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Messages - o11-user

Otter Browser Forum / Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)
Another annoyance I just got reminded of:

If you accept cookies for a given domain, with every page (re-)load you get another copy of certain cookies instead of the same cookie getting overridden (no matter if accept "always" or "only existing" is enabled) - resulting in the page not working anymore if too many cookies are present because of too many (re-)loads.

Error message:

"400 Bad Request
Request Header Or Cookie Too Large"

I assumed at least (should actually also work that way with "always") "only existing" would force the browser to change the value of existing cookies instead of adding another copy of the same cookie with maybe another value. So maybe here's the problem: Otter might do "write new value for existing cookie" in a way of creating a new copy of the existing cookie but then "forgets" to delete the previous copy. So the copies for the same cookie pile up until it chokes on them...
Otter Browser Forum / Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)
Congrats and thanks for the (first) release!

Of course I had to run a little test to check if it's "ditch opera 12" time yet.

Spoiler alert: Nope.

Test results:

I was able to finally import opera search into otter. And the search handles work! Kudos!

Ongoing "bugs":

1. What still doesn't work is that when I type something into the address bar that anything of the imported bookmarks is offered as option, let alone the short handles...

2. Tabs stacking.

3. I imported an opera session and opened it (in the existing window/session). Wow that took a lot of time. An boy was the RAM footprint big - 5 times as big as in opera 12 at the same time! And when closing all the additionally opened tabs of the imported session and going back to only the tabs that where already open before, the memory footprint was still more than half of the max. footprint. (We're talking here going from 3 tabs to 91 tabs and back to 3 tabs. And memory-wise from about 200MB to over 5GB (!) and then down (only) to about 3,7GB (!))

Not a very extensive test but still enough "data" for me to conclude that for me otter isn't quite there yet to replace opera 12 but it's getting closer.

So, thanks for keeping on keeping on! I'll keep on checking and testing - promise!
Otter Browser Forum / Bookmarks :-) - and search
Well, this year, as otter approaches it's 1.0 release I revamped my interest in it - also because o11 is degrading more and more due to more and more sites using ssl and with that using certificates that o11 does not understand anymore.

I tried using 12.18 but the captured search.ini "feature" annoyed me too much. So, for now 12.14 is my weapon of choice. But I really hope that soon I'll be able to switch to otter as my main browser.

Unfortunately that day isn't here yet. I like the current state (rc12, even tried the experimental version), but it's a little slow (start, responsiveness). I could live with that (at least for the time being), I guess. But one thing really still bugs me: Bookmarks.

There are several things I'd like to see fixed. [Not in order of importance.]

1. Sorting.
It has been addressed by others before. Intermingling folders and bookmarks when sorting by name makes little sense and is annoying - or let's say not pretty.

2. Searching.
Soooo slooooow! If you want to search for a bookmark you can only enter one letter at a time and then have to wait for an eternity for the cursor to blink again, indicating that you may enter the next letter.
Is that qt's fault? (Also regarding otter's overall slightly slow responsiveness?)
Or is this only a windows thing?

3. Address bar suggestions.
Even though address bar suggestion for bookmarks is enabled there is none - in fact there are no suggestions at all. And even though bookmark keywords work, not even those bookmarks are displayed (beforehand - as in: before hitting enter) when the keyword typed into the address bar.

Are those things that will be addressed in the future or is that something a user has to make his/her peace with when considering switching to otter full time?

Oh, how much I would love to finally hit the "make otter my default browser" button. Years of looking and waiting for a worthy replacement for opera (legacy) would finally be over.

Anyway: Thanks for the great work! It's really come a long way and it seems to have been worth the effort.


Uhm, and I forgot about search.
Importing search.ini never worked for me so far. Just tried again with new profile. Nada...

Otter Browser Forum / Re: Feature Requests

The browser gets better. Last time I checked it was beta 2 and I was pretty unimpressed. Now I took a look at the weekly65*.zip (because beta 4 wasn't very impressive either) and it resembles Opera's features much more.

You can already place the tab bar at the bottom, just drag it and drop it there!

But I can't drag the tab bar anywhere. No matter if I try to trag the bar, the only tab on there - of course the the tool bars are not fixed/locked.

Being able to put the tab bar on the bottom and site specific setting where the features I recognized missing first and most important to me. In the weekly65 (and I guess some earlier releases, too) the second feature is finally implemented, but I hope not done with.

So I guess I might be doing something wrong if I still can't move the tab bar (or any bar) around even though Al-Khwarizmi says otherwise. Any idea what it might be?

Thank you for your help and work.

Maybe Otter might be the browser to go for me after all when Opera 11.64 (I don't like the regressions in the Opera 12 finals and Opera 12 alpha is too unstable) doesn't work for me anymore. The number of websites that aren't really working in O11 is growing. Fortunately most of them are irrelevant to me.

Btw: I'd like the browser to be truely portable, i.e. no folder and file creation in the user/appdata/local folder!