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Topic: The Worst People in the World (Read 21129 times)

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #50
Yes the last time jimbro is a good point. A third of the place did not want a revolution and a second third couldn't care a damn who ran it. In 1918 the Bolshies were a minority too but had the people in the right places. And the red coats were coming from 3,000 miles away not just down the road.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #51
You really have a nerve there Luxor.

Go tell someone who cares. No one here's really listening.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #53
Luxor as I have pointed out before is a would-be pontifical nationalist never answering any challenge listed about his Brigadoon lot. Maybe he should get rid of that 'National' newspaper as no-one is bothering with that as the circulation has declined way down the list and it is the advertising tartanites who keep it going. Anyone looking back will see my stance on his negativism is there. He thinks he is above the common herd and such clowns like to sneer down their noses to cover the things they cannot answer. Him and that rather stupid woman at the bus stop have something in common and her being a lassie would be more inclined to be emotional whereas the resident Sturgeon worshipper tries to hide his weakness.  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #54
Luxor as I have pointed out before is a would-be pontifical nationalist never answering any challenge listed about his Brigadoon lot.

My Brigadoon lot? Deary, deary me, can't you think up something original? Unlikely I know, but it's worth asking. Heck you might even surprise us. 
Maybe he should get rid of that 'National' newspaper

Aww! Does the nasty newspaper support independence. There, there...
He thinks he is above the common herd

I don't think I'm above anybody as I have no need to. Unlike some I'd care to mention.
If you want to continue bitching about me do it via PM as the thread can do well without it. Don't expect a prompt reply though, as I may be watching a Squirrel.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #55
We have had eight years of a Brigadoon government up here and nothing outstanding except airport tax review. Sometimes one has to repeat a thing because the Luxor mindset zombies ignore the negatives about the SNP lot. Oh, I ow the would-be above the common herd minds will say they are not SNP but they cannot get independence without that lot of Scots emotional Jacobites. May I also repeat again too that any time one has raised a negative stance by the independence fanatics it gets ignored and instead this wordy keech from the Luxors of the world. Hey i bet Luxor swoons every time that big-headed wee pain in the bottom, yakky Sturgeon speaks he  swoons! Me? I turn the sound down on the tv when that pain in the backside and pest of a woman blows her trumpet.  Maybe she is hopeless as cooking or cleaning . Poor husband!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #57
WTF is Howie going on about now? I understood Luxor, which is a place in Egypt and we have an Egyptian themed hotel/casino in the shape of a pyramid. I couldn't make enough to determine what either of those has to do with Scotland or the SNP :confused:

There was also something about zombies. Perhaps Howie is a afraid undead mummies will emerge from either of those places to prey on the living, since I guess mummies are basically zombies wrapped in bandages. :confused:  If that's the case, don't worry. Luxor security is top-notch and the undead won't escape :knight:

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #58
Dear Racoon, see here for some background — about the "politics" of a sensible people, unlike Americans… :)
(You seem to be new here: This is a regular part of RJ Howie's shtick. When the next big crash occurs, he'll proclaim himself an Atlantian! What I wonder is if he can swim, and where he'd swim to… :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #59
Thanks for the link.

McCaskill posted on Twitter: “Scenes we’d like to see: the refugees Nicola invites into her house are Daesh [Islamic State] moles.” The tweet has since been deleted.
[sarcasm]That indeed is sensible and far less emotional than the SNP's position and even more so than Americans [/sarcasm]

I'm actually not new. My old account was deleted. When I came back, I somehow forgot how incomprehensible Howie's posts are.

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #60
You are still arrogant and don't look in the mirror.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #61
Said the man with the gay avatar.

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #62
For someone who has commented on his former job you really do take the biscuit or has someone passed duh grey cells to you. May I respectfully tell you that I already explained that lie on the man and what he said in anger when he found out what the disciplined servant said?? The answer did not suit you attempt at a smart short comment and makes yourself look infantile because it did not suit your silliness. At least the man was of great principle and leadership and something distant from your corner!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Worst People in the World

Reply #64
"Blackface" is an American thing.