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Topic: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating (Read 10231 times)

Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

I don't know how it is elsewhere, but in the US celebrity this and celebrity that is covered wall-to-wall. Google, Yahoo, wherever one goes, celebrity is celebrated. If CNN isn't covering the most recent school shooting, it's covering Miley Cyrus, George Clooney, the most recent Kardashian divorce, or the Pope's new shoes.

Enough already. Ban celebrity!

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #1
It puts shekels into their pockets, just like school shootings do, & airline crashes do.

Why, because too few utilize their right to not watch & ignore.

It is my personal observation that those that scream the most damnation about TV news content, are the ones you'll most probably find watching it every night.

Personally, I think they'd be better off self-flagellating with a cat & nine tails.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #2
Nobody forces you to read or watch this crap, there are plenty other news sources around.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #3
Obviously because the Internet is a much more diverse source of information, but one would think that there would be more integrity in these organizations. Another problem is that many decent sources offer limited access. I like the NYTimes but it limits access to ten free articles per month and I'm not about to shell out $8.75 a week for what they call all digital access.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #4
I like the NYTimes but it limits access to ten free articles per month and I'm not about to shell out $8.75 a week for what they call all digital access.

21st Century Jaybro ...... try using a Proxy, or a VPN. ;)

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #5
Quote from: SmileyFaze
21st Century Jaybro ...... try using a Proxy, or a VPN.

You might as well have told me to establish a colony on Mars. :'(

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #6

Quote from: SmileyFaze
21st Century Jaybro ...... try using a Proxy, or a VPN.

You might as well have told me to establish a colony on Mars. :'(

The only suggestion I can offer you my friend is to seek out some assistance from a local users group.

Actually, it's quite simple when you are properly shown how --- so you can see it done & working in person.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #7
How about-- oh, I don't know-- deciding not to click on the links of the celebrity stories?

Sure, they're gonna be everywhere-- but I don't have to read any of them. That way I can keep my knowledge of Kim Kardassian's latest failure at life to the headlines and photos just below the headlines--- the details are for others.

Note: Mayor Rob Ford won the 2013 GOOF* awards, and from the stories that came out he was a well deserving candidate. That, of course, was before Governor Chris Christie's problems with "Bridgegate" came out, placing the presidential hopeful solidly in the running for the 2014 GOOF awards. He's gonna be tough to beat, Kim and her sisters are going to be hard put to it to out-do him for a chance at winning this year.

* "Grossly Overexposed Overhyped Fool"
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #8
I don't click on the celebrity links. They're simply there, click or no click.
Ford's victory is well deserved. He's made comedians work simple. Oddly, though, his approval rating is still pretty much where it was prior to the revelations.

"Forum Research pollster Lorne Bozinoff told CBC News Network on Saturday that Ford still enjoys a 44 per cent approval rating."

And he's still steady afoot...


Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #10
I like the NYTimes but it limits access to ten free articles per month and I'm not about to shell out $8.75 a week for what they call all digital access.

You can circumvent that easily.
With the old Opera open a "New Private Tab" before visiting  NYTimes.
With Firefox open a "New Private Window" before visiting NYTimes.
Close the "New Private Tab" or the "New Private Window" after you have done with reading the NYTimes.

Can't tell you how/if it works with Safari since I don't have a Mac, nor do I intend to buy one in the future.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #11
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #12
I'm bad for blocking a lot of google content. Don't have any experience with anything else mentioned in the OP and don't watch enough television to be annoyed. Opera's Discover page is easy to ignore because of such stuff tho. I still like to read the Sunday paper tbh. It's not unbias but more relevant than most sources and without so much sensationalism and breaking news bs like with tv. Now that is annoying. Breaking news should be for an emergency.  Something people need to know quickly for safety reasons. But usually goes like, "Breaking News! There's a structure fire off Charlotte pike, fire rescue is on the scene... And find out why eating fruit may put you at risk for <blank> coming up at 10."

Or in other words rubber-neckers have about 15mins to get across town before the blaze is out and find out you can even eat too much health food at 10. O'noes!

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #13
Speaking of news, how about that weather man that never seems to give an accurate forecast? Lol

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #14
If CNN isn't covering the most recent school shooting, it's covering Miley Cyrus, George Clooney, the most recent Kardashian divorce, or the Pope's new shoes.

If you can't stay away from CNN, here is a simple suggestion: Change from the US edition to the International edition, it is significantly better and cuts down the celebrity gossip by at least a half.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #15
What are the two columns to the left of the forum list?
and Why does this one have a thumb down?

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #16
What are the two columns to the left of the forum list?

Far left column are topic icons If you look at the bottom of the board page you will see descriptions of their meanings. The adjacent one displays message icons, default is standard but it can be changed by the poster.

Why does this one have a thumb down?

When you start a new thread (or reply to one) you have the option of inserting a message icon and I guess Jimbro3738 decided that this topic deserved a thumb down.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #17

When you start a new thread (or reply to one) you have the option of inserting a message icon and I guess Jimbro3738 decided that this topic deserved a thumb down.

No, it was an utter accident. At the time, and as a newbie, I didn't have any idea of how to select a topic icon.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #18
No, it was an utter accident.

Good accident then, as it's quite fitting for the topic and so-called celebrities.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #19
For JayBro................

                         [VIDEO] [/VIDEO]

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #20

What are the two columns to the left of the forum list?

Far left column are topic icons If you look at the bottom of the board page you will see descriptions of their meanings. The adjacent one displays message icons, default is standard but it can be changed by the poster.

Why does this one have a thumb down?

When you start a new thread (or reply to one) you have the option of inserting a message icon and I guess Jimbro3738 decided that this topic deserved a thumb down.

Thank you.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #21
For JayBro....

You nailed this one, Smiley!

That druggie has pushed everything that really matters off the tube. Problems in Egypt? No. Problems in Syria. No. Danger in Sochi? No. The economy in the tank? No.

Philip Seymour Hoffman died with a needle in his arm! YES! Disgusting.

Re: Celebrity Is FXXXXXG Nauseating

Reply #24
Here's a celebrity from the distant past that everybody loved. Anybody know her name? Hint...Shirley T.....