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Topic: Should Pot Be Legalized? (Read 15448 times)

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #25
A doctor once told me that too much coffee is not good for you so explains a lot about the ex-colonies but don't you succumb to the head shrinkers. As for strong and black - yeuch.  I go country walking to show how manly I am.....
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #26

A doctor once told me that too much coffee is not good for you so explains a lot about the ex-colonies but don't you succumb to the head shrinkers. As for strong and black - yeuch.  I go country walking to show how manly I am.....

The imagination strains mightily but fails.


Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #27
Considering how worthless my state gov't is (cannot even adequately fund it's damn public schooling system), the tax revenue to be garnered from it would be tremendously helpful.
Good luck with that. In your part of country, it's hard enough to get come counties to legalize selling beer :p

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #28
Thanks for your usual bout of negative ignorance posing as balanced tt92 but in your favour it is consistent.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #30
Don't know why it is direct and to the point. Perfectly understandable and a nice wee dance.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #31
Perhaps from a Glaswegian perspective, but for the rest of the English speaking world... :no:

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #32
I'm against "legalizations".
"Legalizations" are for sissies.
Use whatever you want to use, I'm for Liberty, not for "legalizations".

The much time passes, the much people become controlled puppets.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #33

You're an old man, so you should recognize this puppet.

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #34

You're an old man, so you should recognize this puppet.

Nobody here is an old man, except rjhowie, but I recognize that puppet as something of American culture.
American these days - I only pay attention to Playboy starlets.

Shall we jump from suburban pot to Lucy in Sky with Diamonds? beat generation, all that? :)
Maybe even better, opium.

Baudelaire: "Unable to suppress love, the Church wanted at least to disinfect it, and it created marriage."
Not bad, he? opium gives you body and mind wings to fly... :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #35
…I would only add: Legalization makes perfect sense. We desperately need more people being stupid!
But the economic (taxes, anti-crime — anti-criminalization…) argument is persuasive: Government coffers must -after all- be filled. And governments seem, unerringly, to choose the worst of the options available to them. (How is it, that We The People don't see and respond to this?)

I'm a "child" of the 60s, but I never liked the smell of that noxious weed's smoke. (And I didn't like its effects, when I'd inhaled it…) Were it made available and as legal as tobacco or booze tomorrow, I'd not likely try it again.
But -as a long-time abuser of alcohol, myself- I have to say that I'm not opposed to legalization: Stupid people will always find ways of being more stupid. It''s what they do.
Does anyone imagine that China has, no longer, an opium "problem"…?

Life is -sometimes- hard. Ease is -sometimes- easily had.
Everyone who's offered something more has failed to deliver…
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #36
We know that the stupid will always be with us like the poor and what have you but I don't have any intention of encouraging such. Not being a smoker and happy kissing women in moderation I will remain pious.....
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #37

We know that the stupid will always be with us like the poor and what have you but I don't have any intention of encouraging such. Not being a smoker and happy kissing women in moderation I will remain pious.....

Moderation would be once in a decade? Being a gentleman :lol:, I'll not ask you when the last time was. :jester:

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #38
Huh. Not being a dumbell depending on illegal drugs to give strength and masculinity as well as kissing in moderation that IS being a gentleman. I remain in a class of my own and noted by organisations I am in creating awe and such, Dear, oh dear my weaknses is not coping with envy from the hi-polloi. Raise thyself jimbro.  :blush: 8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #39
Anyone who kisses women in moderation knows nothing about kissing and little about women.

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #40
Thanks for being shy of admitting your failure in a roundabout fashion but don't worry once you are a big boy things should hopefully change.  I am selective though as I only kiss women.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #41
You only kiss them? Nothing else? I thought as much.

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #42
I contend with a whole list of women who are in awe and fascinated so don't you show your jealousy by being youthfully wishing. Once you are a wee bitty older you wi llearn with awe what else there is. Be patient.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #43
A wee tug on their hair might get the ball rolling for ya, pops.  :flirt:

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #44
Easy on the older contingent, sir!

Rj is a younger poster.

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #45
Aw shucks jimbro. And here is me a quiet and unamasuming chap.

Anyway ensbb3 I don't need to pull their hair i just need to be in their presence and they get excited. I can even admit that a mother informed me her two daughters used to argue over me. Oh dear and I always try to keep women calm but there we are.  :blush:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #46
Somebody's been smoking something, that's for sure! Somehow, I don't think it was pot. Look for something more hallucinogenic.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #47
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Should Pot Be Legalized?

Reply #49
I can take a lot from other but do find it difficult to accept their envy including here.  8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"