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Topic: Are you becoming softies over the pond?? (Read 23680 times)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #75
Didn't I read recently that you have to have a license to have a TV in the UK? At least to pull in the BBC

You only need a license if you are watching live/as-live broadcasts. Perfectly reasonable in this day and age with catch up TV services, not to require a license.
If you don't have a license, they send you threatening letters which go straight to the bin. They can even turn up at your door, demanding to be let in. But unless they are accompanied by a police officer with a warrant, you can tell them to F-off.
If you are fortunate to own your own home, you can even withdraw the “implied right of access” to your home by writing to TV Licensing, then their "officers" may not even approach your property.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #76
Gee-- I don't have to write letters to anybody. Just go to Radio Shack, buy a TV and a set of rabbit-ears, and I'm good to go on over-the-air TV. No police, no TV license, no nuthin'.

Don't like Radio Shack? OK, go to Wal-Mart and get the same things, probably cheaper.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #77
Gee-- I don't have to write letters to anybody.

I know and that's how it should be here too, but it's not. The license fee is nothing more than a tax and should be abolished.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #78
Y'all leave rj alone. He's not clever enough to see what he's doing to himself.  :awww:

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #79
About an hour or so back I just watched a short report on rugby and how challenging, rough and at times dangerous it can be. That was on Sky News. Says it all for real men.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #80

About an hour or so back I just watched a short report on rugby and how challenging, rough and at times dangerous it can be. That was on Sky News. Says it all for real men.

Uhhh Huuuuh ...........

Quote from:      WIKIPEDIA   
..... Sky News started broadcasting at 6 pm on 5 February 1989........
......Sky News was the only UK 24-hour news channel (aside from CNN International on Astra 1A, BBC World Service Television started in 1991 but has never been broadcast in the UK) until November 1997 when BBC News launched a new 24-hour channel, BBC News 24, now known simply as BBC News.......

Yes RJH, your unbiased source is the supreme & definitive source of all knowledge when it comes to defining manhood.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #81
About an hour or so back I just watched a short report on rugby and how challenging, rough and at times dangerous it can be. That was on Sky News. Says it all for real men.

The different is in the hits. Rugby requires form tackling, but the NFL allows tackles that effectively neutralize the padding. See those helmets on NFL players? They're weapons and not just shields. In the 2013 New England Patriots Running Back was injured in a helmet to helmet hit. The "armour", as you put it, is as much offensive an defensive, but in your ignorance you think it's a sign of "softness." No, a player that's 350 pounds of solid muscle is not soft, except in your imagination. You're lambasting a sport you know nothing about - because it's American.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #82
Oh, ya, rugby is tough.



Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #83
Says it all for real men.

Perhaps, as a father, I have a different definition of what a real man is. Brutishly beating the piss out of someone for sport is most surely cavemanish. But I prefer a bit more finesse. I know, far too civilized for Glasgow.  

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #84
I'm thinking of what the end result would be if you put RJHowie on the field in typical Rugby gear up against an American football linebacker in typical NFL gear.

Oh, I can't watch. The train-wreck would be unbelievable, even if the NFL guy "pulls his punch" so he doesn't hit so hard. It would be like watching a battleship plow through a rowboat. No contest.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #85
But I prefer a bit more finesse.

In truth, so I do. I've haven't seen much Rugby, but what I've seen many of the individual plays are more intricate. Do you remember the Titan's last drive when the won Superball their first year? It was a sophisticated play, with passing back and forth, etc. Something like that seems to be the norm (or close to it) in Rugby. That isn't to discount strategy in football, but to note there seems to be a significant in how the games are played. Football is like slowly, but steadily advancing armies with most plays set to win maybe 3 or 4 yards at a time until you can get set up for the Hail Mary pass or the long running play. Or maybe if you note the opposing team's defense lacks endurance, wear them out and come in for the kill in the second half. Rugby is faster moving, more like Blitzkrieg type warfare. 

Neither are sissy games, but football's padding isn't "softness" , it's gear for the type of game that it is.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #86
What a daft thing to say Sanguinemoon that you cannot understand what passes for 'football' because it is American and therefore one wouldn't fathom it. We do see it here from time to time you kno but doesn't really catch on.

Apart from my view of the ex-colonist thing being boring rugby is a tough man's game and learning it at secondary school was great!  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #87
Apart from my view of the ex-colonist thing being boring rugby is a tough man's game and learning it at secondary school was great!   :D

Nevada was never a colony of Britain, you do realize that ;) Nope, Battle Born and proud, we were never contaminated with British softness.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #89
But at least we get to sprawl our half-naked bodies by the poolside sipping sangarias, instead of Irn Bru. Mayor Goodman notes that sangarias are approximately 16.39 percent more manly and less soft than Irn Brus. Governor Sandoval made the trip from Carson City (all the way across the state mind you) just to disagree, citing his calculation of 18.47 percent. Republicans :rolleyes:

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #90
Softness was built into ex-colonists Sanguinemoon and no doubt why it tends to make a mess up of military invasions and such. It is a built-in macho thing rather than natural strength like the stiff upper lip. You lot are getting so soft in the head and spend billions on"security" and spy organisations like a demented fool. It does cover the natural softness but a damn expensive way of wasting money.  :insane:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #91
From the home of 'manly men', Britain is rock solid in the lead -- head & shoulders above all -- in their most prolific political export:


"......A natural strength like the stiff upper lip......"

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #92
Oh, and you think you are immune do you? We are not talking about someone's corner as you are trying to do but general tradition. With all the damn ex-cxlonist influences here and on television the stiff upper lip is being eroded by the mawkish, softy, softy emotion Americanism. Me? I will maintain the lip and my quotation comes from the Bible.  :P
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #93
Stiff upper lip? Your America bashing comes from fear and emotionalism from the loss the British Empire. I can feel your lip trembling from here. It creates a wind, via the butterfly effect, that sweetly kisses my skin and would alert a man of less moral fortitude than myself of the presence of prey.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #94
Nr a possible victim of Yankee prey.? Just as well there is such a thing as a sense of humour. All the wars you lot have been creating have been a mess and a bunch of boy Scouts would have been better. You lot are the traditional emotionals. Mawkishness is at a premium over there. Flags needed everywhere shows just how mawkish, weak and emotional you are as a national race of people! My Boys' Brigade company was more strong than you Hollywood lappers up.  Instead of acting like actual definitive and in depth people you do the opposite. Tens of millions of poor and you still spend half the world's armaments bill. Ha;f a million in S. Vietnam and the real men ran circles round you. National and international hypocrisy replaces real depth and strength although i do concede something. How you managed to get by when Aury Murphy and John Wayne departed this world is something else!  :cry: :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #95
Quivering so that you can't even type. Easy now, this little piggy built a brick house. When your straw house gets blown away you can come stay here. And bring your boys too... I'll tell you all nursery rhymes to ease your little minds.