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Topic: What's going on on MyOpera & (Read 33713 times)

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #101

And you're not the forum police.
I'm the author.
And when I started the topic, I perfectly knew where to start it and what it would be about. The latter being clearly expressed in the title.

Completely irrelevant.
Again, you're not the forum police. Everyone is free to do whatever the rules permit, wether you approve or not.
Consider yourself warned.

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #102
Again, I have to ask: If a thread titled "What's going on on MyOpera &" isn't about the Opera browser and the Opera website--- then just why in thunder did you name it that? Yes, Josh, I DID pay attention to the title.... though it appears that you, the author of the thread, have no clue what it's about.

Look, pal-- no more vodka for you, you've had enough.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #103
Mac, have you had your coffee today?:rolleyes:
...If a thread titled "What's going on on MyOpera &"...
The thread titled "What's going on on MyOpera &", the latter being a URL.

...If a thread titled ... isn't about the Opera browser and the Opera website...
It isn't about any browser:
Quote from: myself
And when I started the topic, I perfectly knew where to start it...
You see, it's not at all in the "Browsers" board, huh?

...then just why in thunder did you name it that?
??? appears that you, the author of the thread, have no clue what it's about.
Yes, I do.

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #104
I am a mere proletariat on this great forum, and make no claims further than such. I greatly appreciate what Frenzie, Macallan, String, Luxor, Jax, etc, have all done.

That being said, I have rather grown tired of an un-named poster's persistent trolling, posting of another user's personal info,  etc, and from what I have gathered ( @Belfrager), I am not the only one.

However, I am not one to back down from any form of conflict, and while I think this might be better handled via a PM level, please let me officially state for once, publicly, that I have grown exceedingly tired of one user's trolling in particular. If someone gets tired of me trying to rustle Mr. Howie, please do let me know, as it is a rather fun sport for me but I will stop, if asked, but the trolololololol'ing I mention that irritates not only myself but others is in full seriousness. That shite needs to stop. It isn't funny, nor is it amusing.

I do hope this all can be peacefully resolved, but I do have my doubts about it.

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #105
To be fair, this distinction between Opera the browser and Opera the web sites and services, is one taken from My Opera/Opera Community. It made eminent sense there (at least it did to us), given that My Opera was one of the said web sites and services. Whether it makes sense here is a different question.

Presumably it has historical reasons, this forum is one result of the exodus from  My Opera, and we don't have one, but two threads on the topic (this one, and the one for the new Lounge in the new forum), as well as at least one Vivaldi thread. There is actually no universal thread on the Opera browser, but several Opera-related threads in the browser forum. Neither is there a thread on Opera the company, there wasn't at the old forum either, nor one for opera the music.

I can't really see a thread about the web site two or three years in the future, but I can see why there is one now.

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #106
I don't think whether this distinction matters is what rubs everyone the wrong way, but that it is a part of a pattern. Bateson defined information as a difference that makes a difference. Josh, with his corrections and "corrections", has showed a vast number of differences that make no difference, to us anyway. I find that annoying, but it also makes me curious why I find that annoying. Having had ample time to reflect on that I am curious no more, and we're back to it being annoying.

What isn't merely annoying, but disruptive, is flaunting the rules by trying to assume responsibility for them. What angered me most as moderator for the old forum were people who tried assume the role of a moderator, saying you don't belong here, or you are not allowed to do this or that. This applies here too.

Whoever Frenzie, in his infinite wisdom, put in this forum as his moderators enforce the rules are the only ones to enforce the rules. Frenzie, in his wisdom as infinite as in the previous sentence, has not put you in this forum as his moderator. Thus you don't make or manage the rules, but you still have to follow them. Griping about the rules you may do in the assigned griping place, which in the lack of alternatives would be in private messages to admin or moderators.

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #107
The rules in question that apply are:

Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are forbidden on this forum including material which is clearly defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, contains sexually, racially or gender-oriented slurs, or is threatening or illegal in any way.

Respect the privacy of all members. Do not use the information contained in this forum for any purpose than that of contributing to this forum.

Try to keep on topic, but not at the expense of a valid digression of the discussion.

Post in English but remain tolerant to those who are not well-versed in that language and make errors, remembering that this forum welcomes global participation.

These rules actually differ from the old rules in a number of ways, otherwise I would also have thrown these two at you:

Don't write in all-caps, and leave swearing, rudeness and flaming at the door.

If you disagree with a moderation, contact a moderator directly rather than posting in the forum.

(Me, I prefer "swearing" to vulgar or obscene material. There doesn't seem to be any "quarrel with moderators in private" rule, so you are off the hook there.)

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #108
...this distinction <...> is one taken from My Opera/Opera Community.

There is actually no universal thread on the Opera browser...
"Keeping an eye.."'ll go, won't it?

...nor one for opera the music.
It's up to you!
:lol: :sing:

Re: What's going on on MyOpera &

Reply #109

Mac, have you had your coffee today?:rolleyes:

Apparently I wasn't clear enough.
You are not the forum police. Read jax's posts above if you still don't get it.
Cut it out or you'll get the boot.