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Topic: Today's Good News (Read 178711 times)

The smilies board

Reply #150

I wrote some experimental code a while ago, but I've certainly got no time to wrap it up this week. There's also the issue of how to reconcile the fact that some people like all the smilies visible at once and others would prefer most of 'em to be hidden by default.

As usual -- in the profile.:idea:
Quote from: Scheickspier
To wrap or not to wrap - that is the question.

(By the way, you could lose doubles right about already now, huh?)

Smilical Muttering

Reply #152
Was I being wrong?
Should that have been "THE doubles"????

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #153
"right about now already" isn't very polite. In any case, what smilies do you claim are doubles?

The doubles

Reply #154
By Norsk politeness? (Thank you for pointing out, anyway.)
Can't you see the doubles yourself, huh?
Quote from: everything
:) ;) :D :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'( :lol: :devil: :eyes: :love: :flirt: :happy: :blush: :sst: :wine: :beer: :cheers: :confused: :mad: :bandit: :worried: :insane: :awww: :bomb: :whistle: :hat: :yes: :up: :down: :irked: :idea: :no: :alien: :doh: :zip: :monkey: :banana: :ninja: :knight: :nervous: :left: :headbang: :yuck: :yikes: :sing: :furious: :heart: :cry: :frown: :star: :spock: :zzz: :cat: :drunk: :eek: :beard: :faint: :pirate: :coffee: :wait: :right: :ko: :bug: :angel: :cool: :rolleyes: :queen: :king: :wizard: :jester: :sherlock: :chef: :smurf: :psmurf: :troll: :troll: :cow: :pingu: :dragonfly: :hi: :bye: :rip:

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #155
I see one double (not counting the double troll in your post only), and I'd have already hidden whatever else you might be thinking of hours ago in about two seconds if you'd have been a little more upfront about what errors you might've spotted. :P

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #156
I just had to look. I don't see any doubles. Josh, if you're seeing doubles I suggest you don't try to drive for a while.  :drunk:
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: Today's Good News

Reply #158
Two yikes,

One is "shocked" the other is "yikes".
Two zips

One is "lips sealed" the other is "zipped"

Two cools.


Two rolleyes.


Two sads

One is "sad" the other is "frown"

Just for the record of course.  :P 
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #160

I just had to look. I don't see any doubles. Josh, if you're seeing doubles I suggest you don't try to drive for a while.  :drunk:
Two yikes, for example. Two zips. Two cools. Two rolleyes. Two sads, two ???s. Two trolls, two dontfeeds.
Anything else?:rolleyes:

That's more helpful, especially coupled with Luxor's reply. Thanks.

Edit: I think that should do it.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #161
And what is the problem of having a couple smileys in double?
Does wanting to make Frenzie to have more work than he already has justifies such maniac reclamation and besides completely off topic?
Fuck the duplicated smileys.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #162

And what is the problem of having a couple smileys in double?
Does wanting to make Frenzie to have more work than he already has justifies such maniac reclamation and besides completely off topic?
Fuck the double smileys.

I think the "Gang of Joshes" is just trying to see how far he can go before he finally goes too far. Special note, pay attention, you know who you are: I am undoubtedly very patient but even I have my limits. The "Gang of Three In One" is close to breaching that limit. How others haven't acted before now is a wonder of the world.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #166
TIME, that arbiter of Science, Medicine, and Health, has decreed that our three-decade-long fear of dietary fats has been a mistake.
Indeed, this week's cover says, starkly, "Eat Butter".
I read the whole article in case there had been a re-think on chocolate, but so far so good.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #167

TIME, that arbiter of Science, Medicine, and Health, has decreed that our three-decade-long fear of dietary fats has been a mistake.
Indeed, this week's cover says, starkly, "Eat Butter".
I read the whole article in case there had been a re-think on chocolate, but so far so good.

In recent years, large-scale epidemiological studies have found that people whose diets include dark chocolate have a lower risk of heart disease than those whose diets do not. Other research has shown that chocolate includes flavonols, natural substances that can reduce the risk of disease. But it hasn’t been clear how these flavonols could be affecting the human body, especially the heart. New findings from Virginia Tech and Louisiana State University, however, suggest an odd explanation for chocolate’s goodness: It improves health largely by being indigestible.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #168
Ah good!  It's not the end of life as we know it  :)

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #170
A grocery store chain in France is now selling ugly fruit and veg.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #172
Long-time Senator Thad Cochran defeats Tea Party insurgent Chris McDaniel.

If Cochran beats Democratic challenger Travis Childers in the fall, and the Repubs re-take the Senate, Cochran will likely be the Head of the Appropriations Committee, which considering Mississippi is by far the poorest state in the nation, would be a boon to MS.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #174
It was interesting to note Colonel that that election sucess although tight was helped by Democrat supporters??

As for that Sudan disgrace - so much for the religion of peace.  I wouldn't trust that lot near a glass of Irn Bru.
"Quit you like men:be strong"