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Topic: Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago (Read 1195 times)

Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago

The government in Scotland  has withdrawn justice against miners from way back in the 1980's. A time of great confrontation and violence etc. Some 1,400 arrested and 500 punished.back then now that lot in government doing that? Head shaking.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago

Reply #1
Hate crime bill: Hate talk in homes ‘must be prosecuted’
Mark McLaughlin
Wednesday October 28 2020, 12.01am GMT, The Times

Humza Yousaf said journalists and theatre directors should face the courts if their work is deemed to deliberately stoke up prejudice
[picture caption]

Conversations over the dinner table that incite hatred must be prosecuted under Scotland’s hate crime law, the justice secretary has said.
Journalists and theatre directors should also face the courts if their work is deemed to deliberately stoke up prejudice, Humza Yousaf said.
The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill has been condemned by critics including the Scottish Catholic Church, police representatives, academics and artists. It will introduce an offence of stirring-up of hatred against people with protected characteristics, including disability, sexual orientation and age.
The bill is loosely based on the Public Order Act 1986, which outlaws threatening, abusive or insulting words and behaviour but includes a “dwelling defence” that states the threatening language cannot be prosecuted if it is spoken in a [Times link]
Did you not think this was worthy of note, RJ? :(

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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago

Reply #3
OakdaleFTL what the goodness is that thing you have added to do with my them?! But seeing you need to be informed that attempt by the Scottish Nationalist Government to come out with that nonsense they were pursuing has been eaten into so not that lot have to rethink things. The Minister responsible for the control freakery is of Pakistani background> was damn stupid.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago

Reply #4
Jeez I find myself agreeing with rj.  :o
The proposed bill will never be passed in it's current state as there's far too much opposition to it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago

Reply #5
Well I acknowledge what you said Luxor and hope you are right!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago

Reply #6
I assume RJ is talking about this...? Nothing new, eh? And it's follow-up:
Miners convicted during the year-long strike in the 1980s are to be pardoned by the Scottish government.
It is believed about 1,400 miners were arrested and more than 500 were convicted during the national dispute.
A review commissioned by ministers said it was unlikely many of the miners would not face prosecution for their actions today.
The Scottish government said the collective pardon would require new legislation.
It said it would also apply to miners who had died since the 1984-85 strike.

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf said the pardon was intended to acknowledge "the disproportionate impacts arising from miners being prosecuted and convicted during the strike - such as the loss of their job".

The National Union of Mineworkers (Scotland) has welcomed the announcement.

Yousaf worries about past and furure sins!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago

Reply #7
That Scottish Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf  is not the most bright man and was also a man to cause head shaking when he wanted to bringing in new strict opinion style laws. However that brought bedlam everywhere in the police and right across the legal world. Why that miners disgraceful thing would  be put up with today to my mind is a disgrace. Trouble with the miners back then was they had a built-in superior attitude that seemed to think they were more important than sense an the political system.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Ridiculous. Scottish Government forgives miners from years ago

Reply #9
Not until I surrender.
"Quit you like men:be strong"