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Topic: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions (Read 5301 times)

Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Thank you for trying to implement the good old presto functionality while allowing modern page rendering.
Trying to customise the GUI the way I have my Opera 12, I encountered a few functions, either
- not yet implemented or what would be good to have additionally: if those have been mentioned by other users please ignore
- or I just haven't figured out how (or work around the issue): any pointers here are much appreciated, even if I already have a semi-workaround noted
Thank you very much.
For reference, I'm using Otter 1.0.81 weekly 380 (even though under Help>About Otter it says 360).
I hope what I'm trying to convene is sensible. I will clarify further if there is need to.

(A) Functions from/like Opera Presto
A1) save as MHT
A2) style appearance (toolbar BG and whole icon set) - I know that icons can be changed individually through dialog, or by replacing the picture file in a "resource folder", or via folder path (all of which is more tedious than in presto)

A3a) separate customize dialog, without all the other navigation buttons, thus <search field (xxx)> can be listed as simply <xxx>
A3b) search fields on toolbar without 'search using'
A3c) custom display name in this separate customize dialog, bonus if folder-izable à la bookmarks
A3d) search bar exceeding screen space automatically in multi-column view
A3e) show search button = no, by default

A4a) display content of added bookmark folder as individual entries, not folder itself with dropdown menu (or user choice btw either) - workaround: add individual bookmarks through dialog (very tedious)
A4b) bookmarks in window (bookmarks in sidebar is ok the way it is) with dual window: overview (current bookmark window with only name) and folder content (with user choice columns)
A4c) bookmark page tab(s) as option above open folder in all bookmark sub-/menus/folders, this makes saving to correct folder easier
A4d) bookmarks on toolbar: width and spacing (thinner like Opera, or user choice; a FF add-on called <Thin Bookmarks> does that)
A4e) a possible bug?: bookmark name cut-off at various lengths when text is displayed beside icon
A4f) bookmark selection in sidebar and window, allow multiple not just one
A4g) bookmark selection in dialog opens entire folder till the screen 'burst' if the folder contains too many entries, this would be easier on the eye if handled like presto with <open next column> arrows with possibly a <open all column> arrow (or user choice btw either)
A4h) empty Bookmark name gets overwritten as "(Untitled)", this is annoying if I only want to display the favicon of the bookmark on the toolbar - temp fix by using a single dot (space didn't work) in the name = bloats the toolbar unnecessarily

   Buttons/Icons/Elements in relation to toolbars
A5a) drag and drop btw all toolbars
A5b) missing function/elements/buttons in the configure dialog: presto's "Block Content"*, element/total loading indicator for status-/toolbar (not just temporary pop-up progress bar; or a customizable progress bar so the "status" from status bar can be merged into it), sidebar open (like the button on the status bar - I had to move the syntax manually in the json)
A5c) dual use buttons* with dropdown menus: e.g. site prefs (main click) - Block Content (dropdown arrow click)
A5d) toggle-able buttons* for taskbars/sidebars incl. self-created ones, bonus for placement toggle (Top/R/Down/L within the page frame)
A5e) toolbar used as sidebar (implemented): alternative placement hierarchy: below address bar
A5f) customs buttons such as website translates (old functions of ancient google translator I ported over to newer version)
A5g) favicons not saving to existing bookmarks (imported) once page loaded for each
* these Presto GUI functions were often user defined, most were found online like the custom navigation buttons; there was also a Custom Button Creator
   ODict fields & buttons:
   Drag'n'drop buttons:
   Custom Button Creator:
   Dev Info:
   (Search Plugin Manager: Otter has most of that function implemented

(B) Functions from/like MSO 2003
B1) editable Main Menu: change/delete/hide menu and submenu items, change order, change icons; also FF add-on called <Menu Wizard> does that
B2) editable Buttons via a Button Editor

(C) Functions from/like Gecko-engine, its forks or add-ons
C1) width change for search fields; a FF add-on called <Thin Bars> does that
C2) a restart Button (and Menu option)

(D) Additional functions:
D1) sidebar stats: Download & Bookmark Windows/Tabs: change/delete/hide Status Info items above Status bar
D2) Sort Toolbars manually and A-Z instead of by edit date (?)

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #1
Welcomes  :hat:

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #2
i do associate myself to Ersi...


another question, Ersi, telle me... how many person do participate usualy to maintain OtterBro ??

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #3
At there you see weekly news. Usually there is only one author. So, if you can code, you are welcome to contribute.

My personal plan for Otter project would have been: simply clone Opera's interface and configs as far as possible. But unfortunately I cannot code. I don't even properly know what API means.

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #4
yep, it could interest me, whatever my computing level is not so high... but if i can help...

how to contact, or how to do it ?

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #6
Another problem - this one exists also in Presto and has been quiet a bane.
Creating a browser search engine from a regular search field on websites (e.g. wikipedia) works as those are %s-hardcoded, but there a webpages that use some heavy javascripting with their search form fields that the Otter's icon to create search engines is grayed out, as is Presto's right click context menus option. The website's source does not reveal a usable (for me) code either. I've tried 'googling' this problem but haven't found an answer yet.
Does anyone know what the magic behind those javascripted searches is and how to circumvent the untraceable-ness, i.e. create a browser search engine?
Sadly I'm not a coder. I try looking at html/vba/other codes to see if I can tweak a code to my liking, but I'm not a 'creationistic' coder - as the sidebar button stuck to the status bar proofed quiet sufficiently. Alas, it took me ages to figure out the toolbar info sits at the end of the toolbar code section after the content of that toolbar; rather counterintuitive.

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #7
@prestolover give the adress of your website... that we can have a look about this "searchengine"
but it's true, some website do not like it at all, that we ain't pass by google... as W3school that got no searchengine inside their website

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #8
@prestolover Regarding search engines a workaround can be Duckduckgo bangs. When you have Duckduckgo in your browser, you can already go *directly* to many websites through Duckduckgo. For example, when you start your Duckduckgo search with !w, you are actually searching Wikipedia. When searching Duckduckgo with !yt it will go to Youtube. Duckduckgo bangs are Duckduckgo search aliases for specific websites and there are many.

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #9
@ Quetzal: one of the sites I want to create a search field for the browser is
@ esri: thanks for the tip. will look into this.

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #10
Yes, it is over my head. I cannot backwards-engineer this. Looking around I found that the search function on that website is deliberately encrypted and it takes quite some hacking to sort out and likely cannot be set into browser, unless someone can build an elaborate extension

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #11
I think something like this should do (with POST), but it seems to result in a server error:
Code: [Select]

The request headers:
Code: [Select]
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 56
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=zd5zimptynzpeqtom2h0cane; _ws5_u1=yes; _ws5_u12=yes; _ws5_u24=yes; _ws5_fs=yes; __gads=ID=bed19263439e7612-2258f1bf47c8007a:T=1621691772:RT=1621691772:S=ALNI_MaWlOgnEy3oYRR_6y2cf-LmhLKRzw
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
TE: Trailers

The request (for the query "test"):

Code: [Select]

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #12
@ Quetzal: one of the sites I want to create a search field for the browser is

sorry, but its as difficult for me than for you, they load their result via ajax... not easy to find this trick

well, Frenzie. Where did you found these info about this website ??

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #13
well, Frenzie. Where did you found these info about this website ??
If you use inspect element/page[1] and go to the network tab you can look at the requests. That's the request it sends out when you click search.
In the View menu, with Ctrl+Shift+i or by right clicking on the page and picking Inspect element.

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #14
thanks frenzie... just what it needs.. i havn't got the used to go there ;)

Re: Some [a lot?] Questions and Suggestions

Reply #15
Due to the hostile takeover of Freenode (that shook the internet) the IRC chat room has moved to new network called Libera. Otter homepage is already updated.