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Topic: Random Chat (Read 503884 times)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #525

How does one check a cat's blood sugar? Do you have to take them to the vet every time?

Good question I'd like to know that myself.
I don't suppose it's like with a human where you can prick the end of a thumb to do it.

Not yet sure how the test is administered (will have to grill the vet on that at the next visit on Friday). Right now just trying to educate myself on the condition. Lots of advocacy for regular (daily) checks. For now though...while determining his dosage...I take him into the vet for his checks.

I'm just curious and you know what happens to the cat.... lol

Yes I do.
I can't imagine a cat will be happy with wherever a needle is used to be honest, In fact I would be very wary of attempting it on a certain moggy that's close by.

Well, he's been a real trooper about his insulin shots, so hopefully he would be bear up as well for the blood tests. Alls I know is that I can't be running him to the vet every week or so for this. Sure, the check is free, but Clint and I have to put up with 2 or 3 days for Nixie hissing at him because of the new smell he's picked up...>sigh<...

So Luxor, been seeing some headlines about Scottish independence online. How are things looking on that topic from the inside?

Mod edit: Fixed quotes.
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #526

Mongrel cat.
Well, he's been a real trooper about his insulin shots, so hopefully he would be bear up as well for the blood tests. Alls I know is that I can't be running him to the vet every week or so for this. Sure, the check is free, but Clint and I have to put up with 2 or 3 days for Nixie hissing at him because of the new smell he's picked up...>sigh<..

I don't envy you.

So Luxor, been seeing some headlines about Scottish independence online. How are things looking on that topic from the inside?

I'll have to get back to you about that, just got a house full of unexpected visitors.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #527
A good  :cat: owner will always get educated on such a serious health condition.  :up:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #528

A good  :cat: owner will always get educated on such a serious health condition.  :up:

Well, I try. Found a feline diabetes message board with all sorts of useful information, so ready to fill up my brain with all sorts of helpful info for treating my buddy...:)
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #529
Well that was a nice evening with my visitors, pity 2 of them brought their laptops with them. 
Now where was I?
So Luxor, been seeing some headlines about Scottish independence online. How are things looking on that topic from the inside?

Ah yes.
How well it's looking depends on where you get your news from. Surprise, surprise.
I've notice a change locally. Many people that were in the no camp have changed their mind and are now in the yes camp. You see it with the amount of "yes" stickers in car windows etc. There's still a lot of undecided folk as far as I can tell and I think it is them that will swing the vote one way or the other. Other folk with opposing views to mine will tell you differently though. 

Found a feline diabetes message board with all sorts of useful information, so ready to fill up my brain with all sorts of helpful info for treating my buddy.

You can never have too much information.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #530
 :left: :right:
Looks like I'm the only one here...

*Strips naked and runs thru the lounge*

Re: Random Chat

Reply #531

:left: :right:
Looks like I'm the only one here...

*Strips naked and runs thru the lounge*

>takes out eyeballs and soaks them in bleach<
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #533
>takes out eyeballs and soaks them in bleach<

You missed a trick there, you could have stuffed them with garlic and popped them in your Martini, couldn't be worse than your olives.
Yum, I love bleach-soaked eyeballs.
I'm glad I had already eaten before I arrived here.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #535

>takes out eyeballs and soaks them in bleach<

You missed a trick there, you could have stuffed them with garlic and popped them in your Martini, couldn't be worse than your olives.

Bleach soaked, garlic-stuffed eyeballs? Isn't that the traditional side dish served with haggis? People with glass palates shouldn't cast stones... :P

Yum, I love bleach-soaked eyeballs.
I'm glad I had already eaten before I arrived here.

I'm glad you didn't tell what you had eaten before you arrived... ;)

BOOM! Double zinger! Two for the price of one... :jester:

Edit: Fixed quotes
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #536
Bleach soaked, garlic-stuffed eyeballs? Isn't that the traditional side dish served with haggis?

Nah! Even we have our limits.

I'm glad you didn't tell what you had eaten before you arrived...  ;)

It was pretty plain and boring really, no appetite. 
BOOM! Double zinger! Two for the price of one...  :jester:

Must try harder. 
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #537

:left: :right:
Looks like I'm the only one here...

*Strips naked and runs thru the lounge*

Seems like I'm the only one here that would appreciate such behavior.  :whistle: :lol:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #538

Great to see DND forum back online.  :yes:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #539
Then strip naked and run thru DnD like these Russians did elsewhere.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #540

Then strip naked and run thru DnD like these Russians did elsewhere.

What's with the helmets? Is that in case they get dick smacked? :lol:


Re: Random Chat

Reply #542

Then strip naked and run thru DnD like these Russians did elsewhere.

What's with the helmets? Is that in case they get dick smacked? :lol:

It's Russia...what can I say. Putin might be behind them with a pitchfork and Pussy Riot.

:lol: Point taken. Ummm....I mean I understand.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #543
Great to see DND forum back online.

Were you suffering withdrawal symptoms like the rest of us? 
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #545
But I was continuosly puffin' on my E-cig more than usual.

;D What's the flavour of choice this month?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #546
Quote from: Luxor
What's the flavour of choice this month?

I'm actually tryin’ out 'French Pipe Tobacco' flavor. :sherlock:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #548
I'm actually tryin’ out 'French Pipe Tobacco' flavor

What flavours that? Garlic flavour? Frenchman flavour? 
Anybody tried the new peanut butter flavor?
I couldn't think of anything worse, nasty stuff.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #549

I'm actually tryin’ out 'French Pipe Tobacco' flavor

Flavor of unshaved armpit... :yuck:

What flavours that? Garlic flavour? Frenchman flavour? 
Anybody tried the new peanut butter flavor?
I couldn't think of anything worse, nasty stuff.

I second that revulsion. You know it must be bad when Luxor and I agree that it's bad... :lol:
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!