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Topic: Do Something (Read 11189 times)

Do Something
The more time goes on, the more I realize that success in anything is tied less to knowledge or talent, and tied more to action supplemented by knowledge and talent. You can become successful at something without knowing what you’re doing. You can become successful at something without having much particular talent at it. But you can never become successful at anything without taking action. Ever.

I constantly have to remind myself to do much this, although I'd put it in the framework of perfectionism rather than procrastination. Technically not doing something is procrastinating, but the reason is that I instinctively think it's not worth doing if I'm not going to be doing it very, very well indeed. But many things merely need to be good enough.

Re: Do Something

Reply #1
What is success? Why does it matter?

Re: Do Something

Reply #2
Well, in my mind it's more about "successfully" being able to e.g. pay rent and afford food. And doing so with a university degree is hopefully slightly less mind-numbing than doing so without. The example of someone being in bad physical shape is mostly beyond my comprehension.

Re: Do Something

Reply #3
Faust? :p
Faust returns to his rooms, and the dog follows him. Faust translates the Gospel of John, which presents difficulties, as Faust cannot determine the sense of the first sentence (specifically, the word Logos – In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God., currently translated as The Word). Eventually he settles upon translating it with the very one meaning Λὀγος does not have, writing "In the beginning was the deed".

( emphasis added )
Probably for the same reason as the quote in the OP.

Re: Do Something

Reply #5

Such word doesn't exist in my Language, we have to describe it.
A sign of an intelligent People that knows how to appreciate the delights of life instead of working as a robot. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Do Something

Reply #6
Another major issue besides the fact that you actually need downtime is that people think you need to look busy to be busy. That should be obvious nonsense.

Re: Do Something

Reply #7
If the expected outcome of doing something is worse than not doing anything, I'll cheerfully do nothing. The best answer to "You gotta do something!" is probably "no".

In the sense of the best being the enemy of good, or even mediocre, sure.

Re: Do Something

Reply #8
In the sense of the best being the enemy of good, or even mediocre, sure.

Well, that's my problem, anyway. The way you guys interpret the article I linked to, I disagree with it too.

Re: Do Something

Reply #9

Faust? :p
Faust returns to his rooms, and the dog follows him. Faust translates the Gospel of John, which presents difficulties, as Faust cannot determine the sense of the first sentence (specifically, the word Logos – In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God., currently translated as The Word). Eventually he settles upon translating it with the very one meaning Λὀγος does not have, writing "In the beginning was the deed".

( emphasis added )
Probably for the same reason as the quote in the OP.

In the beginning, there was a word.
Originally, there was nothing but a word.

Re: Do Something

Reply #10
It's best to do for yourself, then leaving whatever you do for government to do it for you.

Re: Do Something

Reply #11
Not to Josh you, but you did mean 'than', didn't you? Otherwise, there have been consultants paid by that scheme.

Re: Do Something

Reply #13
Quote from: SmileyFaze
It's best to do for yourself, then leaving whatever you do for government to do it for you.

Not to Josh you, but you did mean 'than', didn't you? Otherwise, there have been consultants paid by that scheme.

I've been Joshed!!!! 

Re: Do Something

Reply #14
Someone tell Josh the meaning of to Josh!

Re: Do Something

Reply #15
Quote from: SmartAss jax on 2014-02-04, 09:57:45Not to Josh you, but you did mean 'than', didn't you? Otherwise, there have been consultants paid by that scheme.

Yet more Grammar/Spelling Nazi!

I was there once, but I've retired and have been noon to spel wrong and the structur sentenzes too get wronk.

Re: Do Something

Reply #17
Perfection is the enemy of good enough. Gotta thank the Russians for that saying.

Sometimes it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough to work.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


The saying

Reply #19
I'm not sure about the translation to be perfect;)
Anyway, as far as I understand "Лучшее - враг хорошего", it applies when "the better" is likely to ruin "the good". It's like you're trying to sharpen a pencil to the extent of one single molecule and eventually break it (although pencils are amendable or replaceable; however, it might be not so about something not such).

Re: Do Something

Reply #21
Gotta thank the Russians for that saying.

Admiral Gorshkov

When looking for the good admiral, I ran into this little gem.
"Good, better, best, never let it rest, 'till your good is better, and your better's best."

On occasion, I run a little short.