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Topic: The Problem with Atheism (Read 220481 times)

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #176
i cant find the Right words fo dat ..

Ancient Psychology

Traditional Psychology

Afaik, Psychology is Psychics science .

so what's the right word for something like dat ?  :o

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #177

i cant find the Right words fo dat ..

Ancient Psychology

Traditional Psychology

Afaik, Psychology is Psychics science .

so what's the right word for something like dat ?  :o

I think the term you're looking for is 'bullshit that you can pretend is helping you somehow'.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #178
so , psychology is bullshit ?

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #179

so , psychology is bullshit ?

I didn't say that. Anything with 'psychic' in it is bullshit. Almost anything with 'traditional' or 'ancient' attached to it ( for things that don't usually require them ) is bullshit.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'spiritualism' - 19th century fraudsters pretending to talk to dead people?

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #180
 dat fraudster is suffered for @schizophrenia.

there are like 4000 religion n/or spiritual traditions.

some are nonsenses , some are makes aa senses .

Afaik , Zen is sane enuf .

dat's something about Consciousness, Mindfullness , Stress management , etc

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #181
So your point is ... what exactly?

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #182
I don't know what Sparta's point is, but I find it significant that physics has made exactly zero contribution to psychology, whereas psychology (the concept of mind) has made significant contributions to understanding the implications of quantum mechanics.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #183

the point is , there are Psychiatrists before Psychiatrist called   Psychiatrist

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #185
psychology (the concept of mind) has made significant contributions to understanding the implications of quantum mechanics.

What are you talking about?

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #186

psychology (the concept of mind) has made significant contributions to understanding the implications of quantum mechanics.

What are you talking about?
Things such as "Consciousness causes collapse," many-minds interpretation, retrocausality, parallel superposition of physical states, antimatter, etc. All these concepts are either directly borrowed from or informed by psychology. There's been no contribution in the other direction.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #189
Your own link seems to disagree.
I find it significant that physics has made exactly zero contribution to psychology (emphasis mine), whereas psychology (the concept of mind) has made significant contributions to understanding the implications of quantum mechanics.

Quote from: The blurb from Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters 1932-1958
Through the association of these two pioneering thinkers, developments in physics profoundly influenced the evolution of Jungian psychology (emphasis mine).

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #190
Read the book :) I have read it. My impression:

Admittedly it's evident that Jung the psychologist was highly interested in quantum mechanics, and became informed of physics in general during the correspondence, but as to any detectable/citable contribution from classical physics to his theories, there's no evidence of such. Whereas Pauli the quantum physicist, if you consider QM physics, learned a lot on the problems I already linked to earlier. Note that they are closely philosophical problems (problem of measurement, mind-body problem, consciousness and subconsciousness), not strictly science problems, and none of these is really a physics problem, yet they have entered physics (quantum mechanics, specifically) via psychology and philosophy.

The interaction of ideas in the book is between psychology, philosophy, mythology, and quantum physics as a continuum theory. Relativity theory is discussed in the same spirit. Newton is only discussed as an alchemist. I am not exaggerating when I say that the influence is exactly in one direction.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #191
This is probably the right thread for this one

Quote from: Sam Harris, New Atheist

So I would like to issue a public challenge. Anyone who believes that my case for a scientific understanding of morality is mistaken is invited to prove it in under 1,000 words. (You must address the central argument of the book—not peripheral issues.) The best response will be published on this website, and its author will receive $2,000. If any essay actually persuades me, however, its author will receive $20,000,* and I will publicly recant my view.

Submissions will be accepted here the week of February 2-9, 2014.

One thing is certain: He won't be persuaded, the $20,000 prize will not find its lucky winner. Reasons for this are two-fold. One, Sam Harris cannot be persuaded logically, because he has displayed utter contempt for logic as used in philosophy, which is the domain of logic. Two, he is an emotional person whose arguments are appeals to emotion, while he thinks he's being logical.

Thus, all rational arguments will fail, and the most beautiful essay consisting of an appeal to emotion will be denounced as an appeal to emotion. Emotional people become particularly angry when they detect an attempt of emotional manipulation on themselves :)

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #192
Must say I am terribly disappointed that Mr. Howie and Belfrager and mjmsprt40 aren't in here teaming up to debate us "heathens". :(

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #193
Atheism is boring.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #194

Must say I am terribly disappointed that Mr. Howie and Belfrager and mjmsprt40 aren't in here teaming up to debate us "heathens". :(
At least Belfrager was active in these threads when you weren't. Besides, you personally don't qualify as a heathen. You are a fresh convert into atheism. I remember when you declared that Bantay had converted you. Now stay where you are. Too much conversion is bad for you. Seriously.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #195

Atheism is boring.
You are probably right; mumbo-jumbo is comparatively hilarious.

Mind you atheism does give you more time to follow more sensible pursuits.

A bit of a trade-off really.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #196
Mind you atheism does give you more time to follow more sensible pursuits.

Like posting in DnD's The Problem with Atheism thread. Now, there's a sensible pursuit.

Frankly, being a person who harbors an overabundance of uncertainty, I have trouble committing to atheism. Agnosticism suits me much better. If you ask me where my thumbs are, I'll hesitate before responding, thinking it might be a trick question.

As an aside, why do Christians always refer to god as He? Does that god have body parts? Thumbs, ears,a p***s?

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #197
Somehow, he's got a son.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #198
So he's a son god, and not a sun god?