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Should Scotland be an independent country?

[ 8 ] (57.1%)
[ 6 ] (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Topic: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time (Read 99820 times)

The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Should Scotland be an independent country?

This wording is taken directly from the official Scottish ballot that Mr. Howie and Luxor (and others?) will be casting their vote for in a few months time. I am aware that this topic has been touched on in the "What's going on in the UK?" thread, but I feel as though it is such a large and important issue that it is deserving of it's own thread.

Additionally, (and apologies to the afore-mentioned posters) one small difference in this vote is that we posters of the DnD Sanctuary, of all nationalities, will be casting our votes here.

If you vote yes, please post why; if you vote no, please post why. If you wish to abstain from voting, please post "I abstain from the vote and hereby recuse myself". There will be no beer option in this important vote (sacrilegious, I know, but fourscore and seven years from now, you'll get over it.) If possible, @Frenzie or @Macallan, could a poll be added? (Thanks regardless)




Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #1
I vote for devolution because the world needs at least one more ambassador in the United Nations.

If such appointments were subject to a vote and Americans could vote, I'd cast my ballot for rjhowie.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #3
I added a poll.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #4
What was the point?
We have two and half Scots, whose "votes" are already well known.
Who should vote here then - or ok, except for the 2 & half Scots?

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #5
Who should vote here then - or ok, except for the 2 & half Scots?

As we Scots are members of the DnD Sanctuary that makes us eligible to vote.
Reasons already given elsewhere.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #7
Sure, new partners for the Nordic Council.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #8

As we Scots are members of the DnD Sanctuary that makes us eligible to vote.

Scots get to vote twice.

On the other hand, I think it would be great if Scotland became the 51st state.

New question. Who should become the new state's first governor?

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #11
Other innovations are in the pipeline:
Scotland to switch to driving on the right if independence given green light

At least that was an obvious April Fool attempt.

The muppet that is Andy Burnham, the shadow health secretary said it would happen just a few weeks ago.

Mr Burnham told Holyrood Magazine: “I would feel really genuinely sad if Scotland votes for independence, not just for our own self-interest and in the extra difficulty we would face getting a Labour government in England but I also don’t want to drive up the M6 and get my passport out or have to drive on the right when I want to drive on the left

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #12
I cannot stand that mawkish song 'Flower of Scotland' and have never sung it or be at an event that does so. It appeals to the pathetic emotionals here.

There is also a very disquieting and insidious undercurrent happening here. Any time some well known person says on Twitter or similar that he is a Unionist man and voting 'NO' he gets arouse from Nationalist morons.  It is becoming a semi-regular happening and the SNP does little to stop it.  So jimbro would want 2 votes? One to vote for me and the other for the 51st State? The Michigan mess is enough to put anyone off that one! A bit up in the air as it is Scotland we are on about not Ireland. Can I correct him on a glaring mistake right from the start and which will maybe help him.

Scotland HAS Devolution for a number of years now hence the parliament in Edinburgh. That is devolution dear man.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #13
Thanks for the addition of the poll, @Frenzie!  :cheers:

@Josh: No one is making you take part in this thread if you are going to be rude. I'm sure there will be plenty of grammar nazi'ing for you in other threads. May Putin forever rule your country!

@Mr. Howie: Hey old man, I need you to vote. I too voted for Scotland to remain part of the UK, and here is why; since 1707, it appears to me that the union b/w England, Wales, N. Ireland, and Scotland has worked well. If it isn't broke, why try to fix it? Scotland has a great deal of sovereignty already, as a part of the UK. I see no reason why Scotland should risk a total collapse of their economy. If Scotland were being subjugated by Whitehall, I'd completely understand this, but as the Scottish Parliament has a great deal of say in most of Scotland's affairs, I say Scotland should stay in the Union. 

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #14
Cute lil ditty.......


The tune is catchy.

BTW......... who was this Edward dude.....was he another random shot load of errant semen splattered about the feet of some crodiggity old crust for the flies to re-deposit northward as prerequisite of royal birth? 

Was he someone important, or just another nasally deprived, big eared rapscallion?

I vote independence!  Yes, the [glow=black,2,300]"The Friendly Republic of Better Scotland"[/glow]

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #15
I can't bring myself to care, one way or the other.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #16
They should vote & flee Britain , for everything there's going down the shitter.

[glow=black,2,300]Britain's benefits ghettos:[/glow] Report reveals growing number of estates where HALF those of working age are dependent on handouts

   ◆  One in every five British children now grows up in a workless household
   ◆  Government spends more than one in every three pounds on welfare
   ◆  Authors of Signed Off, Written Off study say figures are 'national disgrace'

Britain is rife with welfare ghettos where more than half the working age population is dependent on unemployment benefits, a think-tank claims.

As many as 6.8million people and 1.8million children have been trapped into long-term poverty, the Centre for Social Justice says in a report.

It would mean nearly one in five children are growing up in a workless household – the  second highest in Europe after Macedonia where it is nearly one in four.

The study by the CSJ – founded by Iain Duncan Smith before he became Work and Pensions Secretary – said parts of Denbighshire in Wales were among the worst affected areas.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ............... continued

It's only a short matter of time ........... Socialism will always fail when they run out of other people's money, look at Spain, Greece, Portugal, France, .......etc .... etc .... etc ..... etc...............................

When the welfare money dries up there will be violent bloodshed perpetrated by those that demand their 'free ride funding' be reinstated.

Eventually it will envelope all of Europe because their social economies are so entwined, when one falls, so to will the next, & then the next!

Ultimately, the dependent throngs will have nowhere to emigrate to, having like swarms of locust, devastating & making barren all in their wake until it's all gone.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #17
There is also a very disquieting and insidious undercurrent happening here. Any time some well known person says on Twitter or similar that he is a Unionist man and voting 'NO' he gets arouse from Nationalist morons.

It's exactly the same the other way around. If someone says they are voting yes, they get abuse from the unionist morons.
There's morons on both sides of the argument so don't give just one side of it.
Of course you only get to hear one side of the story though, thanks to the unionist mainstream media.

BTW......... who was this Edward dude.

Edward II of England
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #20

They should vote & flee Britain , for everything there's going down the shitter.

[glow=black,2,300]Britain's benefits ghettos:[/glow] Report reveals growing number of estates where HALF those of working age are dependent on handouts

   ◆  One in every five British children now grows up in a workless household
   ◆  Government spends more than one in every three pounds on welfare
   ◆  Authors of Signed Off, Written Off study say figures are 'national disgrace'

Britain is rife with welfare ghettos where more than half the working age population is dependent on unemployment benefits, a think-tank claims.

As many as 6.8million people and 1.8million children have been trapped into long-term poverty, the Centre for Social Justice says in a report.

It would mean nearly one in five children are growing up in a workless household – the  second highest in Europe after Macedonia where it is nearly one in four.

The study by the CSJ – founded by Iain Duncan Smith before he became Work and Pensions Secretary – said parts of Denbighshire in Wales were among the worst affected areas.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ............... continued

It's only a short matter of time ........... Socialism will always fail when they run out of other people's money, look at Spain, Greece, Portugal, France, .......etc .... etc .... etc ..... etc...............................

When the welfare money dries up there will be violent bloodshed perpetrated by those that demand their 'free ride funding' be reinstated.

Eventually it will envelope all of Europe because their social economies are so entwined, when one falls, so to will the next, & then the next!

Ultimately, the dependent throngs will have nowhere to emigrate to, having like swarms of locust, devastating & making barren all in their wake until it's all gone.

Obviously I have no way of knowing if you know or not, but you are aware that the DM is viewed in the same lens as we view the grocery store rumor mags that women buy?  :sherlock:

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #21
I must say you must have put in your comment after coming home from school (hope not a Primary). Because I stated Nationalists have gone berserk on social media sites you come instantly out with a would-be automatic stance as if everyone is at it.

Time after time we have had legions of the Jacobite scoundrels going ape on these sites. Far too many which you are not prepared to condemn. They have also targeted well known people who came out in support of the Union. The constant language and viciousness is unbelievable. And if you are in business heaven help you for having a Unionist opinion. I was born a Unionist and my family and friends are such too. My ancestors were Scots Covenanters and there is a family obilisk to commemorate the Howie family. My father, brothers and relations served in HM Forces andproud to do so. A survey on opinions of troops returning from the Afghanistan fiasco has found the vast majority want to be in the British Army not some local "Defence Force." The Union of Crowns led in turn to the Union of parliaments and could not have been at a more imprtant time as Scotland was more or less bankrupt.

The SNP plays on emotions and even if it rains it is Unionism's fault. Talk about being a daft lot. Every time the SNP is caught out they waffle then scoff instead of being capable of dealing with questions. Now we get bombarded with wonderful Norway. it used to be Ireland until it went belly up. How anyone thinks you can surmount centuries of yor own tradition and way of life by putting another country's in to replace it is plain stupid. That Nordic place is expensive and the rate of tax something else.

Right from the start of the Union, Scots got a chance to play a part and as the BE Empire grew lists of Scots took up administering it.  I voted against a local parliament and when you watch it on television the only saving grace is that the N. Ireland Assembly is worse. It is a fact of life and when the Referendum is held and Salmond gets the hankies out we will no doubt see more powers to Edinburgh. If that is the thing then so be it. Colonel Rebel is right about the Union and save me from the Flower of Scotland mentality. Salmond wants to share the pound and also open the country to even more immigration. That along with other things he wants to keep shows he wants his cake and eat it.

Things are not broken no matter what tripe Salmond and his tartan nuts yaks about Scotland is an important part of the Kingdom and must remain so. 

"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #22
I must say you must have put in your comment after coming home from school (hope not a Primary).

I will hazard a guess that comment was directed at me as you failed to indicate just who it's directed at. I'll resist the urge to say something about the "Primary school" comment. I'd like to think I'm above such juvenile stuff.
Because I stated Nationalists have gone berserk on social media sites you come instantly out with a would-be automatic stance as if everyone is at it.

Tell me where did I say that everyone is at it? Please point it out to me...Oh wait you can't because that's not what I said. I'll thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Time after time we have had legions of the Jacobite scoundrels going ape on these sites

Jacobites! Oh deary, deary me.

Far too many which you are not prepared to condemn.

Really? Try reading what I wrote one more time, There's morons on both sides and I condemn them both. It's you who seem to be in denial.
They have also targeted well known people who came out in support of the Union.

Bitter together supporters who have made death threats to well known people who have came out in support independence. Or are they fair game in your view?

I was born a Unionist and my family and friends are such too.

Bully for you and them. Personally I couldn't care less if you are a Unionist or not. I don't do prejudice.

My father, brothers and relations served in HM Forces andproud to do so.

So? That doesn't make you special. My Father, relations and a good few friends all served in HM forces too, not that it has anything to do with things whatsoever.
The SNP plays on emotions and even if it rains it is Unionism's fault.

Don't know about you but I'm not voting for the SNP. I'm voting for independence and if you think a vote for independence is a vote for the SNP you are a very confused individual.
Things are not broken no matter what tripe Salmond and his tartan nuts yaks about Scotland

You should try taking off those rose-tinted glasses you seem to be wearing, that will let you see clearer the world around you.

I have totally opposite views to yours (which is fine by me). But in your eyes I must be one of those nasty cybernats...

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #23
Ph you really do fancy yourself boy! I can send you a hankie (tartan of course). Do hope you are enjoying your break from schoolfor the easter holiday!

The diatribes by Nats on the net long outnumber the No people. Salmod and his ever loving deputy are always very wordy so you are keeping well in the Nat fold on that. Much of the campaign you support is on guesswork, hopes and dreams. It is also a damn great jump in the dark. The dreamers and Jacobite mentality is well to the fore but you haven't matured enough yet for it to sink in. The parade in Edinburgh was hardly earth moving although they tried to claim twice as many as actually stated by the authorities. Salmond did well in the last Scottish Parliament Elections because of the previous administration but where were all the MP's?? Still only a handful.

I know only too well that there are people who believe strongly in a separate country but I am jst as strongly against and that is a fact of life. Apart from the hardcore many who voted the SNP in last time in Edinburgh did so as a handy protest vote. hence th lack of representation from the SNP at national level.  I have had a long political history myself as it happens so have a particular interest and determination to keep Scotland where it presently is.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #24
Ph you really do fancy yourself boy!

Yes I do, so nice of you to notice.
Do hope you are enjoying your break from schoolfor the easter holiday!

That's a terrible fixation with school you seem to have, you want to see about that.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.