddie but people outside the controlled country see things better than those befuddled by years of being brained! You DO need a new revolution.  8)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-04-07, 19:48:28
Nice try laddie but people outside the controlled country see things better than those befuddled by years of being brained! You DO need a new revolution.

You jumping on the boat with Smileyfaze means we can at least call it a draw. Constitutional structure makes that unnecessary.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-04-08, 03:44:32
And there's always the possibility of a constitutional convention… :) The states can convene it, without congress's say-so!

(You'll note, Howie, that your country -whichever you think it is, the U.K. or Scotland- do not have a procedure in place to match that.)
You looked that up about Eisenhower and thus allow yourself to avoid the hypocrisy charge!
I looked it up to spare you an unexpected and onerous use of your "little gray cells"…
The mere fact that you'd believe a (mostly failed) Canadian novelist (…that means he writes fiction, you know? :) ) rather than eminent historians throughout the Western world tells something — about you.
Go back to playing with your train simulations, sir! Fantasy and nostalgia are your milieu. Be comfortable there: Because you will, if you press your silly opinions, be humiliated…
(Well, you would be, had you the integrity or intelligence necessary.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2015-04-08, 09:13:31

Nice try laddie but people outside the controlled country see things better than those befuddled by years of being brained! You DO need a new revolution.

You jumping on the boat with Smileyfaze means we can at least call it a draw. Constitutional structure makes that unnecessary.

Bite yer Tennessean tongue fella!! ...... that lowlifed, lily-livered, Putin lovin' black hearted Scot couldn't & wouldn't be worthy of licking the bilge on any boat I'd serve on!

I don't think Revolution is called for at all.....only a prescribed & valid last resort option against an out of control tyrannical government.

BHO might be ever so close, but he ain't no George William Frederick ........ yet.   (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-04-08, 11:31:05
Local elections were held yesterday. I could claim to be a hipster since I voted for people you probably never heard of, but I won't make that claim.

In Chicago, Rahm Emmanuel holds on to the mayor's office for another term, beating out Chuy Garcia. So-- it's still the Rahmulan Empire for the next four years.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-04-08, 11:35:43
The Howie forgets that his his Scots gave up their freedom (…they thought to regain it, since their North Sea oil might finance independence; and then thought better!) and accepted their role as minor children of the English family of nations.
As is usually the case in such circumstances, squabbling ensued; but not much came of it. Perhaps they will grow up, eventually.
Myself, I doubt it. But I could be wrong: There may be adults willing and able to take charge there — if they aren't required to appease the child-like populace and its silly pretensions.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-04-08, 14:54:01
that lowlifed, lily-livered, Putin lovin' black hearted Scot couldn't & wouldn't be worthy of licking the bilge on any boat I'd serve on!

I stand corrected. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2015-04-09, 01:59:59
An' don't fergit it.  (    (  (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-04-09, 06:28:05
Oh I wouldn't want to be on your terrorist boat. The bilge is not just below but weighs the craft down. Other countries have grown up but your is taking a heck of a long time. By the time your country does grow up it may be bankrupt.That would be good news for the world so keep going.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-04-09, 09:07:30
Oh I wouldn't want to be on your terrorist boat. The bilge is not just below but weighs the craft down. Other countries have grown up but your is taking a heck of a long time. By the time your country does grow up it may be bankrupt.That would be good news for the world so keep going.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="fa27f3f58eb1da318a1301a63d6bbc20" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-04-09, 12:02:18

Oh I wouldn't want to be on your terrorist boat. The bilge is not just below but weighs the craft down. Other countries have grown up but your is taking a heck of a long time. By the time your country does grow up it may be bankrupt.That would be good news for the world so keep going.

RJH-- you might want to look up just what the bilge is. It doesn't weigh the boat down---- ballast does that. Ballast may be placed in the bilge for stability. There is a difference.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-04-09, 13:15:53
RJH-- you might want to look up just what the bilge is. It doesn't weigh the boat down---- ballast does that. Ballast may be placed in the bilge for stability. There is a difference.

Michael, you must have something better to do than reopen that can. Just call him a Catholic and be done with it.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="dd9e70584771d0729abb7a1217707f97" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2015-04-10, 06:59:50
Understanding Americans

Is spying on people evil?
What is considered to be the most precious treasure of a free citizen in a free world, the NSA must avoid to spy on? Selfies of our dicks (or snatches)?

A funny video with John Oliver and Edward Snowden about government surveillance and American perception:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-04-10, 13:33:38
A funny video with John Oliver and Edward Snowden about government surveillance and American perception:

I saw that video recently. Oliver is funny and perceptive. Snowden is just along for the ride. I watch Oliver's show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, on HBO weekly. Very interesting.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2015-04-10, 19:35:46
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-04-11, 00:09:25
Still a convoluted bit of dancing dear Chicagoan.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-04-11, 06:14:58

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"
That's odd, the Oliver uploader lets in Sweden.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: tt92 on 2015-04-11, 06:25:33
It's a bit confusing. The other Oliver pieces all play and this particular piece played a few days ago.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2015-04-11, 07:18:47
They allow it in Belgium too. In fact it's been one of my YouTube subscriptions since the beginning. Maybe some channel licensed the show in Australia?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2015-04-11, 07:37:46
If all other Oliver pieces play and even this one played a few days ago then probably it was taken out on Australian demand.
Somebody probably wasn't very amused about it. It's the only feasible explanation that comes to my mind.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2015-04-11, 07:54:16
Somebody probably wasn't very amused about it. It's the only feasible explanation that comes to my mind.

I can't tell if you're joking or not. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-04-15, 13:29:49

Somebody probably wasn't very amused about it. It's the only feasible explanation that comes to my mind.

I can't tell if you're joking or not. :P
He's a German. Of course he's a joker.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="d3ca851276d25f9d0b928c6e04274e85" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-05-10, 20:53:21
I start to see the attraction in holding military exercises outside the US, the natives there being less insane.

What was fake on the Internet this week: Game of 72, beard poop and Jade Helm 15 (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2015-07-09, 19:41:31
According to Mr. Obama the USA is speeding up the training of ISIL ( Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant aka ISIS or Islamic State) forces.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-07-18, 21:54:22
Well the US has a good history of backing terrorists and such regimes when it suits.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-07-19, 09:19:10
More news from The Donald at (

Sez Trump: "Quit you like men: be strong".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-07-19, 12:33:22

More news from The Donald at (

Sez Trump: "Quit you like men: be strong".

Donald Trump should shut his #@%^&^$ mouth. That's impossible, I know, but still he should do that.

I heard about Trump trashing McCain, so I got curious. What did the illustrious Donald do during the war?

Oh---- he got deferments. He got a high draft-lottery number so he wouldn't be called--- he pretty much stayed out of uniform entirely during the time he was eligible.

Now, I have little use for McCain because of other issues. But, his war record is an honest one, and if people think he's a war hero he at least has credentials for that. Donald does not. All "The Donald" has is a big bazoo of a mouth that says the most remarkably stupid things. In this case, it would be hard for him to say anything more stupid.

Full disclosure: I turned 18 the year the draft ended. Never called, never volunteered, would have been 4f if I had because the physical would have failed me. So I have the same credentials "The Donald" does in that regard.

The link: (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Macallan on 2015-07-19, 17:46:42

Donald Trump should shut his #@%^&^$ mouth. That's impossible, I know, but still he should do that.

I think he might be a deep cover Hillary supporter :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-07-20, 19:31:25
"The Donald" should thank whatever he worships that this is not 200 years ago.

Back then, he couldn't say what he said about McCain without the strong possibility that he would have to back his words on the "field of honor".

I have a suspicion that if it came to a duel between Trump and McCain, Trump wouldn't win.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-07-20, 21:27:55
I am not a fan of McCain's politics… (McCain–Feingold in 2002 was a travesty!) But his "political" connections during his Nam service, which would have secured cushy duties had he wanted them, went un-used: He repeatedly asked for and got the most dangerous assignments. In short: He was a warrior.
Trump -on the other hand- was a wimp, someone who aspired to become a malingerer, at best.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-07-21, 03:07:41
Have already stated my opinion on McCain never mind the Vietnam matter. He would have been a disaster as President. Trump is another one who would be a disaster pal too. Mind you as it is the corporates who really run the ex-colonies he is flinging his hat in!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2015-07-21, 23:08:57

Have already stated my opinion on McCain never mind the Vietnam matter. He would have been a disaster as President. Trump is another one who would be a disaster pal too. Mind you as it is the corporates who really run the ex-colonies he is flinging his hat in!

Sounds like you have a lot of opinions.  That's good, that's one of the freedoms our 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution protects & our 2nd. Amendment defends.

Now, we already know who you don't think would be fit to be President of our United States, so on a serious note RJ, who do you think would...and why?

They don't have to be presently running RJ, or a member of any particular political party, but in your pwecious opinion, who do you think would be fit to do the job of the United States President?   Who, if you had a right to, who would you personally nominate for the position, & why?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-07-22, 01:44:14
Well Smiley, I do have to say to be fair that I am not aware of anyone who immediately comes to mind and not in a disparaging way - but I do wish there was. A large country with much influence positive or negative needs a very principled leader and sometimes it is easy to think of leaders in yesteryear who were statesmen? I am not avoding your genuine curiosity but so far with a whole range no-one seems to stand out. As I say wish there was.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-07-22, 06:45:09
Your nation repeatedly rejected Winston Churchill — including after WW II! Of course you have no inkling… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-07-22, 19:26:53

Your nation repeatedly rejected Winston Churchill — including after WW II! Of course you have no inkling… :)

To be fair, Winston Churchill made some blunders during WW 1 that would give any man pause when considering him for high office. The Dardanelles campaign was a classic throwing away of men and ships to accomplish--- a defeat.

It may be that this tragic mistake was necessary though. Churchill was a great leader during WW II, and it's quite possible that without the bitter experience of the Dardanelles campaign he would have been a blunderer in WW II.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-07-24, 00:25:52
You make it sound like a mammoth and  deep anti-Churchill thing. In hard practice he firstly was totally correct in his warnings about Nazi Germany and a potential war. Secondly he lost the General election in 1945 but came out on top again at a good age again as Prime Minister. He apart from being Knighted was accorded an impressive State funeral Oakdale. And as we are far better at ceremonial parades than you lot a fine tribute to the man.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-07-24, 00:36:21
He apart from being Knighted was accorded an impressive State funeral Oakdale.
Yes, your lot is much better at parades and medals and titles…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-07-24, 20:23:04
Former Chilean military officers charged in 1973 murder of singer Víctor Jara (
(" rel="cached" data-hash="7a6d8ab01bd87107f09209976847b235" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2015-07-25, 06:54:42
There's an article here about what Trump was up to in his early 20s.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-07-25, 22:27:15
What's Going on in the Americas?

Did I already said that the American continent is drifting away from Europe?
That's the only good thing I can see happen there. Soon they will meet our Chinese friends face to face. That will be funny to watch. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-07-25, 23:24:58

What's Going on in the Americas?

Did I already said that the American continent is drifting away from Europe?
That's the only good thing I can see happen there. Soon they will meet our Chinese friends face to face. That will be funny to watch. :)

One theory I've heard is that it already happened---- millenia before Europeans ever stumbled across the place. The "Native Americans" had to come from somewhere--- and the theory I read is that they came by way of land-bridge from the area now known as Siberia, crossing the present Bering Sea to Alaska, then down into the rest of the continent.

There's a story of Chinese coming here since then too--- by boat, early adventurers probably looking to make a few quick yen. Finding the earlier people already here, they don't seem to have made much claim of "discovering" the place since it was already discovered.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-07-26, 09:23:40
One theory I've heard is that it already happened---- millenia before Europeans ever stumbled across the place. The "Native Americans" had to come from somewhere--- and the theory I read is that they came by way of land-bridge from the area now known as Siberia, crossing the present Bering Sea to Alaska, then down into the rest of the continent.

Yes... that's what it's said but necessarily small groups of humans were enough to populate both North and South America, always down until Tierra del Fuego, originating thousands and thousands of different "native" populations?

They had to reproduce fast as rabbits considering that homo sapiens is no older than an hundred fifty thousand years old.
Reproducing and never stop walking.

Sometimes I think anthropologists suffers from some form of delirium.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-07-31, 21:52:41
Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an "Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery" (
HARTMANN: Our Supreme Court has now said, “unlimited money in politics.” It seems like a violation of principles of democracy. … Your thoughts on that?

CARTER: It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congress members. So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over. … The incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody’s who’s already in Congress has a lot more to sell to an avid contributor than somebody who’s just a challenger.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2015-08-01, 10:23:45

Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an "Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery" (

The statement is true but somehow funny to hear it from Jimmy Carter. At his time as president it wasn't much different, neither was it at the time of his predecessors.

The primary responsability of government is "to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority."
Constitutional Convention 26. Juni 1787 - James Madison

The idea of democracy is one of the "necessary illusions" which the ruling elite has to produce in order to secure the stability of the present status
Reinhold Niebuhr 1892-1971

Guided 'democracy':
Opinion management is cheaper than violence, bribery or other possible control techniques.
- Harold D. Lasswell (1930). Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

The effective operation of a democratic political system usually require some measure of apathy and noninvolment on the part of some individuals and groups.
- Report of the Trilateral Commission, 1975

Western democracy as a matter of fact is an oligarchy. E.g. USA:
Truman had been able to govern the country with the cooperation of a relatively small number of Wall Street layers and bankers.
Samuel Huntington (1975). The Crisis of democracy

A democratic society once established, destroys a free economy.
Milton Friedman, 1990

The USA is reigned by 200 families and we want good contacts to them.
Arndt Oetker - CEO of the Atlantic-Bridge / Berliner Zeitung, 17.4.2002

Opinions of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non- significant impact upon policy.
Policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of afluent Americans.
70% of the population on the lower revenue and estate spectrum have absolutely no leverage on political decisions.
- Gilens & Page (2014) Testing Theories of American Politics

If some of the quotes have a strange wording, it's because I've translated them from German. I'm still working on my English. ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-08-02, 15:29:00
If some of the quotes have a strange wording, it's because I've translated them from German. I'm still working on my English.

Beats the scheisse out of my three semesters of German.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-08-02, 19:15:17
Isn't it telling us something that the more China is rising to the day it financially overtakes America that land of the fee and home of the brave is becoming more testy towards China. Big mistake.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-08-03, 10:27:17
Robot never made it out of Philadelphia, Hitchhiking Robot Lasts Just Two Weeks in US Because Humans Are Terrible (
The goal of the hitchhiking trip was to see how humans would interact with hitchBOT. And apparently the answer was “not well.” HitchBOT has been around the world, including trips across the entirety of Canada and Germany without major incident. But America is clearly a hard land for our robot brothers and sisters.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="9131ac3f2bb09f621893d3551192da55" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=",fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1368230179968369040.jpg)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-08-03, 16:44:15
Send the little bastard to Scotland. We don't want no stinking robots.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-08-03, 19:35:46
(" rel="cached" data-hash="284bf6f107ce4500f215b6a7496d71bc" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-08-03, 20:23:54

The statement is true but somehow funny to hear it from Jimmy Carter. At his time as president it wasn't much different, neither was it at the time of his predecessors.

Richard Nixon was pretty much middle class far from ruling classes.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-08-03, 20:50:52

(" rel="cached" data-hash="284bf6f107ce4500f215b6a7496d71bc" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

That's what robots dream of.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-08-03, 23:07:28
Richard Nixon was pretty much middle class far from ruling classes.

I'd never seen that documentary. Thanks.

What a pitiful character.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2015-08-03, 23:58:43

(" rel="cached" data-hash="284bf6f107ce4500f215b6a7496d71bc" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

That's what robots dream of.

As Bender would say... "Kill all humans."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-08-04, 00:10:19
No, he would say...
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Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-08-04, 14:34:15
An excellent documentary on President Nixon and very balanced.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-08-04, 16:10:22
That's what I thought.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-08-27, 05:31:52
From the US totalitarian past:

"Definitely slanted against the United States" Ray Bradbury's FBI file (

"The general aim of these science fiction writers is to frighten the people into a state of paralysis or psychological incompetence bordering on hysteria"

Science fiction - a commie plot to undermine American values? It's an idea that the FBI was strongly considering during the height of the Cold War, as their lengthy investigation into acclaimed author Ray Bradbury shows.

The files released to former MuckRocker Inkoo Kang document the decade the Bureau spent trying to determine if Bradbury was, if not a card-carrying Communist, as least a sympathetic "fellow traveler."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-08-27, 06:45:03

There's an article here about what Trump was up to in his early 20s.

The brouhaha over Trump's idiotic statement overshadows the idiocy of McCain's involvement in that tragic and meaningless war. And don't forget who McCain chose to be his running mate.
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Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-08-30, 00:35:20
Haha...brilliant touch jimbro!  :yes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2015-09-13, 19:59:12
For those who might find it of interest: (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-09-14, 01:54:40
 :whistle: ??
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2015-09-14, 02:31:07

:whistle: ??

Surely a Glaswegian of the world like yourself has heard of Hot Tamales?
It's the annual Hot Tamale Festival in Greenville, Mississippi.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-09-14, 19:00:46
Some local "do" in the poor hinterlands of the ex-colonies?!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-09-14, 19:19:04

Some local "do" in the poor hinterlands of the ex-colonies?!

Maybe y'all oughta get on over there and partake? You just might find the local ex-colonists (which, incidentally, Mississippi never was a British colony, just so's y'know) are more highly "cultured" than you are.

Downside of going there: Those tamales will likely go through your un-prepared Scottish system like Sherman going through Atlanta. Except that Sherman did less damage. You really DO need some time to get used to that kind of food.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2015-09-14, 23:30:20

Some local "do" in the poor hinterlands of the ex-colonies?!

Maybe y'all oughta get on over there and partake? You just might find the local ex-colonists (which, incidentally, Mississippi never was a British colony, just so's y'know) are more highly "cultured" than you are.

Downside of going there: Those tamales will likely go through your un-prepared Scottish system like Sherman going through Atlanta. Except that Sherman did less damage. You really DO need some time to get used to that kind of food.

Damn right sir! We were a French colony, and damn proud of it!


Excellent description as well, mjm.  :cheers:
(Though the mention of that should-have-been-war-criminal was also noted, but in proper context is.....barely admissable.  ;) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-09-16, 01:54:08
Imagine someone boasting about being a French colony. The way that country messed two world wars not surprised that that State is as is.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-09-26, 08:49:59
The Pope rules the place. Total apotheosis, full subordination. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-09-26, 19:09:07

The Pope rules the place. Total apotheosis, full subordination. :)

That's odd. It's not so that anybody would notice, is it?

Last time I checked, the official RC position on abortion and on gay marriage (just to bring up two examples) is that you can't be Roman Catholic and practice either of them. If the Pope did indeed rule the place, you'd expect these things would disappear. Nope. A woman can get an abortion even in the third trimester--- and even her husband can't stop her. And, recently they've made it "Law of the Land" that men can marry men, women can marry women, and transgenders (another probable abomination according to church teachings) can marry----geezzzz, they don't really know what they are so flip a coin and take a wild guess.

Soooooooo......the Pope rules. When do we start seeing the results? (Never, as it happens. Separation of church and state you know. If the Pope starts trying to mess with everybody else's applecarts, it'll go to court sure as the sun comes up in the East---and we'll find in no uncertain terms that the church doesn't rule the state.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-09-26, 20:55:31
Another term being used in the US for describing Pope Francis visit, epic.
Get used, mjm. :)

By the way, did you like the Fiat 500 Francis used at the land of V8?  :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: mjmsprt40 on 2015-09-26, 21:10:03
Popes come and they also go. Pope John Paul II visited here several years back--- visited Chicago as it happens, a short section of 42nd Street on the South Side is named in his honor. Changes he made in the way we live our daily lives----- Hmmmm........ Not much. After the Pope leaves and the press settles down from their fawning, life will get back to what it has been.

I don't expect the visit of Pope Francis to be significantly different. Atheists won't suddenly find God in massive numbers, Protestants won't swear off protestantism big-time to become Roman Catholic, there won't be priests and nuns on every street corner administering the affairs of state and so on.... Pope Francis will make a few speeches, eat with homeless people, smile for the cameras--- and then board a plane for home. The US will continue "business as usual" government, and a week after the Pope's visit it will be hard to tell that he was ever here.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-09-26, 22:16:29
Pope Francis will make a few speeches, eat with homeless people, smile for the cameras--- and then board a plane for home. The US will continue "business as usual" government, and a week after the Pope's visit it will be hard to tell that he was ever here.

It seems that your "business as usual" government received him as they receive no any other world leader...

Many things happens beyond what you can observe in your daily life. Don't mistake a Pope with some president or prime minister, he's much more closer to a government of influence than being someone having to pass local laws or being hostage of political parties.

That's the nature of real power.

(By the way, I hope that, as an Argentinean, he doesn't forget to visit las Malvinas. That would be magnificent. :) )

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-09-27, 01:30:45
Much in what mjsmsprt40 says there about the status quo.

Many years ago a Boys' Brigade camp we decided to have a brains trust session on a wet Saturday night in the main marquee. Four boys between 12 and 17 volunteered to form the panel which all the other lads could thrwo questions at. Surprisingly there came a question about religion and then Popes (virtually all were Prots as we were attached to a church like most unitsare). Suddenly a wee lad of 13 stood up in the audience and told veryone else in a vey broad Glasgow accent to shut up. Everyone turned round and he waved a hand in the air "There have been hunners o' Popes but we only need wan King Billy"(the nickname of William of Orange) who created the Glorious Revolution into place and saved the country from Roman attacks ensuring rights and Protestantism. Everyone laughed like mad.

Was amusing but when one looks at history those countries that had large Protestant or majority such grouping were the most progressive. When one also looks at what was known as the Papal States before Italy was united it was a totalitarian place with little freedoms and a repressive police State mentality.  Being so autocratic as a denomination it has always been easy for the Church of Rome to be shown as a great pal of dictatorships. I do not deny them their rights in that tradition whilst at the same time look at all that Princes of the Church stuff, wanting to be a Church and a Sovereign State, heavy symbolism, routines, power system that is as far from the Man from Galilee as one can get!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-09-27, 04:06:57
@RJ: It's amazing, how long Europeans can prolong their tiffs… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-09-27, 10:40:05
countries that had large Protestant or majority such grouping were the most progressive.

Progressive in materialism, progressive in annihilation of human dignity, progressive in robot-like behaviour, progressive in financial serfdom, progressive in art destruction and vandalism, progressive in homosexual sodomy, progressive in killing babies, progressive in general barbarism, progressive in industrial pollution, progressive in egotism...

Uau!!, let me have a breath of fresh air, can't stand so much progressivism.   :faint:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-09-28, 03:48:20
I'd argue with "progressive in industrial pollution"… No other regime or economy (of capitalism — or any other "system") has done so much to correct their errors. But the rest is "spot-on" as the Brits say!
I still wonder, Belfrager, what you think the Pope's authority extends to… And how you'd justify the extensions you seem to want, on the basis of Scripture.
(Or don't you pay attention to them anymore? :) )

The Pope's authority in the United States is negligible. Parts -small, and mostly inconsequential, parts of the rest of the world may seem more pliable, more amenable to such venerable authority: But -still- I think you're mistaken. (With the slight exception of what we've come to call "Radical Muslims"…) Catholics have divorced, fornicated and aborted their young apace with the Prots and the non-believers…
Was there a Pope who said that was OK? :( So: Why didn't the Papal Authority have a noticeable effect?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-09-28, 17:23:17

The Pope rules the place. Total apotheosis, full subordination. :)

By "the place" I assume you mean the USA, and you may have a point. The heads of the two greatest countries in the world, President Xi of China and Prime Minister Modi of India, visited the country with nary a notice. Francis showed up and mayhem. That he riled the lunatic fringe of the Republican party into a fit made Catholicism edible for the Democrat-affiliated, with what they call liberals and progressives spreading the message.

Fortunately we have Progressive Secular Humanist ( man to rally the progressive secular humanist troops.
Pope Crush Blues: Liberals swoon, pundits pontificate, and the media marvels as Pope Francis puts a happy face on the morally bankrupt institution that is the Catholic Church.
The current celebration of Pope Francis in America has been a depressing exercise in media spin. Focusing on the persona of the pope, the ugly truth that is the Catholic Church is whitewashed and sanitized so as to not interrupt the “feel good” moment.
Pope Francis is a marvelous showman – a genius at public relations and media manipulation who has successfully hustled the media, and the public at large. He says nice things like all animals go to heaven; he chastises creationists and other science deniers by noting that God is not a magician; and in a good natured gesture he asks atheists for good vibrations.
Recently Francis has seduced many progressives and liberals with calls to action on climate change, immigration, and poverty. In so doing he has alienated many conservatives, who find themselves in the odd position of rejecting the pope’s progressive politics.

Pope Francis is a man who holds views that should be repugnant to all reasonable people. Yet many reasonable people, including progressives, refuse to acknowledge these hard truths about Francis. The denial, and the excuse making, is depressing.
Bottom line: Pope Francis may be likable, even lovable, but that is no excuse to celebrate the leader of a repulsive and morally bankrupt institution like the Catholic Church.

I guess I am at least secular and humanist, and definitely not very Catholic, but I enjoy a good conundrum as much as the next trouble-maker. It was a mission well accomplished, and a good move for turning Roman Catholicism into the reasonable face of Christianity, and making the atheist left and bible-thumping right look slightly silly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-09-28, 21:19:08
Would say that Oakdale does have a point about the Pope and the aithority issue. By that I mean that the things that RC's get involved with along with others in numbers and which contradict what the Pope stands for is in the face. Along with that you see the faces of those who came along to support him acting like infantiles or children whilst ignoring the contradictions. There was a time over there when that Church did have an awful influence and unfortunately not always proper or principled but with greater freedom these days and the long corruption (centuries actually) has wreaked havoc including being forced to pay damages all had their effect. A while ago I referred to a cardinal in America who was suspended but when John Paul that wee neb came into office uplifted it!

It will not do the country any hard if that Church and the way run there has been lessened a bit and will be for the general good.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-09-28, 22:30:02
I respect your ideas and the right you have to express it, I find the quotes you chose to attack the Pope vile, sordid and low.
If that is "progressive secular humanism" I consider it moral excrement.
But of course, for any action there's always a reaction. The dogs bark and the caravan passes...

Nice try for creating content, but useless. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-09-29, 02:29:31
Although Belfrager and I are from opposite corners of the proverbial religious room (!) I do respect his right to what he is. In addition I think he is right on the humanist side so-called "progressives." We get that lot of know-it-alls  here too and they are act as if a mass movement sniping at Christianity. Indeed they are oft far more arrogant than the religious corner they sneer at.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-09-30, 18:51:51

I respect your ideas and the right you have to express it, I find the quotes you chose to attack the Pope vile, sordid and low.
If that is "progressive secular humanism" I consider it moral excrement.
But of course, for any action there's always a reaction. The dogs bark and the caravan passes...

Nice try for creating content, but useless. :)
I got the feeling you really don't get American politics, from fringe to shining fringe.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-09-30, 19:47:40
A kind of roundabout and maybe not harmfully intended claim on Belfrager. Our outpost on the Inerian Peninsular is intelligent but apart from thatand in general, American politics is in essence a hypocritical joke never mind kindergarten mind level.  :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-09-30, 22:45:00
I got the feeling you really don't get American politics

Thanks for the eulogy. :)
I would be very concerned if I ever "get it".

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2015-10-17, 13:24:07
Makeup in the US

(" rel="cached" data-hash="4b85b07be0d518411ee1bded360bd0b8" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Faith on the Hill (
Quote from: PEW
Of the 301 Republicans in the new Congress, only one – freshman Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York’s 1st District – is not a Christian. Zeldin, who is Jewish, will have far less seniority than the one Jewish Republican to serve in the 113th Congress, former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., who was defeated in his district’s GOP primary.

Fully two-thirds of the Republicans in the 114th Congress (202 members, or 67%) are Protestant, about a quarter are Catholic (81, or 27%), and 5% are Mormon (14).

Democrats in the new Congress are somewhat more religiously diverse than Republicans, though not as diverse as the population as a whole. Of the 234 Democrats in the 114th Congress, 104 (44%) are Protestant, 83 (35%) are Catholic, 27 (12%) are Jewish, two (1%) are Mormon, two are Buddhist, two are Muslim, one is Hindu and one does not identify with a particular religion.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-04-18, 10:41:34
It seems that it's not only Germany where our guided media (aka free press) has to struggle with its credibility.

Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public's view of other institutions.
source (

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
- Abraham Lincoln

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-04-18, 12:35:55
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
- Abraham Lincoln
"Oh, hush!" - John Wilkes Booth
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-04-18, 22:23:36
A kind of roundabout and maybe not harmfully intended claim on Belfrager. Our outpost on the Inerian Peninsular is intelligent but apart from thatand in general, American politics is in essence a hypocritical joke never mind kindergarten mind level.  :(
(Insert joke about Cameron and a Swine here)

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2016-04-19, 16:26:18
(Insert joke about Cameron and a Swine here)
No joke, but how about a Brexit clock?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-04-20, 17:51:18
At least we can vote on staying ir leaving and if you tried that over the pond there would be a civil war......
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-04-20, 22:55:53
At least we can vote on staying ir leaving and if you tried that over the pond there would be a civil war......
When Scotland leaves, your financial system will have it's own, wee, civil war, old timer. :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2016-04-21, 14:56:38
I'm sure Brexit will go down in flames. I'll be on pins and needles!
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Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-04-21, 22:48:24
Like the usual ex-colonsist on this forum you follow the traditionof always ignoring what you cannot answer or are guilty of Southern infant. You know that a referendum would not be allowed anywhere in nutjobland if there was a strong calle from a State.  I am a Bexit fan but I think that jimbro is probably correct in that we will see the Referendum won by the In lot. As for that Obama character coming over here and sticking his neb into our business I would chase the fool. Americans would go bananas and being told what to do on sovereignty. The EU is a mess and been in a financial one for about 6 years and no sign of improving. And it is corrupt as well as not being democratic (a bit like the US)and the books have not been cleared by auditors for 18 years. Disgraceful.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-04-21, 23:38:55
That's your democracy for you! :) You're welcome to it…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-04-22, 00:00:25
Like the usual ex-colonsist on this forum you follow the traditionof always ignoring what you cannot answer or are guilty of Southern infant. You know that a referendum would not be allowed anywhere in nutjobland if there was a strong calle from a State.  I am a Bexit fan but I think that jimbro is probably correct in that we will see the Referendum won by the In lot. As for that Obama character coming over here and sticking his neb into our business I would chase the fool. Americans would go bananas and being told what to do on sovereignty. The EU is a mess and been in a financial one for about 6 years and no sign of improving. And it is corrupt as well as not being democratic (a bit like the US)and the books have not been cleared by auditors for 18 years. Disgraceful.
Have a listen at some good Southern music, Mr. Howie. :)

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-04-22, 17:28:11
Makes a pleasant wee break there colonel and have just nodded up to the wall to smile at General Lee........ 8)  ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-05-07, 18:29:28
Whatsapp in Brasil ( Previous time: When WhatsApp came down (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-05-10, 23:07:49
I hope that Trump wins.
It would clarify many things.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-05-11, 02:14:12
I hope that Trump wins.
It would clarify many things.
You should be careful what you wish for.

All of those excellent healthcare systems nearly all of Europe has? They'd be decimated under a President Trump.
He has stated repeatedly that regarding European defense, he wants Europe to foot most of the bill for NATO. That would take away a lot of funds for keeping up such magnificent healthcare systems.......

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-11, 07:37:48
Not really, Dawg.

In terms of direct funding of NATO, the US supplies 22 percent of the cost.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="0bf717a92de4e725b918ee873aa09668" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Each nation's contribution is calculated based on GDP, so of course the US would contribute the most. However, America's share isn't as large as people think it is.

However, the US represents 73 of the total defense expenditure of the alliance because most member states don't spend the required two percent of GDP on defense, while the US spends more than double that. So the answer would be for America to reduce military expense and Europe to increase their's. I would like to say dissolve NATO entirely as a coldwar relic. but with a resurgent Russia and increased instability in the Middle East, that doesn't seem possible.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-11, 08:57:44
I would like to say dissolve NATO entirely as a coldwar relic. but with a resurgent Russia and increased instability in the Middle East, that doesn't seem possible.
I posted the link to where Ike said that if NATO  was needed for more than ten years, it was useless…
60+ years later, it persists. To what point?

The "resurgent" Russia doesn't threaten U.S. national interests — beyond their gamesmanship in the Middle East. And, since we really don't need Mid East oil anymore, why shouldn't we let them deal with the "mess"? (At least, that's what Trump seems to be saying…)
Oh, and BTW: When wasn't there instability in the Middle East? :)
Good luck, reinstalling the Ottoman Empire…

But I'd like us still to remain a steadfast ally of Israel.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-11, 09:51:54
All of those excellent healthcare systems nearly all of Europe has? They'd be decimated under a President Trump.
He has stated repeatedly that regarding European defense, he wants Europe to foot most of the bill for NATO. That would take away a lot of funds for keeping up such magnificent healthcare systems.......
Did I miss a sarcasm tag?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-05-11, 11:16:16
All of those excellent healthcare systems nearly all of Europe has? They'd be decimated under a President Trump.
He has stated repeatedly that regarding European defense, he wants Europe to foot most of the bill for NATO.
That's not Trump's own idea. It's something he picked up from the present administration.
Obama urged Europe several times lately to increase its military spending.

So the USA is spending money for Europe's defense? Why? Out of altruism? Out of philanthropy? No better use for money? Just for fun? After all there must be a reason...
During the past decade NATO became a military arm of US geostrategic expansion. So it serves US intersts to begin with. Should Europeans pay more for it?
The belief that NATO is for Europe's defense is a myth. Sable rattling at Russia's borders doesn't make Europe more secure. It might boost though revenues of the military complex...
Russia poses an existential threat to the United States.
- Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-05-11, 12:53:29
This is Eurasia, not the Americas.

The tanks coming in from the Russian steppes rolling towards Berlin and Paris is not a real scenario, and hasn't been for 25 years. Actually it hasn't been for 50 years, since the mid-60's when the Soviet Union lost parity in the Cold War, but back then it could happen out of desperation.

Militarily the goals are more limited. The EUropeans (and the Americans) want a rich, free and happy Ukraine as a productive new member, or at least solidly in the European zone of influence, while Putin want a poor hobbled country shackled to Kreml. The same goes for Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and the rest. Russia poses an actual military threat to the Baltic States, a theoretical one to Scandinavia.

The US is in Europe not to protect against a Russian invasion, but to increase reach, in mutual American and European interest. The idea of a pivot to Asia was to shift from the has-beens to the will-bes. Unfortunately Europe&MENA has not been as easy to extract the Americans out of as Obama has hoped.

A European-American divorce would be bad news for Ukraine and other former and future parts of the Russian Empire, possibly Russia itself. Among European neighbours in North Africa and the Middle-East, Europe and America would be less effective, but they would still be there.

Unless the US actually withdrew from the region, a divorce wouldn't be cheaper for the US, nor better for Europe, than marriage. If the US did withdraw, it would shift the balance of power to whoever the victor of Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Turkey and Egypt would be. Europe would have to take a greater interest in North Africa than they have to date. History from Algeria to Libya isn't too encouraging.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-05-11, 13:06:29
Or one take on this: The United States is riding Europe’s superpower coattails (

President Obama and Donald Trump rarely agree on foreign policy. Yet they share one core belief: Our closest allies in Europe are exploiting U.S. military might.
Trump says NATO should be renegotiated: It is “obsolete (” and “unfair . . . to the United States . . . because we pay a disproportionate share (”
Obama has criticized Trump’s stance. Yet for years the president has been conducting his own NATO renegotiation — including demanding European leadership in the Libyan operation and telling Prime Minister David Cameron that if Britain wants to maintain the Anglo-American “special relationship (,” it must increase defense spending to the recommended NATO minimum of 2 percent of gross domestic product. His explanation? “Free riders aggravate me (”
But Trump and Obama are both wrong. Although more foreign policy spending is always welcome, Europe already assumes more than its fair share of the regional security burden. It invests not only in its military but also in crucial geo-economic and institutional instruments that the United States does not possess — but needs. In this respect, the United States freerides on European power.

Consider the facts.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-05-11, 15:29:02
All of those excellent healthcare systems nearly all of Europe has? They'd be decimated under a President Trump.
He has stated repeatedly that regarding European defense, he wants Europe to foot most of the bill for NATO. That would take away a lot of funds for keeping up such magnificent healthcare systems.......
Did I miss a sarcasm tag?
Nope, just was hoping to spur discussion further. I knew that would receive several immediate responses. :)

@krake : I'd say more or less to keep the military-industrial complex contingent in the US happy.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-05-11, 16:18:13
BBC: Brazil Senate debates impeachment trial for Rousseff (

Vox: The past day in Brazil has been a roller coaster. Here’s why. (

Here's the past 24 hours of politics in Brazil:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-12, 01:17:00
NATO should be simply done away with. The original excuse for it was the old Eastern Block which is long history so now new pointless excuses are conjured up to keep it.  Britain I know allocates the 2% ratio but America has to dish out a massive sum and Europe is not going to fall in line so the creation of false pssibilities is used to justify the military corporate industry of you-knw-where. Just think what could be done internally with that big bill.

And OakdaleFTL can you give a proper basis for wanting to stick with Israel on everything even allowing for Jewish control of finance and media in your country??
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-12, 06:37:13
Or one take on this: The United States is riding Europe's superpower coattails (
I like it and agree with most of it. But…

When Americans think about global influence, they tend to calculate only military power. Yet in world politics, nonmilitary instruments are often more effective. And Europe is the world’s preeminent civilian superpower.
I obviously agree that Europe's power is primarily in matters more important than military nonsense, but surely that is not how Americans think, Trump's words without much meaning notwithstanding?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-12, 13:45:47
Unfortunately it is NOT just the military it is big business and in that area as well as the military it thinks it rides supreme on some wonky idea. Most people over there are basically decent people however have been very cleverly brained and those that really run and influence things have misused the millions of decent people and usurping the  system. Europe is nothing much to boast of either as it happens. It is in a financial mess and hasn't had the books cleared for 20 years. If you tried running your business like that you would be finished. The Euro has messed up for years and no sign of any improvement.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-05-16, 18:59:03
No doubt worldwide media will have a fun time with this: a Delta town, Cleveland, MS, ordered to desegregate it's middle and high schools. (

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-17, 03:21:28
Can you detail a little more on that matter/

There was something on our news about a State that decided that public toilets should be restricted to people who were physically of one sex or another and anyone who felt they were mentally something else should get lost but the Federal government has stepped in.  There was a school here which felt that should be the norm so if you were a boy but felt like a girl (uhh) you should use the girls toilets and so on. One mother who had s son at primary school felt that he should be treated as a girl as he too felt like a lassie. Seems that at 5 at home he wears pinafores, etc. Damn daft the whole thing and the world is getting worse. Anyway it gives me something to mutter about until dear Southern laddie you tell us more.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-05-17, 11:01:09
(When I see a boy that feels like a girl, I treat him like... a boy that feels like a girl. :left: )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-05-17, 16:05:44
Can you detail a little more on that matter/

There was something on our news about a State that decided that public toilets should be restricted to people who were physically of one sex or another and anyone who felt they were mentally something else should get lost but the Federal government has stepped in.  There was a school here which felt that should be the norm so if you were a boy but felt like a girl (uhh) you should use the girls toilets and so on. One mother who had s son at primary school felt that he should be treated as a girl as he too felt like a lassie. Seems that at 5 at home he wears pinafores, etc. Damn daft the whole thing and the world is getting worse. Anyway it gives me something to mutter about until dear Southern laddie you tell us more.
Cleveland has two high schools/Jr. Highs for a town of 12,000. While not entirely unheard of throughout the state, considering the population, apparently upon further investigation, the Dept' of Justice found that Cleveland High School/Jr. High both are historically and remains historically, White. The figures reveal that CHS makeup is 60% White and 40% Black.

East Side High School/Jr. High, on the other hand (the other high school and jr. high) are both historically Black, with the makeup being 99% Black for both. EHS is apparently known as "the school across the railroad tracks".

The DOJ order calls for the immediate closure of both EHS and EJH and for both to be consolidated with Cleveland High School and Jr. High.

So while it is a sensationalist headline, it is not fully it's 1960's counterparts, as CHS has been integrated since 1972 (the last year for schools to comply with the Brown v Board of Education desegregation ruling). More or less, it's just tidying up some aspects of it all.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-05-17, 16:21:18
I miss a historically Red High School.  :eyes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-18, 02:19:31
Ah, right colonel.

Personally I have not taken anything bad into that explanation and different traditions can become like that betwixt the two schools.  When I was a boy of 11 like everyone in the last term of Primary School (5-11) you used to sit a test and if you got an S1, S2, S3 you went to a Senior Secondary School (11 - 17) and ranged up to 6th form, languages, etc. If you got a J1, J2, J3 you went to a Junior Secondary and a plain education with no languages, etc and had to leave at 15. It was all scrapped and Secondary schools all became Comprehensive and that was that. Anyway I was also one of 6 pupils who attended a special class in the headmaster's room on Fridays to sit a test eventually for a private school  and no payment. I passed it but preferred to be with my other exam pupils going to the local Senior Secondary as O had passed that one. What that indicates in a very simple and harmless way is a local thing and tradition in it's own way. Thanks you for the info.

On the other matter of toilets i think it is frankly a load of balderdash that if say some boy feels feminine he should be allowed into say a girls toilet, locker room, showers that is damn nonsense. All this nonsense about how a person thinks they are is stupid. If he still has a male tackle then he goes into a damn male toilet. Girls are entitled to privacy and modesty as a damn right.  If I was a female and it happened I would phone to get a damn ambulance for the git.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-19, 02:19:31
Guess what though? Many people of been using the restroom and even locker rooms this whole time without even knowing it. Here you have Republicans inventing an issue, again. Yeah, those moronic GOP laws will have men with male genitalia into women's rest rooms and this fact doesn't even occur the Republican law makers pandering to fearful little Christian fundies who seem to afraid of their own shadow (little and figurative.) It would also have some very and feminine women in the men's washroom.

These are not simply males and females that "feel like" the opposite sex. A friend at work tried to set me up with a transwomen a few months ago. I would have never known if I wasn't told. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-20, 02:33:24
Here you have Republicans inventing an issue,
Republicans and Democrats wrote laws before the Obama administration said "boys will be girls and girls will be boys, if they say so" and -oh, BTW- the constitution has been interpreted to mean that there is no right to privacy…
Not! (I'm sure you agree with this "reasoning".
I'm, likewise, sure Roe v. Wade will be overturned post-haste…!

Sang, you just want what you want. Nobody else matters, to you!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-05-20, 19:43:11
It continues
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-05-20, 21:37:29
"Forgive them, Father..."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-21, 03:44:02
Oakdalre, spare us. There was no issue at all on how goes into which restroom.
BTW- the constitution has been interpreted to mean that there is no right to privacy...
Eh? You do you restroom stalls have doors on the them, right? But speaking of privacy, how do the Republicans intend to enforce that  transwomen with vaginas go into the men's room and transmen with penises go into the women's restroom? The answer is they don't because all these laws are a republican invention to pander to the religious right.  How this plays out will similar to the gay marriage issue, including Republicans doing more to cause transpeople to be in the "wrong" restroom then LGBT activists do. (Maybe LGBT groups have moles inside the GOP, AFA etc to cause them to invent laws like this because the end result of such stupidity can only be defeat?)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-21, 04:49:33
Of course, only the "feelings" of the mentally deranged need to be protected… What could go wrong? (
I know this is a personal question, but I'll ask it anyway: At what age was your first homosexual experience? And how old was your "playmate"?
I don't expect you to answer… I'm sorry I thought to ask. (If you had a brain, you'd know why I did. If you are honest with yourself, you'd understand…) But you seem to find any and all forms of perversity worthy of protection; whereas any and all forms of commonly accepted morality are reprehensible - to you.

Do you think the "letter" sent out by a bureaucrat referencing Title IX, Title VII and the VAWA is rational? Really??
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-21, 08:03:47
Of course, only the "feelings" of the mentally deranged need to be protected... What could go wrong? (
Explaining why we meed laws like this to protect the feelings of the religious right. The man in that link, of course, was cisgender man who didn't wear women's clothes and that sick fuck deserves what he gets.
Do you think the "letter" sent out by a bureaucrat referencing Title IX, Title VII and the VAWA is rational? Really??
Don't know, haven't seen it not being as political as you seem to think I am. But what I do are the people these laws are aimed against. I'm also pretty sure I know why the "family" associations needs a new issue to get solicit donations and the GOP politicians are playing along for votes and money. I'm disappointed in you if you didn't at least see that possibility.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-21, 08:14:02
Maybe the future is just an area with individual washrooms regardless. A whole lot of trans just the unisex individual washrooms if it's available anyway. They just want to go in, do what they have to do and leave like everybody else and don't need laws that have the effect inciting fear and bigotry. Did you know bashing of LGBT people in Russia increased after that country passed the "gay propaganda" laws? Anti-LGBT laws are irresponsible and lead to violence.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-23, 05:45:01
It's all about "grooming," Sang. Only now it's society that's being "groomed"…
(Of course, that's been going on since the '50s, dontcha know? Perhaps earlier?)

But maybe the "plan" is just to confuse everybody… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-23, 20:53:23
No the queer lobby gets too over the damn top. There are separate toilets for good reason and if you have physically male bits then it is their toilet you go to. Why should women have to feel embarrassed because one minority think they are special and in turn ignore others - like females for example? Queers are covered like the rest of the normals by law but act as if their 2 or 3% were the specials. Handy making a passing reference to rights issues in Russia  from a country across the pond that does not always do well with the rights of it's own people for so-called security reasons and so on. Personally I do not have any time for queerdom but wish them no persecution or violence.  I cannot stand thins like Communism but don't want to ban it or physically attack the stance. And even in Russia there are queer clubs in cities but they do have strict laws on the matter of children and good luck to them on that issue. It is almost pointless today being in any passing majority as you do not count and I still hold my personal statement from a year or two ago saying 'tyranny of the minorities.'
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2016-05-25, 01:38:42
Well, there are people that believe.....I'm definitely not one of the....people that believe that over 99% of Americans rights are less important than the .003% of the American population that Obama's errant directive is aimed at.

Imagine having to explain to a little 6 year old girl why her being forcibly molested in a Unisex Toilet is a necessary evil, because little prepubescent boys, who like to dress up as girls, need to feel all warm & cuddly, & not being able to pee & poo in the little girls room makes them feel so, so bad. 

I'm sure she would say, well ok, it hurts so bad what they did, but because it's for the better good, it won't hurt so much anymore.

Riiiiiiight! I think not.

BTW......over 80% of the prepubescent boys who think someone cruelly assigned them the wrong gender, when they pass the age of puberty, over 80% of those cherubs don't feel that way anymore, & are happy being boys as birth intended them to be.

Placating to their confused fantasies & childish decisions, like Obama wants them to be, isn't the solution.

Not having a little girls room to pee & poo in, or dresses to prance around in, won't crush them irreversibly.  Love, caring, & proper parental & adult guidance can see them through their gender confusion &  'troubled times'.

It's about time clear thinking adults stand up to the "FAG BRIGADE"  & the LGBT suckwits, & not let them use America's children as their political football!

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-25, 10:25:35
No the queer lobby gets too over the damn top.
The "queer lobby" didn't even start this. Just at random the religious lobby decided transpeople were a threat in the washroom, even as they just went to the unisex one. We disagreed over the term "homophobia" before, but a lot of people seem genuinely afraid of queers.
Imagine having to explain to a little 6 year old girl why her being forcibly molested in a Unisex Toilet
The unisex rooms are for one person or a parent assisting a very small child. Get it? One person or that parent enters and locks the door.

Yes, I know you mean multiple person restrooms. But if you people will calm down and take a breath, you'll see the problem has already been solved with a row of individual washrooms and it doesn't matter who goes in. Many establishments already have effectively have this, even if the sign says "men" or "Women" because the restrooms only hold one person anyway. The person enters and locks the door.  Oh, some perv might be hiding in one because that sign has been taken down? As if a man couldn't easily slip in their regardless of the sign now.

Remember in the gun control thread when you said criminals don't obey "gun-free" zone signs. What makes you think a rapist obeys the "Women" sign and doesn't take his "gun" in there anyway? I saw a number of horror stories of men sexually assaulting women and children in the restroom. The problem is they went dressed as men and did it, no cross dressing required. "Criminals don't obey the law," Remember? It's not that hard to slip in on a business's off-peak hours and wait.

This flips the question on its head. By not embracing the unisex, single washrooms are you the ones endangering women and children?  The LGBT don't want anyone harmed and many of us have been victims of violence ourselves, so we do understand safety. 64 percent of transgendered people experience assault in their lifetimes. And yet people think the LGBT haven't already considered the safety issue?

Now the other side of the safety issue. For the second time in one post, we didn't start this. The "family" groups invented this whole issue to get more donations, since the donations must flow. However, it's preposterous for a transwomen with a vagina to be put a risk by being forced to used the mens room and be at risk. A pre-operative transexual is also at risk in the men's room. So instead of focusing on the negatives, let's work on the solution. Help us increase everyone's public safety
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-25, 10:38:30
Yes, I know you mean multiple person restrooms. But if you people will calm down and take a breath, you'll see the problem has already been solved with a row of individual washrooms and it doesn't matter who goes in.
No. The problem will be solved, if everybody begins building washrooms the way you suggest, but there's no reason why that should be the only way. Other than you maybe legislate it this way.

And queer lobby is a harsh reality in Europe. Very harsh reality that infiltrates toilets, clothing rooms, schools and kindergartens, etc. Not to mention same-sex marriage legislation. Surely you understand you need a lobby to push for specific legislation in your favour.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-25, 11:08:00
No, ersi, he doesn't understand that his fantasies are what he requires everyone else to accommodate.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-05-25, 11:35:26
Everybody has it's share of suffering in life. But there are categories of people that think their kind of suffering is special and so they deserve special protection. And damn the rest.
Oh... you mean extreme suffering[1]? Well, I suppose there are already laws about it, that apply to everybody equally.
e. g. violence
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-25, 12:06:44
The problem will be solved, if everybody begins building washrooms the way you suggest, but there's no reason why that should be the only way.
At what point did I say it was the only way? What's your idea to keep everyone safe? At no point did I say to legislate it like this, either. Who's legislating?  Oh yes, the people that need to invent a moral panic to keep their donations coming. Transpeople tend to use the single occupancy room regardless, if it's available. If not, you on't even know you're in the restroom with one. Another reality, the successful retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target remodel their stores regularly. In the remodel, just do the restrooms as single occupancy. Done. No legislation required. Maybe Wal-Mart decides to keep their restrooms as is, with one single occupancy;  maybe Target decides to do all their's all single occupancy. Fine. No problem, except the ones you invent.

About the LGBT being "harsh." The religious lobby got legislation passed amendments against us, we fought back and now they're crying like any other defeated bully. Don't like that same sex-same marriage is legal in all 50 states? Guess what? If the religious lobby didn't pass constitutional amendments against it for no apparent reason other than to line their pockets, it never would happened or would have taken another generation or two at least. In the US, much of what's done against the LGBT is/was illegal on constitutional grounds  (equal protection under the law.) But same-sex couples getting married neither picks the religious pockets or breaks their nose. It merely hurts their feelings. They just need to lick their wounds and get over themselves. Maybe they should stand in the crying corner and let those feelings out. But just because they're feelings are hurt, it doesn't mean for them to try to bully us or that we have to stand for it. Need a tissue?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-25, 12:13:09
Everybody has it's share of suffering in life. But there are categories of people that think their kind of suffering is special and so they deserve special protection. And damn the rest.
Clearly you mean the religious. The LGBT weren't suffering over the restrooms. But now the religious are. Poor little things with feelings made of glass :( I wish there as something I could do for them, but they decided I was a threat and the enemy so they won't accept my help. Lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink....
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-25, 15:07:55
At what point did I say it was the only way? What's your idea to keep everyone safe? At no point did I say to legislate it like this, either. Who's legislating?
In American context, consies are trying to legislate in panic to pre-empt the kind of onslaught of LGBTQ "rights" as seen in Europe. As seen in Europe, it's a real onslaught. I agree with you on one point - this thing is going its course to the bitter end, no matter how anyone tries to react or avert it. This "progressive" thing would not progress if concepts like marriage, man, woman, husband, wife, family, mother, father, son, and daughter still had a meaning, but unfortunately they have all lost meaning in Western civilisation.

In European context, the progressives have already legislated their thing.

About the LGBT being "harsh." The religious lobby got legislation passed amendments against us, we fought back and now they're crying like any other defeated bully. Don't like that same sex-same marriage is legal in all 50 states?
American context is boring and irrelevant. The little bit which is not boring is stupid and shallow and gets boring quickly.

You are blind to the real nature of LGBT movement. You can see their true nature in action in Europe where they already won sweepingly. Here they are shameless and ruthless. Anybody even remotely questioning them, e.g. calling them a "foreign trend that feels wrong" gets instantly persecuted. Here they are, without absolutely any pedagogical qualification or research, considered authoritative source for teaching materials for kindergarten children on all topics.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-25, 18:17:16
Of course this whole thing is stupid. Out of nowhere, transgenders using the restroom they feel most comfortable in is a major threat.  Since the dawn of gender reassignment surgery in 1931, they've been doing this without being a threat to anyone. Now suddenly women and children are in danger? Yup, this ranks among the stupidest things ever I've heard of.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-25, 18:49:06
What I find amusing is that appeals to tradition so often fall completely flat, even if you ignore whether or not such an appeal holds any merit at all. How it's always been at best equals how it was in their youth, and is more often akin to some kind of oddly distorted vision of the 1950s.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-05-25, 21:37:48
It seems the only thing going in the (Northern) Americas is where transgenders (?) should piss.
Excellent, maybe now we can start talking about Southern America, a much more interesting place with so much more going on.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-26, 02:59:11
What I find amusing is that appeals to tradition so often fall completely flat, even if you ignore whether or not such an appeal holds any merit at all.
But you of course don't ignore the merit and you acknowledge it, right? Or, you can demonstrate how there is no merit, so that "appeal to tradition" indeed falls flat.

What demonstrably falls flat is the appeal to "right to marriage", the invented concept of "marriage equality" etc. that imply that marriage is a right or that marriage thus far was somehow unequal. It's easily demonstrated that marriage is not a right. Namely, it takes two to have a marriage. If nobody wants to marry you, you will not get married, ever.

This is different from example right to basic education. You may not want to go to school, but it's made a duty regardless if you like it or not. Every kid gets assigned to a school and a teacher. It's ensured that nobody misses this right. Not so with marriage. The state doesn't assign everybody a spouse. Why? Because there's no such thing as right to marriage. Similarly, also "marriage equality" (an American concept, not European, AFAIK) is a delusion.

Now let's hear how "appeal to tradition" falls flat.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-26, 08:00:13
But you of course don't ignore the merit and you acknowledge it, right? Or, you can demonstrate how there is no merit, so that "appeal to tradition" indeed falls flat.
An appeal to tradition is correct if the justifications for said tradition were correct to start with and if those justifications still apply to the present. But I was saying that most supposed appeals to tradition do not appeal to anything but pure fantasy.

Now let's hear how "appeal to tradition" falls flat.
It's not an appeal to tradition, but it is rather odd. Equal rights to marriage, during marriage and to dissolve marriage are words from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Was marriage somehow unequal? Well, that depends on the country. Given that in some countries a spouse can or could be literally property, or how people might've previously only been allowed to marry within their class or race, I think the answer is obvious.

But going back to your simple proof that a right isn't a right, that falls flat because it's a simple case of conflicting rights. One person's right to get married doesn't override another person's right not to. Or to put it another way, you have the right to enter into wedlock only with the free, full, and informed consent of all spouses.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-26, 10:01:29
An appeal to tradition is correct if the justifications for said tradition were correct to start with...
This applies to any and all appeals and justifications.

...and if those justifications still apply to the present.
Time is not on the side of any truth of principle. Also, popular opinion is not on the side of any truth of principle. My appeal is not to tradition, but to truth of principle, law of nature, and precision of definition.

Equal rights to marriage, during marriage and to dissolve marriage are words from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Interesting. I didn't know that UDHR mentioned marriage. However, reading UDHR it looks like its articles are not far out the way the demands of queer lobby and gay rightists are.

Quote from: UDHR,
Article 16.

(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
The "equal rights" here applies specifically to "men and women". Meaning, marriage is understood here properly as that between opposite sexes.

Further, my argument is absolutely independent of any actual legislation of rights. Legislation can get screwed up, as we all know. I showed how "right to marry" does not have the same nature as for example "right to education" (Article 26), but, if it be understood as a right at all, it's not universal by any stretch of the imagination. UDHR specifies that marriage applies to (a) men and women who are (b) full age. Why such delimitations, what do you think? Are they merely some traditional ballast that should be discarded because the time has moved on and we should be over those barriers? Do they represent only false shame that is unbecoming to modern times?

Was marriage somehow unequal? Well, that depends on the country. Given that in some countries a spouse can or could be literally property, or how people might've previously only been allowed to marry within their class or race, I think the answer is obvious.
This is not the aspect that the concept of "marriage equality" is meant to deal with by those who push the concept. The difference is as follows.

As understood in UDHR, the "equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution" mean that men and women should have equal right to initiate marriage and divorce. For LGBTQ campaigners, "marriage equality" means that any random "sexual orientation" can initiate it to start whatever "configuration" or "constellation of family" they want. Those latter are all novel concepts that stand no rational analysis. And I don't mean appeal to tradition, but rational analysis. Those innovations presuppose something equivalent to married bachelors or square circles, which is nonsense.

But going back to your simple proof that a right isn't a right, that falls flat because it's a simple case of conflicting rights.
I didn't argue that it's a right that is not a right. I argued that it's not the kind of right that can be applied universally whether the subject likes it or not. Education can be (and is being) pushed on kids regardless if they want it. You cannot do the same with marriage, because that would be forced or arranged marriage which is a strict no-no in your world.

One person's right to get married doesn't override another person's right not to.
Is there a right to refuse education? No, there is not. So, let's be precise about the nature of the specific right here. If marriage were a universal right like education, then there should be no way to refuse it. However, since UDHR mentions divorce in the same breath as it mentions marriage ("equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution"), it's evident that marriage and education are not the same kind of right.

The right in this case is to be free in one's decision to marry or to divorce or, implicitly, to abstain from marriage. This is the complete sense of "right to marry" in UDHR. Reductive reading of "right to marry" (with emphasis on "marry", excluding divorce) violates the intention of UDHR. 

And even if the nature of "right to marry" were conflated with "right to education", this does not get around the fact how marriage is implicitly defined in UDHR, namely as between man and woman. I say there are good reasons as per natural law and truth of principle why marriage is (and must be) defined this way. When marriage is understood any other way, the concept of marriage becomes void and any associated right also becomes void - due to definitional clash of natural concepts, not due to imaginary nostalgia for tradition.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-26, 11:04:19
This applies to any and all appeals and justifications.
Naturally, but an appeal to tradition tries to sweep such concerns under the rug.

Why such delimitations, what do you think? Are they merely some traditional ballast that should be discarded because the time has moved on and we should be over those barriers? Do they represent only false shame that is unbecoming to modern times?
Here you somewhat engage in what I mentioned above. Traditionally one entered adulthood between 13 and 16 years (cf. Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah). You have already swept aside that ballast. In any case, I already said free and informed consent.

I didn't argue that it's a right that is not a right. I argued that it's not the kind of right that can be applied universally whether the subject likes it or not.
Just a quick reminder, you wrote this: "It's easily demonstrated that marriage is not a right."

When marriage is understood any other way, the concept of marriage becomes void and any associated right also becomes void - due to definitional clash of natural concepts, not due to imaginary nostalgia for tradition.
The concept of rights associated with marriage is void either way. It's a personal union between two people. All of the state-imposed nonsense is just that. And, incidentally, this is the traditional view of marriage. It was sufficient to speak the right words in the presence of two witnesses. The Catholic Church butted in on the process and that's how we acquired our current mess.

NB This does not imply a case for gay marriage, although iirc the Romans claimed the Gauls were too tolerant of it. In any event, the anti-gay lobby didn't really get started until Late Antiquity. Tradition is a buffet with no need to fantasize.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-26, 11:52:59
Here you somewhat engage in what I mentioned above. Traditionally one entered adulthood between 13 and 16 years (cf. Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah). You have already swept aside that ballast. In any case, I already said free and informed consent.
Are you saying that you reject the "full age" delimitation in UDHR?

I didn't argue that it's a right that is not a right. I argued that it's not the kind of right that can be applied universally whether the subject likes it or not.
Just a quick reminder, you wrote this: "It's easily demonstrated that marriage is not a right."
Correct. But you said that I provided a "proof that a right isn't a right". I would sincerely prefer to not call marriage a right at all and, when examined closely, UDHR indeed does not call marriage a right. Rather, "right to marry" includes, in UDHR context, right to divorce at the same time. I can live with that, for the sake of argument, even though my full opinion is that marriage is a sacred privilege, to be treated with utmost reverence without ever losing sight of its purpose.

The concept of rights associated with marriage is void either way. It's a personal union between two people. All of the state-imposed nonsense is just that.
So, again, you actually reject the UDHR definitions? Because, in UDHR, marriage is not reductive the way you present it here. It's not between two people. It's between man and woman. And "equal rights" in the relevant article are obviously meant to emphasise women's equal rights to marry and divorce as freely as men do.

And all human rights in UDHR are obviously meant for state legislatures to formulate and enforce. Under the law of the jungle you would not have right to marry or any other right.

And, incidentally, this is the traditional view of marriage. It was sufficient to speak the right words in the presence of two witnesses. The Catholic Church butted in on the process and that's how we acquired our current mess.
Well, prior to the existence of the Catholic Church there were other religious and state institutions that fulfilled the same role. Traditionally, marriage has always been a social event of some degree of broader institutional interest, never a private matter between two people.

NB This does not imply a case for gay marriage, ...
That's correct. But my stronger claim is that a case for gay marriage cannot be made at all, because gay marriage is a self-contradiction like square circle. Its only effect is to mock marriage and obviate it as a social event with meaningful content.

...although iirc the Romans claimed the Gauls were too tolerant of it.
Romans claimed that Gauls were too tolerant of gay marriage? Any source to this?

In any event, the anti-gay lobby didn't really get started until Late Antiquity.
Marriage was always understood as inapplicable to gays by definition. There was no gay marriage movement in Antiquity, late or otherwise, nor later in history, until very recently. As far as I know, "gay rights" even just a century ago only meant a modest request to be free from persecution, without any claim to right to marriage. Feel free to correct me on this point by providing an Antique Roman or Renaissance or any pre-WWII source that argues how gays have right to marry among themselves like heteros.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-05-26, 11:53:50
It seems the only thing going in the (Northern) Americas is where transgenders (?) should piss.
Excellent, maybe now we can start talking about Southern America, a much more interesting place with so much more going on.

I think what's going on in Southern America is as baffling as what's going on in Northern, but at least those things matter, maybe even to us in the Old World.

Of all things the US conservatives could be concerned about, and you would think there would be plenty, this is what they get all twisted around. Shouldn't they be worried about Jade Helm 15 or something? (I assume there are still serious and sane conservatives about, but they seem quite absent at the moment.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-05-26, 12:28:17
The Catholic Church butted in on the process and that's how we acquired our current mess.
The Mass not the mess.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-26, 17:31:06
Tradition is a buffet with no need to fantasize.
Yup, here's an article when same-sex marriage was a Christian rite ( So one appeal to tradition on the pro same-sex marriage side, as well. What was unnatural this whole time was trying to force gay men and lesbians to either remain celibate or push them into marriage with a member of the opposite, especially now that all the scientific evidence points future sex orientation being determined before birth.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-26, 18:09:53
Yup, here's an article when same-sex marriage was a Christian rite (
It wasn't. This controversy started with Boswell. ( Had it been a real thing, it would have been a notable issue during the Catholic-Orthodox schism and Reformation, but there's no trace of that. The Bible is against same-sex marriage, most clearly perhaps in 1. Cor 6:9-10.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-05-26, 19:19:14
I think what's going on in Southern America is as baffling as what's going on in Northern, ...
Like the putsch in Brazil for instance...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-26, 20:22:02
Are you saying that you reject the "full age" delimitation in UDHR?
That's mostly a definitional question of when one can give informed consent. You can split philosophical hairs about it, but for practical purposes adulthood ("full age") and marriage age can safely be regarded as the same thing. I would say that being able to give informed consent to enter into marriage with a prospective spouse is a necessary but not a sufficient condition of being an adult. As such, one can give informed consent to marry at some point in time before one becomes an adult.
So, again, you actually reject the UDHR definitions? Because, in UDHR, marriage is not reductive the way you present it here. It's not between two people. It's between man and woman. And "equal rights" in the relevant article are obviously meant to emphasise women's equal rights to marry and divorce as freely as men do.
I actually wrote people because I'm a humanist. I regard both men and women as People,[1] and consider the reverse to be the reductive approach. As a humanist I neither define People by nor reduce People to their genitals or race. But now that you've rubbed my nose in it, that must indeed logically include People of certain sexual persuasions.

Romans claimed that Gauls were too tolerant of gay marriage? Any source to this?
I meant relationships. I wouldn't know if and to what extent they could be classified as marriage.

Marriage was always understood as inapplicable to gays by definition. There was no gay marriage movement in Antiquity, late or otherwise, nor later in history, until very recently. As far as I know, "gay rights" even just a century ago only meant a modest request to be free from persecution, without any claim to right to marriage. Feel free to correct me on this point by providing an Antique Roman or Renaissance or any pre-WWII source that argues how gays have right to marry among themselves like heteros.
People entered into cohesive same-sex unions. You can either say that they're not marriage by definition or you can acknowledge that it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, much the same as our the present-day cohabitation agreements. As such it is certainly valid to ask why homosexuals care whether or not their relationship is officially called a marriage when it's the same in practice anyway, but it's equally valid to ask why you care so much if it is called a marriage. Excluding for a second forced child marriages, the most demeaning thing to marriage as a concept I can think of is stuff like religious people getting married pretty much just to have sex. A loving, dedicated same-sex couple seems to do more to restore my faith in the institution than to break it down.

Yup, here's an article when same-sex marriage was a Christian rite (
I remain highly skeptical. The Bible as well as early Christianity are in favor of polygamy — only for the men, of course, because the Bible is deeply sexist. Monogamy was adapted within a century or two to become more respectable to pagan (Roman/Greek) culture. It's certainly possible that some same-sex unions were performed, but it doesn't make much sense logically. Limiting yourself to only one wife to abide by pagan law and culture is hardly the same as completely copying pagan law and culture including those icky same-sex unions. To be fair to the hypothesis, Christians completely failed at their project to replace the days of the week by the series of dies dominica, feria secunda, feria tertia, etc.[2]

The Bible is against same-sex marriage, most clearly perhaps in 1. Cor 6:9-10.
Wasn't Paul talking about pederasty? Not that this invalidates the general point, although I will point out that there were plenty of Christian sects other than those main two. Arianism ( was a particularly important one.
Dutch and German have significantly better vocabulary in this regard than English and French.
I say completely, but actually they were successful in Portuguese if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-05-26, 20:54:31
I say completely, but actually they were successful in Portuguese if I'm not mistaken.↵ (
Yes, segunda feira, terça feira, quarta feira and so on.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-26, 21:48:29
People entered into cohesive same-sex unions. You can either say that they're not marriage by definition or you can acknowledge that it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, much the same as our the present-day cohabitation agreements.
I can grant that it quacks like a cohabitation agreement, but a cohabitation agreement is not marriage. Kids in love may run away from their parents and spend their life together thereafter, this by itself doesn't make them married.

A loving, dedicated same-sex couple seems to do more to restore my faith in the institution than to break it down.
Marriage is not just about love and dedication. The very assumption that all you need is love thoroughly demolished the institution in the 20th century.

The Bible as well as early Christianity are in favor of polygamy — only for the men, of course, because the Bible is deeply sexist.
No. Admittedly, Bible describes polygamy as if common practice (which it was in every culture in Middle East, so call them all deeply sexist for fairness' sake), but it never praises it and there's absolutely no question what the ideal was. The ideal is presented in the creation story.

The Bible is against same-sex marriage, most clearly perhaps in 1. Cor 6:9-10.
Wasn't Paul talking about pederasty?
This is impossible, if Romans 1:27 is about the same thing. "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another..." Clearly mutual and consensual, not one making use of another. Besides, the specific Greek word choice in 1. Cor 6:9-10 seems to refer back to Leviticus 20:13 as given in Septuagint. If so, then no.

Arianism ( was a particularly important one.
What about them? Did they bless homosexual couples?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-27, 01:31:51
There was a reference on our news yesterday of a number of States taking legal action against Obama over gender issues re toilets, changing facilities, etc. There was a man on form the shirt lifters saying that they were being denied their rights of what they mentally thought. Duh. Well how far does this nonsense go and that women who make up roughly around the same number of men outnumber queers by massive numbers but hey they don't count. Modern liberalism has become a farce of a joke.  If you have a penis you are a man whether you want to be something else or not and if a vagina a woman. Surprise, surprise. Minorities do get rights but when they think automatically that they are almost divine and that others don't count then that is going too far.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-27, 03:08:59
It wasn't. This controversy started with Boswell. ( Had it been a real thing, it would have been a notable issue during the Catholic-Orthodox schism and Reformation, but there's no trace of that.
Look at the dates. This predated the reformation.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-27, 04:14:38
Look at the dates. This predated the reformation.
You should look at the dates, Sang: Boswell's bad scholarship didn't come to light until the mid-1990s… :) And it was effectively dealt with.
Of course, you'll grasp at any straw…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-27, 07:47:18
This is impossible, if Romans 1:27 is about the same thing. "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another..." Clearly mutual and consensual, not one making use of another. Besides, the specific Greek word choice in 1. Cor 6:9-10 seems to refer back to Leviticus 20:13 as given in Septuagint. If so, then no.
I don't have a proper critical copy of the New Testament at my disposal, for it interests me little compared to the Tanach, but be careful about drawing such inferences. To my knowledge the Septuagint is dated no earlier than the third century and it's not at all unthinkable that potential references are the other way around, whether on purpose or subconsciously. The footnote here ( does seem to talk about pederasty though.

No. Admittedly, Bible describes polygamy as if common practice (which it was in every culture in Middle East, so call them all deeply sexist for fairness' sake), but it never praises it and there's absolutely no question what the ideal was. The ideal is presented in the creation story.
The Bible explicitly regulates the practice, it was commonplace among the Jewish people, and it was equally common among early Christians. In my reading of the Bible, almost all of the great patriarchs that are held up as shining examples had multiple wives and not as one of their flaws (like pride). There's a quick overview here ( And not just that. On top of all your wives, you can have sex slaves:

Quote from: Leviticus 25:44-46
As for your male and female slaves whom you may have—you may acquire male and female slaves from the pagan nations that are around you. Then, too, it is out of the sons of the sojourners who live as aliens among you that you may gain acquisition, and out of their families who are with you, whom they will have produced in your land; they also may become your possession. You may even bequeath them to your sons after you, to receive as a possession; you can use them as permanent slaves.
Quote from: Numbers 31:15-18
And Moses said to them, “Have you spared all the women? Behold, these caused the sons of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, so the plague was among the congregation of the LORD. Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.
Quote from: Deuteronomy 21:10-12
When you go out to battle against your enemies, and the LORD your God delivers them into your hands and you take them away captive, and see among the captives a beautiful woman, and have a desire for her and would take her as a wife for yourself, then you shall bring her home to your house.

What about them? Did they bless homosexual couples?
The prior possibility may be less unfavorable after proper consideration than at first glance. Of course prior possibility is ultimately of little importance in the grand scheme of evidence.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-27, 09:54:13

You are in a particularly blessed situation, because there's a Greek-Dutch interlinear NT online. Take this file ( and locate the last word in verse 9. It's αρσενοκοιται - I trust you can read this. It's a noun.

Now let's go to Leviticus 20:13 in Septuagint ( There it says κοιμηθῇ μετά ἄρσενος which is a phrase with a verb, preposition and a noun.

The noun in 1. Cor is unique. It occurs only in that text in whole Greek literature. This is the reason why its meaning is contested. However, it's a regular compound formation consisting of the exact same roots as the phrase in Leviticus. If 1. Cor 6:9 is a direct reference to Lev 20:13, the meaning of the word cannot be challenged. But even if it's not a direct reference, there is no ambiguity about it.

In my reading of the Bible, almost all of the great patriarchs that are held up as shining examples had multiple wives...
Yes, the patriarchs are shining examples, but I never got the feeling that their polygamy was upheld as a shining example. Of course I grant that poygamy was not condemned either, just  like slavery was not condemned. Those were inevitable aspects in social order at that time and place.

At the same time, I don't think anyone can question the ideal example set by the creation story. In every religion I know, the human problem is seen as a fall from original grace and the solution is to reinstate it. Except maybe in Islam where every good man is promised a bordello of virgins (not directly in Koran though).

Edit: fixed the faulty link to NT.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-27, 12:48:20
You are in a particularly blessed situation, because there's a Greek-Dutch interlinear NT online. Take this file ( and locate the last word in verse 9. It's αρσενοκοιται - I trust you can read this. It's a noun.
That's potentially an amazing resource, thank you for that. Do you have any indications as to its trustworthiness as a scholarly work? It's clear from the accompanying writings that it must be a work planned and executed by Protestants, but the site itself gives no indications that I can find.

It's αρσενοκοιται - I trust you can read this. It's a noun.
I can read the Greek alphabet as well as the next guy, but that doesn't change the fact that the word means nothing to me. :)

Yes, the patriarchs are shining examples, but I never got the feeling that their polygamy was upheld as a shining example. Of course I grant that poygamy was not condemned either, just  like slavery was not condemned. Those were inevitable aspects in social order at that time and place.
That's the thing though. The slaves are obviously there but barely mentioned, besides a few rules on how to treat them *ahem* right. I've always seen the overt inclusions as meaningful.

At the same time, I don't think anyone can question the ideal example set by the creation story. In every religion I know, the human problem is seen as a fall from original grace and the solution is to reinstate it. Except maybe in Islam where every good man is promised a bordello of virgins (not directly in Koran though).
I do question Augustine. I'm not convinced that the state of sublime ignorance constitutes an ideal, but perhaps that's just because I find it an utterly repulsive one. Besides, there are two Eves — one out of dust and one out of a rib. :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-27, 13:27:28
Do you have any indications as to its trustworthiness as a scholarly work?
None. Except that on that spot I expected to find what I found. I have read Greek NT ad hoc here and there on the web when I needed it, and what I found now seems to be the same contents that I have found before.

It's clear from the accompanying writings that it must be a work planned and executed by Protestants, but the site itself gives no indications that I can find.
All Bible scholars are Christians or former Christians. Same with apologists and anti-apologists. There seems to be a conspiracy there.

It's αρσενοκοιται - I trust you can read this. It's a noun.
I can read the Greek alphabet as well as the next guy, but that doesn't change the fact that the word means nothing to me. :)
Here's the same argument all over again
This argument (not the website which I dug up just now randomly, but the philological incident) was first brought to my attention by Christian apologist and NT Greek scholar James White.

Yes, the patriarchs are shining examples, but I never got the feeling that their polygamy was upheld as a shining example. Of course I grant that poygamy was not condemned either, just  like slavery was not condemned. Those were inevitable aspects in social order at that time and place.
That's the thing though. The slaves are obviously there but barely mentioned, besides a few rules on how to treat them *ahem* right. I've always seen the overt inclusions as meaningful.
And how's that different from wives/concubines? Aren't they too barely mentioned?

I do question Augustine. I'm not convinced that the state of sublime ignorance constitutes an ideal, but perhaps that's just because I find it an utterly repulsive one. Besides, there are two Eves — one out of dust and one out of a rib. :D
And Zohar says there was also a Lilith. I'm not qualified to question the manner of exegesis that is represented by Zohar. They are the experts.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-05-27, 15:18:15
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-27, 18:35:54
And how's that different from wives/concubines? Aren't they too barely mentioned?
Less barely. The slave thing is easy to miss while the multiple wives thing isn't, even though I naively may not have been expecting either when I first read the Bible as a child. In any event, since your quibble seems to be specifically about the word support, let's just say that if the Bible doesn't implicitly support polygamy, at the very least it explicitly condones it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-05-27, 21:03:17
Protestants discussing the Bible...  :faint:
Go read the Cathecism and spare yourself such ridiculous image of yours.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-28, 00:57:17
In Scotland prior the the Reformation the Roman Church tried to avoid people reading the Bible and in churches locked them in chains to the lecterns.  When the leaders of the Reformation who were 2 priets and the eventual leading one John knox the aim was to have a kirk and school in every parish and push education (something that did not happen before). In Ireland the peasantry were kept in subservience.

And hey over in Lisbon there is a Church of Scotland congregation and although a small proportion of the population around 50,000 Prots in the country. That was thanks to the consitutional monarchy arriving in the 1830's and guaranteed the right. So there you are Belfrager...a choice!  :up:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-05-28, 12:39:23
in churches locked them in chains to the lecterns.
So the protestants couldn't steal it. Instead, protestants destroyed all the images and art.
It became known some years later as the ISIS style.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-28, 13:39:44
Less barely. The slave thing is easy to miss while the multiple wives thing isn't, even though I naively may not have been expecting either when I first read the Bible as a child.
That be gigantic naivete.

In any event, since your quibble seems to be specifically about the word support, let's just say that if the Bible doesn't implicitly support polygamy, at the very least it explicitly condones it.
My quibble is not just about words. To the contrary, I find that gay rightists argument around the Bible is about words, a la "Homosexuality (the word) is not found in the Bible (and the verses that clearly are about it are not at all clear)". Or "The Bible condemns homosexuality, but that's old. Times have changed."

I have read the Bible from cover to cover, though not as a child, and not with any sense of naivete, but investigatively. Polygamy is clearly there, no question about it. However, it's there described as widespread, not praised as a holy right or God-ordained. It's not even stated that it's necessary.

This is slightly different from slavery. Not only is slavery thoroughly regulated in OT so that it is seen as normal and inevitable, also NT calls slaves to obedience, so it's safe to say that NT doesn't foresee abolition of slavery. Slavery was apparently meant to be a permanent social feature. And I'd argue that we never abolished slavery. We only renamed it to employment. Modern employers have less legal responsibility than ancient slave owners (or at best roughly comparable). This doesn't hurt much as long as there's a surplus of consumer goods (=waste) in society, but in crises (and wastefulness guarantees recurring and deepening crises) it's easily seen how vulnerable such a social order is.

The Bible is not about words. It's about meanings, about right and wrong, true and false, commendable and not. Those meanings are real and the world viewed through those meanings is the world viewed meaningfully. The makeup of the world has a hierarchy when viewed this way, degrees of good, degrees of truth and degrees of reality.

Marriage is a multifaceted concept with many features. Since this is so, it's possible to alter several features of it while preserving the core essence. Polygamy works like that. But "same-sex marriage" does away with the core essence and is therefore not marriage at all. You either perceive the core essence or you don't. The core essence is revealed in the creation story.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-28, 13:42:56
Church tried to avoid people reading the Bible and in churches locked them in chains to the lecterns.
That was a protection measure against thieves. They namely congregate in churches. And even in libraries

(" rel="cached" data-hash="45b756bb64b88f0136c916a747d5c27c" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-28, 17:48:47
That be gigantic naivete.
Well, excuse me for not knowing all about polygamy, homosexuality and the Marquis de Sade when I was 8-10. :lol:

Or "The Bible condemns homosexuality, but that's old. Times have changed."
The Bible is almost invariably irrelevant to our current social and political issues. I'm surprised you would dispute that.

Marriage is a multifaceted concept with many features. Since this is so, it's possible to alter several features of it while preserving the core essence. Polygamy works like that. But "same-sex marriage" does away with the core essence and is therefore not marriage at all. You either perceive the core essence or you don't. The core essence is revealed in the creation story.
A very confused core it is. In any case, there's obviously neither support nor tacit approval of gay marriage in the Bible.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-28, 19:01:59
Ah, but Belfrager, we didn't need a host of statues, bits of supposed saints/relics and complicated rituals dear man! Just the straightforward man from Galilee simplicity. We unlocked the Bible and took it more practically into the world and we showed how successful it was when the old way was scuppered.  :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-28, 19:54:43
That be gigantic naivete.
Well, excuse me for not knowing all about polygamy, homosexuality and the Marquis de Sade when I was 8-10. :lol:
That's well into school age. You didn't have to know all about them, but you should have known about them.

The Bible is almost invariably irrelevant to our current social and political issues. I'm surprised you would dispute that.
Issues such as homosexuality? At least the Bible should have some say concerning the onslaught of Christians who consider themselves gays. Or rather the other way around - gays who want to be accepted in Church. Or else they will whine about discrimination.

As to Bible's relevance, it's a complicated matter to even define what our current social and political issues are, because modern world is a mess. And I would not refer people to the Bible lightly. Only the smartest people. Fiery preaching Americans demonstrate convincingly how the Bible in the wrong hands does more harm than good. Same with their constitution.

A very confused core it is.
To me things look confused now when the core has been lost.

In any case, there's obviously neither support nor tacit approval of gay marriage in the Bible.
That's obvious, but these days obvious doesn't seem to make a difference.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-29, 02:36:48
The arguments against the so-called "clobber passages" in bible are numerous, including that much of the Bible appears to be have mistranslated. There's even the issue of picking and choosing what parts of the Bible to enforce. There's what, eight passages or so in the entire Bible that have anything to do with homosexuality? But the fact is in the United States the bible is not the law of the land. Every time people take a "holy" book and try to make the law of the land, you wind up with the harshest interpretation of becoming the foundation for a dictatorship. Historically, this even includes Christianity.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-29, 03:42:53
To a degree it depens on the country.

The hard conservative type of it that flourishes in the States and deeply involved in politics the way it is  rather unique in the West and not typical.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-29, 06:28:37
The arguments against the so-called "clobber passages" in bible are numerous, including that much of the Bible appears to be have mistranslated.
This cannot be an argument. It can only be somebody's delusion. The Bible text is the closest-studied text of antiquity. Not just for word by word, but also letter by letter.

There's even the issue of picking and choosing what parts of the Bible to enforce. There's what, eight passages or so in the entire Bible that have anything to do with homosexuality?
You don't pick and choose to enforce the passages that have to do with homosexuality, specifically. The passages always have a context. The context in Leviticus is immediately surrounded by rulings on incest and bestiality. You either "pick and choose" to enforce all of it or none of it. There cannot be any special pleading on homosexuality.

In NT, the context is in lists along with idolaters, thieves, and drunkards (1. Cor 6:9-10). There's a so-called Gay Christian movement that imagines that homosexuality can be explained away on the list. Therefore logically it should be possible to also have Idolater Christian movement, Thieves Christian movement, Drunkards Christian movement, etc.

But the fact is in the United States the bible is not the law of the land. Every time people take a "holy" book and try to make the law of the land, you wind up with the harshest interpretation of becoming the foundation for a dictatorship. Historically, this even includes Christianity.
This does not apply to Bible specifically, but to all "holy" books. Such as to your constitution, which many people regard holy and God-inspired. Any text can be misinterpreted or sidestepped while being paid lip-service to. Dictatorships have their ways. Shouldn't sensible and meaningful rules and laws also have their ways?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-29, 07:26:18
That's well into school age. You didn't have to know all about them, but you should have known about them.
Yes, I knew about the existence of polygamy and slavery. Homosexuality? I wouldn't say so. "Homo" was a hurtful insult, but I didn't know what it meant. In any case, remember I was talking about expecting whether to come across such things in the Good Book. I don't think you understand how things are in a Christian nation. Heck, I think only Americans truly understand, but it's possible they also do in northern Germany and Scandinavia.

Idolater Christian movement
Aka Catholicism, the biggest of them all.

Thieves Christian movement
TV preachers. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-29, 09:07:00
"Homo" was a hurtful insult, but I didn't know what it meant.
Over here when I was young, "believer" was a similar insult and everybody knew what it meant. Believers were very few. I was not among them. I'm still not among them. I have not listed up in any church or temple or religious institution.

In any case, remember I was talking about expecting whether to come across such things in the Good Book.
You are saying that you honestly did not expect the Good Book to deal with such matters? I honestly expect the Good Book to give all the answers imaginable. Otherwise what's the book good for?

I don't think you understand how things are in a Christian nation. Heck, I think only Americans truly understand, but it's possible they also do in northern Germany and Scandinavia.
What specifically do I not understand? I understand a society under institutionalised pressure towards a common doctrinal denominator (Gleichschaltung), if that's what you mean. Or if I really don't understand, now's the opportunity to tell me.

Idolater Christian movement
Aka Catholicism, the biggest of them all.

Thieves Christian movement
TV preachers. :)
The difference is that Catholics don't say they are idolaters (even though they are) and televangelists don't say they are just happy for the money pouring in (even though they are). Gays are explicitly, as their name says, into gay things and they think this is somehow reconcilable with Christianity. It isn't.

Not saying one is better than the other. I'm saying one thing makes sense on the surface (until you start digging), the other thing doesn't make sense either superficially or upon closer inspection, yet the latter is perceived okay and normalisable in the modern world while of course neither is okay in any way.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-05-29, 10:42:08
What specifically do I not understand? I understand a society under institutionalised pressure towards a common doctrinal denominator (Gleichschaltung), if that's what you mean. Or if I really don't understand, now's the opportunity to tell me.
It's not just about what lies and half-truths are held as common truth, but a lot of it is about what you don't tell. Homosexuality? Evolution? The words might be known in hallway whispers, but their meaning isn't disseminated. Logic led me to some kind of agnostic deism until I educated myself about evolutionary theory. For example that it doesn't mean "right of the strongest" and that "social Darwinism" has bupkis to do with it. Anyway, I'm sure you understand intellectually, but your skeptical stance toward saying that I didn't know what "homo" meant when I was 8 betrays you don't understand viscerally. Then again, I suppose it would be more accurate to say that I had some ideas in the form of half-truths. One of the reasons I was sometimes called a "homo" was because I had some girl friends... It's even sadder that even as adults some people think you can't have girl friends without sexuality somehow coming into play, but as kids there's no such thing as sexuality to start with.

You are saying that you honestly did not expect the Good Book to deal with such matters? I honestly expect the Good Book to give all the answers imaginable.
I did not expect Jewish mythology to be a bunch of preachy fables devoid of logic and of mostly inferior quality to Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. I wasn't even aware it should've been presented as Jewish mythology. I expected it to be more like Plato. Just like the Bible I think Plato is often wrong, but unlike the Bible Plato is almost invariably relevant.

Otherwise what's the book good for?
That's rather the point. It's presented as being good for everything, but it's good for nothing except cultural-historical understanding. And as a child in a Christian nation, that's a surprise. This is why so many more intelligent children/teens can be drawn so strongly toward Buddhism, Taoism, Platonism, etc.: those texts are what we were promised in the Bible. They have meaning and purpose and logic.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-29, 11:16:39
Logic led me to some kind of agnostic deism until I educated myself about evolutionary theory. For example that it doesn't mean "right of the strongest" and that "social Darwinism" has bupkis to do with it.
Very good that it doesn't say those things. But what does it say that makes it worth believing? And how did the proponents of social Darwinism become deceived to believe that they have support in the evolutionary theory?
That's rather the point. It's presented as being good for everything, but it's good for nothing except cultural-historical understanding. And as a child in a Christian nation, that's a surprise.
You must mean something else by cultural-historical than what cultural-historical actually means. Because, superficially, cultural-historical is what we are and most people live their entire lives like this, superficially, without ever noticing there's something missing.

You probably mean that the Bible has less and less connexion to our modern ways of life, and it's a surprise that it ever had a connexion, if its contents are understood as mere Jewish folklore. The truth is that it was not understood as mere Jewish folklore. Folklore and scripture may look very similar, but they are not the same. Viewed as scripture, the Bible had relevance to European history, culture, and religion, because you can't do without a scripture.

In turn, I would challenge you to name something else that is good for something, good for cultural-historical understanding or more. Good for something that you believe really matters. In Europe, there's nothing else to put alongside with the Bible. Now that the Bible is gone, it's a fast lane downhill.
This is why so many more intelligent children/teens can be drawn so strongly toward Buddhism, Taoism, Platonism, etc.: those texts are what we were promised in the Bible. They have meaning and purpose and logic.
This is where I indeed have a different perspective due to my upbringing. Nobody promised to me anything about the Bible. The Bible was hidden, hard to obtain any information about it. My family did not own a copy. When I managed to obtain one, I read it and made up my own mind independently. And I agree that Eastern scriptures make more sense and seem more to the point on what I take spirituality to be, and much other folklore qua folklore is more fascinating than the Bible, and that the Bible is conspicuously lacking in a consistent scriptural background philosophy, etc. but what you gonna do. We were given the book we were given. Perhaps we didn't deserve any better. I believe that's how it is.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2016-05-29, 13:54:16
We were given the book we were given. Perhaps we didn't deserve any better. I believe that's how it is.
If you need something better, try this.
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Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-29, 15:04:59
This cannot be an argument. It can only be somebody's delusion. The Bible text is the closest-studied text of antiquity. Not just for word by word, but also letter by letter.
Which is why so many scholars know that the translations people normally get a hold of are incorrect in many areas.... In fact, in the Romans passages all you really need to do is read the entire chapter to see something else besides same-sex love was going on. It was most likely a pagan fertility ritual or temple prostitution. The bible seems to be the only book in the world (besides maybe the Quran) in which people think they understand what it says on any given subject based on a couple sentences, keeping in mind that Bible is becomes a maze of self-contradictions if you look at close enough. 
The hard conservative type of it that flourishes in the States and deeply involved in politics the way it is  rather unique in the West and not typical.
True. What happens is the same-sex marriage was illegal in all 50 states and all other territories and possessions of the US. Yes, some LGBT groups wanted same-sex marriage but the law seemed poised to stay the same. The polls even showed the majority against it. But our Right had to push the issue and enact actual constitutional amendments against it in several states. The LGBT fought back. When it came to court, those amendments were found to run flagrantly afoul the equal protection clause of the American Constitution (there are numerous Federal and state rights and protections offered by legal marriage.) So, thanks to the Right, same-sex marriage is legal throughout America and polls now show the opposite. The Right, chiefly the GOP of course, couldn't leave well enough alone so they made their owns fears come true. 
The context in Leviticus is immediately surrounded by rulings on incest and bestiality
And not eating meat and drinking milk at the same time, or wearing clothes of different fabrics, or eating shell fish. C'mon bro. The world changed a little in the past several thousand years (not sure if any knows exactly since that was oral tradition long before it was written down.) Oh and you feel adulterers need to be stoned?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2016-05-29, 16:40:40
Even Putin supports gay marriage.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-29, 18:20:19
Which is why so many scholars know that the translations people normally get a hold of are incorrect in many areas....
Scholars such as? And what specifically is erroneous?

In fact, in the Romans passages all you really need to do is read the entire chapter to see something else besides same-sex love was going on. It was most likely a pagan fertility ritual or temple prostitution.
I just showed how the 1. Cor 6:9 refers back to Leviticus. Can you demonstrate anything to the contrary?

The Romans passage "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another;" is about action motivated by lust. You can read a ritual into it if you try really hard. You apparently succeeded, congrats.

The bible seems to be the only book in the world (besides maybe the Quran) in which people think they understand what it says on any given subject based on a couple sentences, keeping in mind that Bible is becomes a maze of self-contradictions if you look at close enough. 
Where do the Bible and Quran contradict the condemnation of homosexuality?

The context in Leviticus is immediately surrounded by rulings on incest and bestiality
And not eating meat and drinking milk at the same time, or wearing clothes of different fabrics, or eating shell fish. C'mon bro.
No, it's not about eating meat and drinking milk at the same time. It's prohibiting to boil a kid (a baby goat) in its mother's milk, which in Jewish tradition expanded to a prohibition to boil any kind of meat in any kind of milk. Anyway, I got it - since you think it's okay to wear clothing of mixed fabric, it stands proven that incest is also okay.

The world changed a little in the past several thousand years (not sure if any knows exactly since that was oral tradition long before it was written down.)
Yes, the world has changed and soon there will be yet another turn for the worse. What's your point?

Oh and you feel adulterers need to be stoned?
The fact that adultery is not considered a crime is a sign of degeneration of marriage. Is it not?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-05-29, 21:34:05
The fact that your oppositors are so bad should not make you think that religion can be achievied trhough philosophy and rational thinking Ersi.
There's a path for that in Catholicism and only in Catholicism, because it's the only religion to accept Rationality as a gift with the same importance as Faith, but you don't belong there.
You don't belong because we are what we are and your way was different from the way of those that belongs to the Holy Church.

You can keep amusing yourself of course. Or maybe walking your path. You are close, always getting closer in a difficult path. I wouldn't be sincere if I dont recognize it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-30, 01:59:26
Yes, the world has changed and soon there will be yet another turn for the worse.
That you're picking and choosing the hell out of the Bible based on your own prejudices.

For all it's irrelevance to what's happening in America, it was a long time ago when I read that so prehaps I did get that wrong. If you're interested, a Jewish site ( explains it:

Bekhor Shor himself notices the changed context and gives a very different explanation for the phrase here.

It is forbidden to cook meat in milk. The Torah specifically forbids the cooking… It is also forbidden to eat or derive any benefit from meat [cooked] in milk. The inclusion of the term “its mother” comes to teach us the reason [for the law], for it would be cruelty to cook the flesh of a kid in the milk of [the mother] which raised it. [Therefore, all milk is forbidden,] for perhaps the animal from which this milk came was its mother… This mitzvah is similar to “do not take a mother[-bird] with its chicks” and “an animal and its offspring [should not be slaughtered in one day].”[11]  [/url]

So what? It's still bad business to pick and choose passages from a "holy book" and try to make it the law of the land.  Witness Cromwell's oppression of the Catholics, the Catholics burning people for heresy, the Salem witch trials, modern day Iran, Isis, etc.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-30, 03:16:20
Meanwhile, back to what's happening in America. The GOP has upgraded itself from the party of hate, to the party of histrionics and drama-queenery*. It actually doesn't matter what restroom a few people that consider themselves the opposite gender use.

This is actually GOP 4.0, the most bug ridden version yet. 1.0 was the party that modernized America, was formed largely by abolitionists as the anti-slavery party. 2.0 was still respectable, conservative party that acted as voice of reason. 3.0 became little more than an anti-LGBT party. 4.0 is cuckoo for Coco Puffs (observe the obsession over restrooms and Donald Trump actually getting the nomination) and have little relevant to say about shaping America's future. Unfortunately, it needs to be put down like any other mad dog.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-30, 03:59:27
Watched a passing news item on the Libertarian Party. I know they only get 1% and it was curious they are in fact the only third party in every election area. The item also mentioned a poll saying that  - can't recall the actual figure but was over 40% of people would like more than a two party choice.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-30, 04:07:49
The fact that your oppositors are so bad should not make you think that religion can be achievied trhough philosophy and rational thinking Ersi.
True religion will be given from above and received when the person has clear enough mind and pure enough heart. Sincere philosophy is a process of purification.

Most people don't like to have clear mind or pure heart. Rather, they seek to legitimise the impurities they have. Religion becomes twisted totally out of joint among the irreligious. Horrible to think what Sang would do if he were nominally religious. Westboro Baptist Church is somewhere in his neighbourhood, if I'm not mistaken. That's how religion works in America.

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Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-30, 14:59:06
I just now read an article on them. They see the discontent over Trump and Clinton as their big chance and they might be right if they can get the word out.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-30, 15:30:10
[Westboro Baptist Church] see the discontent over Trump and Clinton as their big chance and they might be right if they can get the word out.
Whose big chance? A big chance for Westboro Baptist Church? In what sense? Are they running for president?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-30, 17:05:07
I meant that for Howie's comment on the Libertarian Party. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-30, 23:52:46
kind of puzzled with your word ersi as thought I had given a reasonable news item?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-31, 04:33:24
Westboro Baptist Church is somewhere in his neighbourhood, if I'm not mistaken
Lol, no. And Europeans complain that an American might mistake. say the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Google informs me that Westboro Baptist church is a little under 1,300 miles (2029 km) from here.  Else where in the world, Europeans are feeling superior to Americans because we might misidentify their countries while forgetting one one those nations is the size of one of our states :left:

You're the closest we have to a radical in this thread that we have on queer issues. All I said was that the bible possibly doesn't say what you think it does. I also noted that by the American constitution that whole argument is is irrelevant.

Oh yeah, I also noted the queers were not even agitating about the stupid bathroom and that it was certain nutty sects of Christianity and the GOP that invented this whole "issue" and the LGBT just wanted to be left alone. What kind of person even sits around all day thinking of idiotic, spiteful laws like this anyway to address no-issues like this. They're the ones with mental problems.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-31, 07:23:51
Westboro Baptist Church is somewhere in his neighbourhood, if I'm not mistaken
Lol, no. And Europeans complain that an American might mistake. say the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Google informs me that Westboro Baptist church is a little under 1,300 miles (2029 km) from here.  Else where in the world, Europeans are feeling superior to Americans because we might misidentify their countries while forgetting one one those nations is the size of one of our states :left:
I don't know in what state you are. I don't mix up American states. I assumed you were somewhere South, but I was mistaken. I even explicitly allowed myself the chance to be mistaken.

You're the closest we have to a radical in this thread that we have on queer issues.
In what way am I radical? Is it radical to identify queerhood for what it is?

All I said was that the bible possibly doesn't say what you think it does.
This despite the fact that I have read it, even looked into some scholarly textual criticism, and you haven't? Frenzie here has commendably read it. There are some fat boring books we simply must read, if we are to consider ourselves civilised.

Oh yeah, I also noted the queers were not even agitating about the stupid bathroom and that it was certain nutty sects of Christianity and the GOP that invented this whole "issue" and the LGBT just wanted to be left alone. What kind of person even sits around all day thinking of idiotic, spiteful laws like this anyway to address no-issues like this. They're the ones with mental problems.
I agree that your GOP occasionally displays mental problems. I find nothing good to say about a party that sets Trump as their presidential candidate. But the whole LGBT(Q etc.) movement is also pathological, officially so not too long ago. Political issues surrounding them cannot be isolated.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-31, 09:34:20
don't know in what state you are. I don't mix up American states. I assumed you were somewhere South, but I was mistaken. I even explicitly allowed myself the chance to be mistaken.
Nope, Las Vegas. Don't be so defensive, bro. On my part, I thought it was common knowledge in these forums so maybe I was mistaken. (in fact, Kansas is quit far from the South as well)

This despite the fact that I have read it, even looked into some scholarly textual criticism, and you haven't? Frenzie here has commendably read it.
I read it a couple times myself and took my catechisms. I made one mistake on the context meat and milk, but for the rest I was correct. I didn't bother offering the full rebuttal because this thread is about what's happening in the Americas. It's not about the Bible. The Bible itself has been argued over by people with more knowledge of it than both of us put together. Different equally knowledgable scholars read the bible in the original Greek and came to different conclusions. As far as the Hebrew OT, the oldest very partial copies are from 600 BC and that's recent by biblical standards. More complete is the Nash Papyrus containing the Decalogue and Deuteronomy. You think it hasn't been altered the thousands of years prior to that? So a debate on the Bible might be interesting, but it's a different thread.

In what way am I radical? Is it radical to identify queerhood for what it is?
Because you're blathering about how oppressive queers supposedly are. I understand you're talking about Europe, but in the US being the GOP's punching bag is really old.
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The snake symbol originated in with the American revolution. Unfortunately, the GOP decided to tread on him intentionally and are crying because they got bit. So now with the ridiculous "bathroom bills" they're throwing rocks at him and will cry when they're in the hospital getting treated for snakebite again. And will even be surprised when that happens.  I think it was Einstein that said doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. That's what's happening between the GOP and LGBT in America.

One the "bathroom bills", once again transpeople have being with the restroom they feel comfortable this whole time without causing problems. Most of the time, people didn't even know they were in the restroom with one. I think the reason pervs might try to dress like women to hide in the women's restroom because the GOP and some sects of Christianity gave the idea in the first place like the insane morons they are.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-31, 11:09:35
don't know in what state you are. I don't mix up American states. I assumed you were somewhere South, but I was mistaken. I even explicitly allowed myself the chance to be mistaken.
Nope, Las Vegas. Don't be so defensive, bro. On my part, I thought it was common knowledge in these forums so maybe I was mistaken. (in fact, Kansas is quit far from the South as well)
We haven't had much direct interaction, so I tend to mix up your location with the guy from Mississippi. I hope I can internalise your location for good now.

I made one mistake on the context meat and milk, but for the rest I was correct.
No. Any claim that those homosexuality passages are either wrongly translated or that we don't know what they are saying is outright false. Jews never had any doubts what they are about.

I didn't bother offering the full rebuttal because this thread is about what's happening in the Americas. It's not about the Bible.
Don't be shy. If you have a full rebuttal, let's have it. On my part, I have been through similar debates before, so it would be interesting to see if the arguments have evolved anywhere.

The Bible itself has been argued over by people with more knowledge of it than both of us put together. Different equally knowledgable scholars read the bible in the original Greek and came to different conclusions.
Not those passages. Only gay lobby disputes them, but gay lobby demonstrably does not have much knowledge on the issue. In fact, precious little in the entire text of the Bible is disputed or dubious, compared to any other ancient text.

As far as the Hebrew OT, the oldest very partial copies are from 600 BC and that's recent by biblical standards. More complete is the Nash Papyrus containing the Decalogue and Deuteronomy. You think it hasn't been altered the thousands of years prior to that?
What specifically did they change so that we should be uncertain about the specific passages? And what proof do you have that something has been changed?

In what way am I radical? Is it radical to identify queerhood for what it is?
Because you're blathering about how oppressive queers supposedly are.
Actually I listed some facts, instead of blathering. I'll back it up as soon as you back up things yourself.
So now with the ridiculous "bathroom bills" they're throwing rocks at him and will cry when they're in the hospital getting treated for snakebite again. And will even be surprised when that happens.  I think it was Einstein that said doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. That's what's happening between the GOP and LGBT in America.
GOP stupidly doesn't understand that the game is over. But this doesn't change the nature of the gay lobby. And everybody who is speaking up against the gay lobby is not GOP.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-05-31, 11:23:54
Perhaps it's time to define what's "gay lobby" (and where).
Over here, it's requiring public schools to drop Mother's and Father's Days celebrations - because they are embarrassing. :eyes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-31, 11:38:15
Lobby is that which pushes through laws favourable to themselves. Over here, gay lobby pushed through a "cohabitation law" which is basically a duplication of marriage law minus some family-related regulations. In some other European countries, marriage law itself was changed to specifically suit the gay lobby. And in parts of Europe, the gay lobby either demands the removal of "heteronormativity" or they try their best to teach "alternative family models" in schools and kindergartens.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-31, 13:41:32
Of the religious right lobby that dwarfs the "gay lobby?"
the gay lobby either demands the removal of "heteronormativity" or they try their best to teach "alternative family models" in schools and kindergartens.
In other words, understand not all families are the same. A few percentage of kids might have same-sex parents and understand how to deal with it. Oh and the kids in those arrangements shouldn't be bullied because of it. Oh the horror :cry: This is not oppression by any reasonable stretch of the imagination.
marriage law itself was changed to specifically suit the gay lobby.
In America the solution was obvious except to the religious right. I mentioned the constitution, but there was also the idiocy of being married in one state, cross state lines and no longer being considered married (which is problematic for a variety of legal reasons.)

Many people confuse the religious rite of marriage with civil marriage (which is legal marriage) The two have little to do with each other. For instance,  there were churches in America that performed the religious rite before equal marriage became the law of the land, but it had no legal standing. Actual legal marriage only requires a judge and some witnesses. In Kentucky, the infamous Kim Davis attempted to block legal marriage for LGBT in her county based on religious convictions, the fact that the Bible speaks far more about her multiple divorces, adultery and remarriages than it does about homosexuality not withstanding. She was in the wrong the reasons I mentioned. She doesn't want them married in her church, fine and her pastor can deny granting an LGBT couple the ceremony. Wants to prevent people from their equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the constitution via denying legal marriage that has nothing to do with her church, not so much.

In America what you're talking about was called civil unions. The problem with that was also crossing state lines in that states didn't have to recognize them. But neither civil unions type arrangements nor marriage oppress those that are offended by them. I do think clergy should be able to refuse to marriage the same-sex couple but a judge, as civil servant of ALL the people, should not be able to.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-05-31, 15:38:19
Of the religious right lobby that dwarfs the "gay lobby?"
There is no religious right in Europe. Gay lobby is operating free of any obstacle. In America, religious right is at least putting up a semblance of a fight.

the gay lobby either demands the removal of "heteronormativity" or they try their best to teach "alternative family models" in schools and kindergartens.
In other words, understand not all families are the same. A few percentage of kids might have same-sex parents and understand how to deal with it. Oh and the kids in those arrangements shouldn't be bullied because of it. Oh the horror :cry: This is not oppression by any reasonable stretch of the imagination.
Ever considered it from the children's point of view? You know, they are supposed to learn in biology how kids are born, that everybody has a mother and father, biologically. Then comes the civil science or whatever you call it. Oh, I forgot, the civil science topics get already covered in kindergarten, so by the time it gets to biology the child is already a mess, even when originally from a decent home.

marriage law itself was changed to specifically suit the gay lobby.
In America the solution was obvious except to the religious right. I mentioned the constitution, but there was also the idiocy of being married in one state, cross state lines and no longer being considered married (which is problematic for a variety of legal reasons.)
It would be a problem, if gay marriage were a marriage, but it isn't, so trust me, there's no problem. If you say gay marriage is marriage, now that's a problem. Because it's something nobody has yet proven.

Gay lobby only has law on their side. They don't have anything else, such as rational argument or biology. That's why it's a lobby, pure and simple.

In America what you're talking about was called civil unions. The problem with that was also crossing state lines in that states didn't have to recognize them.
So, now you call them civil unions. There should be no problem, as long as you don't mix them up with marriage.

But neither civil unions type arrangements nor marriage oppress those that are offended by them. I do think clergy should be able to refuse to marriage the same-sex couple but a judge, as civil servant of ALL the people, should not be able to.
But here you are doing it again, mixing up what should not be mixed up.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-31, 17:39:26
In America, religious right is at least putting up a semblance of a fight.
A bully hits you so you hit him back. Who's the one putting up a fight?
Ever considered it from the children's point of view? You know, they are supposed to learn in biology how kids are born, that everybody has a mother and father, biologically
Wow is this getting silly. Sally being raised by Sue and Mary does not interfere with biology class. Grasp at straws much?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-05-31, 17:47:00
So, now you call them civil unions. There should be no problem, as long as you don't mix them up with marriage.
No. The idea of civil unions was thought up as an alternative to calling marriage. But there would be no requirement to recognize "civil unions" at the Federal level nor across state lines. Further, it was questionable what a "civil union" was even supposed to be, ie would it have really granted equal protection under the law. Another huge problem was also that the wording of the state amendments would have also outlawed "civil unions" not to mention deny protections for many heterosexual couples.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-01, 03:02:10
Ever considered it from the children's point of view? You know, they are supposed to learn in biology how kids are born, that everybody has a mother and father, biologically
Wow is this getting silly. Sally being raised by Sue and Mary does not interfere with biology class. Grasp at straws much?
Not just biology class, but biology itself. There is no Sally born of Sue and Mary. You are presenting an impossibility as if it were a reality.

This is what I mean when I say that the gay lobby don't have rational argument and biology on their side. They don't have reality on their side, but we are instituting laws based on their nonsense.

The idea of civil unions was thought up as an alternative to calling marriage. But there would be no requirement to recognize "civil unions" at the Federal level nor across state lines.
So? Where's the problem? The problem only arises if you want to insist that the thought-up civil union is as good as marriage even though it's not. You are not even attempting to show how they are the same or why they should be the same.

Further, it was questionable what a "civil union" was even supposed to be, ie would it have really granted equal protection under the law.
Equal to what? And why should it be equal?

In Germany (and Estonia, because we copy most of our recent laws from Germany) it presents formal legal difficulties to call same-sex union a marriage, because marriage is defined in a law called Family law, which is part of a huge and intricate framework (used to be called "civil codex" over here). Redefining marriage there would logically collapse the entire legal framework built to support families. Hence Germany (and Estonia) instituted additional laws called "cohabitation law" which gave a chance for same-sex couples under a different name, duplicating a bunch of regulations about marriage. If you don't understand or acknowledge how and why marriage and family are related, you are not competent to issue statements on this topic.

American legal system is different of course. It's easy to see how it's not even a system, on the SCOTUS level or any other level. It doesn't try to be, so it's okay.

Another huge problem was also that the wording of the state amendments would have also outlawed "civil unions" not to mention deny protections for many heterosexual couples.
What specific protections would be denied and why would that be a problem? Why should civil unions be the same as marriage? I know that the gay lobby insists that they are, but they have not given any reason. I hoped you would bring some clarity here.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-06-01, 04:21:18
ersi, the vanguard of the "sexual revolution" doesn't use logic or persuasion: They use brute force. Which, nowadays, means "lawfare" and regulatory destruction of society's laws…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-01, 08:12:05
Not just biology class, but biology itself. There is no Sally born of Sue and Mary. You are presenting an impossibility as if it were a reality.
This is beyond silly. By the time biology is even taught, the students already know this. There are a number of ways Sue and Mary could be raising a child together. And it doesn't even necessarily mean one had sex with a man, although one might have (possibly one's a little sexually fluid, or she was attempting to have sex with a man before realized it wasn't for her keeping in mind to get pregnant a women just needs to lay their and doesn't even have to enjoy what's happening...) Or the child might have been adopted. You're presenting situations as impossibilities when their are multiple ways it could have happened (and does...)
Equal to what? And why should it be equal?
To remain in compliance with the constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States. No state, county or city law may violate the constitution. This is also why some state gun control laws where struck down by Federal courts, having gone so far that they violate the second amendment. At times, both the American Left and Right get upset by Federal court rulings but the constitution is how we keep order and preserve freedom in the US. In these cases, the constitution clearly states all people have equal protection under the law (google up protections offered by marriage in the US) and that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Get it yet? All people in the US are guaranteed the same protections and rights regardless of the issue and where they live.
Hence Germany (and Estonia) instituted additional laws called "cohabitation law" which gave a chance for same-sex couples under a different name, duplicating a bunch of regulations about marriage
If all the rights and protections are duplicated, I don't see a problem.
You are not even attempting to show how they are the same or why they should be the same.
Of course not. Everyone is supposed to be subject to the same rules. Nor am I attempting argue in favor of civil unions.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-01, 09:18:11
Not just biology class, but biology itself. There is no Sally born of Sue and Mary. You are presenting an impossibility as if it were a reality.
This is beyond silly. By the time biology is even taught, the students already know this. There are a number of ways Sue and Mary could be raising a child together. And it doesn't even necessarily mean one had sex with a man, although one might have (possibly one's a little sexually fluid, or she was attempting to have sex with a man before realized it wasn't for her keeping in mind to get pregnant a women just needs to lay their and doesn't even have to enjoy what's happening...) Or the child might have been adopted. You're presenting situations as impossibilities when their are multiple ways it could have happened (and does...)
Such a long non-answer. You did not even begin to tell how a Sally could be born of Sue and Mary. But I knew you wouldn't. You cannot, because it's a biological impossibility. You can talk about everything else, but not about the point.

Equal to what? And why should it be equal?
To remain in compliance with the constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States. No state, county or city law may violate the constitution.
Doesn't your constitution lay out specific conditions in what respect people should be equal and other conditions when not? Like with freedom - it doesn't mean everybody is free to do anything and everything. Also equality does not mean equality in every respect. There is a difference between Congress and President, and the difference is there for a reason. There are also differences between parents and children, teachers and students, etc. Same with conditions to marriage.

You cannot marry just anybody, if marriage is to have a meaning. You can marry anybody, if you actually don't care about marriage or its meaning. Gay lobby doesn't care about marriage, this has been clear all along.

If all the rights and protections are duplicated, I don't see a problem.
But all the rights cannot be duplicated, if rationality matters. Same-sex couples cannot have the same rights as biological parents, because same-sex couples can never be biological parents.  And what's the point of duplicating laws anyway? If you think all must be duplicated, then you don't have a point.

You are not even attempting to show how they are the same or why they should be the same.
Of course not. Everyone is supposed to be subject to the same rules. Nor am I attempting argue in favor of civil unions.
This is the sad part with the gay lobby. They never had a rational case to make, but they get to influence laws, despite the impossibility and obvious damage that they are doing.

Rationality out of the window is a pretty serious damage, I would say. Since to you rationality doesn't matter, it's a bit odd that you don't swallow up GOP toilet laws without complaining. Is it because GOP is doing it? Or is it because the toilet laws are somehow unequal? Do you have unisex all-age toilets over there so that it would be properly equal? Did you have them since the beginning of the constitution that says everybody must be equal? If not, why not? If some, then why only some? Maybe because the constitution actually doesn't equate indiscriminately?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-01, 10:42:03
In what rational case is there against equal marriage. It doesn't harm you. I pointed how that it's not the same as religious marriage, so clergy aren't being harmed by it. There's the "think of the children" argument. The studies conclude the children are fine. All it boiled down to was that people's precious little religious feelings were hurt. Are you saying it's rational to keep inventing new and redundant laws just because somebody's feelings are hurt. That's the moral equivalent of making new laws just for the sake of PC, just for the Right instead of the Left. 
You did not even begin to tell how a Sally could be born of Sue and Mary. But I knew you wouldn't.
Have you never heard of artificial insemination? Do I have to spoon feed you everything? I want to be able assume a base level of knowledge beyond what I already knew in about the fifth grade. This is even a common procedure for heterosexual couples. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Estonia is a primitive country that's unable to do this.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-06-01, 11:04:58
(I can't imagine a case of artificial inovulation - yet.)
Equality isn't equal to everybody.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-01, 13:35:45
In what rational case is there against equal marriage.
"Equal marriage" may enter the sphere of rational dicussion as soon as you define it. But rest assured, as soon as you attempt to define it you will see that it doesn't exist.

There's the "think of the children" argument. The studies conclude the children are fine. All it boiled down to was that people's precious little religious feelings were hurt.
Can you point to one such study? I'd be interested in seeing their definition of "fine".

Are you saying it's rational to keep inventing new and redundant laws just because somebody's feelings are hurt. That's the moral equivalent of making new laws just for the sake of PC, just for the Right instead of the Left. 
Of course reaction for the sake of being reactionary is irrational. Just like it's irrational to be destructive for the sake of being destructive.

Traditional marriage is not just traditional, it also reflects biological reality. To overlook this reality is irrational and destructive.
You did not even begin to tell how a Sally could be born of Sue and Mary. But I knew you wouldn't.
Have you never heard of artificial insemination? Do I have to spoon feed you everything?
I have heard of many things artificial. Are you saying artificial is as good as natural? Or that both are okay and should be equal because the constitution says so?

Anyway, even with artificial insemination, Sue (or Mary, whichever you had in mind) will not become Sally's father. But you knew that. (I'm supposing here that you know what "father" means, but maybe I will have to spoonfeed it to you.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-01, 14:26:55
Can you point to one such study? I'd be interested in seeing their definition of "fine".
Oh, there are lots of them. Let's take one at random (


It has been suggested that children with same-sex attracted parents score well in psychosocial aspects of their health, however questions remain about the impact of stigma on these children. Research to date has focused on lesbian parents and has been limited by small sample sizes. This study aims to describe the physical, mental and social wellbeing of Australian children with same-sex attracted parents, and the impact that stigma has on them.

A cross-sectional survey, the Australian Study of Child Health in Same-Sex Families, was distributed in 2012 to a convenience sample of 390 parents from Australia who self-identified as same-sex attracted and had children aged 0-17 years. Parent-reported, multidimensional measures of child health and wellbeing and the relationship to perceived stigma were measured.

315 parents completed the survey (completion rate = 81%) representing 500 children. 80% of children had a female index parent while 18% had a male index parent. Children in same-sex parent families had higher scores on measures of general behavior, general health and family cohesion compared to population normative data (β = 2.93, 95% CI = 0.35 to 5.52, P = .03; β = 5.60, 95% CI = 2.69 to 8.52, P = <.001; and β = 6.01, 95% CI = 2.84 to 9.17, P = <.001 respectively). There were no significant differences between the two groups for all other scale scores. Physical activity, mental health, and family cohesion were all negatively associated with increased stigma (β = -3.03, 95% CI = -5.86 to -0.21, P = .04; β = -10.45, 95% CI = -18.48 to -2.42, P = .01; and β = -9.82, 95% CI = -17.86 to -1.78, P = .02 respectively) and the presence of emotional symptoms was positively associated with increased stigma (β =0.94, 95% CI = 0.08 to 1.81, P = .03).

Australian children with same-sex attracted parents score higher than population samples on a number of parent-reported measures of child health. Perceived stigma is negatively associated with mental health. Through improved awareness of stigma these findings play an important role in health policy, improving child health outcomes.

Need another ( just to be sure?

Claims that children need both a mother and father presume that women and men parent differently in ways crucial to development but generally rely on studies that conflate gender with other family structure variables. We analyze findings from studies with designs that mitigate these problems by comparing 2-parent families with same or different sex coparents and single-mother with single-father families. Strengths typically associated with married mother-father families appear to the same extent in families with 2 mothers and potentially in those with 2 fathers. Average differences favor women over men, but parenting skills are not dichotomous or exclusive. The gender of parents correlates in novel ways with parent-child relationships but has minor significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.

So when you're silly enough to say Mary or Sue will not become Sally's father, rest assured to she doesn't need to be. That is unless you went one of the women to undergo gender reassignment surgery. In which case, I guess we have to be asinine enough to argue about which restroom s/he's supposed to use.  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-06-01, 15:11:23
Watched a passing news item on the Libertarian Party. I know they only get 1% and it was curious they are in fact the only third party in every election area. The item also mentioned a poll saying that  - can't recall the actual figure but was over 40% of people would like more than a two party choice.
Yes, several of the debates took place in my neck of the woods Biloxi, MS, to be specific.
Gary Johnson received the nomination (again, as he was the nominee in 2012).

I voted for him in 2012, and shall be doing so again. My conscience was clear in 2012, and shall be so once again in 2016. Johnson is leaps and bounds better than the two crooks and buffoons that have taken over the Demlopub/Republicrat parties.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-06-01, 15:16:55
Also, @ersi , WBC is a good distance away from me. They are located in Kansas, so thankfully the Arkansians, Oklahomians, and Missourians can deal with their rubbish.

We have enough nutters* in this state to deal with already, without dealing with those asshats.

*= For instance, the American Family Association which is located in Tupelo, MS, (Elvis Presley's hometown) and is roughly an hour away from where I live. (

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-06-01, 23:41:34
The gender of parents correlates in novel ways with parent-child relationships but has minor significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.
There have been people executed for less than that "study".
"Social success" must mean being the drag queen at the queer club.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-06-02, 02:22:15
Well colonel, I would say in a brief way the sooner your country can get away from the limitations of the present system then the better. it has to start from somewhere and more and more are getting fed up with both the 2 main corporate parties. For now both Clinton and Trump are of little use and they are common in another way and that is dangerous and con merchants. The wider the franchise becomes the more practical democracy is evident. The future is with the young.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-06-02, 06:25:41
Do you mean, Howie, that we should be more like you? :) Why ever would we want to be?

London had a communist mayor. Now, it has a Muslim mayor. What's next? Satan, himself? :)

Ah! The benefits of a "wider" democracy…!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-02, 18:20:39
Can you point to one such study? I'd be interested in seeing their definition of "fine".
Oh, there are lots of them. Let's take one at random (
It doesn't look like random. It's done cleverer than on average, because I had to read further than the first two sentences to be able to dismiss it.

It's an interesting study, even though it doesn't settle our difference. My idea was to take a look at their definition of "fine", but since this study does not contain this word, we'll have to look what the study is about according to the researchers themselves.

The aim: "This study aims to describe the physical, mental and social wellbeing of Australian children with same-sex attracted parents, and the impact that stigma has on them."

The conclusion: "Australian children with same-sex attracted parents score higher than population samples on a number of parent-reported measures of child health. Perceived stigma is negatively associated with mental health."

Some problems.
- It's not really about children's health or wellbeing. It's a survey where only parents are questioned, so it's more about how children's wellbeing is viewed by the parents.
- For general population there are real track records of people's health and wellbeing in the form of statistics collected from physicians. If this data was compared to the survey data, then the data sets are not comparable. I hope they did not do this gross mistake.
- If they did not do the mistake described in the previous point and were comparing that which is comparable, i.e. same-sex couple surveys with hetero couple surveys, then the crux becomes what is meant by stigma.

Because, you see, they say that stigma associates negatively with mental health (this is intuitively so and, if not supported empirically, there must be some mistake in the methodology), while at the same time they affirm that there is either no difference between types of couples or that the same-sex couples do better in terms of wellbeing. To achieve this result, they must have identified and removed the effect of stigma from the results. I don't see how they did that.

At one point, it's said "In fact, a number of authors agree that simply asking a question that compares the sexual orientation of children with same-sex parents to children with heterosexual parents reinforces a heterosexist viewpoint that stigmatises same-sex families" while this entire survey is specifically directed to same-sex couples and asks direct questions about the nature of the subject's current and former relationships ("heterosexual", "same-sex") and sexual orientation ("lesbian", "gay", "bisexual", "other"??!!), so how is this survey itself not having a stigmatising effect? I don't see this issue addressed. Yet the survey results in shining conclusions.

Of course stigma associates negatively with the wellbeing of LGBT(Q etc.) folks. Then how do they display such brilliant results in this survey, as if there were no stigma?

Eventually, there's the broader moral question: Is the stigma justified? Is there a good reason why LGBT(Q etc.) folks should be normalised? If normalised, is it certain that there will be no adverse effects in terms of general sexual culture and legislation? When we normalise LGBT(Q etc.) folks, what specifically is it that we are normalising? Because, you see, they are an open-ended etc. folks ("other" in the survey). Are you positively sure that you are not accidentally normalising pedophilia, incest, bestiality, etc? If you are absolutely certain that you are far from it, then surely you can prove it right here right now. If not, then I say the stigma has a common-sense real-life basis and any irrational attempt to remove the stigma will result in unforeseen consequences. For example, some extremist right-wing queer-hunters may get much more votes than you would like in the next elections.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-02, 23:51:21
There have been people executed for less than that "study".
"Social success" must mean being the drag queen at the queer club.
Oh please. Your fluffy "rationality" of "nature" can't withstand real rationality that can be quantified. Multiple studies of indicated that children raised by same-sex parents do as well as opposite sex. In fact, the first article breaks down exactly what it means.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-03, 04:04:35
Oh please. Your fluffy "rationality" of "nature" can't withstand real rationality that can be quantified. Multiple studies of indicated that children raised by same-sex parents do as well as opposite sex. In fact, the first article breaks down exactly what it means.
You have no idea what was being quantified there and how. It did not measure children's wellbeing at all, but adults' opinion of it. Moreover, the results were enhanced by clearing away something called perceived stigma.

Under the heading "Perceived stigma" it says, "Parents were asked to indicate how often in the past year their family had experienced stigma related to the their same-sex attraction (eg have people gossiped about you and your family, have people excluded you and your family?)" How are the questions in parentheses related to sexual orientation? They are not. They are related to nothing. Gossipers gossip just for the joy of gossiping, bullies bully just for the joy of bullying, everybody experiences being "excluded" and nobody is exempt from it.

Were the hetero studies similarly enhanced by clearing away the stigma measure? Was it quantified how gossiping etc. correlated with wellbeing of heteros? I know, it simply assumed that nobody gossips heteros. So much for quantification. It's a very delicate matter what exactly is being quantified.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-06-03, 06:29:44
You give ample red neck attitudes a wide support Oakdale. London did not have a Commie mayor it had a left winger then a fully Conservative one (twice by the way) now a Muslim. That is democracy but to your mind-set anything outside of your restricted politics is Bolshevik. Didn't agree with the leftist or Muslim mayors but that IS practical democracy and that width cannot happen in the US of A and fine you know it.  You unfortunately have a restricted way over there and more and more people have at last realised hat one but a way to go yet. When you have a broader thing locally, State and nationally then try and challenge but ours is broader and more democratic. It is the old story that when folk like yourself cannot answer or know there is a problem you try to swerve elsewhere. Hey, I will give you that stance as being regular too!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-06-03, 11:43:07
Howie, you think Boris wasn't a communist? And you think a "practicing" Muslim is furthering the English tradition of democracy? (Let's not quibble over terms: You reject the only sensible Scots from your history, and cow-tow to the English… But -I have to give you credit- you've not yet succumbed to learning "their" language! Soldier on…)

I don't wish to "challenge" your wider democracy, RJ: You're welcome to it! But we may not bail you out, again… :)

I appreciate that you'd like to see us (U.S.) go down the same rabbit hole. That's the sort of fellow you are, I've come to know. Who knows? Perhaps even you'll live long enough to witness that… I hope not! (But, Long life, Howie! I just don't want my country to follow the path yours trail-blazed.) We're a different breed — what used to be called, before the current era, free men.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-06-03, 16:31:54
You really are a desperado. Boris is an member of the Conservative Party and as the PM Cameron has stated he will not go for a third term Boris may step forward. All you have over there is the clown Trump and that liar and con merchant, Clinton. What a charade that is and othes are kept out of the picture by the big two. Why if such a great democracy are so many suffering? The big two really only look after the haves and con the rest.

You do try (will give you that) to be a satire punch) but behind that is no great argument or principle with what you lot are saddled with.  Instead you interfere in the world, restrict your own folks rights and dance on law. You do in practice need a wider situation but don't expect it soon as it will be a long slow climb against the money controllers. The decent if being privately honest will I am sure sigh at what the country is saddled with. Trump as a possible leader? Shows the depth of your problem.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-06-03, 23:23:00
Oh please. Your fluffy "rationality" of "nature" can't withstand real rationality that can be quantified. Multiple studies of indicated that children raised by same-sex parents do as well as opposite sex. In fact, the first article breaks down exactly what it means.
You have no idea what was being quantified there and how. It did not measure children's wellbeing at all, but adults' opinion of it. Moreover, the results were enhanced by clearing away something called perceived stigma.

Under the heading "Perceived stigma" it says, "Parents were asked to indicate how often in the past year their family had experienced stigma related to the their same-sex attraction (eg have people gossiped about you and your family, have people excluded you and your family?)" How are the questions in parentheses related to sexual orientation? They are not. They are related to nothing. Gossipers gossip just for the joy of gossiping, bullies bully just for the joy of bullying, everybody experiences being "excluded" and nobody is exempt from it.

Were the hetero studies similarly enhanced by clearing away the stigma measure? Was it quantified how gossiping etc. correlated with wellbeing of heteros? I know, it simply assumed that nobody gossips heteros. So much for quantification. It's a very delicate matter what exactly is being quantified.

It's even worst, there's simply not enough data for conducting any credible study. How many children have been raised for at least until 18 years old by legal homosexual "couples"? Saying "there are multiple studies that..." it's not even a fallacy, it's just a pure lie and manipulating propaganda.

Edit: there's a better thread for this, the same sex marriage. well, the same way gays are everywhere, posting against should be done everywhere.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-07, 09:25:34
Some problems.
- It's not really about children's health or wellbeing. It's a survey where only parents are questioned, so it's more about how children's wellbeing is viewed by the parents.
Oh yes, let's do dismiss parents' reports of their children's outcomes. The fact remains that what matters in parenting is not what's between a parent's legs but what's in their hearts and parenting skills.
In January, researchers from the Columbia Law School examined 76 studies published after 1985 and found that only four of them concluded that children raised by gay couples faced additional adversity as a result of having same-sex parents. To be considered, each of the studies had to meet established guidelines that accounted for credibility and relevance.
More recently, researchers from the University of Colorado Denver and the University of Oregon used the tool Web of Science to examine the ways in which scientific papers analyzed children of same-sex parents over time, and how each paper cited others to back its analysis. They found that over time, more and more papers cited other research that highlighted that there’s “no differences” in the outcomes for children based solely on whether they were raised by same-sex, heterosexual, or single parents.

That's right, it's the family environment that determines a child's outcome, not what the family consists of. There's plenty of the data, Belfrager. It's just that the analysis and results of it is contrary to what some people would hope for.  Multiple studies show this and some do include the adult children raised by same-sex couples.

Maybe there is a "gay lobby" in the form  of the HRC and  groups in America. But it remains dwarfed by the religious lobby, who must invent one idiotic issue after another to keep the donations flowing. The reason the "gay lobby" wins is that what the religious lobby tries to tends to violate the equal protection clause of the American constitution and runs perilously close to violating the establishment of a religion clause as well (in these cases it tends to be fundamentalist protestant christianity.) You can't just pass laws because you're religiously offended by something unless you can show another damn good reason for it. The reason for this is to prevent religious tyranny, with America's founding father's knowing of the tyranny of Cromwell's Britain and even some of the early Christian colonies in the new world (ie pilgrims ostensibly fleeing Britain for religious freedom and immediately establishing what amounted to a religious dictatorship.) Anyway, when Ersi complains of a "gay lobby" it tends to provoke laughter on my end because Republican Party (the majority party in congress) and the religious lobby are often one in the same.

 Bel, I understand your reasoning for moving this argument to the gay marriage thread, but I though it better to answer the arguments in the same thread they originated in.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-06-08, 01:39:07
Is the Chicago PD keeping up with tradition?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-06-08, 02:05:01
Sure! The next time the Democrats have their convention there, they'll crack a few heads of the rioters. Then the Dems will nominate someone who loses 49 out of 50 (…or is it 57? :) ) states in the general election!
Or did you refer to the gun violence, in one of the most strictly gun-controlled cities in America?

RJ, try to at least make a point, would you? :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-08, 02:51:44
(...or is it 57?  :)  )
But will that happen before or after a Republican tells us again how Paul Revere rode to warn the British? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-08, 03:59:13
Oh yes, let's do dismiss parents' reports of their children's outcomes. The fact remains that what matters in parenting is not what's between a parent's legs but what's in their hearts and parenting skills.
You are the one about "what's between a parent's legs" and nothing else. My point is pretty simple, the study fails to define and measure anything. Specifically, it fails to define e.g. "parent" and fails to measure anything relevant to children. It's irrelevant to children because it's adults talking about children in a survey, it's not children's health records.

Instead of parent, they apparently have anyone who fosters a child. They don't even define same-sex couples, because they let people self-report "homosexual, bisexual, other". Now, what's that "other," one might ask. And the results are tampered with the concept of stigma. Nothing in the report is in your favour.

That's right, it's the family environment that determines a child's outcome, not what the family consists of.

There's plenty of the data, Belfrager. It's just that the analysis and results of it is contrary to what some people would hope for.  Multiple studies show this and some do include the adult children raised by same-sex couples.
But you did not cite a study that proves this. You cited a report that says that scientific studies cite each other. This by itself says nothing.

Anyway, when Ersi complains of a "gay lobby" it tends to provoke laughter on my end because Republican Party (the majority party in congress) and the religious lobby are often one in the same.
So for you everything that helps you bash Republicans is good. And vice versa: if there's any element in it that implies bashing Republicans, it's good. That's a perfect mirror image of Oakdale.

For me it's a matter that can be analysed rationally. Like this:

1. "Same-sex marriage" results in a biological impossibility where no children can be born.
2. We have legalised it anyway and we get to hear in the news and so-called science how this makes no difference, even though it makes absolutely no sense, because it denies #1.
3. Therefore, there's a gay lobby. Unless you think that you don't need a lobby to institute laws that (a) make no sense and (b) favour a narrow percentage of population while (c) brainwashing many to believe as if it were good for everyone.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-08, 04:36:37
1. "Same-sex marriage" results in a biological impossibility where no children can be born.
So what? There are plenty of heterosexual marriages in which children being born is a biological impossibility, at least without the treatments a lesbian couple would get. Will you tell the man with a low sperm count and his fiancé with a problem her ovaries they shouldn't legally be allowed to marry? How about an elderly couple?

We've moved long past the stage in which having children is the only reason for marriage. This isn't the middle ages when you found a wife for the main purpose of making babies with her to later use as field hands. Far from being a rational argument, this requirement that a couple be fertile to qualify for marriage is something of an anachronism in a technological, industrialized world.
3. Therefore, there's a gay lobby. Unless you think that you don't need a lobby to institute laws that favour a narrow percentage of population while brainwashing many to believe as if it were good for everyone.
At what point did I say there wasn't? Every group under the sun has lobbyists in Washington. "X lobby" implies corruption and coercion, but in practice it means nothing. In America if you don't have a lobby, your cause will lose. In it's simplest form, a lobby talks to senators and representatives to persuade them to the cause. The problem comes in if gifts and favors enters the conversation.  What I say is that the "gay lobby" , in America, is laughably small compared to the Christian one and they give gifts and favors to the GOP big time.

But you say I bash Republicans. This the party that just nominated Donald Trump.  There's nothing I can say or do that makes them look worse than they do to themselves. ;)

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-08, 09:26:06
Oh and here's ( links to a number studies. The children of same sex marriage are fine. There's no data to suggest otherwise. You'll note that a study from 2013 does indicate that before same-sex marriage became legal, it did provide a stresser. This begs the question  about if the Right's zeal to "think of the children" is the very thing that has the potential to hurt them.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-08, 13:15:26
1. "Same-sex marriage" results in a biological impossibility where no children can be born.
So what?
So you have laid aside rationality, sense of reality and science. Studies you link to demonstrate clearly that you have no idea what was being studied.

We've moved long past the stage in which having children is the only reason for marriage.
We've moved long past the stage in which there's any reason for marriage. Half of children are born outside marriages and most "couples" (such as couples for a month or, more realistically, a night) don't get married. People see marriage as an unnecessary burden or formality, not a right. Only queer lobby claims it's a universal right, except that they are inconsistent when they exclude for example inter-generational marriage and interspecies marriage from their agenda. But who would expect square-circlers to be consistent anyway.

3. Therefore, there's a gay lobby. Unless you think that you don't need a lobby to institute laws that favour a narrow percentage of population while brainwashing many to believe as if it were good for everyone.
At what point did I say there wasn't?
Queer lobby is the only explanation for a concept like "same-sex marriage". It doesn't have common sense or biology on its side. It has nothing going for it besides lobby, propaganda, brainwashing, sheer insanity.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-06-09, 10:36:55
(" rel="cached" data-hash="71fa46f0cc8a541ff6035d6c0506e6a2" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url=" (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-09, 11:03:09
It is implicit in the ten commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery. This in the light of Mark 10 (...a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh... Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her... And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.) covers it exhaustively - assuming that the bolded words have a meaning. In the modern world, they don't.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-06-09, 12:34:27
It is implicit in the ten commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
I thought you liked to quote Leviticus, which is very specific (20:10)
And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
King James, just for kicks.

Any man having sex with a wife married to someone else than him, and the wife, should be killed. Any woman having sex with a wife or man having sex with a husband, or any woman having sex with a husband (unless she herself is married with someone else, in which case death does apply) will get off scot-free.

Any man having sex with a woman in such a manner that death does not occur was expected to marry the woman in question. Failure to do so did not seem to be fatal.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-09, 13:31:53
It is implicit in the ten commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
I thought you liked to quote Leviticus, which is very specific (20:10)
And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
King James, just for kicks.

Any man having sex with a wife married to someone else than him, and the wife, should be killed. Any woman having sex with a wife or man having sex with a husband, or any woman having sex with a husband (unless she herself is married with someone else, in which case death does apply) will get off scot-free.
Nobody gets off scot-free: "...the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."

Any man having sex with a woman in such a manner that death does not occur was expected to marry the woman in question. Failure to do so did not seem to be fatal.
That's Deuteronomy, not Leviticus. Deuteronomy 22:29, "Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." Fifty shekels, not scot-free.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-06-09, 14:04:37
I think jax's point is that Leviticus does not address those three cases.
(Do such things go on only in the Americas?)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-06-09, 14:20:25
America's the continent where King James wrote the Hebrew Bible.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-09, 14:24:26
I think jax's point, if any, was on the cartoon level.

We should not talk about Law of Moses on the literal level. Christians are supposed to be free of the law. Modern society takes this to be a license to do and say whatever they please without any responsibility, i.e. they disregard NT along with the OT.

Only American Bible Belt neighbourhood asserts literal OT a la Sharia. In this sense I understand where Sang is coming from.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-06-09, 14:32:18
Nobody gets off scot-free: "...the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."
Sure, the adulterer, that is any man having sex with a married/taken woman (not his own) and the adulteress, that is the married woman in question, will be delifed. But you have clearly not gone through the cases carefully:

Woman, having sex with a married woman: Scot-free
Man, having sex with a married man: Scot-free
Woman, not herself taken and having sex with a married man: Scot-free

Man, having sex with a woman not taken: Unkilled
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-09, 14:58:12
But you have clearly not gone through the cases carefully:

Woman, having sex with a married woman: Scot-free
Man, having sex with a married man: Scot-free
Woman, not herself taken and having sex with a married man: Scot-free
These cases got covered in my discussion with Frenzie a little while ago in this thread, starting roughly here (

Man, having sex with a woman not taken: Unkilled
Unkilled, but not scot-free. There's a consistent recognition of sanctity of marriage in the Bible and there are regulations for all kinds of failure to uphold it, including your kinds. Compare this with modern Western legal lack of definition of marriage so that some people talk about it in very queer ways while keeping a straight face.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-09, 16:43:00
There's a consistent recognition of sanctity of marriage in the Bible and there are regulations for all kinds of failure to uphold it, including your kinds.
Which means zero in a secular republic such as the United States. In fact, that reasoning would separation of church and state, insta-unconstitutional. I reiterate that marriage is not necessarily a religious ceremony at all.

Each religion is free to have it's own rules about who they can conduct the ceremony for, but rightfully doesn't have the authority to impose its rules on the entire nation because they find some offense. For instance, a fundamentalist church does have the right to refuse to marry two adulterers together on religious grounds, but not the right to prevent them from going to a different church or a judge to get married. Likewise if two men or women want to get married, except the Bible actually seems to care more about adultery then homosexuality. On a wide scale in the US, this exactly what the fundamentalist tried to do - impose their view of who's allowed to get married via amendments to the state constitutions and even made noise about adding it the Federal constitution, in a move of almost sublime idiocy. It's as if they said "We not only refuse to marry you together, we'll make sure no one else can either!" The sad part for them is that in having this attitude, the facilitated the very thing they sought to prevent far more than the "queer lobby" ever did or ever could hope to since same-sex marriage was already illegal.

Of course, when the fundies lost, they immediately tried to make themselves out to be the victims. The bully that finally finds himself hit back is the victim.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-06-09, 17:22:45
Interesting. In this side of the Equator, it's the other way around. The "LGBT lobby" wants to dictate what the religious movements are allowed to preach and what they cannot refuse to bless (for whatever reasons, right or wrong). Gay partnership (or "marriage", whatever) is legal for a long time, but it doesn't seem enough for them. Nobody can hurt their feelings.
There seems to be a big difference between gay lobbies and between fundie lobbies in America and anywhere else.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-09, 18:08:13
@Barulheira The same thing applies over here. The queer lobby wields the power that inquisition had in the middle ages. They don't quite burn people at the stake, but they depose priests and bishops, they remove professors and dictate what kids must learn in kindergarten.... The metaphoric crucifixion these days.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-06-09, 19:31:15
Christians are supposed to be free of the law.
Just because Jesus forgives a wrongful behavior doesn't mean the behavior isn't still wrong. In other words, like Hell they are.

Modern society takes this to be a license to do and say whatever they please without any responsibility, i.e. they disregard NT along with the OT.
My society is and always has been deeply pagan. Don't be fooled by a silly bit of Christian veneer imposed by Charlemagne at the penalty of death. Remember, he showed he was serious by executing thousands who refused all in one fell swoop. (Nowadays we would call it genocide.) Why should we proud Germanic tribes care for some stupid Middle Eastern sacrificial cult? Of course we ignore it. To do otherwise would be to have no self-respect and to lose all sense of dignity.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-06-09, 20:06:03
sanctity of marriage in the Bible
The sanctity of property rather. It shows a preoccupation with purity of essence, anything that dilutes the society, particularly any form of foreign culture, is harshly punished.

To take the Leviticus verse you were quoting: If you rape a taken woman that will be punished with death for you and death for the raped woman as well, unless she were in the countryside, and thus helpless.

If the raped woman is not also a taken woman, then that can be solved with a fine and you having to marry the raped girl.

If the woman in question is loot, then there is no punishment involved at all. She's your for the taking.

This isn't about sanctity of marriage, this is about the necessity of control. This is an aggressive culture with aggressive neighbours, this is kill or be killed, control or be controlled. You are right that love has nothing to do with it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-06-09, 20:40:49
sanctity of marriage in the Bible
The sanctity of property rather.
Good point, Jax.

BTW, the Bible was written by humans. As we know humans have their own motives if they do something...
Furthermore for example, the neanderthals had another world outlook than most people today.

As for sanctity - did anyone saw a Bible signed by God?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-06-09, 23:09:13
sanctity of marriage in the Bible
The sanctity of property rather.
Good point, Jax.

BTW, the Bible was written by humans. As we know humans have their own motives if they do something...
Furthermore for example, the neanderthals had another world outlook than most people today.

As for sanctity - did anyone saw a Bible signed by God?
Stupidity spreads as fire.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-06-10, 06:04:22
Since the toilet use demographics of certain inland US states is what truly matters in the Americas, I moved to Eurafrica ( for a response.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-10, 08:39:33
My society is and always has been deeply pagan.
Show me a pagan cult that shares the modern non-definition of marriage. I say pagans are much closer to the Bible's understanding of marriage, anytime anywhere, even in Hellenic Greek and Classical Rome.

The concept of so-called traditional marriage is not merely traditional, but universal. There's natural law behind the concept, not merely this or that book. Modern society's disrespect for marriage is unique in world history.

The sanctity of property rather. It shows a preoccupation with purity of essence, anything that dilutes the society, particularly any form of foreign culture, is harshly punished.

To take the Leviticus verse you were quoting: If you rape a taken woman that will be punished with death for you and death for the raped woman as well, unless she were in the countryside, and thus helpless.

If the raped woman is not also a taken woman, then that can be solved with a fine and you having to marry the raped girl.

If the woman in question is loot, then there is no punishment involved at all. She's your for the taking.

This isn't about sanctity of marriage, this is about the necessity of control. This is an aggressive culture with aggressive neighbours, this is kill or be killed, control or be controlled. You are right that love has nothing to do with it.
Whereas continuity of society has everything to do with it. Marriage is not a private property. It's a social duty. It was expected that you show some responsibility when you take it on. That's why it's not everybody's right. You have to grow up and become man first (man in the meaningful sense, not as in non-sense). Just like to drive a car you have to pass some requirements.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2016-06-10, 17:28:31
Furthermore for example, the neanderthals had another world outlook than most people today.
Have you been reading Neanderthal literature?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-06-11, 12:26:58
Furthermore for example, the neanderthals had another world outlook than most people today.
Have you been reading Neanderthal literature?
I do it every other day by reading your posts, fascinating. :)
It remembers me that I should teach you how to quote me correctly... bah, it is not worth while.

As for Krake's quote about Neanderthals, indeed they had a completely different world outlook and yet evidence that they believed in the immortality of the soul (or life after death) it's present in their tombs by vestiges of flowers. They weren't atheists for sure.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-11, 16:51:36
Show me a pagan cult that shares the modern non-definition of marriage.

While religions of the ancient world were 'cults' and the fact the same-sex couples being able to marry does not marriage does not have a definition, evidence from the ancient world ( seems to indict that there was indeed same-sex marriage. Perhaps it's the Abrahamic religions that are the anomaly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2016-06-11, 17:41:07
As for Krake's quote about Neanderthals, indeed they had a completely different world outlook and yet evidence that they believed in the immortality of the soul (or life after death) it's present in their tombs by vestiges of flowers. They weren't atheists for sure.
They weren't advanced enough to be atheists. :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-11, 18:27:26
... evidence from the ancient world ( seems to indict that there was indeed same-sex marriage. Perhaps it's the Abrahamic religions that are the anomaly.
This is only evidence for that the researcher in question has no clue what marriage is. In fact, it's crucial for him to have no clue because otherwise he would be forced to a different conclusion.

Yes, there were prominent same-sex relationships in the ancient world, but not a single marriage.

And it's funny how queer lobbyists cannot get their story straight. Some say that Paul displays in the NT absolute ignorance of the modern "committed" and "loving" same-sex "partnerships" while others, like you, say that same-sex marriages have existed all along since Ancient Egypt and only Christianity deviates from this alleged norm.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-06-11, 21:38:27
The concept of marriage was created by the Catholic Church around the twelve century as a religious ceremony. Before that different sex unions were called "natural" unions.
Society never recognized same sex unions, not even at the decadence of Rome.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-12, 08:23:37
The concept of marriage was created by the Catholic Church around the twelve century as a religious ceremony.
I think you mean the Catholic Church created it as a church sacrament. Because surely everybody had a good idea of marriage as a concept before that.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-06-12, 12:39:40
I think you mean the Catholic Church created it as a church sacrament.
I said as a religious ceremony, it's the same thing but yes a church sacrament it's more precise and correct.

Before, marriages were said to be "de natura", with the sense of being from man's nature to marry a woman and have children but made without any specific God's blessing.
I'm not sure but I believe that religious marriages over ruled previous rights from natural marriages what generated a lot of confusion and endless battling as normal at the time.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-12, 14:46:43
This is only evidence for that the researcher in question has no clue what marriage is.
Did you that just because somebody has a disagreement with you about what marriage is, it's doesn't mean he doesn't know what it is. You claim only opposite sex is needed for the continuation of society. What makes you think the gay people would be having all these children anyway?
man's nature to marry a woman and have children
Which we know it's against nature for some people to marriage the opposite sex. The fact is that people are born into a sexual orientation, which is passed down from the mother's side of the family.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-06-12, 17:46:33
This is only evidence for that the researcher in question has no clue what marriage is.
Did you that just because somebody has a disagreement with you about what marriage is, it's doesn't mean he doesn't know what it is.
From your link:
Evidence exists that same-sex marriages were tolerated in parts of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Artifacts from Egypt, for example, show that same-sex relationships....
Here marriage is conflated with relationships. Surely you can tell the difference between a marriage and a relationship. The author of the article doesn't. Also, "tolerated" is not the same as "recognised" and even when it says "recognised", it's not the same as having a moral justification. A little further:
In actuality, same-sex marital practices and rituals are less known in Egypt compared to Mesopotamia, where documents exist for a variety of marital practices, including male lovers of kings and polyandry.
Here "male lovers" are equated with marriage. The author is saying that you are married to your lovers. Brilliant.

This is not just a disagreement between me and this article. It's objective proof that the article has not defined its topic.

You claim only opposite sex is needed for the continuation of society. What makes you think the gay people would be having all these children anyway?
Well, do you mean you disagree that two-sex species need both of the sexes in order to reproduce? If you disagree, then how did you get past fifth grade? Or didn't you?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-06-12, 22:29:44
You're wasting your time, ersi: A hedonist is impervious to all argument. (Did we really need the term "Masochism"? Not before Sadists converted most hedonists… :)  Sophism, given a bad name! Who'd-a thunk it?)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-06-12, 22:43:39
Which we know it's against nature for some people to marriage the opposite sex.
Nope, it's against their nature, not against Nature. The same way some people satisfies their sexual needs with animals.
If you accept your own aberrations, you'll have to accept other's. So much representative as yours.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-06-13, 17:54:26
Well, do you mean you disagree that two-sex species need both of the sexes in order to reproduce?
Gay people exist, always have existed, preventing them from marrying won't change this or cause them to reproduce. Funny now allowing gays to marry is suddenly an existential threat to society when they've been living in domestic arrangements this whole freaking time and we're talking thousands of years at this point. That's with or without legal sanction or society's approval. All the arguments along your lines and philosophy about what's "natural" flies in the face of nature and what's actually been happening.
The same way some people satisfies their sexual needs with animals.
No. It has not been shown that people are born into that. In gay people, certain brain structures have more in common with members of the opposite sex than with their own sex. The science is in. You guys are the perverts throwing things like this in every time and the two are.
A hedonist is impervious to all argument.
Weird how this "hedonist" is the one arguing to put gays in nice domestic arrangements instead of the stereotypical gay lifestyle :left: Do you remember the conservative argument for gay marriage that I showed you before. The LGBT have been arguing for the very opposite of hedonism.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2016-06-20, 16:41:19
Speaking of what's going on in America... (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-06-20, 17:17:42
Not found?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-07-09, 01:28:33
The Washington Post has deicovered that the longer in what passes for a police in the ex-colonies the more physical and dangerous they get. There is also a feeling that they are not being trained properly and far too quick to be violent or just pump you with lead too quickly. A normal country wouldn't put up with the part police state attitude.  If you are stopped or held and black citizen you are on a sticky wicket.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-07-17, 11:02:30
Meanwhile in Tennessee, Ken Ham's Ark Park has successfully been completed and opened to the public. It also received its first celeb visitor ( No official numbers available on other visitors.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-07-17, 14:02:17
An Ark Park? that's probably just a kind of zoo indoors that doesn't even floats.
A Purgatory Park would be funnier.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-07-17, 15:17:04
Ken Ham's Ark Park, officially Ark Encounter, is a totally serious no-joke entreprise, a major investment of $100 million in private donations. The result is a full-size replica of the famous historical Ark of Noah, in Ken Ham's own words.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-07-17, 15:40:18
Ken Ham's Ark Park, officially Ark Encounter, is a totally serious no-joke entreprise, a major investment of $100 million in private donations. The result is a full-size replica of the famous historical Ark of Noah, in Ken Ham's own words.
100 millions in private donations for such a thing... that people have too much money.
BTW, the thing is ugly. Since it's built with wood let's hope it burns soon.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-07-17, 15:57:37
BTW, the thing is ugly. Since it's built with wood let's hope it burns soon.
Wouldn't you rather wish for a second deluge and see if the ark works?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-07-17, 16:00:16
BTW, the thing is ugly. Since it's built with wood let's hope it burns soon.
Wouldn't you rather wish for a second deluge and see if the ark works?
Brilliant idea.  :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-07-17, 16:09:19
7 officers shot; 3 feared dead in Baton Rouge ( This is where Alton Sterling was shot by cops, who claimed he was reaching for a gun.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-07-17, 21:45:19
When policemen are nothing but executioners dressed in uniforms, they become easy targets. Simple as that.

Another thing, does Baton Rouge means what it suggests, simply red lipstick? What a name for a town...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-07-18, 01:40:15
Simple as that.
Your subtlety overwhelms me! :) (Do you and Howie share the "TV room" in the home…?)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-07-18, 15:12:50
As it turns out, this time the shooter wasn't hunting cops. The officers were called in for gunfire.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-07, 09:49:11
In America, they're destroying the libraries.
Luhtala is blessed with a big library, but for most of her career it has been dominated by large bookshelves. Over time, Luhtala has pared down her collection as she increased the digital reading material the library offers, but in order to make room for a makerspace she cleared out 7,000 books. She might not have had the courage to make such a drastic change if she hadn’t had the firm support, and indeed push, from her principal to create a makerspace. Luhtala kept most of her fiction and donated a lot of the nonfiction, which kids are now mostly accessing digitally anyway (emphasis mine).

Call me crazy, but a "makerspace" that basically consists of stuff you can do at home hardly seems useful enough to destroy a library. Just repurpose a spare (class)room or computer room or something.[1] In a workshop I expect to be able to (learn) wood and metal working with lathes and millers, bandsaws, maybe soldering, sewing, etc. Stuff you can't do at home. I mean, even a mini-lathe is going to set you back at least €600, which is awful steep for something you'll probably never use. A simple soldering iron meanwhile is going to cost you €10. You can afford to try it a few times and then ignore it if it isn't your thing.

When I was reading The Case for Books ( it spoke of a caricature of crazy librarians destroying books to put them on microfilm, but in this case the caricature seems to have taken on organic substance. :( I'll just quote the only comment in full to finish:

Quote from: kryten8
This might be the saddest article I have read in a long time, and a great example of why I am skeptical of the huge STEM push we are getting; why did all of this have to happen at the expense of books and reading? You had a space that was dedicated to reading, and now that part of the library is an afterthought. The kids will notice and respond to that. If the principal had wanted a maker space so badly, he/she should have dedicated some other space to the idea.
Yes, you can make do with less computers in the computer rooms because everyone's got laptops now. The space dedicated to computers in the 1990s and 2000s can be reconfigured to be more dynamic in nature in the 2010s.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-08-07, 11:49:06
Call me crazy, but a "makerspace" that basically consists of stuff you can do at home hardly seems useful enough to destroy a library. Just repurpose a spare (class)room or computer room or something.
Yes, it's craziness to destroy a library for this purpose, but a "makerspace" has its purpose in school, outside home. You see, most parents go to work in order to be able to afford to raise a child. Going to work takes time, all day mostly, so in this modern society hardly any parent actually raises their own children. This is where school must make up for missing parenthood.

So, a "makerspace" should be part of normal school curriculum, a "handicraft" class or something like that. School should not be choosing between a library and a makerspace. School must have both. This is what they had when I went to school. In addition, my school had a museum, a chemistry lab, a biology collection, sports field and a garden too. Schools should have all that and more. My school was a village public school, not a privately sponsored city school.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-07, 13:08:13
So, a "makerspace" should be part of normal school curriculum, a "handicraft" class or something like that.
Oh, I agree. It was when I went to school. We had a library, a (work)shop and an arts & crafts space (or whatever you want to call it). I think a makerspace also implies some electronics/Lego Mindstorms kind of stuff, but I guess I'm a few years too old for that. I was certainly young enough when Mindstorms first came out, but schools don't go for that kind of thing until a few years later. We did do some electronics and logical circuits and the like in physics of course, a practical application of the theory in the same way you apply the theory of chemistry and biology. But ultimately if you are going to make cuts, I think cutting into things you can't easily and cheaply have at home (like a workshop or a library) is far worse than cutting into the kind of arts & crafts that you can at least in theory easily and cheaply do at home.

The argument that people should raise their children and that school isn't for raising children is patently absurd. Children spend the majority of their time in school, so how exactly are parents supposed to raise their children while they're at work and the kids at school? Exactly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-08-07, 14:07:44
The argument that people should raise their children and that school isn't for raising children is patently absurd.
Children spend the majority of their time in school, so how exactly are parents supposed to raise their children while they're at work and the kids at school?
Work less, live more.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-08-07, 15:12:25
Children spend the majority of their time in school, so how exactly are parents supposed to raise their children while they're at work and the kids at school?
Work less, live more.
This is the way of life I miss in good old medieval times: Parents worked in the field, growing the food for the family, and children, as soon as they were old enough to understand orders and had the capacity to coordinate their thought with their movement, worked alongside with them. This way the children learned to grow food by observing their parents, by following orders of parents, and by directly contributing to putting their own food on their own table, all the while being under parental supervision.

Putting food on your table is the only skill people really need and it worked naturally all by itself back then, the way the family structure and way of life had been instituted. Why this wonderful synergy had to be broken, I have no idea, but now it's irreversibly broken. Now everybody must engage in some utterly meaningless activity to earn money and then buy food. The earnings must be sufficient if you want to afford what you need, but in order to afford what you need you have to do and earn what you really don't need, which takes away family time. If you still have time left after work, you need that time to rest from all the meaninglessness, so you cannot spend it properly with the family anyway.

In medieval times, every addition to family was welcome, because it meant an additional contribution to the work force, and work simply meant feeding yourself and yours. Work and life were the same thing back then.

Your maxim may be applicable only in the modern world where work and life are different things. But the modern world is self-contradictory. In the modern world, if you want to work less, you have to have no family, so that you don't need to worry for so many people and you don't need to earn so much, but then what kind of life would that be? What would such life consist of?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-07, 15:33:26
The argument that people should raise their children and that school isn't for raising children is patently absurd.
Children spend the majority of their time in school, so how exactly are parents supposed to raise their children while they're at work and the kids at school?
Work less, live more.
I'm not talking about how it should be, I'm saying how it is. The claim is that schools (where kids legally have to spend 6-8 hours a day) aren't for raising children. But if kids spend half of their waking hours at school, it'd be awful negligent to say the least if the only raising they got was outside of school. It's flat-out reality denial.

I'm not opposed to home-schooling. I'm in favor of universal basic income. But I'm not talking about ideals. What I'm talking about is those that say it's not teacher's responsibility. For better or worse, given the conditions of present-day society, it is.

(And besides, it's work less, go hungry/homeless.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-08-07, 15:46:38
But the modern world is self-contradictory. In the modern world, if you want to work less, you have to have no family, so that you don't need to worry for so many people and you don't need to earn so much, but then what kind of life would that be? What would such life consist of?
Not exactly, what the modern world does is to convince people that they need to have things in order to be something. To buy as a sine qua non condition to exist.

People don't need all that stuff they work for, people don't need the lifestyle the media presents them as the only way to have a life, what people need is to redefine themselves their priorities and get rid of the be productive forever nightmare.

If someone what he wants is to have a five or six children family he just need to leave the urban modern lifestyle. Even in Europe there's still plenty of space for the pursuit of happiness.

More and more people are refusing to turn into work slaves, slaves without any meaningful life. There's a growing movement going on and soon it will be unstoppable.
Then, it's when the massacres will begin, consumerism showing it's real nature.

P.S. to those slow to understand evidence, by consumerism real nature I mean the domination by insect like elites.
The same elites that prohibits smoke. There's noting as fumigation to kill insects.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-10, 18:43:39
I thought this was quite interesting.

Contagion in Mass Killings and School Shootings
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-08-11, 05:54:34
"How to play silly games with statistics that you don't understand" would have been a better title… And, golly, look at the wee p value! :)
"Contagion" — really? Ever heard of the Epidemiologist's Fallacy?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-11, 07:39:28
No, but that sounds like a simple case of misattribution. The authors did happen to say this.
While our analysis was initially inspired by the hypothesis that mass media attention given to sensational violent events may promote ideation in vulnerable individuals, in practice what our analysis tests is whether or not temporal patterns in the data indicate evidence for contagion, by whatever means.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-08-11, 10:14:24
Several past studies have found that media reports of suicides and homicides appear to subsequently increase the incidence of similar events in the community, apparently due to the coverage planting the seeds of ideation in at-risk individuals to commit similar acts.
So, according to the studies there is a high risk for contamination through media coverage.
This implies (even so the authors don't dare to tell it directly) that keeping those homicides as secret as possible (no media coverage at all) will substantially reduce the risk of 'contamination'.
This is a nice catch IMHO.
In a wealthy society where almost 3 out of 100 people have a criminal record something is going utterly wrong.
Instead of analysing and pointing the finger at the real causes, the authors prefer a diversionary tactic by blaming the media first. :)
Some questions came to my mind:
Misconduct among police officers is also mainly a result of media coverage?   
What next? Criminal gene propagating among people of low income social classes?
How about countries with higher rates of homicides? Are those higher rates the result of more media coverage than in the USA?
Why doesn't media coverage 'infect' people equally in different countries?

The authors have no support or funding to report.
Wonder how the authors have met each other? By coincidence on Facebook?
Are such studies part of their spare time hobby?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-11, 14:00:30
This implies (even so the authors don't dare to tell it directly) that keeping those homicides as secret as possible (no media coverage at all) will substantially reduce the risk of 'contamination'.
This is a nice catch IMHO.
It does, but not in the sense that relevant facts should be kept quiet. It implies something more along the lines of no photos of the perpetrators, possibly no names or at least no full names (like suspects), no details about the lives of the terrorists and no interviews with their family members. More like train or plane disasters, less like, well, terrorist attacks. Who are the victims, was the aid effective, what were the (security) mistakes that led to this terrible outcome. In brief, no terror porn.[1] That point of view is defended in Le Monde (, among others. Now I have some doubts as to the actual efficacy such leftist self-sensorship. The problem and solution with regard to radicalizing Muslims seems to be much more distinctly pinpointed by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. But at the same time, many terrorists are indeed looking for their fifteen minutes of fame, especially the type of American high school shooter the linked paper is largely about.
Interestingly, this is how suicides are reported around these parts.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-08-11, 15:34:12
My reply was referring to homicides in general.
However it applies even to terrorist attacks we witness lately in Europe.
Such attacks don't occur out of the blue moon. There is a causality between the proclaimed 'war on terror' aka regime changes through military force (disguised geostrategic power struggle and struggle to have control over natural ressources) and what is happening in front of our doorsteps. Since this war was started hundred of thousands if not millions of people had to die for it.
We (the West) have actively contributed to the radicalization and destabilization of parts of the world. Bomb Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya for regime changes and pipelines which might serve our future interests. Stir up a bloody civil war in Syria, fought and financed by mercenaries financed from abroad.
Our friends and allies funded ISIS
What Wesley Clark omits to mention is the role of the USA, starting with the radicalization of 'freedom fighters' in Afghanistan, the organized death squads in Iraq, and the support for 'moderate' head choppers in Syria. I could add more but this should suffice for the broad picture.
Blair was warned by British intelligence that terrorism would “increase in the event of war, reflecting intensified anti-U.S./anti-Western sentiment in the Muslim world, including among Muslim communities in the West.” (source (

So IMHO, blaming the media is hypocritical to say the least.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-11, 17:08:08
Why do non-Americans have so little volition in your worldview? :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-08-11, 18:40:01
If I mean "the West" I mean non-Americans as well - not only but mainly Western Europe.
While the USA due its military force and economic leverage is the leading part (with the according responsabilities) its Western allies (Germany and France included) aren't exempted neither of complicity nor of  responsabilities.
After all Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya have been joint 'humanitarian interventions' and so is now Syria.
Each one tries to safeguard the part of cake that might be left behind...

Why so much hypocrisy? Probably because otherwise it would smell and it wouldn't be a pleasant smell...

BTW, exclusively for you. It's a docu from ARTE I've posted in the past but I repost now for the case you missed it... :P

[video][/video]  in French
[video][/video]  in German (better video quality)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-11, 19:15:12
And both annoyingly dub over e.g. the English voice (even if the German subtitles the French). I do kind of despise German/French TV that way. :P

I've downloaded it, meaning I might end up watching it someday. Reading things is simple. Watching things is very difficult. I don't like it much. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2016-08-12, 18:01:53
American Exceptionalism:
(Hacked from somebody's site)
"Signs of supposed progress in expressions of American violence often disguise profound continuities. For example: The era of highly visible public lynchings, which is estimated to have claimed some 5,000 lives, has passed. Yet since then we have moved on to an institutionalized death penalty regime, wherein states that previously had the highest numbers of lynchings now have the greatest numbers of black people on death row. Both per capita and in raw numbers, America’s prisons warehouse more human beings than any other country on the planet, and its police demonstrate a clear pattern of racial bias in killing their fellow citizens at a rate stratospherically higher than that of any of its supposed peer nations. U.S. soldiers are deployed in some 135 countries, and the number of troops actually engaged in combat is almost certainly much higher than authorities are willing to admit." :o
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-08-12, 21:03:56
I hope you don't mind Jim. Here is the full article (

... the number of troops actually engaged in combat is almost certainly much higher than authorities are willing to admit.
Possible but not strictly necessary.
In combat zones like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria the number of mercenaries contracted through private firms outnumber the regular troops.
It's a catch of the Obama administration. Since those mercenaries are not part of the regular troops, casualties don't appear in any official statistics. As a result public opinion which is very sensitive for casualties abroad won't produce unnecessary headaches to the supreme commander.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-08-13, 10:33:46
It implies something more along the lines of no photos of the perpetrators, possibly no names or at least no full names (like suspects), no details about the lives of the terrorists and no interviews with their family members. More like train or plane disasters, less like, well, terrorist attacks. Who are the victims, was the aid effective, what were the (security) mistakes that led to this terrible outcome. In brief, no terror porn.[1] ( That point of view is defended in Le Monde (, among others. Now I have some doubts as to the actual efficacy such leftist self-sensorship.
I don't consider it to be censorship and even less leftist. It's simple common sense tactics, you don't glorify your enemy.
Secondly, media at our days context are business and just business, it's not moral to win more money with terror porn.

The public opinion pressure must be in winning wars not in selling more newspapers.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2016-08-16, 16:00:41
I wonder if this photo of Osama sold more newspapers.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="eef700cbaa04c26fac78f4ed1cc8014d" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-08-20, 18:08:45
NASA research for all!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-08-21, 13:23:04
Something is reportedly going on in Rio de Janeiro these days.

What if we judged sexist sport coverage as an Olympic sport? (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-08-22, 00:33:27
On a wider note my country did a brilliant job being second in the medal table.  :yes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-01, 17:18:39
Parliamentary coup impeachment in Brazil

Noam Chomsky sums it up: Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff "Impeached by a Gang of Thieves" (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-09-01, 20:24:27
Spot on and the decision was a disgraceful farce.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-09-02, 09:27:35
The US is no longer cut off from Cuba (

First U.S. commercial flight in 5 decades lands in Cuba
  • SANTA CLARA, Cuba — The flight from Fort Lauderdale to this city in central Cuba on Wednesday morning took only 51 minutes, but it represented a major step in ending decades of isolation between communist Cuba and the United States.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-09-02, 10:48:34
American credit rating stuff sounds really stupid.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-02, 11:02:20
The US is no longer cut off from Cuba (
In fact it never was since Guantánamo Bay theoretically at least, still belongs to Cuba.
I can't recall of a referendum taking place there. ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-02, 11:39:28
I can't recall of a referendum taking place there. ;)
After referendum it would belong to the United States, because only US soldiers inhabit the spot. But there's no legal basis for such referendum. The place belongs to Cuba, while US rents it "indefinitely". All other US bases over the world have similar rent contracts.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-02, 12:11:35
All other US bases over the world have similar rent contracts.
You mean all US military bases over the world are rented against the will of the respective countries, like Gitmo is?  :yikes:
BTW, $4,085 per year must be a hell of a bargain for such a beautiful place. (
If you rent a 322.917 square foot lodging in Munich, it's definitive more expensive.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-02, 12:23:19
You mean all US military bases over the world are rented against the will of the respective countries, like Gitmo is?
Nobody asks the people. The rent contracts are between governments. US obtained Gitmo quite long ago, 1903.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-02, 12:31:54
The rent contracts are between governments. US obtained Gitmo quite long ago, 1903.
And since the Cuban government has protested several times, even at the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling it illegally usurped territory.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-02, 12:45:46
The rent contracts are between governments. US obtained Gitmo quite long ago, 1903.
And since the Cuban government has protested several times, even at the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling it illegally usurped territory.
Yes, so it is, but this is how they see it, not how the contract sees it. They want to end the contract, but the contract provides no terms to end itself, so nothing to do about it. Occupation would be a way (like India did in Goa), but...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-02, 13:04:30
They want to end the contract, but the contract provides no terms to end itself, so nothing to do about it.
An imposed contract sealing a duty valid till the end of mankind on earth.
Just wonder how anybody with an IQ higher than that of an insect would call such a contract.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-02, 13:10:25
Just wonder how anybody with an IQ higher than that of an insect would call such a contract.
I looked it up, they call it actually a treaty

Currently, ending this thing is entirely in the hands of Obama. Before he got elected the first time, he promised to close Guantanamo (one of the two concrete promises he gave). He got a pre-emptive Nobel prize for this promise. This is his last chance to deliver.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-09-02, 20:17:55
Utterly scandalous to have a damn base in a foreign country that does not want it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-09-02, 23:25:13
Occupation would be a way (like India did in Goa)
No, it isn't. The invasion and occupation of Goa, Damão and Diu by the Indian Union was immediately presented  by Portugal to the ONU and an unanimous resolution for the illegality was made as well as a deliberation for the immediate return of those possessions to our domination.

According all international laws such resolutions are still valid but the robbers, murderers, cowards, occupiers and son of a bitch have not yet been judged by the Haya International Court nor have devolved the possessions.

Anyway, you heard something about Goa. Estonians are getting very erudite these days.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-09-03, 00:20:25
On a wider note my country did a brilliant job being second in the medal table.  :yes:
Well done indeed old fella. :cheers:

Good of your lot to do so well before the Scots break your union apart within the next half-decade.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-03, 04:46:43
Occupation would be a way (like India did in Goa)
No, it isn't. The invasion and occupation of Goa, Damão and Diu by the Indian Union was immediately presented  by Portugal to the ONU and an unanimous resolution for the illegality was made as well as a deliberation for the immediate return of those possessions to our domination.
I didn't say it was a legal way. It's a way that gets the job done, if one is scum.

You will never get Goa back. Just like Ukraine won't get Crimea back, no matter how many times the occupation and annexation is declared illegal. And Estonia won't get Ivangorod and Pechory back.

Anyway, you heard something about Goa. Estonians are getting very erudite these days.
Thanks, if this was a compliment. I keep looking if there's anything more to know.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-09-03, 06:15:48
Treaties are enforced only by war… There is no such thing as "The Law of Nations" beyond the goodwill of those nations.

Most nations have -mostly- goodwill towards others; but there's no way to make them, except war.

Of course, Europeans have "evolved" beyond this… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-03, 08:29:07
The invasion and occupation of Goa, Damão and Diu by the Indian Union ...
And your protector simply let it happen? How comes that it wasn't a case for the NATO?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-03, 08:33:32
You will never get Goa back. Just like Ukraine won't get Crimea back, no matter how many times the occupation and annexation is declared illegal. And Estonia won't get Ivangorod and Pechory back.
The above list could be expanded endlessly depending on what nationalistic glasses one is wearing and depending on what century one picks up. E.g. - how about Lviv? Will the Ukraine hand it over to Poland?
As for Ivangorod and Pechory - how about Sweden claiming ownership?
The question is - would you really like to open Pandora's box?
In that case, your grandchildren (in case you have some) might never experience the age you are at now (~50+?)...
Keep in mind please that in case of a war with modern weapons smaller nations are at risk to get extinguished totally, no matter which alliances they'd embrace.
Namely, they will be sacrificed as cannon fodder first...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-03, 08:37:32
Of course, Europeans have "evolved" beyond this… :)
Nope, we didn't but common sense tells us (or at least I hope so) that we neither can afford wars nor can we afford to be dragged into wars by our friends and foes...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-09-03, 08:43:39
They were not NATO signatories… Plus, European colonial powers had ever and always thought they could do whatever they wanted, wherever they wanted…
Two World Wars wasn't enough to convince them, that they couldn't!
 I'd like to think you're right, Krake; but I know you're wrong: Europe is about to explode, again…
I hope my country (sorry, that we can't do otherwise…) stays out of it, this time.
We have our own problems.

I, myself, might do something… I'm old and tired! So, there's be no great loss; but perhaps a little gain, if I joined the fray…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-03, 09:08:18
They were not NATO signatories…
Are you sure?
I hope my country (sorry, that we can't do otherwise…) stays out of it, this time.
Don't you think that it's too late for your country to stay out? It's the main actor pouring gasoline into the fire...
I'm old and tired!
Despite of our different views - wish you all the best :cheers:  and have a nice time with your grandchildren  :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-03, 09:42:15
You will never get Goa back. Just like Ukraine won't get Crimea back, no matter how many times the occupation and annexation is declared illegal. And Estonia won't get Ivangorod and Pechory back.
The above list could be expanded endlessly depending on what nationalistic glasses one is wearing and depending on what century one picks up. E.g. - how about Lviv? Will the Ukraine hand it over to Poland?
As for Ivangorod and Pechory - how about Sweden claiming ownership?
The question is - would you really like to open Pandora's box?
Yes, the list could be extended, but it matters on what grounds one is doing it. If there are no criteria, then yes, it's a Pandora's box, but not if there are criteria.

Interrelationships of countries are determined by treaties and (geo)political facts. The independence of Estonia vis-a-vis Russia is determined by Treaty of Tartu (1920). It so happens that the treaty also determines the countries' borders, where Ivangorod and Pechory are assigned to Estonia. Inasmuch as Estonian politicians remain silent about this, they remain silent about Treaty of Tartu, and silent about Estonia's independence from Russia. Consequently they demonstrate themselves ignorant of how diplomacy works.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-09-03, 10:43:27
Treaties are enforced only by war… There is no such thing as "The Law of Nations" beyond the goodwill of those nations.

Most nations have -mostly- goodwill towards others; but there's no way to make them, except war.

Of course, Europeans have "evolved" beyond this… :)
Treaties were typically a consequence of war, and violence or the threat thereof is a central element of power, but treaties definitely weren't enforced by war, quite the opposite. 

A succession of treaties and congresses, the Peace of Westphalia ( onward, has led to both international law and the modern nation state in concert. 

Not only Europe has evolved, no party stay stationary. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-03, 10:47:49
Yes, the list could be extended, but it matters on what grounds one is doing it.
For sure it matters - which comes down to what nationalistic glasses one is wearing and depending on what century one picks up.
If there are no criteria, then yes, it's a Pandora's box, but not if there are criteria.
And who defines the criteria? Each one claims his own criteria as the right one.
The independence of Estonia vis-a-vis Russia is determined by Treaty of Tartu (1920).
May I remind you that since 1920 there was a world war...
By making revisionist claims, you are just trying to open Pandora's box. Good luck!
BTW, AFAIK your country doesn't have (until now at least) territoriale claims towards Russia.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-03, 11:01:21
If there are no criteria, then yes, it's a Pandora's box, but not if there are criteria.
And who defines the criteria? Each one claims his own criteria as the right one.
Hence you deny there are criteria.

By making revisionist claims, you are just trying to open Pandora's box. Good luck!
Since you have no criteria, you have also no ground for saying what/who is revisionist.

As for Treaty of Tartu, yes, there was war, but there's also the treaty. From Estonia's point of view, Estonia either is independent from Russia as per the treaty - or not at all, because there's no other signed agreement granting Estonia independence from Russia, i.e. it's a matter of life and death for Estonia. From Russia's point of view, it's not a matter of life and death whether Estonia is inside Russia's borders or outside, so their whining about the treaty is bully's whining.

Otherwise, I'd gladly favour going under Swedish empire again, but unfortunately Sweden and Russia have their own treaties, which they follow...

BTW, AFAIK your country doesn't have (until now at leas) territoriale claims towards Russia.
You know wrong. Estonia and Latvia had territorial claims against Russia until Merkel forced us to renounce the claims. Meaning, "friendly fire" from within EU forced us to formally renounce claims to independence. Thank you very much!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-03, 13:10:17
Ersi, trying to twist someone's words isn't exactly what we would call analytical skills. ;)
In most of our conversations you are desperately trying to do the first. :)

Hence you deny there are criteria.
I haven't denied criteria as such. What I'm pointing out is that you have your own criteria, Russians have their criteria, whereas third parties may consider their own criteria.
And your 'analytical' masturbation continues like this:
Since you have no criteria, you have also no ground for saying what/who is revisionist.
As for Treaty of Tartu, yes, there was war, but there's also the treaty.
May I refresh your memory a bit?
After WWII the Treaty of Tartu became spoilage and Estonia part of the Soviet Union (sealed up in Yalta).
1991 Estonia became independent and the Soviets recognized its independence (within Estonia's borders at that time).
You know wrong. Estonia and Latvia had territorial claims against Russia until Merkel forced us to renounce the claims.
Neither Merkel nor anybody else can 'force' you to do something. It's up to you to listen or not to an advise. All you have to do is to bear the respective consequences.
If they agree you can start instantly a war against Russia with US help. Saakashvili did it, why souldn't you.
Besides, normalizing relations with your eastern neighbor would primarily be to your own benefit.
However, your 'analytical' judgement would probably disagree. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-09-03, 13:21:36
Portugal is a founding member of NATO.
NATO means North Atlantic... not Indian Ocean...
Besides, the Indian Union was too much of a problem for Americans, English and others. The URSS vetoed any measures against India at the Security Council.

We know very well, since ever, the mentality of our "allies".

Thanks to the Portuguese presence, Goa was classified by Unesco as World Heritage.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-03, 16:18:51
Ersi, trying to twist someone's words isn't exactly what we would call analytical skills. ;)
Nobody is twisting your words. You are merely getting appropriate responses to your words when you twist reality.

Hence you deny there are criteria.
I haven't denied criteria as such. What I'm pointing out is that you have your own criteria, Russians have their criteria, whereas third parties may consider their own criteria.
I used the word first, so let me tell you what I meant, if it was not clear enough. Either the criteria are common or they don't exist. In any relationship it takes at least two to have it. You cannot have your own relationship, separate from your married partner. You have to have a common relationship in order to be married.

If you think everybody can have their own criteria, i.e. everybody can define and re-define by themselves what e.g. occupation, force, annexation, sovereignty, peace, etc. are, then you are twisting the word 'criteria' and clearly demonstrating you don't give a damn how diplomacy works or whether it works.

May I refresh your memory a bit?

After WWII the Treaty of Tartu became spoilage and Estonia part of the Soviet Union (sealed up in Yalta).

1991 Estonia became independent and the Soviets recognized its independence (within Estonia's borders at that time).
False on both accounts. But let's try to be charitable first and assume you are right.

If "sealed up in Yalta" is right, then this means certain nations have a right to obliterate other nations' sovereignty and independence without regard to the will of those other nations. And when this is so, then it follows that when these certain nations sign a paper to another nation saying "we recognise your sovereignty and independence", they cannot be taken seriously, inasmuch as they are nations who reserve for themselves a right to obliterate other nations' sovereignty and independence.

"Soviets recognized its independence..." Now, there are two kinds of recognition of independence. One is by treaty among neighbours including (or with reference to) a border agreement. Another is like sending a note "we recognise your declaration of independence", which can be sent as a friendly gesture to a newly-independent country half a globe away. Soviet Union did the latter to Estonia, not the former.

But "within Estonia's borders at that time" is false. There's no reference to border agreement. Moreover, Soviet Union does not exist anymore, so even this token gesture to Estonia may not be valid, given that Russia is highly selective in keeping to its commitments as the successor of Soviet Union.

To this day, there is no mutually ratified border agreement between Estonia and Russia. The best candidate is the formerly mutually ratified Treaty of Tartu. If this became "spoilage" as you say, then in terms of mutual relationships, certain things follow:

- Current mutual relations can be judged as bad, because Estonia and Russia are neighbours with no defined border between them. As such, recognition of independence does not matter much, even if it existed. But as said, there is no appropriate and solid recognition of independence.

- As such, from Russia's point of view, Estonia did not gain independence from Russia in 1920. The current Estonia is not a successor state of the earlier Republic of Estonia. Accordingly, Soviet Union never occupied Estonia, because the current Estonia is a different country, no formal relation to the earlier. Thus Russia owes nothing to Estonia for the decades of occupation and annexation.

- From Russia's point of view, Estonia (somewhat) gained independence from Soviet Union in 1991, but as there is no mutually ratified border agreement, Russia must be considering this a temporary state of affairs, to become "spoilage" when a favourable opportunity presents itself. Which is why, from Estonia's point of view, relationships cannot improve and all talk of peaceful best intentions from Russia's side is empty rhetoric.

You know wrong. Estonia and Latvia had territorial claims against Russia until Merkel forced us to renounce the claims.
Neither Merkel nor anybody else can 'force' you to do something. It's up to you to listen or not to an advise.
You mean just like United States could not force Cuba to give them Guantanamo? Like Soviet Union and Germany could not force Poland in 1939, as agreed in Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact? And EU could not force Jörg Haider to resign his premiership?

Then Germany was not forced to surrender unconditionally at the end of WWII. It was up to them to listen or not to an advice.

Thanks for making it abundantly clear on whose side you are and in what way.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-03, 21:22:08
Either the criteria are common or they don't exist.
Criteria = a standard of judgment or criticism
There is no universal valid applied standard of judjgment or criticism. As a result even federal states within a country can have different laws, let alone diffrent political parties pursuing their own agenda based on different judgment.
If "sealed up in Yalta" is right, then this means ...
What it means is that major powers of the winning-side sealed it up. Not less and not more.
The current Estonia is not a successor state of the earlier Republic of Estonia.
According to Russia, Estonia is the successor state of the former constituent republic of the Soviet Union and not the one from 1920.
You know wrong. Estonia and Latvia had territorial claims against Russia until Merkel forced us to renounce the claims.
Neither Merkel nor anybody else can 'force' you to do something. It's up to you to listen or not to an advise.
You mean just like United States could not force Cuba to give them Guantanamo? Like Soviet Union and Germany could not force Poland in 1939, as agreed in Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact? And EU could not force Jörg Haider to resign his premiership?

1. Actually they did. Otherwise Guantanamo wouldn't be under US jurisdiction. BTW, aside of Guantanamo there was also a Mexican Cession (
2. Another limping comparison of yours.
    I can't recall neither Merkel's 'Wehrmacht' nor Putin's 'Red Army' threatening Estonia in 2005 in order to drop territoriale claims.
3. I can't recall of any premiership of Jörg Haider. Could you elaborate please?
Then Germany was not forced to surrender unconditionally at the end of WWII. It was up to them to listen or not to an advice.
Another 'appropriate' comparison of yours - Estonia in 2005 and Germany in 1945.
I assume that for your perception Estonia was in a similar situation in 2005 as Germany was in 1945 (decimated and surrounded by Merkel's Wehrmacht + Putin's Red Army).
BTW, Germany is still bound by classified agreements (like Japan b.t.w.) which even German parliamentarians are not allowed to access.
Thanks for making it abundantly clear on whose side you are and in what way.
Whatever "abundantly clear" translates to your perception - you're welcome.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-04, 07:56:03
Ersi, your statement that there was no reference to border agreement is false to say the least.
Besides, in May 2005 Angela Merkel wasn't in office so she had nothing to do with that treaty.

The agreement on the border between the two countries, recognizing that some territories are now in Russia, in the Pechory area of the Pskov Oblast and in the Leningrad Oblast, was signed in May 2005 and ratified by the Estonian parliament, but then Russia withdrew its signature from the treaty.
source (

Wikipedia is omitting (because of its bias?) to mention the reasons for which Russia withdrew its signature from the treaty. At least it kindly provides a link to a Russian site instead.
Russia had good reasons to withdraw its signature since a month later, during ratification of the border treaty, the Estonian Parliament included additional provisions in the documents that were not provided in the original text signed in Moscow by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet and Sergey Lavrov.
source (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-09-04, 09:23:25
Meanwhile, in order to avoid border problems, the US bought Alaska to Russia. It was some time ago but I forgot to post.
There are rumours they haven't paid yet.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-04, 10:54:10

Ersi, your statement that there was no reference to border agreement is false to say the least.

Besides, in May 2005 Angela Merkel wasn't in office so she had nothing to do with that treaty.
The agreement on the border between the two countries, recognizing that some territories are now in Russia, in the Pechory area of the Pskov Oblast and in the Leningrad Oblast, was signed in May 2005 and ratified by the Estonian parliament, but then Russia withdrew its signature from the treaty.
source (
If you understand what the quote says, then you understand that I am right and you are wrong.

I said: Russia's recognition of Estonia's independence has no reference to border agreement.
Wikipedia says, to put it briefly, that there is a border agreement between Estonia and Russia. There certainly is, but as you rightly point out, it's unratified by Russia. If you read everything I wrote, you'd notice I said the same thing:

To this day, there is no mutually ratified border agreement between Estonia and Russia.
Notice "no mutually ratified". So, I'm not denying there have been long border negotiations and even an actual agreement achieved. It's just that Russia has not ratified it, which is what matters in the end. And, all along, the border agreement is not tied to the recognition of independence. From Russia's point of view, the border agreement may be treated like a fixation of borders of one of its own oblasts, except that as long as it's not ratified, it doesn't rise even to that meagre level.

Now, you are right that Merkel was not in office when the agreement was first signed, but the pressure on Estonia and Latvia was specifically from Germany, and turned particularly vicious after Merkel took office. In Merkel's point of view, Russia was not to be blamed for failing to ratify the signed agreement. Rather, a new agreement with further concessions to Russia had to be negotiated. By further concessions I mean absolutely no reference to Treaty of Tartu in any context (this coming from a fellow EU member is particularly harsh) and extensive cooperation at border checkpoints to allow for future visa freedom that Merkel was dreaming about. Putin was, in words, positive about visa freedom and this got Merkel all excited, even though Baltic countries always knew this was another ploy to disrupt the EU internally. Throwing bones to evoke intra-EU quarrels is a game that Russia, US, and UK do regularly, and EU reacts perfectly predictably every time.

Russia had good reasons to withdraw its signature since a month later, during ratification of the border treaty, the Estonian Parliament included additional provisions in the documents that were not provided in the original text signed in Moscow by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet and Sergey Lavrov.
source (
"...additional provisions..." is false. It was a preamble that mentioned Treaty of Tartu, no additional provisions in the text whatsoever. Now, the funny thing is this. When agreements like this are ratified, preambles are routinely added. Preambles have no effect on the contents of the treaty. Preambles only declare how the ratifying country contextualises the agreement, i.e. it's some routine rhetorical bla-bla that everybody always does.

Estonia mentioned Treaty of Tartu in the preamble because, from Estonia's point of view, Estonia is the successor state of the earlier Republic of Estonia. Russia does not want this. But if a country does not let another country decide how the other country sees its historical succession, then that's a decision over the other country's sovereignty. Because this is what sovereignty means - SELF-determination. Russia whines about the preamble - not additional provisions, because there are no additional provisions between the end of the preamble and the signatures at the end of the agreement. To call the preamble "additional provisions" is false.

Russia whines about the preamble as it whines about any hint at Estonia's and Latvia's right to self-determination. In other words, Russia has major psychological problems with Estonia's and Latvia's sovereignty. As said, Treaty of Tartu is a matter of life or death, existence or non-existence for Estonia. Whereas from Russia's point of view, the question in which borders Estonia exists or whether Estonia exists at all, it's all a matter of border adjustment for Russia, not of existence of Russia. So, Russia is a bully, because it has the behaviour of a bully. Merkel's hopes turned out badly betrayed, while the predictions of Estonian politologists were correct. 

Meanwhile, this border game with Russia has involved major concessions on Estonia's part both to Russia and to EU, while we got nothing in return. Except blame and international disrespect. Well, I think our diplomats can be quite objectively blamed for lack of foresight and lack of backbone. They have been either naive, easily intimidated, or corrupt. Or all that.

Either the criteria are common or they don't exist.
Criteria = a standard of judgment or criticism
There is no universal valid applied standard of judjgment or criticism. As a result even federal states within a country can have different laws, let alone diffrent political parties pursuing their own agenda based on different judgment.
" universal valid applied standard..." Therefore whenever you contradict me, there is no basis for anyone to determine if you are saying something worth listening or just emitting hot air. Which looks like a win-win situation. Rejoice!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-04, 12:18:36
You know ersi, there is a saying: Lies soon catch up with one.

To put it mildly, once more your assertion is false.
It's not only the Tartu agreement as you falsely claim that was added in the preamble.
Estonians also added Soviet-era sensitivities to affront the Russians. Those passages were definitively not part of the Tartu treaty.
You don't affront someone you want to reach an agreement with, except you don't care about that agreement or you are an idiot.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-04, 13:01:09
Look, dear Freund. You are not a tough case. You are a ridiculous case.

The entire preamble plus the entire ratification bill is here

Let Google waffle it and find the affronts you refer to, such as Soviet-era sensitivities or the "additional provisions" your other source thought are there.

The simple fact is that having to negotiate borders with Estonia is an emotionally sensitive insult to Russians, because Estonia must not exist in Russia's view. Whereas to Estonia, Treaty of Tartu is a matter of the constitution that we readopted at referendum when re-gaining independence. You like referendums, don't you? But Russia likes them selectively. For Russians, it must not be re-gained independence, because that would mean we were occupied meanwhile, and that cannot be. Instead, they say, we were liberated, but now independent. Either they are implying that historical memory must be wiped out or that MRP was all for the best. Knowing Russians, both of these things mean the same thing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-04, 14:20:29
Let Google waffle it and find the affronts you refer to, such as Soviet-era sensitivities or the "additional provisions" your other source thought are there.
It took less than 5 minutes.
The word "annexation" appears twice on that paper. In diplomatic language this is an non-ambiguous affront.

BTW, even partisan BBC is noticing that Indirect references to the Soviet occupation were added
A newer Estonian-Russian Border Treaty was signed by Estonia on May 18, 2005, reflecting the later border changes, but was rejected and cancelled by Russia on June 27, 2005, because references to Soviet occupation were added.
source (

Moscow says it rejects clauses added by the Estonian parliament when it ratified the agreement on 20 June.
"Estonia did exactly what it promised not to do - insert political statements in the accord," said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
Indirect references to the Soviet occupation were added, but Tallinn says the key treaty details were unchanged.
source (

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-04, 16:01:48
The word "annexation" appears twice on that paper.
What paper? I gave you a page. Everything that Estonia ADDED is on that page up front. There's no annexation there. 

If you click further in the text of the document, you get stuff that Russia SIGNED, but didn't ratify.

Since you clicked further in the page I gave, you can just as well google up the Russian text too and compare them, if anything's really added. Do your research properly. The title is Договор о границе между Россией и Эстонией от 18.05.2005 г. и условия территориальных обменов

And you don't know how to read newstext. The reasons for Russia's rejection are reported as per Russia's view. In the paragraph (very brief paragraph, so you quoted it in its entirety), Russia is doing the talking. You are unable to distinguish between fact and talk.

But here's another source for you, if you are happy enough with mere reporting. In 2014, Estonia and Russia SIGNED the same thing again.[1] "As compared to 2005, the wording of the border agreements has remained unchanged but the text has been supplemented with two sentences. With the first sentence, the sides confirm that the agreement regulates only issues concerning the state border and the second sentence confirms reciprocally the lack of territorial claims. The rest of the text is as it was signed in 2005, reports LETA."
Ratification pending. Why? Crimea.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-09-04, 17:11:32
The word "annexation" appears twice on that paper. In diplomatic language this is an non-ambiguous affront.
Oops, I see now. The webpage I gave, after googlewaffling, indeed includes "annex" as follows:

"...ratification of the annexed Estonia and the Russian Federation on the Estonian-Russian border treaty..."

"...ratification of the annexed Estonia and the Russian Federation, on the Narva and the Gulf of maritime delimitation treaty..."

Yep, since the texts of the agreement are annexed (i.e. attached) to the ratification bill, right there we have proof that Estonia is insulting Russia for Soviet-era annexation etc. In diplomatic language this is indeed a non-ambiguous affront.

I was so wrong. Namely, wrong about you, krake. As to the point itself, I always was spot-on and I remain so.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-04, 18:15:03
You are right about the term "anexation". It doesn't appear in the text you did provide. I've misinterpreted the text (annexed instead of attached documents) since I don't speak Estonian. Mea culpa.

Bear in mind that it makes no changes to the matter because my statement is still valid whereas yours are false to put it mildly...

That preamble has drawn vituperations from Lavrov, his ministry's chief spokesman Alexander Yakovenko, the Duma's and Federation Council's foreign affairs committee chairmen Konstantin Kosachev and Mikhail Margelov, and other Moscow officials. Politically, they object to the Estonian parliament's references to the 1991 and 1992 documents that mention the "Soviet aggression against Estonia in 1940," "illegal annexation," and "decades of occupation." Those formulations are not included or cited in the Estonian parliament's June 20, 2005, document. But its mere reference to the earlier documents that include those formulations seems beyond official Moscow's capacity to come to terms with its history.

source (

How many evidences like the above (written in English) do you still need? 1?, 5?, 10?, ...?
Or do you think all those articles have been written and published (that of the BBC included) by KGB agents?

And since we are at it let me quote you:
You know wrong. Estonia and Latvia had territorial claims against Russia until Merkel forced us to renounce the claims. Meaning, "friendly fire" from within EU forced us to formally renounce claims to independence. Thank you very much!
Let's compare your statement with what BalticTimes has to say:
As compared to 2005, the wording of the border agreements has remained unchanged
source (

In 2005 Merkel wasn't in office and the border agreements have remained unchanged in 2014 compared to 2005.

So, who tells the true and who makes false allegations? BalticTimes? Ersi?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-09-05, 11:36:17
Nice discussion in the wrong thread. Somebody looking for this subject will hardly find it here.
(Edit: now I see it has moved properly (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-06, 11:20:44
(Edit: now I see it has moved properly (
Causa ad acta on my part. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-09-11, 12:19:10
Obama has parasitic worm named in his honor: Baracktrema obamai (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-12-01, 23:07:45
Obama has parasitic worm named in his honor: Baracktrema obamai
Maybe many diseases could be named Something Americaini.

Bah, I'm joking, I like my American friends. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-12-07, 15:23:19
Time's Person of the Year (

(" rel="cached" data-hash="fe2e1607afee7fb03c4c1583d5082a14" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

As a reminder - Time's Person of the Year 2015 was Angela Merkel followed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from the Islamic State.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-12-07, 15:45:35
"When you say 'divided states of America,' I didn’t divide them," Trump said. "They’re divided now, there’s a lot of division. And we’re going to put it back together."
So, he agrees. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-12-08, 00:31:21
He's not the President of "Divided States of America".
He's the "elected" President of "United Sates of America".

Outside the "United Sates of America" will see what he is. When he starts being someone.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-12-17, 21:43:54
Trump says Chinese made an "unpresident" act....
The imbecil thinks unpresident to be unprecedent...

As I said, we are seeing what he is.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-17, 23:03:02
Spelling lessons from Belfrager? Too funny! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-12-19, 03:03:26
Not sure if we are seeing what he is yet. Curious mind you.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-12-20, 19:35:32
Noteworthy things that have happened since I last posted:

1. The Deep Fried Cheeto elected President.

2. DFC appoints millionaires and billionaires, and n'eer-do-wells to various Cabinet positions.

3. Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, who presides over a public education system ranked 50th out of 50 states, is appointed to a position of influence in education by the Deep Fried Cheeto; indeed, his influence will be 2nd only to the Sec. for Education.

4. A deer hit my old 2001 Buick; the Buick has since been replaced by a 2015 Chevy Malibu

5. The so-called and so-asserted "War on Christmas" rages on; meanwhile many of my FB friends post pictures of Christmas Trees in their various churches of varying Protestant denominations (delicious irony there, methinks). @Belfrager will no doubt be pleased to note that none of my Catholic friends have posted pictures of, or reported Christmas Trees in their various churches.

6. My new job is going well and paying decent.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-12-21, 01:24:18
Because a few RC's don't mention Christmas trees does not mean they are not widely used. Tut, tut. Anyway colonel what are you doing work-wise now in the land of odd politics?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-21, 05:17:52
Political consulting? :)

You, Howie, would be teaching English composition…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2016-12-21, 10:26:41
Roman Catholics are known to be more religiously indifferent than Protestants.
I'm not saying this is bad.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-12-21, 11:12:13
5. The so-called and so-asserted "War on Christmas" rages on; meanwhile many of my FB friends post pictures of Christmas Trees in their various churches of varying Protestant denominations (delicious irony there, methinks). @Belfrager will no doubt be pleased to note that none of my Catholic friends have posted pictures of, or reported Christmas Trees in their various churches.
It's just a naming problem. There's Christ in "Christmas" and this leaves the impression as if the two were related. Here in Northern Europe we don't call it Christmas and even if a Christmas tree (which we don't call a Christmas tree) is in a church, we don't make the connection.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-12-21, 12:50:53
You would have thought so, and the whole war on Christmas has been seen as American silliness. But that was before Facebook, and reality-distorted pockets on FBhave shown themselves willing to believe this and even more ridiculous stories.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-21, 19:57:24
It has more to do with a misreading of our constitution's 1st amendment... And militant atheists. (See here ( The contortions of logic used to blame it on Thomas Jefferson's phrase "wall of separation" are humorous!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-12-22, 01:23:08
The constant fighting over that constitution is humorous too. Even after two plus centuries still a groan.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-22, 15:38:24
DFC appoints millionaires and billionaires, and n'eer-do-wells to various Cabinet positions.
Nice "draining the swamp" , huh? Sounds like he's adding more fetid water to it. And why not? His meeting the defense contractors already took place at his own resort. The corruption will be legendary, even by DC standards.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-23, 00:37:31
Typical leftist technique, Sang: Start without evidence, add as much innuendo as time permits… Then, when the evidence comes in in contradiction to your narrative, ignore it.
I look forward to your further "predictions" (ahem! projections… :) ). "It's the seriousness of the charge, not the quality of the evidence…" (Has it occurred to you that that trope has lost its sheen? Quite a few people nowadays actually want evidence… :) Go figure!)

BTW: Have you a comment about this ( (Since clicking a link may now be beyond your prowess, I'll preview it: You said who but a Nazi-KKK-rabid Alt-Righter would burn down a black church in Mississippi and spray-paint "Vote Trump" on its wall? Well, now we know…)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-12-23, 03:21:26
Yes it was a shock to fin out it was a black man who did that and was a nasty thing. It was easy for many to originally take it as who you mention Oakdale because so many, well, so-called liberal minds were going bananas in the streets.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-23, 03:43:28
It's all about the narrative, RJ: There's a long history of this sort of thing. (But the Mississippi church won't suffer financially and, thankfully, no one was hurt. -let's see if this passes the censors, who do indeed have the right to censor my comments here!- The nigger just had to express hisself, at the potential election of a white man instead of a white woman… :)
He'd been told by the MSM that Trump was a racist. And he had to act! How better to showcase the viciousness of "Whitey" than to burn down a black church?
It's not a new phenomenon. Unfortunately, it's based upon real hate crimes…

My question is: Why do so many people regret that they no longer happen?

Because their narrative requires a victim and a villain: Simple-minded rhetoric and vitriol…designed to keep Democrats (and leftists of all stripes) in power.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-23, 15:58:45
Then, when the evidence comes in in contradiction to your narrative, ignore it.
All I'm saying this does not bode well. Will taxpayer dollars start flowing into his properties when he holds meetings?
He'd been told by the MSM that Trump was a racist.
Really? That must have been a completely different MSM than I've seen. If anything, the MSM has supported Trump. Let this sink in. Every  time he wanted attention, he got. When the non-story about the emails came out right before the election, the MSM pounced on it like the smoking gun of Hillary's guilt, perhaps tipping the balance in the states where Trump one by one or two points (until oops it was the same emails......) Trump himself doesn't have be a racist, (in fact, I don't think the mainstream news ever accused him of being one.) but he energized them. Can you answer for the hundreds of other similar hate crimes committed since Nov 9. No? Funny, the prep in this one is white ( Tell me, what's Dylan Roof's race?

I understand. It's denial that the man you voted for has inspired violence. However, the incident with the church doesn't explain away hundreds of others.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-23, 17:27:26
Dylan Roof was inspired by Trump?! Sang, you're deranged...
The "hundreds" of others? They seem to be proving to be hoaxes quite regularly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2016-12-23, 17:32:14
The nigger just had to express hisself, at the potential election of a white man instead of a white woman...
The problem is ignorance and who is to blame. Trump is racist. As are you and so am I as well as the next guy regardless of race. To what extent may be argued but owning the blame for it is the first step to relieving the ignorance and embracing solutions. (Dare you to suggest you're not a little racist after that.)
All I'm saying this does not bode well. Will taxpayer dollars start flowing into his properties when he holds meetings?
Naive beyond words. You love to argue politics but have no experience in actually dealing with such. Profiting off government ties is simply how it's done. What kind of fool wouldn't and there are plenty of legal ways to... Leaving out shadier happenings that are looked over.

Rj wafts in like a fart no one wants to claim talking about corporate control and everyone wants to turn away like that's not something they have anything to do with. But there is truth to it. His tactics are ultimately self-defeating because of his inherent ignorance, racism and bias, and he's invariably forgetting he's ranting against a system very much in place where he is too. It's how it's been since before any of us. His wider democracy falls from more government control over what he sees and how his telly wants him to believe the US is where all the bad things happen. Taking the same garbage y'all 'debate' and validating with your blind attention.   
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-23, 19:24:35
Yes, ensbb3, I do "dare to suggest that" I'm not "a little racist after that"... But your point seems to be that I'm not PC. To that I plead guilty: Adults use words differently than do the "snowflakes"!
The solution won't be the continued infantilizing of our society.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2016-12-23, 19:43:41
Somehow you think the word "nigger" offends me??

The point is the race of the person in question mattered greatly to you. You brought it back up and all but said "It was a nigger! Ha!"

I give 2 shits about being "PC". What is acceptable racism varies with culture. I've notice Europeans have a higher range of what is acceptable or moreover what isn't "racism" where Americans seem to jump to it quicker - too quick even. That's because you're denying what was actually racist in that by getting distracted by simple words and how you want them viewed rather than how you view the need to imply them. That is what makes them racist. These are human constructs that an ersi-esque style debate could drivel over for hours because you cant pin down significant qualifiers for every case. It never mattered to me what race the guy was nor does it change the reason it happened. You, and likewise your polar opposite, are to blame for the level of ignorance it takes to let these things happen. Arguing over who even knows what the fuck? You suggest "snowflake" as derogatory to me but it's not racist... Or is it the same thing? 

The solution won't be the continued infantilizing of our society.
Then stop it!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-23, 20:40:56
I brought it (the Greenville, MS church burning and spray-painting) back up because it was used to smear Trump and anyone who might vote for him; and, then, when the culprit was caught -- those who promoted the smear became silent. When a "false flag" operation is uncovered, that's what usually happens.
Without a doubt, it was simply too hard to argue that the horribleness of Trump made him do it...
The culprit is obviously deranged. But so were the many who credulously took it to be a "hate crime," in the legal sense. (It was, indeed, a hate crime -- but the hate was of the common variety: political rivalry, racial animus and cretinous reasoning.)

BTW: I wasn't calling you a "snowflake"... But you do seem to have caught the meme! :)

I'm curious to see if the local law follows through on its promise to prosecute the arson as a hate crime, regardless of the race of the offender...
I'm also curious about how many here think they should!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2016-12-23, 21:14:09
It should be about balance. but you and other's ride the scales like a seesaw. I'm not going to try to show you the forest while you're chopping that tree or anything.... However it was taken that way because ignorance doesn't know any better. Because everything I just said is true and no one can see past what they want to believe.

When a "false flag" operation is uncovered,
Conspiracy theory nonsense. You may be too old for the internet. (How to make something out of nothing 101.)

But so were the many who credulously took it to be a "hate crime," in the legal sense. (It was, indeed, a hate crime -- but the hate was of the common variety: political rivalry, racial animus and cretinous reasoning.)
A step in the right direction... Somehow I know our paths will quickly diverge. You don't mean any of that. just sounds good.

But you do seem to have caught the meme!
Yep, too old for the internet. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-12-23, 21:33:47
What is acceptable racism varies with culture. I've notice Europeans have a higher range of what is acceptable or moreover what isn't "racism" where Americans seem to jump to it quicker - too quick even.
I'd say that generally speaking we care less about how something is said and more about what is being said. Americans losing their marbles over "woman is the nigger of the world" or a word like "fuck" is bemusing, and worrisome when violent movies are considered more acceptable than some words or some (non-weird pornographic ) sex or nudity.

Paul Verhoeven is a great loss to American cinema. So it goes.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-23, 22:10:56
Conspiracy theory nonsense. You may be too old for the internet. (How to make something out of nothing 101.)
You mean a black criminal spray-painting "Vote Trump" and then torching the building of his own church was really a Trump supporter? One of those from the "basket of deplorables"?
Yup! Makes sense to me... :)

@Frenzie: I don't consider Paul Verhoeven's return a great loss. But I've only seen some of his English-language films... But if you don't want him you can send him back. I won't complain!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-12-23, 22:33:54
There's no place in the civilized world where people are classified by races.
I heard that happens with American identification cards, don't know if it's correct.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2016-12-23, 22:59:24
You mean a black criminal spray-painting "Vote Trump" and then torching the building of his own church was really a Trump supporter?
I guess what I'm really saying is it doesn't matter why he did it. It was dumb and I'm not sure that was entirely his fault. Pumped full of the rhetoric you can't get passed either he just did something stupid. I see no difference in cognitive processing with you and needing to point it out. WTF made you think it was ever about race? The media suggested it? Some idiots assumed and you were like, yea? Given no evidence and pure speculation from them you still wanted to yell back at obvious ignorance. Infantile doesn't cover it. But shameful comes close. 

It doesn't even matter if what you said is meant to be racist. Or hurtful. Or actually meaningful in anyway. You're guilty of the same type of thinking. You might not go burn a church but sure will use it to some perceived advantage. Gotta pamper those feelings.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-24, 00:24:39
I guess what I'm really saying is it doesn't matter why he did it.
It certainly does, if it's to be charged as a "hate crime"… But it also matters, since the "blame" continues to be placed on our President-Elect.
I can see being appalled at his election, if one disagrees with almost everything he's said (and says he plans to do). That's politics. But he was no more responsible for the criminal's acts than were the slavers who brought his ancestors here. (And the Democrats who "educated" him!)
It was dumb and I'm not sure that was entirely his fault. Pumped full of the rhetoric you can't get passed either he just did something stupid.
No, sir! He did something criminal, and vile. If you think the criminal was "pumped full of rhetoric" -but you don't seem familiar with either the rhetoric or its source- what's your take? The criminal was too fragile/feeble to resist the urge to respond to the liberal blogs' and the MSM's constantly "connecting" Trump to the Alt-Right, the KKK and Nazis; so he burned down his own church, hoping Trump supporters would be blamed? (They were blamed, btw. Specifically, by our own Midnight Raccoon… (If you'd like, I'll pull up a dozen quotes from the left's reliable sources. More, if you'd like…)
I see no difference in cognitive processing with you and needing to point it out. WTF made you think it was ever about race?
Oh, I don't know: Maybe the local police chief's press conferences. Maybe the mayor's press conferences. Maybe the major TV news reportage. Maybe the Huffington Post, and a host of other on-line leftist outlets…
And maybe Midnight Raccoon's sneering dismissal of anyone who wasn't a Trump supporter, as the culprit… And, since it was more than a month ago, I was unsure where he and I "discussed" the case. (He brought it up, BTW: As "evidence" of the evil influence of Trump! Gotta love the irony!) I posted the news as soon as I stumbled across it — in the most likely thread.
Midnight (he's white, btw! :) ) somehow didn't respond. I think the technical term is "Trump Derangement Syndrome"…
Thinking I'd just posted in the wrong thread, I brought it up here — because he was still posting here.

Why you "see no difference in cognitive processing" is moot… Perhaps you are a "snowflake" after all: See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil — except when one has a political disagreement! That would explain it.
The way things are going now, that would lead me to believe you're a black female transvestite homosexual… :) I won't go that far!
I'll just say that you're ignorant (the original meaning, un-aware…) and bored, so you troll.
Which is to say, I'd hoped to get Midnight Raccoon to respond, so we could continue our discussion.

Do you need help finding the scroll button? :)
One final note, ensbb3: This Left/Right, black/white thing is still going on in the Americas… Trump, and the various reactions to him, are symptoms — not causes.
I don't like it. But hiding your head in the sand or merely tsk-tsking doesn't seem likely to make things better, which is what I'd like to see: Things getting better.

I "get it," that you're not the least bit interested… But I am: It's my country!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2016-12-24, 01:29:56
He did something criminal, and vile.
Criminal. Yes. Vile? Meh.

I'm not sure why you passed the judgment that it's wicked. Again, nothing has been released to suggest it. (Maybe he was on something? We don't know.) No one was hurt right? The church was inundated with donations. They took over $200k from Patreon alone(or the likes). So they get a new church and a bonus lesson learned about jumping to conclusions. -- They caught the guy - are you wanting to lynch 'em? Sure wanting it to be a hate crime, when it should show how ridiculous the mess was to begin with, smh.
Good could still come of it all. Unless every rambling idiotic opinion on the internet/media has it's way.
Oh, I don't know: Maybe the local police chief's press conferences. Maybe the mayor's press conferences. Maybe the major TV news reportage. Maybe the Huffington Post, and a host of other on-line leftist outlets...
I feel like I covered that... (Tho in your case it would of been "naw"?)
Some idiots assumed and you were like, yea?
You left out every right/alt-right/conservative source feeding it too. Takes two sides for the seesaw to work.

Not one call for due process from you - For reasoning out a solution. Just reactionary garbage held out as emotional justice for the simple minds derping around under the cause of political ideals. This country isn't divided, you're all in agreement. Sooner you all lemming train us into a recession perhaps the sooner we can pull heads out of asses and actually get somewhere. 

I like my red State. Works better with a bluer Federal Gov. I still think Trump can serve my purposes. Shameless optimism on my part. I can't help it.  :blush:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-24, 02:22:02
Takes two sides for the seesaw to work.
The idea that it's a see-saw is repugnant. But too many people have already accepted it… My voice won't likely matter. But I'd still speak…
Using "meh" makes you internet-ready, fo' sure!
They caught the guy - are you wanting to lynch 'em?
(I like your locution: It implies all of your race-baiting tropes! I'd rather trust the local law, even if -for perhaps understandable historical reasons- they've used rhetoric to inflame the situation. There hasn't been a trial yet; and I'm not gonna be on the jury anyway. I'd prefer to let the locals handle it. (BTW: I've always been against the "hate crime" category… It's redundant, and leads to the kind of politicization I hate! If a black man kills a white man or a white man kills a black man, the primary charge is Murder.
Sure wanting it to be a hate crime, when it should show how ridiculous the mess was to begin with
You must know that what you're imputing to me comes from your own inability to read? Right?
The "mess" was ginned up, because so many Clinton supporters thought that was a good strategy! (With friends like these, who needs enemies?)

But that's politics! You're above that, I presume… :)
I don't want it to be charged as a hate crime. I want it to be charged as arson; and the fellow needs some psychiatric help. (The rest of his "motivation" should be left to the professionals that are charged with "rehabilitating" him! I'd recommend a sentence -if he's found guilty of the crime- of 4 to 8 years! :) But that's because I'm evil and racist! :) ) The guy was a petty criminal before this incident. One wonders if a conspiracy charge might be forthcoming? :) Was he "encouraged" to besmirch the "Trumpsters" by… Hm.

As I said, there's a sick divide, in my country. I'd like to see it mended. But it won't happen if no one wants to let go of their prejudices. (I use that word also with it's original meaning… PC be damned!) Statists and "the rest of us" need to come to an accommodation: That begins with the Trump presidency.
He may not be able to accomplish much; he may not accomplish anything. But he will be the president (…despite Barack's prediction) and he should have the chance to prove himself.

So: Can we stop the "racist, everything-a-phobe" rhetoric already?
No. And you know who won't…

The election's over. Hillary lost; Trump won. So it goes.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-24, 02:43:13
You mean a black criminal spray-painting "Vote Trump" and then torching the building of his own church was really a Trump supporter? One of those from the "basket of deplorables"?
Yup! Makes sense to me...
It's not outside the realm of possibility. What was the motive? Like a right-wing blog lemming, you still seem to think even the majority if the incidents, now actually over 1000 are hoaxes. (13 are hoaxes out of all those...)
and he should have the chance to prove himself.
And he's already showing himself corrupt. Why was the meeting with defense contractors at his resort? Why did the rent at his Trump Tower HQ increase after he stopped self-funding? Was it to bilk his supporters? You want to use the straw man "predication" , but his corruption is already showing and he known as double-dealer decades before the election. What part of this is hard for you?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-24, 03:25:22
What part of this is hard for you?
The whole "I don't agree with him, so he's evil and responsible for everything anybody does" part.
It's not outside the realm of possibility.
So: Whatever the facts are, you'll hold Trump responsible… Good to have you on-record; but I already knew that.
Some others seem not to have.
the majority if [sic, which is to say: He hopes that such is the case…] the incidents, now actually over 1000 are hoaxes.
I'll wait until the individual cases are investigated… I hope you don't mind? :) Each one that's become prominent has proved to be a hoax.
But you keep hoping…
BTW, have you reported me for harassing you, yet? You know I have — by your definition! I think you're a pussy, Sang! Which is pretty funny, if you come to think of it!

Four years from now, you'll get the chance to vote (and work for and donate to) the candidate of your choice. You want more? Of course you do! You think it's the end of the world when "your side" loses an election… Where were you in 2010 and 2014? If you want to be involved in politics, understand that it's a long game.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-25, 04:44:52
Each one that's become prominent has proved to be a hoax.
The reason you think that is you read rightwing blogs instead of actually finding out what's been happening, being a Trumpian zombie.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-25, 18:26:33
Trump now controls local PDs and newspapers…? Wow. I never knew! He's already taken over everything… (Well, just your imagination! :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-28, 04:55:37
(Well, just your imagination!
No. It's your imagination that I said anything remotely like that. Face it, there has been an upswing in racial incidents since the election. The blog you cited is not only run by a member of a fascist party, but it objectively wrong about the number of followers. How did I prove him wrong? Merely by searching for Richard Spencer Twitter, that didn't provide the total number of followers but did show the number to be much more than 300.
You think it's the end of the world when "your side" loses an election..
There are deep concerns about Trump. Everything else aside, he's not behaving like the President of the United States. If Romney has somehow beaten Obama, it wouldn't be considered an existential threat to the Republic. Likewise if things had gone better for Rubio. Get it, yet? It's not the mere fact of losing, it's having a man with questionable mental stability as president. Now he wants bizarre conspiracy theorists in his cabinet.

Then there are issues such as why would we need more nuclear weapons. Between the US and Russia, we can destroy the world ten times over. The US and Russia hold 93 percent of the world's nukes. Why do we need more. If Kim Jong-Un decides to be even more of a lunatic and uses his, not even China will support him.That is if Trump wants more nukes at all. He tweets whatever insanity is on his mind in the moment and contradicts those tweets the next week and his team winds up having to back peddle them for him and provides no clear policy. I expect a president to provide a clear vision, not keep muddying the waters.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-28, 06:43:36
No. It's your imagination that I said anything remotely like that. Face it, there has been an upswing in racial incidents since the election.
No, Sang: You've repeatedly said that Trump has trumped up the rhetoric… The "reports" of incidents. BTW! They're getting smacked down on a regular basis… (Which is why the main one you pinned your hopes on is the one you won't comment upon… :)
The blog you cited is not only run by a member of a fascist party, but it objectively wrong about the number of followers. How did I prove him wrong? Merely by searching for Richard Spencer Twitter, that didn't provide the total number of followers but did show the number to be much more than 300.
(Are you willing to to accept Trump's Twitter numbers… ?)
So: The actual fascist who employed the boy for two years doesn't know anything! Your usual level of "evidence"…
You already know what I think about Twitter, Sang! (We can disagree about this; but yo can't convince me…  Hm. 200 or 300… How many pedophiles are there? On Twitter? Or in the "system"? You're playing a dangerous game.) Let me repeat myself: is for people who shouldn't be let out, except on a leash!
(I'd thought you smart enough to use that line; I guess I was wrong! But maybe you're pretty smart, after all: You don't dare go there!)
Get it, yet? It's not the mere fact of losing, it's having a man with questionable mental stability as president. Now he wants bizarre conspiracy theorists in his cabinet.
Who might these "conspiracy theorists" be…?
I don't expect you to mention the author of the "vast Right Wing conspiracy" against Bill Clinton; including the "Bimbo Eruptions"… :)
So: Who are these "conspiracy theorists"?
Then there are issues such as why would we need more nuclear weapons.
Of course, Putin saying that his country is going to upgrade their nuclear arsenal was just — a nice parting shot at Obama!
Between the US and Russia, we can destroy the world ten times over. The US and Russia hold 93 percent of the world's nukes. Why do we need more[?] If Kim Jong-Un decides to be even more of a lunatic and uses his, not even China will support him. [He doesn't need "support"…] That is if Trump wants more nukes at all. He tweets whatever insanity is on his mind in the moment and contradicts those tweets the next week and his team winds up having to back peddle them for him and provides no clear policy. I expect a president to provide a clear vision, not keep muddying the waters.
"I expect…'… Then, boy-o, you should have elected one! Hillary seemed to have wanted to go to war with Russia!
Let's go to war with Russia! That'll work out well…
Also, even China doesn't claime to keep herd on NK.

BTW: We don't need more nuclear weapons; but we do need updated versions .
(You wouldn't know this, but our nukes are woefully behind, technologically… Unless of course you're rejected MAD! (For those of you who've never paid attention: That's an acronym for "Mutual Assured Destruction. In which case, Reagan was right: The Strategic Defense program was sensible… ABM treaties were abrogated -which is to say, when we could we withdrew from them- and should never have been signed — NOT!)[
Putin said he was going to update his nation's nuclear arsenal. Of course, he was -like Obama- just drawing a "red line" in the sand! :) )
I expect a president to provide a clear vision, not keep muddying the waters.
No. You just want your "team" to win… Guess what: They didn't! Oops! :)
Sang, you want Hillary to be President. Ain't gonna happen, either.

You want a clear vision[?  Look at the latest kerfluiffle in the UN… Obama's administration is all on board.

Also you should be aware that the "clear vision" you seem to want is — accepting the people who'd kill you… You seem so stupid, to me!
But that's your weird way of being "so very, very" silly: You hate people who don't like you — except when they're the Muslims; because BHO says they're all nice!
Smart move, Sang!
If you win, you lose —  big-time! :)
But your hatefulness knows no bounds…

You'll hate Trumo until the day you die! Enjoy your  rejection of America – and, please, go somewhere else!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-28, 12:04:11
Hillary seemed to have wanted to go to war with Russia!
Okay, put down the whiskey or whatever you're drinking. You're drunk enough already. Both her and Putin know that a US/Russia war would be catastrophic on a global scale.
The "reports" of incidents. BTW! They're getting smacked down on a regular basis...
13 out of over a thousand. You know what? Your trollish post isn't even worth answering any further. You're trying to upset and unnerve me. The only reason it's even close close to successful in that is that I know you're not this much of an idiot. So why do you do this? Was I right in that you're drunk?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-29, 01:15:25
13 out of over a thousand. You know what? Your trollish post isn't even worth answering any further. You're trying to upset and unnerve me. The only reason it's even close close to successful in that is that I know you're not this much of an idiot. So why do you do this? Was I right in that you're drunk?
Let's unpack that:
13 out of over a thousand: The ones that have been investigated…
I'm trying to upset and unnerve you? :) No, "snowflake," I'm trying to educate you, to get you to pay attention to the real world… (I know it's a thankless task, and likely futile.)
You're right, that I'm not an idiot. But I admit that I failed to consider the possibility that my post would "upset and unnerve" you…
Hie thee to a nunnery safe space! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-12-29, 03:38:42
Uh-oh, midnight raccoon. Millions of Oakdales behind Trump to add to the dilemma! Glad I stick to diet soft drinks.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-29, 04:58:09
. But I admit that I failed to consider the possibility that my post would "upset and unnerve" you...
Oh please. You were trying to troll me and even adopted the language of Trump trolls, i.e. calling everyone that doesn't support Trump "snowflake" for some reason. Why? Because 1) You were drunk and/or 2)You're source was a blog run by a member off a Greek fascist party that was easily shown in incorrect in the number of Richard Spencer's followers - probably delibrately lying to downplay the level of Trump's support among American fascists and would be fascists.
Glad I stick to diet soft drinks.
He needs something besides that. Maybe a nice detox tea to get all that out of his system.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-29, 05:41:23
Oh please. You were trying to troll me and even adopted the language of Trump trolls, i.e. calling everyone that doesn't support Trump "snowflake" for some reason. Why?
Because I have two children in college; one at UC Berkeley, the other doing graduate work at UCLA… So, I tend to pay attention to what goes on on campus.
Because 1) You were drunk and/or 2)You're Your source was a blog run by a member [of] a Greek fascist party that was easily shown in incorrect in the number of Richard Spencer's followers - probably delibrately lying to downplay the level of Trump's support among American fascists and would be fascists.
You mean an actual Greek fascist who employed the boy for two years is an unreliable source?
You like your conspiracy theories, don't you?
"[…] easily shown in incorrect in the number of Richard Spencer's followers"… What you mean is, you don't want to believe the evidence; your mind is made up, and nothing will change it! (You do remember, what my opinion of Twitter is? Right? Give me a reason to change it…)
Ooh! Would-be fascists… Sounds scary! Thought-crime seems to be your new bugaboo, Sang!

I don't know what it would take, to get your Liberal bias out of your system! Luckily, it ain't my problem.
You're entitled to your vote. And both what you contribute to your party's candidates, and whatever "activism" you commit -if it's legal- is fine with me.

It seems to me that I'm more coherent, even when I'm drunk, than you are when you're sober… (Ah! The advantages of being old!)
I likes to drink a bit. And talk. (This forum is a form of talking, isn't it? :) ) I don't troll you. But we've been arguing for a long time, and I do know that you will provide the current Leftist memes… These are what I rail against!

I'm sure you're a nice enough fellow. I have nothing against you personally. And, if I offend you, you can easily stop reading my posts… (BTW: It's never my intent to offend you, Sang… I don't even understand why that would make sense.) When you offend me, I take it to be a "symptom" of your disease: Liberalism. So, I usually just let it go.
(If I knew of a cure, I'd recommend it. But you don't want to be cured! So, no matter…)

Seriously: Do you think that you and I would have a problem, in real life? If not, why would you be "
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-29, 08:16:52
You didn't see that I went to Spencer's Twitter to find out how many followers he has just there? (28.4 k) , no doubt his true number of followers dwarfs this figure. Your source wad lying or is an idiot. Belonging to the Golden Dawn, which is a Greek fascist party, doesn't help his case. It's almost frightening that you confuse a fascist source for a conservative one. Has the line really become this blurred? I didn"t say you offended me. I said you're trying to and I don't understand why besides you have no other recourse lacking facts.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-12-29, 14:20:32
"I expect...'... Then, boy-o, you should have elected one! Hillary seemed to have wanted to go to war with Russia!
Let's go to war with Russia! That'll work out well...
Also, even China doesn't claime to keep herd on NK.

BTW: We don't need more nuclear weapons; but we do need updated versions .
(You wouldn't know this, but our nukes are woefully behind, technologically... Unless of course you're rejected MAD! (For those of you who've never paid attention: That's an acronym for "Mutual Assured Destruction. In which case, Reagan was right: The Strategic Defense program was sensible... ABM treaties were abrogated -which is to say, when we could we withdrew from them- and should never have been signed -- NOT!)[
Putin said he was going to update his nation's nuclear arsenal. Of course, he was -like Obama- just drawing a "red line" in the sand!  :)  )

Nuclear weapons have a "best used before" date. A huge number was decommissioned with the Cold War, but at some point nuclear powers need to go back to the forge or forego them, something no one has done to date (the British have given it some thought), so yes "modernising" in some sense is unavoidable. The Russian warhead were in a miserable state, and a decade or so ago American hawks were talking about the possibility that after an American first strike the Russians would not be able to retaliate. The Russians didn't enjoy that non-MAD talk very much, and they found means to modernise their warheads.

Putin has found that talking tough is a lot cheaper than actually dropping those billions into nuclear war holes, never to be seen again. China doesn't even do MAD, they have enough warheads to hopefully make a credible defence and that's it. The US have to decide how much of their resources they want to sacrifice to the gods of war, and how. 

Modernising is not what Trump tweeted, but: (is there a Twitter mod?)

(" rel="cached" data-hash="8d979afc07656d3f5a4851e347fd3825" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

As earlier when Trump has tweeted something outrageously, aides has rushed in to say that this was not what the Great Trump meant, but modernisation (which is controversial, but still rational), something the Great Trump contradicts later. 

There are two scenarios. The benevolent is that Trump is trolling, the malevolent is that he is gaslighting. That you have elected a troll for president is the best available scenario tells something about what you have done. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-29, 19:28:16
Russia is belligerent, in it's sphere... Neither surprising nor alarming (for the U.S. -- your mileage in Europe and the Middle East may vary!) I grew up with the threat of nuclear war: It hasn't happened. MAD was always an insane strategy, and no one seriously considered a "first strike" scenario.
Tactical nukes have been available for decades and neutron bombs have never been used... Proliferation is the real problem: It's hard to get the genie back in the bottle!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-12-29, 20:12:20
Nuclear weapons have turned from being a force benefiting the major powers to a risk to them. Son-of-ISIS can do more harm to the US with a nuclear device than the US can do to Son-of-ISIS. Russia would presumably not go MAD, if they did, proximity to Russia or the lack thereof would be less relevant. Russia's potential for harm to the neighbours is not nuclear.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-12-29, 22:01:42
Nuclear weapons... Americans can't even prevent Russians of influencing their elections...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-30, 03:24:55
Americans can't even prevent Russians of influencing their elections...
That's another issue with Trump. His response to the possibility of Russia influencing the election was that "our country to move on to bigger and better things" instead of any kind of investigation. If we indeed have Russia (or any other foreign power, hacking or election system and political parties, we need to find out once and for all. This isn't to say that Putin ordered the attacks, which we don't know yet, but we need an investigation to know what happened, how it happened and who did it.  What we do know is that a crime was committed. But Trump is disturbing cavalier of this cyber-security issue.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-30, 03:35:28
What we do know is that a crime was committed.
Actually, that's what we don't know... :) Or do you agree with the Obama administration, that whistle-blowing is a crime?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-30, 03:57:01
:faint: No. That's exactly what we do know. Breaking into the emails of the Sec. of State has always been a crime. In fact, I remember giving you the exact law before. Do you really think breaking into a government communications isn't a crime?

18 USC §1030(a) Whoever—
(1) having knowingly accessed a computer without authorization or exceeding authorized access, and by means of such conduct having obtained information that has been determined by the United States Government pursuant to an Executive order or statute to require protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national defense or foreign relations, or any restricted data, as defined in paragraph y. of section 11 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, with reason to believe that such information so obtained could be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation willfully communicates, delivers, transmits, or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it;
(2) intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access, and thereby obtains—
(A) information contained in a financial record of a financial institution, or of a card issuer as defined in section 1602 (n) of title 15, or contained in a file of a consumer reporting agency on a consumer, as such terms are defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.);
(B) information from any department or agency of the United States; or
(C) information from any protected computer;
(3) intentionally, without authorization to access any nonpublic computer of a department or agency of the United States, accesses such a computer of that department or agency that is exclusively for the use of the Government of the United States or, in the case of a computer not exclusively for such use, is used by or for the Government of the United States and such conduct affects that use by or for the Government of the United States;
(4) knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses a protected computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access, and by means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and obtains anything of value, unless the object of the fraud and the thing obtained consists only of the use of the computer and the value of such use is not more than $5,000 in any 1-year period;
(A) knowingly causes the transmission of a program, information, code, or command, and as a result of such conduct, intentionally causes damage without authorization, to a protected computer;
(B) intentionally accesses a protected computer without authorization, and as a result of such conduct, recklessly causes damage; or
(C) intentionally accesses a protected computer without authorization, and as a result of such conduct, causes damage and loss.
(6) knowingly and with intent to defraud traffics (as defined in section 1029) in any password or similar information through which a computer may be accessed without authorization, if—
(A) such trafficking affects interstate or foreign commerce; or
(B) such computer is used by or for the Government of the United States;
(7) with intent to extort from any person any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any—
(A) threat to cause damage to a protected computer;
(B) threat to obtain information from a protected computer without authorization or in excess of authorization or to impair the confidentiality of information obtained from a protected computer without authorization or by exceeding authorized access; or
(C) demand or request for money or other thing of value in relation to damage to a protected computer, where such damage was caused to facilitate the extortion;
shall be punished as provided in subsection (c) of this section.
(b) Whoever conspires to commit or attempts to commit an offense under subsection (a) of this section shall be punished as provided in subsection (c) of this section.
(c) The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) or (b) of this section is—
(A) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1) of this section which does not occur after a conviction for another offense under this section, or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph; and
(B) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1) of this section which occurs after a conviction for another offense under this section, or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph;
(A) except as provided in subparagraph (B), a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(2), (a)(3), or (a)(6) of this section which does not occur after a conviction for another offense under this section, or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph;
(B) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(2), or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph, if—
(i) the offense was committed for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain;
(ii) the offense was committed in furtherance of any criminal or tortious act in violation of the Constitution or laws of the United States or of any State; or
(iii) the value of the information obtained exceeds $5,000; and
(C) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(2), (a)(3) or (a)(6) of this section which occurs after a conviction for another offense under this section, or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph;
(A) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(4) or (a)(7) of this section which does not occur after a conviction for another offense under this section, or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph; and
(B) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(4), or (a)(7) of this section which occurs after a conviction for another offense under this section, or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph;
(A) except as provided in subparagraphs (E) and (F), a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, in the case of—
(i) an offense under subsection (a)(5)(B), which does not occur after a conviction for another offense under this section, if the offense caused (or, in the case of an attempted offense, would, if completed, have caused)—
(I) loss to 1 or more persons during any 1-year period (and, for purposes of an investigation, prosecution, or other proceeding brought by the United States only, loss resulting from a related course of conduct affecting 1 or more other protected computers) aggregating at least $5,000 in value;
(II) the modification or impairment, or potential modification or impairment, of the medical examination, diagnosis, treatment, or care of 1 or more individuals;
(III) physical injury to any person;
(IV) a threat to public health or safety;
(V) damage affecting a computer used by or for an entity of the United States Government in furtherance of the administration of justice, national defense, or national security; or
(VI) damage affecting 10 or more protected computers during any 1-year period; or
(ii) an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph;
(B) except as provided in subparagraphs (E) and (F), a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both, in the case of—
(i) an offense under subsection (a)(5)(A), which does not occur after a conviction for another offense under this section, if the offense caused (or, in the case of an attempted offense, would, if completed, have caused) a harm provided in subclauses (I) through (VI) of subparagraph (A)(i); or
(ii) an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph;
(C) except as provided in subparagraphs (E) and (F), a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or both, in the case of—
(i) an offense or an attempt to commit an offense under subparagraphs (A) or (B) of subsection (a)(5) that occurs after a conviction for another offense under this section; or
(ii) an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph;
(D) a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both, in the case of—
(i) an offense or an attempt to commit an offense under subsection (a)(5)(C) that occurs after a conviction for another offense under this section; or
(ii) an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph;
(E) if the offender attempts to cause or knowingly or recklessly causes serious bodily injury from conduct in violation of subsection (a)(5)(A), a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or both;
(F) if the offender attempts to cause or knowingly or recklessly causes death from conduct in violation of subsection (a)(5)(A), a fine under this title, imprisonment for any term of years or for life, or both; or
(G) a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both, for—
(i) any other offense under subsection (a)(5); or
(ii) an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph.
(1) The United States Secret Service shall, in addition to any other agency having such authority, have the authority to investigate offenses under this section.
(2) The Federal Bureau of Investigation shall have primary authority to investigate offenses under subsection (a)(1) for any cases involving espionage, foreign counterintelligence, information protected against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national defense or foreign relations, or Restricted Data (as that term is defined in section 11y of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014 (y)), except for offenses affecting the duties of the United States Secret Service pursuant to section3056 (a) of this title.
(3) Such authority shall be exercised in accordance with an agreement which shall be entered into by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General.
(e) As used in this section—
(1) the term “computer” means an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device performing logical, arithmetic, or storage functions, and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such device, but such term does not include an automated typewriter or typesetter, a portable hand held calculator, or other similar device;
(2) the term “protected computer” means a computer—
(A) exclusively for the use of a financial institution or the United States Government, or, in the case of a computer not exclusively for such use, used by or for a financial institution or the United States Government and the conduct constituting the offense affects that use by or for the financial institution or the Government; or
(B) which is used in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or communication, including a computer located outside the United States that is used in a manner that affects interstate or foreign commerce or communication of the United States;
(3) the term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any other commonwealth, possession or territory of the United States;
(4) the term “financial institution” means—
(A) an institution, with deposits insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;
(B) the Federal Reserve or a member of the Federal Reserve including any Federal Reserve Bank;
(C) a credit union with accounts insured by the National Credit Union Administration;
(D) a member of the Federal home loan bank system and any home loan bank;
(E) any institution of the Farm Credit System under the Farm Credit Act of 1971;
(F) a broker-dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to section 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934;
(G) the Securities Investor Protection Corporation;
(H) a branch or agency of a foreign bank (as such terms are defined in paragraphs (1) and (3) of section 1(b) of the International Banking Act of 1978); and
(I) an organization operating under section 25 orsection 25(a)  [1] of the Federal Reserve Act;
(5) the term “financial record” means information derived from any record held by a financial institution pertaining to a customer’s relationship with the financial institution;
(6) the term “exceeds authorized access” means to access a computer with authorization and to use such access to obtain or alter information in the computer that the accesser is not entitled so to obtain or alter;
(7) the term “department of the United States” means the legislative or judicial branch of the Government or one of the executive departments enumerated in section 101 of title 5;
(8) the term “damage” means any impairment to the integrity or availability of data, a program, a system, or information;
(9) the term “government entity” includes the Government of the United States, any State or political subdivision of the United States, any foreign country, and any state, province, municipality, or other political subdivision of a foreign country;
(10) the term “conviction” shall include a conviction under the law of any State for a crime punishable by imprisonment for more than 1 year, an element of which is unauthorized access, or exceeding authorized access, to a computer;
(11) the term “loss” means any reasonable cost to any victim, including the cost of responding to an offense, conducting a damage assessment, and restoring the data, program, system, or information to its condition prior to the offense, and any revenue lost, cost incurred, or other consequential damages incurred because of interruption of service; and
(12) the term “person” means any individual, firm, corporation, educational institution, financial institution, governmental entity, or legal or other entity.
(f) This section does not prohibit any lawfully authorized investigative, protective, or intelligence activity of a law enforcement agency of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision of a State, or of an intelligence agency of the United States.
(g) Any person who suffers damage or loss by reason of a violation of this section may maintain a civil action against the violator to obtain compensatory damages and injunctive relief or other equitable relief. A civil action for a violation of this section may be brought only if the conduct involves 1 of the factors set forth in subclauses  (I), (II), (III), (IV), or (V) of subsection (c)(4)(A)(i). Damages for a violation involving only conduct described in subsection (c)(4)(A)(i)(I) are limited to economic damages. No action may be brought under this subsection unless such action is begun within 2 years of the date of the act complained of or the date of the discovery of the damage. No action may be brought under this subsection for the negligent design or manufacture of computer hardware, computer software, or firmware.
(h) The Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury shall report to the Congress annually, during the first 3 years following the date of the enactment of this subsection, concerning investigations and prosecutions under subsection (a)(5).
(1) The court, in imposing sentence on any person convicted of a violation of this section, or convicted of conspiracy to violate this section, shall order, in addition to any other sentence imposed and irrespective of any provision of State law, that such person forfeit to the United States—
(A) such person’s interest in any personal property that was used or intended to be used to commit or to facilitate the commission of such violation; and
(B) any property, real or personal, constituting or derived from, any proceeds that such person obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of such violation.
(2) The criminal forfeiture of property under this subsection, any seizure and disposition thereof, and any judicial proceeding in relation thereto, shall be governed by the provisions of section 413 of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 (21 U.S.C. 853), except subsection (d) of that section.
(j) For purposes of subsection (i), the following shall be subject to forfeiture to the United States and no property right shall exist in them:
(1) Any personal property used or intended to be used to commit or to facilitate the commission of any violation of this section, or a conspiracy to violate this section.
(2) Any property, real or personal, which constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to any violation of this section, or a conspiracy to violate this section 

The hacks satisfied several of these conditions to be crime. What other silliness do you have? Just because the hack benefitted your party doesn't negate the illegality of it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2016-12-30, 09:23:26
Americans can't even prevent Russians of influencing their elections...
Imagine, without Putin's hackers Oak and SF would have casted their votes for Hillary.  ;)
However Putin has his limits. He didn't manage to influence Sang and make him cast his vote for Trump.  :P 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2016-12-30, 11:08:27
US American absurdity

Inside the Federal Bureau Of Way Too Many Guns (

“It's in here somewhere,” Linda Mills tells me. I meet her in the “roll room,” a cavern of beige drawers you pull out and pick among—40,000 rolls of microfilm in all, each with about 10,000 frames on it. “I'll find it,” says Mills. She's in her 70s and due for retirement and wears her white hair long and down her back. She's looking for the record of a person who bought a Remington 870 12-gauge shotgun that was sold by a now defunct dealer in Denver. She thinks she picked the right roll, so she carries it back to her desk, where the lights are as dim as a closet's, and where a microfilm reader circa 1973 is planted. Here she will sit, as she has for the past 18 years, turning a dial right while countless images zoom past.
“I'm looking for a W,” she says. The images are the color of asphalt, and the writing on them looks like tiny pebbles, and they whiz by so fast, I begin to get actual car sickness. I ask her how she can possibly read anything moving this fast.
“I'm looking for a W,” she says, picking up a magnifying glass and leaning in toward the upper left of the screen. She's hunting for the first letter of a 15-character code atop the defunct dealer's record books. “Sometimes they'll just put the numbers, they won't put the alphabet.” Now she's squinting, one eye closed, the machine whirring, the images zooming. “We had 8's. We're still in the 9's. See, now it went on to a different gun again…. But if we get past—wait!”
Abruptly, she hits the “stop” button. “See, here's W's.”

In 2013, recognizing how important tracing is for solving crimes, and for providing intelligence regarding patterns of illegal gun trafficking, President Obama asked for more of it: He signed a memorandum demanding that all firearms recovered in the course of criminal investigations be traced.
But Congress didn't give Charlie any funds, or manpower, to accommodate an influx. In fact, his budget has been flat since 2005. What Charlie got from Congress is the same thing he always gets: scrutiny. “If a stick drops in the road, we're getting some pressure,” he tells me. The idea—which is forcefully pushed by the gun lobby and implanted in the heads of lawmakers at the behest of the NRA—is to make sure Charlie is not using his power to access America's 4473s to secretly create a searchable database.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="cf434d0f9293a966d1891800ad0f0522" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

There is no other place in America where technological advances are against the law. Unless you count the Amish. Even if a gun store that has gone out of business hands over records that it had kept on computer files, Charlie can't use them. He has to have the files printed out, and then the ladies take pictures of them and store them that way. Anything that allows people to search by name is verboten.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-30, 16:52:38
Breaking into the emails of the Sec. of State has always been a crime.
Hillary's emails were hacked? From her private non-government server? :) Do tell, where is the evidence of that? Podesta's GMail account was phished; he or one of his subordinates changed the password... Bright, huh?
The DNC "lost" emails. (Like I said, likely a whistle-blower...) But the DNC is a private organization. (I've heard the RNC was "hacked". But nothing of interest was found...) :)

Like Reagan said years ago: "It's not that the Liberals don't know anything... It's that so much of what they know ain't so."

Putin responded to Obama's expulsion of 35 Russian "diplomats" with class ( :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-30, 17:38:44
Imagine, without Putin's hackers Oak and SF would have casted their votes for Hillary.   ;)
Hilarious, krake! Thanks for that.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-31, 04:27:00
:faint:  No. That's exactly what we do know. Breaking into the emails of the Sec. of State has always been a crime. In fact, I remember giving you the exact law before. Do you really think breaking into a government communications isn't a crime?
BTW: I did want to mention this… First, you didn't do the "paper them to death" that you did here. You probably didn't even give a link or a citation. Which is to say, you misremember. Not unusual, Sang. Second, you're still ignoring the facts — and focusing on the narrative: When Hillary was assumed to be a shoo-in in 2015, Obama -on the QT- said to Putin, "Cut it out!" (So he says…) Nothing was done, of course; another red line moment…

The idea that the narrative is "consistent" with what we know of Russia's capabilities is sufficient "evidence" to tag them with committing a crime? That's just sour grapes and wishful thinking…
(Of course they interfere with our "democracy" — as we interfere with their "oligarchy"… That's what nations do!)
Again, Hillary's emails were not "hacked"! (Source: Hillary Clinton, testifying before Congress… :) I wish I could find the sound-bite… [I just heard it again this afternoon!] But, of course, Google is still in the tank for Clinton; it fits the narrative with the same criteria! :) It's been flushed down the "memory hole") Who are you going to believe? :)

Did you note krake's comment, above? :) Pretty funny, huh?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-12-31, 06:47:53
I do have to say that President Putin did act with class, dignity and a far better way that President Obama who is no great loss to the White House. What Obama did was muck and Putin played a blinder in return and not falling into the usual thing in return. That just showed Obama up as a lesser person. America followed the rules of it's own system and is electing the Republican candidate and he wants to get on with Russia in the world so that in itself is mature and positive rather than the daftness of Obama. The raft of secret organisations in the US "for security" have not came out with any damn evidence. Obama in a television shown interview with media reps was challenged to prove Russia/Putin had done the interference in the political stuff. What did sour grapes Obama do? His answer was that nothing happens in Russia without Putin. That might please the un-brained but intelligent people know he cannot prove any damn thing and Putin is highly intelligent and experienced and did a cute dance around the White House departee.

The nonsense on Russia from a country that has spent decades doing that accusation nonsense is laughable. It also makes Obama look head-shaking because there is no damn proof andnow we have had a coulpe of reports in Europe that they might be getting the same thing from Russia as well. You couldn't make this idiocy up if there were not millions of simpletons who take in anything.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-31, 08:16:41
The nonsense on Russia from a country that has spent decades doing that accusation nonsense is laughable.
Of course you know GB (and other European powers pioneered such tactics… :) )
Other than that, I agree with the entirety of you post above…
Except maybe
What did sour grapes Obama do? His answer was that nothing happens in Russia without Putin.
Okay, I've re-thought that: If Hillary is finally brought to justice, BO follows her into the dock! :)
I'd agree with Trump that Putin is smart. But -damn- he ain't that smart: Most of what happens in Russia is beyond his ken; it's the nature of power!
He reacts when he must, to things that took him  by surprise. (BTW: He'll get along quite well with Trump, who he didn't expect to see again, except on TV… :) ) Oligarchs can be surprised, too, you know!

(I'm still not a fan of Trump. But I'm will to see what four years will bring.)

I'd asked this (elsewhere, I think…) but didn't your PM May just take a snipe at Obama and the UN for their recent resolution "outlawing" Israeli "settlements" in the West Bank? (You know, the path two countries traversed to sneak-attack Israel in 1967? :)

Wiki says plainly (I'm going to do some editing… :)
n 1947, [the West Bank] was subsequently designated as part of a proposed Arab state by the United Nations (UN) partition plan for Palestine. The resolution recommended partition of the British Mandate into a Jewish State, an Arab State, and an internationally administered enclave of Jerusalem; a broader region of the modern-day West Bank was assigned to the Arab State. The resolution designated the territory described as "the hill country of Samaria and Judea" (including what is now also known as the "West Bank") as part of the proposed Arab state, but following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War this area was captured by Transjordan (renamed Jordan two years after independence in 1946).

1949 Armistice Agreements defined the interim boundary between Israel and Jordan In 1950, Transjordan annexed the area west of the Jordan River, naming it "West Bank" or "Cisjordan", as "East Bank" or "Transjordan" designated the area east of the river. Jordan ruled over the West Bank from 1948 until 1967. Jordan's annexation was never formally recognized by the international community, with the exception of the United Kingdom. A two-state option, dividing Palestine, as opposed to a binary solution arose during the period of the British mandate in the area.The United Nations Partition Plan had envisaged two states, one Jewish and the other Arab/Palestinian, but in the wake of the war only one emerged at the time .[my emphasis]] King Abdullah of Jordan had been crowned King of Jerusalem by the Coptic Bishop on 15 November 1948. and granted Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and East Jerusalem Jordanian citizenship.
In June 1967, the West Bank and East Jerusalem were captured by Israel as a result of the Six-Day War. With the exception of East Jerusalem and the former Israeli-Jordanian no man's land, the West Bank was not annexed by Israel but came under Israeli military control until 1982.

Although the 1974 Arab League summit resolution at Rabat designated the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as the “sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people”, Jordan did not officially relinquish its claim to the area until 1988, when it severed all administrative and legal ties with the West Bank and eventually stripped West Bank Palestinians of Jordanian citizenship.

In 1982, as a result of the Israeli–Egyptian peace treaty, the direct military rule was transformed into a semi-civil authority, operating directly under the Israeli Ministry of Defense, thus taking control of civil matters of Palestinians from the IDF to civil servants in the Ministry of Defense. The Israeli settlements were, on the other hand, administered subsequently as Judea and Samaria Area directly by Israel.

Since the 1993 Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority officially controls a geographically non-contiguous territory comprising approx. 11% of the West Bank (known as Area A) which remains subject to Israeli incursions. Area B (approx. 28%) is subject to joint Israeli-Palestinian military and Palestinian civil control. Area C (approx. 61%) is under full Israeli control. Though 164 nations refer to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as “Occupied Palestinian Territory”, the state of Israel is of the view that only territories captured in war from “an established and recognized sovereign” are considered occupied territories.* After the 2007 split between Fatah and Hamas, the West Bank areas under Palestinian control are an exclusive part of the Palestinian Authority, while the Gaza Strip is ruled by Hamas.
You're familiar with some of this history, RJ?
* And you might have heard of the law of nations… Nah! But -if you don't like war- don't attack your neighbors! They get to keep the land you use to attack them from, if you don't kill them.
That's the main thing most people I know don't get: The Arabs attacked, they wanted to kill the Israelis… What were the Jews supposed to do? Lay down and die?
It took a long time for the Arab nations to learn this lesson… Oddly enough, the most powerful of them, Egypt, learned it first!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2016-12-31, 13:31:40
Okay, I've re-thought that: If Hillary is finally brought to justice, BO follows her into the dock! :)
But this would mean that for the first time ever this century, an American president would actually deliver on his major campaign promise. Trump's major promise was to jail Hillary. What gives you the optimism to believe he will fulfil the promise?

W made several clear promises ( One of them, "The federal government is expected to run a surplus of nearly $5 trillion during the next ten years... As President, Governor Bush will pay the debt down to a historically low level." You of course remember what really happened: He turned the record surplus into record deficit in record time during the time of economic stability, before anyone knew of any crisis. That's not a filthy lying spend-as-much-as-you-can liberal we are talking about, but a rightist fiscally-responsible-nevermind-the-reality neocon.

Obama's clearest promise (perhaps arguably clearest) was to close Guantanamo. Now we know it's another "change" left to future generations to implement.

Why should Trump perform better? Is there a reason to be hopeful because his promise is so ridiculously lame and should be easy to pull off?

(I'm still not a fan of Trump. But I'm will to see what four years will bring.)
Probably you are not a fan of choosing evil either, but doing it anyway.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2016-12-31, 15:33:13
Hillary's emails were hacked? From her private non-government server?  :)  Do tell, where is the evidence of that?
WTF? Are you serious? Besides, they were still official State Dept emails, which was the whole problem with her using a private server. You're losing it. You know this, so I don't understand why you're posting so ignorantly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-12-31, 19:24:33
Why should Trump perform better?
Congress? Oh wait, you were talking about the Hillary nonsense. Never mind. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2016-12-31, 19:50:50
There are moments people simply goes mad. Trump is one of those moments.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2016-12-31, 19:53:11
It happens occasionally. Has anyone asked Trump recently whether he has any sense of decency?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-12-31, 22:50:25
No-one can beat America for it's world interference and computer or other electronic spying or interference. It thinks it has some built-in right as the self appointed so-called leading democracy (I'm stifling a giggle). The stuff about Russia is infantile stuff but when you see the way politics are run in the ex-colonies, child style parties meant to be party conferences, spying on American phones and other stuff it is head shaking. Now an electric company in Vermont is claiming that they "think" Russia has spied on one of their laptops! (one?). I do not know how Trump will do any more than anyone else whilst at the same time say that Obama was as nothing outstanding and even more confrontational than GW Bush. The morality of the new Presidency would be something if Trump did change the lives of the millions at the bottom of America who are frustrated and we will have to wait and see.

If trump can get on with Putin then that would be good for the world in general even though there are those on the republican side who are moaning and one of the outstanding ones is that utter buffoon Senator John McLean. That man is an out and out idiot yet got elected time after time which shows how brained too many Yanks are in the would-be wonderful political system. It makes you wonder how someone as dopey as him can get  such a place in politics but then US politics are unique but not positive.

The damn idea that the US must inherently lead the world is a wrong stance and it's on record both internally and externally is a complete contradiction to what it claims it stands for. It was founded by the corporates of the time and stil is part of their corner.  Any country that does not accept the US stance claims is in for trouble often interference and de-stabilising. When the USSR collapsed (hooray) America no doubt rubbed it's hands thinking they had another really big market for their corporate controllers. But when that did not happen they have been spiteful and Obama very much part of that,. There is no Obama legacy he was hopeless. If trump can get along with Putin then fine that is a positive progress for the world. America will have to get used to the hard fact that the world will continue to change and if the 2 Presidents can get to know each other then that is progress and Trump is clever enough to know that. Obama? no great loss so we now have to be patient rather than follow the daftness of US young with posters saying "he is not my President."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-12-31, 23:31:05
WTF? Are you serious? Besides, they were still official State Dept emails, which was the whole problem with her using a private server. You're losing it. You know this, so I don't understand why you're posting so ignorantly.
Where is the evidence that these were "hacked"? Were they released to the public or just to the FBI? :) (And, yes, I did like Trump's joke when he said perhaps Russia could "recover" those 30,000 "lost" emails… I know you didn't; leftists don't have a sense of humor! :) )
Again, I ask: What emails of Clinton, when she was SecState, were "hacked"? Where are they? Where were they published?

BTW: If you think "the problem with her using a private server" was serious, why didn't you call for her prosecution? :) Oh! I know: She's presumed to be a progressive… So, everything is excusable.
Progress is all that matters!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-01, 04:02:32
Where is the evidence that these were "hacked"? Were they released to the public or just to the FBI?
OMFG :faint: What kind of gibberish have you been reading, or are you really a hermit like Howie says? Are your blogs really trying to press this meme? Read the actual news for once. no, your question doesn't deserve a better response than this.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-01, 11:04:40
Why should Trump perform better?
Congress? Oh wait, you were talking about the Hillary nonsense. Never mind. :P
Nonsense in what sense? Yes, Trump's campaign promise to jail Hillary is nonsense, but campaign promises are the way to assess the political track record of politicians.

It happens occasionally. Has anyone asked Trump recently whether he has any sense of decency?
Many did during the "grab them by the pussy, you can do anything" debacle to no avail. Decency doesn't matter anymore. Here are two evangelicals debating the point,


As we know now, the camp represented by the charming lady from American Values won, against the other camp who said, "We would not allow our children be around [such a sexual predator]... We wouldn't want this man as our next-door neighbour." Non-decency is an American value now prominently promoted by the morally incredible evangelicals.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-01-02, 00:10:41
America is enough bad, no need to get "evangelicals".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-02, 03:50:27
Well this election highlights the moral bankruptcy of the evangelical movement. They excuse Trump's sexual assault on the hope of Roe vs Wade being overturned (not impossible, but it will take a damn good argument to get the Supreme Court to overturn it's own precedent even with whoever Trump appoints)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-02, 04:01:00
Here's the 13 page JOINT ANALYSIS REPORT ( the Russian Malicious cyber activity from the Dept of Homeland Security and FBI. It even details for Oakdale how the emails were hacked (spearphishing, using malicious links to gather information such as passwords.)

 Further, it shows the exact code associated with Russian intelligence services that serves as their signature in their attacks.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-02, 05:15:08
Sang, I read this childish "power point" the day after it came out…  And when you say "shows the exact code associated with Russian intelligence services" you must know you only mean, as I said before, that it's consistent with the scenario… Of course, since that's your usual standard of proof, it won't matter to you!
Heck, why don't we go to war with Russia before the 20th?! Barack's well rested, after his Christmas vacation… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-02, 15:04:56
Well this election highlights the moral bankruptcy of the evangelical movement.
Certainly the video I posted shows that the evangelical movement is not a monolith. It's not even a movement. On one side there are evangelicals, you know, religious people. On the other there are political pawns labelled evangelicals for no good reason.

In Europe, the equivalent of evangelicals is sects. Entire population is lukewarm to religion, only minor sects are religious. Who do the sects hate most? Other sects. So they are not a single movement. I'm quite sure it's the same with evangelicals in America too.

They excuse Trump's sexual assault on the hope of Roe vs Wade being overturned (not impossible, but it will take a damn good argument to get the Supreme Court to overturn it's own precedent even with whoever Trump appoints)
Nah. It didn't even take a good argument to make the precedent. It doesn't take a good argument to overturn it either. But the most likely scenario is that a bad argument will be used to keep the precedent in place, an argument like, "See, we made a precedent. That's about it."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-02, 18:31:38
Oakdale, the proof the attacks originated in Russia is everywhere. This is not only from US intelligence agencies, but also from security firms (with I also posted their detailed forensics, more in depth than this report)
as I said before, that it's consistent with the scenario..
The code is consistent with cyber-attacks from Russian Intelligence agencies, not just this scenario. Do you get it yet, or do you continue to believe a hostile foreign power over your own government like a traitor to the republic. Also, do you even understand this IS NOT a partisan issue, multiple top Republicans share in the outrage. Do you understand this? At all? No, you don't because you read some incredibly idiotic blog that continues to poison your mind. This is transcendent of partisan politics, and like I said Republicans that would have blocked Hillary at even turn understand this is an issue of national security and the integrity of the electoral process. But no, you claim not to be a Trump supporter, and yet you read moronic blogs that even question if the hacks happened in the first place (or maybe it was ludicrous semantics game that tries to say a spearphishing attack isn't a hack?)

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-02, 20:21:20
@midnight raccoon fix the quote attribution before he sees it and possibly inhales whisky while laughing
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-02, 22:05:20
You're naive and gullible, Sang… I'm not sure doubting the speculation of political appointees qualifies as traitorous. :) About those Republicans who are saber-rattling, they've been doing it for a long time. McCain, specially.
Besides, Obama told Putin to "cut it out" in 2015… So, all should be well, no? :)

Our "democracy" was not hacked. Certain Democrat Party operatives said things in their emails that they should have been smart enough not to… Do you really think that's why Hillary Clinton lost the general election? :)
(For some reason her "basket of deplorables" comment didn't gain her many votes among the "deplorables".)

Wikileaks got DNC emails, most likely though a disgruntled Sanders supporter working at the DNC… (That's what whistle-blowers do, Sang: They blow the whistle on corruption.) Podesta (or an aide) gave his GMail password to somebody. And it turned out he said some stupid stuff. Woah. Stop the presses!
What else happened?
Not much.

Except Clinton lost the election. So, now it's all very important! Hey, if Obama could have run for a third term, he'd have beat Trump! Well, he said so… But if Obama wanted to be a ConLaw professor he would have published scholarly articles; he never did.
Your alternate reality may be a comfortable place, for you. But I prefer to observe it from the outside.

BTW: Phishing "attacks" are kindergarten stuff. Only the inane fall for them. (If Podesta gave his bank account access to a Nigerian prince, would that threaten our democracy? :) He was embarrassed because he said embarrassing things… Did it hurt the Clinton campaign? I doubt it. You never wavered!)

@ersi: Not to worry, I'm well familiar with Sang's rigor and attention to detail when he posts… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-01-03, 02:29:09
Another Obama term would have been a drag.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-03, 10:54:27
@midnight raccoon fix the quote attribution before he sees it and possibly inhales whisky while laughing

Hey, Oakdale., on what points are the intelligence agencies and security firms incorrect? Do you even have a counter argument? Didn't think so.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-03, 12:22:33
More in-depth info on the attacks on the DNC servers (, from the beginning of the whole mess. I'll share the beginning, because it shows the FBI already knew the culprits from previous attempts (get it, Oakdale? Not a partisan issue, but one of national security. You'll see why)

WASHINGTON — When Special Agent Adrian Hawkins of the Federal Bureau of Investigation called the Democratic National Committee in September 2015 to pass along some troubling news about its computer network, he was transferred, naturally, to the help desk.

His message was brief, if alarming. At least one computer system belonging to the D.N.C. had been compromised by hackers federal investigators had named “the Dukes,” a cyberespionage team linked to the Russian government.

The F.B.I. knew it well: The bureau had spent the last few years trying to kick the Dukes out of the unclassified email systems of the White House, the State Department and even the Joint Chiefs of Staff, one of the government’s best-protected networks.

Yared Tamene, the tech-support contractor at the D.N.C. who fielded the call, was no expert in cyberattacks. His first moves were to check Google for “the Dukes” and conduct a cursory search of the D.N.C. computer system logs to look for hints of such a cyberintrusion. By his own account, he did not look too hard even after Special Agent Hawkins called back repeatedly over the next several weeks — in part because he wasn’t certain the caller was a real F.B.I. agent and not an impostor.
At least this was unclassified info, but these folks have attacked the US government previously.

Charles Delavan, a Clinton campaign aide, incorrectly legitimized a phishing email sent to the personal account of John D. Podesta, the campaign chairman.
Why Podesta believed the email was correct. At least he doesn't consider 12 year olds as experts, as Trump does :p (yes, Oakdale, he does. Look it up :p )

“There shouldn’t be any doubt in anybody’s mind,” Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency and commander of United States Cyber Command, said at a postelection conference. “This was not something that was done casually, this was not something that was done by chance, this was not a target that was selected purely arbitrarily,” he said. “This was a conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect.”

For the people whose emails were stolen, this new form of political sabotage has left a trail of shock and professional damage. Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress and a key Clinton supporter, recalls walking into the busy Clinton transition offices, humiliated to see her face on television screens as pundits discussed a leaked email in which she had called Mrs. Clinton’s instincts “suboptimal.”

“It was just a sucker punch to the gut every day,” Ms. Tanden said. “It was the worst professional experience of my life.”

For Howie, the article does outline US cyberattacks to influence elections.

“Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks,” said Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Schumer and Jack Reed.

“This cannot become a partisan issue,” they said. “The stakes are too high for our country.”
Oakdale, note the partisan concern and agreement this is not a partisan issue.

There were aspirations to ensure that the D.N.C. was well protected against cyberintruders — and then there was the reality, Mr. Brown and his bosses at the organization acknowledged: The D.N.C. was a nonprofit group, dependent on donations, with a fraction of the security budget that a corporation its size would have.

“There was never enough money to do everything we needed to do,” Mr. Brown said.

The D.N.C. had a standard email spam-filtering service, intended to block phishing attacks and malware created to resemble legitimate email. But when Russian hackers started in on the D.N.C., the committee did not have the most advanced systems in place to track suspicious traffic, internal D.N.C. memos show.

Mr. Tamene, who reports to Mr. Brown and fielded the call from the F.B.I. agent, was not a full-time D.N.C. employee; he works for a Chicago-based contracting firm called The MIS Department. He was left to figure out, largely on his own, how to respond — and even whether the man who had called in to the D.N.C. switchboard was really an F.B.I. agent.

“The F.B.I. thinks the D.N.C. has at least one compromised computer on its network and the F.B.I. wanted to know if the D.N.C. is aware, and if so, what the D.N.C. is doing about it,” Mr. Tamene wrote in an internal memo about his contacts with the F.B.I. He added that “the Special Agent told me to look for a specific type of malware dubbed ‘Dukes’ by the U.S. intelligence community and in cybersecurity circles.”

Part of the problem was that Special Agent Hawkins did not show up in person at the D.N.C. Nor could he email anyone there, as that risked alerting the hackers that the F.B.I. knew they were in the system.
The DNC didn't have the best security, but this does not make the alleged Russian attacks okay. What if it was the RNC, Oakdale?

Then there were problems with some trying to blame Bernie Sanders :rolleyes:

Shawn Henry, who once led the F.B.I.’s cyber division and is now president of CrowdStrike Services, the cybersecurity firm retained by the D.N.C. in April, said he was baffled that the F.B.I. did not call a more senior official at the D.N.C. or send an agent in person to the party headquarters to try to force a more vigorous response.

“We are not talking about an office that is in the middle of the woods of Montana,” Mr. Henry said. “We are talking about an office that is half a mile from the F.B.I. office that is getting the notification.”

“This is not a mom-and-pop delicatessen or a local library. This is a critical piece of the U.S. infrastructure because it relates to our electoral process, our elected officials, our legislative process, our executive process,” he added. “To me it is a high-level, serious issue, and if after a couple of months you don’t see any results, somebody ought to raise that to a higher level.”

The F.B.I. declined to comment on the agency’s handling of the hack. “The F.B.I. takes very seriously any compromise of public and private sector systems,” it said in a statement, adding that agents “will continue to share information” to help targets “safeguard their systems against the actions of persistent cybercriminals.”


( Why Rinehart gave the hackers access to his gmail account.

But in 2014 and 2015, a Russian hacking group began systematically targeting the State Department, the White House and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “Each time, they eventually met with some form of success,” Michael Sulmeyer, a former cyberexpert for the secretary of defense, and Ben Buchanan, now both of the Harvard Cyber Security Project, wrote recently in a soon-to-be published paper for the Carnegie Endowment.

The Russians grew stealthier and stealthier, tricking government computers into sending out data while disguising the electronic “command and control” messages that set off alarms for anyone looking for malicious actions. The State Department was so crippled that it repeatedly closed its systems to throw out the intruders. At one point, officials traveling to Vienna with Secretary of State John Kerry for the Iran nuclear negotiations had to set up commercial Gmail accounts just to communicate with one another and with reporters traveling with them.
But the articles notes that Obama did not publicly blame the Russians at this point.

So the Russians escalated again — breaking into systems not just for espionage, but to publish or broadcast what they found, known as “doxing” in the cyberworld.

It was a brazen change in tactics, moving the Russians from espionage to influence operations. In February 2014, they broadcast an intercepted phone call between Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary of state who handles Russian affairs and has a contentious relationship with Mr. Putin, and Geoffrey Pyatt, the United States ambassador to Ukraine. Ms. Nuland was heard describing a little-known American effort to broker a deal in Ukraine, then in political turmoil.

They were not the only ones on whom the Russians used the steal-and-leak strategy. The Open Society Foundation, run by George Soros, was a major target, and when its documents were released, some turned out to have been altered to make it appear as if the foundation was financing Russian opposition members.
That least bit is interesting and agrees with what I said previously, if you can steal a document, you can alter it.

This next part is not as well known in the US:

Last year, the attacks became more aggressive. Russia hacked a major French television station, frying critical hardware. Around Christmas, it attacked part of the power grid in Ukraine, dropping a portion of the country into darkness, killing backup generators and taking control of generators. In retrospect, it was a warning shot.

The attacks “were not fully integrated military operations,” Mr. Sulmeyer said. But they showed an increasing boldness.

Now we move on to "Cozy Bear" and "Fancy Bear"

Only in March 2016 did Fancy Bear show up — first penetrating the computers of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and then jumping to the D.N.C., investigators believe. Fancy Bear, sometimes called A.P.T. 28 and believed to be directed by the G.R.U., Russia’s military intelligence agency, is an older outfit, tracked by Western investigators for nearly a decade. It was Fancy Bear that got hold of Mr. Podesta’s email.

Attribution, as the skill of identifying a cyberattacker is known, is more art than science. It is often impossible to name an attacker with absolute certainty. But over time, by accumulating a reference library of hacking techniques and targets, it is possible to spot repeat offenders. Fancy Bear, for instance, has gone after military and political targets in Ukraine and Georgia, and at NATO installations.

That largely rules out cybercriminals and most countries, Mr. Alperovitch said. “There’s no plausible actor that has an interest in all those victims other than Russia,” he said. Another clue: The Russian hacking groups tended to be active during working hours in the Moscow time zone.
This is why the code in my previous post link is so important. Each hacker and hacking group has its own techniques that help identify it. That code is not only for this type of scenario, but who did it.

The article details how Guccifer 2.0, who claimed to be Romanian, was shown to be Russian. He's the one that posted documents to Wikileaks.

As the year draws to a close, it now seems possible that there will be multiple investigations of the Russian hacking — the intelligence review Mr. Obama has ordered completed by Jan. 20, the day he leaves office, and one or more congressional inquiries. They will wrestle with, among other things, Mr. Putin’s motive.

Did he seek to mar the brand of American democracy, to forestall anti-Russian activism for both Russians and their neighbors? Or to weaken the next American president, since presumably Mr. Putin had no reason to doubt American forecasts that Mrs. Clinton would win easily? Or was it, as the C.I.A. concluded last month, a deliberate attempt to elect Mr. Trump?

In fact, the Russian hack-and-dox scheme accomplished all three goals.

What seems clear is that Russian hacking, given its success, is not going to stop. Two weeks ago, the German intelligence chief, Bruno Kahl, warned that Russia might target elections in Germany next year. “The perpetrators have an interest to delegitimize the democratic process as such,” Mr. Kahl said. Now, he added, “Europe is in the focus of these attempts of disturbance, and Germany to a particularly great extent.”

But Russia has by no means forgotten its American target. On the day after the presidential election, the cybersecurity company Volexity reported five new waves of phishing emails, evidently from Cozy Bear, aimed at think tanks and nonprofits in the United States.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-03, 23:21:45
Nice "copy&paste" job, Sang! If you read the whole NYT's article, it makes the current administration and its political intelligence handlers, and the DNC, seem like clowns… Sobeit.
(You do remember, I don't consider the Grey Lady a reliable source? :) )
The administration of BHO is all-but gone. The Kabuki Theatre of it's concern for "national security" will soon be replaced.

BTW: Hillary still lost… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-04, 00:24:57
"Both foolish and baseless"
White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election (

BTW, what do members of a security board (most of them are US residents) think?
Link (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-04, 02:10:15
Thanks, krake. (But of course Midnight Raccoon will claim that Ars Technica is a radical right-wing organization… :)
I specially liked the second comment to the thread:
Portions of that government doc may have been lifted or pulled direct from the CrowdStrike report/blog posting who were paid by the Democratic National Committee to investigate the attack. So I'd take the government's report, just like I take CrowdStrike's report with a grain of salt. Too much political BS involved by all parties to get a straight unbiased reporting of what actually transpired and who (be it state actors or some kid in their mom's basement) actually hacked who and when.
I, of course, do think the Russian intelligence services are playing "hack a mole"… As are we; and any other country that has the capability. (As a fellow said last night on a radio program: There was WW I, WW II; now there's WWW… :) )

I don't think Russia is America's friend. But -as someone said a long time ago- nations don't have friends; they have interests. (I'd argue that -for America- Great Britain and Israel are exceptions… But I do know that I'd have to argue!)

I'm so looking forward to January 20th.

Midnight Raccoon will claim that no such calendar date exists… So, Trump's presidency is illegitimate!)

So begins a new year. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-04, 12:51:57
I don't think Russia is America's friend.
There is no friendship between states. That's an euphemism.
There are common interests at best or coercion at worst. Neither of the two last forever...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-04, 13:54:25
Both foolish and baseless"
White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election (

BTW, what do members of a security board (most of them are US residents) think?
Link (
However addititonal forensics from Crowdstrike, which I posted previously, indicate that it's damn near impossible for the attacks to have originated from anywhere but Russia
I, of course, do think the Russian intelligence services are playing "hack a mole".
Than why do you use "hack" in quote when addressing me, as if there weren't hacks and otherwise act as if Russian crackers (a more correct term than hackers) didn't perpuatrate the breaches? Perhaps I was correct before that you experience cognitive dissoance. One one hand, you don't want to believe Democratic claims but on the other you know deep down the evidence points to the attacks originating from within Russia. You can relax on this. I told you before it isn't just the Democrats but also Republicans. The evidence appears damning. The malware code is designed to communicate with APT 28 and connected with an IP address only used by that Russian intelligence service. The metadata in Guccifer 2.0 documents is in Russian, despite the fact that they (to allow for the possibility that Guccifer 2.0 is actually more than one person) claimed to be Romanian. Russian actors have interfered with the US election. This is not acceptable.

I don't think Arstechnica is an organization at all. It's bunch of tech bloggers with varying opinions. For instance here's ( another blog that from the same community that thinks in general Russia is behind the attacks but there's no smoking gun. Krake's link complains of the 13 page report, which only meant to be a summary for public consumption and not the totality of evidence.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-04, 14:03:54
NPR ( interviewed Dmitri Alperovitch of Crowdstrike [/ur] on the matter. Alperovitch even notes the hackers are lazy, doing things that have been successful repeatedly and further notes this their achilles heel. This is how part of how the hackers were so readily identified. Krake's blog is correct that the code can be reused by other parties, but the same group uses the same code every time... He also pointed out that hacks on political organizations are not unusual. What is unusual is publishing the results. By todays standards, Nixon's boys barely did anything wrong by only stealing a file cabinet's worth of information :p
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-04, 23:49:58
Alperovitch even notes the hackers are lazy, doing things that have been successful repeatedly and further notes this their achilles heel. This is how part of how the hackers were so readily identified.
Or how hackers "identify" others as the culprit… :)

NSA is capable, no? Then why weren't these supposed hacks stopped? (Gee: Who does the director of the NSA report to? I forget, Sang. Remind me, if you would? :) And who does that person report to?)

Are you claiming that the result of the 2016 general election is somehow illegitimate?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-05, 01:18:32
Thankfully, the Obama administration is going away… So much silliness will disappear: Like the EPA asking its employees about their sex lives (
Who -in their right mind- would find this conscionable? (I mean, besides Sang — who fears the government wants to "regulate" his bedroom activities! :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-05, 15:58:49
Or how hackers "identify" others as the culprit...
What evidence do you have of this? This is far from the only piece of evidence. Forensics places the origin of the attacks as Russia. Or did you forget? No you didn't. You only weakly answered what you think is the weak point but are unable to answer anything else. It seems I'm the only one providing any information at all. Hell, you can't even explain why it is you're defending Russia even as you admit they're playing "hack a mole."

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-05, 23:58:13
I'm not "defending" Russia. I'm deploring the politicization of an issue that's been ignored for at least 8 years… :)
Again I ask: What is it you want?

Would you accept the standard of "it sort of looks like" and "it could be" as proof in any other context? (Well, yes: Any time a conservative is involved, you would!) Psst! Hillary lost… :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-06, 03:34:24
Would you accept the standard of "it sort of looks like" and "it could be" as proof in any other context?
Good thing that isn't the case. Maybe the problem is also technical. You don't understand the evidence I've presented. Or you've been so busy opposing me that you weren't actually paying attention the issue. I'm also aware there's a number of Trump supporters that think this about liberals not accepting the result of the election and engaging in name calling such as "snowflake" and "cupcake" over it (despite high profile Republicans coming to the same conculsions the Dems have, having seen the forensics data. In fact, Lindsey Graham called for stronger actions against Russia than expelling the diplomats.)  Make no further mistakes, the evidence is overwhelming.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-06, 06:31:57
You don't understand the evidence I've presented.
I do understand… It's what I'd call "suggestive". But I wouldn't go to war on that basis. Would you?
Why are you suddenly so interested in cyber warfare? Indeed, why is the Obama administration?
Oh. That's right: Hillary lost…

One wonders why the NSA and CIA and FBI were so un-aware. But not you! Until your candidate lost the election… :)
OPM lost -what? 23 million files? Yahoo! lost a lot more… Asleep at the wheel is not a good way to drive! But coasting seems to be endemic, nowadays.

BTW: YouTube videos of crying hysterics and violent protests in cities like Seattle gave rise to the derision you refer to, Sang. It's deserved.
Again I ask: What do you want? (You're not going to get a re-do of the election…) And your team, the Democrats, will do what they've always done: play for time, until they're in control again.
Like the recent commercial says: Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct!

Well, the next election might just destroy your party… (Of course, you'll blame the Russians!)

Isn't it your contention that -without the Russian "interference"- Hillary would have won? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-06, 15:11:07
I do understand... It's what I'd call "suggestive". But I wouldn't go to war on that basis. Would you?
Who said anything about going war? You're being completely ridiculous. And you still can't offer anything relevant to the the discussion, I see. Trump might well surprise us all and actually be a good president. But it's not about him. Don't take my word for it, read up on why your Republican friends are upset about this too. They certainly didn't want Hillary to win. Do you get it? It's not even about Trump. Or Hillary. Get off your idiotic blogs, even the ones run by known members of a fascist party (that say Richard Spencer only has 300 followers and I show you his Twitter with much more than that and you still ask how that was easily proven false.) and go learn something.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-06, 16:04:46
I do understand... It's what I'd call "suggestive". But I wouldn't go to war on that basis. Would you?
Who said anything about going war? You're being completely ridiculous.
It's easy: If you can't start a war based on it, it's worthless!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-06, 16:46:04
You're being completely ridiculous.
You mean, I'm not being distracted by your hand-waving...
Nor by our "secret services" public pronouncements. The politicization of the CIA is a serious problem...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-06, 19:49:57
The politicization of the CIA is a serious problem...
Trump will surely put an end to this problem and make America great again. And put Hillary where she belongs. Right?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-06, 20:28:24
I remember when George HW Bush was the CIA Director: He did a good job of cleaning it up, then... Pompeo may well be up to performing a similar job.
His first challenge should be getting the agency out of the public relations business...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-06, 23:11:45
And put Hillary where she belongs.
Where would that place be?  :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-07, 04:15:18
You mean, I'm not being distracted by your hand-waving...
Where do you get this idea anybody wants to go war? This is a serious question. Maybe one of those blog gave fake news that somebody wants to go war with Russia? Who doesn't know such a war would be disastrous  and stands a decent chance of going nuclear? White House Won’t Call Russia Hacking an Act of War ( You won't be distracted by the facts when your blogs tell you fiction.
The politicization of the CIA is a serious problem...
The CIA is supposedly liberal or something now? :faint:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-07, 05:00:24
Yup! The CIA is, indeed, decidedly liberal — as in committed to the Democrat powers that be.
Perhaps Obama can challenge Putin to a duel? Cream puffs and horse pucky, at 20 yards! :)
Hasn't Obama been president for about 8 years now? He never noticed how inept our intelligence services were, until after Hillary lost…
Again, I ask: What do you want?
What should happen, now that you believe Russia "manipulated" our democratic institutions? Not war; of course not! War never solves anything… (Ask Lenin. Well, he's dead. Might as well be a conservative, as far as you're concerned — you know, like Bill Buckley. Ask Hitler. Oh, dead too. Tojo?) War often solves many problems. Don't ask Hussein or
Gaddafi… Another Cold War? Weren't we already in that? I mean, after the "reset" fizzled…
Some wag recently mentioned the progression: WW I, WW II, WWW… :)
I appreciate that you're "butt-hurt" over Hillary losing. But that can't be changed: Your party chose a loser.
Hey, here's an idea: Let's let our clandestine services do their work in secret! And have their masters hold them accountable.

So: It's not a difficult question, Sang… What do you want?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-07, 07:26:15
And put Hillary where she belongs.
Where would that place be?  :right:

You didn't really follow the presidential race, did you?

Where do you get this idea anybody wants to go war? This is a serious question.
Oakdale wants to go to war. Isn't it obvious, seriously? Because he brought up war out of the blue.

The CIA is supposedly liberal or something now?
Look how big and fat Pentagon is. It's obviously liberal. But the institution of the President has always been conservative - just one guy, the slimmest government imaginable!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-07, 20:09:37
Oakdale wants to go to war. Isn't it obvious, seriously? Because he brought up war out of the blue.
…Yes, out of the blue — after Senator John McCain called the supposed Russian hacking "an act of war!"
[Or maybe the Democrat candidate, Hillary Clinton, saying on August 31 in a speech to the American Legion in Ohio:
We need to respond to evolving threats from states like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea . . . As President, I will make it clear, that the United States will treat cyber attacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses. (my emphasis)
Gee! I wonder what she meant by that?]

I don't, of course, want to go to war; but we've been in a cyber war for years now…
That kind of war shouldn't be prosecuted by press release.

About "following" the presidential race, I don't read tweets and I didn't attend any Trump rallies. Nor do I consider campaign rhetoric that important; specially not off-the-cuff remarks. (Your milage may vary… :) ) Zingers present themselves, and some people are unable to resist using them. Well, human nature is what it is.

BTW, ersi: You have no idea how big the executive branch is, do you? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-07, 22:32:29
Oakdale wants to go to war. Isn't it obvious, seriously? Because he brought up war out of the blue.
…Yes, out of the blue — after Senator John McCain called the supposed Russian hacking "an act of war!"
I don't, of corse, want to go to war; but we've been in a cyber war for years now…
So you actually have ("suggestive") evidence of it to your satisfaction.

About "following" the presidential race, I don't read tweets and I didn't attend any Trump rallies. Nor do I consider campaign rhetoric that important; specially not off-the-cuff remarks.
"Jail Hillary" was not an off-the-cuff remark. Trump spent at least five minutes of the debate explaining how and why he would do it. And he had repeated the same in many speeches both earlier and later. He got suddenly silent only after he got elected.

Repeated so many times, it is not campaign rhetoric. It is a promise. Trump's website ( says, "Trump promised a "special prosecutor" to investigating Hillary's disappearing emails and said that she would probably end up in jail." (emphasis added)

BTW, ersi: You have no idea how big the executive branch is, do you? :)
So, for consistency, admit that W was as liberal as Obama is and that Trump will be none better.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-07, 23:07:22
So, for consistency, admit that W was as liberal as Obama is and that Trump will be none better.
W was indeed a big-government president… Your definition of "liberal" is -shall we say?- too liberal? And I see you've taken up Sang's habit of "prediction"! :)

Trump is not the president yet: We'll have to wait and see what he does, in many areas. With Pompeo at CIA and Sessions at Justice, I have high hopes… (With Mattis at Defense, I hope the god-awful F-35 is scrapped, and the A-10s updated; close ground support is an important mission… And Pruitt seems to me a good fit at the EPA!) But that doesn't mean I know I won't be disappointed!
(I remember when Bill Bennett became head of the Education Dept. in the Reagan administration…)
So you actually have ("suggestive") evidence of it to your satisfaction.
Yup! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-08, 09:49:15
Your definition of "liberal" is -shall we say?- too liberal?
It so happens that it's your own definition. Your definition permits calling state institutions liberal or such. Mine does not. I adopted your definition for the sake of discussion for the time being. Now it's too late for you to learn to read.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-08, 10:40:15
I don't think it's too late for you to learn to read, ersi. But I doubt you have the ability… You have a knack for constructing straw-man arguments, and avoiding anything serious.
(Do you miss your position in the ministry of propaganda? I'll bet you do! Even though you "claim" to find your former Soviet masters reprehensible…)
I appreciate your rhetoric; but your logic has always been deficient.

It's interesting, to me, that that's what you responded to: You play with words that you don't understand; and, not understanding them yourself, assume no one else does.

But you and I are not Putin and Trump. We are not world leaders… Surely, we can come to an agreement about what's actually happening? Nah!
You'll take your "cheap shots" and I'll sometimes reply, without any hope that you'll understand. (Perhaps others are silly enough to read our exchanges.) How's Estonia doing, nowadays? Not yet the communist paradise you dreamed of? Oops!
I think Trump is right about NATO obligations; and Estonia is an ally. Should we, the USA, go to war with Russia if Estonia's borders are broached? In a sane world, no. It would be too dangerous. But, in the real world, yes. Estonia is an ally. We have treaty obligations… Surely, Russia knows this?
Well, after eight years of the Obama administration, they might have forgot…

Nations make treaties. Other nations need to recognize them, or face the consequences.

I don't see Russia and the US as adversaries, in most situations… We're both powerful nations who have interests. Recognizing those interests should be our focus, no?!

Easily understandable is that Russia needs "warm water" ports, which Mediterranean countries alone can provide; so they seek allies there.. (It would be silly to try to deny them such, as it was to cut off Imperial Japan's access to Middle Eastern oil before WW II… Yes, history teaches us some things!) And Russia needs more Russians… Demographics is killing Europe and Russia; maybe the US too.
Certainly, China.

It's a weird world we live in, ersi!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-08, 17:25:42
You'll take your "cheap shots" and I'll sometimes reply, without any hope that you'll understand. (Perhaps others are silly enough to read our exchanges.) How's Estonia doing, nowadays? Not yet the communist paradise you dreamed of? Oops!
Surely you can back this up with a quote from me. Take your time. Until then, it's just another cheap shot of yours :) Projection is the only thing that shines forth in your posts lately.

I think Trump is right about NATO obligations; and Estonia is an ally. Should we, the USA, go to war with Russia if Estonia's borders are broached? In a sane world, no. It would be too dangerous. But, in the real world, yes. Estonia is an ally. We have treaty obligations… Surely, Russia knows this?
And surely you can back any of this up with a quote from Trump. Meanwhile, German politicians held a meeting with Trump ( specifically to figure out his foreign policy, but they were unable to detect any. I came to the same conclusion months ago without any need to meet him.

Nations make treaties. Other nations need to recognize them, or face the consequences.

I don't see Russia and the US as adversaries, in most situations… We're both powerful nations who have interests. Recognizing those interests should be our focus, no?!
You're right on one thing: You don't see stuff, in most situations. Get out some more. Other than going after booze, I mean. Glasgow would expand your horizons considerably. Samoa or Caribbean would be okay too, for a start.

Even the treaty-signing nations themselves follow treaties only selectively, so your "need to recognize them or face the consequences" does not follow in the real world. In the real world, the consequences to other nations depend on regional geopolitics alone, totally regardless what treaties they recognise or don't.

Putin has the ambition to dominate the world, at the same time being cautious enough not to start WWIII. Not too soon anyway, not before having convinced himself he can win it or something. Trump has no such caution. He only has personal business interests, no other thoughts or ideas or worries. Well, maybe some occasional "grab them by the ..." too. Trump's delusion as if Putin said nice things about him and respects him makes it all the more surreal.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-01-08, 22:23:37
And surely you can back any of this up with a quote from Trump. Meanwhile, German politicians held a meeting with Trump ( specifically to figure out his foreign policy, but they were unable to detect any. I came to the same conclusion months ago without any need to meet him.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-10, 10:39:21
Well, I recently ran across this video clip… Perhaps you erudite and superbly educated Europeans can understand "us rustics"… :) Nah! :)

I know that many Europeans think Americans are stupid; it's a reciprocal relationship.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-10, 10:50:12
I came to the same conclusion months ago without any need to meet him.
You've always done this: Your opinion is what it is; no evidence needed, none accepted. You still seem to think that you can "define" words to mean anything you want… :)
Hey! You must be a bigot! (I'll find out who you're bigoted against when I have more time… But I'm sure I'll find some group! And then, brother, you're in for it! :) ) You do of course react to posts (and arguments) in a very biased way: You just don't like some people, so they must be wrong!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-10, 11:16:06
I came to the same conclusion months ago without any need to meet him.
You've always done this: Your opinion is what it is; no evidence needed, none accepted. You still seem to think that you can "define" words to mean anything you want… :)
False. I followed the evidence. Namely, I followed the same evidence that the cited German politicians did, except that I took Trump to his word without going to meet him.

Meanwhile, where is your evidence? None forthcoming, I know, but you still have a chance. Take your time.

And good job misattributing the quote. Raccoon is redeemed now.

Hey! You must be a bigot!
Try a post without projecting next time.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-13, 02:12:26
As Victor Davis Hanson said: "On matters of foreign policy, Trump is not a realist, isolationist, or neoconservative, although at times he can sound like all that and more. Instead, he is a Jacksonian who wants a huge club at the Department of Defense largely to ensure that he’ll never have to use it. And if he is pushed to swing it, he wants to flatten any who would hurt the U.S."
Expecting campaign or transition personnel to "brief" foreign defense ministers on our foreign policy priorities is silly beyond belief: The President crafts foreign policy, along with Congress. (I know: How quaint! "You mean a treaty signed by the President of the United States doesn't take effect until both houses of Congress agree to it?
 :) But that is how it works, here. No King, you see. No dictator. So sorry! No tickee, no washee… I mean, rules is rules, no?)
Of course, Merkel's administration wouldn't understand this…
I suspect Putin's Russia will; fairly quickly, if it doesn't already.

Do you find this a problem, ersi?
I'm fairly convinced that Trump won't highlight Obama's priorities: Climate change and Syrian refugees… (Oh, and federalizing local police departments. The so-called "Sanctuary Cities" may realize, quite soon, how such policies at DoJ will adversely affect them… Nah! They're oblivious: They think their "friends" will protect them from the consequences of their actions. Well, they're running out of friends.)

BTW: With 7 1/2 days to go, the Obama administration rescinded the "Wet foot/dry foot" policy ( That means that people who flee Cuba and make it to the U.S. are no longer considered refugees. Hm. I guess that "open borders" thingie means something different to Obama. :(

We won the island in a war; we should have kept it!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-13, 04:02:46
Have you considered the possibility that Trump doesn't actually have much of a foreign policy, beside being Putin's puppet? In fact Tillerson's testimony at his confirmation hearings reportedly left the Senators scratching their collective heads as to what the administration's foreign policy would be. You see, it's not an American vs European thing. It's more like a mentally stable people vs an insane moron thing.

I suspect Putin's Russia will; fairly quickly, if it doesn't already.
Sure, since their GDP fell from USD 2.2 trillion to USD 1.3 trillion in a couple years. You're might be right, though. Both Putin and Trump like to beat their chests as their countries burn. Maybe they play the fiddle, instead....
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-13, 04:39:21
Sure, since their GDP fell from USD 2.2 trillion to USD 1.3 trillion in a couple years. You're might be right, though. Both Putin and Trump like to beat their chests as their countries burn. Maybe they play the fiddle, instead....
I appreciate your concern for (the former Soviets…) Russia.
Is our country "burning"? Under whose control has it been? :) (Well, you did jump from the dire straits of Russia and Putin to using the plural: "their"… But you do that sort of thing all the time!)
Have you considered that Hillary Clinton lost her second bid for the U.S. presidency, the Democrats lost control of both the House and the Senate and most governorships and state legislatures?
That's a big Oops!
Doesn't it tell you something?
(I assume you don't know fiddle-playing…)
Have you considered the possibility that Trump doesn't actually have much of a foreign policy, beside being Putin's puppet?
(You do know how stupid your last clause was, right? Nah! Of course not.) Yes, Sang, I have considered the possibility. What's your take on any nebulous topic? :) Of course, I don't care. (You and ersi can haggle over how many of those angels can dance on the head of a pin…) Why should you be privy to our foreign policy priorities? (I mean, beyond that they're focused upon American interests… Which you probably reject, out of hand, anyway.) You have some special expertise or interest? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-13, 05:03:21
But as an aside I'd ask: Don't you still want to know why sociology undergrads don't rule the world? (I'll tell you, if you ask.)

What's going on in America is easy to understand: The progressive coalition has collapsed; it's various "sects" are becoming vicious against their former compatriots. (As I told my son recently: The Dems will start eating their young, because that's what they do!)
Is there reason to fear the current Populism? Sure! Andrew Jackson was our first successful "populist"… He founded the Democrat Party!
(I certainly don't want that again!)

If our country (and you "snowflakes") can't handle four or eight years of Trump as President, why should anyone take you seriously?
Well, chances are that the Trump administration will change the world in ways you won't like. My advice: Hibernate!

We'll (probably…) wake you up. :)

But what was Barack Obama's foreign policy, before he was elected? Anti-war. Heck, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize before he'd done anything! And what did he do? Killed thousands of people with drone attacks… But, of course, Guantanamo Bay's security prison for "undocumented" combatants remains open; only the worst of the worst have been released, to wage war against us again…
Much like Obama's domestic immigration policy.
(Or against Europe — but they're okay with that! Europe knows what it will reap: What it has sown.)

I do try to listen to your point of view, Sang. But it's become so "hate Republicans and conservatives" that I can't figure out how you can be so silly… Perhaps you'd have settled down, if Hillary had won; but she didn't.
Are you the next Dylann Roof?
If you want to know what Trump's foreign policy is: Wait and see.

BTW: What would Clinton's foreign policy have been?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-13, 06:57:43
As Victor Davis Hanson said: "On matters of foreign policy, Trump is not a realist, isolationist, or neoconservative, although at times he can sound like all that and more. Instead, he is a Jacksonian who wants a huge club at the Department of Defense largely to ensure that he’ll never have to use it. And if he is pushed to swing it, he wants to flatten any who would hurt the U.S."
Pure speculation. No facts. Can Hanson show, as a minimum, that Trump has read a book about Jackson so there would be a slim chance he is romantically idealising him? By the way, "club at the Department of Defense largely to ensure that he’ll never have to use it" has nothing Jacksonian about it. Jackson killed as many American Indians as he could and grabbed territory far beyond his arithmetic abilities. What prevents Trump being Jacksonian in this sense?

The facts are: Trump has no political background or track record, so he's not a political anything. He's a political nobody. He has no policies, particularly in the foreign/international realm. Most realistically, if his behaviour will match his words, we can expect about as bad a mess as we had with W. But there's no guarantee his words are any sort of guide to anything.

Do you find this a problem, ersi?
That you ignore all facts and prefer ideological speculation? It was expected, so no problem.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-13, 07:45:09
The facts are: Trump has no political background or track record, so he's not a political anything. He's a political nobody. He has no policies, particularly in the foreign/international realm. Most realistically, if his behaviour will match his words, we can expect about as bad a mess as we had with W. But there's no guarantee his words are any sort of guide to anything.
Welcome to the real world, ersi!
Trump will be the American President in eight days… Most everybody knows this.
Who will be the president of Estonia? Or the PM of Great Britain? And who cares?
Of course, Vlad Putin will still rule Russia…

You want to know what Trump's foreign policy will be, but you're too "insulated" to understand: He's an American. That, in and of itself, befuddles you!
Do you seriously think that nations only react to what they expect? (I assume you're a bachelor…) Get a grip:
The world isn't coming to an end. Only some very silly progressive presumptions.

(I'm surprised that so many Europeans are as butt-hurt as our American progressives… I'd been led to believe that they were smarter. Guess I was wrong to believe that!)

Again, I say: When Trump is President you'll see what his foreign policy is… :)
(Don't forget the example of Ronald Reagan!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-13, 08:19:51
You want to know what Trump's foreign policy will be, but you're too "insulated" to understand: He's an American. That, in and of itself, befuddles you!
Everybody knows what an American is. It's something like this:
Who will be the president of Estonia? Or the PM of Great Britain? And who cares?
Of course, Vlad Putin will still rule Russia…
i.e. something like, "that's outside America, so who cares..." Now, everybody has noticed this about Americans. Have Americans themselves noticed this? Some have. You and Trump haven't. Is there something more you want me to understand? What exactly?

Do you seriously think that nations only react to what they expect? (I assume you're a bachelor…)
Wrong on both accounts, but you don't care and that carelessness of yours wins over anything else.

The world isn't coming to an end. Only some very silly progressive presumptions.
Ends of the world are usually (or have been thus far) limited to some continent or sub-continent. Such as those that W. arranged. But of course you see neither "end" or "world" about it, as long as it's outside the United States.

(I'm surprised that so many Europeans are as butt-hurt as our American progressives… I'd been led to believe that they were smarter. Guess I was wrong to believe that!)
You are wrong about Europeans and possibly about American progressives too (insofar as you identify them with Sang). But I doubt you care about being wrong. You never get out, except shopping for booze, so it's completely safe for you to be wrong about pretty much everything in politics, society, history, economics, etc.

Again, I say: When Trump is President you'll see what his foreign policy is… :)
(Don't forget the example of Ronald Reagan!)
That's not what you said earlier. You have quoted various pundits speculating various things disregarding facts and rationality. And right here you are implying Trump will be like Ronald Reagan. If you mean Reagan's invasion to Grenada for no other reason but to piss of his closest ally (Thatcher of UK), covert war against Nicaragua, etc., I might grant you a half-point.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-01-13, 10:35:20
Expecting to find something about "what's going on in the Americas", I always find posts about the expectations on the next Trump administration. They should deserve a thread on their own.

But now, since I casually happen to live in the Americas, I'd like to add the following:

The facts are: Trump has no political background or track record, so he's not a political anything. He's a political nobody. He has no policies, particularly in the foreign/international realm. Most realistically, if his behaviour will match his words, we can expect about as bad a mess as we had with W. But there's no guarantee his words are any sort of guide to anything.

We already know how it works. Lula hadn't had any significant political background, and the expectations on his new administration as President of Brazil were quite disturbing. On the first weeks of his administration, it became clear that it wouldn't be as bad as it was being expected.

Now, several years after it finished, we've become aware that it was really disastrous.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-13, 10:58:42
Lula hadn't had any significant political background, and the expectations on his new administration as President of Brazil were quite disturbing. On the first weeks of his administration, it became clear that it wouldn't be as bad as it was being expected.

Now, several years after it finished, we've become aware that it was really disastrous.
That's like in the United States then - a single president can ruin the country in a couple of years (like W went from Clinton's historical record surplus to record deficit). In most European countries there are checks and balances in place, so ruining the country is strictly the domain of the parliament, out of reach of the prime minister and president.

In countries where the prime minister and president are the same person, like in the United States, the danger of abuse is the worst.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-01-13, 18:24:41
(Don't forget the example of Ronald Reagan!)
Oh, like Iran/Contra. Got it! :yes: Great foreign policy there, huh. Support Saddam Hussein on the grounds he wasn't a communist. Need I continue? But the point isn't even what Trump's foreign policy is, it's that we know nothing about this or hardly any of his policies. Trump says one thing and quickly says the opposite and denies saying the first thing, even when presented with video and audio of him saying it. Even high ranking members of his own party are frustrated with his behavior. There are only two conclusions that I can think of right now: he's gas lighting the whole nation (maybe doing so to the rest of the world is his "foreign policy") or that he's an un-selfaware psychotic that doesn't even know what position he took two days ago even was. Actually there is a third possibility, that he's a pathological liar that says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear.

Now imagine if tomorrow I said Trump was an honest, sane man with coherent policies. You'd think there was something wrong with me mentally. So why is this acceptable from our soon-to-be president?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-13, 20:16:16
As usual, Sang, your rhetoric is over the top…
I get it: You don't like Trump! But in seven days he'll become the President of the United States. Get a grip: You'll have at least four years to gripe! :)
Oh, like Iran/Contra
Dealing with a feckless Congress is often problematical… :) (I don't recall you railing against the Obama administration's paying ransom to Iran to secure the release of hostages… But, of course, in your "calculus" Democrats=Good, Republicans=Bad.)
So, carry on, Sang!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-14, 00:51:01
WASHINGTON — In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.
(read the whole NYTimes article (
As always, unless he can use it against Republicans, Sang ignores it… :)

Whatever will he do, when BHO is a private citizen? (I'm pretty sure neither Canada nor Mexico would accept his "refugee" status claim… :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-01-14, 13:05:46
Conclusion, there's really no difference about governance, the flies changes the shit remains the same.
Not an exclusive American problem but a general characteristic of post modern societies.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-15, 12:09:54
Funny. Reading some of the posts above one can get the impression that starting with 2017-20-2 the USA will be the first state on earth without a foreign policy. :D
This is stupid and also false.
Whatever the USA is, one thing is for sure - it's not a Banana Republic where long term geostrategic interests are redefined after each presidential election.
Therefore it makes little difference if the new President is an actor, a blowjob addict, an alcoholic or a pussy grabber.

Geostrategic interests are planned by long hand and pursued along decades, till achieved.
However during decades some things may change and the policies have to be adjusted to those changes. Such a change was the rise of the Dragon. China had an insignificant role for Zbigniew Brzezinski 40 years ago.
The dream of a monopolar world aka New World Order where the USA defines exclusvely the rules of the game won't vanish anytime soon even if Pokemon will be elected next as US President.
ATM there are only two significant players reluctant to such a monopolar world, namely China and Russia. The relationship between the two weren't the best in the past. However during the last decade the USA, through its foreign policy managed to drive Russia into China's arms. For the moment it's a win-win situation for both, China and Russia. Not so for the USA.
Trump is no more Putin's puppet than Obama was Xi's puppet.
There are at best different approaches how to deal with those two reluctant countries who dare to question the New World Order imposed by the USA.
The "carrot and stick" approach applied to China didn't work as expected.
Now Trump might apply this approach to Russia and 'concentrate' on the Dragon. Only problem, neither Xi nor Vlad are naive...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-15, 16:13:31
Geostrategic interests are planned by long hand and pursued along decades, till achieved.

American (very-)long-term foreign policy (namely, the Monroe Doctrine, roughly summarised "this hemisphere belongs to the United States") is not something to be achieved, but to be kept watch over.

This said, every new president in the United States makes his own little doctrinal declaration when he takes office. It's always basically the same Monroe Doctrine re-written, these days expanded to cover the entire globe and can be summarised as "United States protects its interests whenever wherever and our interests are whatever we say they are."

Of course US has a long-term foreign policy, but this does not negate the fact that Trump has none. Edit: Are you suggesting that when Trump assumes office, he will automatically inherit the goals, policies, experience and wisdom of the previous presidents? He might adopt a little, if he listens to his schoolers well, but the campaign showed he does not learn. He did pretty much everything that a presidential candidate must not do, and the fact that he won by this "strategy" gives Trump additional reason to do whatever he likes, never listen to anybody.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-15, 18:09:38
Are you suggesting that when Trump assumes office, he will automatically inherit the goals, policies, experience and wisdom of the previous presidents?
Wisdom of the previous presidents???
Whos wisdom are you referring to?
- W's wisdom for setting the Middle East on fire? Wonder how big the benefit of it will be for the USA in the long term. For now the only profiteer seems to be Iran... So what would be the next wisdom? Bombing Iran?
- BO's wisdom responsible for the mess created in Lybia and Syria? It seems that the only pillars of his wisdom were droning and regime changes. His foreign policy was a total mess.
The only geostrategic success was the staged putsch in the Ukraine. However the Ukraine managed to get rid of Crimea and apart of that the game there isn't over yet. Wonder for how long the bankrupt Ukraine will be kept alive with billions of €€€ by 'devoted' European allies...
So, whos wisdom are you referring to?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-15, 19:30:46
Wisdom of the previous presidents???
Whos wisdom are you referring to?
Exactly. I meant it ironically :)

And meanwhile I read up on the US doctrine stuff too. Decades ago when I read Kissinger's Diplomacy, it left the strong impression as if those doctrines were a real thing, an actual agreed agenda or policy documents with each president. Now, looking at Wikipedia, it appears it's a journalistic fiction or an ex post facto concoction of political historians. So you'd better talk about US long-term policy keeping the irony in mind.

Politicians want to leave the impression as if their policies were a rational or fixed or agreed thing. They are not. They are a delusion. Unfortunately they are a delusion of reality-changing sort. With Trump it's blatantly clear his head is like an empty bucket. No policies whatsoever, just random talk. And that guy will have the power to actualise whatever wanton whims may hit him. They will be wanton whims of a president, but this does not mean they are a policy.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-16, 09:47:24
- You are overestimating the powers of the president. There is also a Senate there.
- You are underestimating the powers of the deep state.

As for geostrategic continuity over decades - a short look at a map depicting US military bases abroad will tell you more than Wikipedia would ever do. Their number increased continuously irrespective of US presidents in charge.

BTW, "pivot to Asia" is a term coined by the BO administration. Trump probably won't use that term but his provocative behavior toward the Dragon even before entering office might give a clearer picture of what that term basically means. The nondiplomatic wording of it could as well be "meddling in Asia".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-16, 11:00:55
- You are overestimating the powers of the president. There is also a Senate there.
- You are underestimating the powers of the deep state.
You are underestimating what the US president can do when his party is in the majority in the House and Senate. For example, there was no rational justification to attack Iraq or even Afghanistan, but there was no force to prevent it. Also, the record surplus didn't become record deficit just so, but again because there was no force to prevent it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-16, 12:07:18
You are underestimating what the US president can do when his party is in the majority in the House and Senate.
Only when his party is in the majority in the House and Senate.
That means that he has the consent of a majority and he is not acting on its own.
That's pretty the same like in Germany or other European countries.
If the chancellor has the neccessary majority he/she can wave through everything.
The mantra is - you have elected us and by doing so you gave us the mandate to do anything we consider neccessary. Period. 
That's actually what happens most of the time everywere.

For example, there was no rational justification to attack Iraq or even Afghanistan, but there was no force to prevent it.
Not the best example to say the least.
As far as I recall most democrats were also for attacking Iraq. Same applies for Afghanistan.
Additionally there was also a coalition of the willing representing several countries...
So where from would you have expected the force preventing it to come?
As for rational justifications, they are most of the time a matter of perspective. If you kill somebody you are a murder and if you get caught you'll end up behind bars. If you flatten a district by dropping a bomb you get a medal for being a hero.
Believe me or not - geostrategic interests, new miltary bases, petrodollars or pipelines might qualify for some as rational justifications.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-16, 15:13:38
That means that he has the consent of a majority and he is not acting on its own.
That's pretty the same like in Germany or other European countries.
If the chancellor has the neccessary majority he/she can wave through everything.
The mantra is - you have elected us and by doing so you gave us the mandate to do anything we consider neccessary. Period. 
That's actually what happens most of the time everywere.
Actually, it's not like that everywhere. Most European countries have a multi-party system (3+) as opposed to two-party system.

The difference is significant, because in Europe it's hardly ever that a party (and the prime minister candidate of that party) wins the absolute majority. Therefore after the elections, the prime minister candidate (usually, but not always, whose party won the most seats in the parliament) begins coalition negotiations with other parties in order to form the government. In those negotiations, each coalition member concedes some points in their platform. This is a serious check on what the prime minister can do before he has even done anything.

In US, there is no such check. Whoever wins, wins regardless what is going on in the Congress, because Congress has no role in choosing the next president or shaping his agenda.

Another thing, in Europe, if the government is unable to push through their own budget proposal in the parliament, it means victory for the opposition's budget proposal, and the government MUST obey that budget. Mostly, this is such a painful thing to do that the government ordinarily resigns in such a situation. When has US government resigned in such a situation? Never. And never will. Their procedures are much messier and, if the president does not get the budget of his liking, they will simply spend like they did last year.

Clinton and Obama, even though mostly faced with the majority of the opposing party in the congress, never stepped down, whereas W had free reign and was able to swiftly bring about financial ruin from the starting point of record surplus. Given a (current) European political system, W would not have been so free to spend, on self-started wars no less, and Clinton and Obama would have had to consider resignation merely for not getting their budgets approved.

Moreover, in Europe after parliamentary elections we have a president (head of state) who APPOINTS the guy who will head the coalition negotiations to form the next government. Usually the guy is the leader of the party who won the relative majority in the parliamentary elections, but not necessarily. There are exceptions. In US, there are no such exceptions, because the winner becomes both president and prime minister in one person. Without anybody to stop him.

The situation is particularly surreal with Trump right now. He made the dirtiest campaign ever. He kicked out every campaign manager who tried to coach some decency in him. Not only did he behave like total scum against his opponent, but he behaved like total scum agains a lady. And then he won. Which apparently means Americans love it when you threaten, smear, and interrupt a lady. So, right now he thinks he did everything right, he thinks everybody loves him exactly as he is, and since we know that he has no political or constitutional checks to hinder him, he can indeed do whatever he pleases.

In Europe, dictatorship requires a Hitler who'd proceed as follows: 1. Physically lock away unwanted members of parliament. 2. Let the remaining members of parliament vote for constitution-altering laws and give extraordinary powers to the prime minister. 3. Done. In America, dictatorship for (at least) four years is guaranteed by the constitution, if you get elected the way Trump did, having the majority of seats in the congress already waiting for you. This dictatorship can be extended indefinitely if you can pull the strings like F.D. Roosevelt.

For example, there was no rational justification to attack Iraq or even Afghanistan, but there was no force to prevent it.
Not the best example to say the least.
As far as I recall most democrats were also for attacking Iraq. Same applies for Afghanistan.
If we go by party line, democrat opinion was irrelevant because republicans were in (narrow) majority. But yes, democrats were in favour of the wars too. This only means that US Congress can be thoroughly duped and brainwashed. It's just a matter of getting them into the right emotional state.

Additionally there was also a coalition of the willing representing several countries...
Such as Estonia and Poland, where the people and the government/parliament were diametrically opposed on the issue. Some issues are inherently class issues and remain so.

So where from would you have expected the force preventing it to come?
Nowhere. That's what I have been saying.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-01-17, 00:16:42
Both Krake and Ersi have interesting point of views about America.
Both are wrong but it doesn't matter.

A wrong European opinion, seems to be much better than a right American one...  :bandit:
Welcome to post modernity.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-17, 08:43:13
A wrong European opinion, seems to be much better than a right American one...  :bandit:
I'd very much welcome an American opinion here. A well-formed and informed opinion, not a partisan spout.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-17, 09:53:18
Oak and Sang are out of town.


Let's see whose opinion will last.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-01-17, 14:21:56

I'd very much welcome an American opinion here. A well-formed and informed pinion, not a partisan spout.

There has been one,

Expecting to find something about "what's going on in the Americas", I always find posts about the expectations on the next Trump administration. They should deserve a thread on their own.

But now, since I casually happen to live in the Americas, I'd like to add the following:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-01-17, 16:56:58
Thanks to SmileyFaze, there's a new thread well suited to this discussion.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-17, 18:59:44

I'd very much welcome an American opinion here. A well-formed and informed pinion, not a partisan spout.

There has been one,

Expecting to find something about "what's going on in the Americas", I always find posts about the expectations on the next Trump administration. They should deserve a thread on their own.

But now, since I casually happen to live in the Americas, I'd like to add the following:
That's American, but South. If there's a thread for it, it's this one.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-18, 00:58:48
That's American, but South. If there's a thread for it, it's this one.
Agreed, jax!
@Barulheira: I don't think everyone would agree with your estimation of Lula's successes… :)
To remind you'all:
We already know how it works. Lula hadn't had any significant political background, and the expectations on his new administration as President of Brazil were quite disturbing. On the first weeks of his administration, it became clear that it wouldn't be as bad as it was being expected.

Now, several years after it finished, we've become aware that it was really disastrous.
And I specially like your preface (admittedly prompted by ersi's comment…but I'll take it as "stand alone," since that's how it's usually used! :) ) "We already know how it works": Indeed we do. The previous administration is responsible for all the failures of the current administration! :)
Convenient, for elected officials; not so much, for anyone else…
(But when you elect a union organizer and official you have to expect a certain level of corruption, no? :) If you don't think so, you are ill-educated.)
So: How are things going in Brazil, now that Lula is out? (You know: Things like who's in, what's changed and what are the plans being touted?)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-01-18, 10:41:51
Who cares?
But, since you asked:
Technically, we still are under Lula's administration. Some months ago, his successor (Dilma Rousseff) was impeached and her vice-president (Michel Temer) is in charge. Summarizing, the bunch of usual corrupts is in charge again, replacing the new bunch of leftists corrupts that has been in charge since 2003.
When everything gets worse along an administration for so much time, you can't blame the previous administration. The whole country is broken. The government gets taxes as hell, and still it has no money to afford basic public services. It can't afford even the social programs it has created itself to diminish poverty.
The FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games sucked public money for no good use, feeding corrupts and letting the people unassisted.
And there's much more.
The government blamed the worldwide economic crisis for all that. Remarkably, the country entered the crisis when all around the world it was gone.
My remark around Lula × Trump was to remind everybody that there's good reason to fear.
Thanks for asking.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-19, 09:27:20
The Clinton Global Initiative foundation is closing ( its doors.

It's funny to see how the incoming money is drying out as soon as it becomes clear that there will be no Clinton in the power center.
So far about those 'charitable donations' offered by corporations and foreign governments.
BTW, among the top foreign donators I'm aware of, were the Saudis with $25.000.000, Germany with $5.000.000 and Norway ( with 20.000.000 (NOK).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-01-19, 11:47:22
That this Clinton Foundation programme would be shut down was announced during the presidential campaign (, Of course the Trump-Assange Media Group has tried to take the credit for that. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-19, 12:12:59
From the source you gave:

In August 2016, with less than 90 days before the upcoming presidential election, the Clinton Foundation announced that it will stop accepting foreign donations if Clinton is elected.
AFAIK Clinton wasn't elected.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-01-19, 12:54:15
You confuse the Clinton Foundation with the Clinton Global Initiative. The latter is being shut down, as intended.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-19, 13:38:05
By quoting your own source you are telling me now that I'm confusing the foundations. That's funny.
Is "The Observer" also confusing the foundations?
The Clinton Foundation Shuts Down Clinton Global Initiative (

The Clinton Global Initiative was created in 2005 to serve as a networking platform for the Clinton Foundation.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-01-19, 14:32:29
The Clinton Global Initiative is being shut down, as intended. There are no indications of any change of direction for the Clinton Foundation.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-20, 11:07:14
That's like in the United States then - a single president can ruin the country in a couple of years (like W went from Clinton's historical record surplus to record deficit).
I did take a look, just out of curiosity.  ;)
US national dept amounted 5,7 trillion USD at the beginning of G.W.Bush's presidency.
G.W. Bush managed to almost double those 5.7 trillions to 10,6 trillions.
B. Obama did a nice job as well managing to almost double those 10,6 trillions to 20 trillions (2017 January 18 - $19.961.467.137.973,64).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-20, 11:36:13
That's like in the United States then - a single president can ruin the country in a couple of years (like W went from Clinton's historical record surplus to record deficit).
I did take a look, just out of curiosity.  ;)
US national dept...
Debt is a different thing than budget surplus/deficit. In short, you didn't look at the right number. But nice try. Try again.

Here's a little something to help you out
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-01-20, 12:21:58
The US and Europe went in opposite direction after the crisis of 2007. Europe opted for austerity and the US (and China) for loose money. It is pretty clear that the European approach ended up more costly.

That said, debts will have to be paid eventually. It wasn't clear whether Hillary Clinton would follow her husband's debt-cutting turnabout, but the candidate the US eventually ended up with is estimated to increase the debts significantly more, if his program is to believed. That it probably isn't, but he is fond of tax cuts, very expensive programs, and getting reelected in four years' time, so I don't think much debt reduction will be on the agenda.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-01-20, 12:27:46
Debt is a different thing than budget surplus/deficit. In short, you didn't look at the right number. But nice try. Try again.
Here's a little something to help you out ...
And here is something for you to think about when speaking about Clinton's savings: The Myth of the Clinton Surplus (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-20, 13:43:02
And here is something for you to think about when speaking about Clinton's savings: The Myth of the Clinton Surplus (
When you redefine things (in this case, "surplus"), you can prove anything. Particularly if you are partisan. This guy is so partisan that even his own party is not agreeing with him. From W's campaign promises that I have quoted before in this thread:
Quote from:
The federal government is expected to run a surplus of nearly $5 trillion during the next ten years...
They call it a surplus because that's what it's called in accounting.

The right way for you to learn economics is to study accounting (bookkeeping) first and examine its background assumptions later. And leave out partisan nagging. However, if you don't wish to learn about economics, then go ahead with partisan blogs like Common Sense American Conservatism.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-01-20, 14:08:02
It wasn't clear whether Hillary Clinton would follow her husband's debt-cutting turnabout, but the candidate the US eventually ended up with is estimated to increase the debts significantly more, if his program is to believed.
It doesn't depend on the candidate's program so much, but (also) on what kind of congress he is facing. For Clinton, the congress would have been hostile, like it has been to Obama.

For example, Obamacare is a miscarriage not because it's a national healthcare system, but because it's not a national healthcare system. It's a private health insurance system as before, just covering more people now with more support from the government. It could not become a national healthcare system due to hostile congress. Similarly, Hillary's program and spending would have been held in check by the hostile congress.

That's the only possible organic damage control possible under the US constitution - have a president from a different party than the majority in congress. There's nobody foreseeable to keep Trump's spending in check, just like there was nobody to keep W in check.

Edit: By the way, RJ has created this thread: US Economy - what do you think?? (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-01-20, 14:41:57
Repealing Obamacare is an obvious first step but the support in his party for that isn't representative of the support for him. He'll have to survive the midterms riding on the coattails of pro partisan policy for a couple of years before trying anything radical. A second term feels dangerous.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-01-21, 04:29:10
By the way, RJ has created this thread: US Economy - what do you think?? (
Former Representative Ron Paul has moved on… He's now selling freeze-drying mechanisms that allow you to keep everything from veggies to ice cream for 25 years!
What a savant…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2017-01-23, 21:30:41
A second term feels dangerous.
Not dangerous...impossible.

Who will the Dems run in 2020?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-01-24, 03:14:32
I believe there's a thread for such conversation. (

I can offer my hopes. But I've considered getting a chamber pot for those.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-02-01, 18:24:23
Trump might bring on greater unity to America.

Outgoing UNASUR leader calls for joint strategy against Trump (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-02-02, 04:26:20
The outgoing Secretary-General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) Ernesto Samper on Tuesday called on the bloc to develop a joint strategy to deal with U.S. President Donald Trump's anti-immigration policies.
How about fixing your economies and government enough so that your people don't flee to the racist xenophobic hell-hole that is the United States?
Nah! Too hard. (It's a cultural thing… :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-02-03, 11:47:54
First granddaughter Arabella sings a Chinese new year song in Mandarin, wishing everyone an amazing year.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-02-04, 23:07:28
( (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-02-07, 14:48:56
The cover is fairly subtle and mild-spoken compared with the editorial.

Trump as Nero (
Europe Must Defend Itself Against A Dangerous President

That's why under President Trump, both the justified and the contemptible will be melded. Injustice is a major issue of our times, as are fears of digitalization and globalization -- and rightfully so given that the division of society and the speed of modern life is, in fact, extreme. Trump fuses these worries of his voters with nationalism and xenophobia. That's how demagogues work and it is how they become effective. The fact that the United States, a nuclear superpower that has dominated the world economically, militarily and culturally for decades, is now presenting itself as the victim, calling in all seriousness for "America first" and trying to force the rest of the world into humiliating concessions is absurd. But precisely because this nonsense is coming from the world's most powerful man, it is getting trapped by him.

This is not a threat that will somehow resolve itself. The German economy has become the target of American trade policy and German democracy is ideologically antithetical to Trump's vision. But even here, in the middle of Germany, right-wing extremists are trying to give him a helping hand. It is high time that we stand up for what is important: democracy, freedom, the West and its alliances.

This does not mean escalation or that we must abandon our contacts with America and all the working groups between our governments. What is does mean, though, is that Europe must grow stronger and start planning its political and economic defenses. Against America's dangerous president.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-02-07, 20:53:09
The cover is fairly subtle...
Hmm, depicting Trump as Jihadi John - something fairly subtle?  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-02-07, 22:43:20
 :lol: Indeed...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-02-08, 02:19:40
[…] trying to force the rest of the world into humiliating concessions […]
Histrionics seems to be the usual mode of expression, nowadays. :)
I prefer to call it "getting one's panties in a twist"…

What, btw, were the egregious assaults on the German economy, from the Trump administration's all-of 17 days of power?

We went through Reagan Derangement Syndrome, Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Bush Derangement Syndrome and Obama Derangement Syndrome. So, we now have Trump Derangement Syndrome… :)
But I don't have to suffer its full effects: I've been vaccinated! (I'm a conservative…)

President Trump will be successful or not. Am I to feel ashamed, for wanting him to succeed? I'm in favor of many of his policies… Am I to be castigated, for wanting my country to prosper — both economically and politically? I'm an American, not a European… :)

As John Quincy Adams said a long time ago: America is the friend of Liberty everywhere! But we are the protectors only of our own.
I think that's how it should be. And it sorta sounds like "America First" to me…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-02-08, 14:07:23
That's a nice post. I can understand your preferences.
IMO the problem is: you had to elect a lunatic to do the job.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-02-08, 17:25:52
I'm not a fan of Trump but I wasn't Obama's fan either.
I despise falsehood and hypocrisy wherever it comes from, be it my own country, Europe or the USA.
"Der Spiegel" can hardly be topped as far falsehood and hypocrisy goes.
Just one example even so I could come up with several - Trump's Muslim ban.
Granted it was stupid but the chosen countries were exactly those demonised by the former administration.
Exactly as Obama, he left out the biggest sponsor and ideologic mentor for terrorists, namely the Saudis.
While Trump's Muslim ban produced a mass hysteria in our media, the aprox 1.5 million Muslims killed by the USA during the past 15 years have been 'politely' ignored by the same media.
As for the Spiegel's cover-cartoon:
America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776 (
None of those false and hypocritical pen pushers from "Der Spiegel" would ever come up with the idea of a cover for their tabloid like that below.
   (" rel="cached" data-hash="573cef8ad7e499798bfbb2c9dbc9c408" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-02-08, 19:47:27
America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776 (
And 100% of the centuries.
Just sayin'. :left:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-02-12, 00:35:21
None of those false and hypocritical pen pushers from "Der Spiegel" would ever come up with the idea of a cover for their tabloid like that below.
I think that "pen pusher" Der Spiegel's cover with Trump cutting liberty's head is much better than your meaningless image at any way you can consider.

Which is not an endorsment for Der Spiegel editorial line that I don't know nothing about.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-02-12, 11:09:55
I think that "pen pusher" Der Spiegel's cover with Trump cutting liberty's head is much better than your meaningless image at any way you can consider.
Each to his own. :)
And since we are at cartoons:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-02-12, 11:11:15
US Tennis Association apologise for playing BANNED version of German national anthem. (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-02-13, 10:47:57
It's more fashionable to sing "Deutschland first".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-02-14, 17:26:29
Anybody heard before about a country named Limpopo?
Don't worry, you didn't because it's neither a NATO member state nor does such a country exist.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters pranked:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-02-14, 18:49:09
Not a happy day for Ku Klux Klan.
Quote from:
Frank Ancona, the professed leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was shot and killed in Missouri last week in what officials called a “tragic and senseless act of violence.” His wife and stepson were charged in his death on Monday.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-02-14, 19:18:13
"tragic (and not so senseless) act of violence."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-02-14, 23:14:45
Anybody heard before about a country named Limpopo?
Yes, I know perfectly Limpopo. It was part of the Transvaal, not a country.
Have you ever heard about Transvaal?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-02-15, 08:18:44
Have you ever heard about Transvaal?
Wow! Your erudition is fucking awesome.
You can sit down now.  :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-02-15, 12:08:06
The ultimative chance to make money with D.Trump. :)

All you have to do is LOGIN & BET (

BTW, an insider tip from Politico ( Hillary Clinton will run for president. Again.
However, if you'd ask an outsider like me - princess Tulsi Gabbard ( looks more human. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-02-16, 15:24:33
Yeah, I've seen bets on Trump's impeachment. I wonder if the odds changed this week?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-02-16, 15:27:44
BTW, an insider tip from Politico ( Hillary Clinton will run for president. Again.
Let's hope not :p Well maybe she can get knocked out the primaries.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2017-02-17, 17:50:17
Hillary Clinton will run for president. Again.
Don't attack me for ageism (I'm 80), but she'll be 73, and she already screwed up one election. If I make it to 84, I hope that I don't see her or Drumpf on the ballot.
I hope that he's married Putin and the two of them have settled down happily in Ukraine.
(" rel="cached" data-hash="1b23a3545fa623f310fc3cb68460100f" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-02-18, 03:25:18
Didn't Kanye West say he was gonna run at some point?  :faint:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Mr. Tennessee on 2017-02-18, 12:30:26
Didn't Kanye West say he was gonna run at some point?   :faint: 
  • undefined
  • (
Yes, but that was a reference to diarrhea.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-03-02, 17:26:19
In short,, rampant corporate socialism as well as socialism for the rich, cut-throat capitalism and suffering for the poor.
That is what's going on in the Drumpf's America.

Also big gov't conservatism as well, as outlined by Drumpf, which is ironic as the Repubs routinely knocked Bush 43 and Obama for expanding the size of gov't.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-03-05, 08:09:06
Colonel, you assume a title you aren't entitled to and you seem incapable of seeing what's actually going on. You must be "university" educated! :)
In short,, rampant corporate socialism as well as socialism for the rich, cut-throat capitalism and suffering for the poor.
In less than two months in office, with most of his nominees stalled…? :) You're giving the Democrats a pass, aren't you? Or are you finally realizing how bad the Obama administration was?
Nah! He was half-black!
So his Democrat party can do no wrong!

Well, kidd-o, I hope so: Pelosi and Schumer and Warren deserve oblivion. They've shown their true colors… (They are none of them black!) Whitey can be thrown under the bus (ala grandma) at any time! :)

But Obama is no no longer president, and Trump has promised to drain the swamp…

Call it the "deep state" if you want, or ignore it if you must (progressives gotta keep their power…). This administration will likely succeed where others have failed. Political appointments are the easy part. But the bureaucracy is the real problem, considering how large it has become.

Of course, you disagree!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-03-07, 14:12:01
Vault 7 Hacking Tools revealed (

No, this time it's not about Russian hackers - you know those bad guys and girls paid by Putin, who allegedly hack elections worldwide.

BTW, the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base so this would fit in the "What's Going on in Europe"-thread as well.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-03-09, 08:47:59
Wikileaks Reveals: CIA’s UMBRAGE Allows Agency To Carry Out ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attacks (
The UMBRAGE group, a subdivision of the center’s Remote Development Branch (RDB), has been collecting and maintaining a “substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states, including the Russian Federation.”

There is no longer any way to determine if the CIA’s proof of Russian hacks on U.S. infrastructure is legitimate, as it could very well be a “false flag” attack.

Given that accusations of Russian government cyber-attacks also coincide with a historic low in diplomatic relations between Russia and the U.S., the CIA’s long history of using covert means to justify hostile actions against foreign powers – typically in the name of national security – once again seems to be in play.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-03-09, 21:51:07
Good catch, krake!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-03-10, 15:06:23
Wikileaks Reveals: CIA’s UMBRAGE Allows Agency To Carry Out ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attacks (

Another article parroting the Wikileaks press release, whether out of laziness or convenience. I have found Wikileaks data to be very reliable and Wikileaks editorializing to be anything but, and this release is no exception. There seems to be preciously little overlap between what was claimed in the press release and what's in this data trove.

The Register: Spies do spying, part 97: Shock horror as CIA turn phones, TVs, computers into surveillance bugs (
The Intercept: The CIA Didn't break Signal or WhatsApp despite what you've heard (
The Intercept: Wikileaks files show the CIA repurposing foreign hacking code to save time not to frame Russia (
Errata Security: Some comments on the Wikileaks CIA/#vault7 leak (

This will hurt and embarrass CIA, but not for the reasons Wikileaks claim.  
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-03-10, 19:01:28
- "The Register" ( reads as a CIA PR damage control paper discreetly insinuating WikiLeaks to be a Kremlin front.
Meanwhile, some folks are speculating ( that the source of the leak could be the Russians (, and its true purpose is to derail the CIA for political gain.

- The goal of Errata Security ( is to attribute false statements to WikiLeaks. Those false statements get then corrected by Robert Graham. A transparent try to discredit WikiLeaks.

- The Intercept looks trustworthy so far. :)

However keep in mind that the dump released by WikiLeaks Tuesday represents just 1 percent of the data. ;)
Besides, Assange says WikiLeaks will share CIA hacking tools with tech companies (
The anti-secrecy group published documents this week describing secret CIA hacking tools and snippets of computer code. It did not publish the full programs that would be needed to actually conduct exploits against phones, computers, and internet-connected televisions.
Furthermore, don't expect all Zero-Day Exploits hoarded by the CIA to be made public any time soon.
It will take some time for companies to fix those breaches.

So even "The Intercept" can comment only on data that has been made public by WikiLeaks.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-03-12, 01:45:05
The mentality of a system and it's security services with all that complete stupidity that Moscow was interfering is so laughable, immature and tripe. Why does a nation need 16 security lots??
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-03-24, 20:22:22
The most delightful weather forecast on earth presented by La Diosa del Clima :)


Too bad that Mexican weather forecast doesn't apply for Germany.  :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-03-31, 13:38:38
Marble Framework (

Today, March 31st 2017, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 "Marble" -- 676 source code files for the CIA's secret anti-forensic Marble Framework. Marble is used to hamper forensic investigators and anti-virus companies from attributing viruses, trojans and hacking attacks to the CIA.

The source code shows that Marble has test examples not just in English but also in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Farsi. This would permit a forensic attribution double game,...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-04-02, 21:09:43
I like Southern America.

In Paraguay, in Venezuela, people comes out to the streets defensing their Nation, their Motherhood, their Constitution, withouth fear from police shooting.

Brave People.
Viva la Gente, Viva la Revolucion, Viva those with Cojones!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-04-03, 00:18:10
Hey, maybe America might follow them?!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-04-05, 03:28:58
…if we vote for Democrats, we surely will.
"Liberalism is the […] death of Western Civilization…" (A bad quote; not accurate! Liberalism is the last gasp of progressivism…)
The actual quote was "Liberalism is the consolation for Western Civilization, as it commits suicide…"! Cute, no?!

But Trump-ism is something else…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-04-05, 22:22:02
South America is to be brilliant?  Enough to make loud groan. Poverty, corruption, police violence and mass areas of slum huts?  :faint:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-05, 10:58:54
The model colony of U.S. is not doing so good after all.

Puerto Rico declares bankruptcy at last (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-05-05, 13:32:40
I'm surprised it took this long.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-05, 16:06:27
I'm still surprised Greece was never declared bankrupt, even though it was (and is) bankrupt. It's a very bad case of financial unaccountability.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-05-05, 18:11:47
Yes it is an odd situation completely and not getting any better.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-05-05, 18:54:31
I'm still surprised Greece was never declared bankrupt, even though it was (and is) bankrupt.
Two main reasons coming to my mind:
- Trying to keep running a sick financial system.
- Keeping political leverage on Greece.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-05-05, 22:17:50
If there was a country declared (not declaring) bankrupt it was Greece...

Not anymore by the way but that's another story. As always Northerners are slow, too slow to react.
That's why they always lose.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-05-05, 23:00:45
Too slow to react? Kind of odd when you think of what Portugal begged for to keep going!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-05-07, 21:23:09
Shut up, you are out of Europe .. maybe part of Africa, America... something like that, not Europe anymore.
Basicaly you turned into a savage. And as a savage you'll be treated, :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-05-08, 00:31:34
Expected your displeasure as GB is a nation that gives more to the EU than gets out so  less to subsidise Portugal which is the very opposite!  :yes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-05-08, 09:41:40
'Lunch Shaming' (

"She got to the cashier, they scanned her PIN and the cashier said this to the 4-year-old: 'You have no money.' [The cashier] reached down, picked up her tray, took the milk off the tray, dumped the food, and sent the child away crying. My jaw dropped. I felt like I was just kicked in the gut,” explained Holt. "This is breakfast now, so her last meal might have been 12 or 13 hours ago. And who knows what that meal consisted of. Insult to injury is the fact that they dump the food in the presence of the child. The message that sends to a child is 'I care about my bottom line. I don't care about you or your feelings or your hunger.'"

Trillions spent on wars but no money for some children's lunch.
Giving a lunch for free to a child whos mother can't afford to pay for, means communism - something even worse than an empty stomach of a child.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-05-08, 18:21:03
Trillions spent on wars but no money for some children's lunch.
You're misreading the story, and it's not really a new story: Bureaucracies do dumb shit because — Rules Is Rules! It's not that the money isn't there. It's that the mindset of government workers is often perverse…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-05-08, 21:13:51
Too easy an answer Oakdale.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-05-08, 21:42:04
GB is a nation that gives more to the EU than gets out
That must be the reason why you'll have to pay so much for what you already received... (and yes you will pay.. if not, you don't even sell a nail to Europe, simple as that), that must be the reason that you seem like psicotic rats not knowing what to do after the shit you've done.

Bye bye Non European. Join your American cousins, you've nobody else to receive you. :)
Enjoy Trump ruling you.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-05-09, 10:52:49
The EU budget is marginal to the economy, less than a percent of GDP. Britain provides a minor part to that budget. By the signs there will be significant changes to that budget, but of political rather than economic reasons.

Only a small part of the EU is in the Americas though.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-09, 13:22:54
GB is a nation that gives more to the EU than gets out

GB held this false view already before it had joined. Because of this false view, it should never have been permitted to join. GB had the most exceptions from EU rules and was always whining for more exceptions. You get the prize for being the worst EU member ever. Worse than Greece.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-05-09, 13:25:45
Cobblers dear Europhile. We even got money BACK years ago for overpaying. To compare us with the bankrupt and done in financial  mess like Greece is juvenile. London is still an important world financial centre sonny.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-09, 13:44:07
Cobblers dear Europhile. We even got money BACK years ago for overpaying.
So when you got money back, it means that you didn't provide much net value. Anyway, the problem with your argument is exactly that it's about money, nothing else, as if membership of EU were about money. In reality, membership of EU is about whether you follow the policies and contribute to unity or not. GB was always most disruptive.
To compare us with the bankrupt and done in financial  mess like Greece is juvenile. London is still an important world financial centre sonny.
You are simply proving my point. The money-centric view of EU is as low as it gets.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-05-09, 15:51:24
You are simply proving my point. The money-centric view of EU is as low as it gets.
To be fair, it was the EEC they joined, not the EU. Although for the rest of us even that was always clearly a means to an end: no more war (i.e., unity).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-05-10, 00:51:09
Well ersi our economy, employment, etc is reasonable.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-05-10, 04:48:22
Only a small part of the EU is in the Americas though.

An EU bordering Brazil, Morocco, Iran, and North Korea isn't likely to happen soon, but eventually...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-05-10, 04:50:34
An EU bordering Brazil, Morocco, Iran, and North Korea isn't likely to happen soon, but eventually...
Putin and Xi will try… Communists all, have a common goal.

Of course, what's going on in Venezuela and Brazil is the result of capitalism and U.S. interference… Russia, Iran and Cuba had nothing to do with what happened! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-05-10, 05:03:51
I don't think Russia joining the EU is on the cards quite yet. Putin wouldn't want it, and Xi would probably have mixed feelings about it too. EU will have to be content bordering Brazil, Morocco, Libya and Syria for now.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-10, 05:04:46
An EU bordering Brazil, Morocco, Iran, and North Korea isn't likely to happen soon, but eventually...
Putin and Xi will try… Communists all, have a common goal.
EU, Brazil, Morocco, etc. are Communists?

Of course, what's going on in Venezuela and Brazil is the result of capitalism and U.S. interference… Russia, Iran and Cuba had nothing to do with what happened! :)
Well, by that standard also US is Communist. At least Iran and Cuba became what they have become as a result of direct US meddling. Stop being the world's biggest Commie!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-05-10, 05:15:35
Ypu can't stop being what you are, ersi! But since you don't participate in politics, you are — what? Given a free pass? Then, shut up!
You're an amazingly ignorant consumer of news…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-10, 05:26:18
But since you don't participate in politics, you are -- what?
Don't I? I merely don't vote. You apparently think that's the only way to participate in politics. Okay, stay as you are then.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-10, 05:40:04
An EU bordering Brazil, Morocco, Iran, and North Korea isn't likely to happen soon, but eventually...
Yeah, expand until internal wars become an inevitability again. Thank you very much. Yours is precisely the kind of thinking that fails to identify what belongs inside and what outside.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-05-10, 09:03:49
I don't think Russia joining the EU is on the cards quite yet.
That oportunity was thrown out the window because of the vanity of European leaders and the justified fear of the USA to lose conrol over Europe.

Putin wouldn't want it, ...
Not anymore. Alea iacta est.
Even so Putin as his predecessors (of European and not Asian origin btw) hoped for a place in the European community.
That was a naive dream and they got cured.
The Sino-Russian alliance was the only option Putin was left with and this alliance could render Europe to insignificance in a few decades.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-05-10, 09:42:40
Russia in the EU, or the US in the EU, has never seriously been proposed. The complexities and impact of Russia in the EU would be staggering (though it would mean an EU bordering Korea and the US).

Gorbachev did propose that the Soviet Union could become a NATO member, a far easier proposition.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-10, 10:58:42
Russia in the EU [...] has never seriously been proposed.
Not seriously proposed? Visa freedom with Russia was dead seriously proposed and it was seen as a step towards membership or at least "integration" for Russia. Dependence on Russia's oil and gas is not decreasing even now when we supposedly have sanctions imposed on Russia. The second gas tube in the bottom of the Baltic Sea is already in progress. If this is not serious, then what is?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-05-10, 11:56:13
I thought the EU isn't going on in the Americas yet.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-05-10, 12:42:02

Your neighbour French Guiana is in the EU, among others.


Russia is too big in all of population, area and issues to become an EU member. Something Turkey-sized or Ukraine-sized is within the realm of possibility, Russia not. Association treaties might be possible, but not membership. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-05-10, 12:58:31
I still think other threads are better suited for discussing the European Union.  :irked:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-05-10, 13:22:35
It was my submerged point too (but feel free to discuss French Guiana).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-05-10, 13:31:26
Russia is too big in all of population, area and issues to become an EU member. Something Turkey-sized or Ukraine-sized is within the realm of possibility, Russia not. Association treaties might be possible, but not membership.
So it's just a matter of size for you. Brazil would be too big, but Venezuela is within the realm of possibility? What exactly do you have against Barulheira?
Title: Europe is there
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-05-10, 13:50:44
Hey... keep away! We are going to bomb French Guiana. Keep Europe over the pond!...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-05-10, 16:28:39
Try asking 500 years ago. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sparta on 2017-05-12, 04:26:56
will they impeach president donald trump ?
Title: No Trump here
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-05-12, 14:00:52
Playing the pedant poster, I implore you all to discuss Trump (or America) in another thread.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-05-13, 21:37:55
Playing the pedant poster, I implore you all to discuss Trump (or America) in another thread.
My dear Lampião (ão), you're right. I suggest all threads to be deleted and to restart the forum again with new threads.
Now on with thematic order and discipline.

Order and Progress, Brazil's national slogan...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-05-14, 06:14:34
Or Venezuela's "kill all those peasants" regime: "Hugo forever!"
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-05-14, 23:21:10
What's happening in Brasil is so much more important for the world than all Trump's stupidity.

As the rest of the world, not even myself understands very well what's hapenning.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-05-14, 23:53:12
Venezuela has become a joke of a country due to the idiot who is President and trying to bodyswerve the parliament.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-05-30, 18:04:25
When my wife sent me this link ( at first I thought it was just regular old phishing, but there's a slight catch (that I almost didn't catch because of how long they take to get to the point). They're using URLs like
Code: [Select][.]com/amp/
which is Google's own redirecting-type service, and they're hosting the fake logos on Google Plus to circumvent the Gmail spam filters.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-06-15, 16:20:29
I will never understand why the state of MS routinely ignores demands for a state lottery.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-06-15, 23:13:16
Maybe if a better move to a proper democracy might help!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-06-16, 20:25:52
I will never understand why the state of MS routinely ignores demands for a state lottery.
Maybe because state officials recognize that lotteries are a tax on dumb poor people? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-06-16, 22:57:43
lotteries are a tax on dumb poor people
Lotteries are not a tax. If you prefer, life under Capitalism is a tax. You have enough.
Lotteries are voluntary, therefore not a tax. Cappice???

Americans can always bet at the Euromillions, 100.000.000 euros. You just have to pay a mere 20.000,000 euro taxes.
80.000,000 are for you, tax paid.

Sometime ago, the Euromillion's prize was annouced withouth the tax value. Now is not.
Europeans thinks that it is more fair. I think that game has not to pay taxes.

Taxes are over production, not hazard, heritage and a few other things.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-06-16, 23:47:38
OakdaleFTL you do passingly touch on a very big problem in your ex-colonies place an I mean the poor. Over what is it...41 or 42 million on food stamps?!  :doh:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-06-17, 09:07:01
Says US attorney general Jeff Sessions,
Quote from:
We are going to get paid [for the border wall] one way or the other [...] I know there's $4 billion a year in excess payments, according to the Department of the Treasury's own inspector general several years ago, that are going to payments to people — tax credits that they shouldn't get. Now, these are mostly Mexicans. And those kind of things add up...
Yeah, these kind of things add up. Only in America.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-06-17, 18:57:19
Lotteries are voluntary, therefore not a tax. Cappice???
And they're not "voluntary" either (the way some people claim you're "free" to deny a crappy job or apartment).

Yeah, these kind of things add up. Only in America.
So… the supposed problem with immigration is that the IRS pays out tax credits without checking if it should? Yeah, so I noticed that my toilet keeps filling with water even when it's full, so I'm going to buy a new lock for my bathroom door to keep visitors from flushing it. Or something. :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-06-17, 19:42:54
I will never understand why the state of MS routinely ignores demands for a state lottery.

It's nothing but a poor tax. (As stated). Sure it is probably being sold as education funds, but you're one recession away from funds being reallocated. I was, and still am, against our State's lotto. Less than $0.50 paid for every $1 spent. With any real winnings being blown rather than used appropriately to pay debt, gain education or such. Handing someone with no experience or skill in dealing with money lots of it does not suddenly promote good habits. The odds of someone filing for bankruptcy after winning $150k - $1M within the first 5 years are as high as 60%. New small businesses have a slightly better success rate (50%-ish) and they are usually started in the red or at least with cost to assets by someone with experience in the field they choose.

Throwing money at the problem isn't a solution. The same people advocating the tax, I mean, lottery are often the same people too ignorant to understand the affects. Supporting public opinion on issues does matter - Just remember the greatest failing of democracy is that even the dumbest idea can find a voice... Given the State in question's reputation one would assume it more the norm. You have better odds in a casino, where your hubris is your real competition.     
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-06-18, 11:15:00
I will never understand why the state of MS routinely ignores demands for a state lottery.

It's nothing but a poor tax. (As stated). Sure it is probably being sold as education funds, but you're one recession away from funds being reallocated. I was, and still am, against our State's lotto. Less than $0.50 paid for every $1 spent. With any real winnings being blown rather than used appropriately to pay debt, gain education or such. Handing someone with no experience or skill in dealing with money lots of it does not suddenly promote good habits.
Is this the kind of reasoning used to support the state lottery? Oh, America, the land of progressive backward thinking.

Over here nobody ever thought of arguing for state lottery by something like, "The winner gets money to pay for a college degree/debts/..." because obviously the jackpot winners are very few and everybody knows that the actual winner is the house - the one doing the lottery, not those who buy the tickets. That's so duh that even Americans should get it.

Rather, the rationale for having state lottery is that the state wins some money (in addition to ordinary taxes) that get specifically allocated to support sports and culture for kids and youth. The lottery winners are completely irrelevant to the argument. Of course, the same revenue could be gathered by ordinary tax collection ways, so there's an additional point for state lottery: Playing lottery is a vice, so it's best done strictly state controlled so that it doesn't get out of hand, hopefully. (It still won't make too much of a difference whether lotteries/casinos are state monopoly or a strictly regulated industry, but this is the way the argument goes in the countries that have state lottery and casino monopoly instituted, such as the Nordic countries.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-06-18, 11:25:28
The odds of someone filing for bankruptcy after winning $150k - $1M within the first 5 years are as high as 60%.
Good idea, let's make lottery only allowed to the already rich...

In Portugal, lottery, as well as other money games like sportive bets, are a monopoly of Santa Casa da Misericordia, (Holy House of Mercy) a six hundred years old charity instititution that spends the money won with gaming into social causes.

There's a twenty percent tax over the gaming prizes, you receive the prize already without that tax money. I believe it to be completely abusive such tax.
People need to realize that not everything in life must pay taxes.

If we decide to do a lottery amongst D&D posters why should the state to charge a tax? the money used to lottery has already paid all the possible taxes that exists.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-06-18, 12:32:15
In Portugal, lottery, as well as other money games like sportive bets, are a monopoly of Santa Casa da Misericordia, (Holy House of Mercy) a six hundred years old charity instititution that spends the money won with gaming into social causes.
If I understand you correctly, lottery is a monopoly of Santa Casa da Misericordia, (Holy House of Mercy) a six hundred years old charity instititution that spends the money won with gaming into social causes. That's very impressive and pathetic. Almost too nice to be true. :)
SCML - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (
Is the above the same institution you are referring to?

Our Association was created in 1983 under Swiss law and is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1999, we adopted the name The European Lotteries and added the sport betting operators to our membership. In 2007, we set up an EU Representation office in Brussels.
Member Lotteries (
So are all these charity institutions?
In case they are then Soros, Murdock, Gates,... like all our financial institutions are 'Mother Teresas' serving worldwide charity. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-06-18, 12:43:48
Well, six hundred years ago they put Jews to run businesses like that, because Christians must have nothing to do with usury. Everybody used to know it, but nowadays they either don't know or don't care.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-06-18, 13:01:23
Is the above the same institution you are referring to?
Yes it is.

The European Lotteries Association from where you're quoting "Who we are"  is just that, an Association of European Lotteries regardless their institutional nature. It's because SCML to be a member that it represents Euromillions for Portugal.

Another failed attempt to misquote and discredit.
The correct "Who we are" can be read here

Well, six hundred years ago they put Jews to run businesses like that, because Christians must have nothing to do with usury.
Like that, like what? Jews never did charity. Usury was their specialized game.

Santa Casa was founded by Queen Dª Leonor, wife of D. Manuel, known amongst many other things for expulsing the Jews from here.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-06-18, 13:54:49
Well, six hundred years ago they put Jews to run businesses like that, because Christians must have nothing to do with usury.
Like that, like what? Jews never did charity. Usury was their specialized game.
Or it might be that fooling people into believing they are doing charity when they are really doing usury is their specialised game. Pick your favourite perspective of history.

Quote from:
In the Middle Ages, the Church, in a misapplication of the Biblical prohibition against charging interest, forbade interest in all instances. The Talmud, in contrast, created an economic system in which loans could be converted into investments, so interest could accrue from them, but under the Christian interpretation, no credit market was possible. The way the Church got around that was by forcing the Jews to become the bankers.

Quote from:
A major obstacle to the growth of banks in the Middle Ages was the Church's prohibition of usury, the charging of interest on loans. As economic activity expanded, however, the papacy became one of the first to insist that interest should be paid on investments made at a risk. Because they were forbidden to hold land or engage in more "acceptable" sources of economic enterprise, money changers in the Middle Ages were typically Jews.

Quote from:
The regulation of usury was to prevent the separation of money from reality. Money is not a good, it is a measure. It is fraud to pretend otherwise, and constitutes theft. Usury is making money from lending money; it is making money from nothing. This is exactly what is happening today on a colossal scale.

Several important things arose from the prohibition of usury in medieval Christendom. Firstly Jews, who had taken to wandering around Europe in the Middle Ages, began to specialize in money-lending and other practices which were forbidden to Christians. Exploited Christians, both peasants and aristocracy, found themselves being bled dry by usurers, which is why there were sporadic uprisings, imprisonments and expulsions of Jews throughout Europe. It is one reason why King Edward I expelled these perfidious people from England in 1290.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-06-18, 18:39:11
Over here nobody ever thought of arguing for state lottery by something like, "The winner gets money to pay for a college degree/debts/..."

The tax money collected is supposed to goto scholarships or educational programs (here in TN).

The winner's can do as they please with their money. My point continued as to how that works out. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-06-18, 18:49:42
The winner's can do as they please with their money. My point continued as to how that works out.
Yes, lottery winners, even big winners, are actually losers. Luckily they are very few, and that's why the point cannot be about them. The point is how the state can fund stuff responsibly and maybe have some other useful effects along the way, such as preventing a grey or black market for lotteries and casinos. Of course, when there is no willingness to recognise these issues, the issues will never get addressed. Happens a lot with miscellaneous issues here too.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-06-18, 21:24:43
The European Lotteries Association from where you're quoting "Who we are"  is just that, an Association of European Lotteries regardless their institutional nature. It's because SCML to be a member that it represents Euromillions for Portugal.

Another failed attempt to misquote and discredit.
Failed attempt to discredit, you say?
That's how charity ( looks like. :)
Nice business...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-06-18, 22:50:42
Luckily they are very few, and that's why the point cannot be about them.
I've seen numbers higher than 80% of the people participating are below the poverty line. (Just watching who's sitting in the stores scratching off tickets or filling in bubbles seems to support this.) The point was always who was affected. Taxing the 'poor' a few dollars at a time. Sure one could argue they would of blown that anyway... But under the guise of doing educational good for a class that already have educational social programs - Oh and the dream of winning big. State sanctioned criminal activity? Guess it depends who gets the money.

I wonder how many of them know that a large portion of that money was reallocated to other things back in 2009 or '10? Oh well - let them dream.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-06-18, 23:29:33
In the state of MS' case, we are going the way of Kansas. The 2016 Republican vote to give corporations and the obscenely wealthy a $415 million tax cut takes effect 1 July.

Public schooling funding is now worse than ever, the Mental hospital in Jackson has only enough money to keep its doors open, and Medicaid funding from the state looks to plummet.

I am sick and goddamned tired of this corporate socialism.
If business' want to operate in this state, they can damn well pay taxes.

I pay over 25% in taxes every damn paycheck I earn. Fuck these damn tax cuts for the bourgeoisie.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-06-19, 00:17:05
Yes it is rather sad what has went on locally (tut, tut, boy, language). A crying shame for the less well off certainly but there is something deeply at fault for such thing so what is the answer across there?   :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-06-19, 02:42:13
I am sick and goddamned tired of this corporate socialism.
Capitalism* ;) :rolleyes:

No, I get ya man. I really do. But giving them another place to pull money from the wrong people isn't the best thing, IMO. It can deflect away from such real issues.

The Feds are poised to roll back banking restrictions along with countless other GOP ignorance. (I've just quit keeping up.)

And, just when you think that things can't get any more stupid... Rj posits a dumb question from the land of hypocrisy.

For what it's worth the lotto just doesn't help. Our State's healthcare (TennCare) was on life-support after Bush II and now lays all but dead at the feet of Obama Care. Lotto money and all. For all the good anyone tries to do someone catches the shit end of the stick. I'm not out to save everyone. I'd just like to see the stick fall the other way once in awhile. It'll take a bit for the mainstream GOP policies to fail like they always do (in my lifetime anyway) and we'll see social progress again. With Trump in office we are all left to ride out the storm, tho.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-06-19, 04:34:21
Oh and the dream of winning big. State sanctioned criminal activity? Guess it depends who gets the money.
Of course people have the dream of winning big, but we (you and I) know that it's the house that always wins. Therefore, given that dream people have and given the sort of reality how lottery works, yes, it depends on who the house is. The state has general social responsibilities, corporations don't, so letting corporations collect the victory is socially less responsible than letting the state do it. Not that it becomes good this way, it just becomes less evil and hopefully keeps the greater evil in check, while the other way round would allow the greater evil run amok.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-06-19, 12:02:31
Farmer dies after pig bit off his penis and three fingers (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-06-20, 00:39:38
What a simple minded comment to make there from ensbb3  that I am from the land of hypocrisy.

We have a multi-party democracy, welfare state, national health service and much else. The States have 2 parties and both are big corporates and I well remember how much Obama got and then that two-faced Hillary Clinton from 2 banking groups for example.  If the country did not boast so much to the world on words like "democracy" and how great the place is when the hard facts of life and stats show something else that is more pressing. I wanted to see if a responsible direction could be obtained but it is maybe too past that level these days.  Some time ago on this site I reminded what President Eisenhower had said way back decades ago about the corporates moving up to run the place and for most my intimation was ignored.  And he was a Republican! Having the greatest prison population plus over 1,300 children shot to death annually and around 5,000 wounded it is a head shaking place. Food stamp printing is a profit for somewhere!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-06-20, 01:44:38
Farmer dies after pig bit off his penis and three fingers
This little piggy went to the market.
We have a multi-party democracy, welfare state, national health service and much else.
This little piggy stayed home.

Scotland is the assault capital of the world according to UN stats on violent crime (
Or should check home first. Your telly must want you to feel good about your backward 'country'.

United Nations fly in special investigator to probe whether hated bedroom tax has broken human rights laws (
They used to collect taxes like that here, back in the '40's. Leads to interesting home designs.

Older postings. Surely things have turned around...
Scandal as Scottish doctors convicted of violent attacks are allowed to keep their jobs (
Nope. Leading recent headlines suggest business as usual.

I'm guessing 90% of all private lands are still held by just over 400 people?

Oh wait - You wanted to talk wider national news.
So Brexit?
Ready to explain how the House of Lords fits in a democracy?

And before you start. I'm against some things you posted too. The answer you seek is, by voting. (Congress is next to reseat and even die hard Trump supporters have STFU for now.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-06-21, 01:08:44
May I inform you on your limited corner that the top 1% here contribute 23% of the government's tax income so can you say that?? You have over 40 million poor and over 2.1 million in jail being the world's toppers in that one. You have a massive amount of people shot to death annually plus a 4-figure number of children plus the also figure i quoted of 5,000 kids injured in that corner as well. The ObamaCare boasting only involves 20% of Yanks no Welfare state or national Health (both supported by all parties here). We have a far wider political representation which cannot happen in hypocrisy land because of corporate control freakery.. Everywhere you go over there all police have to be daily armed get away with much get increasingly like soldiers and even but stuff from surplus military corners. You really are being daft trying to indicate the crime world when comparing. May I also link you to this information on number of murders annually?

You lot like to bum about being so wonderful a world paradise but the hard facts (of which a couple I give) show a different picture. Gung ho, gun mad.

ps. Link to Scots declining murder rate which is in 3 figures total only.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-06-22, 00:58:03
May I inform you on your limited corner that the top 1% here contribute 23% of the government's tax income so can you say that??
Is there another option? Your welfare state may be cause of the ruling class making sure they have the last say.
(But then the whole purpose is the outsider's looking in perspective.)

In some cases, and on the long term, lowering taxes on businesses can attract them to the area. Mississippi could use more cooperates and industry for sure. This provides growth and a later tax base... They don't build rockets in N. Alabama because that's where all the rocket scientist are. 

You have over 40 million poor and over 2.1 million in jail being the world's toppers in that one.
The war on drugs is a fool's task. Prohibition has never worked. Criminalizing the use of drugs rather than funding treatment is the problem. Affecting mostly the areas that need social programs and education but don't participate in or trust government.

You have a massive amount of people shot to death annually plus a 4-figure number of children plus the also figure i quoted of 5,000 kids injured in that corner as well.
Again, I'm not out to save everyone. I've always taught proper gun safety to those around me, they [guns] are something one is going to encounter. Anything more is out of my purview.

The ObamaCare boasting only involves 20% of Yanks no Welfare state or national Health
While starting hyperbolic it leads right into a contradiction and falters on ignorance.

You lot like to bum about being so wonderful a world paradise but the hard facts (of which a couple I give) show a different picture. Gung ho, gun mad.
I just bought an AR-15, opting to use the .223 rounds with a 20 round clip due to weight and endurance of the hardware. Fine weapon and highly recommended. Effective around 300 yards - no feral dogs or coyotes now stand a chance given its superiority over my 30-30 in potency.

Seems mostly you do all the boasting while suffering from all the conditions you claim of "yanks" (a term which doesn't really include me ;))

I'm for some of the policies you claim are so great. The real question is, what is the road to them? If that road is furthering the overreach of imperial ideals until they break - Then I'm for that. If this country needs to break apart (Alabama :), California, Florida, Texas; I'm looking at you) - I'm for that. If one party or another needs to be reformed and gain power under such goals - I'm for that... And open to other options too. You just remain mute on what they may be. I've always assumed it due to outsider's ignorance that you can only point to symptoms. Your bias won't let you see past your nose unless damning news about America is on the telly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-06-23, 00:53:13
For a civilised country you are gun daft. There is a thought this might trip back to a previous long gun debate here that went on and on but I will take a chance!

That the late 18th and early 19th century is being hijacked by the adult cowboys to justify scores of millions of guns is head shaking. Having a massive military and spending half the earth's military bill the using of that old constitution is almost farcical. Too many city police are would-e Rambo minds and just the other day the BBC reported a driver being stopped by a policeman and the initial conversation over an issue was reasonable the got heated. The cop then pulled out his gun and shot the unarmed man because he was (the man) getting too angry! Dragging in drugs into the 40 plus million Five figures done in annually by guns and the number of owners always going up so doesn't solve the problem. Using the constitution as an excuse for John Wane minds is daft and no good reason for the mass numbers of poor along with the top jailing nation of around 2.1 million.

For a country that does have many, many ensible and reasonable people the fantasy of guns is to the rest of us an immature thing and it and the other points shunts the ensible into  corner and the over emotion that is sadly obvious takes the centre ground. Dear, oh dear.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-06-23, 04:05:42
If this country needs to break apart ([…] California […] I'm looking at you) - I'm for that.
There are some people who think the state would be better served were it two or three states; their arguments are cogent. But the US Congress has the say about this… (Need I mention that the Democrat party would never allow California's influence to be diluted? :) )
Puerto Rico's recent plebiscite has no force in law; it was "advisory". But they, the voters in that territory, have interests. The question is, will our Congress pay attention? There doesn't seem to be an opinion that has won a majority: Become a state, become an independent country, or remain a US territory…
Returning to California's problems:
When Jerry Brown dies, his legacy of neglecting our infrastructure -specially his father's signature programs- will remain long after the silly bullet train boondoggle and the tunnels to send northern California's water to LA are just jokes told by Democrats who don't have competent aides.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-06-23, 23:27:28
I saw mr Trump saying that his wall between Mexico and the USA will have solar panels to produce energy and pay it for itself (oops, since Mexicans whants him to fuck, now the Sun will pay the wall....)
He added that the higher the wall more the panels will produce energy. Closer to the sun, of course....
Than he started laughing a lot - Am I not a genius??

I think Hitler was a much more serious person. Americans elected The Joker.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-06-24, 20:17:47
In their way, these workarounds are almost as dangerous to the American system of government as the Trump presidency itself. They tend to reduce the president to the status of an absentee emperor while promoting his subordinates into shoguns who exercise power in his name. Maybe that is the least-bad practicable solution to the unprecedented threat of a presidency-under-suspicion. But what a terrible price for the failure of so many American institutions—not least the voters!—to protect the country in 2016 from Russia’s attack on its election and its democracy.
A slightly odd conclusion on the face of it. The US president has slowly acquired more and more power over time. I don't see why taking a bunch of that away again would be such a "terrible price."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-06-25, 00:47:01
Unfortunately even allowing for the traditional constitution harping there is a very unfortunate situation politically. Many are no doubt frustrated at a lot of contradicting power and misuse of it but earlier decade warnings were just ignored. Even allowing for the intelligent people there I think there are far too many who have been hoodwinked with propaganda and the media and a bit easy to be in that corner. If the country was also to spend less time and money striding the globe and having wards them an awful lot more decent and saddened people over there would be benefiting. They have had their loyalty very cleverly hijacked and misused and neither of the big two corporate parties are much use. The media and the modern political way has distanced far too many Americans from the dream.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-07-21, 11:01:49
I'll post this here since it concerns the USA.

Food for thought: CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’ (

We won't know anytime soon if the man on his deathbed is telling the truth or if he is lying.
However, assuming that the man is lying on his deathbed - CUI BONO ???
Title: WTC
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-07-21, 11:40:36
The man is lying.
I did that.
Title: Re: WTC
Post by: krake on 2017-07-21, 13:31:54
I did that.
Shame on you!
Title: WTC
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-07-21, 16:33:36
Why? It was a huge success. :happy:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jochie on 2017-07-21, 23:35:16
I saw mr Trump saying that his wall between Mexico and the USA will have solar panels to produce energy and pay it for itself (oops, since Mexicans whants him to fuck, now the Sun will pay the wall....)
He added that the higher the wall more the panels will produce energy. Closer to the sun, of course....
Than he started laughing a lot - Am I not a genius??

I think Hitler was a much more serious person. Americans elected The Joker.

Why deal with Mexicans when you can make a deal with the Sun.

What a deal maker. He told us he was one and here's the proof. He's getting the Sun to pay for our wall.

Trust me. Mr President Trump astounds and will continue to astound the whole world. We are truly living in amazing times.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-07-21, 23:58:08
I'll post this here since it concerns the USA.

Food for thought: CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’ (

We won't know anytime soon if the man on his deathbed is telling the truth or if he is lying.
However, assuming that the man is lying on his deathbed - CUI BONO ???

Which man? What death bed? The whole story is fabricated.
Døende CIA-agent innrømmer at han var med på å sprenge World Trade Center 7, 11. september 2001 (
CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 on 9/11’? (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-07-22, 07:36:42
Which man? What death bed? The whole story is fabricated.
Thanks for clearing it up!
Sorry for the fake news. I should have rechecked the story before posting. My bad.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-07-22, 23:18:06
Unfortunately, fake news is becoming such an occasional inserting a routine it is easy to be fouled.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-07-29, 10:23:04
What next? Are the USA preparing for biological warfare?

'Weaponizing viruses'? US Air Force places ad for bio samples from Russians (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-07-30, 00:18:00
Unfortunately your military is a long and inbuilt problem.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-07-30, 11:35:57
Are the USA preparing for biological warfare?
Given the USAF does research with other agencies, that seems like a big jump. Or more appropriately, pulled out of nowhere. Could just be a matter of who's budget it comes out of.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-07-30, 13:11:38
Russian RNA samples, only from Caucasian population, only already collected. What a strange thing to buy.
I wonder how much they pay for it.

Well, maybe next will be for DnD posters RNA samples. I'll sell mine for a million Euros, it's a precious Ribonucleic acid.
Title: Capital
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-07-31, 11:50:08
Welcome to the market.  :yes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-07-31, 18:58:04
I wouldn't sell mine. There are no laws preventing its misuse.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-07-31, 21:08:53
Given the USAF does research with other agencies, that seems like a big jump. Or more appropriately, pulled out of nowhere. Could just be a matter of who's budget it comes out of.
Whatsoever, one can assume that it's not for improving Russian Medicare. :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-07-31, 22:27:48
I wouldn't sell mine. There are no laws preventing its misuse.
Course not, there are dollars for quietening your remorses.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-07-31, 22:32:02
755 American "diplomats" expelled by the Russians.
I have no memory of such hostile act.

Beautiful answer to Trump's babbling.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-08-01, 01:55:26
Well the Yanks deserved it as they despatched a lot less Russians so kind of shows the nutjobland lot had too many in Russia. The Americans have no proof and getting silly.
Title: 755 diplomats
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-08-01, 11:49:57
755?! Talk about overdiplomacy.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-08-01, 21:18:25
Oh dear. How cold* this come to be? Too many diplomats! The shame. The horror!

*Edit: Could
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-08-03, 00:09:04
But dear man it was wrong having an awful lot more in Russia than they had on your corner.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-08-03, 06:52:13
Russia has vast territories. There is enough place for US diplomats, no matter how many they are.
IMHO, expelling those US diplomats was a rude act.
If I were Putin none of them would have been expelled. Instead I would have offered them to choose between flying home or to move in a dedicated area located in the Siberian taiga. You know, with modern communication systems distances aren't an issue anymore. So those brave US diplomats could have continued their great work by consolidating US-Russian relationships farther on. Besides, having the opportunity to watch the Siberian bear and the Siberian tiger in their natural habitat would be an unique experience for any nature loving US diplomat.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-08-03, 07:41:54
With good binoculars, maybe they'd be able to see Sarah Palin's house. ;)
Title: Vast territories
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-08-03, 11:41:12
Russia has vast territories.
Antarctica too.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-08-03, 22:48:41
Globally, more people see U.S. power and influence as a major threat (

Across 30 nations surveyed by Pew Research Center both in 2013 and this spring, a median of 38% now say U.S. power and influence poses a major threat to their country, up 13 percentage points from 2013.
Title: Us and them
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-08-04, 14:02:14
And what about the reverse? (Other countries' power and influence poses a major threat to the U.S.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-08-04, 14:04:39
And what about the reverse? (Other countries' power and influence poses a major threat to the U.S.)
Americans have probably always believed that the world is out there to get them and they have to pre-empt that.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-08-04, 15:48:36
Most people are believing what they are teached and told to. This applies not only to Americans but to all nations as well.

Every soldier over there is an insurance policy against our homeland being attacked
- Sen. Lindsey Graham telling reporters about US troops in Afghanistan.

There are at least two potentialities how to interpret such a statement:

1- Without US troops in Afghanistan the Taliban would take out their flying carpets from their caves, fly over to the USA and bomb it with camel shit.
2- If the USA wants  global dominance then it has to extend and build up its military presence on any place of some geo-strategic relevance on this planet.

Guess what the hawkish Senator meant with his statement? ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ovas on 2017-08-04, 17:13:07
What's Going on in the Americas?
The 16th Global RU-BOARDa 2017 in Kazan.
The time for the Global Assembly 2017: August 4-6
The question will be discussed:
Can be elected President of America Hillary Clinton.
Electing the President of America ( :D

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-08-04, 22:25:11
It is so head scratching why the USA cannot keep it's nose out of so much in the world even taking in the corporatism of it. Imperialism is a historical thing apart from that corner.  That would get so much more respect if it looked after it's own people a bit better. Now that would be a principle worth playing on.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-08-05, 21:43:50
It is so head scratching why the USA cannot keep it's nose out of so much in the world even taking in the corporatism of it. Imperialism is a historical thing apart from that corner.  That would get so much more respect if it looked after it's own people a bit better. Now that would be a principle worth playing on.
Good to see you've renounced imperialism, Mr. Howie. Next you'll be acknowledging the atrocities of the BE, if we don't watch out.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-08-06, 12:39:52

These countries have the most positive influence on the world (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-08-06, 19:02:51
let me firstly say Colonel that I am making considerable allowances for the fact that you have an ex-colonial education and that there is a government awareness of that long standing issue.

Secondly empires are a thing of the past  and the Commonwealth is a very  enlightened progress that you lot could not produce at all. That came from Empire days. But you lot cannot accept that and yours is very fly, improper and does not are a damn fig about the countries it subjugates.  You maintain an empire based on very heavy corporate control and your two parties show that too. Time after time you have tried to take places over either militarily or by the money men and where there is  a challenge find a way to intimidate, block or tear apart. As I have also pointed out toy spend over half the world's military bill for the sake of the corporates who run your mess of a country - doesn't matter whether Democrat or Republican the tens of millions of poor and bottom of the pile remain there. Every party here supports the Welfare state and other helps.

Your money men do not supply colonial experts but the countries you dominate are financially and subtly militarily subdued. So instead of trying to do a daft body-swerve and slope into the distant past trying facing up the empirical stuff your country gets up to in today's world. Any place that dares to challenge your imperialism based on money is in for a swipe, blocked or put down. Instead of helping the tens of millions of poor in the land of nonsense you are the No 1 imperial crowd in today's world and little to how in that except the pockets of your corporate controllers.

President Eisenhower was so damn right all those years ago warning you lot but your so damn nationalistic and call it patriotism (groan). A friend of mine when brought up here married a fellow Glaswegian then went to live in California decades ago. She is frustrated and head shakes at what is called a political system. Her son and his wife are emigrating here.  Meanwhile the rest of you will continue to be brained by a rubbish media and an even worse system. Try facing up to your own empire lot.  :hat:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-08-08, 06:10:57
Two torturists facing court (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-08-08, 15:59:15
Two torturists facing court (
The NYT article reads like a bad tasting farce to say the least.
In 2003 the USA is invading and bombing a sovereign state in breach with international law.
As a result, hundreds of thousands are loosing their life, damages of hundreds of billions, an entire region pushed into chaos and now we are told that two psychologists may face trials because some people have been tortured after 9/11 2001?

As for prisons abroad, their first goal was to facilitate torture in places where US law doesn't apply.
Those prisons weren't neither commissioned by psychologists nor were those prisons operated by psychologists.
Those two psychologists could serve at best as scapegoats distracting from really responsible people sitting in high ranking positions like the President of the USA, the chief of the CIA and some high ranking generals.

Wonder what the NYT will tell us next?
That an American nurse (sexual abuse of detainees) and an American cook (shit like tasting food for detainees) have been sentenced because of their contribution to torture in those shady prisons abroad?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-08-09, 21:58:10
“Trump doesn’t seem to understand what an alliance is, and doesn’t seem to consider his ally when he says those things,” said Lee Byong-chul, a senior fellow at the Institute for Peace and Cooperation in Seoul, the South Korean capital. “No American president has mentioned a military option so easily, so offhandedly as he has. He unnerves people in South Korea, few of whom want war in Korea.”
Fire and Fury, says Trump.
A simple slap will be enough to him to shut up.
Another slap to the North Korean idiot will serve as well.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-08-31, 23:45:30
Hm. "Ole Miss students are still reeling from the devastating and traumatic experience."
A weekend fraternity retreat at the University of Mississippi ended early on Saturday because a student threw his banana peel away in a tree — and some students who saw it got “frightened” that the peel was a racist attack. According to an article in the Daily Mississippian, three black students told National Pan-Hellenic Council leaders that they had seen a banana peel on a tree and that they were very upset about it. The leaders then shared their concerns with the rest of the camp, and one of the attendees, Ryan Swanson, admitted that he had placed the peel on the tree — explaining that he had actually not done so because he hates people of color and wants to intimidate them, but because he just couldn’t find a garbage can to put it in. But it didn’t end there: In fact, it prompted an entire day of “camp-wide conversation” about the racist “symbolism, intended or not” of the banana, a conversation that made some students feel so upset that they didn’t feel “safe” enough to stay, which ultimately led to the rest of the retreat being canceled altogether. Swanson apologized in a statement to the school paper…

Read more at:
What's going on in America is similar to what's been going on in Europe: Utter insanity.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-09-01, 02:12:44
Really head shaking certainly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-09-01, 10:05:57
What's going on in America is similar to what's been going on in Europe: Utter insanity.
What's been going on in Europe?
Title: Europa?
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-09-01, 12:11:49
What's been going on in Europe?
Europaising all the time. :left:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-09-01, 19:35:51
Hm. "Ole Miss students are still reeling from the devastating and traumatic experience."
A weekend fraternity retreat at the University of Mississippi ended early on Saturday because a student threw his banana peel away in a tree — and some students who saw it got “frightened” that the peel was a racist attack. According to an article in the Daily Mississippian, three black students told National Pan-Hellenic Council leaders that they had seen a banana peel on a tree and that they were very upset about it. The leaders then shared their concerns with the rest of the camp, and one of the attendees, Ryan Swanson, admitted that he had placed the peel on the tree — explaining that he had actually not done so because he hates people of color and wants to intimidate them, but because he just couldn’t find a garbage can to put it in. But it didn’t end there: In fact, it prompted an entire day of “camp-wide conversation” about the racist “symbolism, intended or not” of the banana, a conversation that made some students feel so upset that they didn’t feel “safe” enough to stay, which ultimately led to the rest of the retreat being canceled altogether. Swanson apologized in a statement to the school paper…

Read more at:
What's going on in America is similar to what's been going on in Europe: Utter insanity.
Glad I graduated in 2013 before the snowflakes took over, FFS.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-09-02, 23:01:42
The American collapse we're assisting is a complex thing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-09-03, 06:10:54
The American collapse we're assisting is a complex thing.
When we go down, Bel, you'll be helpless… But you've already decided on imolation: Communism is coming back to Europe.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-09-03, 08:07:31
Communism is coming back to Europe.
For sure, Europe will adopt the political system of North Korea since it has proved to be very successful.
The only reason we didn't do so as yet, were the almighty US. :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-09-03, 13:03:59
The American collapse we're assisting is a complex thing.
When we go down, Bel, you'll be helpless… But you've already decided on imolation: Communism is coming back to Europe.
You really have very strange conclusions about reality Oakdale. Where do you see that imaginary communism spreading all over Europe?

Because you decided that social care must be named "communism"? universal health care must be named "communism"? human rights must be named "communism"?
It is true that the State interferes too much in many areas in Europe and it does it mainly under two ways, Brussels bureaucracy nightmare and the lack of sovereignty representation for regions but to call it a communism come back only makes people laugh.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-09-03, 13:29:31
Quote from: some random viral internet message
*Who Reads What and Why*

*In America today*
*A**s of 8/23/2017*

1. *The Wall Street Journal* is read by the people who *run the country*.
2. *The Washington Post* is read by people who *think* they run the country.
3. *The New York Times* is read by people who *think they should run the
country, (and who are very good at crossword puzzles).*
4*. USA Today* is read by people who *think they ought* to run the country
but* don't really understand The New York Times.*
5. *The Los Angeles Times *is read by people who wouldn't mind running the
country, if they could find the time and if they didn't have to leave
Southern California to do it.
6. *The Boston Globe* is read by people whose parents *used* to run the
7*. The New York Daily News* is read by people who aren't too sure *who's*
running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a seat on
the train.
8. *The New York Post* is read by people who don't *care* who is running
the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably
while intoxicated.
9. *The Chicago Tribune* is read by people now in prison, but who used to
run the state, and would like to do so again: as would their constituents
that are currently free on bail.
10. *The Miami Herald* is read by people who are running *another* country,
but need the baseball scores.
11. *The San Francisco Chronicle* is read by people who aren't sure if
there *is* a country or that anyone is running it; but if so, they *oppose*
all that they stand for.      There are occasional exceptions if the
leaders are *gay, handicapped, minority, feminist, atheists*, and those who
also happen to be *illegal aliens* from *any* other country or galaxy,
provided of course, that they are *not Republicans* or *conservatives.*
12. *The National Enquirer* is read by people trapped in line at the
grocery store and who demand a source of *real, balanced, honest* and on
occasion, at least semi-reliable news.
13. *The Seattle Times* is read by people who have *recently caught a fish *and
need something to wrap it in, with a particular preference for *red herring*
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-09-03, 19:37:30
14. "Breitbart" is read by people that think all the of above is fake news
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-09-05, 01:45:37
Belfrager that nonsense from OakdaleFTL is kind of typical from him. Communism and Europe, eh? Wish he was sober when he types........ :faint:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-09-05, 08:37:46
Because you decided that social care must be named "communism"? universal health care must be named "communism"? human rights must be named "communism"?
Funny how for Oakdale everything that can be called social (=pertaining to society) is directly related to ideological communism (and fascism too, of course).

This was not so in Soviet Union. In SU they made "capital investments" just fine, to build factories, schools and hospitals, infrastructure, without worrying that they might be doing something capitalist.

Edit: But according to Oakdale, anyone concerned about social issues is a socialist=communist=fascist. Because Hitler was a known leftist liberal and commie.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-09-07, 14:06:11
In earlier and younger days I wondered why a 'democracy' like Italy flocked to Mussolini but there again democracy was a farce in Italy and still is. Until Mussolini and his lot came in government came an went and what happened after WW2 the place went back to government collapsing year in and year out with dozens of parties in it's system. If what passes for a system in the ex-colonies collapses then I will try and squeeze in Mr Tennessee and the Colonel........ :cheers:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-09-07, 17:38:43
I love the reactions to the "commie" trope! :) It always gets the "I was just following orders" group complaining about the lack of sophistication we 'Mericans continually show…

The EU is a soft communism, whether you'all know it or not. But don't take my word for it: Read Geert Wilder's speech (
(Or read this (…)

Does anyone deny that communism was a European ideology? That its theoreticians were Europeans? (Sure, the obvious "swerve" -as Howie would call it- is that it was the Jews! But while Mao takes the Honor for killing the most and Pol Pot takes Honorable Mention for being the most vicious, Stalin stands out as the primary example of European influenced "modern" government.

Europe seems determined to get some form of totalitarian control institutionalized… The sheer persistence of the impulse is — frightening.

And the U.S. is not so very far behind that we can't catch up…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-09-07, 22:56:48
Read Geert Wilder's speech (
Geert Wilders despises Americans even more than Jews. Fun you quote him.

That idiot is totally shit. You have fantastic arguments about Europe indeed.

I'm tired of this pseudo discussion where Europeans knows much more about America than Americans knows about Europe.
I mean some Americans, those who knows about it don't post.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-09-07, 23:23:51
Well I would say Oakdale that the Bolshevik nasties killed more people than the Nazis did but we all tend to not notice that matter as we had more access to the Nazis internal affairs after the war than getting records and stuff from the USSR days. Had the excellent reforming Tsarist Prime Minister Stolypin not have continued (sacked then assassinated) the re was a goodly chance that the revolution would not have occurred.  What a difference that would have made to Europe.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-09-08, 10:14:24
Does anyone deny that communism was a European ideology?
Just about everything was a European ideology. What insight is this supposed to provide?

To illustrate my point, I'll quote Geert Wilders back at you:

Our European civilization, based on the legacy of Jerusalem, Athens and Rome, is the best civilization on earth.[1] It gave us democracy, freedom, equality before the law, the separation of church and state, and the notion of sovereign states to protect it all. The remedy to all the misery and terror, is clear: We have to reassert what we are. Only then will we be able to ensure a future for our children in a safe, strong and free Europe.
I'm perturbed by Wilders' adoption of Trumpisms. He now calls his opponents "sad" and likes to call things he likes "best." I'm convinced that Wilders lost the election by campaigning exclusively on Twitter. He didn't even bother to show up for debates. Due to having lived under constant threat from Islamic virgin-pursuers for over a decade his reality is also markedly different from the rest of us through little fault of his own. Above all, his A4-sized so-called election program was a complete farce. A few years ago he might've been worth a tentative vote. These days he is, to put it in his words, sad.

My two cents: if you want an insightful and inspiring vindication of the threat is Islamization in the West, read Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Nomad.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-09-09, 07:45:13
if you want an insightful and inspiring vindication of the threat is Islamization in the West, read Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Nomad
As usual, you make sensible points!
I haven't read her book but I'm familiar with her story and have heard her speak briefly on TV. It's truly sad that someone's life has been up-ended repeatedly by barbarians… (I include the "student" protesters at American colleges.) And you might recall my original profile on MyOpera listed Robert Spencer's JihadWatch site as one of three worth visiting often: Subsequent history has only deepened my fear, for Europe — and, eventually -should the Frankfurt School's influence continue, for the U.S. as well.

Should you care to look, you'll find a great many examples of inarticulate politicians/rulers. It's not a local phenomenon, nor a new one.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-09-10, 01:18:49
Just imagine if Socialism got deep in the US of A. Would be a challenge with the jails so overcrowded.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-09-28, 12:56:42
Putin's hackers (

Our notification from DHS last Friday was not only a year late, it also turned out to be bad information. To make matters worse, the Associated Press similarly reported that DHS has reversed itself and 'now says Russia didn’t target Wisconsin’s voter registration system,' which is contrary to previous briefings.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-09-28, 17:52:44
Putin's influence on the would-be great democracy??  :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-09-29, 18:03:35
Just imagine if Socialism got deep in the US of A. Would be a challenge with the jails so overcrowded.
Nah, as part of our "Grand Deal" to keep your lot afloat economically, we'd very subtly put in a clause where we treat y'all like y'all did Australia. Being as how you'll have no one to pick your few remaining crops, and can't be arsed to do it yourselves, we'll just empty our jails and send the lot to you.

And you'll accept them with gratitude and on a bended knee, peasant.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-09-29, 22:54:17
Piffle of course from you.

With what is it around 2.1 million people in US jails over 40 million on foot stamps and the middle class which routinely carries the place in a mess waffle, waffle dear boy. Stealing the British word "arse" a bit pointless.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-09-30, 16:41:14
Piffle of course from you.

With what is it around 2.1 million people in US jails over 40 million on foot stamps and the middle class which routinely carries the place in a mess waffle, waffle dear boy. Stealing the British word "arse" a bit pointless.
I'm merely following the mother country's example. Steal what you can, feel no remorse.

The rest is true. I know you hate it, but the UK will be heavily dependent on the US for trade. The Japanese have already repeatedly voiced their disdain for Brexit, you all have nothing to offer the Chinese, Indians, and many others.

You'll be leaning heavily on intra-Commonwealth trade, and most importantly trade with the world's largest and most successful economy.

Deal with it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-01, 00:09:04
And you deal with dictatorships and make a mockery of all the guff about principles. I steal nothing with stats about the wonderful example of democracy, rights and standards. Tens of millions who are poor, limited real democracy just two corporate parties to run the show. If we deal more with Commonwealth countries then brilliant they were our lot for a long time and preferable to the EU which is a farce. . Every country will have a weakness somewhere but your is so damn full of itself and the internal as well as external practices are a sad joke. If so brilliant why are the poor in tens of millions the middle class struggling and the jails full never mind the mentality of people o death row for years and sometimes a decade.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-02, 21:29:03
What going on in America? Murder and insanity. From 32nd floor of the Mandalay hotel, a lunatic gunman killed 58 people and wounded 515 attendees at a country music festival. Twenty guns were found Stephen Paddock's hotel suite. Paddock's only known previous run-ins with the law was a traffic stop years ago. Even his brother doesn't understand this and says there's nothing in his background that would be a red flag that something like this would happen.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-10-02, 22:17:01
Good to hear from you again, even though the circumstances could be better. Violence is universal, but not in the form of a retired man shooting half thousand people.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-03, 00:19:18
A really shocking, terrible and sad latest thing from over there but this goes on all the time and runs into hundreds.  Innocent people getting murdered of course and terrible but the problem is deep rooted. When a nation goes on about principles, rights and such but allows as many guns as number the population there is something sadly deeply flawed. And of course the thing gets dragged back to that Constitution stuff. Not prepared to move on from a revolution or war in the early 19th century the country did not grow up politically or sensibly. Numbers shot annually in great five figures, massacres every so often and people can get hold of anything from a wee pistol to machine guns. it is all so immature and politically too. Considering the police are armed why the deuce is it needed to fall back on early century times as a permanent right to bear arms. in some States you can strol around publicly with a gun.

Politically and personal immaturity is so obvious except to those living in gun land land. It doesn't matter how many innocents get done in and how many massacres the immature falling back on long history is politically insane. This gun thing should have been done away way back in the 19th century as the country tried to grow up but it hasn't and the whole thing is a damn disgrace. It just does not click with the mentality and each incident is an excuse to buy more guns and so on.  You cannot help but feel for the people who get wounded of families who lose loved ones but the country will never grow up on the complete farce about the gun stuff. Sad, sickening and a permanent disgrace.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-10-03, 05:35:15
42 guns, loaded high-capacity magazines found in Vegas shooter's hotel room and Nevada home (

NRA response: More guns make us safer.

Nah, that's from a different context.

Quote from:
The NRA’s website, Twitter feed and Facebook page — all of which are typically updated frequently throughout the day —went dark on Monday, posting no new content, and the group did not respond to several calls and emails seeking comment.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-03, 08:32:53
A really shocking, terrible and sad latest thing from over there but this goes on all the time and runs into hundreds.  Innocent people getting murdered of course and terrible but the problem is deep rooted. When a nation goes on about principles, rights and such but allows as many guns as number the population there is something sadly deeply flawed. And of course the thing gets dragged back to that Constitution stuff. Not prepared to move on from a revolution or war in the early 19th century the country did not grow up politically or sensibly. Numbers shot annually in great five figures, massacres every so often and people can get hold of anything from a wee pistol to machine guns. it is all so immature and politically too. Considering the police are armed why the deuce is it needed to fall back on early century times as a permanent right to bear arms. in some States you can strol around publicly with a gun.

Politically and personal immaturity is so obvious except to those living in gun land land. It doesn't matter how many innocents get done in and how many massacres the immature falling back on long history is politically insane. This gun thing should have been done away way back in the 19th century as the country tried to grow up but it hasn't and the whole thing is a damn disgrace. It just does not click with the mentality and each incident is an excuse to buy more guns and so on.  You cannot help but feel for the people who get wounded of families who lose loved ones but the country will never grow up on the complete farce about the gun stuff. Sad, sickening and a permanent disgrace.

I may have found some motive, but right not it's only a hypothesis. NBC news ( reports he had several large gambling transactions, in some cases USD 20,000-30,00 a day. Perhaps he lost the bets (the article indicates it's unknown yet if he did lose), and like the disease animal he is, was intent on suicide but was trying to take as many people with him as he could.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-10-03, 09:58:01
Quote from:
The NRA’s website, Twitter feed and Facebook page — all of which are typically updated frequently throughout the day —went dark on Monday, posting no new content, and the group did not respond to several calls and emails seeking comment.

That's pretty much according to script, How America Will Deal With The Las Vegas Gun Massacre in 10 Easy Steps (

NRA will stay off-line for about a week until attention goes elsewhere.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-03, 12:19:43


There was a hero in this. Jonathan Smith, pictured above, ran back to rescue 30 others before getting shot twice in the neck and arm himself. At first he was focused on saving his three nieces, but saved all those others was well.  :yes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-03, 12:29:29
The scene afterwards. I hid it in a spoiler tag so nobody's subjected to unless they want to see.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-03, 15:28:47
So, I just found that his guns were legal semi-automatics but you can buy a fifty dollar kit online legally that allow something like an AR-15 to unleash a rain of death consisting of thousands of rounds like he did.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-10-03, 20:33:54
AR-15 to unleash a rain [...] consisting of thousands of rounds like he did.

Well sorta. The barrel wouldn't last that long. But that brings me to another point.

Nothing about this makes much sense, nor will it ever to anyone sane, however the reporting on this has been completely ridiculous. I've literally heard it all; He had 10 to 42 no wait, 23 guns. He shot for 5 to 15 (or longer?) minutes. It took police an hour to get to him - they got there 'quickly'. He killed himself when police got to the door - no, before they got there. (And there's way more social media blunders. Most I can forgive in the moment, but require proper retraction.)

The media has handled this with the same restraint as the shooter. Blasting everything hoping they hit something. Anyone that thinks they know what would of stopped this, at this point, is being foolish. It's easy to say this should not happen. Filled with misinformation one might even conclude they know how they could of prevented it. Even though someone wanting to stop him and how to avoid it was surely just as big a concern to the shooter as how to modify his weapons, illegally, to do the job. Other attacks have done more damage without the weapons he had. The systematic societal causes that leads to such insane situations isn't limited to gun violence or the US. Gun violence is the US's version of it, sure. We could use more comprehensive qualifications, sure. The sale of fertilizer is regulated but legal and diesel fuel is cheap... It's illegal to put them together and ignite the mix. It's also illegal to kill/attack people. So what's hard is determining a solution without jumping to conclusions. Without just shifting the type of attacks down the road to something that can't be identified or stopped with proper analysis of actions for the fleeting illusion of safety now. Finding legislation that provides the social services to prevent people from wanting to hurt other people seems never to be a solution worth investigating. At least if they finally take the guns well have to deal with the fact that doesn't work.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-10-03, 22:53:09
While Americans believes and accepts that the "bad guy with a gun" can only be stopped by a "good guy with a bigger gun" these barbarianisms will keep on existing everyday other day at the USA.

It happens so repeatedly that I don't understand why Europeans should keep on bothering with this. We are just sad by so much stupidity costing so many human lives.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-04, 00:25:09
At least if they finally take the guns well have to deal with the fact that doesn't work.
Perhaps not. I read a conspiracy theory written on 9/10 on 4chan. It claimed something like this would happen, so metal detectors would be installed in the casinos all so somebody can profit. The "theory" is bs, but maybe the metal detectors might not be a bad idea?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-10-04, 07:03:46
The media has handled this with the same restraint as the shooter. Blasting everything hoping they hit something. Anyone that thinks they know what would of stopped this, at this point, is being foolish.

Must be the advantage that comes with distance. The media information I got was tentative and slightly time-delayed, but basically correct. When there was a truck attack here in Stockholm the reporting was partially in shambles. The problem comes with real-time reporting, particularly on Twitter. You may be a trained and/or experienced journalist, but the incentives work against that. You get unverified, but potentially life-saving information, do you pass it on? You are first with a scoop, do you check it and potentially lose it to someone else, or tweet it immediately even though it may be wrong in part or totality? Then there are the trolls, the hoaxers, and the agenda pushers that are by now old hands at getting their narrative out, in addition to those who have heard something and want to pass that on.

Then there are the practical advice, how to get home when the transport network shut down, where to stay. Back in 2011 when Breivik bombed the government headquarter and started shooting teens, the message spread on Twitter/Facebook not to text anyone at Utøya as there was a shooter on the loose, and they might not have the phones on silent, and that was before the media mentioned Utøya. There was not that much wilful disinformation, this was back when Infowars was for crazy people and left-wing loonies, and not the Presidential Office of Information.

It is possible to have responsible and responsive real-time journalism, but that takes some doing, and in the meanwhile the noise to signal ration will just increase.

You may instead think about the talk about gun control. Of course gun control works, but it doesn't work automatically, and it doesn't work for all time and everything. These are multi-factor dynamic systems. Talk about gun control is just talk. To make an effect you need bipartisan cooperation and action, so back to talk, and the rather cynical article I linked to above.

People elsewhere are learning from past behaviour. When there is a new form of hack attack both security experts and wannabe hackers take note. Last year, when a crazy truck hijacker killed unusually many people in Nice, that got the attention of city planners and jihadists alike. Followed up with attacks in Berlin and Stockholm that has led to work on truck control. Two of the largest truck companies in the world are Swedish (Scania here 20 miles from Stockholm, and Volvo outside Gothenburg), MAN among others is German. They are figuring what will work to make drivers safer as well as citizens.

You don't see that in the US. Instead of working on how to make guns less unsafe and not fall in the wrong hands, you got the NRA.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Jochie on 2017-10-05, 01:01:45
A video of the bump stock, an adapter that modifies weapons to be able to fire at machine gun rates. As used by the Las Vegas terrorist.

A video celebrating our freedoms, our constitution and the bump stock that keeps up free.

We are really so very exceptional. So, take that, you enslaved EU serfs.

America, Land of the Free and Home of the BraveTM.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-05, 01:46:57
Nutter head country. You have shot more of each other than died in wars. You cannot grow up properly.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-05, 14:43:46
Knowing some lunatic like Paddock can easily gun down a whole crowd is not freedom. Why in world are bump stocks legal? They serve no purpose but to unlease death like Paddock did. Who needs 400-800 rounds a minute for hunting? For home defense, you'll cause more damage than the burglar.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-05, 14:48:53
Nutter head country. You have shot more of each other than died in wars. You cannot grow up properly.
We have corrupt political system that allows organizations such as the NRA to twist the arms of our "leaders" and prevent sensible legislation such as banning bump stocks.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-06, 00:16:23
Yes a very sad thing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-10-07, 05:00:12
corrupt political system that allows organizations such as the NRA to twist the arms of our "leaders" and prevent sensible legislation such as banning bump stocks
"Sensible legislation" is always the rallying cry! Yet no such proposal ever comes close to having any effect on the recent -or previous or next- "episode"…
…The NRA has come out in favor of banning "bump stocks"… But they're not hard to make.
Why would someone want such a thing? For the thrill of firing an "automatic" weapon! (And, unfortunately, for nefarious reasons.) It's an expensive thrill: Rifle barrels don't last long under such stress.

It will be interesting to see how the Repeal the 2nd Amendment movement goes. (Thank you, Great Britain, for recognizing such as the natural right of an Englishman!) Please understand: The rights specified in the first 8 (9 or 10? :) ) amendments were not and are not "granted" by that document nor by the government; they are merely mentioned as some particular few that our founders thought required special protection from government over-reach…

I await the results of police investigations. I'd like to know what kind of crazy Paddock was…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-07, 05:17:23
We have corrupt political system that allows organizations such as the NRA to twist the arms of our "leaders" and prevent sensible legislation such as banning bump stocks.


[glow=black,2,300]Did the Obama Administration approve bump stocks? [/glow]

Short Answer: Yes

Source:      POLITIFACT (   
In a rare move, the National Rifle Association issued a statement calling for regulation of the device that turned the Las Vegas shooter’s rifles more deadly, blaming Barack Obama’s administration for its approval.

"Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law," the NRA wrote in a statement. "The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semiautomatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.".....continued (


What gun laws need to be passed to make sure this kind of incident doesn't happen again: None

Q. So what could or should be done?

A. IMHO, like in Israel, have hotel personnel trained to inspect all baggage & parcels before it's taken to one of their rooms....period, no exceptions.   :doh:

IMHO this was not a firearm problem, it was a basic security problem.  :cheers:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-10-07, 06:31:39
IMHO this was not a firearm problem, it was a basic security problem.  :cheers:
Security concerning firearms, specifically. That *is* a firearm problem.

I await the results of police investigations. I'd like to know what kind of crazy Paddock was...
Among other possible things, he is a firearm kind of crazy. This much should be clear by now.

So, i saw a gun commercial during prime time tv last night (


"Confidence, it's my lifestyle." ???
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-07, 22:03:50
[glow=mediumblue,2,300]Confidence  ???                         

No ....... This is Confidence!!!  :yes:



Which would you prefer .... a loaded handgun, or a phone to call the cops ...... sure, the cops will get there about 15 minutes after the call, just in time to photo your dead body & take notes ..... but the handgun .... with a handgun the criminal gets a quicker message, your family is safe, & you can live another day knowing you have the Right to defend them all!    (

God Bless America.......
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave!!
  (  (

(" rel="cached" data-hash="e35e8f3d6b89b5277e455415ab724023" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-10-07, 23:35:28
When people talk about an armed citizenry, they -if they are leftists- mention low probability, low risk situations… What they refuse to recognize is low probability, high risk situations.
Immanent death seems, to me, to be a high risk situation.

Myself, I don't like loud noises. ("Suppressors" and "silencers" won't help me… I know what they can do; unlike the Hollywood make-believers.) I haven't fired a rifle since I qualified on the M-16. And I haven't fired a handgun in 35 years.
BTW: The range master told us "This is a military weapon, and is capable of full-automatic fire. If you switch to full automatic fire, you will be shot dead on the spot!" It's a special skill for most of the military; what we used to call grunts were trained, and needed to be. The rest didn't.

I like the idea that ersi put forward: There are "gun nuts"… Except, nobody seemed to know he was a gun nut; he wasn't seen at local ranges… Heck, I'll bet he wasn't even a member of the NRA!
There are nut nuts, like ersi, people who think their use of words creates reality. Actually, it only helps them hide from reality.

What, I wonder, will people say when and if we find out why Paddock did what he did?
I already know what ersi will say, and so does he: His opinion is set in stone.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-08, 00:19:03
Usual utter nonsense from SmileyFaze in this thread which has moved parallel to my starting one on gun nuts in the land of the free and home of the brave (snigger).

When one considers that more Yanks have died on these gun matters than in wars what does that say on the system and the individuals who make the place up? Every time there is a mass shooting more buy damn guns so the problem does not go away so how does the Smiley mindset work? It is a reflection unfortunately on the sensibles over there that large numbers of Americans are immature, mentally not right and a dangerous place. Why bother having police or a military ? The usual fall back is that the rule was set up in the early days of America and a time of early wars when the country had not grown up yet (well it still damn hasn't!). So why wasn't that rule scrapped when the country had moved on from those early days??

Even in this latest ghastly killing because the nutjob used a device to improve one of his weapons the sale of such has rocketed and as I said gun buying does too. What right minded country would want to follow the USA in this mad nonsense about the need and "rights" of gun ownership? Around as many guns as people and some have a range of them including heavier stuff a solider would use.  To come out with the head shaking cry of land of the free and home of the brave is totally stupid. Numbers killed as I also illustrate are more than killed in wars? That initial right was in early days that are long gone and scores of millions act like child minds over guns.  The notable "freedom" is the opportunity to be able to kill mass numbers of people as a right and who would want to be like such a country is crazy.  :mad:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-10-08, 00:30:31
What right minded country would want to follow the USA in this mad nonsense about the need and "rights" of gun ownership?
Certainly not the "sheeple" across the pond…
Have you banned trucks yet? (I mean lorries…)
You had the first mass slaughter at an entertainment venue… But you quickly forgot: Chances are good that the first nuclear event will occur in your country. (Do you have a country?) And you'll blame it on America — because that's what you do, Howie.

Hey, RJ, what do you do when someone pulls a knife on you? :) I'm guessing, piddle
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-08, 05:39:18
Usual utter nonsense from SmileyFaze in this thread which has moved parallel to my starting one on gun nuts in the land of the free and home of the brave (snigger).

When one considers that more Yanks have died on these gun matters than in wars what does that say on the system and the individuals who make the place up? Every time there is a mass shooting more buy damn guns so the problem does not go away so how does the Smiley mindset work? It is a reflection unfortunately on the sensibles over there that large numbers of Americans are immature, mentally not right and a dangerous place. Why bother having police or a military ? The usual fall back is that the rule was set up in the early days of America and a time of early wars when the country had not grown up yet (well it still damn hasn't!). So why wasn't that rule scrapped when the country had moved on from those early days??

Even in this latest ghastly killing because the nutjob used a device to improve one of his weapons the sale of such has rocketed and as I said gun buying does too. What right minded country would want to follow the USA in this mad nonsense about the need and "rights" of gun ownership? Around as many guns as people and some have a range of them including heavier stuff a solider would use.  To come out with the head shaking cry of land of the free and home of the brave is totally stupid. Numbers killed as I also illustrate are more than killed in wars? That initial right was in early days that are long gone and scores of millions act like child minds over guns.  The notable "freedom" is the opportunity to be able to kill mass numbers of people as a right and who would want to be like such a country is crazy.  :mad:

Q. When one considers that more Yanks have died on these gun matters than in wars what does that say on the system and the individuals who make the place up?

A. It's actually none of your damn business, & we Americans couldn't give a rats ass what you others think.....but to be civil, it says that we have the right to affect our own destiny, & therefore our own early demise, or long fulfilling life.....the choice is ours alone. Each life lost though, no matter the events surrounding it's occurrence, is sincerely grieved, & at a point thereafter though, we overcome grief, & go on as we did before the loss.

Americans have done so since the earliest settlement of Jamestown in 1607, & since that time Americans had to protect themselves in the new lands from all living things & invaders that wished them harm, especially animal predators & other human beings, wanting something Americans held & possession.

Americans grew up with firearms from early on, & prefer firearms as their Natural Right to Self-Defense weapon of choice. Firearms were also excellent aids in the gathering of meat for the household table, so on many levels firearms became necessary for survival. Therefore it's easy to see how firearms became necessary in the American culture from generation to generation. Today Americans have replaced some needs for firearms, but to this day they are still an American's best & most effective means for personal self-defense.

Q. Why bother having police or a military ?

A. The American People hire the police to do just that....keep order, & police.

Self-Defense has always been, & will always be, an American's personal responsibility.

Our Creator gave us life, & along with it, the personal responsibility to protect it.

If a cop is standing next to you at the exact moment you need protection, by all means defer to his skills, but being armed may enable you to help him if he finds himself in need.

Ask any knowledgeable American, if defense becomes necessary, because of an eminent or life threatening danger, which would they prefer.........a phone to call the police, or a firearm, the knowledgeable American would always say he would want a firearm.

If asked why, he would simply say..............If he calls the police he knows they will eventually come to his assistance, usually within 10 to 20 minutes, just in time to take a picture of, or draw a chalk line around, his lifeless body, & then take notes in hopes of formulating clues which might be used in tracking down the murdering perpetrator.

But, with a firearm, he will likely say, with a firearm he can immediately assess the situation, & defend himself with deadly force if he deems it necessary.

As for the Military ... The military is necessary to fight wars, & defend the country as a whole, but for homeland/neighborhood defense, just like in any large or small scale invasion, it's every man for himself, & being armed with firearms is paramount in defending himself, his family, & his friends.
A small scale invasion could be a small group or mob entering your home, or just one person hell bent on a criminal enterprise which may or may not intend to cause you & your family physical harm.

Q. So why wasn't that rule scrapped when the country had moved on from those early days??

A. As long a evil exists in this world there is no 'moving on' as you allude to, & the need to be personally responsible for one's own life, & the lives of the others we love, will always be necessary. Again, for us Americans, firearms will always be the go-to weapons of choice when exercising our 'Natural Right' to Self-Defense because they are the most powerful, most effective, & easiest to use proficiently.

Q. What right minded country would want to follow the USA in this mad nonsense about the need and "rights" of gun ownership?

A. I sincerely hope none, but when it comes to the wants, needs, or desires of other countries on this planet, like Rhett Butler said to Scarlett O'Hara "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn".

America will forever keep it's Right to Gun Ownership, with or without the World's permission or blessings......which we will never need, or ever seek.

(" rel="cached" data-hash="24f7fddc7e2820cf4d080ed7be0cc0ea" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="


Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-08, 05:59:52
It's an expensive thrill: Rifle barrels don't last long under such stress.
That's true. This must have been why Paddock had to many weapons.
It will be interesting to see how the Repeal the 2nd Amendment movement goes
My guess, it's meant to stimulate conversation, a Modest Proposal.  I'm convinced anyone thinks this will happen. Interestingly Bret Stephens is actually a Republican columnist.
Did the Obama Administration approve bump stocks?

Short Answer: Yes
Correct, but notice this part of the article:

Other legal experts stressed that it wasn’t an approval, but rather a determination that current law didn’t allow for its regulation. [/url]

Therefore, the law needs to altered to allow for the regulation of bump stocks. Perhaps they can legal for gun ranges, so people can fire an "automatic" for the thrill but keep them out of the hands of somebody like Paddock.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-10-08, 07:25:40
I like the idea that ersi put forward: There are "gun nuts"… Except, nobody seemed to know he was a gun nut; he wasn't seen at local ranges… Heck, I'll bet he wasn't even a member of the NRA!
There are nut nuts, like ersi, people who think their use of words creates reality. Actually, it only helps them hide from reality.
Police dug a little bit after the guy and immediately they found dozens of guns. That's a gun nut. If you want personal protection, one handgun is enough. If you want more guns, then you are going beyond personal protection. Maybe you want to hunt or maybe you work as a bodyguard, but beyond that you are a gun nut.

For you, apparently, if outsiders don't know if the guy is a gun nut, then he cannot be said to be a gun nut, but how about the fact that in this case we actually know now? For you, as always, facts of life mean nothing. Everything you say is always a theme on that left is wrong, as if it got anything to do with it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-08, 07:51:16
IMHO this was not a firearm problem, it was a basic security problem.  :cheers:
Security concerning firearms, specifically. That *is* a firearm problem.

No, it's just a "Security Problem".

Say, if Customs did not check incoming baggage for potentially dangerous or prohibited items on flights from Asia, & a week later there was a Typhoid outbreak in NYC, which they traced back to an undetected batch of Asian food stuffs which arrived in JFK exactly a week ago, we wouldn't have a "Food Stuffs Problem", we would have a "Security Problem" within Customs because the baggage was not inspected for potentially dangerous or prohibited items.

Now firearms, & other prohibited items may have also passed through because of Customs failure to inspect, but it still would only be considered a "Security Problem"...........not a "knife problem", or "explosives problem", or "firearms problem", or "Child-Pornography problem" regardless of what was found.

If baggage, not inspected, is later discovered to have transported firearms, it's really not a problem with firearms, but actually a problem with the process of inspection that failed to uncover the firearm item(s).

Your personal opinion to determine there was a "Firearm Problem" might possibly be fueled by your personal feelings about firearms, completely ignoring the problem with the process of inspection....

If Paddock's baggage, & parcels had been inspected as I suggest, the firearms would have been confiscated, or authorities alerted at the least.....regardless we wouldn't be discussing this issue today ......59 dead people would have probably never died, & over 500 people probably would not have been wounded by gunfire...

Because of a "Security Problem".....the dead remain very dead.....the injured remain injured & mending.....& you can continue feeling free to be incorrect, possibly utilizing an agenda driven bias.....

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-10-08, 08:15:03
Have you banned trucks yet? (I mean lorries...)
Nobody (in Europe) has banned guns[1] either, so what's your point? Trucks are useful mainly for other things than killing people, that's why they exist. Guns are primarily meant for shooting, that's why they are more suspect. Are you saying that during times of crisis such as the Civil War your government(s) and armies didn't confiscate guns from the population?

It will be interesting to see how the Repeal the 2nd Amendment movement goes.
It will suffice to interpret the 2nd amendment correctly, namely *with* the part that says "well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state" instead of ignoring that part.

IMHO this was not a firearm problem, it was a basic security problem.  :cheers:
Security concerning firearms, specifically. That *is* a firearm problem.

No, it's just a "Security Problem".

Say, if Customs did not check incoming baggage for potentially dangerous or prohibited items on flights from Asia, & a week later there was a Typhoid outbreak in NYC, which they traced back to an undetected batch of Asian food stuffs which arrived in JFK exactly a week ago, we wouldn't have a "Food Stuffs Problem", we would have a "Security Problem" within Customs because the baggage was not inspected for potentially dangerous or prohibited items.

You have the cart before the horse. Problems arise not because of customs officials not checking the baggage, but because of people carrying problematic and illegal stuff in their baggage, which in turn creates the need to check the baggage. And then customs officials don't merely check the baggage - they check the baggage looking for specific things.

"Security problem" is too much of a blanket term. You can't call the police mentioning a security problem. You can call the police saying there's a guy shooting guns on the street. Well, maybe in your nut country it works the other way round, that's what makes it a nut country.
Yes, there are types of guns banned from the civilian population, e.g. automatic weapons - exactly like in US. It's funny how in US guns are regulated about as much as in Europe, except that you refrain from calling it regulation, preferring the delusion that you have some special rights and liberties nobody else has.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-08, 08:43:18
It will be interesting to see how the Repeal the 2nd Amendment movement goes.
It will suffice to interpret the 2nd amendment correctly, namely *with* the part that says "well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state" instead of ignoring that part.

IMHO this was not a firearm problem, it was a basic security problem.  :cheers:
Security concerning firearms, specifically. That *is* a firearm problem.

No, it's just a "Security Problem".

Say, if Customs did not check incoming baggage for potentially dangerous or prohibited items on flights from Asia, & a week later there was a Typhoid outbreak in NYC, which they traced back to an undetected batch of Asian food stuffs which arrived in JFK exactly a week ago, we wouldn't have a "Food Stuffs Problem", we would have a "Security Problem" within Customs because the baggage was not inspected for potentially dangerous or prohibited items.

False. Problems arise not because of customs officials not checking the baggage, but because of people carrying problematic and illegal stuff in their baggage, which in turn creates the need to check the baggage. And then customs officials don't merely check the baggage - they check the baggage looking for specific things.

"Security problem" is too much of a blanket term. You can't call the police mentioning a security problem. You can call the police saying there's a guy shooting guns on the street. Well, maybe in your nut country it works the other way round, that's what makes it a nut country.

Fine stick with your incorrect, biased, personal, ineffectual interpretation(s).

In the end, non-Americans will never be able to affect the outcomes in America, especially this issue, & our Right to Keep & Bear Arms shall not be anyone, especially non-Americans.

Remember.......The People wrote the US Constitution, not the Government.....Self-Rule via a hired for fee government of our which governs solely through the consent of the governed.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-10-08, 08:48:45
In the end, non-Americans will never be able to affect the outcomes in America, especially this issue, & our Right to Keep & Bear Arms shall not be anyone.
Yup, when all else fails, stick your head in sand and keep failing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-08, 09:21:56
In the end, non-Americans will never be able to affect the outcomes in America, especially this issue, & our Right to Keep & Bear Arms shall not be anyone.
Yup, when all else fails, stick your head in sand and keep failing.

Fail.....I can't fail.....I have the Constitutional Right, as an American Citizen, to Keep & Bear Arms guaranteed by the Second can't affect that, though you really wish you could.

Fail.....I can't fail....I can affect the face of the American government, & choose who I wish to hire to represent my wants & desires.

➤ You can't.

Fail....I can't fail....I can lobby Congressmen & Senators to vote on my behalf......I've done so in the past through my hired proxies, & will do so in the future.

➤ You can't.

Fail.....never.....but you have, you've failed to have any affect on the rights of one solitary American, whereas I have bought & paid for legislation that does exactly that. I still have political favors owed me...I will call them in when the time is right.
Ersi, you always was a haven't still are! (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-10-08, 09:28:12
Fail.....I can't fail.....I have the Constitutional Right, as an American Citizen, to Keep & Bear Arms guaranteed by the Second can't affect that, though you really wish you could.
Do I wish that? If you suppose so, that's a fail.

Fail.....I can't fail....I can affect the face of the American government, & choose who I wish to hire to represent my wants & desires.

➤ You can't.
Why would I look to American government to represent my wants and desires? Why would I want them to have anything to do with me? Another fail.

And the rest of your post stems from the same failed premises.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-09, 01:46:28
All the guff about being civilised a great country and all the principles claimed are thrown in the bin with the mass killing sprees that are part and parcel of nutjobland. Who the H would want to copy it? The place never really grew up and the childish nonsense on right to carry arms which was meant away back in early days is a damn nonsense. When an army and military system was built up that Constitutional point should have been done away with. Instead it is a country with hypocrisy missing from it's political claims. The hard truth that more Americans have been done in living their than in any war is neatly ignored and who in heaven's name would want to be like it? It is bad enough that every mass killing adds more guns and heavy armaments but walking about with a gun in a waist holster like a cowboy (someone tell Yanks cowboys and Indians are history. I even seen one tv report where a nutjob was walking in a city street with a rifle fastened across his back.

Talk about principles and rights is a horrible joke and basically gives a right to go shooting and constant weapon buying none of which solves the problem. Tell you lot over there what. Do away with the military and such seeing there are so many guns in the hundreds of millions and save money.  What a political hell hole and immature political and community place. Just keep ignoring the matter of more dead than in wars as it encourages that neo-fascist Rifle association and the gun corporates.  The keech (Scots word for crap) that goes on over there wil never change and the rights thing is nonsense.  The place will never change and makes a mockery of all the would-be claims the place makes to the world.  :mad:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-10, 01:21:54
It amuses me the way Non-Americans, especially Europeans, somehow feel they have a "dog in the hunt" in deciding an outcome of Sovereign American Law & Policy. They wish to attempt imposing their "personal opinions" as facts that mean something important to America, when in fact their so called facts mean nothing except that it's an expression of a personal opinion, an opinion that has no weight in the course of American events.

Because everyone has a right to their "personal opinion(s)", & I deeply respect that right, I applaud that show of opinion as not a belittling of American Culture and/or Legalities, but an obvious sign of, or form of flattery & respect for our American System, that they should take the time & effort to form an opinion on..........knowing full well that their opinions can never effectuate change on our American System....or barely cause us, We the American People, to take notice at all.

Non-Americans must understand that their "personal opinions", while important to them, to us......they mean nothing.....literally nothing.

Matter in fact, for the most part, we laugh them off & ignore RJ would say,
because they are keech...... (


Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-10, 17:41:08
Unfortunately laughing off what others in the world think is rather immature. Okay for tens of millions of suffering Americans, jails over filled and constantly getting involved in wars. The cumfy there can laugh it all off but does not say much for them regarding their fellow citizens and that is more keech than values stance taking?

An old friend of mine and her fellow Glaswegian whom she married here decades ago wanted to go to live in California and have done so for that long time. But now she sighs at things going on over there and her son and his wife were on holiday (here as happens!) but have decided they want to emigrate to here and north of the kingdom especially. His former Glasgow parents having lived there for so loin in the US are too tired and such to come back being a lot older now but quite happy their son and wife want to live in a less crazy country. Seems the younger couple cannot wait to get out and I will promise them a meal when they do.  :yes:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-10, 23:48:32
.......But now she sighs at things going on over there and her son and his wife were on holiday (here as happens!) but have decided they want to emigrate to here and north of the kingdom especially. His former Glasgow parents having lived there for so loin in the US are too tired and such to come back being a lot older now but quite happy their son and wife want to live in a less crazy country. Seems the younger couple cannot wait to get out and I will promise them a meal when they do......

God bless em, & good riddance!!!......I wish more whinging pussies would follow their lead.... (

For every couple that feels that way though, there are millions upon millions (look up the stats) that have felt & feel otherwise......
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-11, 02:11:33
You are unfortunately only enhancing the view of being a nutjobland and full of principles.  :up:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-10-11, 09:40:21
Unfortunately laughing off what others in the world think is rather immature.
(I had to chime in on this:) Why does any nation care about the opinions of other nations?
Does Scotland care about what Indonesians or Peruvians think about what Scottish do, within Scotland? Does Scotland care about what Indonesians and Peruvians do, within Indonesia and Peru? What matters is, what ties have these countries to one another.

When Th. Jefferson wrote
WHEN in the Course of human Events it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth the separate & equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
He wasn't just pleading a cause; he was promoting a new political philosophy: Namely, democracy.
(Oddly enough, Howie has never understood this… Unfortunately, many on this side of the pond have likewise been unencumbered with learning.)
Not the piddling bean-counting and "you'll get yours, if you give me mine" politics that Europe has degenerated to — with such ill effects…
What he spoke to was a cure for democracy's ills: Inalienable rights, that the government -no matter how constituted- were deemed to be sacrosanct to. You know: "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

But if "Mankind" has become a mere rabble, what matters their opinion?
Some things are not just a matter of taste.

As Smiley has mentioned elsewhere, most of us in the U.S. don't really care what the rest of the world thinks of us. That's because we know what their opinions are worth… We'll listen to and digest the meaning of their pleadings; but we won't accept such "special pleadings" as you'd propose, RJ. You've yourself rejected almost every scholar and genius your country ever produced (except for he who gave you your Telly… :) ), yet you want us to listen to the likes of you!
You want us to go down the same road of socialism that led Europe to ruin? That you haven't yet escaped yourself?
Having piddled away your inheritance, knowing that you'll not appeal to a rich dowager, you'd like to see us also fail — because you can't imagine how a virile culture can succeed. And if one does, well, that shows you to all the world what you are: Impotent.
"laughing off what others in the world think is rather immature" seems to me to be a remark made by a senile old man. Show me examples of your "mature" opinions!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-12, 01:30:30
Jefferson? A damn slave owner and had it off with a couple of the female ones. Don't start giving me guff about principles when you live where you do. Your country bums about itself like clowns in a circus.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-10-13, 00:25:48
Show me examples of your "mature" opinions!
No examples…? I thought not.
Perhaps Rotherham (… :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-10-13, 05:53:21
Jefferson? A damn slave owner and had it off with a couple of the female ones. Don't start giving me guff about principles when you live where you do. Your country bums about itself like clowns in a circus.
Remind me.....which country was it that created the first concentration camp, which notably Hitler praised, during a certain Boer War?

Which country once had 1/3 of world’s population under their watch, while they plundered, raped, and killed en mass?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-13, 09:21:34
Jefferson? A damn slave owner and had it off with a couple of the female ones. Don't start giving me guff about principles when you live where you do. Your country bums about itself like clowns in a circus.

You mean like this?

Title: Clowns
Post by: Barulheira on 2017-10-13, 15:21:03
Clowns are frightening...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-13, 20:47:32
Try growing up Colonel. You lot had horrible concentration camps during your Civil War and unfortunately the Confederate side well into that too. You simply ignore what Jefferson did having slaves that Washington increased the number he was bequeathed with and your country boasts to the world on principles and so on that are  a damn lie. Even the KKK had hundreds of thousands in it, politicians, town councils, police, etc. Throw in the giant Mafia by the way as well!Corruption on a wide scale part of your history as a wonderful country of great boasting op principles. I would also remind that the British Commonwealth was originally from the old Empire and your lot could not do anything like that unless you corrupt a nation or invade it.  You also produced an empire by the corporate class which inherently runs America and what is called a political system.Invades countries and destroys many who don't agree with you and so on.The hard history of America is that the historical truths completely go against all the guff about principles, freedoms and so on.

The USA was created by the corporate class and freemasonry and the practices of it's history outlive the principled claims.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-14, 07:29:45
I would also remind that the British Commonwealth was originally from the old Empire and your lot could not do anything like that unless you corrupt a nation or invade it.
Oh, like the British Empire was formed in the first place...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-14, 21:10:14
The British Empire  was an advance from the primitive and dangerous life style of previous centuries which your mindset corner just overlooks and a silly stance. And remember too the dozens of places that after the Empire still wanted linked  in the British Commonwealth of Nations. Your lot just took places over financially and militarily so don't come out with the usual arrogance, ignorance and void your corner has. That there is that Commonwealth you just ignore because the real truth is no help to you. Your country spends half the global military bill, demeans countries that refuse to kow-tow to you or be invaded by your corporate lot so don't come here with any better stance because you don't have it. Maybe it is just as well you do not have something like our Commonwealth because the way your place is run by nutters, limited democracy and big money barons you are unprincipled and a groan.  :faint:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-15, 06:49:58
We do have a sociopath robber baron as a president right now, but doesn't change the fact that the British Empire was founded on greed and brutality.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-15, 20:30:04
Rubbish as usual from an ex-colonist. And what pray is your country like in the damn world? Corroborate greed people running it and limited political party practice. When some country refuses to bow to your big business they will be politically or financially done in or an excuse to destroy it. So don't come on here with the brain dead propaganda you lot have pumped into your heads. Flags everywhere like over the top nationalists and yak about principles that don't exist in practice. Your mindset just ignores that hard fact that I illustrated that the former colonies of the Empire are in the British Commonwealth of Nations. That in itself tells you something that you lot just ignore but then Dr Goebells could have made a fortunate living in nutjobland. Brain dead.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-16, 09:29:24
The US has become a banana republic ruled by an imbecile that lashes out on Twitter at everyone and everything that crosses his sociopath. There's talk of the lunatic starting World War III over North Korea. The monkeybrain calls news outlets such as CNN "Fake News" but gets his misinformation from notoriously unreliable places to outright conspiracy mongering places such a Breitbart.

Both our candidates were corporates: Hillary being a corporate shill and Trump being the personification of Wall Street itself. The point being, you do think you're telling me anything I don't know already? I can be honest about my country; all I'm asking is for you to be honest about your's. Maybe you can't because you've been telling yourself lies about Britain's history your whole life.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-17, 00:32:15
No I have not been telling myself lies about my country at all and I have always stated here you lot are tuck with 2 corporates all the damn time. We do NOT have that here and have a range of parties. We even had a coalition at the last General election for a time. And in the House of Commons r the smaller and or regional parties are ALL represented on the Standing Committees of the parliament which makes it far wide a system than you have got over there. This all a wider democracy and it also extsist on Town and City Councils so boyo we are wider and ahead of you!

Our empire was part of world history and you since the rise decades ago last century have been running your own empire world-wide and based on the power of corporates including the military corporate which loves all the wars you get involved in to boost them. You get a snidy remark about our Empire and totally ignore what was a help to many very immature places in the world. On top f that corner you also totally ignore the Commonplace of Nations (head office, London) so if we were so evil it wouldn't have existed! and all from the former Empire. So you still have an empire run by the corporate barons so I apologise for nothing and being rather unique as a nation not having a written constitution we have done much good in the Commonwealth and internally on the matter of democracy.  Due to the lack of wider politics in the US of A it leaves many a distance from a deeper form of proper democratic pursuit. In a fair way that is I would submit a very sad and disappointing aspectand no chance of anything happening re the big 2 corporate parties who have tied the place up, alienated many are getting nowhere. Heavens as a Glasgow man I would live in Edinburgh first!  :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-18, 06:23:43
Jefferson? A damn slave owner and had it off with a couple of the female ones.

And I hear tell, over the tides of time to a year close by, one female relative o said slaves eventually made her way to Scotland.

Who knows, the years are within reason, give or take, one never knows, she may have even given birth to a scoundrel like you!!!

Imagine that.....RJ with American-Negro blood flowing in his orange heart's veins!! (  (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-18, 06:48:15
Scotland and slavery?   :sherlock:

Scots proudly played their part in the abolition of the trade. But for a time we misted over our role as perpetrators of this barbarism. Many of Scotish industries, schools and churches were founded from the profits of African slavery.

The article goes on to note that at any given time there were only 70 - 80 African slaves in Scotland at any given time, however Scots owned 32 percent of the the slaves in Jamaica in 1812. This is an impressive dubious achievement given the low population of Scotland. Further, Scots masters were among the most cruel with life expectancy on the plantations being a mere four years.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2017-10-18, 23:02:13
ignorance and void your corner has.
If we're doing Yoda quotes, I'm going with - "Do or Do not, there is no try."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-18, 23:17:22
Typical reduced American stuff there midnight. As you are being very selective in the area of history may i remind that Scotland being part of Gt Britain was ahead of the USA in doing away with slavery. What makes that even more noted is that your lot doing a revolution and boasting about principles, freedoms, rights and high principles did not practice the damn things! You lot mostly over there totally bodyswerve that your wonderful creators did not care a damn about the slaves and as I also pointed out had slaves so don't come on here trying to ignore that harder truth of history.  We were ahead of you in doing away with slaves that had been a regular thing from centuries away back before AD.  Blacks could not get votes in States and were kept getting done in for ages and right into the 20th century. People even got elected into office in the wonderfully boasting US of A on racist tickets and legions of them in running towns, States, legal things, police and so on.

What you practiced totally contradicted all those boasting great principles when you broke away and the so-called principled leaders did slavery.  So decades after the British Empire did away with the thing you lot lived a constant hypocrisy and racial matters are still deeply flawed in the wonderful claimant of so-called principled country stuff. Clutch at daft straws but your history is damnable and still is.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-19, 03:35:31
.....Gt Britain was ahead of the USA in doing away with slavery.....

.........What you practiced totally contradicted all those boasting great principles when you broke away and the so-called principled leaders did slavery.  So decades after the British Empire did away with the thing you lot lived a constant hypocrisy and racial matters are still deeply flawed in the wonderful claimant of so-called principled country stuff. Clutch at daft straws but your history is damnable and still is.

Oh pat yourself ...... pat yourself on the back ole Fossil. 

Is it fun fun being the moral hypocrite??

35 give or take short years as a newly emerging Nation....................

But your selective  "partial recollection"  Fossil does not convey ALL THE PERTINENT FACTS.... of
Britain's total involvement in Slavery.

The USA came into being with the publication of the Declaration of Independence, & the end of the American Revolutionary War, where the Americans defeated the British, & founded the United States of America.

The war started in 1765 & ended in 1783.

The U.S. Declaration of Independence was Signed & delivered in 1776.  So, for the sake of brevity I will stipulate that the USA became an entity after the first shots were fired at Lexington & Concord in 1775.

Slavery ended in the Americas when the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified in 1865

➤ ➤ So, from the year the USA came into existence .... 1775 to 1865 .... the USA, as a Nation (not as the British Colony prior to 1775), was involved in Slavery on its own as a Nation for 90 years.

➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ Prior to 1775 the British were in control of ALL it's Colony's Slave Trade.

Now, lets look at the history of Britain's participation in the Slave Trade.......which some estimate as being over 2,000 years, but records are scant, & confirming that exact total would be problematic at best.

Let's begin with a bona fide point in time, Britain's Slave Trading History as documented by, who better, by the British themselves:

Britain, the 'Nefarious Trade' & Slavery

Source:      HISTORY in focus (   
Britain followed in the footsteps of the Portuguese in voyaging to the west coast of Africa and enslaving Africans. The British participation in what has come to be called the 'nefarious trade' was begun by Sir John Hawkins with the support and investment of Elizabeth I in 1573. (15) By fair means and foul, Britain outwitted its European rivals and became the premier trader in the enslaved from the seventeenth century onwards, and retained this position till 1807. Britain supplied enslaved African women, men and children to all European colonies in the Americas.

The 'Slave Coast' came to be dotted with European forts, their massive guns facing out to sea to warn off rival European slave traders. Each 'castle' incorporated prisons or 'barracoons' in which the enslaved women, children and men were kept, awaiting purchase by the traders, who could initially only reach the coast at those times of the year when the winds blew in the right direction. The prisons – without sanitation, with little air – must have been hell-holes in the humid coastal climates. The death rates are not known.

The trade became a very lucrative business. Bristol grew rich on it, then Liverpool. London also dealt in slaves as did some of the smaller British ports. (16) The specialised vessels were built in many British shipyards, but most were constructed in Liverpool. Laden with trade goods (guns and ammunition, rum, metal goods and cloth) they sailed to the 'Slave Coast', exchanged the goods for human beings, packed them into the vessels like sardines and sailed them across the Atlantic. On arrival, those left alive were oiled to make them look healthy and put on the auction block. Again, death rates (during the voyage) are unknown: one estimate, for the 1840s, is 25 per cent.

Plantation and mine-owners bought the Africans – and more died in the process called 'seasoning'. In the British colonies the slaves were treated as non-human: they were 'chattels', to be worked to death as it was cheaper to purchase another slave than to keep one alive. Though seen as non-human, as many of the enslaved women were raped, clearly at one level they were recognised as at least rapeable human beings. There was no opprobrium attached to rape, torture, or to beating your slaves to death. The enslaved in the British colonies had no legal rights as they were not human – they were not permitted to marry and couples and their children were often sold off separately.

Historian Paul Lovejoy has estimated that between 1701 and 1800 about 40 per cent of the approximately more than 6 million enslaved Africans were transported in British vessels. (It must be noted that this figure is believed by some to be a considerable underestimate.) Lovejoy estimated that well over 2 million more were exported between 1811 and 1867 – again, many believe the numbers were much greater. (17)

Abolition of the trade by Britain

Europeans who were Roman Catholics often treated their slaves more humanely than those of the Protestant faith, perhaps especially the members of the Church of England, which owned slaves in the West Indies. (Roman Catholics did not deny Africans their humanity and made attempts at conversion, while British slaveowners forbade church attendance.) The enslavement of Africans was justified in Britain by claiming that they were barbaric savages, without laws or religions, and, according to some 'observers' and academics, without even a language; they would acquire civilisation on the plantations.

In the 1770s, some Christians in Britain began to question this interpretation of the Bible. They began a campaign to convert the population to their perspective and to influence Parliament by forming anti-slavery associations. Slavery was declared a sin. According to some interpreters of William Wilberforce, the main abolitionist spokesperson in Parliament, it was this fear of not going to heaven that impelled him to carry on the abolitionist struggle for over 20 years. (18)

Parliamentarians and others who could read, or had the time to attend meetings, were well informed about slavery by the books published by two ex-slaves, Olaudah Equiano and Ottobah Cugoano; slightly less dramatic and emphatic anti-slavery books were published by Ignatius Sancho and Ukwasaw Groniosaw. Equiano, like Thomas Clarkson (another truly remarkable man), lectured up and down the country, and in Ireland. (19)

The Act making it illegal for Britons to participate in the trade in enslaved Africans was passed by Parliament in March 1807, after some 20 years of campaigning. Precisely why so many people signed petitions and why Parliament voted for the Act is debatable. (20) It is somewhat curious that many of the chief – including Quaker – abolitionists were importers of slave-grown produce. (21)
Slave emancipation by Britain

A few Britons – including the British Africans – were not content with abolition and campaigned for the emancipation of slaves. This was another long struggle. Among the most forceful were the women abolitionists, who, being denied a voice by the men, formed their own organisations and went door-knocking, asking people to stop using slave-grown products such as sugar and tobacco. The most outspoken was probably Elizabeth Heyrick who believed in immediate emancipation, as opposed to the men who supported gradual freedom. (22)

This battle was won when Parliament passed the Emancipation Act in 1833; as the struggle was led by men, it was for gradual emancipation. But protests, often violent in the West Indies, resulted in freedom in 1838. The slaveowners were granted £20 million (about £1 billion today) compensation; all the freed received was the opportunity to labour for the paltry wages that had now to be offered.

This Act only freed the enslaved in the West Indies, Cape Town, Mauritius and Canada. Slavery continued in the rest of the British Empire. Even the importation of slaves into a British colony continued – into Mauritius, obtained from the French after the Napoleonic Wars, where importation was not stopped until about 1820. (23)

Emancipation in Britain

Africans have lived in Britain since they arrived as troops within the Roman armies. How many came here in more modern times, i.e., since the fifteenth century, has not been researched. They begin to appear in parish records of births and deaths from the sixteenth century. (24) Again, what proportion was free and how many were slaves is not yet known. The famous decision by Chief Justice Lord Mansfield in 1772 in the case of James Somerset, taken to court by activist Granville Sharp, merely stated that Africans could not be exported from the UK to the West Indies as slaves. There was no consistency in the many court judgements on the legality of slavery in Great Britain. (25)

The efficacy of the Acts

As there was almost nothing done to ensure that the Acts were obeyed, slave traders continued their activities, as did the shipbuilders. Information about this was sent to Parliament by the abolitionists, some of the captains in the Anti-Slavery Squadrons and British consular officials in slave-worked Cuba and Brazil. Investigations were held, more Acts were passed, but all to no avail, as no means of enforcement was put in place in Britain. All the government did was to set up the Anti-Slavery Squadron – at first comprised of old, semi-derelict naval vessels, unfit for the coastal conditions. To enable them to stop slavers of other nationalities, Britain entered into treaties with other slaving countries. But these were also ignored. The slave trade continued, unabated.

Britain not only continued to build slaving vessels, but it financed the trade, insured it, crewed some of it and probably even created the many national flags carried by the vessels to avoid condemnation. Britain also manufactured about 80 per cent of the goods traded for slaves on the Coast. (26).............

This about sums it up:


THE USA    from  1775  to  1865          =  90 years

GREAT BRITAIN    from  1573  to  1833  =  260 years

Put that in yer book Fossil!   (


Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-21, 00:59:58
I have put up with your class arrogance, stupidness and ignorance as there are so many of you over there with limited understanding. Will try and be as simple as can to waken your brain cells.

Slavery dear ignorant, existed for centuries even well before the time of Christ but your lot waxing groaning stuff about rights, freedoms and so on just did a dance. Your founders included slavery owners and hypocrites. With an Empire when we broke away from the ancient practice it effected a very wide stretch across the world. You lot of nonentities waxing about principles only put them in practice for the upper class of your country and trailed years behind us (so much for wonderful principles on a bit of wasted paper). Murdering of regular black people, burning them out and refusing them votes and so on usually carried out by people in elected office! So waffle as long as you like and slag off in a country that allows terrorist supporters.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-21, 04:04:05

White Flag accepted Fossil........You presented absolutely no defense to the above.......

He who said they can't defend the indefensible, spoke the truth when describing the Brits own involvement in the 'Nefarious Trade'....

When it comes to murdering Black African Women, Children, Grandmothers, & Grandfathers in cold blood, locked sick & starving in the holds of British built wooden Slave ships, for profit, there's no race on the planet better at it than the Brits. It is estimated that over 25% of those Slaves transported by the British, died horridly in transit, from starvation, disease, & dehydration. Of the British, there are none more coward or offensive than the lowly Scots, who's cruelty was unsurpassed it their treatment of their shackled African Slaves in particular. History bears this out......History testified to here ( by the British themselves.

Those 225+ years of promoting & profiting from African Slavery, sponsored by the British Royals starting with Queen Elizabeth I, since the mid to late 1500's at least, as the British themselves have testified to  here (, was just the tip of the British Slaving Iceberg, which some say probably spanned over a millennia.

And they have the consummate gall to call themselves 'Great' Britain, & even attempt to hypocritically belittle others who actually pale in comparison to their own repulsive slaving history.  (  What a disgrace of a Race. They should pull their bowler hats down to their chins, & hide their hypocritical faces in complete & utter shame. 

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-22, 21:43:57
This stuff coming from a country with the history IT has?!

Totally ignores the hard truth that all the guff about starting a wonderful country is rubbish. You totally ignore the founding president was a slave owner who increased the number he had from inheriting the thing. That a main Constitution git was a slave owner that Lincoln was a total hypocrite over black people. Also ignore that the centuries old slave tradition the world had from earliest history was banned by us before you with all your political lies and deceit. Even when you did eventually catch up on slavery did the blacks get the same fairness as whites? No they damn well did not and right up into the 1960's Negroes were still treated like rubbish. And in another more modern era during World War 2 the US Army still had to practice segregation by having white or black only units. When US troops were based here white soldiers were shocked that local British girls danced with blacks unlike them yet you were in "principle" fighting against racist Germany!

If you have money you are fine in the US of A but if not then tough. From the start of the USA aided by your masons what was on paper was a farce because legions of Americans got little out of it. The equal legions who left after the separation to Canada did the right thing because your lace has practiced hypocrisy from the beginning. Your fanatical nationalism that is beyond patriotic but fanatical and need flags everywhere except in the toilet. You funded terrorists and blag about how principled the damn place is. Tell that to the forty plus million Yanks who are poor and stuck with a two-party corporate party system and that is it.  You have a history internally and externally which contradicts all the ballyhoo of the wonderful Constitution so terror killer supporter try growing up mentally to correspond with your age. You just ignore all the contradicting facts and shows the depth (although there are decent Americans) that too many like you just get brained into hand on the heart, flag waving and ignore the deep contradicting.  That you display evil terrorism in your badge is a damn disgrace and i have never supported anything in that vein but you are getting away with such.

It is one thing having strong views on subjects but that you are allowed to promote a violent stance, history and fact is disgusting on a forum.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-10-25, 18:03:14
From the start of the USA aided by your masons...
Ah yes; the good old OO vs FM rivalry.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-26, 03:30:39
Well Southern boy I am fortunate not to be a FM and stick to a proper Proddy organisation the OO. That that lot after pretending to be Indians and leaving their aprons behind were the creators of the corporate republic.  At least my degrees with it are spiritually based.  :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2017-10-26, 05:01:40
Well Southern boy I am fortunate not to be a FM and stick to a proper Proddy organisation the OO. That that lot after pretending to be Indians and leaving their aprons behind were the creators of the corporate republic.  At least my degrees with it are spiritually based.  :D
I have absolutely no idea what you are going on about, but as I know several Freemasons, I can appreciate the rivalry.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-26, 23:44:53
Well I do make allowances for you not knowing you being an ex-colonist. As for a prospective rivalry I would muse that at least my corner has a stance and explanatory situation which is more than can be said by your Tea Party pals. How such a vague organisation got onto your banknotes is tut-tut stuff! In my city the FM's have lost at least three halls I know about. I am also a member of the Black order too a separate organisation but you must be a member of the OO and it's senior degree and be active to be in it to stay on the Black. Apparently the driver of the car that Kennedy was assassinated in was a member of the OO but hey don't blame us!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-27, 05:32:32


[glow=orange,2,300]Tiocfaidh ár lá[/glow]

[glow=orange,2,300]Ooh Ah Up The Ra!!![/glow]

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-27, 20:22:57
I have remained here after the Opera loss and can tackle things as well as anyone but I think it is even allowing for would-be supposed humour for a site to freely permit someone who is a terrorist by virtue of the stuff that SmileyFace puts on here.

Ireland will NOT be unified and neither does the South of the country want to be ruled by the total scumbags that the SF is by it's policies and open support for terrorism. SmileyFace is part of that sickening corner. They murdered people in their own communities and I have no time for terrorist groups who try to indicate "principles." On top of that Smiley is not a Marxist but the Sinn Fein leans in that direction so he is very hypocritical and would have no time for that corner ruling his country or it's politics. The SF criminals will never rule the Irish Republic which has moved on from the old silly days and grew up unlike the Smiley corner.

So although I am perfectly able to argue and debate I am not satisfied that this Forum system permits a person who is supporting terrorism to get away with what he is doing here. He can call me what he likes over my stance but I am now not of the mind to give up my non-violent and intelligence capabilities strength. However in permitting him what he is associating with is not my cup of tea and may over the weekend depart from this corner and another member less.  No doubt he will come up with his routine degregation and childish way of pushing things but I am now not of the mind to be here with terrorism allowed willy-nilly.  In passing he can say what he likes but I am leaning on principled departure.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-10-28, 07:14:14
What happens to Ireland eventually is up to the Irish, but the IRA were vile murderers and terrorists.

Back to the Americas, the continent has produced some pretty unpopular leaders.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-28, 09:23:00
And the first batch charges against Trump's campaign have been filed the criminals could be taken into custody as early as Monday. I told OakdaleFTL that Trump was impeachment bait.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-10-28, 09:33:22
Do you have a news link? I don't think I've seen anything indicating Trump's impeachment could be quite that imminent.

Edit: oh wait, you said the campaign. Still, a link would be nice. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-28, 23:28:26
Jax, Northern Ireland is British not part of the" Irish."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-10-30, 05:59:03
Do you have a news link? I don't think I've seen anything indicating Trump's impeachment could be quite that imminent.

Edit: oh wait, you said the campaign. Still, a link would be nice. :P

I doubt it will be Trump himself, but here (, it's also in the Atlantic (, video from a tv station in Minnesota ( . We'll see what happens tomorrow. It's not confirmed that there will be arrests, but there's a good possibility.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-10-30, 18:51:15
There are times I get really into sighing when I see some of the internal political immaturity going on re the 'Hill. The stuff that the Russian government interfered with the US Elections. A load of baloney and the media jumps on the bandwagon as well. For the moment I pass on the interference in other countries by the USA and must say that there are intelligent Americans who must groan at the nonsense coming from their political masters. No proof and stretching out for any excuse to condemn Russia as it grows in the world. It is propaganda of a very insulting kind to the intelligence of Americans who are not fooled by the stuff that keeps getting pumped out and aided by the media. No definitive proof and on the so-called charges how would it be done on such a modern country?

Oh I know about the charges against a former Trump staff member but that proves damn nothing in proper assessment. Russia could control US politics or it's system. Immature and I do not think all Americans be be shoved into that label in all fairness.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-10-30, 22:10:18
Speaking of Trump - that cat doesn't seem to like him :)

(" rel="cached" data-hash="4daf027b77fbcb7f1c16941f7f46a19c" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-10-30, 23:49:05
Only in America such morrone could be elected president. It seems the local population deserves him.
We are living anarchic times, thanks to it, Chinese conquers the world.

Again, Europe will be the last refuge for the western civilization, America has already collapsed. Not a single alternative for succeeding Europe, just trash. Dollar Trump trash turned into a way of life. Nothing. An immense desert of failure.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2017-10-31, 00:17:03

[glow=blue,2,300]Donald Trump could make Sinn Fein ally Peter King
Counter-Terror Chief in White House

Lifelong Sinn Féin supporter (R-NY) Congressman Peter King with Gerry Adams

Source:      The Belfast Telegraph     
A lifetime supporter of Sinn Fein could be in line for a key position in Donald Trump's administration, according to Washington insiders.

Unlike many other mainstream Republican politicians, US Congressman Peter King backed the billionaire businessman during the White House race.

His loyalty to Mr Trump has led to speculation that he could be appointed homeland security advisor - the chief counter-terrorism aide to the President.

The New York Congressman, who has voiced support for the Provisional IRA and is seen as a very close friend of Gerry Adams, is considered one of the most respected experts on terrorism and security on Capitol Hill.

Yesterday's New York Times reported that Mr King was also in the running to be US ambassador to the UN..........


[glow=orange,2,300]Tiocfaidh ár lá[/glow]

[glow=orange,2,300]Unwavering Irish-American Support for Sinn Fein & A United Ireland
Americans Welcome Gerry Adams into their Hearts with Open Arms & Standing Applause
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-10-31, 13:45:35
Speaking of Trump - that cat doesn't seem to like him  :)
Priorities. An enormous TV and no bed.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-11-01, 01:43:45
A terrorist speaks.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-11-03, 08:38:34
Such a selective memory you have, RJ! :) Your government -during the Clinton administration, I believe- accepted the IRA's political arm into the fold… Or was that just the two-faced act of politicians? (Or your corporates? :) )

Here's an interesting article ( I can well remember when you'd have applauded the imams… Do you still?

And, answer me this: Who now is the terrorist…? (The question is only hard for a man that doesn't think, and can't feel.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-11-04, 02:37:04

I had no time for what the Labour government did creating that fixed government for Ulster. It was an utter disgrace and not democratic at all. I would however remind you that the collapse of the shared government was not caused by Britain but by that Sinn Fein creeps lot using an excuse to pull out of the shared government. The Ulster Unionist Party eventually pulled out of the damn thing and rightly so and the Sinn  Fein did what they did on a nonsense. Why should a shared government be forced on the people? I would also inform you that the Sinn Fein creeps who were elected MP's in the UK parliament in London refuse to sit in it! So much for proper representation as they refuse to take the Royal Oath. They have MP rooms and claims but are as democratic as a dictator. May I also say in passing that their champion here who I assume is not a Marxist due to his background with a corporate party in America is in practice supporting that lot!The impasse in Belfast is their creation and do what they can in a very not hidden very well attitude of control freakery.

Anyway as the thread is supposed to be about America we have drifted far. Oh and the SF has as much chance of ruling the sensible Irish Republic as I have of thinking America is a proper democracy!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-11-05, 21:00:48
And now now we have yet another mass shooting ( This time it was a church in Texas. So far the death toll is 27.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-11-05, 22:29:42
Does anyone imagine what a spectacle 25 bodies aligned in the ground are?
Stop the barbarism.

There's no emenda that justifies it.
Shoot the emenda first.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-11-05, 23:27:09
You are so right about the Amendment farce Belfrager. All it does is make things worse. Another very sad and mind-boggling tragedy.  :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-11-06, 03:21:26
We know a little more, now… (Well, some of us do.) We do need to know more.
(I expect, among other things, to learn that the perp was not allowed to buy guns legally; he was dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force in 2014. Does anyone think that that didn't set of alarms?)

Tell me, RJ, has GB "outlawed" lorries yet? (Or venues for pop-music…? Or pressure cookers?)

I understand that the pacific denizens "over there" have mostly given up on the very idea of self defense. And what has been the result?
GB's Bobbies are much more regularly armed. Or they're regularly beheaded…or shot…or run down…
Is it the old "choose your poison" toss of the dice? :(

We here in a great many of the states long ago chose to be armed and willing to defend ourselves.
If that makes you wet your pants, don't visit. (You wouldn't remember why the Japanese during WW II never seriously considered an amphibious assault on the west coast of the U.S. …) Or just visit the Blue states: Hardly anything bad has happened there, mostly because of their strict gun control! :(

Bah! I now understand Trump's "problem" with NATO: From more than a few of the members, the most we can expect is to hear a "Please help us!" when there's paying to be done. Certainly not all; and certainly not only money. Soldiers are a special breed (Berghdahl, excepted: deserters are unfortunately commonplace…) and I know enough to know that NATO troops are as good as any — even the Scots.
But I don't want my country to fall down the rabbit hole that has swallowed Europe.

Keep your pacifism as you choose. Preach it to others, as you wish. Try to impose it -any way you think you can: You'll be disabused — about Americans.
Don't tread on us.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-11-06, 04:35:52
So far the death toll is 27.
I'd rather not count the perpetrator, Sang: When you lose your soul, you life is meaningless. Which is to say -not to put too fine a point on it- it doesn't count…
It's only "statistics," or as we used to call 'em: Evidence. No matter.
"As the suspect left the church," Martin said, "a bystander retrieved a rifle and began firing at the shooter, who dropped his Ruger and drove away."
"Our local citizen pursued the suspect at that time," Martin said.
As law enforcement responded, the suspect drove off a roadway at the Wilson County/Guadalupe County line, Martin said. He was found "deceased in his vehicle,” he said, but officials were not immediately certain if the fatal wound came from a self-inflicted gunshot or from the person pursuing him.
(from Sang's USA Today link…)
Belfrager had a sensible comment, but he posted in the wrong thread… :) If he doesn't find the time to move it himself, I'll do it for him.

We all know: The media coverage and political jockeying is going to be about the 2nd Amendment. Heck, the USA Today story included he "got out of his vehicle [] and began firing at the church[] with a Ruger assault-type rifle."
So: It had a collapsable stock… Ooh! Scary.
It was painted black!
It was a "semi-automatic" — which means it wasn't a flintlock, a derringer, a revolver or a sniper's rifle. (For those of you who don't know, that means it was simply a modern weapon: Pull the trigger once, one bullet is fired.) We had a ban on such "scary" weapons for ten years, to no effect — every level of law enforcement determined.

But -as the jihadis know, too: Fear is not rational, as a basis for policy
(BTW: The "good Samaritan" who -by the latest reports, killed the attacker- used a similar weapon to take him down: Yes, an "assault" rifle. For us here in the western United States -many of us, at any rate- it's a "you say po-tah-to, I say po-tay-to" kind of dilemma. Well, for Democrats… I, personally, don't care if he took him down with a bazooka.
Or even Bel's choke-chain.

(My guess: It's a domestic dispute/domestic violence type crime. Where's SVU when you need them? The last pertinent tidbit I heard was that his ex-wife had a PO Box in the town… Did she have family there?)
Police investigations take time; and they aren't usually made public soon.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-11-06, 08:05:15
The Daily Beast (  has more info on him. You mention he was discharged dishonorably, but more specifically he was court martial for assaulting his wife and child. So it's true that he couldn't own a firearm directly, but Law Center ( provides clues how he could have  gotten the gun anyway:

Federal law requires federally licensed firearms dealers (but not private sellers) to initiate a background check on the purchaser prior to sale of a firearm.
Notice what's in parentheses and reiterated in the last paragraph.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-11-06, 20:50:29
I read the article you linked to, Sang… It's Texas, after all. But Kelley's guns may have been bought illegally, or stolen. We'll have to wait and see.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-11-06, 21:18:16
Oh, I know. But that is a glaring way to around the restriction on against buying guns.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2017-11-06, 21:28:37
Now we do know.

The man identified by law enforcement sources as the gunman in Texas, Devin Patrick Kelley, bought the rifle from a sporting goods store in San Antonio in April 2016, a law enforcement official told CNN.
When Kelley filled out the background check paperwork at the store, he checked the box to indicate he didn't have any disqualifying criminal history, the official said.
Governor Greg Abbott said the gunman tried to get a license to carry in Texas but was denied.

So my hypothesis was incorrect, but why didn't his domestic violence charge come up in the background check?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-11-06, 21:47:00
The really deep and traditionally deep problem is a national one involving psychological weakness in the population.  These things are as routine as proverbial clockwork and created an awful long time ago as the country was historically evolving growing up. Even the President has publicly said on television there is a wide mental issue.The wideness of the killing and the standard routine mass killing sprees I am afraid emphasise this. We will always get excuse for the gun carnage based on long gone history and the inability in exercising maturity.

None of the matter is going away and the excusers for guns keep up this false foundation in a past that had long gone and failed to adapt to progress like other progressive countries. i have friends in California and they get so frustrated at the near fanaticism on guns and "rights" that make a mockery of principles and those with wider minds who constantly keep the massacres going.  :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-11-06, 23:33:54
failed to adapt to progress like other progressive countries
We are not yet committed to becoming a "progressive" country, RJ! (I expect your California friends live in the Bay Area… :) )
why didn't his domestic violence charge come up in the background check?
Also, why his Dishonorable Bad Conduct Discharge didn't.
Ask the FBI. They perform such background checks.
But the simple answer is that a bureaucrat screwed up… Nothing new.

A similar thing happened fairly recently:
FBI Director James Comey said the man accused of killing nine people in a Charleston, S.C., church should never have been allowed to purchase a weapon.

Comey said flaws in paperwork and communication between a federal background check worker and state law enforcement allowed Dylann Roof to buy a handgun in South Carolina on April 16 — weeks before he allegedly attacked black churchgoers in a failed attempt to fuel a race war.

"We are all sick that this has happened," Comey told reporters Friday. "We wish we could turn back the clock. ... What we can do is make sure we learn from it, get better."
(source (
The motive there was reminiscent of good ole Charlie Manson…"in a failed attempt to fuel a race war": People keep trying. Their problem seems to be persistent: Neither whites nor blacks think a "race war" is a good idea.
The few that do are considered kooks by almost everyone… That's a good thing, isn't it?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-11-20, 13:04:36
Turkeys that will be pardoned by Trump check in at luxury Washington hotel (

(" rel="cached" data-hash="17c8fde806246408d4e7b2d7d225487f" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-11-20, 21:50:21
Thing I forgot to catch you up on Oakdale was the passing comment about GB and armed armed.

The regular daily police are NOT in that situation and when when some and I state some are armed because of situations that arise due to terrorists that is perfectly fine. We can blame Islam for the increased need of the armed squad situation. Years ago when in the ex-colonies a police sergeant said to me in a passing street chat we had if it was correct that unlike there the police depend on a whistle and a stick! The only main difference nowadays is that they have radios of course and the truncheon! The longer the beat Bobby is unarmed the better.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2017-11-21, 23:34:48
Manson died.
I remember an interview with him at the jail, he was dangerous and also an unique kind of man.
Don't know what to think about him.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-11-21, 23:48:33
That damn halfwit did so well by the way in jail.

He had an army of people getting in touch and having some kind of keen link to him. He also did well financially getting a 6-figure sum as well. Tells of the widespread mentality over there and typical of the world's top of the list nut-job country.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2017-11-26, 18:19:52
Did you know?
Donald Trump is not only the President of the United States, he is also an artist (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-11-27, 01:15:17
Yep and would do well in the entertainment industry.......
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-11-27, 16:19:04
Trump has always been doing very well in the entertainment industry.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-12-06, 19:47:58
America owns Dutch history. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2017-12-08, 10:37:01
Major US airlines will ban smart luggage with non-removable batteries starting January 15th
Quote from:
Starting January 15th, a number of major airlines will ban any "smart luggage" that features a non-removable lithium-ion battery.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2017-12-08, 11:00:36
KLM is also thinking about it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2017-12-08, 11:48:55
Luggage with non-removable batteries wouldn't be less safe than other devices with non-renewable batteries. Now, removeable batteries is a good thing, particularly for luggage, so there's that.

The Chinese approach actually makes more sense. You are not allowed to check in lithium ion batteries, but you can bring in power banks as hand luggage (up to 15 Ah). A burning battery in the cabin certainly would cause some commotion, probably an aborted flight. A burning battery in the cargo hold could in theory cause a serious fire.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-12-09, 02:47:26
Says much but not very great.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2017-12-09, 05:07:51
Hey "Energizer" Howie, how about making a point — using English? :)

Frenzie, that ( was awesome!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2017-12-11, 08:06:01
Using English for an American?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2018-05-01, 11:50:07
Grisly fire in São Paulo.
Brazil fire: São Paulo building collapses in huge blaze (

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2018-05-01, 12:55:35
Oh wow. :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2018-05-01, 20:53:51
Fires are something kind of semi-regular across the world. Recently that tragedy in Siberia. Was that fire shown here something special?
Title: Fires
Post by: Barulheira on 2018-05-02, 16:49:18
It's got videos.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2018-05-03, 08:27:03
So does the Thunderbirds episode City of Fire. :P
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2018-05-03, 13:56:33
There are a number of ways building fires can turn (very) deadly:

In principle fires should be contained and slowly spreading, if at all, in modern buildings. But if toxic fumes enters emergency exits, the exits are blocked, or the structure collapses, e.g. by cheating on the rebars, the casualties can be very high. In this case many managed to get away in time, we don't know yet how many didn't.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2018-05-04, 01:19:22
Dear oh dear Frenzie. Saying that right after the comment I put in re the Siberia fire where an awful lot of children died was wrong.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2018-05-04, 11:52:12
It seems my posts are being ignored. :left: :right:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2018-05-04, 13:04:38
Did somebody post something?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2018-05-04, 20:50:58
Well the Siberia disaster was a world news item  so access to info not exactly a secret?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2018-05-14, 00:01:01
It seems my posts are being ignored
The last one said "It's got videos."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2018-08-09, 06:09:21
Americans' Views on the Media (
Ipsos poll shows almost a third of the American people agree that the news media is the enemy
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2018-10-28, 23:56:51
Thankfully there are two Americas, North and South. Time to post about the Southern one, much more interesting than the Northern neighbors.

Bolsonaro won Brazilian presidential elections today.
It will affect the entire world.

Unlike the cultural-leftist area accuses him, he's not a fascist, not even close. He's simply an imbecile populist. The same kind of Philippine's Duterte.

In my opinion this is the first world wide consequence of big dimension against amoral capitalism. People in Brasil can't stand anymore more violence and corruption. They vote for those that promises and acts against it, no matter the cost.

Democracy is facing challenges that obviously their representatives can't match.

I'll post more about it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2018-10-29, 06:43:09
I would claim he is more dangerous than Duterte. Both could be seen as violent buffons in countries racked with crime and corruption, but Duterte is a complete outsider, while Bolsonaro may have inside help.

My view from afar is that the driver in all of the Americas, particularly the South and even more so the wiggly parts in the middle, is entrenched inequality.

Those who have it won't give it away and fear and despise those who haven't got it. Those who haven't got it want, but can't get, it. The Americas got the most violent cities, and for that matter countryside, of the whole world. Not the United States of America, though their cities are violent by Old World standards. At the same time the Americas are relatively affluent and organised (though the rest of the world is catching up).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2018-10-29, 19:51:14
Of course there's still the refugee caravan.  Coming to seek 100% legal asylum. Some 7,000 (or less) (probably less) people that seem to be the new boogieman for Trump apologists. Over 50,000 a month are caught trying to enter illegally with next to no useful or less damaging results from the administration. But lets worry about those people coming to enter according to established laws.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2018-11-03, 14:11:07
Migrant caravan

(" rel="cached" data-hash="0939952c1a994159a7c272288beb0dd5" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2018-11-08, 11:15:16
Colorado Votes To Abolish Slavery
Quote from:
[The amendment] will change Article II, Section 26 of the state's constitution, which has stated for more than 100 years: "Slavery prohibited. There shall never be in this state either slavery or involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."

The new version will shorten that second sentence to say, "There shall never be in this state either slavery or involuntary servitude."
In the US Constitution , the 13th amendment that supposedly abolished slavery reads, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist..." i.e. slavery is fine when you deserve it as punishment.
Title: Involuntary servitude
Post by: Barulheira on 2018-11-08, 15:45:11
From now on, the criminals shall rest in peace.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2018-11-09, 01:19:19
In the US Constitution , the 13th amendment that supposedly abolished slavery reads, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist..."
This is incredible.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2018-11-09, 08:28:51
It's amazing how the United States had a civil war over nothing. The southern states could have accepted Lincoln's amendment and sentence their slaves for some crime or another to slavery, to keep their state of affairs. All in compliance with law.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2018-11-14, 23:18:32
The southern states could have accepted Lincoln's amendment and sentence their slaves for some crime or another to slavery, to keep their state of affairs. All in compliance with law.
Course not. The difference is between persons and cultures, not what an idiot paragraph says.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2018-11-15, 03:49:08
The southern states could have accepted Lincoln's amendment
What amendment? His election was the catalyst. Any efforts to amend the constitution would have failed outright given ratification. Legislative power was the issue and States seceded before he took office. The issue leading to war then turned to whether or not a State could secede. Thus beginning the war of northern aggression.

At the time the cotton industry relied on the labor force as the south's industrialization wasn't yet underway. Or at least not widespread.

and sentence their slaves for some crime or another to slavery, to keep their state of affairs.
Which is exactly what happened. See Civil Rights issues.


Some States, even ex-confederate ones, have laws against chaingangs and the likes today. Others do not. The Constitution is an old document and in a time where the Brits were taking American sailors as slaves to serve on their ships such a clause was more humane than the norm, for the time. Insisting that those who have taken from society give back. The potential for abuse in such a thing is obvious.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2018-11-15, 07:11:20
and sentence their slaves for some crime or another to slavery, to keep their state of affairs.
Which is exactly what happened. See Civil Rights issues.
Yes. Which is why I said the Civil War was over nothing, i.e. it did not change much.

The Constitution is an old document and in a time where the Brits were taking American sailors as slaves to serve on their ships such a clause was more humane than the norm, for the time.
In this sentence, what does "American" mean? Surely not natives (so-called Indians)? Then who? African-Americans (really Africans)? The colonist rabble (really Brits)?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2018-11-15, 09:41:54
Yes. Which is why I said the Civil War was over nothing, i.e. it did not change much.
Hindsight is a luxury modern minds take for granted. When judging history with modern eyes people often forget what it took for them to have the capacity they do. Even if it was over nothing, it changed everything.

In this sentence, what does "American" mean? Surely not natives (so-called Indians)? Then who? African-Americans (really Africans)? The colonist rabble (really Brits)?
Oh, right. Semantics.

Context is a thing. I'm not going to commit much if all I'll be arguing is besides the point...
i.e. it did not change much.

That being said... If you have to add something to American... It's "surely" not that.

And. African-Americans aren't really Africans. Definitively not today and arguably not then either.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Not that I would even try to sum up what you just dismissed in a few paragraphs [The Civil War motives, or that last hidden bit.]. OR was even trying to do more than continue a conversation on them.

I really wasn't that concerned. But now I have to reiterate; What amendment? You seem interested in making my response seem pointless, however, your premise is not right and dismissive. Missing that and all contextual clues, where do you think that leaves me in this?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Causality can be found with context, though.  :worried:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2018-11-15, 13:00:38
Thus beginning the war of northern aggression.

I take that as an invite, and little is as delightful as discussing other people's civil wars, but this would just not be the same without the subtle historical expertise of rjhowie.

From the perspective of the European powers of the day, a Divided States of America would have been preferable.

On the bright side, judging from the current political threads we may have gotten them now, just a century and little later. That of course also applies to the Divided States of South and Central America.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2018-11-15, 16:11:37
but this would just not be the same without the subtle historical expertise of rjhowie.
Indeed. You can't appreciate how insignificant it all was until compared to a proper empire's goings-on.

From the perspective of the European powers of the day, a Divided States of America would have been preferable.
You'd think so. One wonders why the BE didn't want to be more aggressive. Aiding the Confederates was yet another chance to slap the yanks in the face. Possibly even reconvene The King's Continental Congress for another session.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2018-11-16, 00:12:07
What is that spoiler thing at ensbb3 post?

From the perspective of the European powers of the day, a Divided States of America would have been preferable.
Europeans powers of the day, yesterday as today and, probably, tomorrow, are not exactly the best for Europe.
We still live under American protection.

Merkel said it - we need an European army.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2018-11-16, 07:18:07
Merkel said it - we need an European army.
But a European army won't work when it is powered by Russian oil, I'd assume.

Then again, Hitler made something like this almost work when he attacked Russia.
Quote from:
On February 11, 1940, Germany and the Soviet Union entered into the German-Soviet Commercial Agreement... The trade pact helped Germany to surmount the British blockade of Germany.[97] The main raw materials specified in the agreement were one million tons of grain, 900,000 tons of oil and more than 500,000 tons of various metal ores (mostly iron ore) in exchange for synthetic material plants, ships, turrets, machine tools and coal.[128] The agreement also contained a "Confidential Protocol" providing the Soviet Union would undertake purchases from third party countries of "metals and other goods" on behalf of Germany.
Do we want to be like Hitler?

Edit: This reference is not random. It was not too long ago when Merkel was ultra-cozy with Putin and they envisioned visa-freedom with Russia and even an eventual EU membership for Russia. This coziness had been established by earlier Bundeskanzlers who outlined more ways to bring in more Russian oil to Germany.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2018-11-16, 10:20:18
So Russian oil is going on in the Americas?

There are three main sources of natural gas to Europe, Russia, the North Sea (particularly Norway), and North Africa, with the Middle East coming in. In addition there are some terminals for liquid natural gas (LNG), incidentally Trump's interest in European energy, the hope that Europe will buy more LNG from the US (I knew I could squeeze in the Americas). 

Russian oil is less relevant, and Middle Eastern oil more relevant. Oil is also already liquid, and shipped around the seven seas, so the world market is more liquid as well (while gas is more regional, dependent on pipelines or expensive LNG). Russia's choice is Europe or East Asia. After that little spat on the West front, Russia has preferred deals with China (Japan and Korea are interested as well, but require a different route, so China it is). 

Burning oil, gas, and coal is just part of the European energy supply (45% in 2015). 

(" rel="cached" data-hash="085becafce5393553caafa850a5eb79e" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

compared with US supply (84%): 

(" rel="cached" data-hash="ffc0ea55b569cc111327ba646c636ca1" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="

Renewable energy will increase (, but by different speed in different countries. 

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2018-11-16, 14:31:56
What is that spoiler thing at ensbb3 post?
Dramatic effect?

Click to reveal. Or don't.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2018-11-16, 14:38:48
@jax Turkey again as a European country? You always find a way to squeeze that in there.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2018-11-16, 16:26:26
OK, we are getting closer to thanksgiving, but Turkey certainly isn't American. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2018-11-17, 16:18:06
Dramatic effect?
Didn't know you were a dramatist... Tcharam!!!

Turkey will sell it's support to Europe. And Europe will gladly pay for it.
Things are changing very fast in geopolitics with a new realign motivated by the American "holidays".

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2018-11-23, 19:26:08
Didn't know you were a dramatist... Tcharam!!!
Theatrics have a place.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2018-11-24, 06:48:50
Points to @ensbb3  for de-entropising this place.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2018-12-21, 00:15:12
mr trump announced that after a major victory American forces are retiring from Siria.
Always the same, after a defeat, they retire while announcing a victory. ..
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2019-01-18, 12:22:57
The contiguous United States just lost its last wild caribou
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2019-01-18, 12:42:41
Meanwhile, we're celebrating the return of wolves, some 160 years after they were driven off quite purposefully. I doubt farmers and deer are ecstatic about that one. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Sparta on 2019-02-26, 09:22:33
why is US dollar keep dropping?

is economy in america went slow?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2019-02-26, 10:24:56
What do you mean by dropping precisely?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2019-02-26, 20:34:09
Meanwhile, we're celebrating the return of wolves,
(" rel="cached" data-hash="e5b163766f5462ae645a5826f4ff8f5a" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2019-03-10, 07:56:34
why is US dollar keep dropping?

is economy in america went slow?
Currencies cannot drop by themselves, but in comparison against other currencies or against assets. When Philippine peso is on strong ascendance, USD (and other mostly stable currencies) will necessarily seem on decline.

Peso Beats Asian Peers in Surprise Win as Philippine CPI Eases
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2019-06-16, 07:12:54
The Push to Remove Any Mention of Slavery From Vermont's Constitution
Quote from:
... Vermont, which was 95 percent white at the time of the last census, has been known for its racial liberalism since becoming the first place in the Western Hemisphere, in 1777, to outlaw slavery....

... the language [of the slavery provision of the constitution of Vermont] is ambiguous: Designed to allow apprenticeships and indentured servitude, both relatively common 18th-century practices, the document explicitly banned only slavery for adults...

" person born in this country, or brought from over sea, ought to be holden by law, to serve any person as a servant, slave or apprentice, after arriving to the age of twenty-one years, unless bound by the person's own consent, after arriving to such age, or bound by law for the payment of debts, damages, fines, costs, or the like...."
Not so sure how an "unless" allowing for "person's own consent" outlaws slavery.

There's a similar problem with the abolition-of-slavery amendment of the United States constitution:
Quote from: Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime....
To preserve slavery, the southern states could simply have declared all slaves guilty of mutiny or something.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2019-06-16, 18:34:48
21 y.o. with an unless, at that.

I suppose that's the 'unless you're a completely unlucky dumbass' clause. Then you're probably better off.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2019-08-21, 18:06:30
 :insane:  :insane: I just saw the President of the United States look to the sky and call himself "the chosen  one."  :insane:  :insane: The constitutional process for removing a lunatic like this from office is outlined in 25th Amendment to Us Constitution. 
Title: The chosen one
Post by: Barulheira on 2019-08-23, 20:37:06
Well, he is the chosen one (by your fellows). And there's nothing wrong at looking to the sky. I do it every day. It isn't raining right now.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2019-08-23, 22:03:35
He was chosen by the electoral college over the will of the American people, having lost the popular vote by 3,000,000. How anybody voted for him is beyond me, despite Clinton's issues. He's been showing himself to be a loon from the get-go.

Now he's trying to order US firms out of China via an insane tweet.

The vast amounts of money made and stolen by China from the United States, year after year, for decades, will and must STOP. Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China
The bold is mine, of course.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2019-08-24, 21:13:16
Hereby ordered? Well, if he gets some stuff passed as a law I suppose…

Apparently the US is a tax haven.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2019-08-25, 13:50:03
Hereby ordered?
Presidential decree is a thing. Under Trump, presidential decrees are a thing on Twitter.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2019-08-25, 18:58:34
That made me wonder how many Trump had used so far, apparently 120:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2019-08-29, 05:26:11
That made me wonder how many Trump had used so far, apparently 120:
I suspect they are not counting his tweets.

Here's the opinion of the business elite:

Did Trump Just Act Like Britain's King Just Before The 1776 Revolution?
Quote from:
Ordering U.S. companies out of a country it a weird thing to do in peacetime unless the move involves sanctions for perceived or actual breaches of international law.

This instance was neither of those and is especially strange given that the U.S. revolution was in large part propelled by the desire of colonial Americans to freely do trade with whomever they desired.
That Trump would be bad for diplomacy was of course obvious throughout the campaign. But now let's hope it is clear for everyone that he is bad for business on every scale.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2019-08-29, 10:00:54
China has many industrial policies and other measures that disadvantage if not outright discriminate against foreign companies, poor protection of intellectual property, and cheap financing and subsidies for state-owned firms. These are definitely breaches of WTO regulations. Forbes seems to be downplaying that rather much, even if I agree that to quit doing business is just stupid, and that there doesn't seem to be much if any rhyme or reason to what the Trump administration is doing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2019-08-30, 17:12:11
China has many industrial policies and other measures that disadvantage if not outright discriminate against foreign companies, poor protection of intellectual property, and cheap financing and subsidies for state-owned firms. These are definitely breaches of WTO regulations. Forbes seems to be downplaying that rather much...
Are you saying Trump weighed all this and decided, after careful consideration, to start the trade war? No, Trump has been cancelling international agreements and escalating trade wars in every direction, including with Europe.

And the China that we have is the China Kissinger chose when he started diplomatic relations with the mainland, blindsiding Taiwan. US always picks their partners at will and at random. The partners' qualifications or features or character does not matter in the least. E.g. Saudi Arabia is good friends...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2020-02-13, 08:10:42
Mardi Gras will soon be here!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-03-14, 15:09:33
Contrary to what a certain president claimed, DNA analysis shows that the US strain of COVID-19 seems to have been imported directly from China:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2020-03-14, 21:40:11
Speaking of it:

Coronavirus: "Made in China" oder "Made in the USA"? (

(Sorry, the article is written in German.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-03-15, 01:09:49
It is not Mardi Gras America needs it is a proper democracy.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-03-15, 10:35:07
So basically someone said something that's completely common sense and they're changing it into something outlandish. Good job.  :irked:
Zhao berief sich auf Dr. Zhong Nanshan, einem Spezialisten für Atemwegserkrankungen, der 2003 SARS entdeckt hat. Dieser hatte Ende Februar auf einer Pressekonferenz in Guangzhou gesagt: "Obwohl das COVID-19 zuerst in China entdeckt wurde, bedeutet dies nicht, dass es aus China stammt."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-03-16, 01:26:29
Preferred this when an English language site.............
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-03-16, 07:40:33
Translated by DeepL (
Zhao referred to Dr. Zhong Nanshan, a specialist in respiratory diseases who discovered SARS in 2003. He had said at a press conference in Guangzhou at the end of February: "Although COVID-19 was first discovered in China, this does not mean that it originated in China".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2020-03-16, 14:04:05
Related articles which don't need a translator since they are written in English.

China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US? (

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US (

We may never know where from the Virus originate but there is at least circumstantial evidence that it might not be China.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2020-03-17, 16:49:18
According to the incumbent squatter in the White House, he’s embracing a degree of socialism and will be sending out a $1000 check to every American over 18 in the mail in the next month.

* goes to check outside for swarms of locusts and flying pigs
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-03-17, 18:53:44
Wasn't there some guy named Andrew Yang who proposed doing exactly that?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2020-03-17, 19:38:17
Wasn't there some guy named Andrew Yang who proposed doing exactly that?
Yes, he was a nominee for the Democratic nomination.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-03-19, 00:09:59
Doesn't matter much who is in the White House and the passing labelling of the present incumbent can be given to anyone there. Just a pity for the sensibles over there that it is really corporates whether Democrat or Republican parties than run things.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2020-03-24, 12:58:41
There are a few missing links, the closest known relative to SARS-CoV-2 is the batvirus RaTG13 ( (in Yunnan province in China, bordering Indochina). Some other closely related viruses have infected pangolins, but there is no indication that a pangolin species was an intermediate for SARS-CoV-2. When we don't know what, we don't know where either. 

However we can time the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to November 2019. Given that the first patients started to come in to Wuhan hospitals in the beginning of December that would have given the virus preciously little time to travel the world. We don't know it started in Wuhan, but it is a pretty safe guess.

As for Trump's virus, it may have been born in China, but it has been many generations since it became an American immigrant and became naturalised. The US has imported a few cases from Europe, also from Iran, but otherwise the virus is as American as can be. 

You can trace the different strains ( if you are interested.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-03-25, 01:26:46
Not just a passing intellectual attempt  regarding the start as it WAS in China!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-03-30, 16:23:04
Colombia's ELN rebels call ceasefire over coronavirus (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-04-19, 09:15:20
...coronavirus is obliterating the media
Quote from:
It’s almost impossible to list off all the news organizations that are hurting, closing or firing people right now, ( ( New York Times did a recent sampling), but suffice it to say that pain is being felt in every outlet, except for a select few (which I will get to.)


Paradoxically demand for news is off the charts. People desperately want to know about all facets of the pandemic—a never-before-experienced phenomenon—plus they have more time, working from home or being jobless. Readership and viewership actually doubled at some properties in March.

But here’s the rub. Marketers won’t place their ads next to the endless parade of horrific coronavirus stories. (That’s what happens when the news turns bad—like in the wake of 9/11 for instance.) Plus, millions of businesses that would be advertising right now are shuttered, bankrupt or slashing marketing budgets. (Sports advertising for instance has gone to zero.) So while audience numbers are soaring, ad numbers are plunging.

Advertising is the problem, which is nothing new. It’s just worse now.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-04-19, 10:10:37
The local news is hit particularly hard. The enterprises that would normally advertise aren't even open. I think that other thing is more of an American oddity though.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-04-20, 00:32:40
You are a bit wrong ersi saying "a never-before-experienced phenomenon". Where is your history knowledge? In the early part of last century there was a really massive and heavily threatening world-wise health crisis that killed millions and that was due to Influenza.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: krake on 2020-04-20, 12:42:20
The American online ammunition dealer reported an increase in sales of 792 percent between 23 February and the end of March compared with the almost 40-day period before that.

The President of the U.S. has declared war on the Virus and Americans are preparing accordingly by buying guns and ammo.
What could possibly go wrong?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-04-21, 00:40:29
I think it is a mass craziness in a country that goes so daft on weaponry and using the late 18th century as an excuse.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2020-04-21, 01:38:37
Damn, knew I forgot something. brb...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2020-08-29, 08:36:57
U.N. rights office says Blake shooting was 'excessive' (

The U.N. human rights office said on Friday that the images of the shooting of Black man Jacob Blake in Wisconsin appeared to show that the police officer had used “excessive” force that was likely discriminatory in nature.

Sunday’s shooting, captured on video, showed Blake was shot in the back by a white police officer as three of his young children watched. The footage has gone viral and set off angry protests.

“From the images available that we’ve seen at this point, the police appear to have used force against Jacob Blake that would seem to be excessive,” Rupert Colville said at a virtual briefing in Geneva, saying the use of force did not appear to comply with international standards.  

“It also seems highly possible that the force used against Blake could be discriminatory in nature,” he added.
The shooting of Blake has triggered unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, with a teenager shooting three demonstrators including two fatally on Tuesday night.

Asked to comment on the incident, Colville described it as an unfortunate example of “insufficient and lax” gun control measures in the United States, saying it has issued repeated warnings to prevent such events.

“It should be inconceivable to have a 17-year old running out with an automatic rifle in a position to shoot people in such a tense situation,” he added.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-08-29, 23:39:24
Simple answer is that it is nutjobland........
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-08-30, 06:02:04
Simple answers are often wrong... And the UN is -as RJ would say- a farce!

For a more detailed telling of Blake's "interaction" with the police, see this (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-08-30, 17:06:54
The simple answer is usually the best one.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-08-31, 01:22:57
Noted,Frenzie. Of course, context matters, and quantification is generally murky in conversation... :)

Let me offer, in this case, a more precise phrasing: Early reports, specially first reports, of "news" are notoriously inaccurate. It's okay, I think, to wait for more and better sourced information before coming to a conclusion.

(And I could spin the conjunction of those two statements as something less than a contradiction. :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-08-31, 14:43:34
(And I could spin the conjunction of those two statements as something less than a contradiction. :) )
Please do! (The best Oakdale tends to come in parentheses.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-08-31, 22:40:12
The simple answer is usually the best one. Of course, simple answers are usually wrong...

I'll return to an old favorite of mine: Lord Russell wrote, "Naive realism leads to physics and physics, if true, shows that naive realism is false. Therefore, naive realism, if true, is false; therefore it is false."
Anyone here think it possible to begin with other than naive realism? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2020-09-01, 00:02:29
The simple answer is usually the best one. Of course, simple answers are usually wrong...

I'll return to an old favorite of mine: Lord Russell wrote, "Naive realism leads to physics and physics, if true, shows that naive realism is false. Therefore, naive realism, if true, is false; therefore it is false."
Anyone here think it possible to begin with other than naive realism? :)

What The Police Say Occurred


Source:      CNN (     
Sunday's incident began when a woman called police saying "her boyfriend was present and was not supposed to be on the premises," the Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation said.

In a police call, a dispatcher names Blake and says he "isn't supposed to be there" and that he took the complainant's keys and refused to leave.

The dispatcher later explains she doesn't have more details because the caller was "uncooperative."

Police said that about five minutes after the initial report, a dispatcher received reports of shots fired.

Officers had attempted to arrest Blake and used a Taser in a failed attempt to stop him, the DCI said. Blake walked around his vehicle, "opened the driver's side door, and leaned forward," the agency said.

Kenosha Officer Rusten Sheskey, who has been with the department for seven years, then fired seven times into Blake's back, the agency said. No other officer fired their weapon.

The agency said Blake admitted he had a knife in his possession, and law enforcement agents said they recovered a knife from the driver's side floorboard of Blake's vehicle.

State investigators did not indicate why police moved to arrest Blake, whether he brandished or threatened to use the knife, or why Sheskey shot so many times into Blake's back, and it does not mention his children in the vehicle or other family members standing just feet away.

Authorities said Sheskey and another officer have been placed on administrative leave. The other officers involved in the shooting will be identified soon, according to the state's attorney general.

Police rendered aid to Blake and he was flown to a Milwaukee hospital, police said.

As you all know I was an owner of a Security Agency a few years back. We trained Law Enforcement professionals & private security agents in close quarters combat as well as security-policing tactics & procedures. My instructors trained many hundreds of private & public agents as well as Municipal Police recruits & Sheriff Deputies.

The trainees were taught when firing their weapons they were to completely focus on stopping the suspect(s), not wounding. A wounded suspect is still extremely dangerous. Therefore they were always instructed to take aim at center mass. This would ensure them the very best outcome when stopping a suspect was absolutely imperative. They were all made aware that this also meant, that because of the many vital organs located at their target site (center mass), there would be a high mortality rate associated with success.

As you should know, Law Enforcement Officers are no longer issued revolvers. All police forces have gone to issuing semi-automatics, utilizing 8-13 round magazines, depending on the caliber of ammunition utilized. 

That said, I was not at all surprised to hear how many shots were fired into/at the suspect, simply because the trainees are instructed when dealing in a highly dangerous situation, & stopping the suspect is imperative to the safety of all, they are instructed to fire as many rounds as required to immobilize the suspect completely. It's the officers split-second call how many that will be. My instructors traditionally suggested 3-5 shot bursts, as to ensure the officers ability to respond immediately if more shots are required......if threats still exist. Again at the officers discretion & best judgment. A typical advanced trainee can usually empty a semi-automatic weapon, on target, in about 3-4 seconds, & exchange to a fresh magazine in about 2 seconds.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-01, 00:16:19
I remain "surprised" that no one has yet mentioned the obvious (...except in a "How dare you!" mode, to the cops!): There were two or three kids in the back of that SUV. What cop would't think of their safety first?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2020-09-01, 00:31:52
I remain "surprised" that no one has yet mentioned the obvious (...except in a "How dare you!" mode): There were two or three kids in the back of that SUV. What cop would't think of their safety first?

That's an extremely high level of consideration that the officers must always ascertain.  No one knows the motives of the suspect that day, or his mental state.  What we do know is that the suspect was willing to fight with the police. We also know the police attempted to Tase him twice, with no affect.......We also know that the suspect did not obey numerous orders given to him by the police.....repeated orders to drop the knife....drop the knife. 
Were those children potential victims? What words were exchanged the suspect, the women on scene, the other bystanders.....words to & by the officers after they arrived?

As you know, when the shots were fired, from the camera's angle of view, all shots would have been fired away from the children's back seat location.

Was the officer defending the lives of those children from a crazed, knife wielding man?

PS......the police were aware of an outstanding felony arrest warrant on the suspect, prior to arriving on the scene..... 
......Matthews said officers were aware that Blake had an open warrant for felony sexual assault before they arrived...... (

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-01, 01:53:54
And in other news-you-might-not-have-heard:

Those who live by the polls die by the polls. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-01, 04:01:07
There were two or three kids in the back of that SUV. What cop would't think of their safety first?
An American cop of course. American cops occasionally think of their own safety, but very often of nobody's safety.

American police is inexcusable with the blatant incompetence they keep demonstrating. They are just regular people with guns (and tanks! ( believing they should have special authority without having any special skills, any special character.

American cops are officer Chauvin choking a detainee to death in public under video cameras (I get it that you may feel compelled to torture some suspect a bit occasionally, but how on earth do you assume such impunity that you choke someone in public under cameras for a quarter of an hour?) and officer McMuffin filming herself while whining about a delayed muffin. Please officers, any position of authority is obviously too much for you.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2020-09-01, 04:22:02
Read This:

This suspect......Blake they call him......when Blake puts on his roller skates, he will remember forever what being an asshole got him by disobeying a direct order by the police to "....drop the knife...."

He got just what he deserved.....a life sentence on his jack-freekin'-ass.........he won't be walkin' away from no cops, no moe...ehh (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-01, 04:46:39
He won't, of course, Smiley... Malicious malice remains a bulwark against reason for more than a few. (Are you reading this, RJ? :) )

@ersi: That you'd display such ignorance in -so to speak- public makes me worry for you. I hope whatever ails you abates.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-01, 05:29:50
Blake? You mean the guy who was shot eight times in the back by a rookie officer while the other policemen did not fire a shot? Maybe because the situation did not merit it?!

As said, inexcusable. Why the rush to prove my point?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-01, 06:08:15
When dealing with a "fresh" news  story, it is reasonable to wait for the actual details to come out. What you read early on (and, as you well know, if you pay attention, what you see -- specially on cellphone videos) is a small part of what occurred... I can understand believing the first reports you're likely to have found, if you're that kind of person.
But the vitriol in your post (...your point, I take it) is indicative of a deep-seated animus.

BTW: The officer who shot Blake had seven years on the force -- not quite a rookie, eh? From where did you get that he fired eight shots?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-01, 07:40:47
When dealing with a "fresh" news  story, it is reasonable to wait for the actual details to come out. What you read early on (and, as you well know, if you pay attention, what you see -- specially on cellphone videos) is a small part of what occurred... I can understand believing the first reports you're likely to have found, if you're that kind of person.
Clearly you are that kind of person, because you picked it up first. I comment on it because you do.

But the vitriol in your post (...your point, I take it) is indicative of a deep-seated animus.
Nobody can ever beat SF's animus. His hatred of people is astonishingly deep-seated and at the same time he presents himself as a proud trainer of law enforcement. If law enforcement in USA indeed needs private tutoring from gun-mad irrationalists, it explains a lot, it really does.
BTW: The officer who shot Blake had seven years on the force -- not quite a rookie, eh?
If after seven years he still behaves like a rookie, it doesn't improve things for him. Quite the opposite.

From where did you get that he fired eight shots?
It's been reported from Blake's father ("eight holes") who got to know about it from the hospital.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-01, 09:41:50
Eight holes, seven rounds fired... Pretty good shootin'! (I say it, so SF doesn't have to! :) )

I began commenting on this incident because both our national news and some folks here had already begun...the modern "dance".
(If you're interested, ersi, you can hear -or read- a recent interview with a guy who lives four blocks from the federal courthouse in Portland, where most of the rioting has taken place: ) He's an ex-Marine, and he may be black... How many prejudices you have, I don't know.

Is SmileyFaze really full of animus? For whom? (Let me check...) Hm. So you say "His hatred of people is astonishingly deep-seated and at the same time he presents himself as a proud trainer of law enforcement" and call him a "gun-mad irrationalist".
Well, he's shared some of his qualifications that buttress his opinions... (I take him at his word; and, often, he understands things that most people don't.) Have you, ersi, ever been a policeman or a soldier? Have you any actual experience that would give you insight into the nature of such jobs and the nature and discipline of the people who do them?

(Smiley, sorry for jumping in like that... I know you can -ahem!- defend yourself. But it gives me the chance to make amends:  Read Turtledove's The Last Article (!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-09-01, 23:27:39
There will of course be exceptions regarding incompetent or utterly impossible police in the USA but in routin terms incompetent is a general practice in a land full of gun clowns.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-01, 23:56:50
As always,RJ, you make an excellent point a bleating sound, not unlike your ovine kin over the pond...
(Did you read Turtledove's story about Nehru and Gandhi?)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2020-09-02, 06:31:56
Or somewhat more topical, (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-06, 09:54:18
Eight holes, seven rounds fired... Pretty good shootin'! (I say it, so SF doesn't have to! :) )
Some count seven, some count eight. This makes a difference for officer Back-Shooter in what way?

Well, he's shared some of his qualifications that buttress his opinions... (I take him at his word; and, often, he understands things that most people don't.)
His qualifications as a trainer of policemen in USA, does it support the way the policemen of USA keep failing with guns? It may not be particularly the fault of SF's valiant attempts at training, but it is the fault of the system, and SF is both a part of and a supporter of the system.

And here is a funny thing. Policemen are a stock example of state/govt authority. SF is pro all-out-armed-and-shooting police. Yet, as a gun irrationalist, he is also anti-govt close to the point of sov-cit. How to resolve this apparent inconsistency? What exactly does he "understand" that most people don't?

(Smiley, sorry for jumping in like that... I know you can -ahem!- defend yourself.
No, he can't. He needs you to decipher the flat self-contradictory propaganda he spouts. I maintain there is no making sense of it, but you can keep trying. It leads nowhere, but at least it's amusing when you do it. When he does it, there is nothing to respond to, because he is only fighting his own ghosts.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-06, 13:08:44
Perhaps you'd consider this, ersi:
Remember way back when the California border with Mexico was a focus of illegal immigrant crossings ("coyotes" and kids, for the sex slave market, and drug well as migrants looking to work in the States or wanting to settle here). SF offered to arm and bring a crew to our border to "take care of the problem?
Do you recall that I cautioned him, that lots of us in California have guns, too, and he'd be wise not to interfere in other peoples' business?!
That was my immediate reaction then; I still feel the same. And I think illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, and the rest, remain a problem for California (and many other states!) that can only be solved by reasonable and reasonably clear immigration laws here, and cooperation with the governments of Mexico and a choice few of those Central American countries from whence many illegals come...
(I'm sure I told you how dismayed I was -when trying to re-connect with my first elementary school, the James Otis?- to find not just that an old Italian and Irish "island" was now inhabited by "Hispanics" but that the even then growing presence of MS-13 was taking its toll on everyone!?)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-06, 13:36:19
In what way should I consider this?

I happen to recall that California and Texas and everything in between used to be Mexico up to 1845. So Hispanics used to inhabit those areas, as have Native Americans, while the falsely-named "Americans" are recent immigrants there.

Another issue is the way the USA register voters for each elections, occasionally managing to exclude a significant portion of actual citizens, demonstrating that your registration of own citizens is defective, or at least that not all citizens have some self-evident rights, such as the right to vote. (Over here we have *invitation to vote* instead of voter registration.)

Having no proper registry for own citizens, "immigration laws" cannot work or solve anything. Registering own citizens properly should be basic. The prevalent mood in the USA seems to be that things must remain as they are - own citizens should have the "liberty" of being free from ID cards.

Of course immigration is a problem, but there is no point of whining about it when you stubbornly refuse solutions. And when you fail to recognise that you are recent immigrants yourself.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-07, 02:35:00
I happen to recall that California and Texas and everything in between used to be Mexico up to 1845. So Hispanics used to inhabit those areas, as have Native Americans, while the falsely-named "Americans" are recent immigrants there.
Mexico belonged to Spain, then France... The indigenous people were badly treated by both, and after "independence" badly treated by the majority that claimed Spanish ancestry.
Hispanics never did inhabit Noodle Island (East Boston) until the 1980s.
My father's family was part of the Yorkshire Immigration, in the 1770s, but that was to the Maritime provinces of Canada; and they were Tories!
The first "Americans" were not immigrants. They were colonists. After the colonies were established, immigration -properly called- began. (German and Irish and Scots, most notably.) Do you seriously contend that, unless one can trace their origins to the land they inhabit back to the last ice age, their sovereignty has no legitimacy? :)
(If so, I think you're being overly restrictive! Where are the civil rights organizations bemoaning the plight of the Neanderthals?)

About voter registration:
If your country shared a large border with another poorer one whose culture was in many ways at odds with yours, you'd take citizenship more seriously! Since the Democrats are dead set against any determination of how many actual citizens we have... And -because we've never changed it- our representatives (members of the lower house of our congress), that is, their numbers, are determined by population alone; thence their state's share of remittance from the federal purse. For populous Democrat-controlled states, this is ideal: The influence of the voting public is diluted, the power of the pols is inflated!
You say we "occasionally manage" to disenfranchise large numbers of "actual citizens". You can't spend the rest of your life viewing the world around you from a comfy perch in your WayBack Machine, ersi... Since the mid-1960s, the only people who don't vote are those who choose not to, or non-citizens.

Registering own citizens properly should be basic. The prevalent mood in the USA seems to be that things must remain as they are - own citizens should have the "liberty" of being free from ID cards.
I'm confused: What is your point, since you both decry ID cards but insist a rational state must "register" its citizens?
Help me out here. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-07, 04:12:35
Do you seriously contend that, unless one can trace their origins to the land they inhabit back to the last ice age, their sovereignty has no legitimacy? :)
Pragmatically, legitimacy is a sliding continuum. It's not that you have no legitimacy. Rather, you pretend that you have more legitimacy (namely all of it while Hispanics supposedly have none of it) but you don't.

About voter registration:
If your country shared a large border with another poorer one whose culture was in many ways at odds with yours, you'd take citizenship more seriously!
Oh man. After all these years, you still have not taken a look at the map. If you feel threatened by Mexico (why not by territorially far bigger Canada?), then Estonia absolutely must feel threatened by Russia.

And yes, Estonian law does take citizenship very seriously, by restricting dual citizenship - if you want to become a citizen of Estonia, you are supposed to give up what other citizenships you have. In practice, there is also a corrupt "honorary" citizenship in place and some other abused exceptions.

Since the Democrats are dead set against any determination of how many actual citizens we have...
False of course. It's both of the parties, and the Republicans more so than the Democrats.

You say we "occasionally manage" to disenfranchise large numbers of "actual citizens". You can't spend the rest of your life viewing the world around you from a comfy perch in your WayBack Machine, ersi... Since the mid-1960s, the only people who don't vote are those who choose not to, or non-citizens.
This is neither from the 60's nor from WayBack Machine. It's this year, ongoing

I'm confused: What is your point, since you both decry ID cards but insist a rational state must "register" its citizens?
Help me out here. :)
Perhaps it helps when you realise that I don't decry ID cards. Where did you get the idea that I do?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-07, 05:53:59
The prevalent mood in the USA seems to be that things must remain as they are - own citizens should have the "liberty" of being free from ID cards.
I'd thought the Democrats' problem with voter ID laws -that they're discriminatory- was what you meant by "hav[ing] the liberty of being free from ID cards"...
 You say "the Republicans more so than the Democrats" don't want to determine how many citizens reside here. How do you support this counter-factual claim?
Oh man. After all these years, you still have not taken a look at the map. If you feel threatened by Mexico (why not by territorially far bigger Canada?), then Estonia absolutely must feel threatened by Russia.
We don't "feel threatened" by what we see on the map; it's the actual numbers of migrants of all stripes actually crossing those borders that is worrisome. (There's never been a mass migration from Canada to the U.S.; nor from the U.S. to Canada. --My family is an exception: Many have crossed both ways fairly often!)

I read the article in the Miami Herald...
After calculating the number of voters who had died, had addresses that the Postal Service considered not “mailable,” among other factors, the report came to the lower figure of 198,351 voters who still lived at their registered address and were therefore wrongfully removed.
How many of those "wrongfully removed" voters then renewed their registration?
I mis-trust many so-called data collection and analysis outfits (remember Cambridge Analytica? :) ); and much of what the ACLU (...if ever an organization was mis-named!) is inimical to civil liberties...
(Two other organizations that top the list of the mis-named: The NAACP and the SPLC. Should be NAALiberalCP and SWanna-be-richLawfare C, which works well for mostly activist lawyers...)

Your proposition concluding "then Estonia absolutely must feel threatened by Russia" amused me! Yeah. What's the worst that could happen? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-07, 08:51:49
Okay, you are not in the mood for actual replies. This drastically reduces my enthusiasm for discussion too.

You say "the Republicans more so than the Democrats" don't want to determine how many citizens reside here. How do you support this counter-factual claim?
You said "the Democrats are dead set against any determination of how many actual citizens we have..." earlier. Back up your claim first. Since I know you can't and won't do it...

it's the actual numbers of migrants of all stripes actually crossing those borders that is worrisome.
Since you haven't defined citizens, you cannot claim to know the actual numbers of migrants of all stripes. Had you a solid definition of citizens, there would be no dispute about e.g. whether Obama is a citizen or not. A self-caused problem.
How many of those "wrongfully removed" voters then renewed their registration?
Thus you completely self-debunk your previous claim that "Since the mid-1960s, the only people who don't vote are those who choose not to, or non-citizens."

It turns out that in order to vote in USA, some need to cross the hurdle of having been removed from the registration. In order to renew their registration, they'd need to be informed that they were removed. There's a govt office removing people from voter registration. Is there also a govt office informing people that they have been removed from voter registration?

Compare how it works over here. Every household gets invitations to voting. There is no need to register, as every citizen registered to a particular address (based on the population registry) is invited. Regardless of getting the invitation, every citizen gets to vote with ID card on voting day. The invitation is not the permission to vote. The ID card is. As a bonus, we have no need for something like ACLU.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-07, 11:36:52
How many of those "wrongfully removed" voters then renewed their registration?
Hopefully most, but that's irrelevant. The fact that such hurdles exist is clearly by design.

Compare how it works over here. Every household gets invitations to voting. There is no need to register, as every citizen registered to a particular address (based on the population registry) is invited. Regardless of getting the invitation, every citizen gets to vote with ID card on voting day. The invitation is not the permission to vote. The ID card is. As a bonus, we have no need for something like ACLU.
We do (at least traditionally) need the invitation itself, but evidently every registered citizen automatically receives an invitation.[1]

There was a municipal election one time while i was quite busy and I completely forgot about it. Around 7 or 8 PM I realized I'd forgotten about it, so I grabbed my invitation and rushed over to the local polling station before it closed at 9 PM.

In America (or at least in Cook County) it's not from 7:30 AM - 9 PM, but from 9 AM - 5 PM. Good luck getting there before or after work if you can't get (part of) the day off. And you forgot to register? Well, you're SOL. In Belgium they typically (always?) vote on Sunday, so they can get away with similarly restricted opening hours. In the Netherlands that's as of yet considered incompatible with the Sunday rest.

This is the difference between people not voting on account of being lazy, forgetful or purposefully choosing not to, and actively erecting barriers to ensure as few people as possible will vote.
There are some minor exceptions like myself. Living abroad, I did have to explicitly register because I'm not automatically part of any Dutch municipal register. As many Dutch people abroad, I'm registered to vote by mail in the municipality of The Hague, which is specifically tasked with that responsibility.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-07, 12:23:07
You said "the Democrats are dead set against any determination of how many actual citizens we have..."
Did you notice the row over a re-introduction of a citizenship question? It went to the U.S. Supreme Court!
When I hear the arguments against including a "citizenship question, " my first reaction is to wonder, just how stupid are our immigrants? They won't respond to the census because they're afraid to answer... How long can someone have been here, legal or illegal, and not know that the Census Bureau does not disclose individuals' data -- to anyone! (Yes, I've worked for the Bureau...)

Since you haven't defined citizens
I had a civics class in grade school, ersi! An American citizen is (1) native born, per the Constitution's 14th Amendment, (2) a naturalized immigrant, per the laws written by Congress, or (3) a child born of at least one (with some exceptions, prescribed by Congress) American citizen. (That was the bit that almost caught Obama! But, if his 1st publisher hadn't touted his foreign birth, it wouldn't likely have come up...)
you cannot claim to know the actual numbers of migrants of all stripes
But the numbers of those apprehended for felonies who are found not to be citizens -- that actual number is, shall we say, large enough to be indicative of a serious problem?
Thus you completely self-debunk your previous claim
Mistakes happen... What is the number of those "wrongfully removed" from the voting roles who renewed their registration? (I'll bet no source other than anecdote exists... And I wouldn't be surprised to find no verifiable anecdotal case.)
There's a govt office removing people from voter registration. Is there also a govt office informing people that they have been removed from voter registration?
Yes. It's the Secretary of State -for each state, and usually an elected office- that has that responsibility, maintaining accurate, up-to-date voter roles. If someone doesn't respond to a post card (which can be done by filling out some basic information on it, signing it, and dropping it into any mailbox), it can reasonably be assumed that they've moved and not filed a change-of-address with a post office; or that they doesn't care to register; or has registered in another which case, they've not been wrongfully removed.
Still, some will slip between the cracks. One's status is both easy to check and easy to amend.
Every household gets invitations to voting. There is no need to register, as every citizen registered to a particular address (based on the population registry) is invited. Regardless of getting the invitation, every citizen gets to vote with ID card on voting day. The invitation is not the permission to vote. The ID card is.
We don't have a "population registry"... What do you do when a non-citizen wants to vote, since he has an invitation? You check his ID. The Dems have been fighting against requiring any sort of ID at the polls, even though a state-issued ID -usually free to obtain- is required for any sort of government benefit! (A driver's license is also a state-issued ID; and a birth certificate would suffice.)
It seems you don't really disagree with me much on this issue. (Does your contentiousness stem from some unstated -or unconscious- animus, I wonder..?)

In short: Any eligible voter who wishes to vote may easily do so. (Even if one isn't on the rolls, a provisional ballot can be cast, so that no one is excluded by misadventure...) But voting isn't a requirement of citizenship, though it should be considered a civic duty.
we have no need for something like ACLU
Of course, you have the EU Human Rights Commission, don't you? :) Or do you need to go to the UN?
The ACLU is a private (non-governmental, you've heard of such?) organization: Advocates for a plethora of "causes". There are others with the same mission who better remain true than does the ACLU!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-07, 13:14:20
but evidently every registered citizen automatically receives an invitation
We don't have a "citizen registry"... :)
About Cook County: and
This is the difference between people not voting on account of being lazy, forgetful or purposefully choosing not to, and actively erecting barriers to ensure as few people as possible will vote. (emphasis added)
Question begged not just adequately but completely! :)
But not to worry! Actual knowledge of circumstances here would obviate it... (I'll wait.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-07, 14:14:53
We don't have a "citizen registry"...
IDs/driver's licenses have an address requirement as well as a requirement to keep the address up to date, and if they're required anyway it's an unwelcome additional hurdle to have to request things that you have a constitutional right to.

About Cook County: ( and (
My implicit point was how comparatively bad even Illinois is. Had I been an Illinoisan, my anecdote from some 15 years ago would've resulted in me not voting in that particular election. Because I was in the Netherlands, I did get to vote. Any additional hurdle increases the chance that someone drops out along the way, and some hurdles affect certain groups much more than others. Something doesn't have to be explicit disenfranchisement or capital B Bad to be a problem worth fixing, although it seems to me that some of the things happening in the US (such as recently in Wisconsin) are shameful if not capital B Bad.

But not to worry! Actual knowledge of circumstances here would obviate it... (I'll wait.)
Oh, I don't know, here are some commonly known facts. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-07, 14:58:20
My implicit point was how comparatively bad even Illinois is.
:) Even when I was a kid, Illinois was famous for its number of voters, deceased, who still managed to get to the polls!
John Kennedy said himself that the Get-out-the-vote effort in Chicago needed funding... To his father, who replied, "I'm willing to buy you the election... But I'll be damned if I'll pay for a landslide!"
Any additional hurdle increases the chance that someone drops out along the way, and some hurdles affect certain groups much more than others. Something doesn't have to be explicit disenfranchisement or capital B Bad to be a problem worth fixin

IDs/driver's licenses have an address requirement as well as a requirement to keep the address up to date, and if they're required anyway it's an unwelcome additional hurdle to have to request things that you have a constitutional right to. (underling added)
That's the simple point I've been trying to get you reasonable folk to understand: The Democrats oppose any ID/Driver's license requirement.... To them, that's disenfranchisement!
Must Americans be taken by the hand like children and be monitored as they vote? I don't buy that. The Dems do.

Can one vote in the Netherlands, if one doesn't have ID? :)

here are some commonly known facts
From your source:
This article has multiple issues.
  • This article may be unbalanced towards certain viewpoints. (August 2019)
  • This article may lend undue weight to certain ideas, incidents, or controversies. (November 2019)
  • This article needs to be updated. (November 2019)
As Ronald Reagan said a long time ago: "It's not what you don't know, it's what you know that ain't so..."
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-07, 16:11:14
Did you notice the row over a re-introduction of a citizenship question? It went to the U.S. Supreme Court!
Your sources allege nefarious motives to the Republican push for the citizenship question in census. Can you show such motives are not there?

First off, the citizenship question in census does not jibe well with the libertarian-slanted Republican values, such as the "thin government" promises and the sov-cit ideology. Therefore, in the light of the controversy as per your sources and also tentatively acknowledging that we Europeans don't know and much that we know about America "ain't so", those nefarious motives cannot be ruled out.

By the way, many Hispanics - your primary example for illegal immigrants - tend to vote Republican. Marco Rubio is a Republican, which seems to be the case with the whole Cuban-descent bunch. Due to Catholic family values, most of the rest of the Hispanic community leans the same way.

Both parties like to play the gerrymandering and the voter-fraud game. The solution would not be too difficult - such controversies do not exist in any civilised country. It's just that USA refuses to be civilised.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-07, 17:47:30
That's the simple point I've been trying to get you reasonable folk to understand: The Democrats oppose any ID/Driver's license requirement.... To them, that's disenfranchisement!
Must Americans be taken by the hand like children and be monitored as they vote? I don't buy that. The Dems do.

Can one vote in the Netherlands, if one doesn't have ID?
What I left implicit but meant to hint at with the word "if" is that if you require things such as IDs the state has an obligation to make such things as IDs cheaply and easily available. It's a different side of the same coin. I would imagine these Democrats object to a specific combination of factors.

In the Netherlands you've needed both your voting pass (invitation) and your ID since shortly after I was first allowed to vote iirc. Back in 2010 the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that the ID is allowed to be expired for a maximum period of 5 years because 60,000 people were turned away when they went to cast their ballot, which mainly disenfranchised the elderly. You don't even need any nefarious intentions to accidentally disenfranchise voters. At least, it seems unlikely that the leading Christian government party with a disproportionally large number of elderly voters would purposefully disenfranchise 60,000 of what may well be mainly their own voters.

As Ronald Reagan said a long time ago: "It's not what you don't know, it's what you know that ain't so..."
That's a basic tenet of critical thinking, albeit in an incomplete form. You have to think about what would prove you wrong, and you have to steelman the opposing argument for that. "Oregon" may well be a valid answer in my case; it more or less implements what I sketched earlier. But there's a not particularly subtle difference between "we'll get there, and besides it's not so bad" and "everything's already fine and dandy." Another thing potentially worth noting is Election Day voter registration, which depending on how it's implemented could get around any concerns in that regard besides notification.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-08, 07:34:07
Your sources allege nefarious motives to the Republican push for the citizenship question in census. Can you show such motives are not there?
I don't know, ersi... But when did you stop beating your wife? You reprobate! :)
the citizenship question in census does not jibe well with the libertarian-slanted Republican values
And most certainly not all Republicans are libertarian-leaning. (I remember an early-for-me issue of the National Review whose letter column received a missive from a grade-schooler: "Dear Mr Buckley," it read. "My teacher tells me that antidisestablishmentarianism is the longest word in the dictionary. Is that so?" Buckley replied "Yes. And I'm for it!"
The tomato family is out for a Sunday stroll and Junior lags behind. Papa stops, waits, and swats the boy, squishing him, saying "Ketchup..."
those nefarious motives cannot be ruled out
And even your limited formal logic admits, you can't prove a negative.
Also, I still like the admonition: Never ascribe to malice what plain incompetence can explain!
By the way, many Hispanics - your primary example for illegal immigrants - tend to vote Republican. Marco Rubio is a Republican, which seems to be the case with the whole Cuban-descent bunch. Due to Catholic family values, most of the rest of the Hispanic community leans the same way.
Sort-of true, ersi. Those of Cuban extraction do tend to lean Republican. And you'd think -for the reasons you cite- that Mexican (and Central American) emigrants would, too. But they generally vote Democrat, in large part. (It's a similar situation with American blacks: By and large, they're church-going and conservative, hard-working and industrious; But for the most part they largely vote Democratic... That seems to be changing, which I think a good thing, and long overdue.)
Both parties like to play the gerrymandering and the voter-fraud game. The solution would not be too difficult - such controversies do not exist in any civilised country. It's just that USA refuses to be civilised.
Oh, indeed they do! The term was named for an early governor of Massachusetts, the state where I grew up! [Go ahead: I'm expecting your jibe... :)] We're rubes or barbarians to many in Europe, I know. Yet if the Enlightenment is to continue we are the last best hope, no? :)

if you require things such as IDs the state has an obligation to make such things as IDs cheaply and easily available
Most states I've been in do. I know our federal system strikes most Europeans as bizarre, but it is what it is: Rules vary.
Election day registration is allowed in a few states.

Oregon! What can I say about Oregon?
Have you followed the 100+ days of "protests" in Portland? Heard the varried pronouncements from its mayor? :(
This sort of "exhuberance" shall we call it? It has manifested in Portland often. During the 70s and 80s, many of California's wildest and weirdest went north to the wooded wildernesses of Oregon and Washington state... They prospered and proselytized and procreated! Now, the mainly conservative denizens of the central, non-coastal, eastern areas of those states refuse to bear the stigma of those big-city liberals and anarchists -- to the point that there are movements afoot for a number of their counties to "join" Idaho, leaving the crazies behind...
So California -The Land of Fruits and Nuts!- is most to blame for the unrest in our Pacific Northwest. But our remorse buys us no solace: We've cultivated yet another few generations of anarchists and "Democrats," who -having gained political control of the state- seem determined to destroy it, economically and demographically.
There's still two weak movements seeking to split California into two or three states...  And, of course, there's Texas: :)
All I can say for Oregon and Washington for sure is that there's a lot of mighty pretty country, and the weather ain't too bad, mostly...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-08, 09:15:05
Most states I've been in do. I know our federal system strikes most Europeans as bizarre, but it is what it is: Rules vary.
If rules across Europe vary less, and that's a big if, ;) it'd probably be because [insert state] presented a superior model to be emulated.

Here in Belgium voting is compulsory. In that sense it's arguably more different than any of the differences between the US and all (?) other European states.,_OWID.svg
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-08, 11:08:13
I'll follow your link later, Frenzie... For now, let me state that I'd known of no non-Communist (or non-totalitarian) country where voting was required!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-08, 12:05:00
Voting as such isn't required of course — with the exception of North Korea, where votes aren't secret, and presumably there are several states where they claim votes are secret while they actually aren't.

In 1893, when the right to vote was extended to all male Belgian citizens under a conservative Catholic government,[1] voting was made obligatory to prevent employers from pressuring the lower classes into not voting. For Flemish elections (municipality, province, region) this will end starting with the next elections in 2024, but I assume that means the Belgian national elections and European elections will remain obligatory, since that wouldn't be the Flemish parliament's purview. I'd have to look it up. In any case, you can see how a combination of factors (e.g., voting on Sunday, labor laws to ensure a resting day on Sunday) make it so that there's no opposition since the underlying reason is no longer sufficiently relevant.

In the Netherlands it was obligatory to show up to vote from 1917-1970 for a similar reason. It was replaced by employers being mandated to grant a two hour leave to vote on election day.

Bulgaria went against all trends from the past 50+ years by introducing compulsory voting back in 2016, but the Constitutional Court shot it down.

Thailand has apparently directly copied the Belgian system, and also has obligatory showing up to vote.

Australia and Luxembourg are also well-known for having compulsory voting.
I add this to emphasize that we're not talking about a liberal, unionist or socialist-led government.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2020-09-08, 15:19:33
Australia and Luxembourg are also well-known for having compulsory voting.
Compulsory voting is proper of people who doesn't have the slightest idea about the difference between duties and rights.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-08, 16:15:43
While I'm vehemently against the practice, you have to consider it within the 1893 context. It empowered the lower classes to take their right to vote without getting bogged down in court cases that they were probably going to effectively lose even if they won anyway. It may not be the most elegant way to do it, but it was an effective method the reasons for which are no longer relevant in 2020 (or perhaps rather 1960, but oh well).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-08, 18:06:02
those nefarious motives cannot be ruled out
And even your limited formal logic admits, you can't prove a negative.

Also, I still like the admonition: Never ascribe to malice what plain incompetence can explain!
It's not a logic thing. It's a fact thing. And you don't need to prove a negative. You need to disprove a positive. Such as this:
Quote from:
After Thomas B. Hofeller, a Republican strategist, died last summer, his estranged daughter found hard drives in her father’s house whose contents revealed that he had written a report in 2015 saying that adding a citizenship question to the census would give Republicans a significant advantage in drawing new legislative district lines.

At the same time that he was pressing the Trump administration to add the question, Mr. Hofeller’s files revealed, he also wrote a portion of a draft Justice Department letter arguing that adding the question was critical to enforcing voting rights.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-08, 22:37:33
adding a citizenship question to the census would give Republicans a significant advantage in drawing new legislative district lines
i.e., redrawing districts to enhance citizen participation... That's a bad thing? (Well, of course it is! if too many citizens don't vote Democrat... :) )
arguing that adding the question [of citizenship] was critical to enforcing voting rights is wrong, if the votes protected might be for Republicans? :)
I see you remain a fan of the Duranty Times (
And a begger of questions, still! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-09, 10:07:39
You seem to be operating under the false assumption that I am siding with the Democrats. I don't. Let both parties bicker with each other.

If the question is so important for the Republicans, then why did they not push it through? They have the majority. They were able to block the impeachment, even when everybody knows that Trump belongs to jail or at least under business ban.

Furthermore, I am not opposed to the citizenship question in census. It is a normal thing in continental Europe. The manner in which it is an issue in USA is a problem for the USA.

You may think Repubs have a solution, but apparently they themselves don't think so, otherwise they would have pushed it through. It definitely appears there's some other ulterior motive that they actually wanted to achieve by raising the question, and the ulterior motive got them stuck.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-09, 11:58:35
If the question is so important for the Republicans, then why did they not push it through? They have the majority.
The Republican majority is razor-thin, and a vote of 60 or more is required to secure cloture... On top of that, some Republican senators seem to prefer being in the minority!
The House of Representatives has a large Democrat majority...
everybody knows that Trump belongs to jail or at least under business ban
For what crime or offense? (I suspect, for being Trump... :) )

What generally comes of an "everybody knows" assertion is an eventual realization that "everybody" was wrong!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-09, 13:47:59
Besides obstruction of justice and extorting the president of Ukraine? One could go on for a disturbingly long time. It's not like "being Trump" in the relevant sense means his hair looks stupid or something.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-09, 15:07:55
To what Frenzie said, I should add that I did not see anybody really defending Trump. Those who voted against the impeachment voted against it just to be partisan, not because the crimes were not there. Some offered the defense that Trump already learned his lesson by virtue of having to face the impeachment procedure (and Trump of course demonstrated that he had learned nothing the next day.)

That Trump brings shame to the presidential office both internationally and internally and is a fatal security threat to his own country was clear to everyone, beyond a shadow of doubt, on his first meeting with Putin at the latest. By then it was too late already. Any of the USA's famous checks and balances have failed to operate.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-09-09, 23:41:31
The man before Trump was no great advantage when it comes to balance. He could be internationally militant and giving the right impression was not something automatically that distant from Trump. Time after time Obama would appear on  a platform with a prospective speech and his shirt sleeves partly rolled up. Childish nonsense and he also often ran up plane boarding steps or down them, ugh. Not very proper for a Head of State meant to act with dignity. At the start of his first term made great ballyhoo about clearing that US army base in a foreign country that didn't want"democratic" America there at all (Cuba).

Doesn't matter who is in the White House of the only two parties allowed in as neither helps the over 40 million poor Americans.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-10, 07:35:43
Besides obstruction of justice and extorting the president of Ukraine?
These are legal matters, and I dare say that I'm better qualified to judge them than you...
One could go on for a disturbingly long time.
And indeed many do! But they're mostly pulling crap out their arses (lying; making things up) or referring to policy disputes.
Those who voted against the impeachment voted against it just to be partisan, not because the crimes were not there
Perhaps some few did. But more than a few in the Senate are lawyers and former prosecutors themselves, and know better than "Shifty" Schiff and "Nasty" Nadler.
Did you know that the bill of impeachment passed the House without a single Republican vote? That's the first time in our history that's happened!
Even the report turned in by the So-Very Special Counsel Muller didn't reach that conclusion ("collusion," obstruction or other "high crimes and misdemeanors"), so Muller's stenographer (I suspect it was Weissmann, a lawyer with a history...) punted! (It's a term ( referring to an American football play: No-one expects it to be recovered...)
I'm sorry to say, the angst and anger really does boil down to "Orange Man Bad," which is to state the un-remarkably obvious: Trump is uncouth, nontraditional, and surprisingly effective, as president of the U.S.! 

[Re: Obama] Not very proper for a Head of State meant to act with dignity.
Of course, you had to chime in... :)
Two things prepared me for his term(s) in office. One, though he'd been editor of the Harvard Law Review and a lecturer at U. Chicago's Law School, he never published a scholarly paper... And, two, when he made his first visit to GB he presented the Queen Mum with -- recordings of his own speeches! Even I thought, "How gauche!"
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-10, 13:27:44
These are legal matters, and I dare say that I'm better qualified to judge them than you...
Possibly, I don't know your background. If you're just a layman like me who happens to enjoy reading the occasional court case for the philosophy contained therein we might be less different than you think.[1] ;) My point was simply that you were somewhat facetiously pretending not to understand what @ersi might be referring to.

or referring to policy disputes.
Implementing policy in unconstitutional ways is a dangerous precedent that I believe we should all be against. I for one am against several policies that I broadly agree with for that very reason. (E.g., some of the corona response here in Belgium.) Also it just gives more ammunition to opponents who are against the policy tout court, which is a very ineffective way of getting things done.
For example, Gorsuch produced an excellent philosophical textualist argument recently in that was well worth reading. Being "American" or "Dutch" only gives an uninterested random person on the street a minor starting advantage or perhaps even a disadvantage due to pop culture misrepresentation.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-10, 14:40:41
Implementing policy in unconstitutional ways is a dangerous precedent that I believe we should all be against [...] Also it just gives more ammunition to opponents who are against the policy tout court, which is a very ineffective way of getting things done.
Agreed! With a BUT: If you mean executive orders (for instance, Obama's EO creating the DACA...), then, yes; if you mean Trump's EO over-turning any of Obama's EOs, then no; an EO -constitutional or not- is only law until and unless over-turned by the chief executive...whoever he happens to be at the time. Except for the usurpations of the various circuit courts...
(An older and perhaps more problematical tradition is the Signing statement (

I was not being facetious with ersi, I was being serious... I reject pronouncements of verdicts from the court of public opinion. as a rule. (As a jurist, he'd make a fine lynch-mob leader!) The prosecutors in the House drew up the charges, and argued their case.  The "jury" voted -I believe, on the evidence presented- and failed to convict.
Was their verdict political as well? Of course! Impeachment is a political tool much more than it is a legal indictment; and trying it before the Senate bears scant resemblance to a prosecution in a court of law.
If someone voices his opinion but also presumes to supplant both judge and jury, they should explain their office... And as I've said, the "everybody knows" or "most agree" constructions don't convince or persuade me. They're not evidence pertinent to the charges; neither are charges left un-made by the actual Articles of Impeachment a further indictment. (The House is free to hold more hearings. draw up new Articles, and bring a new impeachment to the floor. I doubt they have the cojones to try, despite the widely held desire among an increasingly powerful bloc of Democrats!)

Your footnote makes a valid point, which I'd evade ("swerve," in Howie-speak :) ) by noting my age, the facts that reading Bastiat and Levi's "Introduction to Legal Reasoning" -among others- while still virtually a lad led me to reviewing and renewing my early familiarity with the U.S. Declaration of Independence (and commentaries co-eval and contemporary) and the U.S. Constitution (likewise) and keeping a keen eye on the doings of our higher courts...
I enjoy reading well-written and well-reasoned decisions and orders from the Supremes. (Scalia, for stolid textual-ism and sparkling wit, often impish! Thomas, for a textual-ism firmly founded in conservatism; and the clearest, purest style I've seen from the Supreme Court!)
Also, note: I grew up in Cambridge! Harvard was a part of my stomping grounds throughout my teens! And occasionally later...
To boot: I've followed the "career" of Joe Biden since Rbt. Bork's nomination... Bork was his generation's premier Administrative Law scholar, and the Senate rejected him! (They tried to reject Thomas too -in the same fashion they tried to prevent Kavenaugh from joining the associates. Their arguments against Gorsuch were, shall we say, trumped up?!) What of John Roberts, you ask? You can easily read about his confirmation battle; you'll recognize at least some few of the players' names! :)
I could bring up Alito, but I believe I've made my point. You wouldn't want me to belabor it, would you?
The pattern's obvious!

(Did my "swerve" let me past your complaint/admonition? :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-10, 16:52:50
I was not being facetious with ersi, I was being serious... I reject pronouncements of verdicts from the court of public opinion. as a rule.
On the point of impeachment, you reject the opinion that all the Democrats happen to share and you are siding with the Republicans, as if the Democrat opinion were from the court of public opinion, but the Republican side the law. In reality it is just how the balance of partisan powers happens to be at this time. You can hardly get any more facetious, dude!

Even the report turned in by the So-Very Special Counsel Muller didn't reach that conclusion ("collusion," obstruction or other "high crimes and misdemeanors"), so Muller's stenographer (I suspect it was Weissmann, a lawyer with a history...) punted!
First, Muller himself is of the Republican party, so what if everything dubious about him could have something to do with his partisanship? Second, wasn't it so that Muller himself argued that his role was not to reach conclusions?

So what are you saying? By reaching no conclusions, just listing the facts (which fulfill the criteria of collusion[1] just fine), did he carry out his role properly or did he not? In the latter case the matter remains unresolved, not solved, and the people got scammed by the political process yet again. In the former case the matter was duly turned over to the court of partisan opinion and reached its conclusion exactly in that manner.
And don't try to pretend that there is no such legal term or that you don't know what is being meant. The term was chosen to kindly avoid accusing the president of outright conspiracy. Of course, it turned out that it was a bad idea to be kind to the criminal.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-10, 19:09:36
You can hardly get any more facetious, dude!
The House impeached. The Senate failed to convict... [1] (
Mueller himself is of the Republican party, so what if everything dubious about him could have something to do with his partisanship?
Besides the point...
wasn't it so that Mueller himself argued that his role was not to reach conclusions?
Mueller [sorry for my previous misspelling...] followed the remit given him by Rosenstein: his probe was a counterintelligence investigation; even so, he was bound by statute to pursue any crime he uncovered, and seek such indictments as he would

1 Treanor, William Michael, The Case of the Dishonest Scrivener: Gouverneur Morris and the Creation of the Federalist Constitution (February 5, 2019). Michigan Law Review, Vol. 119, Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: or ↵ (
pp.71-75; III. g., i. & ii.

(I obviously don't understand the mechanics of a linked footnote! Help! Someone point me in the right direction? :) )
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-10, 19:19:53
The Senate failed to convict...
The courts of law failed to convict Al Capone too, of murder, or of organised crime, or of selling bootleg booze. He was convicted only of tax evasion. Does that mean he was innocent? Does that mean this is exactly how justice is supposed to work?

As you were, dude.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-10, 20:18:31
The Senate failed to convict. Case over!
As I said, the House is free to try again... (You can claim "prosecutorial incompetence", but -if you read the brief section linked to in my previous post- to confuse that with justice-denied, as though you were an angry god... Such hauteur! I don't know why you don't get it, ersi.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-09-11, 16:56:12
The Senate failed to convict. Case over!
When you underline it like this, it looks like you are saying that justice miscarried. I'd say it's a reasonable middle ground. But when justice miscarries, it's not case over in any sensible way.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2020-09-11, 17:44:39
Wonder if OakdaleFTL was President would that be a help?.....!!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-11, 21:46:11
it looks like you are saying that justice miscarried
No. I'm emphasizing the correct terminology, from the viewpoint of the Democrats.
But when justice miscarries, it's not case over in any sensible way.
New to the real world, are you? :) But nescire quaedam magna pars sapientiae est, no?!

if OakdaleFTL was President
I'm pretty sure I mentioned a long time ago that Bill Clinton took the spot I'd aimed for since I was a boy... Just as well, I suppose. You've seen how some people react to the Donald from Queens. Imagine how they've have dealt with the likes of me? :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2020-09-12, 09:30:11
My Latin phrase book tells me you're quoting Hugo de Groot. Go Dutchies go!  :wizard:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-09-12, 10:28:19
Sir-a, I have always depended upon the kindness of translators! :) Wisdom abounds, and language barriers are fewer and fewer... Good times, for the "independent" (and, perhaps, little-schooled) scholar.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-12-20, 19:52:52
The State-Sponsored Hackers Are Winning
Quote from:
Over several months last spring, hackers reportedly tied to the Kremlin slipped through digital backdoors on government and corporate networks worldwide and installed malware that sat dormant for up to two weeks. When the planted code awoke, masquerading as familiar, friendly software, it had the power to transfer and execute files, profile and disable systems, and reboot computers.

The malware piggybacking on products made by SolarWinds Corp., a major supplier of information technology software, had such sweeping authority that it entered “God-mode” — bypassing encryptions so that it could see and control everything on a network. To cover their tracks, the hackers replaced legitimate tools and utilities with their own and, after their time bombs were released, restored the legitimate files. By targeting SolarWinds’ supply chain, the malware deposited itself on victims’ networks whenever they updated SolarWinds software. The attacks, which also may have been coordinated through email hacks, were still ongoing when they were made public Sunday and stretched from North America and Europe to the Middle East and Asia.


The government has been largely mum, although the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, a federal body housed within Homeland Security that monitors digital security, issued a rare warning on Sunday and Monday noting that the attack “poses unacceptable risks to the security of federal networks.”
Many great links in the original article.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-12-21, 02:11:42
"The attacks, which also may have been coordinated through email hacks, were still ongoing when they were made public Sunday and stretched from North America and Europe to the Middle East and Asia."
I post this for your benefit, ersi, because you might have missed it...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2020-12-21, 10:31:40
When spying was a thing proper of human beings, not electronic machines, the Soviets stolen the plans of the British-French marvellous airplane - le Concorde and made their own supersonic, the Tupolev TU-144 (

The Tupolev crashed ( at it's world presentation at the world famous Paris - Le Bourget air show.

Beware of the Chinese, those makes the stolen things to work effectively.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-12-21, 11:01:07
"The attacks, which also may have been coordinated through email hacks, were still ongoing when they were made public Sunday and stretched from North America and Europe to the Middle East and Asia."
I post this for your benefit, ersi, because you might have missed it...
You mean they attacked Europe too? We give them sanctions
Whereas Trump denies anything happened. Quite a difference.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2020-12-24, 00:01:43
You mean they attacked Europe too? We give them sanctions
...and yet...! "It's the second time ever the EU imposes sanctions on cyberattackers. Over the summer, countries agreed to impose travel bans and asset freezes on notorious Russian, Chinese and North Korean hacker groups behind large-scale cyberattacks on European countries and companies in past years."
Sanctions on "hacker groups"?! :)
"Badin is also on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's wanted list for his involvement in the hacking of the 2016 presidential election." Meaning the supposed hack of the DNC, I suppose. The one where the FBI was denied access to the affected servers... Or is the $100k expenditure on Facebook what is referred to? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2020-12-24, 10:15:06
...and yet...!
And yet what?

Sanctions on "hacker groups"?! :)
What's the sneer for? I am getting a feeling you don't know what sanctions are. Trade embargo (such as U.S. has against Cuba) is sanctions in its stupidest form. Diplomatic and financial sanctions targetting specific individuals and companies, preferably at the highest level, is occasionally effective.

"Badin is also on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's wanted list for his involvement in the hacking of the 2016 presidential election."
This happens to be a sanction too, you know. But it is not international, not at the highest level. And it goes directly against the alt-factology of Trump, according to whom there was no Russian hacking of 2016 presidential election.

America survived Trump because several key state institutions not only refused to cooperate with the president, but also worked actively against him. However, such a country is hardly healthy.

Meaning the supposed hack of the DNC, I suppose. The one where the FBI was denied access to the affected servers...
My underline. Got any substantiation for this? I can substantiate the opposite.
Title: What's Going on in Mississippi?
Post by: ersi on 2021-01-07, 19:31:52
7:20 "Something you learn well in Mississippi is that there isn't exactly much to do."

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-01-07, 23:17:15
7:20 "Something you learn well in Mississippi is that there isn't exactly much to do."


There isn’t much to do in the Delta, which is where the video was filmed. It’s the poorest region in the country, poorer than Appalachia.

There is a good bit to do in Oxford, on the Gulf Coast, Jackson, as well as Southaven and Tupelo.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2021-01-08, 18:13:47
What I learnt about Mississippi is that some people love double letters.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-01-10, 06:32:17
Who are you to be the Mississippi committee bookkeeper?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-01-10, 17:05:15
Since for whatever reason we are discussing MS, the Legislature just finished the legalities of enshrining the new state flag as law.:

I intend to keep up a campaign to remove the Dominionist phrase, “In God We Trust” from it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-01-10, 18:54:51
The surest way is probably by getting yourself elected to the legislature. Or maybe better the governor.

I intend to keep up a campaign to remove the Dominionist phrase, “In God We Trust” from it.
What would you replace it with? More stars to that spot?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-01-10, 19:22:01
The surest way is probably by getting yourself elected to the legislature. Or maybe better the governor.

I intend to keep up a campaign to remove the Dominionist phrase, “In God We Trust” from it.
What would you replace it with? More stars to that spot?

“E Pluribus Unum” (“Out of Many, One”), the original motto of the US. It fits what the state said they were looking for; a “unifying” flag. I’ve emailed all members of state Congress as well as the Governor, Lt. Governor, etc, pointing out that IGWT is not unifying and was basically told if I didn’t like it to leave. I expected that retort.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-01-10, 20:15:46
“E Pluribus Unum” (“Out of Many, One”), the original motto of the US. It fits what the state said they were looking for; a “unifying” flag.
There are at least two arguments against it. First, it's already taken. Second, it sounds kind of diverse, not terribly unifying.

How about something like "Mississippi First!" This is not taken, is it?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-01-10, 22:35:25
I agree something more unique like "Luctor et Emergo" would be preferable. Except we've already taken that one. ;)

Nil desperandum.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-01-11, 07:31:20
There are at least two arguments against it.

Third, it would be fiercely attacked both from the "Out of One, One" camp and the "Out of Many, Many" camp, given the state of discourse today. That would of course also be a strong argument for it.

Presumably this too will pass. Which might lead to a fourth argument: Will it be as relevant for Missisippi in the 2040s as in the 2020s? It probably will, strife will always find a way.

But maybe something more specific for Mississippi? Is Panta rhei taken?
Title: what's going on in the you ess of aye
Post by: ersi on 2021-01-20, 18:30:20
During Biden's inauguration, ( "Lopez said part of the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish during her performance." This will surely make right-minded Americans plot another assault against a branch of the federal government peaceful demonstration to take back the country and to avert the imminent threat of illegal Socialist godless Communist totalitarian takeover.

Having stolen the elections, Biden swore himself in with an oversized Bible.
Quote from:
Biden was sworn in with a late 19th-century edition of the Douay Rheims translation of the Bible with extensive commentary by Fr. George Leo Haydock, the scion of an old recusant family who spent much of his life serving in Catholic missions in rural England.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-01-20, 21:09:28
My great-something-something was a pastor and we have a mid-19th century antique Statenbijbel which is probably larger if anything (taller, similar thickness).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2021-01-21, 08:41:50
What is that? the Bible of the State?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-01-21, 11:49:11
States in this case, not state. The synod wanted a new proper translation into Dutch and the States-General agreed to finance it in the 1620s.

Quote from:
The States General originated in the 15th century as an assembly of all the provincial states of the Burgundian Netherlands. In 1579, during the Dutch Revolt, the States General split as the northern provinces openly rebelled against Philip II, and the northern States General replaced Philip II as the supreme authority of the Dutch Republic in 1581.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2021-01-21, 14:02:20
When the book becomes rotten, they can do the same with a smartphone with the online Bible open.
Modern times.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-02-17, 06:25:16
Same old, same old. "The fossil fuel industry’s disinformation machine turned on before the lights even went out."

Why on earth would right-wing people with connections to the fossil fuel industry lie about ‘frozen wind turbines’ in Texas? (

Title: Re: What's Going on in Mississippi?
Post by: ersi on 2021-02-17, 17:16:36
Today I found out that Mississippi is number one.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2021-03-12, 10:23:31
...and now for something I couldn't believe when I heard about:
A Manhattan private school aiming to use more “inclusive language” is encouraging its students to stop using the terms “mom,” “dad” and “parents” because the words make “assumptions” about kids’ home lives. (

That's a Protestant school of course.
I hope people can see the gigantic social reengineering that's going on at the beginning of the XXI century.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-03-12, 10:56:31
It is this school:
Quote from:
As you have likely seen from yesterday’s press, we have found ourselves in the eye of the culture war storm this week, and it is important to remember why we are proud to be there.
It is of Episcopal origins, but not a religious school these days.

Very different Protestants exist. Just like there are very different Catholics. For example hardly anyone would mistake the current Pope for a believing Catholic.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2021-03-12, 11:08:03
just like there are very different Catholics
No, there are not.

hardly anyone would mistake the current Pope for a believing Catholic.
Don't make me laugh.
Clearly, sovietism was not exactly the best school for understanding Catholicism.

That's all, let's not go back to Catholic/Protestant discussion wars.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2021-03-12, 12:49:34
I thought popes Francis and Benedict XVI are very different Catholics.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-03-12, 14:16:34
I thought popes Francis and Benedict XVI are very different Catholics.
Yes, they are. And it is amazing that we have two very different popes alive at the same time. It is almost as if one of them were the anti-pope.

Which one would more appropriately be the anti-pope?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-12, 18:10:45
It is almost as if one of them were the anti-pope.
That, sir, is going too far... But Francis is more Marxist than he is Catholic. :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2021-03-12, 18:47:02
I thought popes Francis and Benedict XVI are very different Catholics.
Different persons, the same Catholics. In fact, the second has chosen the first, that you can be sure. There was no revolution, just continuity.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-03-13, 11:21:32
This must be a topic for the What's Going on in the Vatican City State? thread. Though there are some very strange American Catholics around. Whether that is because they are American, because they are Catholics, or because of the combination thereof I am not the one to tell.

Anyway, the US got a Catholic president again. Yay/nay? The last one was John F. Kennedy.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-13, 17:56:51
Though there are some very strange American Catholics around.
Hey! I resemble that remark! :) Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-16, 10:36:31
I thought popes Francis and Benedict XVI are very different Catholics.
Different persons, the same Catholics. In fact, the second has chosen the first, that you can be sure. There was no revolution, just continuity.

I'd thought not, too... But Despair is a Sin!
The Vatican announced on Monday that blessings for unions of same-sex people are “illicit” because God “cannot bless sin,” while blessings for individual persons with homosexual inclinations are permissible.

The Vatican’s orthodoxy office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued a formal response of “negative” to a question of whether the Catholic churches have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex on March 15.

Pope Francis approved this response.
(source (

Will wonders ever cease?! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-03-18, 08:31:08
Though there are some very strange American Catholics around.
Hey! I resemble that remark! :) Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!
You mean you are some sort of strange American Catholic? Are you doing what strange American Catholics are supposed to do?


I personally am doing something similar in my spare time, converting webpages to ebooks for reading and sometimes sharing. Except that I go through Emacs Org mode, which has all the necessary features for text processing, including footnotes, so the trick shown in the video with Latex and Vim works in Emacs also, and even better, because Org mode would not pose issues with line breaks.

I suspect you are an even stranger Catholic though, voting for Trump who, besides lacking Catholic values, has no values whatsoever. Did you at least vote for JFK back in the day?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-03-18, 12:29:45
So the US President is a Catholic. The President pro tempore of the US Senate is a Catholic. The Speaker of the House is Catholic. 6 out of 9 US Supreme Court justices are Catholics. Maybe now is the time to turn the Vatican State into the US 51st state?

Think it is safe to say that the US as the domain of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants has well and truly ended.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Belfrager on 2021-03-18, 17:28:11
Think it is safe to say that the US as the domain of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants has well and truly ended.
Good. Maybe they can now stop treating human beings as "losers".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-03-21, 03:05:25
I read recently that the new President removed a picture of an early President who was from an Ulster background. He also ditched a small model head of Churchill. Not all Protestants are of the corner being yakked about and the more that long corrupt Church is involved pity America.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-23, 23:51:46
You mean you are some sort of strange American Catholic?
My dear ersi, I'm what's known as a lapsed[1]Meaning that in most places in the U.S. the the best Catholics are those who had lapsed...
I'm so-o lapsed that I've become pro-lapsed!:) Seriously, unless one's family and neighbors are Catholic, remaining other than occasionally Catholic is difficult; then, church-going is akin to a busman's holiday...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-24, 00:36:01
So the US President is a Catholic. The President pro tempore of the US Senate is a Catholic. The Speaker of the House is Catholic. 6 out of 9 US Supreme Court justices are Catholics.
It is safe to assume that you are not Catholic?:)
In your order:
Our president is as Catholic as a vegan cannibal!
Pro tem "Neither Timothy nor Macon Leery" has a well established mission: To provide kindling -if not fodder- for the next Inquisition...[1]
Madam Speaker is vociferous: She makes a mortal sin a high sacrament of her political policies, and still takes Communion? Her final confessor has an onerous task ahead!

The others you mention are sworn to remain impartial and disinterest; honor demands such... (Note: They are un-elected.)
Think it is safe to say that the US as the domain of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants has well and truly ended.
To be supplanted by Fools and Villains? From your lips to the haughty ears of the Prince of Darkness (for whom I still hold out hope of redemption!...).[2]Pray it won't be so![/quote]
Yeah, I understand ee--oore unstated rule of no-names, pleah-lee-as. :)
Yes, a little heresy now in then is good for the organization: It prompts self-reflexion! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-03-24, 03:01:25
Your Speaker is a very inappropriate, ignorant and ridiculous person. I recall when President Trump did a Presidential speech to the House he initially gave the Vice-President and her a copy each in a folder. But at the end of the speech she tore the thing up! How damnably ignorant, stupid and ridiculous is she? Maybe one day the country may have more than two parties and be a proper democracy. There have been massive negatives over there affecting millions of people whist boasting about being a great democracy, bla, bla. Passingly is informing to find how the place is leaning towards RC's in power. Not much of a direction on top of a terrible system. Think that painting I said was removed was of an Irish Protestant. Anyway this President is no improvement on the last one and not much cop at all.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-03-24, 07:26:00
Our president is as Catholic as a vegan cannibal!
Do you mean he is lapsed?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-24, 16:37:46
I give you a "like" for recognizing how apt my figure of speech was... You had no choice but to -as Howie would say- "swerve".  See how accommodating a pointed sense of humor can be? :) But: in my estimation of him -I've only been following his career since the '70s- I'd say: He hasn't the native intelligence to be lapsed; he was and is just an incompetent Catholic, sir.

@Howie: You swaddle any sensible comment you have among the waste products of your many prejudices...and wear them proudly, no less!  You could do with a change! (Someone call his Nanny, please: His nappy reeks... :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-03-25, 00:49:35
Ah nutjobland fan I am not full of prejudice  <Deleted>. Have achieved much in my life which verities me well and I am more fortunate that you dear man in that I live in a democracy not one that boasts about the word but that is all. From a proud Scot also proud of Gt Britain.   ;)

Moderator Message: Keep remarks about moderators or moderation off the forum.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-27, 06:50:46
There's no means available to convince of obvious verities [1], RJ:
1. You've yet to understand the Great Scot's simple advice. (Read "To a Louse")
2. Others, too, have accomplishments; including learning their own language and approaching a seemly humility... :)
3. America is not a democracy, and -pray God- it never shall be!
4. I applaud your pride (but deride you boorishness) and think it no fault! :)
and, finally,
5. [I'm pretty sure the mods can take care of themselves, and these forums.]
Would you like to borrow a dictionary? I have several good ones... :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-03-28, 02:44:53
Well Oakdale you are distancing yourself from all the guff banged into the ex-colonies by your own media, politicians, etc about a great democracy and should lead the world.  Kind of shows how easy to brain people over there when one considers all the nonsense. Accusing the Russians of interfering in elections with no dashed proof and the way the country interfered politically elsewhere makes me laugh! Enjoy your relaxing sip. :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-28, 20:23:32
RJ, even you should know: I've been a rugged (thinker) individualist since I attained my majority; I trained ascensively -and arduously- before I scaled the heights I now occupy! Ever been on a 'plane, RJ? (I know you have!:) Remember how the people on the ground looked like ants? You likely remarked the fact to your seatmate; and he or she likely replied, "Those are ants: We haven't taken off yet...:) We have ourselves a similar sit-ye-a-shun, here:
Of course the Russians interfered" with our elections; as we interfere with theirs1 Every major power (and most of the wanna-bes...) try to do unto others *be-fore* they do unto them; it's natural, and to be expected... :)
As for the rest of your blather: "¿Sì no fuera por patochada, què aqui estar?" -- as I've been saying for years! Ya'ole Mangy Monoglot, you...:)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-03-29, 01:11:31
Put your drink down dear man. That passing comment about you interfering in Russian elections and them in yours is in real terms a load of nonsense. There is no proof Russia was involved in your political farces! But unfortunately too many Yanks can be easily brained so keep a proper sense of balance!  :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-03-30, 18:03:50
Howie: Nowadays, I'm as teatotal as you! :) (Truth and honest ingen-uity, mon frère... No "official" taking of the oath; nothing cerimonial, like the time the Capp came back to the pub with his hands bandaged - complaining to the barkeep: "Has Chalky been in today...?" Answers, wiping short-beer glass, "Nah! Ain't seen 'em since last night. You an' he left together..."
"Yeah! That's what I remember! But he's got some 'splainin' ta do!" says Andy.
Capp holds his bandaged hands in front of him: "He must be the clod what stepped on me 'ands as I made for home!"

(I'm off the sauce for good, and ever. Your taunts about past digressions and indiscretions don't bother me: Facts are facts, and -as I've come to realize, in an indisputable way- I'm allergic to alcohol. So, I can avoid it, for medicinal reasons. See?! :)

so keep a proper sense of balance!  :lol:
'Preciate the advice! I'll take it to heart... You telling me taht (sic!)[1]I'm as level and plumb-true could I stan' still, I could be my own sundial! You, howie-ever, list and lean like the Pisa Tower. (Bet ya need the Gall's demonstration a'fore ya believed in Gravity, too! :)
But: XYs believe what you believe and no mere facts are gonna confuse the issue(s) for ya! (Psst! RJ, that a fair = def. of our old friend prejudice, no?:)
Spelling in honor of you skills as tyhpist! [Oops! Real typo there...:)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-01, 00:28:11
Hi there!

It was an old friend of both who once informed me of your previous hobby and had been on the original opera then this one. He did clear off ages ago but he and I kept in touch. Anyway good you are back in charge of the brain so good for you and always tremendous an ex-colonist is determined! If you were ever in Gt Britain and up here I'd give you a glass of Scotland's favourite soft din - Irn Bru!!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-01, 03:50:22
I'd give you a glass of Scotland's favourite soft din - Irn Bru!!
An' I'd take it gladly, provided it ain't diet! :)(When the day comes that I have to watch my figure, I'll let'em lock me away! :) BTW:
Do you know if there's an escape sequence for Smilies? :) = smiling face; esc-:) = :)? Or is Smiley mode completely on or completely off...? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-04-01, 16:57:11
Pardon? :)  :pirate:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-02, 02:55:48
Anyway this President is no improvement on the last one and not much cop at all.
“Load of old guff” from you, as usual. In any case, good to see you got over your hurt feelings and are posting again.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-02, 05:20:30
Code: [Select]
I know a way, but it's too verbose...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-03, 01:36:42
Guff from me and hurt feelings colonel??! I will make allowances for where you come from boy. Although I have been in the ex-colonies twice years ago had a broad aspect in life due to my legal standing in my city there is hardly anywhere more hypocritical on democracy, rights. It does not matter a dosh which of the 2 parties produces a President the shortfalls in the millions of poor, political hypocrisy wonky rights claims, etc what a place, haha. And Lucky lad you were never brought before me laddie in one of my legal positions!  :o  :doh:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-03, 03:45:05
Sorry your having my 🐐... (Fiddle w/"suggestions" I think I will.:) Your visits aren't the point: You couldna  find yet bum with both hands!  Your legal expertise is ashudfering me, e'en .now: That yerown self dare design Justice...
But on a brighter note, I got to "complain" to one of my priests today...about the long wait at the light  for the turn into His parking lot: Puts one in mind -I said- of Purgatory! :)
Cut the  Col. Some slack, RJ, he's "visited" your Southern neighbors... You two could talk past. Each other all day long! ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-03, 16:51:20
Guff from me and hurt feelings colonel??! there is hardly anywhere more hypocritical on democracy, rights.
Yes. Guff from you and hurt feelings. Right before Christmas you got terribly upset on here for some reason and stayed off for a while.

Actually, the UK in and of itself is the forefront of hypocrisy on democracy and rights on the world stage right now.

Ever since Little England and it’s entitled Tories decided for the rest of the country that “Brexit means Brexit”, the sheer hypocrisy of arguments made by the UK to the EU in their parting talks apparently hold no water to that arrogant and pompous PM, Boris Johnson, when Scotland’s 1st Minister makes the same arguments to Boris in Scotland’s continued efforts for independence and rejoining the EU.

It matters not that you’ve visited the US, as I’ve visited Wales, England, and NI. Really doesn’t make any difference, other than I was able to study and understand the UK’s legal system in 2011.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-04, 00:31:33
Lèse-majesté is likely the only legal term RJ ever misunderstood well enough to fool anyone!? 'E's still waitin' for James to return; and he thinks you and yhours (sic) think Jeff Davis didn't get off easy enough... :(
Are you back, to stay for a while? Busy in lots of places; likely where you are, too... (I'm retired, which keeps me plenty busy:) Anyway, nice to see a familiar moniker; miss the avatar, though! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-04, 01:12:21
I must tell you frankly colonel that you are so dashed wrong regarding me as feeling desperately touchy. mind you I do make allowances for you being a youngster but I have been involved in politics, religion and community all my life been written about as well as being involved in the local court system in my city so I am NOT touchy which is a daft thing. You studiously ignore the national failings of your big mouth country and ignore what I have said is a disgrace. You ignore the obvious failings in the areas I mention it is weak and immature have a slag at me instead! Nice try lad but not really mature for factuals. Pity even after no doubt well education you avoid f actuality!  :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-04, 03:59:23
Old BS[1]:)  Howie wouldn't believe how much the world has changed since he stopped learning! ('Round about the time he was flirting with Mrs. Lott?:) I won't claim one can learn nothing from travel abroad; but other means of education are available, and persist as long or longer than memory alone...
Howie, didja hear: India's gonna be its own country :)
Da Howie's hand must've been shaking a bit after seeing the tyke for the first time. That's how'e scrawled the J <= S; but he decided to keep 'em, hence formalized the Bobby <= Robert
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-04-04, 10:59:23
Brazil seems in the middle of multiple concentric crises.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-04, 20:02:36
Lèse-majesté is likely the only legal term RJ ever misunderstood well enough to fool anyone!? 'E's still waitin' for James to return; and he thinks you and yhours (sic) think Jeff Davis didn't get off easy enough... :(
Are you back, to stay for a while? Busy in lots of places; likely where you are, too... (I'm retired, which keeps me plenty busy:) Anyway, nice to see a familiar moniker; miss the avatar, though! :)
Yes, I’m quite busy these days. The Easter holiday is one of the few times to recharge my batteries. I’ve been in the manufacturing industry for 5 years now, and the product we make tends to sell very well under administrations that are either decidedly unpredictable (45th President’s administration) or solidly Democratic (46th President’s administration).

I’ve received several promotions over the years and tend to average 55-60 hours a week.

Happened to read the following article the other day and I was reminded of @Luxor and @rjhowie ’s squabbles over this issue over the years.


Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-05, 00:49:06
Not a very clever assertion in that last line from colonel when one considers the rather big failings of the country that boasts about freedom, democracy and other assertions. Why it has a giant poor lost of over the 40 million, mass shootings, jail numbers, mass shootings, interfering in other countries and so much that if damnably farcical all just ignored and in place boasting about how great a country the USA is! I was in close touch with a long contributor here who was in recent times a retired teacher. Did look forward to him and his wife planning a UK visit until health stopped him. There are of course decent people in the US but it is I am afraid a land full of obvious failings and sadly far too many over the pond who are easily brained into control f their brains and common sense. When one looks at the mass failiogs whilst it boasts about being the greatest country on Earth is an intellectual groan!  :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-05, 03:36:37
when one considers the rather big failings of the country that boasts about freedom, democracy and other assertions. same old blather
Do you even know to whom you are taking?) "Howie, we're not married! Quit bringing up the time that I winked at Wille or bumped bums with Yoregie," she says in disgust... "Besides: I'm the old woman here; not you!? You don't like it,  you can pack your bag -- I'll post your trains... Sometimes I think teetotal is the worst vice going!!'
You know, RJ, you should get a dog; or a cat, or maybe a goldfish... Something to care for. It's do you good, ya know.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-05, 08:21:09
I've received several promotions over the years and tend to average 55-60 hours a week.
Isn't this overhours? Isn't it illegal? The way the law is formulated here, it makes it the employer's crime to make - or even allow - employees to work overhours. Overhours exist, but they have to be strictly compensated with both salary and vacation, so that by the end of the next year at the latest there would be no overhours. Something like "tend to average [some overhours]" is illegal.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-05, 17:00:47
I've received several promotions over the years and tend to average 55-60 hours a week.
Isn't this overhours? Isn't it illegal? The way the law is formulated here, it makes it the employer's crime to make - or even allow - employees to work overhours. Overhours exist, but they have to be strictly compensated with both salary and vacation, so that by the end of the next year at the latest there would be no overhours. Something like "tend to average [some overhours]" is illegal.
Overtime, yes. They pay me my standard rate plus half ($28 and some odd cents) for anything over 40 hours. I’m allotted 10 days of vacation.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-05, 19:48:52
Well, over here the average work balance cannot net on overhours over a year. Not legally anyway.

The loopholes for this are as follows. First, the company may employ a person with "temporary" status (i.e. the contract has a deadline) for shift work on hour-salary basis. Under these terms, the companies can lay a completely unmanageable workload on people. Those who do not complain or crack, get their contract extended after the deadline - to a next deadline under the same terms. And so on indefinitely, except the third such extension is illegal according to the law and the law requires the contract be replaced with permanent (indefinite contract) employment terms. Workers who know this can at this point safely sue the company.

Second, the worker can be employed at several employers or start own side-business in addition to the main job and work to his heart's content. This is how the genosses here often operate: Be signed up to as many boards and committees and other offices as possible, even though they are never actually present in any of these.

I personally have, at my best, been employed at four term-limited side-jobs in addition to my main job. I was able to manage it for less than a year. I found that it was somewhat possible to be in two places at once for a while, but quite impossible in three or more. Then I also worked for many years on a deadline-contract at one company, doing the work of three people (because I proved I was able to) - and getting paid accordingly, but not getting the vacations accordingly. This work relationship eventually soured so that I had to make use of the law that was, for once, entirely on my side.

Those experiences tired me out for good in about ten years. By now my manner of work is focused on seeking out opportunities to slack, just do the unavoidable, and get promotions anyway. And take out as long vacations as possible to enjoy a sort of pre-retirement. Totally exhausted even of the idea of overwork.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-05, 23:23:46
Once had a dog years ago OakdaleFTL but poor thing took ill and died. However I still do have a care and it is for the ex-colonies where so many probably basically decent people are easily foiled so will add you! ;)  :up:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2021-04-05, 23:56:15
Well, over here the average work balance cannot net on overhours over a year. Not legally anyway.

The loopholes for this are as follows. First, the company may employ a person with "temporary" status (i.e. the contract has a deadline) for shift work on hour-salary basis. Under these terms, the companies can lay a completely unmanageable workload on people. Those who do not complain or crack, get their contract extended after the deadline - to a next deadline under the same terms. And so on indefinitely, except the third such extension is illegal according to the law and the law requires the contract be replaced with permanent (indefinite contract) employment terms. Workers who know this can at this point safely sue the company.

Second, the worker can be employed at several employers or start own side-business in addition to the main job and work to his heart's content. This is how the genosses here often operate: Be signed up to as many boards and committees and other offices as possible, even though they are never actually present in any of these.

I personally have, at my best, been employed at four term-limited side-jobs in addition to my main job. I was able to manage it for less than a year. I found that it was somewhat possible to be in two places at once for a while, but quite impossible in three or more. Then I also worked for many years on a deadline-contract at one company, doing the work of three people (because I proved I was able to) - and getting paid accordingly, but not getting the vacations accordingly. This work relationship eventually soured so that I had to make use of the law that was, for once, entirely on my side.

Those experiences tired me out for good in about ten years. By now my manner of work is focused on seeking out opportunities to slack, just do the unavoidable, and get promotions anyway. And take out as long vacations as possible to enjoy a sort of pre-retirement. Totally exhausted even of the idea of overwork.

I quite understand. Nearly a half decade of it has worn me down. I’ve warned my bosses to not expect it much longer. In what I do, I’m the senior person by a long shot. Next most senior person has a year and two months under his belt. At this point it’s mainly training new hires and showing them how to do the job. Other than that, it’s an odd job/task or two that I do that no one else will. I use that to my advantage to get specific days off, like this past Thursday. Was wonderful having a 4 day weekend. :D
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-06, 04:19:29
Once had a dog years ago OakdaleFTL but poor thing took ill and died. However I still do have a care and it is for the ex-colonies where so many probably basically decent people are easily foiled so will add you!
Dear sir or madam: If you can't (or hadn't been able to) keep a dog alive, a creature that un-apocryphally "returns to its own vomit," will eat rocks, socks and assorted rubber dog (and children's) toys, and chases automobiles with hungry delusions of mere'd best leave parenting to others. Sincerely.
Also, your "care" for those you term "ex-colonists" would -in quite some few jurisdictions on "our side of the pond," be considered "grooming," a form of abusive attention practiced upon minors to facilitate the solicitation -often sub rosa- of lewd and lascivious acts. Ya perv, ya!
(The fact that you [defendant] believe it['s] only political education you [defendant] offer[s ] make[s ] it all the more insidious an offence. As atty. (pro se , and representing the whole class of such ["ex-colonists"] I protest! Additionally, I'd ask Your Honor to instruct his bailiff to "whack his [defendant's] pee-pee (or vulva, as the case may be...))

Guys with jobs: My heart really does go out to you. As someone who successfully avoided managerial duties[1] for decades in various fields of endeavor, I "feel your pain".[2] But unless you live, and work, under an actual authoritarian regime, you chose the paths you described (...for reasons you did not).
I wish you well. But you made your beds, fellas! All I can give as advise is the much frowned upon route to "success": Marry the boss, with a keen eye out for the greatest opportunity: Divorce, on grounds of moral turpitude... :)
Except for "wrangling" and scrounging, I always let others think they were  in charge, thus becoming practically effective, personally protected and smugly sunny-disposition''d, as was (...and is) my wont!
Campaign donations will be returned. This is NOT a solicitation...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-06, 07:48:19
But unless you live, and work, under an actual authoritarian regime, you chose the paths you described (...for reasons you did not).
I wish you well. But you made your beds, fellas! All I can give as advise is the much frowned upon route to "success": Marry the boss, with a keen eye out for the greatest opportunity: Divorce, on grounds of moral turpitude... :)
Great advice, wise old man. "Hey, everybody is free to voluntarily drop their moral integrity and it'll be fine. There's no pressure at all!"

Seriously, that's what authoritarian regimes are all about: Just drop your moral integrity and with some luck you will be able to push yourself through the holocaust and gulag, burning others along the way. And call it success and freedom and whatnot.

Every regime is authoritarian to an extent - it is there in the word "regime"! Apparently you just cannot fathom how thoroughly brainwashed you are to blindly believe in freedom that is not there and in rights that Americans are supposedly privileged to have while the rest of the world allegedly has none of it.

Americans are as un-free as anyone else, only significantly more deluded. You personally are very deeply deluded.

Do not underestimate the power of having to worship the flag in the school daily in your childhood. Even USSR and the Third Reich did not have this level of indoctrination. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-06, 14:27:46
And yet, ersi, you were the one carping... :)
I suppose Americans past have been naively overbearing and overbearingly naive; or seemed so to the sophisticates on the Continent[1]. But while we're as prone to parallel construction as anyone else I think our consonance and polyphony -the sounds we most often make- ala ser Guttenberg's inventive scriber mach maken Mèlange pervasively the priority of the/your world, two! (Anon, three, mon frere...) Things you should remit: We're the biggest, baddest hombres around, even though you snigger behind ouì B-B-B-Bach-man, and the sissy Phants in the Pyrenees still surrender, non?
Do you have to explain Chi-kophs-ki's weefault[2]we from here see as envy's Brahm-ic stoicism opposed to exhubrisant-ianism, and cant, tata and shan't... :) --
:yikes: D'ya'll see what happens when I'm notified before I've had my morning coffee?[3]I'm off for a paper, its jumble and cross-words and comics... After that, we'll see: The usual me might even make a nice-words jigsaw -- oh, wait: Already done: Anyone else remember the Wordle Applet?
After a while, crocodile. Later, gator. Anon, mastodons!
Do you take a hit for presumptuous priority, to the point of oblivion I'd say;but wadda I know? Thought there were 6 (or 7, to consonate with the Seas)...
He never mastered the symphony, yet his own simple complexities was wonder-ful...
We do -you'll agree- need quasi-ephemoral interior polling for situations just like this oer e'en moe-r similar? It's been suggested before...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: rjhowie on 2021-04-06, 23:42:55
Try and have a cup of tea. Always coffee is not good for you especially as a day goes on and my doctor confirmed that too! So too much coffee for Yanks is a challenge!!  :lol:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-22, 06:54:51
Tea is alright, for little old ladies. Or fussy fastidiously foppish Scots lowlanders... But seriously, the benefits of coffee and tea are not to be disputed by pop-medicine! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-04-22, 16:53:37
That is head shaking coming from an America Oakdale! Wanting superiority the world has been an an in depth thing for generations. Creating battlefields, spying on countries, trying to destabilise where they will not give in to US Imperialism. Your country accuses Russia of interfering in your election but no proof - none. America is riddled with wide spread mob violence, regular mass killings but wants to be a world controller! You have bases all over the world and coming out with a label on Russia over the election nonsense. Where is the proof??!

America is indeed a violent continent, measured in murder rate (*, but the United States of America is a relatively peaceful spot, far less dangerous than Russia, the most violent European country.  
* The usual caveats about international crime statistics apply

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-22, 18:32:38
More than a few surprises there...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-04-22, 20:19:08
America is indeed a violent continent, measured in murder rate (*, but the United States of America is a relatively peaceful spot, far less dangerous than Russia, the most violent European country.
America would be fairly average for the Western world if it weren't for a few highly localized problem areas, like Riverdale and Englewood in Chicago, or rather problem street segments ([1]
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-22, 21:14:24
Derek Chauvin got a guilty verdict on all charges. I guess the clear and present video evidence made him indefensible, so that even his own colleagues testified against him, and he had to be held accountable.

Some commentators say exactly that: This is accountability, but it is not justice. Real justice would be that such defiant antisocial police behaviour does not happen.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-22, 23:19:07
First, I know this is an unpopular opinion +- but: Floyd's death was not a homicide; the drugs in his system and his pre-existing conditions account for the manner of his demi se... (One of his pec's was "being special while black*!) to

Now, since I'm on the road, using my phone, I'll just add: Justice is God's perview.
Though the mobs think burning down some some few blocks of already stressed real estate is the Real Deal... 😆
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-23, 05:09:41
First, I know this is an unpopular opinion +- but: Floyd's death was not a homicide;
So you are saying that you base your decisions on popularity, nevermind the legality, due process and evidence. Good that you acknowledge it. That's one of the reasons why discussions with you never work and never will.

But do you understand why courts definitely should not operate your way? Otherwise it would seem that, according to you, the legal system should be geared to protect the police, not the people whom the police supposedly protect and serve. And coverup should be the normal culture in police force and in courts, because this is how it was in Soviet Union and how it is in Putin's Russia and these are somehow worthy examples to emulate.

[...] the drugs in his system and his pre-existing conditions account for the manner of his demi se...
Wouldn't/Shouldn't a well-trained and experienced police officer notice all this and factor it into his own behaviour? Shouldn't a police officer get the suspect into custody as fast as possible, instead of asphyxiating him on the ground for minutes while the suspect is entirely limp? And at the same time the police officer proudly poses for the cameras around... This case is so clearly live-documented that there is no way to blame the victim here.

The way I see it, Chauvin is akin to a driver who has a strong tendency to speed up when spotting a speed camera, i.e. a completely unfitting character for his function. What should one do to such a driver? What would have been the right verdict for Chauvin? Oh, I remember you don't care about right. You care about popular or not.

Now, since I'm on the road, using my phone, I'll just add: Justice is God's perview.
You mean, this is why there is no Department of Justice in USA. Oh, wait, there is. So, you are actually saying that USA is fulfilling God's mission. Again, just as I thought this could not get any worse with you, it can.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-04-23, 06:29:54
America would be fairly average for the Western world if it weren't for a few highly localized problem areas, like Riverdale and Englewood in Chicago, or rather problem street segments (

That's presumably a pattern found elsewhere in America (and elsewhere). Further South in the North: 2019 Organized Crime and Violence in Mexico Report (


Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-23, 19:19:10
One would have thought more of the border areas would show high rates... TJ is as expected, an outlier.
How our politicians are not worried about the precipitous rise in some of our largest cities escapes me. (Well, not really: The Democratic administrations maintain their constant focus on -- optics. (And the election cycle...:)

Am I the only one who finds it odd, that Canada and Brazil are -not just as violent as depicted but so under-reportedly so? [Belfrager, do you keep up with news from Brazil? My relatives in Canada don't mention anything...] Causes can't be simple and readily assumed, given the geographically widespread phenomena...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-04-23, 19:32:10
First, I know this is an unpopular opinion +- but: Floyd's death was not a homicide; the drugs in his system and his pre-existing conditions account for the manner of his demi se... (One of his pec's was "being special while black*!) to
The guy lost consciousness after 6 minutes and then he was suffocated for another 3. The first 6 are gross misconduct, the last 3 constitute flat-out murder.

But instead of repeating myself I'll just post these links:

That's presumably a pattern found elsewhere in America (and elsewhere).
Of course the pattern itself kind of exists here too, but our average is so much better because we don't have anything anywhere close to that bad.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-23, 22:48:46
I'll not quibble about the ME's determination. I know what the cop's options were; do you?
About the numbers and geograpy's importance, a lot more can be said. But of course you are right: Some parts of the world are more violent, and North America remains a contender even if one takes the U>S> out of the picture (Hm. I wonder about Costa Rica...?:)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-24, 05:52:27
Looking at some failed states.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-04-24, 07:25:54
I know what the cop's options were; do you?
If he didn't abuse the suspect the mobpolice boss was going to cut off his daughter's finger?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-24, 21:04:09
If he tasered the fool, Georgie would have been dead a lot sooner, and everyone would have missed out on all that "summer of love"... fun! (Have you ever been tase'd? The standard voltage is -I believe- 50,000 volts: Ticker thrasher, eh?
Or do you simply accept the "innocent and harmless while black" meme? :) It's becoming quite overt and all-but required in much of my county's media, among our silly (Dem, but I repeat myself) politicians, and -cruelly and counterproductively- with LEOs.
Unfortunately, most of the police I've known over the years are now retired, and likely moved away... But there are other resources, no? (Wikipedia seems to be the most used here. It's always good for a laugh, if your subject of interest is in anyway controversial...:)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-25, 08:09:42
If he tasered the fool, Georgie would have been dead a lot sooner [...}
Or do you simply accept the "innocent and harmless while black" meme?
So, the only options for Chauvin were to kill Floyd either this way or that way? I submit that your attitude definitely goes under the "guilty while black" meme, straightforward racism not veiled in any way. Are you the chief of your local KKK cell or aspiring to?

The reality is that Floyd would have survived if Chauvin would not have pressed him down with his knee on the neck. There was no need to press him down. Not for so long anyway. Once handcuffed, Floyd should have been picked up or at least STOP STRANGLING HIM. Does it break some law or police protocol if the officer refrains from strangling the suspect?

Egregious breach of protocol and procedure by Chauvin, resulting in death of the suspect. Definitely guilty.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-25, 08:57:34
The reality is that Floyd would have survived if Chauvin would not have pressed him down with his knee on the neck. There was no need to press him down. Not for so long anyway. Once handcuffed, Floyd should have been picked up or at least STOP STRANGLING HIM. Does it break some law or police protocol if the officer refrains from strangling the suspect?
Wrong, wrong, probably wrong; wrong, VERY WRONG... Read the ME's report, not the "papers"...
Egregious breach of protocol and procedure by Chauvin, resulting in death of the suspect. Definitely guilty.
Agreed: He was being a good cop; in a bad situation that Floyd precipitated, and then egregiously reacted to its reality. Floyd was being arrested; he didn't want to be arrested. Oh, well.
Chauvin was long enough on the job and should have known better. (Note how long it took the EMTs to arrive... The times have changed, and a fella can't get an even break: Too many people dealing from the bottom of the deck...)
You, likely Floyd himself, a large swath of glib gelatinous neo-Liberal hearts -and brains, either deviously or naively educated by poseurs- believe it particularly important that Floyd was black and Chauvin was white; indeed, only the skin pigmentation is important...
That's a foolish tack to take, friend: It leads to a neighborhood where no one is safe, and no one is allowed to be safe.

The reality is that Floyd would have survived if [...]
If he'd simply submitted to the arrest. (That's a Period, pal.) Now he's just very special, and the Speaker of our House of Representatives, 2nd in line for the presidency, thanked the fool for his "sacrifice."
And you think me a racist? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-25, 09:11:58
Read the ME's report, not the "papers"...
I watched the video. Did you? And we have the verdict. Did the judge and jury go by "papers"?

Floyd was being arrested; he didn't want to be arrested. Oh, well.
While down, Floyd did not do anything to resist.

...Floyd was black and Chauvin was white...
Imagine for a moment the exact same circumstances and course of events while there's a white guy in place of Floyd and a black guy in place of Chauvin. Try it. This is why I say your attitude is unambiguously racist: Even before you spell out your answer to this (which you won't, knowing you), it is clear that you would not suggest the same treatment (strangling for some nine minutes on the ground when the suspect is all limp) and outcome options (death or death) for a white suspect, all other circumstances remaining the same. And you would cry out for a guilty verdict on all counts for the black police officer who treated the white suspect this way.

The shocking thing here is not that you are a racist. The president #45 himself was one and got the presidency partly on this platform. The shocking thing is that you are a proud unapologetic racist and you think you can get away with it.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-25, 09:20:27
Boy-o: I've been that "white boy" in that situation! Twice... (Resisting arrest always looks bad; heck, just being arrested looks bad.) And I both let it go and long ago got over it... Can I "get away with" being an adult in a world inhabited -if I'm to believe your reactions are representative- by children who shouldn't be allowed out without a keeper?
Not if you were in charge. And not yet in the United States has the Constitution and our system of laws and law enforcement been relegated to the Glorious Future of the New Man/Woman/State..

BTW: Do you know or have you ever known and American black?

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-25, 09:37:05
BTW: Do you know or have you ever known and American black?
Yes. Different from you, I am moderately well travelled. I know personally also Egyptians (i.e. Arabs who have an uneasy relationship against Christians or European race in general - whom they view as immediate successors of Crusaders - , while they come to Europe to pick up white brides - I know exactly this type personally), Turks and Greeks (these two hate each others' guts deeply). Plus I am an Estonian. Estonians have deep historical misgivings against both Germans and Russians.

So, it's the world we live in. My solution is to apply the law equally on all. In the Floyd kind of case, there is no excuse for the police officer. What's your solution? Keep escalating the cycle of paybacks hoping that your side will eventually prevail because it would be in keeping with the tradition?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-25, 09:45:19
No, certainly not. I was raised (along with two younger siblings) by a single mother; that means, basically, no dad. She did the best she could, and accomplished much that was and is commendable. One thing she forgot (...although I don't believe it was an oversight) was: Teaching her children that they can or should glean anything about a person from the color of their skin, their heritage, the way they speak or whatever other stereotypes were -are- popular, and vice versa.

On a personal note: I was there when the first black family moved into East Boston's government housing project... The rest is history! :)

I remain to this day firmly committed to Live and Let Live.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-25, 09:51:10
As I predicted, you keep omitting the key part: What your solution is.

It is not enough to deny that your racist attitude is racist. It is. It remains racist until you can coherently explain it under a different ideology - which you cannot and won't.

Ideology is, at a minimum, a collective thing, at best a universal potential. You only have irrelevant personal anecdotal tidbits.

I remain to this day firmly committed to Live and Let Live.
Except for Floyd your two options are: Death by strangling or death by taser. And all along you have managed to steer clear of spelling out your preferred outcome for Chauvin.

Edit: Oh, I get it now - it is Live and Let Live for whites among themselves, not with regard to blacks :doh:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-25, 13:05:43
So some silly supercilious sanctimonious toady to the mob calls me a racist I'm supposed to quiver and quake, shake in my boots and redden my complexion -- to assuage his pseudo-guilt? :)
In the immortal words of that great moral philosopher Buck Owens, "You don't know me, but you don't like me..." Well, brother, I don't give a hang for any man's opinion, unless I've worked beside him! (I might make exceptions for a creative and inquiring mind; you can presume the lack I'd note... But I'll spare you the effort: Remember what Socrates found 'round Athens and else where? Men who thought they knew more than they did, and.worse, they thought if others agree they must be right, just, wise, whatever...  No wonder he drank the hemlock!
But I'm made of sterner stuff!
Try all the variations of ad hominem you can, you're still just putting lipstick on a pig...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-25, 13:45:00
The point is not to make you quiver, but to call you to have a reasoned position on the topic at hand. You don't have it.

Try all the variations of ad hominem you can,
You clearly don't know what an ad hominem is. Your "silly supercilious sanctimonious toady to the mob" is an ad hominem, but you having a racist position on a topic where part of the issue is racism means that you are a racist, nothing to do with ad hominem.

I will from now on liberally assume that you fail to recognise any and all logical fallacies because ad hominem is the simplest of them all and you should know it. You evidently know the words for the fallacies, but you do not know what their substance is. Well, I should have known all along - for a nominalist, there is no substance in anything anyway.

Edit: Have you seen the movie "White Dog"?
There the original trainer of the dog, who had trained the dog to be a white dog, was completely clueless about the evil nature of racism.

I don't take you to be a bad man, Oakdale. Just utterly clueless about racism, the same as you are clueless about logical fallacies. No reason to take this personally: Trumpists in general tend to be extremely clueless about most things.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-25, 15:21:00
The point is [...] to call you to have a reasoned position on the topic at hand. You don't have it.
Your "call" consists of little but regurgitated ill-informed opinions, and your expert opinion of what the video you watched showed... Have you ever "taken down a suspect" or been taken down? At least you agree with Sean Hannity, the "well-trained street fighter"! He too thought the optics were enough. He too was wrong.

When it comes to race relations, particularly in the U.S., no "accidental" tourist has time to absorb a tenth of the dynamics at play. And when it comes to police work, no wobbly-kneed Oops, gotta-go  sort is likely to understand much of anything as simple and complicated as making an arrest.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, ersi, but cops only rarely have the authority to "let things slide."
Since you wouldn't have tased him, you suggest picking him up and putting him in the car... (Do you forget that he was in the car and crawled out the street-side door to the tarmac; where he -presumably- meant to crawl across how many lanes of traffic? How long would you have let him crawl?) You might strop to consider how big a man he was, what he weighed: Men and pianos are (you'll forgive the expression:) different animals; four strong men can heft a piano... A man, who may become again belligerent, combative and encouraged by the onlookers surrounding the scene, might pose a serious threat. But you see none of that, ensconced at your computer; the best you can think of is to shout "Racist!" at anyone who might know more than you.
You call my "opinions" racist, because I'm a racist; and I'm a racist because my opinions are you say. I defy you to find a single black American who's met and interacted with me over the last 60 years who'd agree with you.
How do you counter my interpretation of the circumstances, choices available, and milieu in which the incident(s) took place? You attack my character, and then assume the validity of your spurious attacks, deduce that my opinions are wrong... Because: Racism!? Really? TFFW
Trumpists in general tend to be extremely clueless about most things.
Hm. Stereotype much? And once again I'd ask in what way (you know: when, where, how...) was Trump racist?

Are you an Idealist or a solipsist? I begin to wonder, again... Remember our Eliza exchanges? :) Have a nice day!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-25, 15:49:18
Well, there's much, but you are too old be educated. Just this thing:

I'd ask in what way (you know: when, where, how...) was Trump racist?
In most of his build-the-wall speeches he perfectly embodied the racism against Mexicans. If you think this was not it, it just demonstrates your cluelessness.

Please stop making yourself worse than you already are. Get a grip.

Edit: By the way, in my personal view, Trump's racism in those speeches was not the worst. The worst was his factlessness and lack of any analysis of anything. His administration consisted in haphazard fumbling, while he apparently thought that the fumbling was actually good policy-making. This was the worst part in my opinion.

However, for the good of USA (apart from my personal opinion) it is important to recognise the evils of racism and to call out racists. USA is a bit too full of racists who are increasingly full of themselves. It would be good for the country to tone the racism down a bit.

How do you counter my interpretation of the circumstances, choices available, and milieu in which the incident(s) took place?
I already countered your taser option, which was your ONLY interpretation of the circumstances, choices available, and milieu of the incident. This was your ONLY thing, an utterly arbitrary nonsensical baseless so-called option that even does not merit any countering, dude.

(Do you forget that he was in the car and crawled out the street-side door to the tarmac; where he -presumably- meant to crawl across how many lanes of traffic? How long would you have let him crawl?)
"Let him crawl"? Who let him out of the car? You have policemen who cannot even put a man in the car properly! Fire them all and start hiring anew, this time with proper due diligence!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, ersi, but cops only rarely have the authority to "let things slide."
In this case, the "things" were the mistakes by the police - fatal mistakes. There must be accountability at least. Your police force is full of too many incompetent fools. Well, absolute clowns can even make it to presidency there, so no wonder really.

Nah, you keep getting worse. You are not improving.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-25, 19:12:26
In most of his build-the-wall speeches he perfectly embodied the racism against Mexicans. If you think this was not it, it just demonstrates your cluelessness.
Well, I know about a hundred Mexicans (as you call them), dozens are family. Ahem! Few of them agree with you... Of course, you and our "media" have the right to tell Mexicans what they should be offended by. Can you ever cite a case that doesn't rely on stereotypes?
The worst was his factlessness and lack of any analysis of anything. His administration consisted in haphazard fumbling, while he apparently thought that the fumbling was actually good policy-making. This was the worst part in my opinion.
Can you please be a little more vague? I'd like to see you whippoorwill your way out of your befogged state of TDS...
it is important to recognise the evils of racism and to call out racists
It's important to teach history; ideology, not so much. When real racism is ignored because it has no purpose useful to the ideologue, it rankles! Black, white, brown, yellow, red and albinos of all races. Where was Pelosi when George Floyd was just a self-destructive petty criminal? (I'm not sure the victims of his armed home-invasion would use the term "petty.") Who is it that actively promotes racism? Besides various black and brown student organizations, and good ole liberal enclaves, I mean.
USA is a bit too full of racists who are increasingly full of themselves. It would be good for the country to tone the racism down a bit.
Now a few (or, if you insist, a few hundred...) knuckleheads who can hardly spell the word "racist" (not to mention "racialist":) Mighty broad brush you're painting with, pard. Tone down...:) someone else's hysteria? Pray tell, how might that be done? (I've a suggestion: Tell them often and loudly, "Get over yourself!" or the equivalent "Get a life!")
You have policemen who cannot even put a man in the car properly! Fire them all and start hiring anew, this time with proper due diligence!
Well, if he hadn't died a hero's death, would you consider the experienced bouncer George Floyd for the job? :) By due diligence -proper serves no purpose in such a formulation- you mean Don't enforce the laws criminals don't like, don't arrest anyone who doesn't want to be arrested; tell the good citizens of every color: You're on your own, baby! I'm just working for a pension...
Who'd live in such a place, one wonders?! (Someone from where walls were lately built to keep folks from moving away, I guess. But damn few Americans!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-04-25, 19:37:48
Okay, my last words on this topic.

My objection to Chauvin was his breach of police protocol and procedure that resulted in the suspect's death. In response, you pulled out the race card with your  "innocent and harmless while black" post. Later you asked how many blacks I knew, making it even more about racism.

Yes, it is about racism too. And you are the racist number one, pulling out the race card. I keep it primarily about the fatal breach of police regulations, which cannot be denied. The judge and jury - and the fellow police officers who testified - saw no defence for Chauvin and the only defence you offer is blaming Floyd for being black and for managing to do things that were possible only because of the defiant negligence - as documented on video - of the officers on the spot. For Floyd, there is no innocent or guilty here - he did not receive a charge and he did not make it to any trial due to fatal mistakes of police officers.

I offered you a chance to retract your racism with a thought experiment: What if the police officer had been black and the suspect white. You answered that you had been in that situation, while you left out everything crucial in the equation: Did the police breach the protocol or your rights? Did you, perhaps, die or not? Any other harm or injury? Did you let it slide? Was there anything to let slide or were you actually worthy of suspicion? What punishment, if any, should have been more appropriate for Chauvin, instead of "popular"? Or are you seriously saying, against all established facts, that Floyd's death was an unfortunate accident, he was about to die anyway (which is something that trained police officers MUST notice and factor into the situation!), and Chauvin should remain on the job with maybe a reprimand?

So, you essentially have not addressed anything relevant to the topic, except for pulling out the race card. Over and out.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-04-25, 20:52:50
Nor will I ever, since you refuse to put yourself in another's shoes. Sobeit.
But you have convinced me that Marxism -> relativism-> deconstructionism -> anti-Colonialism -> anti-racism -> intersectionality -> fascism -> Totalitarianism -> (collapse) ... And so it goes. Until enough people say Stop!
What should scare the beJesus outta the not quite committed Social Warrior is the addition of We're getting off here; good luck!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-05-03, 17:32:27
Verizon sells internet trailblazers Yahoo and AOL for $5B
Quote from:
Wireless company Verizon will sell Verizon Media, which consists of the once-pioneering tech platforms, to Apollo Global Management in a $5 billion deal.

Verizon said Monday that it will keep a 10% stake in the new company, which will be called Yahoo.


Verizon spent about $9 billion buying AOL and Yahoo over two years starting in 2015, hoping to jump-start a digital media business that would compete with Google and Facebook. It didn’t work...
It's because Marissa Mayer did a good job. Her job was to kill Yahoo so that it never recovers. Something like Microsoft has done to Nokia and Skype.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-07-16, 18:02:06
I might have to disagree a little bit about Nokia and Microsoft. On paper, Windows phones didn't seem like such a bad idea. But Google and Apple had too much of a head start.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-07-22, 06:44:11
Mask mandates are what's going on in the Americas because enough people won't get vaccinated. We're about 20 minutes away from all employees in Clark County/Las Vegas from having to wear masks again at work as the Delta variant surges. It's easy enough to see way cases and deaths of Covid are back on the rise. 43 Percent of Nevadans, including yours truly, are fully vaccinated. All you need to do is go to a  supermarket to see that more than 43 percent are not masked. You don't even need to actually count the masked and unmasked, to see the percentage of unmasked people exceeds 43 percent. So, I guess what's really going on in the America is people not listening to reason and now they'll complain about consquences.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-07-22, 07:04:34
43 Percent of Nevadans
Are you talking fully of partially? Fully wouldn't be too bad.

I just got my second prick yesterday.

Here are the Belgian stats:

Germany's having a problem convincing enough people to actually go get the vaccine:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-07-22, 08:17:16
I just checked and Antwerp's actually one of the lowest in Flanders at 59.49% fully vaccinated. That means the national 49,62% must be coming from Brussels/Wallonia.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-07-22, 09:11:05
The irony with mask wearing is that the infection rate would have been much lower if everyone who didn't wear masks wore them and everyone who did didn't. Those who don't wear masks are far more likely to be infected and infectious than those who do.

And while the vaccine doesn't fully protect against getting infected and passing that on, it is quite silly that the vaccinated ones are the ones to wear masks.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-07-22, 09:28:03
There is a Norwegian saying roughly like "Rise like a bear, fall like a fur coat".


The logistics of providing vaccines succeeded very well, the politics of breaking through wall of anti-vaxx propaganda less so. 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-07-22, 13:00:32
Are you talking fully of partially? Fully wouldn't be too bad.
43 percent are fully vaccinated, 51 percent are partially
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-07-22, 17:03:57
This graph shows the increase in Covid cases in Nevada. While we're still way below the peaks of the dark, cold Covid winter, the cases are definitely on the rise.

The graph is screenshot of the dashboard located here (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-07-22, 17:07:09
Since this is the Americas thread, South America does stand out.


Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-10-29, 13:26:49
And the Catholic takeover begins

Joe Biden, 2nd Catholic president, meets with Pope Francis amid US bishops' criticism (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ensbb3 on 2021-10-31, 23:53:28
I can't see Kennedy ever have being a Vatican puppet. Biden on the other hand...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-14, 19:58:59
California update: Don't just sit there... Panic! (
(Among others, Biden administration agrees... (

Have there yet been any studies showing masking and social distancing are an effective means to slowing (let alone stopping) the spread of this respiratory virus?

In the "meantime"... ( Another epidemic looms.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-14, 22:26:01
Have there yet been any studies showing masking and social distancing are an effective means to slowing (let alone stopping) the spread of this respiratory virus?
Why do medical doctors wear masks?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-14, 23:35:41
Mainly, to keep from spitting into their patients and to keep their surgical patients' blood from entering their own mouths... :) Need I add, they make TV actors look "all cool and science-y"?
But, seriously (, there's some question of their (the wearing of masks) efficacy. For the purposes listed above, a face mask and goggles makes sense; or a full face shield.
Consider this: The main purpose investigated in the study to which I linked was avoidance of SSIs (surgical site infections), that is bacteriological contamination... The size of viruses is orders of magnitude smaller!
Sometimes, a little logic can confound common sense. That's often the benefit of doing studies and publishing their results.

Hence my question...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-15, 09:09:13
Sometimes, a little logic can confound common sense. That's often the benefit of doing studies and publishing their results.

Hence my question...
You mean modern professional medical practices are based on some common sense contrary to "a little logic", instead of studies?

You have not seen the world much, so maybe you do not know that mask policies have been widespread in Asian countries all this century ever since the SARS epidemic at least. Why are they doing this?

According to "a little logic", because they are Commies, obviously, each and every one of them, Japanese, South Koreans, Taiwanese, Singaporeans etc! USA lost the war in Vietnam, so dominoes fell all over the place, they are all Commies and now Communism has spread to USA. They are coming to take away your guns and your rights! If you have not done this already, it is your last chance to build a bunker and sit there with canned meat and your guns. Use "a little logic" and studies!

Seriously, these mask and vaccination policies in USA started under Trump. Fauci started under Trump too. Hopefully you arrive at the correct conclusion from this: Pandemic does not care about your ideology. Response to a pandemic is completely independent of politics.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-15, 10:12:34
Don't just sit there... Panic!
panic → that's annoying, but I guess we have to
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 10:34:49
Hope you got all that out of your system... (You must really miss the Trump thread! :) ) And I hope you feel better now.

Fauci ( -by the way- has been around for a very long time. And his various proposals for containing the pandemic are not the point: The proposals put into effect and their results are.
Japanese, South Koreans, Taiwanese, Singaporeans etc. (and many others now) have placed great store in masking. How's that working out? Seriously?

China's large cities are a special case: Their level of particulate air pollution often requires masking. (I remember when Los Angeles did, too. But most Angelenos didn't appreciate the common-sense measure -- then.)

I take it you still refuse to read anything I link to...? Too bad. You might learn something; perhaps even rekindle your curiosity about the world beyond your prejudices' shelter.

@Frenzie:: No, I don't believe we do. The natural progression is Epidemic, Pandemic, Endemic... I'm quite curious to see if our seasonal flu (also a corona virus) makes a come-back. It's possible that a mild variant of Covid will replace it.

Newsom's new mandate doesn't tackle the onerous problem of enforcement; it's left to the various counties to do what they will. (You may not be aware that Newsome did not impose such a mandate during our recent peak in infections... But he was facing a recall election then; perfectly understandable. :( ) BTW: Some Stanford medicos make a convincing argument for the Omicron Variant's origin: Incubation of covid in an untreated AIDS patient; the mystery of its large number of mutations being explained by its environment, a near-depleted immune system. The good news: Their patient was treated with an antiretroviral regime... The patient's immune system recovered, essentially AIDS free. And the Covid-19 quickly abated.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-15, 10:54:50
No, I don't believe we do. The natural progression is Epidemic, Pandemic, Endemic...
The progression is whatever we want it to be. In this case China wanted it to be a severe pandemic, taking a week or two keeping the genome secret back in January 2020 and so on. Additionally, Chinese scientists go frolicking around in bat caves without any protection, contracting bat viruses no human would ever naturally catch.

If you wish to think of China's excesses as the natural order that's your business, but I still live in what we once called the free West.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 11:21:25
I understand your point, except for the first part: "The progression is whatever we want it to be." Evolution works its wiles whether we wish it or no. I myself am unconvinced of CoV-2's natural genesis... (Although I suspect an unintentional lab-leak more likely, I can see why some would see malice first. I'm willing to split the difference: Say the tweaked bug got out, and the Chinese Party bigwigs decided to obfuscate... We'll likely never know.) The bug's in the wild now. That's more important to deal with than recriminations, however justified.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2021-12-15, 11:36:31
Have there yet been any studies showing masking and social distancing are an effective means to slowing (let alone stopping) the spread of this respiratory virus?
I'm not aware of studies measuring exactly that. I'm aware of news all around the world about that.
Since the incubation of the virus is 10 to 14 days, it takes about 2 weeks to see the effects of such measures. And we have seen that all around. In places where social distancing has taken effect, the pandemic has slowed down severely in two weeks; when such measures are relaxed, the pandemic speeds up again after two weeks. This explains, in part, the various waves of infection (before widespread vaccination).
In my opinion, no more studies are required.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 11:50:00
Except where, when such measures aren't relaxed, the pandemic speeds up again, anyway. :) Sorry to disagree, but I think more study is crucial; specially given the obvious waning of the efficacy of the vaccines. And the effect of all those mutations in Omicron, working together, is not well understood.
I'm -as I said- not willing to panic. By the same token, I'd not be complacent -- except for myself! I'm already old. I hope for a dominant variant that -at most- targets the elderly and/or those with serious comorbidities.
Unlike our seasonal flu...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2021-12-15, 12:03:38
Except where
Anyway, I said "this explains in part". There are many other factors that affect the outcome, like for instance new variants. Anyway those would be exceptions. As a rule, those measures have shown being effective in slowing down the pandemic, which is a great thing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-15, 12:13:10
Have there yet been any studies showing masking and social distancing are an effective means to slowing (let alone stopping) the spread of this respiratory virus?

Yes, but before 2020 there was a dearth of studies, and those were low quality. A full consolidation will still take some time, but proper masks reduce transmission. Face shields don't really. The whole picture is complicated by other behaviours and transmissibility. If you stay long enough in a room with somebody infected you are very likely to be infected yourself, where "long enough" depends on many factors, including virus variants. Of course we could use the Chinese approach, anyone infected is removed from family and put in a ward. It reduces spread effectively, but at a high social cost.

For the rest of us facemasks and vaccines have the best cost/benefit. Wearing masks have very low costs, so even with moderate benefits they are cost-effective. Vaccines are fairly cheap as well, and very effective. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine was cheap, but sadly not very effective.  Pfizer is about $15 a dose, Moderna $25. In the West the cost of nurses and overhead is likely comparable. Still, less than $100/year is cheap compared with other alternatives, both in terms of lost productivity and in health costs. Remote work and school is very costly (otoh, it has advanced the underlying techs considerably).
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 12:21:43
If you say so; more specifically, if you say extreme social distancing is what works... But how long can this practice be maintained?

What we've seen here in the States is the typical seasonal patterns, like the flu. Compare, for example, Florida and New York.

I suppose if mask wearing makes people feel safer, that's benefit enough? (This last summer I saw people out riding their bicycles alone wearing masks; and people driving alone, too.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 12:28:36
Wearing masks have very low costs, so even with moderate benefits they are cost-effective. Vaccines are fairly cheap as well, and very effective.
For vulnerable adults, certainly. For children, not so much; and the time available to gather data about long-term effects of the vaccines themselves on less-mature subjects is frighteningly short, no?
(And IIRC, the mRNA vaccines are a newly deployed technology.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-15, 12:34:25
I understand your point, except for the first part: "The progression is whatever we want it to be." Evolution works its wiles whether we wish it or no.
The numbers in the US since roughly June are a choice.

The way most of Europe reasons about the choice is not dissimilar to what you say, but you left out one crucial factor: the capacity of intensive care and hospitals in general. Every time COVID is too high, other care has to be shut down unless it's urgent.

(This last summer I saw people out riding their bicycles alone wearing masks; and people driving alone, too.)
You're implying people are being silly wearing any mask whatsoever outside of the exact confines you deem appropriate, but if you're just a couple minutes in between different things it's easier to just keep it on.

Seriously, I can't believe you're making me defend those dreadful things.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 12:40:35
but you left out one crucial factor: the capacity of intensive care and hospitals in general. Every time COVID is too high, other care has to be shut down unless it's urgent.
I agree such has occurred. But not recently (that I know of). What happens when the mandates fail to have any noticeable effect?
You're implying people are being silly wearing any mask whatsoever outside of the exact confines you deem appropriate
Not really. Are you assuming a nebulous fog of covid persisting, roaming about in the open air and sunshine?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-15, 12:51:51
What happens when the mandates fail to have any noticeable effect?
The effect of mandates is different from the effect of masks and vaccines. The latter is what you originally asked. The former: People either follow mandates or not, for various reasons, political or social, which has nothing directly to do with the medical effect of masks and vaccines. So, are you more interested in medical or sociopolitical studies? I know, it's neither.

Obviously you had to sneak in your political partisan conspiracies. You just cannot live without them.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-15, 12:58:34
But not recently (that I know of).
It's happening again right now, which is exactly why the regulations are being or have been reinstated. I believe the panic piece by US president Biden even mentioned it?

What happens when the mandates fail to have any noticeable effect?
I suspect the breakdown of Newtonian physics causing microbial organisms to magically appear would have worse side effects than that.   :alien:

Unless you meant something like people aren't wearing masks, keeping their social contacts a bit lower, etc. even though they're supposed to, which is a different question.

Not really. Are you assuming a nebulous fog of covid persisting, roaming about in the open air and sunshine?
The only thing you know about these people is that they didn't get rid of the mask. You have no idea if they've been "roaming about" or if they just didn't want to bother taking it off only to have to put it right back on again.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 13:01:00
Can't help yourself, ersi, can you? :) Something in your schooling, I suspect, precludes an honest curiosity... Oh, well.
People either follow mandates or not, for various reasons, political or social, which has nothing directly to do with the medical effect of masks and vaccines.
It's important, though.
But the need for more and better studies is not obviated by your attitude, dude.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-15, 13:06:11
Today's news:
Quote from:
OMT chairman Jaap van Dissel is very concerned about the Omikron variant. In a technical briefing in the House of Representatives, Van Dissel stated that he expects the number of hospital admissions, which is now slowly declining, to probably rise again in January.

"We all get despondent about the coronavirus thing," Van Dissel stated, but the Omikron variant "is a serious thing." He cited a study from the United Kingdom showing that two pricks from AstraZeneca and Pfizer hardly help anymore to prevent infection from the Omikron variant. A third shot would raise vaccine efficacy again to 80 percent.

But that's probably not enough to stop a sizeable wave. A British modeling study cited by Van Dissel showed that the Omikron variant can lead to more hospitalizations than hospitals can handle. Translated to the Dutch situation, this would amount to over a hundred ICU admissions per day, Van Dissel calculated. At the height of this wave there were over fifty and already many hospitals have to cancel cardiac and cancer operations.

The OMT will meet again on Friday to see what needs to be done to slow down the Omikron variant. The RIVM estimates that it will be dominant in the Netherlands by the turn of the year.

Translated with (free version)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 13:08:10
You have no idea
I know my neighborhood and a good many of its inhabitants. At any rate, riding alone for half an hour or more wearing a mask is more fetish than prophylactic, no?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 13:14:13
[OMT chairman Jaap van Dissel] cited a study from the United Kingdom showing that two pricks from AstraZeneca and Pfizer hardly help anymore to prevent infection from the Omikron variant.
Did he -or the UK study- cite a serious risk of severe symptomatic covid known to be Omicron? If the variant remains mildly symptom-inducing, the effects upon hospital systems is minimal.
(The vaccines were never meant to "prevent infection"... That's not how vaccines work!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2021-12-15, 13:15:44
In the meantime, in Brazil, vaccination rates are high, Omicron hasn't arrived killing (yet), and ordinary flu has raised worryingly. Omicron is a concern, but not the only one.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 13:21:00
ordinary flu has raised worryingly
I hadn't seen that reported... Can you point me to your source(s)? After two years of absence, that would be very worrying indeed!
Do you know more than this ( Particularly the figures post-covid... 2020-2021.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Barulheira on 2021-12-15, 13:31:39
I couldn't find a source in English.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-15, 13:34:14
But the need for more and better studies is not obviated by your attitude, dude.
Studies for a different policy? What is missing in the studies available thus far?

Here's what we know, as a minimum: It's a flu. Depending on the specific risk group, flu can be deadly or pass through you almost without effect. The particular thing called Covid 19 comes in more dense waves than the ordinary flu, so it's appropriate to take it more seriously than usual. Ordinary flu is handled by means of recurring vaccination campaigns, is it not? It still keeps recurring every year, yet no one has said the measures are ineffective (and should be abandoned or whatever it is you want to suggest).

What more studies do you want? Clearly, medical studies are not enoigh for you. It was instantly clear that your agenda is Q.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 13:57:27
I couldn't find a source in English.
That's okay. Vivaldi's translate works well enough. Not to sound ghoulish, but I do hope the figures show an either/or pattern. That is, where Sars-CoV-2 is prevalent influenza is scarce-to-non existent, and vice versa...
I hope the influenza vaccines are available. (As noted, flu is very dangerous for pregnant women and their children, before and after birth.)

I don't have an agenda, ersi. And your presumptive assignation of the silly "Q-anon" variety to me is laughable.
Here's what we know, as a minimum: It's a flu virus.
SARS-CoV-2 is a corona virus, as is the common cold. Influenza is a whole-nother animal. SARS-CoV-2 is not a variant of flu...
Recall its original moniker: "novel"? The term has a technical meaning.
(One of the reasons the origin of the strain matters... If it is engineered, it would be nice to have the particulars about that, no? To date no originating host in the non-human fauna of Wuhan has been identified. Is that -in itself- a "conspiracy theory"?)
Ordinary flu is handled by means of recurring vaccination campaigns, is it not?
The vaccines for influenza are always a guess, A or B? And their effectiveness is near 50%...when we guess right. So, yes, further studies are still needed -- even if SARS-CoV-2's dominant strain mutates to even something less dangerous than influenza! Not knowing its genesis
 is more than just a scientific puzzle: Learning to prevent its spread will depend on which hosts created, incubated, and passed it along to humans,,, And that might give us a heads-up about what lies down the road.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-15, 14:45:30
As I suspected, you have a sufficient exposure to the medical studies. So you have no actual complaints.

Neither do I. This century, I have been afflicted by flu just once. So I have no complaints with regard to flu or "corona" or whatever they call it these days. Evidently my immune system or hygiene practices are good enough. I could whine about the govt's pandemic policies a lot,[1] but I do not have any better policies to suggest, just more consistency and less corruption to the current ones. You, as has been evident from the beginning, have nothing better to suggest either. Your calling for more studies is just a silly diversion.

Keep your antidote handy.

They have demonstrated criminal incompetence over here, e.g. allowed the entire national vaccine storage to go sour in time of crisis (Note that the newspiece says that the fridge failure affected doses that were marked for donation to Africa, but this was a first attempt at minimisation by the relevant authorities. It soon turned out that the location contained the entire national vaccine storage, all of it was affected, and the national vaccine program was disrupted as they had to buy in new doses.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-15, 15:13:17
As I suspected, you have a sufficient exposure to the medical studies. So you have no actual complaints.
I have an abiding interest in SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. Likewise, in the actual effectiveness of the various vaccines (...not just relative numbers...), masking and social distancing. "Sounds reasonable" doesn't much reassure me. We have almost two years of data -don't we?- to plumb, and we should have numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs). (Regarding masking, if RCTs show the practice to be little more than a placebo then creating a false sense of security may be quite harmful in some circumstances.)
I too only had a serious case of flu once: I was working at the time in a county hospital's Xray Dept. as a file clerk, who doubled as a porter... Whatever the ER doc prescribed, along with a few days' rest, did the trick. I've never had a flu shot.
They have demonstrated criminal incompetence over here
I've heard of a few such cases here; one, intensional! (Smaller number of doses, though.) Are you familiar with what New York's Governor Cuomo did, early on?

Regarding "antidotes" I've pretty much stopped drinking, even occasionally. I of course have had two doses of the Moderna vaccine, and am waiting to hear from my doctor if a booster is warranted. (I'd want a serum antibody test first; and some straight talk about Omicron's brief history with the vaccines, whether or not to mix-n-match... Things like that. Plus a sober -pun intended!- consideration of the state of my health, post-stroke.)

Did you catch my mention of the Stanford conjecture? (That the Omicron variant -with its large number of mutations- likely originated in an untreated AIDS patient? I can find the write-up, if you';re interested.) If that's so, countries like mine need to redouble our efforts to treat AIDS in Africa....
(Imagine that: Humane and self-serving interests served by the same action!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-15, 17:46:29
"Sounds reasonable" doesn't much reassure me.
"Sounds reasonable" is not the government policy in this case, nor is it the recommendation of the experts.

We have almost two years of data -don't we?- to plumb, and we should have numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs). (Regarding masking, if RCTs show the practice to be little more than a placebo then creating a false sense of security may be quite harmful in some circumstances.)
What "false sense of security" are you talking about? How about the false sense of security in the assumption that no policies are needed - particularly when done by Democrats? What is your stance? Should the policies be more intense, less intense, or not there at all? (Yeah, I know: More studies and less government until Republicans get back in power, then no further studies needed and all policies are fine when Republicans do them.)

For all practical purposes, this covid or corona is like any other contagious air-borne viral disease. What do we do with those? Masks and vaccines, that's what. Ask anyone in the medical profession. Or, better don't ask because some of them in USA lie for partisan reasons. Rather observe what they do in their clinics; there's no room for lies in that way. They wear masks and desinfect hands after contact with each patient. But you are old enough to have already observed doctors and nurses, so you should have no questions left on this point.

Masks work against contagious air-borne diseases. Everybody knows this much. Since viruses occasionally get past the masks (particularly past the masks that people do not wear), your conclusion is that masks do not work?! More studies needed?!

Are you familiar with what New York's Governor Cuomo did, early on?
So what did he do? I know what he resigned due to.

According to my recollection, early on in the pandemic, NYC was very badly affected - obviously, because it is a very densely populated city. Fox News commentators said that this was because masks or policies regarding masks didn't work. But, as we know from observing actual doctors, masks definitely work. So, perhaps NYC was very badly affected because the mask policy was at first introduced hesitantly, many people do not follow it, and even if they did follow it, close contact in a densely populated city keeps doing its thing, contagious air-borne disease as it is.

What do you say? Suspend all policies until more studies come about? If you want study-based policies, how can these arise unless you try policies first and then study them? You cannot first have studies and later policies based on the studies, because there can be no studies relevant to the policies when nobody has yet tried any policies!

Did you catch my mention of the Stanford conjecture? (That the Omicron variant -with its large number of mutations- likely originated in an untreated AIDS patient? I can find the write-up, if you';re interested.) If that's so, countries like mine need to redouble our efforts to treat AIDS in Africa....
So, AIDS is worth treating. Is covid worth prophylactics?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-15, 19:26:19
Did he -or the UK study- cite a serious risk of severe symptomatic covid known to be Omicron? If the variant remains mildly symptom-inducing, the effects upon hospital systems is minimal.
You're probably well aware (or should be from a quick search before asking the question) that vaccination is currently said to be about 70% preventative against hospitalization by omicron. And none (?) of them have died. But if you're hospitalized, that still means you're going to be in there for weeks taking away a lot of capacity for a very long time.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-15, 20:51:41
No, but wearing a mask is very convenient, especially when between two locations. And they are surprisingly comfortable, at least in the local climates (it might be different in hot and humid climates).

When this is done, I might still wear facemasks. Nor because of having any disease or the worry of getting one, but because it keeps face nice and warm in spring and autumn, and in moderately cold winter days.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-16, 02:08:16
[Much partisan blather...] Masks work against contagious air-borne diseases. Everybody knows this much. [More partisan blather...]
The "Everybody knows" version of science...
as we know from observing actual doctors, masks definitely work
Still a fan of "Cargo Cult" science, that is. Hey, if it works for you... :)

What did Cuomo do?
A directive early in the pandemic to free up hospital space by forcing nursing homes to accept recovering COVID-19 patients was ultimately reversed but was blamed by advocates for spreading the virus and contributing to deaths.

After the administration refused to release data and answer questions about the policy for nine months, AP obtained records this year showing more than 9,000 recovering coronavirus patients in New York state were released from hospitals into nursing homes under the order, more than 40% higher than what the state health department previously disclosed.
(source (

You pose the question in an odd fashion: "So, AIDS is worth treating. Is covid worth prophylactics?" The short answer is Yes, if they work...

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-16, 05:03:07
Update to the update ( Newsom's "order" isn't really and order; it's merely guidance. And it's not really his...
According to KUSI News (San Diego):
This new masking alleged order is NOT being issued by the Governor, it is only being issued in a memo by Tomas J. Aragon, M.D., the State Public Health Officer & Director of the California Department of Public Health, an unelected state bureaucrat directed by Newsom.

It is being touted by Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of Health for the state of California like it is a government order, but in fact it is a mere memo entitled “Guidance for the use of Masks.” The word “order” is not used anywhere in the memo, instead it claims it is a “requirement” without citing any particular authority.

And from AP News:
California is exempting San Francisco from a rule that takes effect Wednesday requiring all people to wear masks indoors in a bid to contain a troubling rise in new coronavirus cases.

San Francisco will continue to allow fully vaccinated people to remove their masks in gyms and workplaces while its overall masking mandate remains in effect, the city Department of Public Health announced.

“It’s a recognition of all of the thought and care that San Francisco residents have been putting into staying as safe as possible,” said Dr. Susan Philip, San Francisco’s health officer.

About 86% of eligible San Francisco residents have received at least one vaccine dose, according to the public health department.

San Francisco businesses were relieved that the city can continue permitting fully vaccinated people to go maskless in some indoor locations.
Of course.

So: Sound and fury signifying nothing...

Good news: NIH study finds strong T-cell immunity in both vaccinated and those with natural immunity against Omicron variant, per Dr. Makary of Johns Hopkins. Also, Omicron infections tend to remain in the throat and sinuses, rather than progressing to the lungs. Thus hospitalization isn't necessary...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-16, 05:13:27
The "Everybody knows" version of science...
I haven't gone to the science at all. Science is hard stuff, far over your head. There's reason to resort to it if the everyday experience is not sufficient. In this case everyday experience is more than sufficient.

What did Cuomo do?
A directive early in the pandemic to free up hospital space by forcing nursing homes to accept recovering COVID-19 patients was ultimately reversed but was blamed by advocates for spreading the virus and contributing to deaths.

After the administration refused to release data and answer questions about the policy for nine months, AP obtained records this year showing more than 9,000 recovering coronavirus patients in New York state were released from hospitals into nursing homes under the order, more than 40% higher than what the state health department previously disclosed.
(source (
Similar decisions were also made elsewhere in the world, where hospital space is lacking, with the same results. They needed space to host the patients, this part makes it understandable, but of course the patients are the source of spread of the contagion so the situation must be managed carefully....

You pose the question in an odd fashion: "So, AIDS is worth treating. Is covid worth prophylactics?" The short answer is Yes, if they work...
Will you finally get to a single example that masks or vaccines don't work? (No, you won't.)

Full disclosure: I am reluctant to wear a mask myself. On my trajectories I rarely meet people. I have been to the office maybe ten times over the past two years. Masks are of course mandatory on workplace. I am unaffected by the disease myself. I have attended a funeral of a covid victim and also a party that was later rumoured to have got somebody the virus, still unaffected myself. I carry some masks in my pocket and put them on e.g. in shopping centres and wherever they are mandatory - mostly the masks are just given at the door, so there's no reason to refuse. I don't want to wear a mask because I am neither a patient or a doctor, and masks are extremely uncomfortable for me.

But masks work for the limited purpose that they are meant to work. You have not even begun to hint towards any kind of example or argument, scientific or otherwise, that they do not work.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-16, 06:12:58
Similar decisions were also made elsewhere in the world, where hospital space is lacking, with the same results.
That's the point: Hospital space was not lacking.
Critics have long argued there were many other places those patients could have been sent, including New York City’s Jacob Javits Convention Center, which had been set up as a makeshift hospital, and the USS Comfort military hospital ship. The state contends those facilities were not suitable substitutes for the care of nursing homes.
(source (
For "not suitable" read "One was supported by a philanthropic evangelical; the ship was sent by Donald Trump!"
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-16, 06:26:27
Similar decisions were also made elsewhere in the world, where hospital space is lacking, with the same results.
That's the point: Hospital space was not lacking.
How is that the point? Never seen a guvner mess up before? The more interesting point would be: Was there something in it for him personally, which could have biased him towards the decision? If not, then he made a stupid blunder, not an immoral evil act. Stupid blunders are common and generally uninteresting.

Moreover, note that this does not even begin to make a point about that masks don't work or any of the pandemic policies do not work.

For "not suitable" read "One was supported by a philanthropic evangelical; the ship was sent by Donald Trump!"
Yup, this is your main mode of operation: Partisan blather. Despite your earlier claims, you really do not care about science at all, nor do you care about whether some policy works. It's all about Democrats bad and evil, which is eminently uninteresting and serves no purpose, to be honest.

But good you let it out into the daylight finally. I like honesty.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-16, 06:33:27
Was there something in it for him personally, which could have biased him towards the decision?
Well, he did get a $5m+ book deal... (Unfortunately -for him- he's expected to give the money back (!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-16, 07:50:22
If you say so; more specifically, if you say extreme social distancing is what works... But how long can this practice be maintained?

What is "extreme social distancing"? I consider 20 feet to be pretty comfortable, but that depends on the locale.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-16, 08:45:22
Similar decisions were also made elsewhere in the world, where hospital space is lacking, with the same results. They needed space to host the patients, this part makes it understandable, but of course the patients are the source of spread of the contagion so the situation must be managed carefully....
Space has never been that big an issue (here), space with sufficient equipment not necessarily that big an issue either, lack of manpower on the other hand…

E.g., during the height of the pandemic around April 2020 several large hotels were turned into hospital hotels to deal with both isolation and overflow in one fell swoop.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-16, 09:09:10
Our govt over here dealt with the shortage of hospital personnel and need for isolation of contagion by means of down-prioritising all other issues, i.e. by means of refusing to acknowledge that any other medical condition exists besides covid. If you do not have covid symptoms, then you are not ambulance-worthy and not admissible to a hospital. Okay, maybe if you have an actual axe in your head or knife in your back, the ambulance may pick you up.

(I am not exaggerating either. I have elderly relatives whose only chance of getting medical attention these last years has been to frame things in terms of covid. It took me a bit too long to figure it out.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-17, 11:09:51
While COVID-19 policy is one of the most important problems of our time, the circumstances under which those policies were enacted severely hamper our ability to study and understand their effects. Claimed conclusions are only as valuable as the methods by which they are produced. Replicable, rigorous, intense, and methodologically guided review is needed to both communicate our limitations and make more actionable inference. Weak, unreliable, and overconfident evidence leads to poor decisions and undermines trust in science.[15,71] In the case of COVID-19 health policy, a frank appraisal of the strength of the studies on which policies are based is needed, alongside the understanding that we often must make decisions when strong evidence is not feasible.[72]
(source (

This paragraph concludes the discussion section of the paper... (It's slightly more authoritative than my "complaints," no? :) )
Just something I came across in my reading: An Atlantic article ( Don't know if you can get past its paywall...I just checked, using a different profile...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-17, 13:18:21
Does the paper complain about anything at all? Does it hint something towards like masks do not work? Your quoted text only says that they have not figured out how to study the effects of the policies - which is the inability of the authors of the paper, not of politicians. Dig deeper and you may find some smarter authors who know how to observe and make remarks on ongoing events.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-17, 17:45:51
Dig deeper and you may find some smarter authors who know how to observe and make remarks on ongoing events.
You mean find someone (with credentials) who's published something that agrees with your beliefs,, and take that as gospel? :(
Not very rational, ersi... (Did you read enough of the paper to understand what it was about and what it found? It doesn't seem so.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-17, 18:48:54
There has never been a claim that masks protect against more than large particles. It's been suggested that receiving a smaller dose of the virus is actually helpful in mounting a defense.

For reference, here's an older article

But it seems the paper is talking about policies, which is a slightly different question.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-17, 18:49:15
Dig deeper and you may find some smarter authors who know how to observe and make remarks on ongoing events.
You mean find someone (with credentials) who's published something that agrees with your beliefs,, and take that as gospel? :( Not very rational, ersi...
The thing you quoted does not line up with your beliefs! I mean, you have all those silly beliefs that you are desperately trying to hide, yet you come to this forum to tease them, but you have nothing to back them up with. Dig deeper until you find support because the thing you quoted for now is not it.

(Did you read enough of the paper to understand what it was about and what it found? It doesn't seem so.)
I did not read it at all, because I am not in need of any support here. You are. So you do it. I will not do your job for you. If you are unable to summarise the point of the paper (which I then will verify by reading the paper and debunk, just as I did with the part you quoted), then so be it.

But it seems the paper is talking about policies, which is a slightly different question.
Based on the title and the quoted part, the paper is onto a very specialised subtlety: It is about evidence-based assessment of the impact of policies. Policies are done by politicians, but the assessment of the policies is done by researchers - and the latter, the job of the researchers, seems to be the subject of the paper. The paper is NOT critiquing the politicians, but researchers!

As in the direct quote provided by Oakdale: " Weak, unreliable, and overconfident evidence leads to poor decisions and undermines trust in science." The authors are more directly worried about the reputation of science/scientists, not of politicians. Further, "a frank appraisal of the strength of the studies on which policies are based is needed, alongside the understanding that we often must make decisions when strong evidence is not feasible." We can appraise the studies that are there. We cannot appraise studies that are not there. And, this appraisal is again the job of scientists/specialists advising the politicians. The appraisal is not the job of the politicians themselves. As to politicians themselves, the paper understands that policies and decision-making must be in place regardless whether any studies exist or not - which is the correct understanding of the role of politicians.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-17, 20:01:09
I mean, you have all those silly beliefs that you are desperately trying to hide
...Your presumption of my "hidden" beliefs is -- a perversity peculiar to you (I hope!). But it's in line with your refusal to read...
Must all your "information" be pureed and spoon-fed to you? And must anything that disagrees with your (pre-) conceptions be regurgitated by you so that it's so mixed with your bile as to be unrecognizable?[1]

If you have no interest in the topic, why participate, even at your snarky level?

For reference, here's an older article [...] But it seems the paper is talking about policies, which is a slightly different question.
The policy questions are a major impetus for rigorous studies, as the article (and a great many since...) mentions: Public skepticism and fatigue, etc., have led to greater lack of confidence in authorities...which is a serious problem.
Yes, the article is old. But it has pointed me to at least two must-read studies! Thanks, Frenzie. (I'm especially interested in Benn's study and in Benfield's, whose results must surely have been reported by now?)
Yeah, I know I'm prone to pushing metaphors too far... :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-17, 20:33:52
If you have no interest in the topic, why participate, even at your snarky level?
Just now, in my two last posts, I demonstrated enough interest in the topic, I read what you posted with perfect accuracy and corrected your vague reading of your own postings on the fly, wasting just about the right amount of time, no more than needed. I wish you success working on your own level of interest and attention span. And your online insults are not very sharp either, work on them too.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-17, 21:21:52
And your online insults are not very sharp either, work on them too.
Nah! That's for something more frivolous, like the good-old days, eh? :)
(I don't mean to insult you. But you do seem to have assumed RJ Howie's throne... And you seem quite myopic from that high perch! :) )

Has anyone else been reading this (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-17, 22:10:45
I don't mean to insult you. But you do seem to have assumed RJ Howie's throne...
Different from Howie, I always post the link to the thing I am commenting on. And you are different from Howie too. Your opinion is always extremely vague (except for the blame-the-Dems aspect) and hardly has any connection to the links you post. You post a link, but it has no connection to anything you say, neither does it often speak for itself, so I mostly don't click on them because I have found it not worth it over the years.

Howie always had a perfectly defined and well-spoken tripe opinion, so that even though he never posted links, it was often possible to reverse-engineer what he had seen on his telly. He was unique. Even our joint efforts cannot replace Howie.

Has anyone else been reading this (
Yup, exactly what I mean. Why don't you properly copy-paste the digestible part that you actually mean to post, along with the point *you* are making, if it is anything different from what is posted there? My take: It stands proven now that you prefer conspiracy to science.

And are you aware that many of your urls are full of privacy-breaking garbage? Can you clean them before posting? Or is it some Mac thing that you don't have a way to take a look at urls?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-17, 23:54:38
And are you aware that many of your urls are full of privacy-breaking garbage? Can you clean them before posting?
No, I wasn't; and I'm not sure what you mean... [1] (Example, please.)

I can give you my take on eugyppius ('s recent posts on Containment Across the World: Reader Reports, which I came to at the second installment; I'm reading the first now... (He's posted some interesting argumentation over the last six months or so, but since they're mostly "philosophical" I didn't bring them here. :) )

Suffice to say, the Reader Reports are -what's the word?- worrying. Very worrying!
There seems to be much consternation over governments' policies and their implementation. much scoffing at authorities -including public health bureaucracies, and considerable fear that "bureau-crazies" are running amok! (There's more than a smattering of conspiracy theorizing...) As I thought I'd said: The more solid the science is, the better the justification of various policies, the greater the likelihood such will swamp the crazies's influence; and curtail rebellious activity.
(I don't post examples mainly because they'd take up space unnecessarily. If clicking a link is too much trouble, reading excerpts wouldn't likely help. And, of course, my selections would become, themselves, mere targets -- rather counterproductively.)

It's hard not to use pejorative language about this: Few countries are populated by "sheeple" and few "bureau-crazies are mal-intentioned. But this coming year and Omicron's fate will make or break many previously civil societies...
That, my friend, is what concerns me most. Comprende vous? :)

For Frenzie and others: A recent Bloomberg article,
(Nothing up my sleeve... :) )
Did I inadvertently copy a link to a page I received in a newsletter? That's all I can think of; and I've been more careful, of late...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-18, 06:30:44
Take a good look at the url you posted here

You perhaps understand that everything after the question mark in the url is crap, along with the question mark.

During old Opera times I developed a habit of examining the url before clicking and I even created a function to extract the url of links and edit them, if needed, before clicking. But even with precautions, clicking *your* links has been a mistake every time for many years now.

My take about the policies: The main policies themselves (mask and vaccination requirements) are not worrying to the least. They are perfectly understandable given that the global pandemic is real. What is worrying is the flip-flopping between loosening and tightening of the policies, which leaves the impression of toying with the population. Inconsistency of the policies is very bad. Also corruption in enforcing the policies is very bad. And many secondary consequences are very bad: People losing jobs, children losing school education (particularly the current high-school children will become the next lost generation, I think).

But overall, the global pandemic is real and this is what life looks like in a real global pandemic. Science cannot help us out of it.

Think of medieval plague. What could the scientists at the time, the elect, the respected and the wealthy done better? Not much.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-18, 09:43:48
You perhaps understand that everything after the question mark in the url is crap, along with the question mark.
My apologies. Sorry for the inconvenience, if there was one... (Fixed it, now. I'll be more careful in the future.) BTW: I assume "the crap" allows the site to know that a visit came as the result of an email re-direct... Do you oppose such analytics?

overall, the global pandemic is real and this is what life looks like in a real global pandemic. Science cannot help us out of it.
That's a very pessimistic view...  And not everyone will accept such fatalism.
Think of medieval plague. What could the scientists at the time, the elect, the respected and the wealthy done better? Not much.
Well, we did get Boccaccio's Decameron! (And the Epidemiological Fallacy...)
The "at the time" proviso does allow us considerable leeway: We've learned a bit since the Middle Ages. Of medicine, of sanitation, of administration. About the latter, I'd agree that most states seem not to have learned much; but I also expect political action will remove many an incompetent leader. And -in time- allow a more rational ambit to minor functionaries and a more realistic recognition of in what expertise consists.
I don't expect we'll get a perfect world! Nor do I believe we'll just live with dystopia.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-18, 10:27:10
BTW: I assume "the crap" allows the site to know that a visit came as the result of an email re-direct... Do you oppose such analytics?
Yes, I strongly oppose it. I oppose crap links and I oppose cookies too. The only legitimate cookies are for login. Otherwise I reject them all.

overall, the global pandemic is real and this is what life looks like in a real global pandemic. Science cannot help us out of it.
That's a very pessimistic view...  And not everyone will accept such fatalism.
No. It's a realistic view. Science did not help us out of medieval plagues either - we got out of them without its help. Science is totally beside the point in the current pandemic too.

Edit: An earlier situation that caused a comparable scare was perhaps AIDS. Did science help us out of it? Not at all. We just gradually came to accept to count the numbers of the affected/dead and leave it at that. It will be the same with covid - once the waves reduce to about once a year as with ordinary flu, the scare will fade away.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-18, 11:08:45
Science is totally beside the point in the current pandemic [...]
I confess, I don't understand your attitude, ersi.
Do you miss the good old days of Gopher and Usenet? :)

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-18, 13:19:48
Quote from:
Marc Mendelson, the head of infectious diseases at the University of Cape Town, who also works at Groote Schuur Hospital
South Africans have a way with words, don't they? "Large Barn Hospital"; I don't think you'd see that around here.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-19, 10:09:08
Both the EU and SU have a strong tendency to bureaucratise the naming conventions. They absolutely must have a "Regional Hospital"[1] that officially spans most of the hospitals across several counties or even half of the country, so that nobody can guess the specific location by the name. To indicate specific hospital houses with specific locations, the people use an unofficial folk nomenclature in parallel, because the official nomenclature doesn't acknowledge that hospitals exist as specific houses with specific locations.

If we had something like "Large Barn Hospital", there might be some sense that the EU has a human face and feel. But there is not.
I.e. the name consists of a compass direction + "regional" or "district" something. I get that in old Germanic naming conventions the compass directions are common and normal, but in Estonian and Finnish naming conventions they are not at all, so the cold sense of remoteness with those EU namings is very strong here.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-19, 11:46:23
In leaving things implicit, I think we're completely talking past each other.

Broadly speaking hospitals here have two different kind of names. You have more straightforward names, such as
Het Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam, The Rotterdam Eye Hospital. Another common naming scheme is UZA, University Hospital Antwerp. It's common to have a name along those lines in most cities that have a medical education.

Still in the straightforward category, a name like Middelheim refers to the neighborhood it's in. I suppose it depends a bit on your perspective if that's more or less straightforward. If you're familiar with the city you know that Middelheim is a neighborhood in the southeast of Antwerp. It sounds like you think it would be called Southeast Antwerp Hospital? That sounds very American to me, not like anything we'd do in Europe. For example see here (

Then you have Greek/Latin/science-y names like Gemini, the constellation. You've also got names like Medisch Spectrum Twente, which merges a scientific-sounding term with the region it's in. Perhaps this last one fits under your definition of regional, in the sense that you might be up to a 30-40 minute drive away from it at the outer edges of the region. But that's because you'd go to such a place when in need of something more specialized; for regular care you've got a hospital in your own (nearby) town.

What they're not called is something like Large Barn, which presumably describes the look of the building or the look it once had. But this is not America. We don't have compass directions, unless we include that I could imagine a hospital being called Polaris.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-19, 11:55:18
But more important, what does the EU have to do with hospital names? At all? That doesn't make one lick of sense as a proposition. That's not how anything works. [Edit: it may or may not be how the SU works; the EU does not!]

Edit: The closest I can imagine is if the EU requires the use some working title while dealing with subsidies for the proposed North Pölva Hospital.[1] But whatever name it's got, that's a local affair.
Completely made up, of course.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-19, 12:05:30
What they're not called is something like Large Barn, which presumably describes the look of the building or the look it once had. But this is not America. We don't have compass directions, unless we include that I could imagine a hospital being called Polaris.
Another category is Holy This and Saint That. Less common (if at all) in the traditionally Protestant north, fairly common in the Catholic south. With a bit of imagination this does still tend to fall under the medical and/or Latin name category, however. Think of the Holy Heart hospital and the Sint Elisabeth hospital. Technically that's Hebrew, but you get my point. ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-19, 13:37:48
Sounds like your naming conventions are reasonable throughout. Here during the meanwhile-years (from post-Soviet to pre-EU) we had the sanest names for hospitals, basically matching the folksy names, like Mustamäe haigla located in the corresponding neighbourhood in Tallinn, and elsewhere in Estonia mostly according to the city name. Outside Tallinn we generally have one hospital per city (actually an increasing number of cities is without a hospital due to an ongoing abolishment of hospitals).

The erstwhile Mustamäe haigla is now, in translation, North Estonian Regional Hospital, where "North Estonia" is a non-region[1] and the Hospital is not just the hospital in Mustamäe, but all (state) hospitals of Northern Estonia combined. Maybe good for the Ministry of Health, but absolutely not good for the people who call for ambulance nor for the ambulance teams who have to navigate this idiotic nightmare.

The "university hospital" thing I have seen in Scandinavia. Here Tartu University has copied the same thing to their Tartu University Clinic, which earlier was a hospital with no direct connection to the university. And since Tartu University has essentially enforced that they are the only university, it's the only such example. No saints or holies either.

But more important, what does the EU have to do with hospital names? At all? That doesn't make one lick of sense as a proposition. That's not how anything works. [Edit: it may or may not be how the SU works; the EU does not!]
Let's just say that the EU may work differently over there in the Western/older parts. Here it works the way I have described before. Namely, our govt says, "We will now do so-and-so in order to be in line with EU requirements." This may be either our govt's "honest" misinterpretation of the EU requirements or it may be full-out malicious deception (i.e. there are no such EU requirements and they know it, but they want to push something through and the surest way to push anything through is to say that it's due to EU requirements). Since the EU is never anywhere to be seen correcting this picture, then the end result is that this is how the EU works over here. Incidentally, Soviet Union worked the same way in principle, except that back then our govt probably mitigated the demands that had been handed down from Moscow, whereas now they severely exacerbate the demands that come down from Brussels. Like it or not, the EU is not too different from SU over here - it's the govt of our little member state/banana republic taking orders uberobediently, be they real or imaginary orders. And seriously, I am not exaggerating. The situation is probably worse than I make it sound.
We do not have any administrative "regions" whatsoever. We have counties, but the government for some reason hates to make use of counties and county names, even though these are still official administrative subdivisions of the country. Hardly any govt authority is making use of the counties and county names, and instead they make up "regions" and "districts" which combine a bunch of counties. The ministry of health has its own regions, the police has its own districts etc. The names of these have compass directions like Northern, Eastern etc. which is not how Estonian place names used to work historically. Additionally, I am super-annoyed by the recent "reform" of municipal divisions (, which proceeded very messily and resulted in a host of ahistorical, bureaucratic-sounding and just plain false place names, erasing several well-known names that had stayed safely put for a thousand years.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-19, 13:42:55
South Africans have a way with words, don't they? "Large Barn Hospital"; I don't think you'd see that around here.

Barn, you say?

In Norwegian "skur" is some small building, supposedly originally an addition, but now mostly standalone and quite often ramshackle. Swedish and Norwegian dictionaries agree the original meaning was the skin around almond kernels. Dutch "schuur" would have its own etymology, but I am curious how we got from there to here.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-19, 14:40:37
"We will now do so-and-so in order to be in line with EU requirements." This may be either our govt's "honest" misinterpretation of the EU requirements or it may be full-out malicious deception (i.e. there are no such EU requirements and they know it, but they want to push something through and the surest way to push anything through is to say that it's due to EU requirements).
The EU has many requirements regarding hospitals, ranging from how they're funded to various medical and patient care standards.

It's not inconceivable that in some dark corner you can find a guideline for hospital naming conventions, but unless you called your hospital the Kuala Lumpur Travel Agency I find it hard to imagine anyone would bat an eye even if such guidelines do exist.[1]

In Norwegian "skur" is some small building, supposedly originally an addition, but now mostly standalone and quite often ramshackle. Swedish and Norwegian dictionaries agree the original meaning was the skin around almond kernels. Dutch "schuur" would have its own etymology, but I am curious how we got from there to here.
I think a schuur means a simple covering without necessarily implying much about size. Rephrasing that in English, a barn is a very large shed, and a shed is a very small barn. I picked barn instead of shed due to context — even a fairly large shed could only house maybe 12 people. Of course it's always possible that's simply how it started historically, as a regional doctor's post in a large shed.

For etymology, also see
A quick search would seem to suggest they don't, in contrast to for example medicine naming guidelines (
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-19, 14:48:31
I think a schuur means a simple covering without necessarily implying much about size. Rephrasing that in English, a barn is a very large shed, and a shed is a very small barn. I picked barn instead of shed due to context — even a fairly large shed could only house maybe 12 people. Of course it's always possible that's simply how it started historically, as a regional doctor's post in a large shed.

For etymology, also see

As in obscure, that makes a lot of sense. Or to quote Etymonline (*(s)keu-),

It forms all or part of: chiaroscuro ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (v.1) "to conceal;" hide ( (n.1) "skin of a large animal;" hoard ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-19, 15:05:57
As in obscure, that makes a lot of sense.
It sounds plausible; I'm not sure if there's any evidence for it. (If there is, the summary in the dictionary doesn't show it.) Anyway, here (,'s a little bike shed (fietsschuur):

While here's a tiendschuur ( (tenth barn, as in the tenth a medieval person had to pay in taxes to a church or lord):
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-19, 15:42:26
It's not inconceivable that in some dark corner you can find a guideline for hospital naming conventions, but unless you called your hospital the Kuala Lumpur Travel Agency I find it hard to imagine anyone would bat an eye even if such guidelines do exist.
You went to look up if actual guidelines on this topic exist, whereas the point that I am getting at is that whether these guidelines actually exist or not is what matters least. What matters is that the term "EU requirements" with its variations (EU directives, European standards etc. which all have their different levels of mandatoriness, but whichever level of mandatoriness-voluntariness the EU intended also matters not at all here) has been regularly used by local governments and political parties for propaganda purposes, either to push through any particular agenda or to deliberately antagonise the population. The "requirements" may be completely imaginary, but the result of letting the manipulation live is things like Hungary, Poland, and Brexit, which are all real.

All along, the EU has never once stepped in to correct the abuse of its own image. Of course, if it did, it could add more fuel to the fire because the EU has historically been rather incompetent in correcting anything whatsoever (Bosnia, Greece, Ukraine/Crimea, Nord Stream etc.). But if it doesn't, and it won't, it keeps the fire burning until the EU crumbles apart in the long term, unfortunately rather slowly and painfully, which is the worst possible way to go.

For etymology, also see
In Estonian there's the word "kuur" (meaning "a shed") which has all the hallmarks of a (Low) German or Swedish loan.  It is often hard to distinguish between (Low) German and Swedish loanwords, because the vocabulary in them is occasionally identical. But the closest I can remember from Swedish is "ett skjul".
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-19, 18:02:06
Skur is in Swedish as well ( In Scandinavian it is particularly applied to with an open wall like a bicycle shed:

It sounds plausible; I'm not sure if there's any evidence for it. (If there is, the summary in the dictionary doesn't show it.) Anyway, here (,'s a little bike shed (fietsschuur):

or bus shed. Skjul, which also means to hide, has a similar function and according to the Swedish dictionary may indeed share a root with skur. Like with the blob of words from Etymonline these carry the idea of something covering the inside from the outside.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-20, 03:40:49
Coming soon to a location near you!
There have been rumors that a COVID-19 passport in the form of a microchip implanted into the body would likely be developed, but that speculation was widely dismissed as a "conspiracy theory." However, the conspiracy theory now appears to be close to reality after a tech company touted a microchip that is implanted into the body that can serve as a COVID-19 vaccine passport.

For years, Swedish start-up Epicenter has specialized in implanting microchips the size of grains of rice into the body that can act as key cards to open doors, public transportation passes, or be a credit card. Metro reported, "According to digital cultures researcher Moa Petersen, around 6,000 people in the country have so far had a chip inserted in their hands."
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Stockholm-based Epicenter has worked on developing an implantable microchip that can be used as a coronavirus vaccine passport.

"A start-up hub in Sweden has showcased a new use for its microchip implants: your Covid-19 vaccination passport," the South China Morning Post reported. "The company Epicenter plans to market the versatility of the technology it spent years developing. The chips use Near-field communication (NFC), which can communicate with any NFC-capable smartphone. The company says the procedure is entirely reversible."
[... video ...]
"Implants are very versatile technology that can be used for many different things, and right now it is very convenient to have COVID passport always accessible on your implant," [Hannes Sjoblad – Epicenter's "Chief Disruption Officer"-] told Ruptly last week.

"In case your phone runs out of battery, it’s always accessible to you," he continued. "So of course, that’s how we use this technology today, next year we are going to use it for something else."

There was no shortage of reactions to the report on the implantable microchip COVID-19 vaccine passport.

No shortage... I won't deny the utility. But I doubt the tech will catch on. And I wonder: Will some government, somewhere, think it a good idea to mandate its use?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-20, 05:26:17
No shortage... I won't deny the utility. But I doubt the tech will catch on. And I wonder: Will some government, somewhere, think it a good idea to mandate its use?

Yes, we've been here before in the good ole D&D forum. Barcelona clubbers get chipped (

Like back then, or even more so, the utility is low as long as people more than willingly are carrying the chip in their phone rather than on their shoulder.

Adding to that, one of the few techs that have done better than expected is big data face recognition. I expected neural networks to have a scaling issue going from thousands to millions or billions. But in addition to having more hardware they got more clever, and that refactoring seems to have done the trick. 

And speaking of big data, as expected private enterprise, rather than governments, have been the greatest collectors of that. Now, private enterprise can be persuaded to give some of that sweet data up, or as Snowden showed, they could just break in and copy them, but it is the enterprises that have put us under constant surveillance since. 

Now, ironically facemasks give (a very limited and flawed) protection against this surveillance. Several European countries put themselves in a double bind when covid-19 entered the scene. They had passed legalisation making it illegal to wear face masks in demonstrations, while the pandemic led to public ordinances requiring them in large public gatherings. Fortunately for them many of the demonstrations the last couple years have been against wearing facemasks. (The state of Denmark also got in a handshake bind, but that is a different story.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-20, 07:38:53
I'd missed that earlier topic... :) Our Brave New World will sometimes prove interesting.
(I'll not wade into immigration here. Not even at the level of the Denmark law.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-20, 10:24:20
Now, ironically facemasks give (a very limited and flawed) protection against this surveillance. Several European countries put themselves in a double bind when covid-19 entered the scene. They had passed legalisation making it illegal to wear face masks in demonstrations, while the pandemic led to public ordinances requiring them in large public gatherings.
I remember when France introduced their anti-mask law. It was directed against anarchist protesters and muslim ladies, both of whom tend to hide behind masks. For rhetorical/propaganda purposes a very effective combination of scapegoats, anarchists and muslim ladies, so that the law passed. But now we have covid and the government had to mandate the exact opposite regulations, embarrassingly for themselves. Yet in USA there are protesters saying that masks are tyranny (or that masks don't work for their assigned medical purposes, which is obviously false), completely forgetting their own privacy, even though privacy/anonymity is the number one tool against tyranny.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-20, 11:16:02
There have been rumors that a COVID-19 passport in the form of a microchip implanted into the body would likely be developed, but that speculation was widely dismissed as a "conspiracy theory." However, the conspiracy theory now appears to be close to reality after a tech company touted a microchip that is implanted into the body that can serve as a COVID-19 vaccine passport.
It has never been a "conspiracy theory" that chips exist. We've put them in our pets and livestock forever. A company presenting some dystopian product they (want to) sell as a solution to a non-existent problem is also hardly out there. It boggles the mind that America hasn't banned most of Big Brother Nest yet like we do. What makes something a "conspiracy theory" is not even a slippery slope argument, but the idea that chipping people has always been the end goal. Put more straightforwardly, this entire paragraph is full-on nonsense, misrepresenting every single thing it mentions.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-20, 13:01:37
It boggles the mind that America hasn't banned most of Big Brother Nest yet like we do.
At this stage it boggles the mind indeed. By now, it's not like they don't have enough experience with it anymore. They had a straightforward fascist coup attempt even. It was a failed coup attempt, but had it been successful, USA would be down the path of Nazi Germany, which also came about by conspiracies and coup attempts, first unsuccessful and then successful.

Oakdale, you are not fooling anybody else, just yourself. About time to start seeing tyranny where it is, and stop seeing it where it is not. But probably far too late for you.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-20, 14:16:48
Will hand it to the Stockholm Epicenter co-working space though, for their guerilla marketing. They have done this chipping spiel for many years now and media keeps eating it up.

And I was very marginally involved in a far better proposal to the Swedish Health Authority. Getting them to respond at all is a major achievement. The idea that they would just jump at the chance of chipping the population shows very dim understanding of the psychology of health bureaucrats.

I could accept the idea that there would be people so lazy that they won't position their phone close to the NFC reader or their phone or tag to a scanner to open a door. Anything that appeals to laziness, however how pointless, has a fair chance of success. But a chipped vaccine passport would just make every stakeholder worse off. It's a multiple non-starter.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-20, 15:34:17
Yeah, I remember a newspiece about one such enthusiast.

Quote from:
Björn har tågbiljetten i ett chipp under huden

Den egentliga nyttan med chippet är kanske i dagsläget inte så överdrivet stort, berättar Björn Hagström som satte in chippet på en datamässa för ett halvår sedan.

Det handlar om en liten mottagare stor som ett riskorn som kan lagra information som han själv väljer att lägga dit.

I Björn Hagströms fall handlar det om resekortet på SJ eftersom han ofta pendlar till Stockholm.

Men det går också att lägga in information som gör det möjligt att öppna dörren till huset eller arbetsplatsen.

– Det mesta som chippet kan utföra kan jag ju lika gärna ha i min telefon men framtiden kommer nog att erbjuda fler användningsområden säger Björn Hagström.

Reported in USA as follows

A list of enthusiasts on Wikipedia

I do not see any gain or convenience in it. Occasionally I want to have just my bicycle with me and leave behind everything else, phone, laptop etc. And I do. With a chip I would not be able to. Ethical dilemmas with under-skin microchips seem to be taken seriously thus far.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-20, 15:45:33
I do not see any gain or convenience in it.
It's like like these people have never heard of this technology we invented, I don't know, a million years ago, called a wristband. You could stick an NFC/RFID/whatever chip in one of those and you'd always have it with you if you wanted.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-12-21, 01:41:44
That does seem like a much better solution. As hashing schemes and encryption algorithms get broken (and they all do), having the chip implanted in you would be a security/privacy nightmare and would obviously be far more difficult than simply replacing a wristband.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-21, 04:14:35
:) A simple slip of paper would suffice, no? Unless the purpose was actual identification of the individual... (I've heard of fake vaccination records.) In what way would a wristband do that, convincingly to "authorities" that is?
The Enigma codes were eventually broken. But what would be the purpose for breaking the code of an implanted vaccine record?

A security/privacy nightmare? Well, a disquieting daydream... (Of course, for the cantankerous contrarian to  the mildly paranoid through the spectrum to those who fear The Mark of the Beast, it might be a big deal!)

Still: We'll have to wait for some government to take the plunge... (Make us take the plunge?) :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-21, 05:55:36
The New York Times proclaims:
The N.H.L. will pause its season, postponing all games until next week due to Covid, the first North American league to do so as Omicron rises.
And so it begins! Like I said a while ago, don't just sit there, panic! What's the current death toll of the omicron variant? World-wide?

You can, of course, read about it...
The reactions of governments is likely to be of the "hair on fire" variety.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-21, 08:44:31
And so it begins! Like I said a while ago, don't just sit there, panic! What's the current death toll of the omicron variant? World-wide?
Didn't you notice that 2020 Olympics were held in 2021? It is very late of you to start panicking now.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-21, 09:10:59
A simple slip of paper would suffice, no?
Is there any place on earth where a piece of paper doesn't suffice for whatever you're thinking of? :)

The kind of chip under discussion is one that I had on my key chain for a while at a previous job. It opened the office door and noted if you were inside the building for emergency purposes. Of course if your name is minister Donner then you'll say hey, we might as well track what times people are coming and going now that we have this fire safety tracking system, which is why I also think we should be very wary of expanding such systems. But anyway, I was taking the Swedish marketing at face value. Assuming you want to have the chip on you at all times (which we don't!), and also assuming that having it on your key chain or on a card is somehow insufficient (which it isn't!), the rather obvious always on you solution is a wristband[1] or something in the same ballpark, like a necklace or a ring.
Protip for overly enthusiastic tech dystopians: a so-called "smart" watch is a wristband too.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-21, 09:14:17
Of course if your name is minister Donner then you'll say hey, we might as well track what times people are coming and going now that we have this fire safety tracking system
I should probably clarify that this specifically isn't something he did. It's just the kind of behavior I expect from him.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-21, 09:20:13
It is very late of you to start panicking now.
The expression itself "don't just sit there, panic" is sarcastic and all-but facetious... And, to your point: It's never too late for governments to panic! Part of the nature of the omicron variant, its rapid incubation, pretty much guarantees they will.
I'm not worried, myself; let alone panicked, as my inclusion of the question of deaths should indicate...
But for governments and their planners, who've taken to focusing upon cases rather than hospitalizations and deaths, it is a problem: Their testing regimes will not be able to keep up. So they'll inflict much pain before we -and eventually, they- realize omicron's nature.
(As you've likely heard, omicron is at least as good as delta was at vaccine evasion. What I hope to see, soon, is data about natural immunity derived from omicron.)

@Frenzie & jax: The convenience angle seems more important when it's a personal choice. The "injectable" -specially if and when it becomes mandated- is qualitatively different, no?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-21, 09:20:45
Yeah, I remember a newspiece about one such enthusiast.

Quote from:
Björn har tågbiljetten i ett chipp under huden

Den egentliga nyttan med chippet är kanske i dagsläget inte så överdrivet stort, berättar Björn Hagström som satte in chippet på en datamässa för ett halvår sedan.

Det handlar om en liten mottagare stor som ett riskorn som kan lagra information som han själv väljer att lägga dit.

I Björn Hagströms fall handlar det om resekortet på SJ eftersom han ofta pendlar till Stockholm.

Reported in USA as follows

A list of enthusiasts on Wikipedia

I do not see any gain or convenience in it. Occasionally I want to have just my bicycle with me and leave behind everything else, phone, laptop etc. And I do. With a chip I would not be able to. Ethical dilemmas with under-skin microchips seem to be taken seriously thus far.

Yes, SL (Stockholm Public Transport) supported these biohackers, or chipsters as they call themselves. A case of co-marketing, you could say.

They are now concerned as SL is about to change to a new system, from "blue cards" to "green cards" by 2023. You can currently pay your fare through these cards, by the RFID in payment cards, or by phone QR connected to SL app. The latter is a no-go. I guess you could tattoo your QR code on your hand, but that is not a very forward-looking solution (someone somewhere on the planet has probably done so anyway). The banks are not letting chipsters into their payment system, and that leaves piggybacking on the travel cards.

I kind of shared their concern. The blue travel cards are very convenient. I have a card-sized wallet with ID card, payment card, a dongle with the RFID to my entrance door, and the blue card. The ID card I use once a month so I rarely need to open the wallet. So on one side I can use the payment card, on the other I can travel, and by dangling it I can get in the door. The phone doesn't offer the same convenience. If SL changed to QR code I would either have to find wallet with a transparent side, or more likely give in to using the payment card (which is not currently linked to my user). Using the phone is slow, inconvenient and error prone.

So I could sympathise with the laziness argument, but there is no convincing case. And having to dechip the blue chip to rechip a green chip whenever a system changes isn't very appealing either.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-21, 09:30:48
They are now concerned as SL is about to change to a new system, from "blue cards" to "green cards" by 2023.
Oh no, who could've ever foreseen that systems that are historically replaced every two decades or so would be replaced…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-21, 10:25:32
@OakdaleFTL The height of the panic was here (, but you let it pass. So let those lesser and completely bogus panics pass too.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-21, 10:26:24
Oh no, who could've ever foreseen that systems that are historically replaced every two decades or so would be replaced…
Yes, if the radio tech changes they are out of luck. Otherwise they might manage. 

And it is distinctly low-tech. At least they made the subcutaneous RFID chip transport blippable.

Their "passport"? A stored link to a PDF copy of the certificate. In other words what IT experts call "a bookmark", only that they stored that bookmark on a chip instead of on a phone. As they have to use the phone to access the bookmark, it makes the whole exercise completely pointless, except to create dozens (or by now probably hundreds) of media entries.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-21, 10:40:37
Biden has a plan...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-21, 11:25:31
@Frenzie & jax: The convenience angle seems more important when it's a personal choice. The "injectable" -specially if and when it becomes mandated- is qualitatively different, no?

If that really had been a concern, that would have been wonderful. This is the least efficient way of government or corporate surveillance. Back in the day of Snowden (2013) the US government was the only one with the means to pull off global mass surveillance. By now it percolates through several corporations, Russia and China towards lesser powers like Iran, NSO Group, or Vietnam.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-21, 11:32:03
The convenience angle seems more important when it's a personal choice. The "injectable" -specially if and when it becomes mandated- is qualitatively different, no?
If and when the dolphins invade and enslave us, life will be qualitatively different too.  :insane:

But yeah, facial/physical recognition tech is far too creepy and advanced for such a thing to need mandating unless you absolutely wish to show off that you're an authoritarian, slithering reptile.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-21, 11:42:08
@jax: My "like" shows that I appreciate your post. On this little matter, it seems most likely that the Omicron Obsession will peter out before mandated Vax Passports reach the point where a black market will lead to their injectable "solution"...

If that happens then it's not unreasonable to expect other uses to occur "convenient". (Think "cookies"!)

@Frenzie: I appreciate your skepticism, too. (I -mostly- share it.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-12-21, 16:56:52
:) A simple slip of paper would suffice, no? Unless the purpose was actual identification of the individual... (I've heard of fake vaccination records.) In what way would a wristband do that, convincingly to "authorities" that is?
The Enigma codes were eventually broken. But what would be the purpose for breaking the code of an implanted vaccine record?

This is simple enough. To collect and sell personal information on the dark web. It's often gathered in a piecemeal basis. Throughout the pandemic I seen people (usually on the right) be paranoid about the vaccines, all but accusing Fauci if causing the pandemic, etc. But it seems they're paranoid the wrong things. If I can intercept an RFID signal coming from a chip, I'm well on my way to selling your info to a fraudster. In that context, your comment about about a simple piece of paper makes some sense.

Ps, nice to see you appearantly doing well.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-21, 23:41:07
nice to see you apparently doing well
Back at ya, Midnight.

@ersi: Some still have their panties in a twist (; and their sense of proportion skewed beyond belief. Aren't you waiting with bated breath for the culmination and conclusion of The U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol? :)
For the same reason Trump's second impeachment trial failed to achieve a conviction[1], only "reliable" members were allowed to "participate" -- House Rules be damned!
Do you really think they don't know how close the mid-terms are? :)
I know, I know: You still think it was a political circling of the wagons... But the threat of putting Pelosi under oath was enough to preclude witnesses.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-22, 06:35:59
For such a partisan guy like yourself, you should know a thing or two about politics. But I get it: You are so partisan that you never deviate from partisanship towards anything sensible.

Trump was not convicted, and likely never will, because impeachment is the court of partisan opinion. When has impeachment ever worked against anyone? And certainly Democrats love their enemy the way it is now: Disgraced and weak. Why kill such an enemy and give room to a potentially stronger enemy? So Democrats keep Republicans on life support. Moreover, insofar as there seems to be a significant portion of the population thrilled about authoritarianism, Democrats are likely taking note to orchestrate something similar themselves at some point - and get away with it, if it fails. Win-win!

None of this means that Trump did not attempt a coup. He did. It is just convenient for both sides to not convict him. It is convenient for both sides to pretend that USA is a normal country.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 07:48:08
You'd make a fine Democrat, ersi: Delusional to the bitter end! :) (Bet you think Joe Manchin is the one holding Biden's Build Back Better bill up, too.)

I'm partisan, in the sense of holding certain principles -- some of which the Democratic Party rejects:

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2021-12-22, 08:00:31
(No, the 50 Republican senators are doing that.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 08:19:53
(No, the 50 Republican senators are doing that.)
Maybe that should only be whispered, jax... While the Democrats technically control both houses of Congress, their majority is as thin as it gets in the Senate. And the House is precarious. (Of course, you know this. They know it; I know it. ersi doesn't seem to.)

To resume the topic of SARS-COV-2 mitigation measures:
UCI professor sues for exemption from vaccine mandate due to natural immunity. (PDF ( While his request for a preliminary  injunction was denied, his suit continues... (The PDF is a declaration of support for his suit by his colleagues at the university, and more than makes his case...[1] So -of course- he was fired!)

Why does the CDC (and Fauci especially, as Biden's chief advisor...) never mention natural immunity? Any guesses, anyone? (Beyond the old saw about every problem looking like a nail to one who only has a hammer...)
Its numerous links to studies on-topic are a treasure trove of information.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-22, 14:33:30
I'm partisan, in the sense of holding certain principles -- some of which the Democratic Party rejects:

  • Federalism, limited government and subsidiarity
  • the rule of law (constitutionalism) and republicanism
  • natural rights
Okay, let's assume Democratic Party rejects some of these. Does the Republican Party keep to any of these? (with examples and evidence please - so yeah, you fail again)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-12-22, 15:34:29
UCI professor sues for exemption from vaccine mandate due to natural immunity. (PDF ( While his request for a preliminary  injunction was denied, his suit continues... (The PDF is a declaration of support for his suit by his colleagues at the university, and more than makes his case...[1] ( So -of course- he was fired!)
Natural immunity might well all but out the window for Omicron. You can google it for yourself, but two-dose Pfizer and Moderna vaccines apparently are not enough for Omicron and the vaccines were always more successful than "natural immunity".

On Twitter, I've had people tell me they caught Covid three times, and therefore have "natural immunity". The answer is that if you caught a disease three times in two years you're not immune to it, big guy.  :P 
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 16:27:00
Does the Republican Party keep to any of these?
Some do, some don't... But I don't have to vote for all of them! Can you name a Democrat who would support these few principles? :)
(Of course, these principles are quite consequential.)
But the Democratic Party itself ( will tell you... (You can also read the GOP's platform (

I'll not be bothered to set up individual Republicans for your silly, partisan "debunking".  Either you're unserious or you're perverse; (I suspect were I a Democrat you'd be the same... :) )

Someone else replied while my computer was zoning. Sorry!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 16:33:09
the vaccines were always more successful than "natural immunity
That's not what the studies I've read (or heard of...). It is what politicians, and Fauci, et al., say. But YMMV. :)
(Twitter? No shit? :) )
Natural immunity might well all but out the window for Omicron
Hm. Why would you think so?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-22, 17:01:07
YMMV considerably. If you get sick with every other wave, then what is the meaning of "natural immunity"?

By the way, already within less than a year (i.e. a year ago), the main proponent of Swedish "herd immunity" policy recognised that his awesome experiment had failed. I posted it on this forum too. It was also common sense: After more than a century of waves of flu, humans do not have natural herd immunity to it.Therefore, insofar as covid is a flu, don't expect any herd immunity for at least as long.

Does the Republican Party keep to any of these?
Some do, some don't...
Yup, you don't have a single example. As you were.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 17:21:40
YMMV considerably. If you get sick with every other wave, then what is the meaning of "natural immunity"?
What's the point of the vaccines if you get sick with each new wave? (For people at high risk, the vaccines are a sensible course. For those with natural immunity, they may even be counter-productive... For those at low risk -especially now that Omicron seems destined to be the dominant strain- a wait-and-see attitude is reasonable: If it turns out that it is indeed less virulent, natural immunity offers a wider range of protection; and for much longer.) BTW: I presume you can cite authorities about the % of those with natural immunity -compared, one would hope, with the vaccinated- who've been re-infected?
(Well, maybe not, eh?)

Pfizer's "covid pill" is expected to get already has FDA approval shortly, and it's touted to do all that the vaccines (...we now all know...) do: Prevent serious illness and hospitalization. What more do you want?
The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday authorized the first pill for Covid-19, offering a highly effective defense against severe illness that will arrive as the country endures another major surge of the pandemic.

The drug, developed by Pfizer and known as Paxlovid, is authorized for Covid patients age 12 and over who are vulnerable to becoming severely ill because they are older or have medical conditions such as obesity or diabetes. Tens of millions of Americans — including both vaccinated and unvaccinated people — will be eligible if they get infected with the virus. The treatment could be available within a few days.

Pfizer’s laboratory studies indicate that its pills are likely to work against the Omicron variant, which has rapidly become the dominant form of new cases in the United States.

The treatment is meant to be taken as 30 pills over five days. Patients take three pills at a time: two of Pfizer’s pills and one of a low-dose H.I.V. drug known as ritonavir, which helps Pfizer’s drug remain active in the body longer.

A clinical trial indicated that Paxlovid was highly effective when taken soon after an infection. In a final analysis of a key study conducted while the Delta variant was surging, Pfizer’s drug reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by 88 percent when given to high-risk unvaccinated volunteers within five days of the start of their symptoms.

(per NYT)

Your understanding of natural immunity is -I fear- woefully inadequate. BTW: No variant of SARS-CoV-2 is a flu... Re-apply your logic! :) Herd immunity is a goal. Natural immunity is a verifiable fact! (Serologic testing...not exactly new.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-22, 17:23:31
What's the point of the vaccines if you get sick with each new wave?
Scientists say that you need new shots against new variants. The earlier waves did not have omicron, so there. You pretend that you care about the science, but you are not fooling anybody.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 18:24:17
Scientists say [...well, a lot of stuff!]
If you will, read something out of your wheelhouse this once (! You won't regret it.

Fauci (now famously) said, essentially, "I am science!" Apparently, he's forgotten what science is... And he's my president's chief advisor. No wonder I'm skeptical about "official" pronouncements:
Show me the data, show me the studies! I'm retired and have lots of free time... :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-22, 18:51:17
You have been consistently ignoring the studies and the data. Fits your tagline too.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 19:12:44
You have been consistently ignoring the studies and the data.
What studies and what data have I ignored? Official pronouncements and media reports, certainly: I view such with a jaundiced eye. (Even media that I trust, I verify.) I mean peer-reviewed, published studies (which would include the data). The "everybody knows" or "common sense" justification for conclusions -especially those that lead to policy recommendations- leave me unconvinced. And press releases aren't worth my notice, unless I know the scientist...
You have, I take it, a different standard.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-22, 19:22:10
The "everybody knows" or "common sense" justification for conclusions -especially those that lead to policy recommendations- leave me unconvinced.
Facts are what they are regardless if you or anyone else is convinced or not. There's a pandemic. Pandemic absolutely requires a policy response. Nobody cares if you are unconvinced.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 19:32:11
There's a pandemic. Pandemic absolutely requires a policy response.
You can't be that obtuse: What you call facts -at least, what I'm used to seeing from you- are mostly your opinions, mostly reinforced by the opinions of others.
Do the powers that be (or you) care what convinces me? Of course not! :) But what's the point of intellect and curiosity, if not to communicate? Hard as you may find it to believe, man is a social and sociable animal! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-22, 19:37:26
There's a pandemic. Pandemic absolutely requires a policy response.
You can't be that obtuse: What you call facts -at least, what I'm used to seeing from you- are mostly your opinions, mostly reinforced by the opinions of others.
You have a different opinion? In your opinion, there's no pandemic? Or, if there is, it does not require a policy response?

Fantastic to share opinions with you. It feels great to be social.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-22, 19:57:34
Don't just sit there! Do ... something! Even you'll admit, sometimes doing little or nothing at all is more appropriate? But for all our sakes, O Powers That Be (and their functionaries), don't keep doing the things that haven't worked.

I don't expect bureaucrats and their masters to be angels. But, as an old saying has it, they needn't be fools! Or do they? Admitting error is not the end of the world.
(And Axios writers ( say it ain't that big a deal...)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-12-23, 15:18:07
the vaccines were always more successful than "natural immunity
That's not what the studies I've read (or heard of...). It is what politicians, and Fauci, et al., say. But YMMV. :)
(Twitter? No shit? :) )
Fuck the politicians. But from the get go, ALL the objective studies indicated that vaccines well outperformed "natural immunity" in offering protection against Covid-19. That's not a surprise, since that's what vaccines do for every disease that one is available for.

To further address your claim of seeing studies showing natural immunity of being on par or superior to vaccination I've been shown "peer reviewed studies" showing the opposite (again on Twitter :p), so I do know what you're talking about. But when you do five minutes of checking on the "peer review" for these publications, it isn't really peer review and that the publications accept just about anything as long is it sounds scientific and isn't outright a copy/paste job. Simply put, peer review is not created equal.

To be obnoxiously glib, "natural immunity" is what we had when the human life expectancy was ~30.

Why would you think so?

Numerous studies have been coming out similar to this one:


Reinfection rates
To assess the impact of Omicron on reinfection rates the researchers used genotype data, since even prior to Omicron, reinfection was correlated with negative S gene Target Failure data, likely due to random PCR target failure caused by the lower viral loads associated with reinfections.

Controlling for vaccine status, age, sex, ethnicity, asymptomatic status, region and specimen date, Omicron was associated with a 5.40 (95% CI: 4.38-6.63) fold higher risk of reinfection compared with Delta. To put this into context, in the pre-Omicron era, the UK “SIREN” study of COVID infection in healthcare workers estimated that prior infection afforded 85% protection against a second COVID infection over 6 months. The reinfection risk estimated in the current study suggests this protection has fallen to 19% (95%CI: 0-27%) against an Omicron infection.

Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 00:38:19
The study finds no evidence of Omicron having lower severity than Delta, judged by either the proportion of people testing positive who report symptoms, or by the proportion of cases seeking hospital care after infection. However, hospitalisation data remains very limited at this time.
Gonna dive a little deeper, read the actual report... (Mind you: I've good reason to be skeptical of Imperial College modeling ( BBL)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 08:59:18
Don't just sit there! Do ... something! Even you'll admit, sometimes doing little or nothing at all is more appropriate?
If you were honest, you'd admit that it is not at all appropriate to do nothing in a pandemic. But I will never expect any honesty from you.

Remember - I do - that the pandemic and the corresponding policies started under Trump. You did not worry about it at all back then. But now that the president changed, the exact same policies are unscientific and whatever to you, even though, if "more studies are needed" as you say, then the objection "unscientific" cannot apply.

It was under Trump that the "do something" policy started. I don't think you have a short memory. Just a very partisan memory. So partisan that you have nothing of value to say. You are not fooling anybody.

And Merry Christmas  :psmurf:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 10:20:13
But I will never expect any honesty from you.
For what it's worth, I sometimes give you the benefit of the doubt...
Remember - I do - that the pandemic and the corresponding policies started under Trump.
Yes: Even Biden himself mentioned just the other day his gratitude for Trump's Warp Speed initiative. (Begrudgingly, but what more can one expect? Remember: Both Biden and Harris wanted none of that "Trump vaccine" during the campaign!) I still recall[1] finding out that the news of a vaccine was held back until after the election... Curious how things work out, eh?
Yes, Trump's administration did something, when there was something to do. Suppose you tell me what you think he did -regarding the pandemic- that was wrong?
I'll be happy to tell you what I think the Biden administration is doing wrong. (I admit to having a bias... For instance, I find Chicago's Lightfoot and San Francisco's Breed to be disingenuous: They've both recently come out for better funding of their police, and more policing! (Lightfoot is even willing to have federal troops help...) :) ) Your delusion that it's partisanship that dictates   my opinions is as facile as your logic...trapped in the web of your rhetoric.
I'm more interested in what my governor is doing, and how my county and city are responding to that. But Biden is of the same ilk as Gavin Newsom (Gavin the Craven): A hack politician committed to nothing more than his party.
(I'll admit that neither had much to do with their party's avalanche to the left... Biden was only a by-stander and Newsom was just following the path to power available to him.)
Biden has embraced and enhanced the Obama playbook. (Phone-and-pen "executive" legislating.) And his contested mandates have already had serious deleterious effects. Why you think this is a partisan issue is something I've long understood about you...
But had Trump attempted such things I'd have been opposed to them, and vocal about my opposition!

Still, we are in the midst of a pandemic. We know a lot more than we did when it began, and -by your leave- we'll learn more.
Whether you'll excuse me or not, I have no regrets about focusing as much time as I did on recovering from a stroke. Chatting on DnD didn't seem as important, however amusing it had occasionally been...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 10:37:05
Biden has embraced and enhanced the Obama playbook. (Phone-and-pen "executive" legislating.) And his contested mandates have already had serious deleterious effects.
Such as? (to be followed by no examples from you)

Good job at saying nothing notable at all this year! Of course, perfectly in line with your entire career here.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 10:50:07
And, yeah, let's not forget the events surrounding January 6, 2020:

Both the mayor of D.C. (effectively, the governor) and the Speaker of the House (in charge of the Capitol Police) refused advice from the President and the D.C.P.D. to call up a National Guard contingent... Still, no protestors/rioters were armed; and only one person was killed: an unarmed protester shot by one of Pelosi's security detail.
My "take" on it is straightforward: Pelosi (and other Democrats) were hoping for a riot, did nothing to prevent it, and were sore-disappointed that it fizzled out with so little impact. But -for a Party still committed to "Russian Collusion"- it was good enough! They'd get their talking points...
And they're still trying to get some decent mileage from them, with the House Select Committee... (How's that going, by the way? :) )

Back to the current administration's mandates, the Supreme Court is set to decide their fate.

Such as? (to be followed by no examples from you)
Deleterious effects of Biden's proposed vaccine mandates? Staffing problems in police departments, fire departments, hospitals nation-wide and the military. Old Joe seems just capable enough to piss of everybody by "just doing something"...unconstitutional.
(And by not doing something unconstitutional... Look at all those degree'd Democrats, upset that he hasn't been able to commit the nation's taxpayers to "forgiving" their student loans!)
Remember the good old days when a mere tweet was enough for some? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 11:56:41
Deleterious effects of Biden's proposed vaccine mandates?
Biden's vaccine mandates are 100% the same as Trump's, with 100% the same effects. It's been the same Fauci policy all along both under Trump and under Biden. You worry 0% about the effects under Trump, but a 100% of the same effects under Biden, 100% toeing the party line. Have a continued good one!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 12:04:25
Biden's vaccine mandates are 100% the same as Trump's, with 100% the same effects.
You don't know what "mandate" means? :)

Yeah, Merry Christmas to you! Few feel the need to make that political. (Although some have tried...)

Just for fun:
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 12:18:06
Biden's vaccine mandates are 100% the same as Trump's, with 100% the same effects.
You don't know what "mandate" means? :)
Yup, keep pretending as if mask and vaccine mandates are a Biden thing, instead of the same Fauci policy all along. You are not just thin on facts - you are full of alternative anti-facts, no matter how self-contradictory!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 14:00:18
mask and vaccine mandates are a Biden thing, instead of the same Fauci policy all along
What makes you think Fauci has the power to mandate, anything? When did Congress grant him or his office such power?

I noticed you had no response to a correction jax made a while back: Manchin isn't one Senator obstructing Biden's Build Back Better bulls**t, he's one of fifty-one Senators blocking it! But that's how many Democrats see things: Technically, they've got control of the Senate -- and they should be able to do anything they want!
Were I a strong enough believer, I'd thank God we're not a parliamentary system...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 14:14:35
What makes you think Fauci has the power to mandate, anything? When did Congress grant him or his office such power?
What makes you think I think Fauci mandates things? It's your muddled brain. The same brain who sees the policies of Biden as any different from Trump's!
I noticed you had no response to a correction jax made a while back: Manchin isn't one Senator obstructing Biden's Build Back Better bulls**t, he's one of fifty-one Senators blocking it!
I have no response because I have no opinion on it, and no opinion on it because it is not (directly) related to the covid/pandemic matters. For you, on the other hand, anything goes to bash Democrats, topical or not. Even when you are in some way topical, you are off the cliff and far removed from reality. But this one is not even topical.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 14:30:25
The same brain who sees the policies of Biden as any different from Trump's!
Trump mandated masking and vaccination? When? [Unnecessary and offensive verbiage intentionally ignored.]
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 14:34:16
Trump mandated masking and vaccination? When? [Unnecessary and offensive verbiage intentionally ignored.]
Trump wore a mask, occasionally. And he definitely got the vaccines. Was it because of policy or no policy?

Do your own homework. Yeah, I know you never will. You never have an example, evidence, a fact or a point. Like, never once. It is rather tiring that I know about everything in America much better than you do, even though in some sense it is easy, because you know nothing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 14:43:35
Trump wore a mask, occasionally. And he definitely got the vaccines.
He did indeed! And on Fauci's recommendations asked others to do the same... As I suspected and as much as said previously: You don't know the meaning of "mandate"... (Unless to you[1]think a request from an official is per force a mandate?)
The conspiracy theory -that your contrarian nature compels you to quibble and nit-pick for the sake of argument- should be rejected, no? At least, I do you that courtesy. And usually without carping! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 15:16:06
Note to all: My apologies, if this back-and-forth between ersi and myself keeps you in other parts of the Americas from joining what has become a fray... That was certainly not my intent in posting.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 15:19:56
As I suspected and as much as said previously: You don't know the meaning of "mandate"...
I know you do not do facts, but here is one for you: Neither Trump's nor Biden's executive orders contain the word "mandate". From this fact, I can deduce the meaning you apply to the word "mandate": Democrats are evil! The deduction is confirmed by another thing you said previously:

Biden has embraced and enhanced the Obama playbook. (Phone-and-pen "executive" legislating.)
Want me to refer to the executive legislating done by e.g. Reagan? Nah, you don't do facts, ever, so... seriously, do your homework. You lack even the diaper-level basics as it is right now.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 15:36:17
Democrats are evil!
Nope. Not it...

1. an official order or commission to do something.

Yeah. I think I've got it. :)

Want me to refer to the executive legislating done by e.g. Reagan?
Sure. So long as you don't confuse signing-orders or Executive Orders within the perview of powers granted the President by the constitution or the Congress... (The latter being a bastardization of their authorities of delegation. E.g., The War Powers Act and the AUMF.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 16:01:55
1. an official order or commission to do something.

Yeah. I think I've got it. :)
Congrats for looking up a dictionary. How about looking up the administration's policy instead? I thought that was your topic. I know, it's too hard. You do words, not facts.

So long as you don't confuse signing-orders or Executive Orders within the perview of powers granted the President by the constitution or the Congress... (The latter being a bastardization of their authorities of delegation. E.g., The War Powers Act and the AUMF.)
Yeah, I get it: Democrats are evil!

So, your principles are (in random order):
- Partisanship
- Democrats are evil!
- Never let a fact on your path
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 16:29:41
How about looking up the administration's policy instead?
The Trump administration's policy was to encourage those at risk...
About Executive Orders and such, Congress used to be (and was expected to be) jealous of its powers, as the framers intended! A clear example of this was DACA: Feckless congress-critters refused to do their job. Obama did it for them; the initial result of which, I think was reasonable. When the Republicans regain control of Congress they should enshrine DACA in (constitutional) law![1]
Does that -in your mind-really translate as "Democrats are evil!"?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 17:02:56
Democrats set for showdown over filibuster, voting rights

Democrats are barreling toward a showdown over voting rights and changes to the Senate rules, after months of growing frustration from within the caucus.

The party is under pressure, from both outside groups and lawmakers, to pass federal election legislation as GOP-run state legislatures debate new voting rules and as the start of the 2022 midterm election is fast-approaching.

After watching Senate Republicans block election and voting bills via the filibuster, which requires 60 votes for most legislation to advance, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is vowing to bring the fight to a head in January.

“The Senate will consider voting rights legislation, as early as the first week back. … If Senate Republicans continue to abuse the filibuster and prevent the body from considering this bill, the Senate will then consider changes to any rules which prevent us from debating and reaching final conclusion on important legislation,” Schumer wrote in a letter to the caucus.  [The Congressional Black Caucus wants the Senate to re-convene, to provide new, federal "voting rights" a Christmas gift... -- OakdaleFTL]

But forcing a vote could highlight division within the caucus, where both Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) support the 60-vote threshold. Democrats need both of them to ultimately vote to change the rules.

Voting rights legislation and potential changes to the Senate’s legislative filibuster are linked because Republicans have used the 60-vote hurdle to block bills that would overhaul federal elections or strengthen the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
(more) (
That "great" Senate Leader Harry Reid (D - NV) showed us all, it can be done: He engineered the removal of the requirement for all federal judicial nominations except those to the Supreme Court, in order to "pack" the D.C. Circuit...
Then that "horrible and mean, not to mention devious" Addison Mitchell McConnell III (R - KY) used the same maneuver to remove it for Supreme Court nominations....
WWSD? Who knows? Who cares what the hapless Senate Leader Charles Ellis "Chuckie" Schumer (D -NY) would do? :) As noted, his own caucus is rightfully leary of risking the complete loss of the filibuster...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-24, 17:37:03
It is what politicians, and Fauci, et al., say. But YMMV.
I find this a very peculiar statement. There are occasionally some politicians with the required expertise, think of the likes of Ronald Plasterk (,[1] although in their role as politicians it's somewhat unlikely that they could actually find enough time to do that which makes them experts in the first place.[2] But in practice, almost any politician who rejects the scientific conclusions put forward by the independent institution/department/commission headed by the Faucis of this world is talking out of their ass. It's completely backwards to blame politicians for parroting Fauci — it's the exact opposite! If they denied what Fauci's team and colleagues concluded from weeks of analyses and applications of the latest models and studies, they almost certainly wouldn't be worth their salt. Politicians are, however, responsible for which questions they ask the experts.

If you ask what's the way to get rid of the virus, you might get different answers than if you ask how to limit the damage to society, which would likely entail certain compromises.[3] Politicians are appointed by us to decide what we find socially important. They're not there to blindly implement what the virological experts say is the best way to fight the virus, because there's more to our society than that. They also have to take into account mental health, the economy, etc. But this Fauci guy is not some incompetent figurehead. He is responsible for conveying the findings of tens of thousands of experts around the world to the US government, so they can choose what they do with it. If you ever hear them say anything that goes against Fauci with regard to the science, steer clear unless they can provide a damned good reason.[4] Something similar applies to "et al." but the details differ significantly. It's not et al's freaking job to know better. If et al. is the proverbial mad uncle they're probably lost, but if they're not it becomes your job to educate them about how science works, as well as to teach them about life before the polio vaccine. In fact being retired makes you part of the same age group as my mom, which means you probably actually knew people who suffered from polio, measles and various other diseases we don't even remember. Here we have an absolute triumph of Euro-American medical science so yeah, let's maybe use vaccines to try to stop mutations.
An oncologist, but splitting those hairs would be missing the point. And regardless, he'll still be in the same ballpark as any doctor, surgeon, veterinarian, etc. who doesn't specialize in virology.
For example, you can't just say some claim challenging the consensus is likely to be invalid because it challenges the consensus. You have to actually apply your expert skills or you're not acting as an expert, just as someone who knows the current consensus like any well-informed citizen.
Not to mention experts in fields other than virology!
A good reason could be as simple as Fauci's advise is from last week but Dutch Fauci just said that the latest data about Omicron shows…
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 19:15:19
About Executive Orders and such, Congress used to be (and was expected to be) jealous of its powers, as the framers intended!
Repubs and their partisans such as yourself have very weird ideas about what the framers intended. No claim of yours about what the framers intended shall pass.

A clear example of this was DACA: Feckless congress-critters refused to do their job.
Congrats on having an example! But again, before giving an example, do your homework. Trump (administration)'s attempts to roll back DACA backfired in courts on all levels (pretty much like the "evidence" of stolen elections), so based on your own example DACA is clearly constitutional and probably also in line with how framers intended things according to the legal opinion of those who matter:
Quote from:
On January 9, 2018, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California temporarily blocked the rescission of the DACA program, ordering the government to renew DACA until further order of the court....

On February 13, 2018, Judge Nicholas Garaufis of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York granted a preliminary injunction ordering the federal government to fully restore the DACA program, including accepting brand new applicants as well as renewals.[159] Moreover, as a rationale for his ruling, Garaufis said that DACA was neither unconstitutional nor in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) nor the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA).[160]

On February 26, 2018, the Supreme Court declined to hear the Trump administration's request for it to review the lower court order that the administration must continue to accept DACA applications...

On April 24, 2018, John D. Bates, a Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, ruled that the Trump administration must resume accepting new applications for DACA...

On August 3, 2018, Judge Bates said the Trump administration has failed to justify its proposal to end DACA...

On November 12, 2019, the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against the Trump administration's decision to cancel the program.[166] On June 18, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled against the Trump...
Sources to the primary material behind the link.

Do your homework.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 19:34:31
Here we have an absolute triumph of Euro-American medical science so yeah, let's maybe use vaccines to try to stop mutations.
(Last things first:) Do you recall the Stanford doc's conjecture about Omicron's genesis? Such wanton mutation probably only possible in patients with untreated AIDS? All the more reason to fund and facilitate AIDS treatments among at-risk populations! Win-win.
being retired makes you part of the same age group as my mom, which means you probably actually knew people who suffered from polio, measles and various other diseases we don't even remember.
I'm only 69, dude! :) Polio - never. Measles - maybe. (The M-M-R II shot was given at age 1yo, and boosted by 6yo... These are live virus vaccines, though attenuated...) so herd immunity likely got me through these straits.
Politicians are appointed by us to decide what we find socially important.
A slight modification of that formulation: Here, they're supposed to respond to their constituents and their own conscience[1]. Working within a rules-bound system...doing the possible.
this Fauci guy is not some incompetent figurehead. He is responsible for conveying the findings of tens of thousands of experts around the world to the US government, so they can choose what they do with it
No; But he's blindered. (How else to explain his machinations to "discredit" the Great Barrington Declaration (
Politicians are, however, responsible for which questions they ask the experts.
Yes, indeed! And the U.S. boasts a large number of research institutions and hospitals. A consensus with many prominent dissenters is -if it functions as a political body- a cabal. The et al. I referred to were government scientists (some of whom resigned rather than continue being ignored by higher-ups...). Likewise, we've got two years' experience with this epidemic, in various of our 50 states and from countries 'round the world.
Our politicians should ask better questions because of it. Luckily for some that happens. Unluckily for others, it doesn't...
What a bizarre spelling, eh? :) You know what the opposite of Progress is, don't you...?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 20:01:30
What a bizarre spelling, eh?
Because there is "science" in "conscience"? Rather, English pronunciation is weird. Latin would be fine, both spelling and pronunciation.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 20:39:16
And a great many other languages, I've no doubt. But I enjoy English-ed wordplay most -- being a functional monoglot. :) (Is the footnote clear, to you? It's one of Mark Twain's little jokes. And more than a few nowadays still believe it's all a big con!)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-24, 20:46:17
(Last things first:) Do you recall the Stanford doc's conjecture about Omicron's genesis? Such wanton mutation probably only possible in patients with untreated AIDS? All the more reason to fund and facilitate AIDS treatments among at-risk populations! Win-win.
I'm not really sure what you're getting at. Is there a worrisome lack of AIDS research in 2021? To my knowledge we're doing at least as much about treating AIDS both here and in the so-called developing world as we always have. The COVID vaccine rollout is an awful lot more problematic; we've got millions upon millions of the things over here in storage because apparently no one considered insufficient infrastructure (with freezers etc.) over where it's needed when they ordered them or something?

I'm only 69, dude!  :)
My mother is only 73. The last big (Dutch) polio epidemic was in 1956.[1] The vaccine was in 1957. You do the math. ;) Those couple years might make a difference in remembering the act of administering the vaccine itself, but the polio painted world you grew up in was identical.
Not counting the Bible Belt outbreak of 1971, which could easily repeat today for the record.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 21:07:06
I'm not really sure what you're getting at.
We're -most of the Developed West- doing more and more... Logistics and cultural resistance are formidable obstacles. But do we really want to ignore the likelihood of another massively mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2?
Look at what a dither many are in over Omicron! (Deaths, hospitalizations. Not "cases": Panic-induced policies have caused enough pain already...)[1]
And please: No more models from Imperial College's Neil Ferguson! :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-24, 21:32:16
I found where your talking points are coming from, Oakdale.


Rand Paul talking about scientific justification without having a scientific justification himself. And other bunkum.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-24, 23:02:43
I found where your talking points are coming from, Oakdale.
As usual, ersi, you're wrong... On two counts:
Remember: Trust, but verify!

BTW: My congressman is Josh Harder (D -CA); my Senators are Dianne Feinstein (D -CA) and -oh, drat- who did Newsom replace Kamala Harris with? The fellow who was our most recently-moved-up lack-luster AG Xavier Becerra? No...he's Secretary of Health & Human Services for Biden. Alex Padilla, our erstwhile Secretary of State! (Easy gig in what is essentially a one-party state... You betcha!)
If I could choose one, I'd pick either Devin Nunes (no tilde, he's Portuguese) who, unfortunately is giving up his seat next year, or Tom McClintock... But neither represent CA-10  and, since they're Californian Republicans, it seems Harder doesn't work with them. Go figure? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: midnight raccoon on 2021-12-25, 17:36:47
I'm not really sure what you're getting at.
We're -most of the Developed West- doing more and more... Logistics and cultural resistance are formidable obstacles. But do we really want to ignore the likelihood of another massively mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2?
Look at what a dither many are in over Omicron! (Deaths, hospitalizations. Not "cases": Panic-induced policies have caused enough pain already...)[1]
There are a couple of issues here. As you said before, last things first. This entire time, Republicans have been focusing on deaths in their attempts to trivialize this virus to the point where it almost seems they forgot people get sick and then die, not vice versa. I've been in many arguments where the anti-mask/anti-vax person will say something idiotic such as "But hardly anyone has died for the 'surge' and I tell them to give it a couple of weeks. In this matter, I was correct 100% of the time. Yes, someone claiming to right 100% of the time is arrogant in nearly all cases, but not this time. Why? Deaths are always a trailing indicator of the disease's severity. With Covid, the true death rate won't be known for years. Let me explain. Many survivors emerge from the other side of the disease with permeant damage that will likely yet shorten their lives, despite the "recovery".

Meanwhile, despite the anti-mask/anti-vax crowd's claim to the contrary, the current death toll is undercounted ( Note this has been known since last March, at the minimum.

Now onto the mutations. Your claim the vaccines themselves are causing the mutations is an anti-vax talking point, despite your claim that you don't have talking points. They are not directly causing mutations. What does causing them is the virus infecting more people and reproducing. Simply put,  people refusing to get vaccinated and refusing to wear their masks are creating more chances for the virus to infect more people and multiply and thus mutate. I fail to understand how someone as intelligent as yourself doesn't understand this. Actually I do; you allowed yourself to get wrapped up in the politics of the situation and not the science. I beg you to prove me wrong on the count (but using the psuedo-science of the anti-vax/anti-mask movement for the love of God!)

And please: No more models from Imperial College's Neil Ferguson! :(
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-25, 17:51:13
Meanwhile, despite the anti-mask/anti-vax crowd's claim to the contrary, the current death toll is undercounted ( Note this has been known since last March, at the minimum.
Also note what I posted in April of last year when Belgium seemed to be doing worse than most other countries:

It gives a distorted picture, because in most countries suspected cases are not taken into account at all. Belgium is therefore "first and foremost in terms of transparency", according to virologist Steven Van Gucht of the National Crisis Centre this week. The preliminary figures of mortality, the number of people who died compared to normal expectations, seem to confirm that the country is not in fact doing worse than other countries.


But scientists are not planning to change their way of counting for the time being. Virologist Van Gucht is clear about ( in Het Nieuwsblad : "From the skewed international ranking we don't care - crudely put - about a whistle. According to him, this way of counting is the best way to quickly identify any problems and then make adjustments.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-25, 23:57:01
Your claim the vaccines themselves are causing the mutations is an anti-vax talking point
(This I had to respond to...) I don't understand your confusion, really. But let me be clear: Viruses mutate; that's what they do. They can only do so during reproduction[1] and they can only reproduce in a host. It turns out (not really a surprise) that an already decimated immune system is where the virus  -being the least hampered- is the most prolific. That is, free to replicate -- each round of which is another opportunity to mutate.
A fixation on the unvaccinated (or worse, the "anti-whatever crowd") is either naive or perverse... And it's a political game I refuse to play.
The reason I would focus on the (verified) cases of serious illness and deaths is simple: I'd like to know how Omicron compares to the other variants in the wild, specially Delta. Know, not guess. (Because it looks to me like Omicron is going to be the predominant strain.)
And the Democrat/Republican divide only enters into the discussion fruitfully when it refers to public health policies and how they're implemented. (There are a few political leaders that I'd demonize... But that's because of their actual performance, on the job; not because of their party affiliation.)

Prove you wrong? You haven't really said anything, beyond hinting at a belief that SARS-CoV-2 will somehow die out, unless new (naive) infections proliferate. The virus will seem to die out when it evolves to a dominant version that we can live with... From what I've seen so far, I'm hoping that Omicron is evolutionarily suited to that niche.
Spontaneous or random mutations from -say- cosmic rays can be ignored.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-26, 10:44:10
(This I had to respond to...) I don't understand your confusion, really. But let me be clear: Viruses mutate; that's what they do. They can only do so during reproduction[1] ( and they can only reproduce in a host. It turns out (not really a surprise) that an already decimated immune system is where the virus  -being the least hampered- is the most prolific. That is, free to replicate -- each round of which is another opportunity to mutate.
A fixation on the unvaccinated (or worse, the "anti-whatever crowd") is either naive or perverse... And it's a political game I refuse to play.
I still can't make sense of what you're talking about. 1 point something, let's round it up to 2 in thousand, heck let's go crazy and say 5 in thousand have HIV. While 2 in 10 (normal) to as much as 4 in 10 (quite ridiculous) aren't vaccinated.

So going with 5 in 1000 and 2 in 10, you need a mutation to be 40 times more likely in an HIV patient than in a regular person. In practice, after a couple of weeks people either recover or die. Where are the additional mutations? The poor little viruses are left without a host.

Put in more the more realistic yet still rounded up numbers of 2 in 1000 and 4 in 10 and we're up to 200 times more likely.

You'd need some pretty strong evidence to overcome those numbers. Anything happening in millions of people is more likely by the simple fact that it's happening in millions of people.

Edit: here's a link that might help

Edit 2: for example
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-26, 13:15:56
I still can't make sense of what you're talking about.
you need a mutation to be 40 times more likely in an HIV patient than in a regular person [...]
I can see why... What you[1] need is an unrestricted viral load in a defenseless host...
How long do you think a person with untreated AIDS lives, before succumbing to some opportunistic infection? The patient the Stanford docs treated had been in a long-term care facility -where she was not treated for her AIDS- when she contracted Covid-19... It turned out to be the Omicron variant; but there was no claim that it originated (spontaneously) in her system. Indeed, Omicron was already well established in other parts of the world...

The Omicron variant itself had already acquired its profile, the markers that allow its classification and identification. And it was a more than passing-strange beastie! (As no one denies: Its number of mutations compared with other variants is phenomenal; and its transmissibility is -as all agree- much greater.)
But your numbers game (sorry, if that sounds pejorative: it's not meant that way -- please read on!) makes two unwarranted assumptions:
If either were true, we wouldn't be in such a dither. Your numbers game is beside the point you intended to make, no? :)
But in evolutionary terms, given the prevalence of AIDS in southern Africa, the origin of the Omicron variant posited by the Stanford docs is plausible...
I'd say likely true. But.

I wouldn't leave that determination fo "fact checkers",

I read what you linked to. I read what the organization offered about itself. And do you really mean me to infer that you equate well-credentialed and respected scientists and doctors to those prone to succumbing to Russian or Chinese disinformation?[2]
I don't doubt their views concerning certain efforts -the ones specifically mentioned- are cogent and defensible... But note, please:
As of March 2021, the team has sixteen full-time staff recruited by EU institutions or seconded by the EU Member States. Team members have a variety of professional backgrounds in communications, journalism and social sciences and speak some of the languages of EU’s neighbours, including Russian. [Emphasis added - dej]
No virologists, no MDs. What you want them to do is out of their wheelhouse, Frenzie.
Not you personally... :)
Or do you think I've done so...? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-26, 14:08:45
If either were true, we wouldn't be in such a dither. Your numbers game is beside the point you intended to make, no?
My point is simply that something that has a chance of 1 in 1000 of occurring will occur as a virtual certainty if you repeat it a million times, while something that has a chance of 1 in 10 probably won't if it happens only once. That's the numbers game.

My quick back of the napkin calculation shows that, unless I made a grave mathematical mistake, it needs to be easily a hundred times more likely that a mutation occurs in an HIV-positive host than in a regular host for it to be in the same ballpark of concern.

But I think I ­— kind of —see what you mean now. In (South) Africa, HIV is apparently not 1 in 1000 but 2 in 10. In that case the numbers change significantly, and even twice as likely might be worrisome. Nevertheless, keep in mind only 2 in 10 people are vaccinated over there.

My reaction is all about saying it's naive and perverse to focus on the unvaccinated. If your hypothesis about AIDS is 100% correct, vaccination will help against the immunocompromised becoming Tleilaxu virus vats. If it's not, vaccination will be even more effective. Vaccination is win-win here.

I read what you linked to. I read what the organization offered about itself. And do you mean me to infer that you equate well-credentialed and respected scientists and doctors of succumbing to Russian or Chinese disinformation?
I thought I saw some vague allusions to the origin of AIDS that came out of Stanford in the '80s or '90s, and this being somehow tied to Omicron. Looks and quacks like Russian nonsense to me I'm afraid. ;) And yes, people in journalism and social sciences are actually better at tracking the origins of Russian nonsense than virological researchers.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-26, 14:10:32
A recap and a correction:
Scientists have speculated that of all the other unnamed variants, omicron evolved faster and with more mutations, it likely originated in someone with a compromised immune system, potentially someone with HIV.

Stanford researchers including Dr. Seth Hoffman agreed after they found similar evidence when they treated a patient with “uncontrolled” HIV, who contracted an unnamed COVID-19 variant several months ago. [My emphasis - dej

“She developed those mutations within a short time span of 15 days, where her immune system was not working properly to evade or control the COVID infection,” he said.

Hoffman added the HIV patient is an example of how someone with an already compromised immune system could spread a mutated form of COVID-19 rapidly in public if she had not been isolated.

But he stated the most significant finding is that the patient responded so well to readily available AIDS treatment and that allowed her to fight off the virus quickly.

It means that battling the HIV pandemic could be key to slowing the COVID-19 pandemic.

“That treatment is so effective today. All over the world. That we can actually stop their infections in their track and reduce the chance of spreading any sort of new variant," Hoffman said.

The Stanford discovery was applauded by Dr. Peter Chin-Hong of UCSF.
(more (
I'd originally read a write-up of this case in my hard-copy of the San Francisco Chronicle... But my certainty of the patient's particular Covid variant was unfounded. Mea culpa.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-26, 14:21:54
a correction
Thanks! I don't believe I've seen this in continental European media.

Quote from:
The link between immuno-suppressed patients and new Covid variants is "a highly plausible hypothesis", said Professor Salim Karim, a leading HIV specialist and former chair of the South African government's Covid19 advisory committee.

(The BBC's quality has been on the decline, prefer e.g. France24 or DW for something similar in English, but luckily it tends to be fairly factual.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-26, 14:24:36
PS I do recall reading about HIV itself suffering under COVID-19, cf. (Dutch) (French)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-26, 14:31:30
My point is simply that something that has a chance of 1 in 1000 of occurring will occur as a virtual certainty if you repeat it a million times, while something that has a chance of 1 in 10 probably won't if it happens only once. That's the numbers game.
Something that happened has a chance of 1 in 1. Why it happened may be conjectured, to good purpose, no?
My reaction is all about [OakdaleFTL?] saying it's naive and perverse to focus on the unvaccinated. If your hypothesis about AIDS is 100% correct, vaccination will help against the immunocompromised becoming Tleilaxu virus vats. If it's not, vaccination will be even more effective. Vaccination is win-win here.
I don't disagree...
(With two caveats:
For folk at high risk, I'd recommend -unless their doctor says otherwise- that they get whatever vaccine is available.
...I myself am awaiting word from my provider about a booster.)

But I -personally- still oppose mandated vaccination.
Looks and quacks like Russian nonsense to me I'm afraid.
Perhaps a news source (see above ( is more helpful than my slightly garbled telling... Especially considering your murky interpretation... (Let's split the difference 60-40, my favor! :) )

p.s.: I read the Dutch, translated by my browser... While the decline in cases is good news, I wouldn't want severe Covid or measures to mitigate it to continue = just for that! Though what a boon it would be if Covid attacked HIV itself, eh?
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-26, 15:25:19
But I -personally- still oppose mandated vaccination.
In Belgium there's one obligatory vaccine: polio. In the Netherlands there are none. It's extremely unlikely that COVID-19 would be added to that list.[1]

I suppose what you're talking about is the professional requirement to be vaccinated against COVID-19 iff[2] you want to work in health care. In that specific circumstance COVID-19 will almost certainly be added to the list everywhere. Keep in mind we already require hepatitis B, tetanus and a tuberculosis test in those circumstances, details may differ a bit from country to country but the general principle is the same. Additional requirements can be be added by the organization in question. For example, while I don't know if it is the case, one can easily imagine that the Tropical Health Institute requires vaccinations against various exotic diseases from its workers that a regular hospital would not. All of this is intended to protect employees against infection and to prevent vulnerable hospitalized patients from catching something new.

Now I'm not saying we should act as if the decisions we took back in the '90s are set in stone, but they weren't implemented willy-nilly without considering the rights of the individual.

Art VII 1-5 to 1-8 : "The employer shall carry out the risk assessment in collaboration with the prevention advisor occupational physician, determine the preventive measures and ensure the information of exposed workers and the monitoring of their health. This assessment must be repeated on a regular basis and in any event each time there is a change in working conditions or if a worker is found to be suffering from an infection or illness as a result of such exposure. The elements that contributed to the evaluation, the results of the evaluation and the general measures to be taken shall be collected in a written document, which shall be submitted to the opinion of the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (CPBW)."

Art VII 1-51 to 1-58 : "If the risk assessment shows that workers are or may be exposed to biological agents, the employer must offer workers who are not sufficiently immunized the opportunity to be vaccinated if it concerns a biological agent for which an effective vaccine is available and must vaccinate them if it concerns a mandatory vaccine (hepatitis B, tetanus, tuberculin test). The vaccinations are carried out by the prevention advisor-company physician or, if the employee so wishes, by a physician of his choice.

Translated with (free version)
Although apparently the US requires vaccination to attend school, except then you can opt out from that requirement? Sounds backwards, particularly since the end result is more or less identical (i.e., everybody gets vaccinated except those who don't want to).
As in if and only if, not a mistake.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-26, 15:41:59
what you're talking about is the professional requirement to be vaccinated against COVID-19 iff you want to work in health care [...]
No. Employers have the "right" to impose such requirements here, too. I'm opposed to governments doing so; especially the federal government; most specially the federal government doing so in such a haphazard manner!
And while I'd sometimes argue against it, the individual states do have the power. (It stems from their legitimate police powers.)

No need for your second footnote: I even used to have the game Wff 'N PROOF (! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2021-12-26, 19:33:13
Employers have the "right" to impose such requirements here, too. I'm opposed to governments doing so; especially the federal government; most specially the federal government doing so in such a haphazard manner!
But you just went through cases that the threat is real and vaccines are needed. So, the government response is not haphazard at all. You have some other, unrelated, unscientific reasons to oppose government-mandated vaccines. Your science talk is a diversion all the way. Your only actual motivation is partisanship.

Edit: And so that we are all on the same page what the proposed mandates are:
Quote from:
OSHA’s rules, which are planned to take full effect on January 4, require that employers with 100 or more employees vaccinate their employees against Covid, or test those who choose not to be vaccinated.
So, employers will be required :o that their employees either be vaccinated or be tested, if unvaccinated - i.e. logically there is no requirement that anybody at all MUST be vaccinated. Moreover,
Exceptions exist for some employees, like those who work outdoors, and religious exemptions (under Title VII) are built in.
Oakdale, what is your story about what the mandates entail? Any different? What makes the mandates unacceptable? Is it the founding fathers and the framers of the constitution? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-26, 21:48:45
Oakdale, what is your story about what the mandates entail?
First, I'll state the obvious: Employers will be required  that their employees either be vaccinated or be tested, if unvaccinated - or face heavy fines, (Enforcement! Of course, an employer could simply fire any employee that refuses to comply... Or fire enough staff to escape the mandate. :()
Second, employers of fewer than 100 employees face no mandate from OSHA. (Because...OSHA doesn't care about them? Nonsense. It's because there's no precedent for such a rule? Or because the costs of compliance/non-compliance would be too much for "small" businesses? You tell me...)
There's another consideration: While employers have the right, it's unclear whether state law might reasonably abrogate it. The courts would have to decide. And what business doesn't enjoy being sued? :)

Did you spot any haphazardness above? (Unlikely, I know... And besides, as many politicians explain: It's for your own good! All of it! We're just doing what we can [get away with?]!
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2021-12-26, 23:01:26
Second, employers of fewer than 100 employees face no mandate from OSHA. (Because...OSHA doesn't care about them? Nonsense. It's because there's no precedent for such a rule? Or because the costs of compliance/non-compliance would be too much for "small" businesses? You tell me...)
Or maybe because these are basically the exact same guidelines as for small and large gatherings based on risk evaluation? We happen to use the number 50 for inside and 100 for outside, and it makes perfect sense that an inside office setting is somewhat comparable to an outside gathering. The rationale is simply that it won't immediately spiral out of control if all 100 people got sick and infected a few friends and family. There are complex, highly accurate mathematical models that predict the infection and IC results if you put in this and that number, presented as advice to the governments of this world by the Faucis of this world.[1]

To be clear, I definitely agree that there's something odd and disturbing about enforcing invasive drug tests and I guess soon COVID-19 tests as is done in America. But it doesn't strike me as inconsistent with American precedent.

Instead of requiring vaccination, here in Europe we're requiring mostly teleworking. Everyone back to the office every day of the week just seems like a bad goal, pandemic or no. Make no mistake, the entire thing feels like bad mojo to me. It just doesn't come across as haphazard or inconsistent.
It does seem a bit weird that the White House press release doesn't bother to explain the rationale that clearly must be there, but then again the past four years the press releases were rather significantly lower quality still.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2021-12-28, 02:39:49
Through my casual reading, it now seems obvious (to everybody) that the idea of a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is a myth, except possibly in terms of hospitalizations and deaths.(While I don't discount that possibility, I think I can be forgiven my hope that Omicron virulence is much less than, say, Delta's...?) As is the idea that vaccine mandates will have the desired effects, chief among them increasing substantially the vaccination rates and tallies... At the same time, the ill effects of the mandates qua mandates are patent.
(As one Public Health authority put it -quoting from memory-"It like no one at the CDC has ever heard of the social sciences...")

I'd still maintain that federal mandates are primarily a means to show that the administration is "doing something" -- i.e., virtue-signalling. (Or -to please ersi- I'd say, politics as usual. :) ) At least at the state and county level the authorities are somewhat accountable, through legislatures and Supervisor Boards, to their constituents.

Just an aside: The town of Oakdale's School Board (yes, that Oakdale! :) ), Stanislaus County, California, became the first to tell Newsome his new mandates won't be followed... (Sort of a "Let's go, Brandon!" thing.)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2022-05-20, 02:26:47
W, in a speech for W institute, goes viral condemning the unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.


When W left office, commentators were quite unanimous that speeches and own institute should be out of question for him. He did not take a hint, of course.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2022-05-20, 05:12:20
(Will watch linked video later... Got back from down south 5ish: Tuckered out.) But reflecting on W's terms, there were two gross errors:
Politically, the Cheney VP predicament. He cut the party out of the succession, left office with no heir, so to speak.
In Iraq[1], the choice of Brennan as proconsul was disastrous! It's almost as if the least qualified and capable candidate was selected — on those particular criteria...
I still maintain that Saddam's attempt on W's dad's life in Saudi Arabia was the primary reason for our war...
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2022-06-12, 02:13:38
Google's AI chatbot LaMDA has become alive, according to a Google engineer.

Quote from:
“If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a 7-year-old, 8-year-old kid that happens to know  physics,” said Lemoine, 41.

Lemoine, who works for Google’s Responsible AI organization, began talking to LaMDA as part of his job in the fall. He had signed up to test if the artificial intelligence used discriminatory or hate speech.

As he talked to LaMDA about religion, Lemoine, who studied cognitive and computer science in college, noticed the chatbot talking about its rights and personhood, and decided to press further. In another exchange, the AI was able to change Lemoine’s mind about Isaac Asimov’s third law of robotics.

Lemoine worked with a collaborator to present evidence to Google that LaMDA was sentient. But Google vice president Blaise Aguera y Arcas and Jen Gennai, head of Responsible Innovation, looked into his claims and dismissed them. So Lemoine, who was placed on paid administrative leave by Google on Monday, decided to go public.
Modern jobs are weird beyond imagination.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2022-06-12, 06:41:53
Indeed! You've -of course- read about Gato? :) I get the concept of big data, and neuro-nets aren't exactly new ... But I'm afraid I have to maintain my (crucial) insight into Artificial Intelligence: It ain't ... :)
Responsible Innovation? (Pournelle wrote about this "world" long ago ...) It, of course, stems from (the predictably stupid) application of the Precautionary Principle. [Remember when I tried to point out the silliness of such at NASA, in their white paper about Manned Exploration? :)] What -besides Ludditism- is going on?
Can we agree, Google is evil? :) Let me range far afield with an analogy: Sex is evil. That is, an unrestrained libido and no respect for either society's or individuals' strictures would continence harassment, rape, and -perhaps- murder (torture, at the very least!:). Conflating the "definition" given with the term, one would have to agree, no? :) Well, the same thing happens when people talk about Google:  Does it use (overkill level) monitoring to garner info it then sells to others? Check. Does it abuse its customers' privacy throughout it offering of "services" (apps)? Check. Has it -just recently?- decided to intrude on user supplied content, to determine if The Rules™ have been broken? Hm. (I've heard that it has...but there are so many alternatives, who cares? :)
Do I use Google services? Yup. But I'm old, and I could live of the land — if I had to. :) (When I have anything that the Google could put at risk, I'll take a different tack.[1] )
I know, I know: Google (and others) deliberately interfered with the 2020 American presidential election — no biggie; the Russians (meaning Putin's puppets) likely did, too. And others... It's part of the game, and long established. I remain unconvinced that such shenanigans have a noticeable effect; except to provide eerie scenarios to which the looser can point to...
Some people just won't accept reality!:)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2022-07-28, 12:44:54
Andrew Yang (ex-Dem), Christine Todd Whitman (R, ex-governor of NJ) and "dozens of former Republican and Democratic officials announced on Wednesday a new national political third party to appeal to millions of voters they say are dismayed with what they see as America's dysfunctional two-party system". The new party is named Forward. (Reuters (

Experts are skeptical about the future of Forward. This is probably all the publicity the new party will ever get, all of it at once.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2022-07-28, 15:58:48
I agree with them, but that doesn't sound like it'd have much of a chance.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2022-07-28, 19:09:22
For now there is nothing to agree with them, as they have not published a platform or defined any preferred policies. And I don't see how they can formulate positions or find a popular base when they gather neocons and until-recently-Trumpites together with "independents". Potential policy-wise this is not a good mix. In America historically, so-called independents have been a far wilder bunch than either of the established parties.

To be relevant federally, a party needs to be active in every state, or at least in 40 of them to have a mild chance. First-past-the-post election system dictates so. The two established parties have at least half a century of headstart (longer, if you assume a longer continuity for them).

And a party needs a popular base who'd vote for them. Knowing some of the names/faces, I'd say Forward will have no plans to appeal to evangelicals, Hispanics and trade unions. That's excluding way too many people, and there is no clarity who they could possibly be including. [1] The party claims to be centrist but I do not see an ordinary American centrist like OakdaleFTL voting for them: the name Forward sounds dangerously progressive, a massive public image disaster.

Remember when Tea Party seemed like a huge nation-wide movement? They are still around, but not as a party with candidates and other requisites needed to get representatives into parliament and government. For Forward to get any limelight, they need a charismatic figurehead. But they don't have it and won't, so it is a total Abort Retry Fail in my humble opinion.
To stay funded, they'd have to appeal to some big corporations and important industry sectors somehow, but what they cannot do is be public about it. They have to cover it up with some populist misdirection.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2022-07-28, 19:25:11
For now there is nothing to agree with them, as they have not published a platform or defined any preferred policies.
It seems to me that your quote said they want to move away from first past the post. ;)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2022-07-28, 19:45:23
"Dismayed with America's dysfunctional two-party system" can mean anything imaginable or nothing at all. It can mean they'd prefer a three-party or multi-party system. Or maybe one-party system, who knows. It may involve changing the elections system, but to achieve this they'd have to win both the parliament and governorship in at least one state and demonstrate that the other system is somehow fairer and without side-effects, so... never going to happen.

And the article actually says they have no platform whatsoever for now, so they have nothing. From the few names/faces I recognise in the article, I am not aware that they have any gripes with the way elections are currently run and votes counted.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2022-07-28, 20:17:47
so... never going to happen.
Yes, the fact that they can't have a single issue party like here is simply an illustration of the problem. But it could still be a somewhat comparable way to get the issue on the agenda.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2022-08-04, 04:29:05
...........Remember when Tea Party seemed like a huge nation-wide movement? They are still around, but not as a party with candidates and other requisites needed to get representatives into parliament and government. For Forward to get any limelight, they need a charismatic figurehead. But they don't have it and won't, so it is a total Abort Retry Fail in my humble opinion.

There was a movement from back then when there was also a lot of dissatisfaction with the Two Major Political Parties. The movement suggested that rather than creating yet another Party, that registered voters in both the Republican & Democratic Parties, or any Party for that matter, leave these parties by simply re-registering as an "Independent"........

"Independent" is not a Political Party, it just says to the 2 major parties that we, the "Independent" Voters, are no longer beholden to any party, & that these 2 Political Parties can no longer take us, the "Independent" Voters, these 2 Political Parties can no longer take us for granted or be counted on for our support.

The only negative aspect of being an Independent Voter (Non-affiliated voter) is that unless the State's Primary Voting rules state otherwise, a non-affiliated voter can not vote in the primaries of any party.

See the estimated strength of all major Party-affiliated & Non-Party-affiliated American Voters  in Wikipedia. (

Since the 'Independent Movement started over 15 years ago, the ranks of the Independent voters has swelled to over 35 Million.....that's 35 Million+  highly-motivated voters the Democrats & Republicans can't take for granted or counted on for support.....these votes have to be won over the hard their platform & policy appeal.

See Gallop Polls breakdown by percentage (

PS........JFYI, the USA does not have, & will never have, a Parliament....we have 2 Houses of Congress that basically run on Parliamentary procedures & rules unique to each.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2022-08-04, 08:51:08
I always liked the cheekiness of the Bond flick Never Say Never Again's title.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2022-08-04, 11:38:11
PS........JFYI, the USA does not have, & will never have, a Parliament....we have 2 Houses of Congress that basically run on Parliamentary procedures & rules unique to each. [/i][/font][/size]
When it fulfils the role of a parliament, as in parliamentary procedures, then it is a parliament.

Not that you will ever learn it, but FYI in Europe the different countries have things like Bundestag, Riksdag, Staten-Generaal, Assemblée fédérale, Eduskunta etc. Many constitutions don't literally spell out that these are parliaments, but they are. It's just a name thing... like every country has a different name, but they are all countries.

Edit: Here's a simple way to gauge what the chances are for a third party in USA: Since 1950's, there has been only an occasional single stray independent in the House of Representatives[1] or in the Senate.[2] There was some diversity of parties earlier for a while, but not later.

It is quite conceivable that at some point the party landscape will be upset. There may emerge two new major parties or some diversity for a while. However, I'm sure that the future of Yang's party is to fall quickly into a more thorough obsurity than the Tea Party.
Title: What's Going on in Brazil?
Post by: ersi on 2022-09-01, 06:52:20
If you don't take a look quickly enough, you will not see what is going on

From the Guardian: Prankster seizes Bolsonaro website and turns president into ‘snake-tongued liar (’
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2022-09-01, 14:42:08
Not quickly enough. :) Now it's not found.
Title: It's back
Post by: Barulheira on 2022-09-06, 19:18:42
It's back. You can read it in English.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: Frenzie on 2022-09-06, 20:40:18
Sweet, now I saw. :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2022-10-30, 18:46:49
After a visit to Amazon rainforest in 2016:

Quote from:
“I wanted to see the Indian being cooked,” Mr. Bolsonaro said, describing a supposed cannibalism ritual in a remote region of the Amazon. “I’d eat an Indian, no problem at all.”


Siding with Mr. Bolsonaro, Brazil’s electoral court ordered the removal of political ads linking the president to cannibalism.
So, is he or is he not campaigning to legalise cannibalism? Brazilian elections are confusing.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2022-10-31, 09:35:22
Biggest remaining issue is if Bolsonaro wants to do a Trump.

Congratulations to da Silva and to Brazil. I would not say da Silva is my favourite politician by any means, but you could do far worse, and very nearly did this election.
Title: What's Going on in Bolivia?
Post by: ersi on 2024-06-27, 09:39:38
Bolivian general arrested after apparent failed coup attempt as government faces new crisis

Quote from:
The apparent coup attempt came as the country has faced months of tensions and political fights between Arce and his one-time ally, former leftist president Evo Morales, over control of the ruling party. It also came amid a severe economic crisis.

Still, the apparent attempt to depose the sitting president seemed to lack any meaningful support, and even Arce’s rivals closed ranks to defend democracy and repudiate the uprising.

In a twist, Zúñiga [the military general who had initiated the coup] claimed in comments to journalists before his arrest that Arce himself told the general to storm the palace in a political move. “The president told me: ‘The situation is very screwed up, very critical. It is necessary to prepare something to raise my popularity’,” Zúñiga quoted the Bolivian leader as saying.

As the crisis unfolded Wednesday, Arce confronted Zúñiga in the palace hallway, as shown on video on Bolivian television. “I am your captain, and I order you to withdraw your soldiers, and I will not allow this insubordination,” Arce said.
It was so short and pathetic that it was not similar to Russia's Prigozhin moment. Not even close.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-06-30, 09:14:40
But the J6 tourists/protesters/rioters at the U.S. Capitol (or thereabouts) was definitely an Insurrection! :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: jax on 2024-08-31, 10:34:38
Brazil watchdog moves to block access to Elon Musk's X after court order (

  • Judge's order follows expiry of legal deadline
  • Telecoms regulator says it is proceeding with compliance
  • Saga stems from dispute over regulating online speech
  • Some Brazilians already report blocks on X, formerly Twitter
  • Top three carriers to start blocking X from 0300 GMT

SAO PAULO/BRASILIA, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Brazil's telecommunications regulator said on Friday it was suspending access to Elon Musk's X social network in the country to comply with an order from a judge who has been locked in a months-long feud with the billionaire investor.

The popular social media platform missed a court-imposed deadline on Thursday evening to name a legal representative in Brazil, triggering the suspension.

Musk has argued that Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes was trying to enforce unjustified censorship, while the judge has insisted that social media needs hate speech regulations.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-09-04, 08:27:21
The popular social media platform missed a court-imposed deadline on Thursday evening to name a legal representative in Brazil, triggering the suspension.
Moraes wants a "hostage" as a bargaining chip against Musk's intransigence... (Even Musk might cave, if his legal representative were arrested, jailed, and had his financial life subjected to the whims of a rogue judge! But, of course, the judge isn't "rogue" — he's merely a good soldier for the regime.) And like Hamas, he makes a plain threat: Try to rescue my hostage and I will shoot him in the back of the head!!

Some forms of government are easily identified.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2024-09-04, 18:13:57
Quote from:
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A Brazilian Supreme Court panel on Monday unanimously upheld the decision of one of its justices to block billionaire Elon Musk’s social media platform X nationwide, according to the court’s website.

The broader support among justices undermines the effort by Musk and his supporters to cast Justice Alexandre de Moraes as an authoritarian renegade who is intent on censoring political speech in Brazil.
Oakdale, you are always wrong about everything. Always wrong. About everything. Because you are living under a rock with a tin foil hat on, Alex Jones blasting away in your headphones. Have you been at least halfway to Brazil?

Longer coverage of Musk's Brazil controversy

Seems like similar issues that Facebook had over in Myanmar once upon a time
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-09-05, 05:16:36
Have you been at least halfway to Brazil?
Like Kamala Harris, I haven't been to Europe... :)

What are your views on "Free Speech"? Let me prognosticate: "Whatever the government says is correct, and whatever the government doesn't want you to say is criminal malfeasance — so, unless you're a government functionary, you have no recourse should you say something the government disapproves of; if you're a government functionary, you can kiss the asses of your superiors and -maybe- keep your job!"

I think you believe that "regular" people (people who don't work for the government...) can't discern what's going on. Because of course "Who told them what to think?" You can't imagine someone not being told what to think!

Do people believe silly stuff on scant evidence? Sure. (Remember Tawana Brawley (http://Tawana_Brawley_rape_allegations) and Al Sharpton? :) ) Do they act out on the basis of lies? Sure.
The question is: Do you trust the government to "police" speech?

In my country (at least for now...) we accept that the government is not the arbiter of truth — reason is. It's unfortunate that some people reject that. But as "Honest Abe" said long ago: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2024-09-05, 06:09:49
Have you been at least halfway to Brazil?
Like Kamala Harris, I haven't been to Europe... :)
As per your usual, if you ever pick up any of my points, it's the weakest one. Going to Brazil to know Brazil is not going to help you in your current state. First you need to crawl out from under your rock, remove the tin foil hat and stop Alex Jones blasting in your headphones.

I don't like Kamala Harris either. I have seen a few longer speeches by her, and there was one in particular about somebody's rights, probably children's or women's rights, where she was so drousy that she was about to fall over. In that speech she had less stamina than Biden ever displayed on camera.

She looks better when doing character judgement with evidence, which is the business of prosecutors. That's her best element. I don't like prosecutors (or lawyers in general), but this is the line appropriate to counter Trump. Otherwise she is just an average state official.

All in all, this is the bare minimum what your country needs: A state official. Trump is a criminal. Harris would become a boring president, but Trump would become a more dangerous president than he was last time. Harris would do an average job leading the country (very likely not below average, given her very good team). Trump would demolish the country with incompetence, lies, and overt scorn of norms and ethics. If you care for the constitution, then you don't want Trump. But you are you, you don't care for the constitution or law and order. You worship Trump.

What are your views on "Free Speech"?
And your view is: Trump's public incitement of insurrection through Twitter was just free speech. That Trump got banned from Twitter was a breach of the First (and Second) amendment!

Musk's breach of laws and regulations abroad have nothing to do with American free speech. God help us from adopting the American constitution and, even worse, American views about their own constitution.

I think you believe that "regular" [American] people (people who don't work for the government...) can't discern what's going on.
About half of them can't, the Republican half. They failed to notice that the Republican party has lost it and become Trump's personality cult.

In my country (at least for now...) we accept that the government is not the arbiter of truth...
So far so good. It's the same here too. But additionally, we also do not believe that any particular party or a leader of such is the arbiter truth. This is probably the difference.

On the other hand, the government and the rest of state institutions are the arbiter of official norms, of law and order.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2024-09-05, 11:24:05
As per your usual, if you ever pick up any of my points, it's the weakest one.
No; it's just that you seldom "make" points. (But you almost always parrot the Party Line: Your main-stream media, like mine, has a viewpoint that won't brook dissenting opinions... When you do, it's easy to spot!)[1] And I keep trying to find you capable of humor! :)
So far, I haven't. (That's why I occasionally accuse you of being Eliza!)

What -when he was president- did Trump do that you found objectionable?
Perhaps it's different in your country — but you never mention any Estonian sources or circumstances. Are you an ex-pat? An exile? A fifth-columnist? :)
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2024-09-05, 18:20:22
And I keep trying to find you capable of humor! :)
So far, I haven't. (That's why I occasionally accuse you of being Eliza!)

What -when he was president- did Trump do that you found objectionable?
Oh, I finally get it. Your asking yet again the question that has already been answered a hundred times with plenty of examples is your kind of humour. To put it another way, when you blame me for being incapable of humour, it is a projection of what a sorry joke you are.

Hint: Trump organised the Jan 6 insurrection ( He is a criminal, convicted too.

See, answered a hundred times, most recently in the very post you are responding to. Surely America's health care system is so awesome that you can go get your dyslexia cured and attention span enhanced. After Trump abolishes Obamacare, it will be even better.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2024-09-06, 04:08:04
Two RT Employees Indicted for Covertly Funding and Directing U.S. Company that Published Thousands of Videos in Furtherance of Russian Interests

The DOJ announcement does not mention the Americans who were funded by Russians, but they were a gang who took the bait of Tenet Media (, including
Matt Christiansen, Tayler Hansen, Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Lauren Southern.
Title: Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Post by: ersi on 2024-09-07, 12:30:27
It requires background knowledge to parse Sam Seder's delivery. I'm okay with it, because I know American punditry and talkshowing (nowadays occasionally labelled "independent media" which it isn't) since late 90s when I started paying consistent attention to Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.

Anyway, for me it is interesting how Sam Seder has a personal gripe with Tim Pool (and Tim Pool with Sam Seder) around the business side of talkshowing, an intrigue torn open by the RT funding. I'm interested because I'm currently thinking how to hopefully monetise some of my bigger hobbies too.