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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 247183 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #125

So, around and around we go. Do we take the word of the questionable government about the outright criminal government concerning the renegade government? Stay tuned, it's not over yet.

It's more at stake than "the word of the questionable government about the outright criminal government concerning the renegade government".
And you're right it's by far not over.
We'll keep tuned here in Europe to watch how far the USA will manage to destabilize Eastern Europe, to spoil relationship between Europe and Russia and to sow dissension among European countries. A nice tribute for American exceptionalism and hegemony.
And no I'm not speaking about Jimbro's USA, probably neither about yours but the USA with military basis all over the world meddling in the affairs of almost every country on this planet.

I haven't seen a president like the one we have before, inclined to meddle and upset existing governments and set up revolutionary ones. GWB did some meddling alright, but at least he had an idea of setting up governments friendly to the US. Obama just seems to like revolution for its own sake. Frankly, he's more than a little frightening that way.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #126
I have no idea how you think "Obama just seems to like revolution for its own sake."  Oh maybe the "Arab Spring?"  The only reason conservatives opposed that was an attempt to pin something else on Obama that he had nothing to do with. If a Republican had been president, they would have all for it. Blind speculation? Hardly, and history shows us this. Through this century, American president supported foreign revolutions if they thought the resulting new regime would be pro-American. Never mind that the resulting Right Wing/Military governments were often worse than the socialist/communist regimes they replaced. One would think a knowledge of history to be prerequisite to calling oneself conservative, but it seems that in America the opposite is true.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #127
You really really pushing the boat out there mjsmsprt40. You have never seen a President so willing to interfere in other countries?? Your country has been doing it since World War 2. Country after country that was destabilised, attacked, invaded (leaving a mess the norm) so come on now boy, waken up. So it isn't just Obama and the one before him it is a whole damn list.

And as usual that mental midget  stuff from Smileyfaze going back to WW2 and us. We stood alone against Hitler and if you had not came in and say we had gone under you would have been next on Hitler's list. Your lot made a tidy sum out of the 2nd World War and it took us decades to clear the debt we occured during that war. The US as usual leads the pack baying at Russia and Putin and true to form jimbro comes in with his almost continual sniping at Putin.

Let's get this straight. The Ukrainian President was hardly  squeaky clean but he and his government was democratically elected - note that favourite word of you ex-colonists re democracy. It had observers from the West - Europe. The democratically elected government was overthrown by a select group of Ukrainians from the west of the country. They in their street fighting created the mayhem even although the democratic government kept bending for them. So theeast and south of the country wasn't part of the putsch. This temporary government has 6 Nazis in ministerial office. Russian as I pointed out was immediately taken out a an official language and removed from government websites. What does that say to the mainly ethnic Russians/ They were not part of the coup and far from happy and no small wonder.

Russia at not time has demanded Crimea back although the political leaders in the West and the lying media have contorted things into that as a fact of life. We get the rebel government saying that what Crimea is doing is illegal and against the constitution. What a  damn laugh. A bunch of power seekers ignore the constitution, create mayhem and being un-elected, illegal! Crimea will vote to get out and there maybe some more movement in the east and I cannot blame them the way they are being lied about.

What America as usual is doing and the West following is immoral, deceitful, arrogant. When it comees to being illegal, dangerous wreckers of countries we just need to look across the Atlantic. It preaches democracy and doesn't practice i. Ron Paull was right in that America creates more harm and danger to itself the way it thinks it has some special right to control the world. Grow up.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #128
We stood alone against Hitler and if you had not came in and say we had gone under you would have been next on Hitler's list. Your lot made a tidy sum out of the 2nd World War and it took us decades to clear the debt we occured during that war. The US as usual leads the pack baying at Russia and Putin and true to form jimbro comes in with his almost continual sniping at Putin.
If not for Russia, you'd be speaking German today.

In any reasonable context, Putin and his millionaire friends would be recognized for the criminals they are.
On a thickly wooded mountainside overlooking Russia's Black Sea coast, an extraordinary building has gradually taken shape. It is alleged to be a palace built for the personal use of Vladimir Putin, with massive and illegal use of state funds.

More than 850 Russian oligarchs and Chinese millionaires have won the right to live in Britain in the last five years under a scheme which has little benefit for British citizens, official government advisers have disclosed.
Professor Sir David Metcalf, chairman of the Home Office’s Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), said the government had effectively been “giving away” visas to some of the world’s wealthiest people.
A report by the committee revealed 433 Russian millionaires have come to this country since 2008 under an “investor” visa scheme which allows successful applicants to live in Britain in return for a minimum £1 million investment in government gilts - effectively a loan - but does not grant them a UK passport.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #129
but the USA with military basis all over the world
/ˈbeɪsɪs/ is a singular, Latinism [roughly] for "base", whose plural is "bases" - 'same' as for "basis" - and is {quite similarly to the latter's} pronounced /ˈbeɪsi:z/.
Not to forget that /s/ is strong and /z/ being weak.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #130

but the USA with military basis all over the world
/ˈbeɪsɪs/ is a singular, Latinism [roughly] for "base", whose plural is "bases" - 'same' as for "basis" - and is {quite similarly to the latter's} pronounced /ˈbeɪsi:z/.
Not to forget that /s/ is strong and /z/ being weak.

OMG! A spelling Nazi lurks in the shadow.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #131
/ˈbeɪsɪs/ is a singular, Latinism [roughly] for "base", whose plural is "bases" - 'same' as for "basis" - and is {quite similarly to the latter's} pronounced /ˈbeɪsi:z/.

One /beɪs/, two /ˈbeɪsɪz/. With an /ɪ/. But indeed, one /ˈbeɪsɪs/, two /ˈbeɪsi:z/.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #132
It's a "happy vowel". We distinguished it from both vowel 1 and vowel 2. In the phonetic context.
I seem to remember that we drew it as "i" not "ɪ", and often looking like that /i:/ but ONLY with the upper 'dot' present in that ":" extention.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #137

In any reasonable context, Putin and his millionaire friends would be recognized for the criminals they are.

That's a very reasonable context indeed. There are good oligarchs, those who can be instrumentalized for US interests and bad oligarchs, those who can't.

Wonder who is financing the presidential campaign in the USA?
I almost forgot, you did a donation for Obama's, so it was financed by the masses.
Furthermore every military base, every war, regime change, covert operation the USA gets involved serves the interests and the wealth of the American people. That's how real democracy should work.

BTW, wonder how the master of the free world would react if Russia would finance and back a hostile regime change at America's front-door and also would try to build some 'defence' shields in order to protect the region from the threat of Iranian nuclear attacks.

As for Putin being a criminal, he for sure has less blood on his hands than the former leader of the free world, G.W. Bush or the actual one, the master of the drones and Nobel prize laureate for peace.

Kiev government is blocking the electronic system of Crimea’s treasury freezing its accounts.
According to Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Temirgaliyev, Kiev’s recent moves will not affect state payments, including pensions, and Crimean authorities are now opening accounts in Russian banks instead of relying on the frozen ones.

Demonstrations against coup-imposed Kiev government in Southeastern Ukraine (Lugansk, Kharkov and Donetsk).
Vitaly Klitschko told BBC Ukraine that those demanding referendums in eastern Ukraine are simply “citizens of another state,” for whom the borders of the country “must be closed.”

Blackwater in the streets of Donetsk?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #138
That's a very reasonable context indeed. There are good oligarchs, those who can be instrumentalized for US interests and bad oligarchs, those who can't.
BTW, wonder how the master of the free world would react if Russia would finance and back a hostile regime change at America's front-door and also would try to build some 'defence' shields in order to protect the region from the threat of Iranian nuclear attacks.
As for Putin being a criminal, he for sure has less blood on his hands than the former leader of the free world, G.W. Bush or the actual one, the master of the drones and Nobel prize laureate for peace.

On the first, I believe that more of them live in London than in the US.
On the second, remember Cuba?
On the third, Putin is a criminal. Where do you think that mansion came from? Carefully saving his rubles?
Putin was also implicated in a criminal investigation by German authorities in the early 2000s into the St. Petersburg Real Estate Holding Company, called SPAG. The Germans charged that SPAG had been used to launder money out of, and into, St. Petersburg from a variety of sources, including the Cali cartel. Putin was a member of the SPAG advisory board and his name on the masthead attracted Western investors to St. Petersburg. Dawisha asserted that Putin provided protection for his co-conspirators when contracts were not fulfilled, and though legal actions were taken against SPAG, none of the Russian participants were indicted (see Duparc, Le Monde, May 26, 2000 and Belton, Moscow Times, May 19, 2003).

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #139
As for Putin being a criminal, he for sure has less blood on his hands than the former leader of the free world, G.W. Bush or the actual one, the master of the drones and Nobel prize laureate for peace.

Let's say that if he has, at least he have much more class doing it.

He's a KGB, so are their friends. Merkel is a Stasi, they must go well along, what gives an entire new perspective for the German intervention that has given half of Ukraine in a plate to Putin's hands...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #140
Ah well the tripe is up to speed here I see. Putin and his Oligarch friends? Who do you think runs America but their own brand of that label. Suitably ignored is the fact that Ukraine was taken over by an illegal crowd who ignored the constitution that the nationalists and Obama/Kerry wax on. Six Nazis and ne-Nazis in the Kiev "government" and we in the West bleat about Russia suitably ignoring the Ukrainian Oligarchs involved in the Kiev cabal.  Explain that one away. Explain why the putsch did not include the east and and south if the illegal takeover was so wonderful? Why did they not accept the elections assured by the democratically elected president? Explain why Russian was abolished as a State language and removed from government circles? Why has America and Europe ignored the taped conversation between the EEC leader and the Estonian Foreign Minister?  The sheer gall of going on about democracy and acting constitutionally yet the dictatorship in Kiev is applauded??

The violence in Kiev was not created by the then government and people wonder why Ukraine is in danger of falling apart As for the German Prime Minister she knows only too well how much her economy depends on Russian fuel hence her more sensible approach than the neo-con hysteria the rest of the West is practicing. Now Russia is ceasing the special reduced price of gas in April which will make things worse in Ukraine apart from the fact tye already owe Russia a tidy sum.

Now NATO jumps on the bandwagon in activity in eastern Europe as a wee bit of sabre rattling. Why? Ukraine is NOT in NATO so noting to do with them any more than it has with the EEC. Again I state that due to the limited an minority status of the rebellion cracks are now appearing in cities across eastern Ukraine and it is all the fault of the idiots in Kiev. For all it's hypocrisy as "leader of the West", America studiously ignores the make up of the rebel government and it's fanatical and dangerous ministers from the extreme right. The east should join Crimea and say bye=bye and leave the west of Ukraine to languish in debt and get worse.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #141

but the USA with military basis all over the world
/ˈbeɪsɪs/ is a singular, Latinism [roughly] for "base", whose plural is "bases" - 'same' as for "basis" - and is {quite similarly to the latter's} pronounced /ˈbeɪsi:z/.
Not to forget that /s/ is strong and /z/ being weak.
Really, you're going to play grammar nazi over that? The words are homonyms, so he most likely made a simple typo and knows the difference . You may stop being a schmuck  anytime you want.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #142
The words are homonyms, so he most likely made a simple typo and knows the difference . You may stop being a schmuck  anytime you want.
Not all schmucks have control over their schmuckish tendencies. And don't forget that Josh is a Rooskie Putinite.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #143
The words are homonyms...
They are not. the fact that Ukraine was taken over by an illegal crowd who ignored the constitution...
La Bastille was taken over by a crowd that ignored the then "constitution" ("Fuck you!"/King). What?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #144

La Bastille was taken over by a crowd that ignored the then "constitution" ("Fuck you!"/King). What?

The actual 'leadership' and the West are stressing all the time that the takeover was constitutional.
Wonder if you notice any contradiction in your comparison :)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #146

but the USA with military basis all over the world
/ˈbeɪsɪs/ is a singular, Latinism [roughly] for "base", whose plural is "bases" - 'same' as for "basis" - and is {quite similarly to the latter's} pronounced /ˈbeɪsi:z/.
Not to forget that /s/ is strong and /z/ being weak.
Really, you're going to play grammar nazi over that? The words are homonyms, so he most likely made a simple typo and knows the difference . You may stop being a schmuck  anytime you want.

Might as well ask him to stop breathing :rolleyes:


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #148
What gets me about all this is the (more than usually) blatant display of hypocrisy. Democracy is bad when the result is something our Fearless Leaders don't like.